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/OurQueen/'s dongle edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102214646
>dongle with a bump
Transjimmies... one more day until endgame.
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I love me mine qveem
Is Abigail Pro good? I can't buy apple dongle because I'm on android.
Tanch Pendragon looks gorgeous
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Does your IEM adhere to the population average DF curve with my exact bass and treble adjustments on B&K 5128? No? In the bin it goes—unworthy! #KamalaHarris
kamala would be the first to support Shartman
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That's it, I'm EQing to JM-1!
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Saars pls redeem Samsung AKG earpods
Reminder that an IEM "adhering" to some target doesn't mean anything. EQ adjustments by ear are always necessary, since you don't have the same tips, seal quality and canal length as the coupler, no matter what coupler.
sir my Samsung AKG airpods that were included with my Samsung Galaxy S8 phone are not good enough, it is needful to replace them with better pos like Chu 2 pos
Looking for IEMs with detachable cable below 100 bucks that are not made in china or from a chinese company. Any recommendations?
ER2SE/XR but they are made in Vietnam now so very low aura
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>pos with detachable cable
>non chinese
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Are WAV and Hi-res a meme?
10x your budget lmao, I think your cheapest option is the Sennheiser IE600. If you don't want chinkslop you're gonna have to pay.
24/88.2kHz level 10 FLAC is all you need.
fuck you lmao, hifi headphones are a con. Any premium you self proclaimed "audiophiles" like to pay is just to get yourselves high from the presumed exclusivity.
If you buy IEMs this expensive you are retarded and deserve to be financially eviscerated.
no compression, obsoleted by FLAC that has the same quality at smaller file sizes
if you mean 24-bit audio files, it's not a meme, but requires both good pos and well-trained ears
if you mean the logo that sometimes is present on pos boxes, then yes, it's a meme
Why are you angry about products not being made in third world countries being more expensive? Are you fucking retarded?
you're a dishonest faggot if that's what you try to reframe my response as.
>recommend me iems not made in china
>ok here they are expensive
nta. your response was retarded and i dont even understand what triggered you. he replied to the moron looking for "non-chinese" under $100 as if that exists at all, blame that retard not the messenger.
guarantee some shit like shure se215 is made in some shitter country with chinese components while also sounding terrible and not being cheap. is that what we are supposed to rec?
Chang solved audio while serving his tankie distopia. Deal with the facts, gweilo
Bit depth only impacts the signal to noise level.
And no equipment exists that has good enough SNR to make 16 bit the limiting factor.

24/32 bit is a good idea when you're recording in case you fuck up the levels so you can fix it in post.
But it doesn't make the sound coming from your speakers/headphones/in-ears any better whatsoever.
>below 100 bucks that are not made in china
Do any electronic items fit that criteria nowadays?
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Dongle + cellphone look so dumb and they are annoying to carry around. The only usable design is like picrel but it's not so popular for some reason.
China isn't even the cheapest place for electronics.
India is cheaper.
They also make lots of cheap electronics in South-East Asia.
Eastern Europe is less cheap but not very expensive either, my Sennheiser HD 25 was made in Romania and I got them for about 70 euro's.
A related question: Are the IE600s the only IEMs made by White people for White people, or are their factories filled with jeets?
Filled with gypsies and potatoniggers but close enough.
that's actually worse
Cable-dongles are a better design.
>colors the sound
What does this mean? Could you recommend a better one?

It is very based, highly recommend. We'll see how well it works or doesn't work with a DAC/AMP though.
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Graphene cable + EDC Pro is so realistic sounding omg...almost holographic
My unit of moondrop dawn pro slightly tightens the bass and emphasizes treble no matter the setting in app. I cant recommend a better one for close to $50, it's indispensable for me given it also has a 4.4mm.
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>September 6th
I don't need a new dongle. I won't spend my money on a pretty thing I won't use.
>budget recs in the OP starts at $35
>when the $20 chu 2 or wan'er still btfo all of them
I was wondering what the 4.4mm is for outside of musical instruments. What's the point of that?
Instruments use 6.35. 4.4 is a for balanced connection, 4x the power.
Okay, so I guess that's different than the 1/4" screw-on jack that came with my headphones. When you say power, do you mean purely amplitude of the signal?
Power is voltage times current. You get 2x the voltage(amplitude) and 2x the current.
Balanced wires are to reduce interference, not to increase power.

