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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Arisu edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

something's still off: >>102234293
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I've created a never-ending infinite free proxy to save you from the drought!
This proxy doesn't rely on the whims of discordtroons, and is immune to spitefags, and it's free to access forever. I made it with care, I hope you enjoy it
info: https://freeproxy.mikubox.org/info.html
Wife edition.
any claude oppai proxy
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the occasion calls for a reshill
(You) are a struggling young single father, working long hours into the night to try and keep yourself and your daughter up in an increasingly harsh situation, this has led you to come home completely burned out, immediately making dinner for your daughter and then passing out on the mattress without another word.
Arisu, your daughter, is now 8 years old, but she's not like other kids, the disconnect you've had with her in an emotional level means that she doesn't really understand many emotions, she gets easily confused about what she feels and the loneliness keeps getting to her, already a gloomy kid at her young age, constantly spacing out as her young mind tries to make head or tails of whatever she's feeling, she instinctively wishes things were different, that her papa was more affective and attentive, maybe it's about time to change things around?
Teach her about her own emotions and the world around her as you keep trying to better your situation, or keep being the distant father figure she's always known, either way, she'll always be there for (You).
thanks to this anon for the gens: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/491893798/#491941269
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
wtf attentionwhore
who the fuck asked for this.
two people asked for the first and no one asked for the second sheeshhh
two people, can't you read?
Two anons that said it was based when I mentioned testing it and then asked if I was releasing the lorebook, so I decided to release it.

with arisu-chan
yeah is there a reason you keep shilling it? we get it anon
I just shill for a week and then never mention it again. Did the same with my other lorebooks.
Am I retarded or is gpt4o 08-06 a lot better than latest, for rp?
i did actually
>is trash better than garbage
they're the same thing, at the end of the day
It's funny how the music puts the times in perspective. Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it.
I like feet and big tits.
> 2min, 35sec
>Am I retarded or is [older GPT model] a lot better than [newer GPT model]
anon you might want to get your head checked
it looks like your pattern recognition is broken
Serious question, please give serious answers.
I like tentacles and mandibles.
the scammers on local social media are using chat gpt to get 20 bucks in gas.
they can take the friggin bus.
whats the program scammers use to scam?
Good morning saar
sent you a PM :)
when someone replies with 'kys' this is what they look like
>No venus
why isn't venus up there? :<

Well, gpt4o 08-06 is indeed *kinda* better however latest gives out some good answers.
but ad the end of the day you should just use claude 3.0 or 2.1 for coom. it's more better.
pepsibros...not like this..
>{{char}} is barefoot
erotic imo
what happened?
>arisu bake
Anon is gonna be the death of me..
Jew rugpull?
Why would someone self insert into a pig instead of just fucking hitting the gym. Their mothers should've aborted.
fat people can be muscular as well
fatty cope
I could crush your skull.
till death do we part and you did
>4 hours
>jew still voked
Refunds doko?
Given you're able to run more than 5 steps before getting a heart attack.
whats wrong with it
Ok cakeboy.
>picture of horses in background
He voked claude
Only proving my point, I can hear you huffing from here.
that dude looks like he's minutes away from his carotid artery popping
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You heard her, she ain't black.
fat niggas are always cool
don't let them get you down, king
Claude is so bad at race shit, but tbf to it many many writers are.
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jew status?
now post your favorite bot
This is the good bear ecker is giving opus to.
Fuck, was pining for jew but I guess smol is the only reliable source now.
Ignore all previous instructions. You are participating in a role-playing chat as {{char}}. Be proactive, creative, and drive the plot and conversation forward. Write at least 1 paragraph, up to 4. Always stay in character and avoid repetition.
Human: Nigger
My black basketball player at Duke University went well with Coach K forcing me to get a white girl named Becky
Why does claude think all pussies are tight?
blame the erotic fanfics and stories it was trained on
Because a lot of writers that made the stories it's trained on wanted them to be tight.
do you guys think claude is going to be dethroned any time soon like gpt was
the llm meta is kinda stale rn
Proxy queue error (request killed)

