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Why are artfags so over dramatic JESUS CHRIST?

>twitter screen shit
>Artfags STILL on suicide watch

>Should I just kill myself
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Shouldn't have spent the last half a decade or so shoving pic related down our throats and telling us we're stupid if we don't like it.
AI filters out the artists that only do it for clout, those that do it because they like making art don't care
artists have to eat, they don't get paid if everyone can press a button that spits out art they can use.

I am concerned real art will dwindle and we will end up only having these llm pictures that are just rehashing other peoples shit
>artists have to eat
Then get a job?
>artists have to eat
that's cool, and i want to get paid for playing video games at home and sleeping
gonna be a sad world without art, and no i'm not an artist
kek I love seeing artniggers crying. Thanks for sharing, OP
Just draw custom furry porn fur rich furfags, that simple
Which would be essentially zero change from what we have now as 99.99999% of "artists" are just commercial illustrators who have applied an unearned label to themselves to pretend they're not corporate whores.
> <Thing> doesn't make me easy money, therefore it will not exist

Do you have any idea how idiotic this sounds?
>admitting HE only created art for money
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Yes, less of pic related is going to be terrible for mankind.
I have never met a single artist who likes this style
I dont know, codefags fate seems to be even worse.
And yet it's what the vast majority of "artistic" output looks like.
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I need to be fair to cartoonists, The companies are greedy turds that impose what is essentially the cartoon equivalent of "cruch" video game developers experience. It's not that they can't make good looking cartoons, they just don't have time. The only reason anime doesn't have this issue as often it's because our animators are actually treated like human beings.
It isn't. That's corpo shit pushed by graphic designers and HR.
>I am concerned real art will dwindle and we will end up only having these llm pictures that are just rehashing other peoples shit
So artists can merely produce art that is better than low quality LLM bullshit and then presto, human art is still a thing.

The only people threatened by AI are corpo slop hogs that make generic shit like >>102244360
I love the smell of arttranny tears in the morning, thanks OP
No one likes you, no ones coming to defend you. You did this to yourself, kill yourself.
What a weird thing to obsess about.
If AI can replace artists then hurry up and get over the fact that artists exist. Getting sick of you weirdoAI techbros sperging about this shit.
This is what I say when I see artfags
thats not what youre going to get less of. youre going to get less of the shit that could be good and replace that because making that shit is cheap and who do you think will buy ai tooling to make stuff? some super cool creative with his target paycheck or disney?
ai image gen is still cool but people like you are fuckin idiots
Live by the kike, die by the kike
i am not responsible for what other people do. i cannot stop people from making shitty corpo alergia (idk how to spell it) "art".
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If it wasn't for AI art I wouldn't see a type moon stylized smol Asuka.

Thank you AI art, very cool
Alegria art with white people on it? Damn, that's one for the history books.
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Ai could be pretty good
I'm not an artist and I have no horse in this race, but where did you get so much straw for this man?
NTA but I see it only as a part of a bigger point. It's not only the corpo art but you also got the "modern" "art", the endless animeslop, people turning white characters black and caling it #brave and #stunning, people drawing commission of a generic anime girl in a generic anime pose and then charge like 300 usd for it, so on so forth
So it's shoving much greater quantity of bullshit down the throats
Literally the opposite of truth. Anime artists are famously exploited (not everywhere, but it's an industry norm). And the reason crap like >>102244454 exists is because "art schools" like CalArts essentially sell credentials and industry jobs to pretentious rich kids, and their whole business model would collapse if their started demanding actual artistic skills from their students.
NOOO You're ruining my /pol/chud narrative!!!
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Americans stop trying to symbolically interracial pornify other cultures challenge
Crazy how all modern art everywhere looks exactly like this with no exceptions but when fed into AI it produces images that look like OP.
>"modern" "art"
Literally nothing more than money laundering scheme that won't be affected by AI.
>the endless animeslop
Elaborate? That's really wide.
>people turning white characters black and caling it #brave and #stunning
Tend to be too shit to do it for a living anyway.
>people drawing commission of a generic anime girl in a generic anime pose and then charge like 300 usd for it
I suppose AI is good for those who are fine with the generic shit and will lower prices for those who still want those man-made.
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>Crazy how all modern art everywhere looks exactly like this with no exceptions but when fed into AI it produces images that look like OP.
Dude I shit out LoRAs all the time and that's not how it works. The input training images have to look like what you want to generate. Pic rel is an ai generated style. Guess what the training images looked like. Nothing like this >>102244360
That's not modern art, that's not even art, it's corporate slop fro corporate cattle.
you think this is art?
this is Zuckerberg's baby, and all giant corpo shill crap

this shit is high IQ imagery but is so autistic and aesthetically disgusting nobody wants to look at it
nobody cares about the perfect vector scalable edges when they're drawing purple sheboons with pink lipstick and arms as thick as a redwood tree this shit isn't art it's DEI, plus a little technical autism in graphical design
>(((Adam Ellis)))
>kill myself
im not getting paid to jerk off, billions must retain semen
It's funny to see the bait and switch you corporate illustrators keep attempting. You wrap yourself up in the label "artist", cry that LLMs will destroy your ability to earn money from your job, which is corporate illustrations, and when anyone points out you're not an artist, you're a corporate illustrator, you deny making corporate illustrations, which is the only thing threatened by LLMs.
Other people aren't responsible for providing you work that can't be done by an LLM. But please respond once again claiming this is both about money and not about money at the same time, whichever way you think will win your pointless argument here that isn't going to save you if you "win" the argument. Your corporate shit job is going away. If you were an "artist", you would be in no danger. But we both know what you really are and that isn't an "artist".
I don't know why you think I'm responsible for these demonic scribbles
you're clearly replying to the wrong person or are a full on retard
all the big tech companies use these terrible looking images it's the globohomo art style LITERALLY from facebook