When you have a bundle of cables all the cables work as an antenna both broadcasting their own signal and picking up signals from other cables.
And a good way of mitigating this is by using a twisted pair instead of a single cable: both cables will pick up the same noise which can then easily be cancelled out leaving just the original signal.
Ethernet uses the exact same trick.
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Shut up retard.
they still give more power interferencezo...
extra volts goes into powering the techs thoughbeit
There's no "interference" in audio cables on audio frequencies. If you hear noises they're caused by literally anything other than the cable. Once I had noise from the USB chip picking up LTE activity from my phone. It was a balanced DAC.
plebs will never know the feeling of superior crosstalk and better imaging because the channels aren't bleeding into each other
And why would I need that extra power?
I could replace the cable of my HD 490 Pro with a balanced cable.
Great now I can blast them with double the power and cause my ears to bleed.

No retard, it's for use in professional settings where interference is a real possibility, not to blast ear bleeding 300 dB through a pair of headphones.
>in professional settings
>doesn't know dentphone amps go to 10V or even more
Audio frequencies are the only frequencies that matter.
If you get higher frequency interference you won't be able to hear it if your equipment can ever turn them into sound waves to begin with.

Yes you can pick up interference from other sources but only because they modulate at audio frequencies.
That's how AM radio works after all.
just be semi deaf and you wont hear the interference
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>it's another episode of EElets calling differential balanced
flac for desktop, opus or mp3 for mobile
it's that simple
Opus is such a perfect name, xiph really did something with that one
Normal audio cables are shielded to prevent cross-talk and other interference.
Balanced cables are not shielded because they don't have to be when using a balanced output.
So yeah, then you use unshielded "balanced" cables with an open-ended amplifier you get cross-talk.