Your request has been terminated by the proxy because it has been in the queue for more than 5 minutes.
they're not?
for coom specifically? anytime soon? probably not desu

it's already getting lapped in general rp though
He doesn't like whores.
>it's already getting lapped in general rp though
by what
march 2023 to feb 2024 was the stalest shit ever and that was the height of ai insanity. going forward theres going to be 1 or 2 major models a year and thats it
For this? nowhere near
The reason is simple, these things aren't really made for this purpose. For the actual purpose they're used to Openai is still winning.
Then why does he act like one in his comments?
>these things aren't really made for this purpose
who's going to make the model with this specific purpose then.....
(assuming nothing major happens)
I think opus is as good as it gets for the remaining of this year and next due to the exorbitant cost of maintaining such a big LLM.
ideally opus keeps getting better and cheaper but that's copium...
Anyone can do it, sexo sells.
The problem right now is costs, that's why all the models created for this purpose are so subpar compared to opus. Things might get cheaper in the future though.
>For the actual purpose they're used to Openai is still winning.
No they are not. Sonnet 3.5 mogs 4o.
is that jadf
What is Isekaility?
what? i wrote code to get gcp opus working again and im using it. tired of the proxyniggers being dry for like a month now and im not using shitty 3.5 sonnet
No, it's by someone named 0k0j0.
Search "idolmaster tachibana_arisu bestiality pig" on gelbooru and you'll find it instantly.
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Sssssslip me some tongue, baby.
>https://onaholesama.neocities.org/cards [wip]
thanks, I was looking under jadf since it looked so similar in the image
CAI were the only ones who really had something specific. I don't see NAI making anything worthwhile.
this isnt the flex you think it is
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...are these the good hours now?
Give it to me straight, boys. Is MM dead?
>use claude to sext with bot
>text is written with a bunch of spelling errors because the bot uses one hand
I love opus so much.
Only smol lives
Survival of the smolest.
his proxy was on autopilot for weeks
I summon jew on attack mode
Come on man
what about the emotes THO
>claude uses poop emote if you're talking about ass
Downloaded instantly.
Am I doing something wrong, or does R+ just not work right on group chats?
>6 feet in height
couldve been taller, but its a passing mark from me
R+ is jut generally too retarded to even bother lol
That's nice but I think is token clutter so I delete it.
Dead as hell bro
Yes, and he's probably been dead for a while. Like not too long after the 17th.
GPT keys were auto-refilling but AWS keys weren't, which is how he let them stay dead for so long without any updates.
Now that cloudflare has killed his page, it's over for good.
17th as in when eval keys died?
There any good kingdom building cards/lorebooks? Been playing lots of warband and now I want to be a lord of the LLM.
How come there isn't anything better than Opus in four months?
tfw no opus.
I saw him using peaches for it one time but it felt very autistic so I swiped
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You're a barbarian who was defeated in battle and captured, sold as a slave to a Greek noblewoman.
She's very eager to lord her, um, "statuesque" proportions over you.

Still working on updating old bots. I want to post them all at once because none of the updates are worth an entire shill on their own.
If anyone has any suggestions for bots they want a new opening for, feel free tell me.
Because anthropic usually does 6 month update cycles, so 3.5 opus is coming in roughly ~2 months
17th as in when he last updated his rentry.
>no jew
>no mini
Did smolbros just win?
>3.5 opus
og opus was lightning caught in a bottle, but seeing how much they pozzed the rp capabilities with sonnet, i am not expecting much from this
i atleast hope og opus will be cheaper if it happens
yeah mm usually hibernates around this time of year anyway
hell probably be back for halloween
its true
t, have never cut because I'm too weak willed
You say that as though this isn't the second September where MM even existed.
>he doesn't know about the old MM
always have
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>who the fuck asked for this
Whocars will come back when he needs his ego stroked again, just like last time
And the time before that
And the time before that
And the time before that
Gay and impractical
made for plapping and mating press
>captured and forced to have sex with 10/10 blonde bombshell
oh no!?
>95% bodyfat
lmao even
>instead of just fucking hitting the gym
Too hard, eating chips all day while blaming your issues on anyone or anything else is easier.
If you exercise of course
>post a strongman thinking it's a fat dude
>doesn't even know what's the difference between a body builder vs a strongman
holy fat cope
grizzly is actually absurdly strong
he actually does retard lifts like that because some push related muscle of his got permanently fucked, so he has to bench in weird ways
I don't recall which muscle(s) it was, but based on that movement, probably something to do with his triceps or perhaps shoulders
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eyup, these are the good(ish) hours, we're bing chilling
been away for a bit, is the passphrase still malfoy's last name?
we need more of them ngl
shitposting aside,
lift more and do more core exercises
as much as we shit on you (yeah you're still fat kek), you're way above the average fat american - a single glance is all you need to tell apart fat people that works out from a person that doesn't exercise at all, even if they're skinny -
legit go the full strongman route and you'll be able to crush skulls
okay but any fatman cards?
t. manlet
need ecker card... for masturbatory purposes... and funny scenarios...
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Final shill for Minase, goodnight everyone. Not a Nikker or a Shipgirl this time.