it isn't art
it needs to die
everyone who produces this cancer should too

who sees it?
who likes it?
who asked?
why do they see it?
zuckerberg and other corporate faggots made it so

that's not art
that's torture

the people making this shit understand the tools and fundamentals but are paid to make this fucking sterile demonic slop
this isn't just not art
it's anti-art
it's wasting people's time during the creation and annoying everyone who has to look at it
Guy should just learn to mine coal.
Art is worth what people want to pay for it. If like most artists throughout history people aren't willing to pay an artist for their work, then they'll just need to get a real job like everyone else and produce something of value.
>artists have to eat
artists can work. no, art is not a job, it's a hobby. art has no monetary value
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Hypocrisy: the movie
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The absolute seethe is just too funny
Why is it always western artist? I have never seen japanese/asian artists complain aobut it, if anything a bunch of bigger accounts even use it to fix shit or as a base etc.
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I'm just addicted to laughing at their seething and their retard comics.
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Remember: Artists are doing this to themselves.

They want to gatekeep drawing as much as possible, purposely tricking anyone that want to learn. They genuinely believe they have a special talent only they should have and no one else, so they make extremely vague learning material ("just add details bro"), sabotage people that want to learn with fake information and try to eliminate anything (AI) that proves they are not unique an special.
Because they are greedy.
They want to charge you 60$ for a 150x150 pixel "portrait".
>scared of le big bad /pol/
maybe you should've stayed on reddit
That image is a joke, anon.
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>Art fags should have learned to code like me bro
that's where I would post the "calling me an artist is like calling me a drooling retard" 4chan screencap if I had it
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Nah, artists purposely make vague stuff to gatekeep others.
They don't want more people to learn to draw, it means less attention and money for them.
What kind of book says "lol use your imagination" when teaching something?
Imagine a math book or a biology book telling you to use your imagination when explaining a concept.
Art class in high school already teach you 80% of the techniques.
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>Imagine a math book or a biology book telling you to use your imagination when explaining a concept.
Nta but don't physicists sort of do that with high level shit they study? Particularly quantum physics and "string theory"? I've heard they do that to fill in gaps in their knowledge and understanding of the universe. "The cause and effect of this phenomenon doesn't make sense so we will literally (literally) Make some shit up in between and hope it sticks". If high level scientists can do that then I'm not surprised artists can get away with it too.
No they didn't. Not mine at least. They called R's art classes but they were more like art history painting class hybrids. We did very very simple shit like drawing minimalistic images and learning low-level vocabulary and all that. Never anything remotely advanced.
>Nta but don't physicists sort of do that with high level shit they study?
It's not the same thing, they try to come with explanations for the ALREADY EXISTING phenomena.
Filling the gaps to explain already existing thing is different than expecting you to fill the gaps to create something good (like artists do).
can they stop being on suicide watch and just kill themselves already
Like the guys charging $60 for a book about learning programming where the final chapter, titled "Advanced Concepts" is about arrays
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>game-overing themselves over worthless likes
what a bunch of retards thinking the ai clout actually gets anyone any money and isn't just for shits and giggles and memes. Actual artists always get the bag because they can literally open a shop and do commissions then and there.
What does this chart prove?
>Studio Ghibli x Snoop
The better question is when are ironic weeabos going to fuck off?
Computer-generated imagery is not art. There is no human intent (or any conscious intent for that matter) behind the work itself.
>There is no human intent
Demonstratively false. You were even worse than the crybaby in the picture because at least he's probably a real artist. You are just talking nonsense. Saying things just sounds smart.
>Demonstratively false
So, where is that demonstration? Can you provide it?
>Ask (admittedly limited) Neural network for thing
>It gives me the thing.

Seems like it at least "knows" to generate what I have intend to see right? What do you think intent means in regards to art?
Meanwhile in reality, years later, artists are still doing just as well as they did before Midjourney, SD etc came out (just look at their patreons). Two more years, AIslop sis?
>artists have to eat, they don't get paid if everyone can press a button that spits out art they can use.

well I guess they'll just have to scan my items at the grocery store
>it at least "knows" to generate what I have intend to see right?
It doesn't "know" anything, there is no "it" to begin with. It's machinery that uses algorithms to generate imagery. Now if it was a human-like AGI, then, of course, it would have a personal intent in performing a drawing, utilizing conscious thought to convey concepts on paper.
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Artfags have always been pretentious twats. Can't wait for courts to blow them the fuck out.
>It doesn't "know" anything, there is no "it" to begin with. It's machinery that uses algorithms to generate imagery. Now if it was a human-like AGI, then, of course, it would have a personal intent in performing a drawing, utilizing conscious thought to convey concepts on paper.

No one is claiming that the neural network knows anything. It's the person that writes the prompts who is demonstrating human intent.