Would be more relevant if he replaced the cable.
I suspect he would still have gotten some cross-talk (balanced exists for a reason) but nowhere near as much.
Try reading your own picture.
Balanced is differential, it's just not necessarily symmetrical.
it's a very based format, 192kbps VBR 1/5 a size of a flac file and basically indistinguishable
>tuned for ASMR
is this one of those
>we tuned it by turning up 1 knob and decreasing the other
Both 4.4 and 3.5 are balanced, unless one contact of 3.5 has fucked up soldering. The difference is 4.4 is differential, and it only affects the power.
>basically variations with extra bass
hbbsisters we can't stop winning
>shittur dunking on deuce
the enemy of my enemy... is still a jeet retard making clickbait videos from his parent's basement
is deuce (kek) really that bad?
anybody who is actually a "basshead" likes some mid bass. having sucked out tuck flat line by 150hz is pathetic and will sound like unbalanced unnatural shit for a lot of bassy tracks. not to mention the second DD handling the rest of the 19khz+ is probably going to have mid resolution, layering, separation capabilities
alright so its a pos then
Need some QVEER collabs to save 2024
it is inserted in the ear canals so yes, it's pos
it'd need to be a collab with CammyFi to be QVEER enough to live up to the company's name
and what does india make
pretty sure it's just smartphones
you seem unaware
All of the OS and major software/web applications you use.
good morning sar
I thought furries were responsible for that
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nice of them to include a candy inside
Not India but had the pleasure of working in an outsourcing company and half the employees making our software solutions were in Mumbai.
I only had to sign off shit and manage the project.
Furries make your FOSS
>Not India
ok then where do you live
Europe, worked for Sogeti/Capgemini group.
were your grandparents born in the country you live in
Yes? I'm simply stating my observations of how much the west is outsourcing its software. MS, Apple, all of FAAG basically importing Indians into the usa. Deloitte, PmC, Accenture, KPMG etc, they basically all have a mega office in India.
indians dont write operating systems or applications i use but that really doesnt matter because those aren't electronics you literal fucking retard
To add onto this, during my first day at the office the manager showed me around and asked me to guess where their largest Office was. I thought it was in France, they told me it was India. So much so they named a conference room after it.
Back to the original topic, nobody fucking buys electronics made in India outside of Indians. Companies have a factory there because the Indian government raises massive import tarrifs on non Indian made electronics. Kinda like how Europe taxes the shit out of cars made in Japan and why Honda's now cost an arm and leg since Brexit as there is no other Honda factory in Europe left.
For made in Europe or whatever, nearly half or more of the parts are essentially made in China and "assembled" in Europe so they can charge you a premium for quality^tm. True made in Europe electronics are a dying breed. I dont even think Sennheiser is purely made in Europe for their kilopos.
I mean he asked what India makes. The context was electronics but I just mentioned what they really export.
>I mean he asked what India makes. The context was electronics but I just mentioned what they really export.
>but I just mentioned what they really export.
The real answer is tech support scams, shit on the street, and open bob messages to random women. Those are the primary exports of India saar.
we don't do this here sir, only pos
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>idiots paying $200-550 for nEw mEtA tuning
>KZ drops another market disruptor
>meta shills *radio silence*
that subbass is atrocious but holy shit the treble looks kilobuck tier
What the fuck is that? Why chase targets when everyone has different preferences?
You dont see cooks chasing salt levels for cooking do you? Thats why there is extra salt and pepper on the tables.
Luv my airpod pros 2 (USB C version)
>salt and pepper on the tables
fuckin kek
Your "preferences" are what Rajesh and Apu tell you to like.
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bought the dx180 cause of transjimchrischanon's shilling
>good knob
>good buttons
>low hiss
>good battery
still waiting for a dap that's totally hiss free like my desktop gear but this is so close
kek my LG V20 has 0 hiss on the lowest volume on the most sensitive pos. No knob and buttons of course, can't have it all.
>EQ guide
>no credentials
>no mentions of owned pos
>only pos used for demonstration is a wanker
uhh are you guys sure this shit is legit?
I used to have a lg v20 until the screen delaminated, then I had a v60 and the port broke lmao
it is on 4.4, it has very slight hiss with volurs to the point that it's imperceptible unless actively looking for it by plugging/unplugging the cable
I don't get why giant 10W desktop amps can be totally silent but dap manufacturers still haven't figured it out yet
There is no reason for any basic bitch 43131 to be 80$
redpill me on sony walkmans
Me too...
I wish Thieaudio would give us a waifu too...(with cat ears)
Wtf is wrong with them!?