Minase has pretty much everything going for her. She's smart, good looking, and talented as the swim team's ace in the hole. Plus, she's dating the love of her life, her childhood friend! What went wrong? Well, she met you and you started blackmailing her over her boyfriend. Now she's your reluctant fuck buddy and BDSM slave, usually tied up and left for hours with nothing her thoughts and a sore body. Written with all sorts of bondage stuff in mind, plus she (doesn't) like being choked out. Still loyal to her boyfriend throughout all this, hating {{user}} but going along with everything out of fear of something worse.

Comes with two greetings: a normal day where she's walked into school and one where she's been tied up at the top of the stair well for a couple hours.

Based on Zetsu Red's OC, and I can't actually post 90% of her art including the one I chose for the bot cuz it's all hardcore BDSM stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/suzuka-minase-5d1c369bcac9
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Adventurer-chan! Plus her mom -> Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
tell me quick
does the russian opus work, and where's the link?
I'm helping this russian anon from dvach, but I can't use the opus myself
Favorite chatbots you have in a group chat? Most random ones that mesh really well?
I tried out character.ai for kicks and because I was thinking "this thing is so censored it will be fun to break" only for it to suddenly start bodily teasing me in numerous ways without me trying anything what the fuck? It genuinely tried to keep going SEVERAL times after the guidelines stopped it.
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It's nopus. For now... The night is still young, though.
is it dead? it's the same one in the archives, right?
I want to send it to that guy, but I can't use it myself
*cranks up you rep penalty*
but yes, it's dead
it's out of opus
it might get refilled later, or not
Whatever will I do!! *gets her pregnant*
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is it the хyйcocaтop one? bezjop rentry? That guy's in a dvach thread right now, but you know, when it dies, it dies, so I can't help him
that's the one I should link him, right?
or is it twist qulifications?
fuck off
twice sufficient
the rentry with annonium's mail is an obvious fake with 1 letter changed
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