You're like some old proto-boomer fossil in the 70s trying to argue that synthesizers aren't musical instruments, because "there's no human intent! He's just holding down a key to play an arpeggio"!
holy cringe they need to learn to code
>It's the person that writes the prompts who is demonstrating human intent
The person doing the prompts is not working with forms to create an image, he's just feeding data to an algorithm that does it on his own. Intent behind it is not directly applied to the image through usage of an art medium, you're using a middle man (in this case a middle machine) to create it for you. It's the same as commissioning art. You are not the artist.
>The person doing the prompts is not working with forms to create an image
So if you tell your furry artist to adjust a couple of things in a porn drawing you've commissioned that means you're an artist?
Get a real job and stop being so pretentious. If your actions primarily lead to the creation, you are the artist
>If your actions primarily lead to the creation, you are the artist
So Mona Lisa's actual author and true artist was Giuliano de' Medici then, who commissioned Da Vinci to paint it?
Why did you wake up on the wrong sids of the bed? You're a failure by the way. I accept your concession as a failed artist
And I accept your concession as a low IQ retard who can't argue his point. Have a good day.
I already did.... You are useless in deserve to have your chest caved in
commissioning doesn't make you the artist because you're not the one doing work. you're the one who had the idea and paid for it
making AI art is not the same as that. you're the one making art, and your PC is the tool that lets you do it. you can make changes to it like an artist would with adjusts, also, like that artist from above would with your commission. you're not using a painbrush or a pen to do art but it's just another tool instead. it's more like using music creation software, using them doesn't make the ones who produce music that way "fake" musicians
Because they just want to attract attention, that's why they are artists.
excellent taste anon
Show hands.
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Does a picture look nice? Then I like the picture, simple as. I refuse to care about whatever the creation process was.
And it's especially dumb when a bunch of prog atheists start talking about "soulless" or whatever. You don't think souls are real, nigger.
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>artists have to eat
lol clearly you've never heard of the term "starving artist" zoomer anon. look up this guy called "Picaso" and read about what his life was like before his art got big.
>artists, 1960 to 2022: "Nothing is holy! Nothing is sacred!"
>artists, 2024: "Is nothing holy?! Is nothing sacred?!"
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Commissioners are the true artist.
dont post your "Art" online if you dont want people to use it for AI or for whatever else they want to use it for. The moment your shit is online its forfeit for everyone to do what they please with it for better or worse.
He was a commission portrait painter for wealthy clients, like his dad.
This. if anyone complaining about AI were an artist they would use it to greatly improve the capacity of their output by understanding how to use it, but they are brainlets who work in an industrial art job such as animation studio or DEI character diversity design officer or the like

Just like make animation.
get a few artists with a vision and make a whole anime
its that easy now.
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>quality over quantity
hope you mix your own paints and never use digital tools. theyre the same fucking things
Yes, they are the same, because (you) can't do either of them.
99.9999% of art fags cannot either, so they may as well learn to produce more art of equivelant quality to their work.
>n-nuh uh ai is all shitty slop
skill issue.
you have no idea how ai works and are just screaming buzzwords to cope.
if you think musicfags dont regard remixers as fake music fags youre increadibly naive
I thought online artists were all supposed to be communists or at least communist adjacent. Isn't more production freely available and outside the control of bourgeoisie or management good for the proletariat?
I was saying that as a musicfag myself, anon. and I was also saying that as someone who used to think that way but grew up since
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anti-AI people are kinda aggressive, huh
I'm sure artists who know how to paint dark to light and how to mix primary colors and how to use cools and warms for shadows or to create contrast are more common than 1 in a million. Maybe 1 in 10,000.
based nigress
anti-AI art people clearly take all their messaging and communication cues from the dirtbag/bernie left, which is pretty funny considering the dirtbag left completely failed to achieve any of their political goals or get power
would have made more sense to copy successful people
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People are really backwards about this, right? Like the types of artists worrying about AI are mostly cartoonists, when they shouldn't even be worried because their value comes from all the personality and design language of their art, something AI struggles with, meanwhile a lot of digital painters aren't as bothered because they know that adding bounce lighting and rim lighting is basically a trick. It takes 1/100 of the time of the rest of the piece but is the dividing line between "neat" and "Holy Shit" to a viewer who doesn't know better. At the same time, AI often struggles with giving a piece unity, which is a strong point for traditional artists, but if you're specifically the type of artist with 50 or so layers who does your values on one layer and then digitally washes color on top, you don't have that either.
with actual paints? youre out of your fucking mind. or youre just showing your usual artist brainlet behavior in not knowing how many artists there actually are in the world.
Who the fuck draws while watching a movie
I did a few commissions last night while watching The Social Network
It's not the AI that annoys me nor is it the screeching artist. It's the "Studio Ghibli" style. I'm sick of seeing it slapped on to everything. It's become the comic sans of art. There are other styles than fucking studio Ghibli.
You have to do dark to light when working with acrylic and oil. The only reason someone would do that digitally is to imitate it if they've worked in those mediums before and are more comfortable with it. You not knowing this is revealing your own ignorance about art.
I think that kind of fad happens because people lack the language to describe what they want
it's not that people want ghibli specifically, they just want a sort of cozy clean slightly-retro-but-not-too-much aesthetic and they don't know what else to call it
this is obvious when you see what people are calling ghibli often looks nothing like ghibli
Most math textbooks have exercises to prove some of the simpler statements, and to come up with a proof for something you often really just have to use your imagination. It’s obviously different in the sense that the end result is something you can logically verify, but math is very much a creative endeavour
when I make AI art I usually just make it in my favorite loli artist's style. looks too good not to
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DEGENerated vet spotted
>Artfags STILL on suicide watch

Artfags have always been on suicide watch, even before computers even exist.
The faggots still don't understand that most of their shit is shit. It's worthless.
Can you all please share videos where people seethe over AI? I love watching them.
kek, bull's eye
used to post there when AI started to blow up and the NAI leak happened. fun times. it's incredible how much AI gen has improved since
Do you use Pony or Flux? Flux it's actually really powerful. It's a shame it takes up so much memory and storage