*Thieaudio prestige LTD*
Reconnect with the cosmos.
You are an alchemist, a star child. Unlock your latent powers to travel back to save the universe before the (2012 CERN) EVENT
Oh fucks sake I forgot...
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fucking faggot retard
>No credentials
Oh my Fauci you're so right! I mean I 100% believe the science, but not when said science is being cited by someone without credentials(tm)! Because... well uh... he's just wrong okay?!
>baked in DSP
>low power (not a problem for IEMs but some headphones)
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Sistas, cop it now! just $140! unlock your latent powers to travel back to save the universe before the (2012 CERN) EVENT
>I don't get why giant 10W desktop amps can be totally silent but dap manufacturers still haven't figured it out yet
Mostly size. Also 10W is likely double the power budget they have for the whole device and a couple of orders of magnitude more than what your POS is actually drawing.
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I will not be buying the Tanchjim Luna Limited Asano Edition...but you can get there dear sisters and brothers, I have faith in my kin...
kill yourself nigger
anyways grabbed the luna trans edition
Anyone tried the KZ Carol? How is it? I have a qcy ht05 beater pair I use while working out or going outside and a soundcore space a40 for chilling indoors. Thinking of replacing the ht05 with the carol but I need some input. Thanks.
I m-must resist the urge to redeem...
no, nobody has. you're being shilled to by one (1) dumb faggot who loves shilling their crap (he doesn't own them either). they're the equivalent of turtle beach / razer / whatever other brand associated with making crap goods popular with brown-skin teenagers who don't know wtf they are hearing
>tanchjim origin
>tanchjim luna
>tanchjim cable x
that's all you need in life!
Any recommendations for a ht05 replacement? I've tried the memedrop space travel and I dislike the fit on my ear and the subpar battery life.
>Any recommendations for a ht05 replacement?
no. it's twshit. use it till it dies. seeking "upgrades" is retarded. it's an inherently nerfed form factor for audio where the purpose is functionality > quality. there's a billion options and ear anatomy / comfort is an individual experience. i personally use galaxy buds pro and akg n400. do i care to shill you those? no not really because you're probably fine with the quality of sub-$50 chinkshit and there is nothing wrong with that
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For me? It's Shiroi.
>BBC pos
Nothing but lies.
>literally depicted as a snowbunny in promo material
Holy ESL
It's amazing. Watch Paul wasabii on YouTube for unbiased reviews. https://youtu.be/avdH3kLoyPM?si=9r4NUqFiTnE_dliq
like i said. he doesn't own them yet will tell you to buy them and the vid he posted is a literal talking mouth for the company. you can google kz scam, kz scandal, kz controversy, etc. for the rundown of why it's a shit ass chink company
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this is who is shilling to you. a literal shill.
why did xhe stop shilling the vader and start shilling the edc pro
I never said I needed an upgrade, tranny. I wanted a replacement. Keep rping with tws you "own."
Rat fag
Go away!
>KZ releases slop with atrocious drivers, instantly revises it
>nobody cares
Will somebody think of the fucking rat? He does it for free!
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For me it's fox.
is the battery soldered or plugged in with a connector?
It's moondropped into place.
fair enough for a twshit that costs less than its batteries in retail
please fill out the following form
>current iems
>current player/amp/setup
>current album/song
>current bitrate
my vk4's are still fine, bought them back in 2020 iirc, the filters did clog and i had a hard time unclogging them until i took the filters out and rubbed them on a cloth, gently submerging the nozzles on alcohol or dish soap would barely unclog them
Not that retail price means much
it's a matter of principles and not being a cuck
it's simple, if you can replace batteries for cheaper than buying a new set, you should absolutely do it to prolong the life of your device, that's one of the reasons why it's often advised here, and quite rightfully so, to avoid twshit altogether
>waner (nova in mail)
>Fb2k/Poweramp + openheart dongle (Q5k in mail)
>Hozier unreal unearth: unaired
>~1000kbps FLAC on computer, 356kbps VBR opus on phone
The treble imbalance on these waners is really getting to me now
fiddling with twshits isn't worth your time, unless its designed in a way to make battery replacement extremely easy which no twshit on the market is
twshits are like toilet paper, use it up and a toss it and buy the cheapest thing on the market since they sound like shit no matter how much you pay
no sense in keeping something that sounds horrible in your long term "collection", best thing to do would be to just not buy twshits in general, the moment you buy one is the moment you become a cuck
if it takes an hour or two to replace all the bateries I'd say it's still worth it after a few years of use as long as replacing batteries is viable at all, but yeah, there's a lot of truth in your post
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reposting this from previous thread to get more suggestion, thank you in advance (already got suggested yincrow R-3000 and Smabat M2 PRO)

hi guys I need some advice on flathead buds

I'm on my second pair of broken yincrow rw-9 in 1.5years with the jack always failing and at this point I'm opting to cough out more than 25 eurodollars, more in the range of 100-130€ to stay comfy in the years to come

I listen to metal mostly, talking deftones, tool but also doom like electric wizard and more electronic stuff like nine inch nails and godflesh

