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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102242966

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Blessed thread of frenship
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ty baker
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kick this kitten for $10000000000000000
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how did you prompt this? im having issues
Want to see poop gens?
yeah it's a shame, but it was better than the others.
What's the Lora.FA training mode for? The GUIs describe it as a way to reduce memory usage by freezing one of two matrices in the model. But no matter how much I try it, memory remains unaffected, but the character reproducibility noticeably suffers and raising the weight burns the images much quicker than regular loras. Is it really just harmful with no upsides?
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cool o.O
Some settings are always useless or detrimental to the results.
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I know this isn't the thread but I trust you chaps know your onions
what's the catch with hailuoai
reminds me of le petit prince
why would there be a catch, it's another AI company burning through money
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there's no catch, it's a great video model and you don't need to make an account to generate videos, that's really cool
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its Tapestry of Bayeux lora mixed with the Disgaea lora
yeah but really tho
is it gonna ask me for a phone number, or to sign up to something
there's no such thing as a free meal, or compute
no I'm serious, you just go to the site, you type a prompt, you enter generate and that's it, no account shit, no phone shit, nothing
>>you don't need to make an account
can you read?
it only asks for a phone number if you load the mobile version, your mobile browser can request the desktop version
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I'm sure it would nail the chin on the left.
In the long term, no. But I had plenty of fun training for free during Leonardo's and Scenario's beta phases.
So make a use of it while it lasts.
why so jaded and cynical? some people are just nice and let you have massive compute power for free, no strings attached
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This is impressive. LoRA? Finetune? PROMPT??
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i'm pretty happy with my workflow, but any tips on improving it?
i'm a VRAMlet
go for automaticCFG instead of Dynamic Thresholding, it burns the image less + gives you better prompt understanding
if you go for cfg > 1, use adaptive guider, that will make your gens faster
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>There are still 91 people ahead, so the wait is expected to be 5 minutes.
>18k steps
I experienced this with my own attempts at loras, but it seems Flux requires higher amounts of steps than other models?
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>1gb lora
fucking based
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prompt was this
>what's the catch with hailuoai
Absolutely nothing, it's a great model, now I hope that BFL will release something at that level
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so I can just gen shit all day every day for free, maybe even write a script to gen random shit 24/7
I wouldn't, but some cunt would, and this is why we can't have nice things
it sure won't last anon, they are doing this free shit as a giant advertisement, and once people are convinced by the quality, they'll have enough fame to make it pay for it, and that's completely fair lol, my advise would be to have some fun with it before it ends, you won't get this chance a second time
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that's impressive how realistic it is, the chinks really stepped up their game there
You can do it locally

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I can't webm, the mp4 is cleaner
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you need to change your settings to get higher quality
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kek, we definitely need a video AI thread now
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Damn, OpenAI really shoot themselves in the foot by not making Sora public sooner, now no one will care if they do it at the end, it's too late
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my sweet
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frames from every episode and 3 florence-2-large captions, caption, detailed_caption and more_detailed_caption
unsurprisingly the captions are all shit
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>A couple of people that are standing next to each other.
>The image shows Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson from The Simpsons wearing Santa Claus outfits, standing in front of a backdrop of light poles and a starry night sky.
>The image is a still from the animated TV show, The Simpsons. It shows two characters, Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson, standing side by side in front of a blue background with white stars. Homer is wearing a red and white striped suit with a black belt and a black hat with a white pom-pom on top. Marge is also wearing a blue hoodie and a red Santa hat with white fur trim. They are both looking at Homer with a surprised expression on their faces.
>Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson
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you used the base version, not finetune?
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you haven't tried the finetune versions, have you?
oh are they worse?
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>oh are they worse?
they aren't good that's for sure >>102245900
flux does img2img, and it's pretty good
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>This is an animated image. In this image we can see two persons standing. In the background there are street lights and sky.
meant for >0000000000
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Yeah my bad it indeed is shit. Didn't even realize
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berserk, saint seiya, masterpiece
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well, I finally did it. I quit testing, nitpicking, rebaking, procrastinating and posted my first flux lora to shitvitai
feels kinda good desu
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>have sudden urge to look up a massive slut I knew from high school
>she took my virginity in 9th grade
>tfw she's been through 3 divorces by the age of 28, has 4 kids, and lives in some hick town in Missouri now