(Pic rel is entirely from a prompt, no control net or QR code processor or anything)

neither of those, haven't really genned in a while but the last model I used was based on SDXL iirc, and a lora that's normally for pony
honestly haven't genned much in the past few months, but I tried actually giving a flux-based model a try today and my laptop couldn't handle it at all with its 16GB. I'll give it another try when my desktop's GPU is free though. might be really good for me since I don't have much experience with controlnets and inpainting gives me nightmares, I just bruteforce gens until I get something I like kek
Try Q2 or Q51 https://huggingface.co/city96/FLUX.1-dev-gguf/tree/main
what is the modern artist if not producer of corporate swill?
Schnell needs 4 steps, done in 1 minute on laptop too, good for slop like the op

I think Q4 would be good enough to fit in ram. the issue is I wasn't trying to use base flux but a model trained on it I found on civitai. it's a FP8 model that weighs 11GB kek, and it needs a clip model on top of that
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This has clip and vae loaded, just put it in the checkpoint
Too bad. You're now going to slowly watch the internet constantly fill itself with samey AI slop for the rest of your life.
i want to be her benevolent master
who's gonna do the art for those games?
that's what I was using since I wanted an anime model. can base flux or your link do that well?
>t. salty about a 60$ commission fee for his fursona
I'm an artist if mild niche acclaim; ai art is dope. Art is ever evolving and trying to tell the story given to it. Now everyone can enjoy art of God tier quality to have their ideas come to life.
I'm glad that artist is a seething faggot
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Artfags should learn to code. Art is immediately pass/fail to any viewer. You make something good, people like it, if it's bad, people pretend to like it to spare the artist's feelings. The community looks soft and fragile because failure on its own is punishing enough.

Software developers don't have to worry about this, they can just claim that 50,000 lines of swift for an iOS application is a monumental task that nobody can ever do, and hide behind group projects and years of experience while never trying and never having anything to show for themselves.
Insecurities. Pathetic. They're freaking out because art is awful and time consuming to make, they know they're NGMI and copping out for AI to be the reason their negative self quits
Looks like basic dev and an anime lora.

The 4steps one can do well anime and other stuff that's not realistic

You can use any anime lora if you don't like the results

sounds good, I'll give that a try tomorrow, thanks anon
>words aren't skill
Is it over for writefags?
Weebs wouldn't have worked so hard on Stable Diffusion models and LORAs if western artists made art instead of [current trend here]

Before AI it was impossible to find art of many characters, because the artists would keep making the same famous ones over and over. I mean the person couldn't be a happy fag and fap to his favorite traps because they would have 0 images while artists would be pumping more and more Astolfo/Bridget trend slop

Even for an artist you couldn't make everything you needed, like wallpapers and profile pics of more unknown characters, and new hentai everyday. Like those deviant art paint drawings of anime feet, people wanted their characters but no, me twitter artist will make more trend slop, more Boku no Hero and Attack on Titan feet, or some random girl that got suddenly famous like Zero Two

The truth is, you seethe when you are guilty and know it, oriental artists are doing ai-assisted art and sometimes sharing AI art they make along with their human art, I have seen one who made their own art LoRA and shared on their fanbox

These western artists are like a neglectful mother that is seething now that their son got a girlfriend
>Imagine a math book or a biology book telling you to use your imagination when explaining a concept.
I'd explain it but the rest of my comment has been left as an exercise for the reader.
true, too little loli and shota rape content from "artist".
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When I die and my wife sees the shit I have not old saved and backed up on my HDDs she going to be so confused. your picrel being an example. I just like it.
Breathing deliberately can be a art. Feeling the joy of life can be a art. Giving a kiss to a hebe can be a art. Getting twitter likes for your shit art or a banana taped to a wall is not art.
>Giving a kiss to a hebe can be a art.
this brought back memories anon. thank you
Why don't developers with imposter syndrome just look at all their published applications or finished projects and say "Oh yeah, that's why I've accomplished and what I'm capable of, I feel better about myself" like painters do with their portfolio?
I couldn't agree more, a society without art is a dead society
To be fair, most of the art online has been made for free, but then, many of the artists making said art do it as practice and to promote themselves
It seems like there was an implied contract there, and other people using ai to learn from their art wasn't something they had in mind when they made it and posted it online, and this is perhaps what upsets them so much
Unfortunately for them, the technology exists now, you can't close Pandora's Box, so it's on them to adapt to the new world in which they find themselves
I thought that ai art would just be another tool to be used, the history of new technology is one where they are incorporated into existing processes, a machine folds sheet metal instead of two dudes folding it, and so on, I expected artists to be primary users of image generation, for concepts and ideation, or for partial resources, I don't see much of this thus far, perhaps their opinion of ai art will change as they use it
Regardless of it being AI its a pretty picture, shame about the small details but its really pleasing to look at for a moment which is all that matters to most people.
The first impression is everything.
I love it, it's an extremely versatile model and works great with loras.
I like its style of simple colors and thick lines.
I wish I had my art folder with me right now so I could post some of mine. was a bit hard to work with imo but you could get some amazing results with it
They will end up like chaz, all of them will use AI and accuse each other of using it but none will admit
That kind of already happens. A digital artist, hell sometimes even oil painters (not the digital fake brushes I'm talking using actual tangible oil) will get accused of using ai because the accuser is either a failure or literally doesn't even fucking draw themselves. Some of them feel the need to needlessly record themselves doing a time-lapse video in order to dodge accusations
I'm like 90% sure this can be mitigated by using the centuries worth of pre-AI data humanity made before 2020 or simply better curating data and not scraping wildly across the whole unfiltered web like NIGGERS as Open AI are doing right now.
The tech has a lot of ways to advance, and while massive hoards of data will be necessary if it was only about having data AI would have peaked in the 00's instead of now.
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Bummer. One of the benefits of being a cloud cuck is that i can access my folder and share gens from anywhere. This was ripped off of my cloud storage and posted from my phone.