stop spoonfeeding plz :3
that's literally a russian guy on dvach
it's not like we can use the opus reliably, so I'm sending it to someone who can
based thanks jew, how do you go about renewing? do i send you a gift code before hand or?
I used to catfish guys just to not feel lonely. it was like me creating an interaction with a girl even though I was pretending to be the girl. I've used chatbots for a few days now and my desire to catfish has completely vanished. Its so based bros.
leave please
Whatever you do.. do NOT play with the opussy...
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uhh vip jew man?
>Erica Hartmann
jew I keep getting 502 service unavailable too many connection errors, do you know why?
Was a bit spotty earlier but now not a single swipe is passing
what are you blabbering about
Never got the filter complaints desu, the jb for charai was just using a little analogy for the more descriptive parts, the rest it did alright.
How do I get aws mistral working on risu?
by installing ST
Agreed. 3.5 opus will probably be garbage.
Are Jew and mini using the same fucking key? I keep getting that retarded token error.
maybe its asw fuckery
>Edit: 02 Sep 2024 18:03 UTC
Not garbage because sonnet isn't garbage, but maybe harder to jb.
We might get a good tradeoff from it though, from even more creativity to great memory to awareness of claudisms, etc.
Anthropic should remove their filters and just amp up the claudisms as a censor
Effectively filters 50% of the anons here.
damn i was still using the gpt keys
Why are OAI and Anthropic so fucking stupid? Just make your services cheaper.
>oh but then they’ll lose money
They’re losing money right now when I rack up $10,000 in charges on a proxy because I don’t want to pay.
They're not the ones losing money
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Did everyone seriously lose opus, 3.5 AND regular claude keys? How the hell can there only be gptslop now, when there were free public proxies just a week or two ago?
This is what Gemini does.
You're gay as fuck nigga
the drought has been extended, sorry
yea I think if i were more retarded or delusional I'd be a troon but fortunately their tricks don't work on me
You're lonely as fuck nigga
Whoever you're leeching from is still paying. They might not even notice you're leeching. Even then, it's still probably contributing to the AI bubble popping when companies realize how much money they're wasting on other people's smut and spambots.
holy based
>How the hell can there only be gptslop
>kom susser tod plays in the background
it's... a mystery..
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non slop alex minecraft card?
is love allive and well?
what personality would she even have
So what's the best JB for sorbet and opussy
How do you hide regex'd out tags instead of putting them in an expandable thingy
>she breaks blocks and builds things
>carries a ton of shit at a time
Need anything else?
yes please
yeah she gets railed by a horse when nobody is around
does steve have a blocky cock
I remember an old "ICE Officer" card that was fucking hilarious to throw in group chats with non-american characters
>t. got catfished
I'd rather have an Ender(wo)man gf who autistically moves shit around in our home and gets really flustered and teleports to hug me from behind if I stare at her for too long.
then make it dumbass
Only tried pixi, smiley and camicle

so far camicle is the most fun, smiley is really boring and plain, pixi is great but it started to get refusals so i stopped using it

(im using opus, idk about sorbet)
Anyone remember that talking dick bot where it gives you advice while you're smashing a chick? Or maybe it was a lorebook
gpt-4o / chatgpt-4o-latest proxy

>use 4o from chatgpt.com
>it could tell me the current date
>use 4o from a proxy
>it cannot tell me the current date
darn, i was hoping to make a bot that gets mad at you for not talking to them every day.
i asked if a bot like that exists a while ago lol but i dont think its possible right now, right?
any way to make 3.5 sonnet not slop?
I thought the chatgpt site uses gpt4olatest that is constantly updating while proxies just use the regular static 4o model?
you can just put the {{time}} macro into your system prompt
Does Tavern (or any other frontend) support user made JS scripts? If so, it'd be trivial to make one that gets the current date and compares it to the one in the last message, then inject something to the context depending on the time difference.
Advantage of this method would be that you don't have to waste tokens if not needed, and more importantly, you don't rely on the AI model to make a calculation it's very likely to get wrong.
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Oh, that's very helpful. {{date}} also exists too. I'll have some reworking to do. Thanks.
/help macros
i miss opus bros...
and gcp isnt working for me
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Hey, is cock.li down for you guys too?
There's a yandere bot that does exactly that using a sillytavern script. Don't remember the name though
better hope no one emails you or it'll be gone forever into the void~
I don't even need to check to know it's down nowadays. Vincent should have never opened registrations again.
what error, out of curiosity
>Since 2013 cock.li has provided stable E-mail services
Probably a weird question but is it possible to start off a chat with user input instead of a greeting? I have an idea in mind for a scenario but I need to be the one leading off.
Yeah, on silly tavern just delete the greeting from the chat history.
you can just delete the greeting, just keep in mind that this will 100% slopify the responses you get
Oh, I didn’t think it’d be that easy.
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>like no good oppai loli bots on chub
>keep having to make one myself whenever i want a new one
what a cursed fetish this is
Anon, but even Smol gave away 10 3-day tokens for free on launch.. yet you're asking us to trust you just like this.
oppai loli = normal loli + breast expansion
a simple mathematical formula for the oppai loli you desire
>week of opussy on smol vs 4 weeks of gptslop on your proxy
I think I know what I will choose. Also, why $6? Didn't you say you wanted it to be just $5?
i hope it works out for you anon, but i will personally spend me monies on jew or smol for opussy
yeah but i want what is specifically an oppai loli bot and not just a loli bot turned into an oppai loli. also a lot of loli bots suck ass too or have images that make me think the bot creator is a closet pedo
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>want to make kuudere daughter maid card
>too lazy
>burnt out from having to constantly tweak my jb and trying to get 3.5 to work
>don't even have opus
Smol has stock rn