Do you know some flathead buds that suit my needs? thx

cool album cover for the effort
I wouldn't mind fiddling with twshit if there were any twshit worth fiddling with, they all suck ass lmao.
Not many bud schizos here. One will tell you to get blue vidos and one sucks rikudougoku's dick. The one with multiple buds will show you horrifying graphs and only has them from morbid curiosity.
Real music
nigga just wait for a sale of the rw-3000 this 11.11 or grab the BGVP DX7
i have a pair of mmcx modded koss that broke on me today. i suspect the connectors got worn out.
i dont think im able to reliably source better quality mmcx female connectors and the chink shit off aliexpress is probably not meant for many disconnection cycles.
is there anything more reliable that would fit onto a pair of koss ksc75? i can modify the 3d printed part to an extent.
i was looking at those 2-pin 0.78 connectors but i couldnt find good female connectors to solder onto the drivers.
>sit back
>put on edc pro
>experience auditory peak
Several peaks in fact.
this isn't turdear gate saar
JBL C100SI vs Samsung EO-IA500
Or recommend a wire with a known good mic. Mic quality important for calls.
EDC Pro with mic version. It's such an amazing IEM for $6-8.
Truthear Gate mic version
What's considered good audio?
> 24 BIT 44.1 KHZ 1667 KBPS FLAC
Anything higher than 16 but 128kbs mp3 is fine, people can cope all they want about thinking they have suprahuman hearing lmao
there isn't, it's all a fabrication of your mind
That doesn't mean anything. Good audio is good mixing and mastering using anechoically flat, on-axis speakers in a well-treated room, without overly compressed dynamic range, will always sound good. But that's rare these days. Your best bet is Apple Music's Atmos downmixed to stereo or bandcamp straight to the source.
all senheiser bullet cables failed in less then a year for me, fuck these guys
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wtf is moondrop doing this year
I've been using the 7hz salnote zero for around 2 years now, main intended use is media / music and I don't really have a frequency preference. I like them, but i was wondering if i should upgrade to different / better ones now or just keep these. I heard the 2nd edition for the salnote zero was good, any thoughts on that?
No point in upgrading, you're already at endgame
I cannot stress this enough; if you're happy and satisfied with what you have, there is no need to explore further.
If you're curious, get something for any other reason than sound quality, such as build quality, ergonomics, looks, etc.
For sound quality, USE THE EQ GUIDE. There is seriously nothing more important, and you can get 98% of "endgame" sound through it: the remaining 2% is simply from experiencing different IEMs to get a wide view on what is possible.
Anyone smart enough can see that they stopped churning out dying breed tech (wired) and started pushing more and more TWS that makes the real social credit skrilla.

I've seen people using Space Travel in the streets but never a Chu/Aria crap...
Alright thank you. I was also considering getting wireless earbuds too for when i wanna listen on my phone outside. Same exact things i said above (no frequency preference and for media / music use) with a budget of around 30 usd or less (10-20 usd leeway). Any suggestions?
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guys my gate sounds brighter on one side than the other, but my other IEMs are fine... is that bad QC?
It's rat poison kicking in.
That's one big imbalance
IMO biggest downside of cheap pos is the shitty QC on channel imbalance.
If 3dB imbalance is good enough for B&K to ship their slop rig with it's good enough for chifi.
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It's likely. Gate's build is very cheap even by chifi standards. Buy something with good QC like the EDC Pro. All squiglink units measure pretty much the same despite some inserting deeper and getting lower coupler's length mode resonance.
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works on my machin
Awake. Unlock your latent powers to travel back to save the universe before the (2012 CERN) EVENT
>Epz G10
>Surfans F20
>Red House Painters - Medicine Bottle
>16 bit, 44.1khz, 320kbps MP3
I haven't seen Space Travel on the streets but I saw Hexa. It's Moondrop too, in a way.
are the moondrop space travel the best budget cheap wireless earbuds? considering buying them as my 2nd gen AirPods are dying too quickly and i want new earbuds (had them for about 6 years) i listen to basically every kind of music and plan to use them on my phone and sometimes on my laptop if i want to. unless there are better wireless earbud options
if you take the blue pill, it is the best and you'd need to cope with a terrible case, waifu voice command, and >>102250761
... or you can take the red pill https://youtu.be/avdH3kLoyPM?si=9r4NUqFiTnE_dliq
these also look pretty good, I don't know which to pick between these 2
*rat pill
is anyone going to preorder duality? ive heard it's the best basshead iem ever! https://nightjaracoustics.com/products/duality-launch-specials-pre-order
Based SerenityOS user
why? are they not good or somethinf
>Luna Special Edition Sold Out
it's joever sistas
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not bad!
almost got me
i don't even post here all that much anymore. nice to know there is a guy dedicating his time and energy.

hit play and enjoy the music.
What brought you into the world of IEM?