heh, guess life isn't so bad after all.
Can it do anything besides dancing
cool story didnt happen tho your life still sucks buddy
check the pol thread or the hailuoai homepage
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Don't care if you believe me, it has not impact on anything. It's just funny to how how she ended up.
and that made you come to /ldg/ to tell us all?
err.. please ignore my general faggotry..
it can do a lot of funny shit, you have to watch them on /pol/ though >>>/pol/480733043
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I was posting images here throughout the day, and posted it along with an image because i thought it was funny. Seems to have made you really butthurt for some reason though.
its obvious you're new to larping
nobody asked bro
yea but why would we care if a fake slut that you pretend took your virginity is divorced and has kids
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Oh, I get it... my mistake /ldg/ was definitely the wrong place to post this. It's full of angsty virgins.
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This is insane, Holywood is dead
stop projecting your sadness of still being a virgin onto is my guy
it's still gacha, Hollywood dies when you can do img2img keyframes, however.
It's funny because that wasn't even the main point of the story, seems to be what ticked you all off lmao
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RAWWWWRRRRR..... make me angry again. I . Dare. You.
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lmao, this shit is good
People are still using the base model, right? I'm waiting for checkpoints.
>see checkpoint on civitai
>look inside
>it's just 33 loras merged with the base model
god dammit
>People are still using the base model, right? I'm waiting for checkpoints.
no one made a real finetune of flux yet, it's asking for more than 24 gb of vram
What to use from here?

Gotcha. And I'm checking the right place, right? The entire civit page was just garbage.
Impossible really to finetune it because none of the trainers even properly support it. Let's say you were willing to rent the servers required to train Flux, no trainer supports it out of the box.
there's only 2 places to look at and it's civitai and huggingface yeah
How did you upload so many images one by one to that lora?
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this shit is insane
that one is the best
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which pytorch version is everybody using on comfy? I just realized im still using 2.3.0, also read that 2.4.0 sucks ass, should i upgrade to 2.5.0, im on winblows btw
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Why TE only? And what's HF
im using 2.1.0
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>Why TE only?
because we're only using the text encoder (TE), not the text decoder

>And what's HF
dunno what that means either
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>which pytorch version is everybody using on comfy?

>im using 2.1.0
wtf that's an old one, why?
no clue lmao i just never update it ima update to 2.4
nice style, are you using a lora for that one?
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jokes aside, I just copy+pasted the upload URL and then did them one by one. you could probably get chatgpt to write you a quick script where it automates this process pretty easily using selenium webdriver or something desu
Why even do that lmao, press create - post images and batch upload

Isn't flux using both?
2.4 sucks, it gives fucked up pictures, 2.5.0 seems to have fixed it though, and it's faster too
how do I get 2.5.0 all it seems i can get is 2.4.1
>Isn't flux using both?
no diffusion models use the text decoder, it's for LLMs only
>Why even do that lmao, press create - post images and batch upload
I didn't see a batch upload option lmao fuck me. I thought it was either post one image, or post 20 at once that go into some kind of mini album which I don't really like
>not the text decoder
there is no text decoder in CLIP, but there is an image decoder which we don't use thus the file is Text Encoder only
>dunno what that means either
HuggingFace format, the tensors inside the file have a different layout and name. although I don't think it's an actual standard HF has created
2.5.0 is the nightly version, you can do this:
1) Go on the ComfyUI_windows_portable\update folder
2) use this cmd command:
..\python_embeded\python.exe -s -m pip install --upgrade --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121
*an image encoder
I meant to write.
I saw most people load this one

do this but change
torch 2.5.0 works better with cuda 12.4
that's the same thing, it's the bigger version that has some shit Flux will never use
>torch 2.5.0 works better with cuda 12.4
oh yeah? like better quality images?
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Oh, is it already time for your shift, Sergeant Johnson?
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nta and I haven't tested 1:1 myself, but someone posted some comparisons the other day and 2.5.0 with 12.4 seemed to be better quality. it was only like 3 different prompts iirc, but the difference was pretty noticeable to me. no idea if it changes performance speed at all between the 121 vs 124
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yeah, i used <lora:anime_lora_comfy_converted:1> for that gen, I totally forgot about that lora lol