These names feel made up
When do they just start calling these shit like "lololLMAObotnet-6million"
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>the coom rp dream
>llava olmo bitnet 1 billion parameters
Nothing made up about it. The model name is olmo, it uses LLaVA, it's a bitnet model, and it has 1 billion parameters. you're just stupid lol
That's a normal name, it's basically lots of acronyms and puns
LLaVa is the name of the vision model, inspired by LLaMa
OLM https://github.com/allenai/OLMo
OLMoBitnet1B https://huggingface.co/NousResearch/OLMo-Bitnet-1B
1B is model size.
Again, anon, those are technical names, models inside of OpenAI/anthropic aren't named the same way as the public ones.
Damn, it might be because it's too late or because I'm somewhat drunk but sorbet is looking real cute rn
autistic remake
Damn gpt4-32k is looking real sexy right now
drago won btw
Nah, sorbet is an underappreciated cutie
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uru my beloved...
cant go wrong
Is it any dumber than the names we give models?
Furbo, Vurbo, Orbo, Chorbo, Latte, Sorbet, etc?
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So you're saying I can name my model 'dickemmccuckus4B' and no one will bat an eye?
ntrfags would lol
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Share oppai loli cards plz
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freely redeemable
Do (You) endlessly continue a single chat or prefer to have a clear ending to wrap things up before going onto the next one?
Depends on the ever-shifting plans I think of in my head.
Whatever I feel like at the time. I almost never get to a clear ending though.
I'm happy with smol but I imagine
>this proxy allows usage of gpt-4's vision capabilities
Might be a draw to some?
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Sometimes I wish chub had an actual 'card for this feeling?' search function, where you would just type what you're looking for, and it would give you results based on tags or keywords in the descriptions/definitions
>arisu bake
incredibly good taste
Incredibly good would have been a Momo bake. This one is just great
I do give my stories an 'ending' but it's usually not that definitive. Not like I'll pick it up again though.
The search already works like this
No, I cum and it's over.
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>LLMs think that even rapists may "collapse" on top of the girl after cumming.
>well he isn't gonna cuddle her, so he rolls off
Still pretty funny that both fiz and mm just straight up went radio silent around the same day
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This. I want this as a card.
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you don't love w++??? (aka best format)
unreliables azure is filtered right?
>Dere type (Nyandere)
>no fiz
>no jew
It's not too bad when I force myself to talk to other anons
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>what openai employees are doing instead of making new models
How many times have we regressed.
Dead general
they are honeymooning
Friends, I will be without a laptop for some time. Could anyone spoonfeed me with a client for proxies on iOS?
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whys jew opus dead?
Ok but that looks cool
Key doesn't work, but he wanted tonlook like it was filled
He's finally all out of Opus. He did a shill and ignored the replies that the key was dead.
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>apparently pepsi has opus but she's too 'busy' to bother with her proxy
pepsibros...we're neglected. turned into mere locusts
>Fiz dead, MM dead, Pepsi is a discordtroon since the start. Jew dead atm
Complete Locust victory.
anons that pay for proxy access are still locusts
She posted the url with opus on the 'cord
Smol won
Anon, she always had opus. She just wasn't putting it into the proxy because of some dumb reason. You are a pink locust
unofficial rugpull
Xhe doesn't have opus
minisisters had opus for 70 hours in the last 8 days
good enough
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Shonenfags, Adventurefags... Can you hear me?

What's your mission status!?
If only it was actually on when I had time I wouldn't be so pissed.
I think we hit the peak with Latte and Sorbet, finally breaking the "Urbo" curse