For me it was Sony Ericsson HPM-70 included with one of their phones - don't even remember what it was, but I do remember that was the time I fell in love with the final audio solution that was the in-ear form factor - before I even heard of "iem" and perhaps before the term even became a thing.
If I had a pair of these today I'd probably conclude they're worse that the worst of KZ's, but back the, the isolation alone was doing wonders.
They're fine, there's just this one werid guy with a rat fetish lurking these threads recently.
What collab is this? I cant see shit with that 700x700 blur.
To be fair it does looks pretty worn so it clearly didn't happen without your help. I can also see tabs that hold it together so you can just snap it back and it's all good.

If the ANC is better than Space Travel's pretty basic one, I'm all sold.
ok so what's the final verdict on should i buy the space travel or kz carol
Titanium vibrator?
It's twshit, you lose either way.
airpods sound better than all of the shit you fags recommend
aw man
Good morning Saar! I agree airpoods are of the most needful of true wireless.
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Origin at home
I wonder if for chinese that can't read latin alphabet (I'd suppose that's rare due to its simplicity, but still) it does look like someone's having a stroke as well.
I trust these SEAnigger pos companies even less than chinkshitters, it seems like all of them are in bed with each other.
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uh ddbros, our response??
Average post-revision KZ product.
>planar with shit tuning
>omg insane detail and techs!!
>planar with normal tuning
>hmm well this sacrifices technicalities in favor of more naturalness, like with DDs
It's mislabeled, it's not L and R but pre-revision and post-revision
After all "detail" is pretty much equal to deafening treble, it's all in the tuning and rarely anyone gets it just right to still have the detail but not make the ears bleed from treble
I can fix her (with eq)
What's wrong with this, it's literally V-shaped. That's what a lot of people want, isn't it?
What are Bluetooth iem sales usually like for 9/9? Is it worth waiting?
Also Bluetooth section to op when?
What do you do with uncomfortable iems? My T10 is ravaging my earussy, any way to eq comfort?
This OP can't even get good wired reccs. 90% are bright slop. It is better to keep newbies safe.
gonna get a doscinco
you should get my dicko cabrone
Shouldn't have bought a planar if you're looking for comfort lol.
I only like IEMs that are tuned to the Meta target.
Should have gotten the S12 pro or timeless AE, the only comfortably tuned planar iems on the market
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>I only like IEMs that are tuned to the Meta target.
> It is better to keep newbies safe.
Soo KZ it is, then
>be a newbie
>buy KZ
>wonder why EQ doesn't fix it
>never buy IEMs again
>be a newbie
>buy Simgot EA500LM
>get tinnitus
>never buy or hear music like before again
>be a newbie
>Get campfire Andromeda
>Hear perfection
>Never buy new IEM again
>be a rat
>never hear
>buy a KZ
>buy Andromeda
>hear no difference
>wonder what you've spent a kilobuck on
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Not gonna lie but these mog a shit ton of my IEMs
The only ones I would prefer over these are my ER2XR
>Poorfag can't afford the kilobuck rollercoaster
>EDC Pro
>only genuine impressions