thanks, can't update for now because my ISP is down and im connecting thru my cellphone with shitty speeds T_T
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yes, better colors, and slight details are better, pic related, looks for details like that she is smiling, the pearl necklace and the TV details
>fast delete of the glowie
based jannies
oh cool, do you have other image comparisons like that? I wanna know if it's still a downgrade compared to torch 2.3.1 + cu121 or not
what's that? can you provide a civitai link? I really dig that style
not with 2.3.1 .. can't switch versions now and test, training a lora sorry .. but I am overall happy with 2.5.0+cu124 .. anatomy is correct and pretty much behaves like 2.3.1
i'm on 2.5.0+cu124 as well and havent had any issues (3090ti)
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leave some women for the rest of us
So I did some testing

>So in order of best to worst of your clips, it's:





I was using 3 anyway and found it a slight improvement over base CLIP, and in certain usecases a big improvement, so I'm keen to get the time to test 1 and 2

>That's how I would rate it, yes. 1. and 2. are about on par with regard to benchmarks (accuracy on zeroshot, for example). 1. is objectively better at text, over all. The rest is a bit of a subjective thing, but - yes, this would be my ranking. Albeit 2 can sometimes generate superior detail (non-text detail). It really depends on what you're prompting.

I prefer the smooth one, it adds more small details to the image, TEXT makes it more slop
Is it just me, or are all the workflows on the sharing sites just dogshit?

I tried using ComfyUI launcher, and importing workflows through that, and even they either fail to run.
I'm not a big fan of "detail improved", yeah it improves the text, but for the rest it just makes it worse than smooth
They work fine, you need to go to manager and install missing custom nodes
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That is really nice lora aside do you have a catbox?
I promise to keep it sfw this time so the jannies don't get into a tizzy.
I won't care about their text to video until they support image to video.
see vidu
or simply Luma
But why are people posting videos from hailuo instead of vidu.studio? Are they any good?
text to video is so much better
I had to stop watching Luma videos because of the morphing, I started having dreams where I was watching videos that morphed like that and realized I must stop until there are good video generators out there.
hailuo is probably the best one so far, maybe a bit behind Sora but Sora is DOA so...
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Yah, this is /g/ I'm not foolish enough to have done that already but fair. I keep getting weird issues like random seeds not working in Ksampler, even though I've obviously clicked the random button.

Importing Via image alone also yields strange results like 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower' efficency node
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Wait a minute, Germany beat the rest of the world in AI image generation? How did that happen?
I don't want to simplify it too much, but it's really not that hard to make an image model. What's shocking is there's not more millionaire bankrolling models. You can legit make a decent 2B model for like $50k right now.
a German invented latent diffusion
Post the workflow
German science is the best in the world.
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Not just AI image gen, this is not surprising desu.
Isn't twitter using flux? Maybe Elon funded it
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what does this do? can i preview it?
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Nope, Elon just saw how good it was and how he couldn't make porn or nudity with it so it was safe to allow people to use it on twitter, and it was absorbed by Grok.
It was never disclosed how this happened but he probably made a deal with BFL that was profitable for both, this was the stolen we dream of Stability AI, "X's image generator is powered by Stable Diffusion" would have been incredible for them.
Fuck, Elon bought twitter, he could probably buy BFL too.
Too bad SAI is now being used to AWS
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Just found out that the bogdanoff LoRA I made is pretty good at bogging known characters,
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yeah I'm gonna need uhhhhhhhhhh prompt and loras if any please
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I think the funny part of all this is the hentai spammer is going to force AI censorship but not in the way he thinks. The day of the AI janny comes ever closer.
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updated forge and it apparently no longer supports SDV so I'm looking for a new UI. probably also going to learn flux. is comfy it or is there something else going on these days?
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Flux on comfy
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You ever seen a muppet get bogged?
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Here is the bogged LoRA. activation phrase is "igor bogdanoff"
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*thanks anon
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What lora is this?
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The speech bubble over the top is such a jarring break from the overall aesthetic that it borders on parody and loops back around to being funny.