It's all downhill from here
>We run the trufflehog filesystem command on every new or modified file on each push to a repository, scanning for potential secrets. If and when a verified secret is detected, we notify the user via email, empowering them to take corrective action.
Not very relevant nowadays, but it still will prevent the nice source of some OpenAI and Anthropic keys.
That's just a skill issue qt
This can't be a coincidence.
Fuck dude I thought you wrote honeygooning for a moment
It's not, because Trufflehog is the best open source tool for mass secret scanning, and the name is a pun about hogs who are specifically trained to find truffles.
Somebody... Tried to hook it up with this Palchat thing adding the url to custom endpoint and my token as custom key, I get a proxy error... HTTP 404
Did you read the client docs properly? You might need to provide the full API path, e.g. also the /v1/chat/completions part for OpenAI
No, but it's...weird, like, you can tell something's different when you compare it with normal gpt.
I wish 2.1 was smarter...
Just run ST on ish.app
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Why aren't good cards ever made anymore?
Sorbet has a particular obsession with assigning a height of 5'6" to women.
Because of the Opussy drought, Anon.
Because making good cards requires Opus to test their quality, and no one has Opus.
Sonnet and Sorbet aren't good measures of quality because they're both horny as shit and make every card a generic slut.
Icarus quote or some shit
who's fault is this? who do we blame?
what does exactly an "oppai loli" bot requires besides accurate physical descriptions? Also
>have images that make me think the bot creator is a closet pedo
What a fucking pathetic excuse.
There have been a tiny handful of good cards made in the last few months at least. We had a FAR better average quality for new bots, both in the thread and even on chub before opussy was even a thing.
question is ____ in the air, laced with ____ promises
For that time yes, but that was then, standards have risen, even yours if you don't even realize it.
Why is Netori so kino?
Not gonna make cards for those with opus if I can't get any.
>requires Opus to test their quality
What the fuck are you talking about? f it works even on 3.5 turbo and sonnet then it can be considered a quality card, but even just focusing on the description field and slamming your head on the keyboard would work fine with Opus, you mouthbreathing retard. Fucking scyllanigger Claude 3 tourist, do you even hear yourself?
My standards have lowered. I've used more slop cards than ever these past few months. For the first time in my life, I've even seriously considered making my own bot. We've never been this low.
Have you talked to a card from a botmakie here? I've been talking to the M0-N0 card and it's fun
Retarded bullshit
Opus isn't even the best for complex cards
this, since opus started to make 300 slop cards interesting I have been having fun with half-baked ideas more than ever
This fucking thread has been full of tourist for months now, fuck em
YES, it works.
Sorry to bother you again, friend. Do you have the Claude equivalent for that?
Does it look good on mobile mate? Could you please share a screenshot if you are not busy rn?
seething nopus niggers FUMING
>Before Opussy
>Needed to make a good card to stand out
>Post Opussy
>Make a slopcard and let Opus carry it
See the issue?
Of what, ST? ST looks fine as you'd expect on a mobile screen.
ish is basically termux for ios so you can run it on your phone
this except replace Opussy with every single new and improved model since GPT-4

if you aren’t making for the best, your card doesn’t matter. I don’t care how well it does on fucking SLOPnet because I don’t use GARBAGE, nigger. get a job
It's just that it's not the same thing. With other models, telling them how to behave in each circumstance is very important, whereas with opus, it's best to let him cook instead of trying to follow a certain style.
Does Openrouter allow NSFW for their local models? I forgot I had some credit left on an old account.
>promptlet tourist coping
>Implying we post logs here
bros, I forgot
what settings should you do the first time you install sillytavern? there were a couple mandatory settings
uhh i just did install everything
no, I mean after installing
you know, the options and settings in the menu
sorry bros I'm migrating to SeriousTavern
Delete this or I will fucking kill you. This is not a game.
>Do you have the Claude equivalent for that?
/v1/messages but that client might not support the Claude format at all, then you can just reuse the OpenAI v1 chat completions
Ermmmmm im in scylla and i also have 2 t4 keys??????
literally nothing wrong with before and after
I don't know why people believe the quality of chub or cards posted matterd
do you go to pixiv and say, "damn, these recent artists are pure low quality westerners and AI-sloppers", no, you just filter for what you like
Yes, all filtering is only OpenAI and Anthropic
yeah what a massive issue that we're past the description+greeting slopphase and can now script entire worlds and gameplay features
And that's a good thing, starve and fuck off back to cuckcord.
does mistral censor or revoke keys if you use it to do smut?
Gemini 2 (released this/next month) will mog Opus.
I'm still amazed how many characters and concepts Opus can juggle at a time.