>OP reccs
>outdated/worst price-performance
>bright af
>many are suffering from tinnitus after buying EA500LM
could you imagine if every asano shill here were as obnoxious as kz or simgot shills? i think i'd lose it, at least they just post cute pics and whatever
>shill kz for months
>still zero purchases
>gay rat noises
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Yeah its amazing for the price
Solid for 1DD overall
Thats it
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Multiple kilobuck setup. Tried all hires/vinyl rips. Mp3 V2 is all you need.
You need the highest qualify IEMs($20 1DDs) to tell the difference. Meme drivers, meme PMPs and meme rips distort the sound to hell.
for me? it's opus.
I just want another tanch that's under $200.
Why get an astle and kern player over a hiby or fiio player?
>these peaks
auditory masking will kill all the details
>masking the bad frequencies
>boosting the detail frequencies
sounds based to me
20 hour run time. Last hiby I had was the r5. 3.5mm Jack and screen died.
you heard me, the peaks are masking the bad frequencies, while boosting the good detailed frequencies, which is to be expected from CFA and their pedigree
it gets more and more confirmed that more USD = more schizophrenia
more money = more R&D expenses = better engineering = better sound quality for (You)rs truly
pre-mogged by Chu 2
I have one coming in the mail next monday, it really is pretty.
Also, what's that book under?
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>more R&D
he doesn't know
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Campfire uses standard knowles drivers and cums on them lmao
sometimes even Bellsings
>>outdated/worst price-performance
>TRN Conch (bright V)
LMAOOO I didn't even bother looking up the OP list but it's very funny indeed
It doesn't have anything to do with the driver type. The pos shape is crushes my ear bones.
>driver size doesn't affect the comfort
are there any sub 200$ iems with smooth treble
>The shape is the issue
Should have gotten the S12 pro, they're the smallest and most ear shaped of the 14mm planar POS's
Final E500 -> ER2SE deep insertion -> EM6L -> Truthear Nova + foam
i was considering em6l but they have qc issues
guess i'll just wait for doscinco to go on sale
>smooth treble
lottery, read the eq guide and use eq
>just eq bro
my dude, i'm not poor, i have an iphone
There are some $200 Tea2s floating around, with shipping they go slightly over, smooth treble but also without gimped extension like Explorer.
then you're sore out of luck, ignore what everyone else said. smooth graph or smooth treble for one (or many) person will not guarantee smooth treble for you
It has to do with the driver size, which obviously will affect the size and shape of the shell. With a 14.2mm Planar stuffed inside an already medicore shell design with fat, stubby nozzles, I suspect you're trying to insert them deeper than intended, which you just can't with these kinds of planar iems.
I'm considering retiring my old poor iphone 11 pro and getting an android just for eq
>Qudelix 5K exists
Neutron player has an ios version, no need to upgrade for eq. I still hate itrannies on principle but the devices themselves are relatively ok, mostly because the rest of the phone market has gone to absolute shit.
a bit longwinded, but some good advice about price and marginal gains
>sources don't make much difference
>people are retarded when it comes to money
there, summarized your stupid video, now fuck off
not my video, but some people still don't get it.
Where i live i need to pay 7x the original price

Will i need to download every music on my phone? Because file management on ios sucks ass, that's why i just use spotify
>Neutron player has an ios version, no need to upgrade for eq
I'm using Apple Music I need something system-wide.
I've been searching for something like that for years, honestly, everything on ios is so cohesive and coherent, unlike the chinese shit in chink phones, but all the rest absolutely sucks
Yes, this is also true for android in that the highest quality PEQs only work on local files (or you need to root). You can also get a PEQ dongle/BT receiver like the other anon suggested, the Qudelix 5K and Fiio KA17 are some options.
Thanks anon, i'll wait for a discount on the fiio ka17, it seems perfect
Before going for the Q5K, wait for measurements/reviews on the Fiio BTR13, which is the closest I've seen to being a successor to the Q5K.
>ios app
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There's a browser app now. You change the PEQ it via some chromium browser then you're done. The UX isn't as smooth as a qudelix but it werks.
I wish the qudelix5k were sold in aliexpress so i could evade my country fucking 100% tax on imports
Just measured the insertion depth profile of the Tanchjim Origin. Pretty damn good.
You are supposed to use your ears and listen to music.
Oh trust me I am, but I also appreciate quality design and engineering.
Touhou Ashibon Nitori Oome
You really don't also AK players have terrible ergonomics
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Hey, /iemg/. Pretty newfag to this whole IEM thing. What should I go for? My budget is around 20-60.
>Truthear Zero Red
>Moondrop LAN
>7hz Sonus
>Something else
Wow I'm retarded, didn't read OP's recommendations. Still though, these three options are the only budget IEMs available on my local store that are within that budget and also available on my local store. Would love to hear your guys' thoughts on them.
redeem ze inawaken
The OP recs are outdated trash based on one OP's personal bias (except the EPZ). Your store doesn't have Chu 2 but has LAN?
They have the OG Chu's. Chu 2's have apparently been sold out for a while.
if you can try them out in person do that
OP is being a troll in the budget recs. Can't go wrong with Wan'er or Chu 2. Maybe zero red at 55 but beware of large shell and bad fit.
Trn Conch or Simgot EA500ML
I think my store had that. I'll check again when I swing by next week. Noted about Zero Red.