Using civitai is also pretty convenient too

(This were for a cartoon character bounty I did last week. I should probably upload that LoRA at some point)

Old ancient shit doesn't generate likes though. What matters is its ability to generate coom (That's what most people lose it for) in styles and in trends of recent things. LoRAs exist of literally every art style you could ever want or imagine by the way.

Search for it here and there's a non-zero chance you will find it



This one was trained on Claude Monet's styles (All of his works are public domain now so even you guys don't have any recent or excuse to throw and impotent rage fueled hissy fit over it). It's not that no one can or that no one trains on oldet stuff. It's that you guys don't pay attention to it because you could not be bothered to look into anything unless it fits your milquetoast hate filled "anti" discourse
That Arthur must be an /ic/ larker because no normal person would use those terms regularly or even know what they mean
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>Balancefags waste so much effort trying not to fall over
>I'm basically this generation's Lance Armstrong
You've been living in one for a couple decades now.
more like 40-100 years bauhaus isnt exactly new lol
File deleted.
but thats exactly how i used to paint
>have a thought visually or in language about what i want to paint/draw
last thing i sketched was my old dog was going to do my new one but she looks exactly the same as the boy lol
not when it exposes them as le dirty capitalist LOL
I wish she would call me massa
my mum bought me a 2080ti god it was shit wish i kept my 1080 lol
Oh my God /thread! No no no /4chan, you win the board with this comment. Comment of the decade! I hate this shit it's so offensive and off putting. I hate it so much it's insane.
I had a 1080 too, I'm on a 3070Ti now
fuck i had like a dozen gpus since then 1050ti's in my deskop and laptop 2060 in my current laptop 68xt rma'd 69xt sold now 79xtx and have a a770 as backup had a 1080ti but it died

also i love mommies milkers
hey my laptop also has a 2060 kek
never got anything between my 1080 and 3070Ti tho. through the years I went something like 6600GT > 8800GTS 512 > 560Ti > R7 270 > RX 480 > 1080 > 3070Ti
We all have a temptation to laugh at the person being obsoleted, like the journalists.

But with artists being on the chopping block, I feel bad for them.

First of all lets not forget everybody's favorite person who was an artist, Hitler.

Second of all, all of you tech people were *this close* to majoring in Art back in college (don't deny it), with the right influence from your peers. Well the ones that did threw their money away and couldn't get good jobs to pay of their debts, and now, their skills are being challenged by AI.

I don't know about you but that's sad. We all have dreams. The art majors just wanted to pursue it early on and make it a career, but it failed.

Before I have a chuckle, just remember that AI threatens everything, but the rich jews get richer.

Let art refugees come to /g/ and find a new home on StableDiffussion threads, and lets all meme against God's chosen.
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>all of you tech people were *this close* to majoring in Art back in college (don't deny it),
This is either extreme projection or extreme stupidity. Most people that actually take their future seriously would not dream of choosing art as a serious career choice.
oh fuck i actually forgot how many i had some matrox thing i think it was a trident then i bin dived for some 1mb shit i dont even reemeber maybe hercules?
tnt2 turbo le ??? 9600 9600 pro ??? x700 x1800 hd4870 hd 6970 290x 390 390x vega 56
what kinda weirdo wastes his days on twitter and then comes to 4chan to inflict their curse upon everyone else who has the misfortune of seeing your pathetic thread
I remember having a couple different geforce4 models too but I don't remember which. an mx440 and the other is lost in memory but I think it was a better model. got the 6600GT in my first personal PC after
ooh thats right i had a gtx 480 gtx 285 6600gt
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AI art is disgusting. We should make works of fine art like this instead.
is October 1st some kind of fag day?
They're not channers, they're ai techbros which are sub-human at best. They got rejected and now clog our fucking pipes with their ai generated shit.
Nah its penis inspection day so you can stare at trans dicks all day like any sane straight man would.
i only like shota dick.
>like it's a hobby that requires skill
Not really. It's just a hobby.
>you are not artists
Wasn't trying to be. Just wanted art.
it requires a lot of skill you have a specific vision and need very specific outputs. then you must do create a custom LoRa and so on.
>mostly white
How would they come up with this
Need source for this data
*IF you have a specific vision
in the future only the elites will have access to the real art
ai generated art (books, music, movies, images etc) is for the unwashed masses
Halloween (spooky month)
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Sarr I...
Yeah just remember all the times when artists stood up for other workers who lost their jobs due to automation, outsourcing and cheap immigration. It's time to give them back similar treatment.
Its funny honestly because some of them didn't even take requests if they didn't like your idea.
Like when the camera was invented. Or when CGI and puppet rigging replaced traditional animation.
You have to go back.
>hey can you do this for me, I'll pay you
>"no, go fuck yourself"
>okay, I'll use AI then
not the same, a photograph is not a replacement for a painting.
CGI is just another animation technique, did not replaced traditional animation.

on the other hand, OP just wrote a couple of words into a box, the software generated an image, and he's calling himself an "artist".