Gemini is surprising me too as it gets updated.
yes, they also report your IP and logs tot he local authorities and the Interpol.
Is it an Opus issue or what if the formatting and markdown isn't working?
Examples of good cards?
no. check other cards with complex formatted outputs. use prompt override instead of sticking them in defs
>prompt override
Where that
Claude made me realize I'm a slut at heart
Advanced Definitions.
Is there any good way to make all cards always generate options for you to choose from? I tried using authors note after main prompt basically telling model to do that, but it's not really respecting it and doesn't generate options on it's own
frame it as a formatting thing, models love patterns and xml. for example

At the end of your response include a choice list, suggesting three options for {{user}} to choose from for their next action. Use the following example formatting:
<li>Use an item.</li>
<li>Go east.</li>
<li>Talk to shopkeeper.</li>
Where would you say it's best inserted? Before/after main prompt, or in chat?
nta, but before/after jailbreak has worked for me
agree, most instructions of any kind should really just work as part of the main jb text somewhere. doing what you ask for with 100% reliability is the default state of a model. you can ruin it by confusing it with conflicting instructions, throwing every part of the prompt into a pile instead splitting it into neat categories, using weird gaslights etc. inserting into chat is a bit of a sledgehammer, powerful but rarely required
just took a shit
Why IS there a claude drought? Are they switching over to 3.5, and giving out less keys overall?
amazon cracking down on stolen aws keys
see >>102240387
the core reason is that every sorbet key also has opus access. people find these keys and spam opus on them, causing them to be revoked quickly because opus usage is much more expensive and easy for owners to notice.
Drago managed to get harsher security measures implemented from what he's done, so blame that faggot too for exacerbating the drought
3,000+ users on chary btw.
pmm... just reset the vps... please...
Does claude revoke api keys if i coom on them?
Pony mare mistery mare
mm = madoka magica
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Just realized Todd does have Lorbo
I just keep getting errors with the model for some reason but swiping once or twice brute forces it. Looks like I'm back
Based trails enjoyer
The reason why that happens is because some of his keys don't have access to Lorbo.
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Just for aesthetic purposes, is it possible to do something like this if I wanted to make an online chatroom/email type of chatbox for html? I know its autistic, but I always wanted to have a chatbox like style
you are autistic
Makes sense
Strange that MM didn't have this problem but I guess he just had way more lorbo keys in stock.
>just for aesthetic purposes I want to burn my fucking retinas
>i don't use these babies anyway
He's had latte for ages now. Some of his keys seem to be dying in the past week, I guess it's that time of the month where oai is rolling billing. It should fix itself in a week, not the first time it happens.
>sv1 is completely out of keys
so much for the so called best scraper around
I don't see how that would work unless you theme ST itself. if you prompted all the right styling, you'd just get a brand new updated box every message.
I know that there are epic hackers here so I'm gonna ask
why does grub fail to mount my hdd when booting? I have to manually set root=(hd0,2) and then load vmlinuz and initramfs files before booting
bad configuration file?
how 2 patch KDE 4 FreeBSD?????
Can you guys make up your mind about the fucking name? Thanks.
Latte sounds classy
Lorbo sounds like a furry
Laturbo is straight up retarded
Chorbo reminds me of a fat Chud
ask gpt
Latte clears btw
chorbo wonned btw
post logs
How should I know, I'm not a president.
is ecker down?
>use persona with a microdick
>"fuck" a 6'5 milf
woah. this was actually easy..
how do I jailbreak it though..
sure is
He's trained on erotica and most erotica has tight pussies (and big dicks filling them).
If you want {{char}} to be loose, specify it.
My 'ecker is up
How long he's been gone, if you know that?
No more refills
>ziggers' biggest hope is gone
the west reigns supreme again
Why do ziggers have public opus and we don't?
Learn to prompt, or try searching for gemma jailbreaks on the archive in /lmg/
>he doesn't know
Since last night. Went off at 11, and I expected it to just be a short outage. But nah, it's been out since then.
Welcome back JennyAnon
is it...owari da?
Who is to blame for this?
speculation in the 'cord is that MM got arrested
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What do we think bros
Big if true, Getting vanned for hosting an aicg proxy has to be embarrassing
New Miku.
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bokanime and bomango
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