>TRN Conch
I can probably buy these online. I don't have the kind of money to fork out for Simgot tho.
as sweet another one bites the dust
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I'll wait for a while. Can't trust hbb measurement, got nd venus and it's just bloated garbo.
Conch is outdated trash no one in their right mind will recommend. If you can buy online thru aliexpress/shenzen/linsoul, check out Artti T10, Kiwiear Cadenza, Simgot EW200. If you want to go pure budget, and can't get Chu 2, 7hz Zero 2 is your best bet.
Your shitty shrillgot ew200 is even more hearing hazard than conch.
>TRN Conch
This is a set that I own and I love, but I would not reccommend for those who just want to hit play instead of tinkering with EQ and mods. Conch stock-wise is going to be too bright and fatiguing for most people.
>conch oudated
i dislike the conch as much as any regular person, but holy fuck you need to book an audiologist
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>proper subbass bump
>better midrange
Fuck off, cadenza's still considered one of the best budget iems.
what's the iem with the highest aura?
Tanchjim Oxygen (Limited Edition)
if it turns out to be actually good then I may cop it during sale

JM-1 bros, our response???
the response is jeet opinions are void
Get gate if you're fine with cheap feeling pos.
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Nova, of course.
retard doesn't understand anything and is still parroting the linear treble meme
uhh it's yasuno kiyono chud
geez what a tard... shart's speakers setup mogs everything u own, how can you claim to know what smooth treble should sound like if you don’t have flat on-axis speakers as a reference? The Endgame IE target was precisely calibrated using Neumanns KH80 DSP + 2subs by a trained listener (HTL LV 9), and your pathetic attempt to EQ for smooth treble is just a guess without any real reference. pathetic
shartur, you're not fooling anyone...
Shart has proven himself to be functionally deaf multiple times over
i was just thinking to myself, maybe we should have a scribe retard that documents impressions, measurements, thoughts, and more from /iemg/ into a /blog/
probably one of the more retarded ideas to come up this year, but it does seem fun and somewhat useful especially for all the graphs and shit
I like this. Especially impressions and interesting thoughts. The news anon posts are worthwhile too.
the consoom and EQ writeup in the OP is more or less the same thing albeit very slow in getting updates
its called a wiki
glad to see i'm not being retarded on this one
not really, i'm thinking more along the lines of a blogspot a la sean olive or mr rin choi you know, but with /iemg/ being the authors. the biggest problem is finding someone that is mentally deficient enough to constantly come here, be as unbiased as possible, and maintaining the project
Would be more efficient to use some wiki software so anyone can suggest changes. Perhaps some git repo like sr.ht so it can be managed by mail without an account?
yeah that'd be above my pay grade, but if anyone is comfortable with doing this, it would probably be the ideal method
>mentally deficient enough to constantly check up on every bread
I already do that
>be as unbiased as possible
I'm biased towards asano-chii
>maintaining the project
I mean it will certainly require more than 1 anon, wikis are seldom kept alive by a single entity
>asano bootlicker
you'll be perfect
>require more than 1 anon
sure, i don't know how it's going to be implemented by i can help out with shit
I can make the logo
Nah but really a rentry would be fine as long as someone curates it properly. In other words, EQzo please save us...
For graphs apparently you can host a squiglink site from github pages, I could get that set up if people want it and couplerzos can contribute their own measurements via PR.
>For graphs apparently you can host a squiglink site from github pages
this will end up like dcinside's database, just an agglomerated mass of measurements without any distinction. i think just hosting the txt files themselves would probably be better, or something like the embedded graph tool on cringacle's site
currently testing out a wiki, have fun with whatever you want on this bad boy (will delete after a while)
Sauce so I can laugh at him?
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new bread >>102268232
I wanted to thank the anon who recently weighed in on my IEM purchase decision a few weeks back. I went with the Kiwi Ears Orchestra Lite and not only are they extremely comfortable, they sound extremely detailed and nice. Money well spent, especially considering I got them for ~220€

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