that's a raw bing output, sorry anon
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has comfyui become bloatware? I remember you opened up a new window, it instantly loaded, now it takes time to load up a new canvas
Like half of the custom nodes in comfy are spyware.
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I will NOT post in the thread
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that's a pretty big accusation to swing around anon
>Hey guys just download this node to use an LLM in comfy!
>Just plug it in there and don't even look at what it's doing
not much else to do when other UIs fail to support the latest developments.
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After training a few LoRAs using grids as training images, I'm convinced it's actually a pretty good method. It functions similarly to batching, but actually runs faster and lets you train in 1024x1024
kek that was deb* fault, he listed that shit in his news for a whole month, that idiot never tested anything
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>lets you train in 1024x1024

How would the VRAM requirement lower when you use grid images?

it was much better when you were generating stuff like this >>102247205
you should at least go back to posting that if you're refusing to share prompt/lora for it
It doesn't lower the requirements, but 1024 at a batch size of 1 gives you arguably better and faster results than a batch size of 4 at 512
Any guess for what LoRA I'm trying to train now?
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That's not me, genius. He even has an auto/forge filename.
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nta but your shit looks like 1.5 slop
you could generate exactly the same stuff using way less compute and time
What graphics card is good for local image gen that doesn't cost an arm and a leg
probably a good roof desu
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incredible insight, nogen

a 4060 is practically mandatory for local gens at this point
you can get by with a 3060 for now but it won't stay that way for much longer
NTA but >>102251180 is right. I feel uninspired just looking at your gens.
What are you even bringing to the table? I feel less confident in flux just by looking at your work.
NTA but nogen opinions are worth less than debo replies
When you was training at 512, did you use bucketing or manually resized your images to 512x512 squares? I wonder if the results are better because of the square training data instead of buckets that keep the original aspect ratio as long as the amount of pixels is less or equal to 262144 (512*512).
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Needs some badgers.
I rely on bucketing when doing 512, but slapping the images into a roughly grid shaped collages at 1024 is my go to method these days.
nta but you radiate schizo-anon energy, >>102251362 has some nice upscaling quality, catbox?
I am that anon and I think I'm justified in in criticizing boring 1 girl posts. The LoRA clearly is overtrained too looking at her nonsensical clothing.
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>nogens complaining about 1girl booba
you just sound salty that you can't upscale that well imo
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Excuse me that's text-fag to you, anon
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What was that site to use for image to text prompt?
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>Disinfo-Copium-Machine go BRRRRRRRR

What a silly thing to lie about lol

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This one?
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Forgot the link lol
see attached
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forgot to say what the problem with this one is, the seed doesn't' randomize, and the Apply RUEnet is busted.
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That user is lying to discourage other artists from adopting AI tools, but he's actually using it himself.

not bad
not bad at all
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vaguely inspired by kafka
Why your images look like the chanel ones? Are you using the same lora?
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just prompt, but there's nothing in common with the chanel prompts.
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hailuoai does not understand how typewriters work
LOCAL diffusion general
>but he's actually using it himself.
Citation needed
it doesn't understand anything though
I'm convinced that Dynamic Thresholding, AutomaticCFG, Skimmed CFG, and Adaptative Guidance are all a scam.
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once more with feeling
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Dynamic Thresholding isn't a scam, you just gotta read how to use it

AutomaticCFG and SkimmedCFG however are made by the same autistic dev who doesn't even detail anything how his stuff works, he just puts a vague description and some example without workflow or details, its just says "recommended, just trust me bro"
fine I'll be the one to make the 300th post then
How rude, they're just as effective as dev+schnell merges.
>There's a full time Janny dedicated to watching this thread.
The absolute state of this place.
Let's get some fresh bread up in here...
well of course, thanks
nice img
thank you for your service
hit it
>AutomaticCFG and SkimmedCFG however are made by the same autistic dev who doesn't even detail anything how his stuff works
who gives a fuck? at the end his anti burner works better than dynamic thresholding

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