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What do you think, /g/? How does it compare to DEs available on Linux?

For the record, it's free and open source.
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lemme guess electron garbage?
It fits Windows 11 theme too well. Must be WebView2 cancer.
No, it's written in Rust.
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just as bad
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>tablet shit UI
>Rust is bad because... IT JUST IS OKAY?!?!?!
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Hahahahahaha it’s just webshit. No thanks tranny faggot
>white boxes around app icons
>Typescript dev made this with rust and ts
When we say rust is for web devs. We mean it. I’m on windows 10 ltsc so this isn’t going to work. I have removed webview2
this stuff is the worst
what a lying piece of shit faggot
I don't like globohomo flat aesthetics but we'll see.
Why not just use win32 natively?
Autism manager ported to windows
If someone could port win2k ui to win11 that would be nice.
Tauri. You're out of the loop.
dear sirs the new seelen ui is very attractively provided like a sexxy womens pussy
> Seelen UI requires the WebView runtime to be installed.
Holy fucking shit dropped
Erm?! What the science?! /g/ sisters I thought windows had no customization?! O-our narratives...
please install asap for gorgeous looks
I redeemed instantly
this one's openbox on linux though
are you telling me it's some obscure javashit framework
Webview is part of W11 and is the thing that majority of the new microsoft apps use like 365, Store, Apps, Edge, Outlook, UI itself etc. It's preinstalled for everyone out of the box so no need to worry about getting it, better to use that than to bloat up the PC with third party libraries
webview shit
people will defend it because it uses Tauri though
Fuck off with that sisters shit. Nobody here has a cunt.
Rust has the same problem that webshit suffers from:
A million dependencies for the most minor tasks merged into one huge bloated blob.

There is no difference between Rust or Webshit from a users perspective.
nobody will defend it because it uses Tauri
if I wanted a OSX UI, I would buy a mac
sorry, I meant rust trannies, not people
Looks like gnome/cosmic for windows. What user base do they target?
>What user base do they target?
the short-bus passengers
>Gnome 3 clone
It all comes crashing down to those faggots being right all along, doesn't it?
tauri isn't any faster than electron
I don't get it
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What's not to get?
He’s a retard
Did anyone here *actually* try it or do you guys only care about how it was made?
This board uses Windows 10 IoT LTSC so no one will use your pajeetware. Go try orange reddit
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
looks like phoneshit. I have a real computer so I'll stick to openshell
I don't know, if i should install it but it is looking pretty cool.
It's funny how many copes are on this thread.
>metro tiles
>metro tiles, rounded corners
Amirite anon?
Yes please.
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look like a copy of GNOME 3 which is a copy of MacOS
In other words, schizo-jank
you're the dev aren't you
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oh, that looks pretty!
Poo in loo saar. This shit is ugly is fuck.
nice try, ill stay on linux
There's clearly a lack of design sensibilities here, especially regarding the 'bubbles' at the top of the screen.
>everything is bold
>dark colour scheme being used despite the taskbar being light
>descenders getting clipped off
>dividers are just bubbles with pipe and hyphen characters
>differing icon weights
And in the taskbar:
>all the app icons are in white rectangles (why?)
>extremely strong drop shadows with no concept of light direction

imitation is flattery. Looks like shit btw
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If the design wasn't already bad enough, the code is even worse: this "desktop environment" pulls in a street-shitting 1,273 packages from the npm registry!
Why would I install a "desktop environment" over the one Windows has by default? It's already slow enough.
Also I can't believe they stole some random image from r/UnixPorn. Just lol.
first time working with node?
Saaaar! Do not redeem the packages
>Why would I install a "desktop environment" over the one Windows has by default? It's already slow enough.
I'm not even a tech guru but because the default one sucks ass. But why don't people make something more pleasing like Windows 7 copy?
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Looks like a fairly standard rice, though not a very good one.
>giant json file
yeah nah. The good ricing tools available on linux all give you some kind of scripting environment so you can actually expand on them.
just checked the repo and yeah you basically just get some preset components. meh.
Examples of better shell tools on linux:
All of which are scriptable in various languages. Even eww which is comparatively slow and annoying to use due to its terrible configuration scripting language still beats static configurations.
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ATTN Mr. Seelen,

Please please please add something to this that moves the window control buttons to the left where they should be.

Thank you kindly,
A concerned citizen
Looks like something a reddit tranny would come up with.
webshit = most used language on earth
so rust will join it? awesome! let's go rust!
Put yourself in the shoes of brown Indian jeet, who want's a mac but can't afford it. This was made by brown turdworlders for brown turdworlders.

what does this accomplish that rainmeter doesnt
>cairo shell but gayer
>rainmeter but gayer
Who the fuck wants this on Windows?
Windows has had the best desktop metaphor for a while. Is this to keep the trannies happy on windows?
>german for souls
it's sovl
>Why not just use win32 natively?
Funny that you say that the Windows UI has become more UWP over time.
It's mostly high schoolers and college kids that enjoy ricing and customizing their shit without wanting to use linux because they want to play fortnite/valorant or whatever, so they download these meme programs to make windows look good so they can upload pics of it on their discord servers and on /r/desktops
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It looks cool, maybe i'll try it later, you got a star op
I hate ironic weebs so much
>ironic weebs
bro just
>Windows Left
>Windows Right
HAHAHAH look what winjeets need to mimic even a fraction of GNU/Linux's power
looks pretty nice, I would definitely use if I ever need Windows.
who is this for, coping loonix troons who, for whatever reason, need to use windows?
It's for coping Windows troons who are too stupid to use literally any other OS, you retarded /v/irgin. Dilate.
Tried it and its not for me right now. I appreciate a seemingly well run project that is using winget and the MS store. Therefore, I still have it downloaded and installed.
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>microsoft store
lol lmao
look like gnome
It's pretty ugly and feels laggy, I'll wait and see what happens to it in a few months from now.
>too stupid to use literally any other OS
linux mint is easier to use than windows tho
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Look man I just want Cinnamon for Windows, I don't want a Deepin knock-off.

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