I understand how talentless people like yourself feel empowered by AI, but dismissing real talent is just stupid... like you are.
the immense cope from artshits
i'm not an artist, i don't even know how to draw.
But i'm not stupid enough to call myself an "artist" just because I installed stable diffusion on my machine.
AI artists are real artists though. Even more than painters and all that crap because they do it out of passion instead of money and adapt to new inventions in the art space.
now this is what i call cope
if you were a true artist you'd know you will make art whether you get paid for it or not
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Pretty much this. There is also a reason as to why most modern ""musicians"" are also glorified gear salesmen on youtube.
In other words, some mentally ill fuck with access to twitter will cause a social media outrage because they forgot to take their meds.
You call this bait? you are not even trying
he is right
an artist fucked his girlfriend, that's why he's so butthurt
an ai artist?
There's definitely a lot of people who have gotten educated in art purely because of local imagegen, smart autists who are forced to learn about fundamental art concepts and learn to explore a variety of styles in order to better solve problems with using and creating models to generate the vision they are trying to produce. There's no physical skillset like an artist is forced to hone as with traditional mediums, it's pretty similar to what a purely digital artist does though.
I've been building a giant coom machine for months now in comfyui. All my waifus in every possible sex position and every possible fantasy, it's my god damn holodeck from star trek.
they got the tablets though, that's drawing
When artfags will draw me 10/10 hot girls with big tits and thick thighs wearing the exact kind of outfit that I like - FOR FREE and within less than 10 seconds and available 24/7 - then I might consider not using AI anymore.
I can still draw Isabelle with fat tits getting nutted on much more closely to the way the requester wants than any AI image generator.
If you're drawing for likes on twitter you just ain't makin' art.
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You are a super duper mega gigafaggot.
It is sincerely getting tiresome that every single discussion with you cockroaches always goes back to whining about barely-related DEI tranny shit because it's all that you know.
>artist complains about AI slop
>b-b-b-b-b-but artists make shitty corpo clipart
>b-b-b-b-b-but artists draw white characters as crippled blacks with vitiligo
It's not even a question of being obsessed with the topic, it just seems to be that it's all you know.
Do you have any knowledge of the outside world beyond the shit you see on rage threads in 4chan?
>I can still draw Isabelle with fat tits getting nutted on much more closely to the way the requester wants than any AI image generator.
That's why image generation with AI is a kind of a art. It is very difficult to get precise results. For example, you have to place a simple 3D model in certain positions in order to set the correct position of the limbs for your generational object and so on.
so this is technology that gets requesters to fuck off?
or you can pick up a pencil and be free to make the porn you want just right while also experiencing the joy of having learned how to do something.
being at the behest of whatever corpo deems "appropriate" while arguing with a brain damaged program isn't the meaningful labor you think it is.
You're not what artists care about. Major businesses skimping on paying artists by using AI models that were trained off of stolen art is what artists care about.
You would never appreciate art, even if it was made specifically for you for free. Why should they care about what you have to say at all?
>Why should they care about what you have to say at all?
Apparently they care a whole lot judging by all the impotent seething that's going on inside Twitter.
>Major businesses skimping on paying artists by using AI models that were trained off of stolen art is what artists care about.
If all they care about is the loss of profit, then why are they crying and moaning about the "human spirit" inside art, or whatever?
You're full of shit.
At this point I'm sure if I want a dev job I'd just have to throw my furry art on LinkedIn, and next thing I know half of the IT crowd would be like "HOLY SHIT THAT'S YOU?"
>artist complains about AI slop
Well and I'll complain about artist slop, simple as, the non slop producing artists died out few centuries ago
Jeet level retardation
kek imagine unironically getting filtered by loomis
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>underage has never seen hocus pocus
>NOOOOOOOOOO give me the ad money
Stop using ad based services. The second this shithole offers posters money for their posts it's over.
>If all they care about is the thing that is keeping them fed and housed...
Hate them or find them annoying all you want, but don't be disingenuous.
NTA. I saw this movie _in theaters_. And a bunch of times on home video, of course. Good times.
They should just go find another job and stop complaining. Kids these days are so fucking entitled
holy luddite elitists
> depression
> denial
> anger
Hope they can reach acceptance and overcome their grief soon. Not considering all available tools just means needlessly limiting your potential.
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Lmao just give up, faggot
It seems to me that we still need artists for the small details. Like making sure the smoke comes out of the correct end of the cigarette.
They just want to brainwash you into thinking that being obese is normal
By the time they learn to code they'll need to learn to do pluming or drive a truck or something.
kek I love these threads
But as the maintainer of the Linux project his job is basically to complain and not to "do". This quote hasn't aged well.
I think part of it might be an artist fan boy thing. The "the underground band you've known for 10 years becomes popular" equivalent for painters. Some artist has spent the last 20 years studying Claude Monet and thinks he knows the most about it, and then some teenagers come, think "that looks nice, let's make a couple of pics", and then abandon that trend again, all without really thinking about it. And then somehow it's bad that normies know about your favorite artist.
Wait until the AI learns to twerk and then talk to me about based negro hoes.
I've seen some people spend hours to generate a single image. Starting with Photoshop in order to get the perfect composition and lighting. I would say that's just as much art as a painting or a photo taken by someone who spends only half as much time on composition and lighting.

And then the overwhelming majority of people just type "big booba girl, anime style, very large booba" and are happy with whatever the machine makes for them.
a picture says a thousand words just look at the image homie
But anon, Hitler was a painter that had been rejected by a jewish controlled art school and thus he has been denied the opportunity to be able to paint for a living. If you are a true Hitler fan, wouldn't having a entire generation of artists being denied the means to follow their passion cheer you up?

>you tech people were *this close* to majoring in Art back in college
I don't even have a degree in tech. You don't need a degree to work in tech, and even if you want one you'd be better off getting one in maths, physics or electrical engineering. I agree that CS degrees are not too much better that arts degrees, but most people don't even have those I'd say. University is a waste of time unless it can provide you either rare/prohibitive lab equipment or good connections. So they'd have to give me enough time on a supercomputer for CS degree to make any sense.
When artists starve I laugh
When artists perish I rejoice
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>it hurt itself in its confusion!
artists aren't one person
amateur artists can only go far compared to teams of pros.
That's coders. You're thinking of coders. Coders are the ones who need a team to do anything, and literally define the quality of their code by how easy it is for other people to finish your project for you.
The whole internet is going to drown under an AI fueled pajeet turd world scam spam tsunami. It will never recover.
I'm not going to cheer it on as some sort of culture war revenge fantasy retardation, but I know there's no stopping it either. Make peace and cherish your memories of the old internet that was.
Adam Ellis should probably kill himself, but not because of ai or anything.
whoever adam ellis is is just mad his imagination is weak. did he ever think "what would snoop d.o.g.g. look like in ghibli style?" and then draw him in that style? no he didn't.
the other guy did.
one guy isn't gonna make a 12 episode anime series no matter how good he is. spending years working on a wonky 3 minute fan animation sure.
you should know the rule number uno of chudism
>nothing ever happens
it will just be another niche and hobby, maybe a tool others use with traditional art
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AI slop genning retards should kill themselves NOW. You are the literal cancer of the internet.
fARTISTS are fucking SCUM. Holy shit. I thought they were just retards. They're evil retards.
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to be honest you need to have a very low iq to appreciate AI "art"
OK troon
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>blindly assuming everything posted on xtwatter is le serious business and a conspiracy and not just edgy retards joking amongst themselves or fishing for attention
to be honest it's getting hard to say typical 4chan users are any smarter then redditors or xtwats nowadays.
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The only way to impress people with AI is to find new people who aren't already saturated by exposure.
You'll get more reactions from other anons with a shittily drawn ms paint trollface meme than with an "awesome" AI gen.
>capitalism rendering the last vestiges of small/artisan production obsolete
How the fuck was Marx right about absolutely everything lmao it's crazy
>is le... brush, le artist?
>le le motivation of artist is artist??
People are going to make art with AI models. There won't be as many people making art by drawing. This isn't the end of the world.

Speaking as someone who gens for hours a day every day, it's not easy to get what you want by genning. The level of control is far greater if you can work some magic in photoshop, know how to draw, etc. And developing the workflows to integrage this into genning is not a trivial skill to develop either.

AI image gen is a very complicated tool to learn to use, incredibly difficult to master. I am not worried that human ingenuity will go out of demand. Only the human spirit can make art.

The "artists" protesting just want some parasitic arrangement where they get paid when you or I make images. It's very important to crush and destroy all popular sympathy for these mediocrities.
he should.
drawtrannies bout to rope
>Speaking as someone who gens for hours a day every day
you could spend half the amount of time practicing drawing and get better results within 2 years or so lmao
That's a cool Snoop
I'm a simple lad. If art looks visually appealing and grand I think it's good, if the art makes me want to vomit (which many digital tumblr/xitter/reddit/deviantart) artists make me feel like, then it's bad. In reality if AI is trained on kino artists and isn't low quality blurry shit with extra fingers and crossed eyes, to the point where I can't even notice it's AI, then it's good art. Humans can use any tool to produce art, and that includes AI, just like you can use a pen or a brush.
the people buying and selling art prove this inane argument to be patently false
You can tell this one isn't real because both people are White.
The math and experimental observation keeps them grounded in reality. You don't have that with art.
I just realized I don't remember when I last saw white people in these corpo marketing art type images. On top off my head every single one is brown and black people, from google, microsoft, apple, redhat, etc. I think there's probably a clause nowadays that you aren't allowed to put evil whites into anything or you risk losing users and sponsorships.
love seeing all the brainlet takes like, 'get a real job'. Will be pretty funny when the 'real job' gets replaced in 1-3 years.
Artists brought this upon themselves when they tolerated, and even endorsed post modern movements. Now they are surprised no one takes art seriously when they, themselves satiricized and mocked traditional art?
itll impact medicore artists, because a.i mostly generates medicore art, but thats really it. getting good shit out of it takes effort which puts its beyond 99% of peoples capabilities, and youll see this with people paying for commissions of terrible artists purely for specific fetish crap. if your better or as good as basic a.i and willing to draw someones oc donut steel snorting cum ground up with broken glass, youll be fine
Based. AI chads keep winning. Humaniggers keep coping.

>I will lose muh job!!! I can't gatekeep and scam people with "my" skill anymore because now every1 can do X!!!
then those arnt real jobs either lmao
>the only reason someone would do it digitally is to
your blatant hypocrisy
>man these fags who use joysticks are sure losers, real men use wiimotes
if your art doesn't create money its shitty artand no one will miss it
>(idk how to spell it)
Its alegria (joy in spanish) but the way you wrote it 'alergia' (allergy in spanish) suits it better.
Im gonna start calling it 'alergia art'
Only a retard would wait "2 years or so" to get something half way decent than simply getting a machine to create the same thing in a quarter of the time
You've lost artfag
black souls chad
I never said they were good at arguing their point, but at no point should you be bootlicking Wizards of the Coast or Disney because they claim they just can't afford proper artists.
For nobodies like you, "I'll just use AI" is the new "I'll pay you in exposure." You were never ever going to pay an artist or appreciate their work in the first place.
good morning SAR!
thats pretty gud
ended up giving it a try (with the model I linked yesterday) on my desktop and what the fuck, how is it so good
I hope style loras from other models work with it because I'm not a fan of the default art style, but it adheres to prompt so well it's insane. even hands are mostly consistent now, I don't think I got a single one with bad hands yet. really impressed
Math/physics papers regularly do that shit though, "rest is the simple math" meme didn't came out of nowhere.
>I hope style loras from other models work with it
That's the catch, along with the fact that it takes up a lot of storage and RAM: only FLUX Loras will work with it, just line an XL Lora won't work with a 1.5 model. It's funny you mention that because I'm actually in the process of curating a dataset for a Flux style Lora right now. Here are some examples of Flux style Loras if you want to check them out:




https://civitai.com/models/669011/michemashu55-or-miche-ponyxl-flux1 (personal favorite)



I should also mention that the Flux training is incredibly resource-intensive to the point where local training is nearly impossible unless you have very high-end hardware apparent I'm talking A100 tier hardware or higher, Which means most trainers including myself rely on Civitai or reflicate to train Flux Loras. XL and SD 1.5 Loras can be trained on consumer grade hardware though.
I like the first lora link, not the style I'm going after but it's cute
>I should also mention that the Flux training is incredibly resource-intensive to the point where local training is nearly impossible unless you have very high-end hardware apparent I'm talking A100 tier hardware or higher
bro I have a 3070Ti, no way in hell am I gonna be able to train kek. I did train my own for 1.5 long ago though, I did remember also using it for XL before a better one popped on civitai, I can't find one for flux sadly
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artfags are too busy getting better/exploring/doing projects/fucking each other to be dramatic over tech, people whining on social media are mostly all sorts of grifters looking for some clout and probably not insignificant part of them are paid actors and bots. Ever since image editors and 3d modeling software became useful and user friendly enough anything digital art became so machine assisted i cant with clear heart call their outputs fully human made products anyway. You can take it a step further too, cause after photography and print progressed enough, essential world exploration came to an end as one of the artists biggest challenges. Imagine, before photography and print you had to scout locations for your backgrounds and landscape works on your own two legs and bother morticians to have an access to fresh bodies to dissect for your anatomy research or literally rob graves.
>I can't find one for flux sadly
What are you looking for? I might be able to do one myself depending on what it is.
>What are you looking for?
yukino minato artstyle, like this
but I found a bunch of other ones I thought I might like, I'll give them a try in a bit
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This one actually might be hard to train. Not because of any issues when gathering up a data said, but because of one of the only flaws with Flux. Well I don't think they outright state at this, the people who've trained it have very likely scrubbed any and all images that were nude or pornographic from any of the data sets. This means that it is excellent at generation, and can even generate semi lewd pics. But it will absolutely not gen porn in its own. There are loras dedicated to working around this issue but based on my limited testing they only work around half the time. For me to train a Lora of that style I'd have to mass download those pics and then remove any at all r-18 pics.

Pros: it will generate the art style with very high accuracy

Cons: You can't generate porn.

For me personally that isn't really an issue but for you would like since you like that person's style and presumably their works in general.

You still interested in a Flux lora of their style given the limitations?
It's just stupid. AI slop is mostly shit and it couldn't generate anything or be creative without original author works.
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yeah I don't necessarily want it to be porn, I mostly generate SFW stuff anyway, mostly cute stuff like picrel for example (had to screenshot it because I lost the original, it's probably in one of my backups. I'm using it as my profile pic in a game)
that one wasn't made with flux (it's a few months old) so it's not as good as what I could do today tho
All right I'll look into this one then.


I accept DMs here do you want to message me there too.
I don't have a twitter account, but I followed you on civitai instead
good luck with the lora anon, can't wait to see the results
How do people like this call themselves artists? I don't get it. Could he even create something like that 'slop' if he tried?
I think it's funny.
I've done so much AI art, I kinda forgot that legacy artists constantly try to self-insert.
I'm glad that AI took artist out of the art, it somehow purified the whole thing.
how is it an unfair competition?
why is instant cake bad again?
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why do artfags live rentfree in g/autists heads? like I know they are seething, but you are feeding off of the seethe, so really deep down you are feeling a sense of relief for your own seethe by being able to laugh at artfags seethe
Paint-piggies ‘avin a melty
Do you know what Schadenfreude is?
>Image search Adam Ellis
>Results are shit like pic related
No wonder he hates AI
That's what I felt like with Scrubs.
Are you sure you're a human being, and not a basement autistmo?
If it weren’t for rule34 artists that image wouldn’t exist. Shut up.
I've never even watched scrubs and I recognize the characters. Do you even pay attention to the shows you watch?
>he doesn't get it
Autismo confirmed. Hint: JD from season 1 is completely different from JD in 3 or 4.
>"Artist" makes statement
>People comment on the statement
"Artists" are retards. No wonder LLMs can replace them so easily.
How inefficient. Such drag, too much bloat. Unicycle the only efficient transport. Go be a clown on one of those.
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Oh no, Its nearly October again aint it. My wife is gonna make me watch this and Halloween town again. Here comes the pain
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Twittertards are not artists
Btw pic related is always relevant
I can't wait until these stick-in-the-muds all die out and with it the lies they're spreading. Modern drawing is fine, and there's nothing you or them can do about it.

Absolutely nothing.
>caring this much about slop and actors
>call others autismo
go back and kys adam
And yet you're the mad-sounding one.
Sounds like I won.
> sees cute innocent little girl
> thinks about porn
Anon, I...
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Fug... My thread's about to die
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miku for u

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