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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102239069

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>DC-Solver: Improving Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Sampler via Dynamic Compensation

>TCDiff: Triple Condition Diffusion Model with 3D Constraints for Stylizing Synthetic Faces

>ComfyUI Prompt Gallery

>Text-Guided Mixup Towards Long-Tailed Image Categorization

>LMLT: Low-to-high Multi-Level Vision Transformer for Image Super-Resolution

>AdvSecureNet: A Python Toolkit for Adversarial Machine Learning

>Solving Video Inverse Problems Using Image Diffusion Models

>StyleTokenizer: Defining Image Style by a Single Instance for Controlling Diffusion Models


>Stability AI’s Top 3 T2I Models Now Available in Amazon Bedrock

>LinFusion: 1 GPU, 1 Minute, 16K Image

V>iewCrafter: Taming Video Diffusion Models for High-fidelity Novel View Synthesis

>FluxMusic: Text-to-Music Generation with Rectified Flow Transformer

>OpenAI co-founder's safety-focused AI startup raises $1 billion

>OmniMotionGPT: Animal Motion Generation with Limited Data

>Study claims 57% of content on the internet is now AI-generated
>mfw Research news


>Loopy: Taming Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar with Long-Term Motion Dependency

>Geometry Image Diffusion: Fast Text-to-3D with image-based surface representation

>RealisHuman: A Two-Stage Approach for Refining Malformed Human Parts in Generated Images

>SegTalker: Segmentation-based Talking Face Generation with Mask-guided Local Editing

>DKDM: Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Diffusion Models with Any Architecture

>Have Large Vision-Language Models Mastered Art History?

>Blended Latent Diffusion under Attention Control for Real-World Video Editing

>Weight Conditioning for Smooth Optimization of Neural Networks

>SVP: Style-Enhanced Vivid Portrait Talking Head Diffusion Model

>Why mamba is effective? Exploit Linear Transformer-Mamba Network for Multi-Modality Image Fusion

>Active Fake: DeepFake Camouflage

>TC-LLaVA: Rethinking the Transfer from Image to Video Understanding with Temporal Considerations

>Can Your Generative Model Detect Out-of-Distribution Covariate Shift?

>Multi-Modal Adapter for Vision-Language Models

>HiPrompt: Tuning-free Higher-Resolution Generation with Hierarchical MLLM Prompts

>Human-VDM: Learning Single-Image 3D Human Gaussian Splatting from Video Diffusion Models

>Skip-and-Play: Depth-Driven Pose-Preserved Image Generation for Any Objects

>Sample what you cant compress
>mfw MORE research news

>Sample what you cant compress

>Reliable Deep Diffusion Tensor Estimation: Rethinking the Power of Data-Driven Optimization Routine

>Training-free Color-Style Disentanglement for Constrained Text-to-Image Synthesis

>Diffusion Models Learn Low-Dimensional Distributions via Subspace Clustering

>Exploring Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models for Controllable Image Editing

>K-Origins: Better Colour Quantification for Neural Networks

>Edge AI: Evaluation of Model Compression Techniques for Convolutional Neural Networks

>Evaluation Study on SAM 2 for Class-agnostic Instance-level Segmentation

>PoseTalk: Text-and-Audio-based Pose Control and Motion Refinement for One-Shot Talking Head Generation

>UnLearning from Experience to Avoid Spurious Correlations

>A Comparative Study of Pre-training and Self-training

>iSeg: An Iterative Refinement-based Framework for Training-free Segmentation

>No Detail Left Behind: Revisiting Self-Retrieval for Fine-Grained Image Captioning

>LongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via Hybrid Architecture

>Benchmarking Spurious Bias in Few-Shot Image Classifiers

>ScreenMark: Watermarking Arbitrary Visual Content on Screen

>Use of triplet loss for facial restoration in low-resolution images

>Lexicon3D: Probing Visual Foundation Models for Complex 3D Scene Understanding
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>training on synthetic data is harmful to outputs and
No shit of course if you train on images that have fucked up fingers, weird looking eyeballs, extra toes, etc etc, the ai is going to learn those mistakes as being normal. That's why using REAL and high quality images along with high quality tagging is so important. "model collapse" it's just another buzzword they use because they don't even know what it means.

>the extreme proliferation of synthetic data is causing it to seep into training sets.
Not really. You don't even have proof of this happening because most of the people that train these models do not open source their data sets. Even the lazy companies and trainers that do these on a regular basis not realize the importance of the quality of images and tagging, so QC has been beefed up a lot compared to what they were doing back in 2022. Models like Flux would not be possible if they were lazy with QC. Same with SDXL and especially pony.
>thats part of why meta and openai are trying to find ways to tag/watermark ai content,
Trying to make sure they don't accidentally download and I image could be a reason why. But if they are fooled by the image into thinking it's real, that also makes a good enough to include in the data set because it looks real enough for a person,which means it won't negatively affect the data sets outputs at all because the picture looks real. Perceptual quality is what matters You will only get "model collapse" if you have very shitty or non-existent QC (just mass scraping without checking the images or tags and just throwing it into the blender. That's basically what they did with earlier versions of SD). Having good QC is also more cost-effective because it means you don't have to train your models as long.


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>Is Synthetic Data all We Need?
Literally no one said that's all we need. Real data is much preferable like I said in my giant blog post. However if synthetic images are necessary, they need to make sure they at least look passable. Normies it even some of us were fooled by that Pope-in-a-white-coat gen that got posted to reddit a while back


This isn't even "haha the normies are so clueless!" Type shit. People that would typically know better or fooled too until they actually pixel peeped the image (something no one does on a regular basis when they are doom scrolling)
Even with this picture the only obvious signs are inconsistencies with how the clothing is drawn and certain background elements. The fingers don't even really give it away anymore.
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Hi debo
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the point I'm making is that the jury is out. its a problem and there are solutions. it remains to be seen how much of a problem it will be near-term nor long-term. I link those papers to show that there's lots of exploration and research happening specifically around synthetic data. its just as foolish to pretend that there is no problem as it is to post on twitter about "haha ai bros lost to their own data xdxdxd"
thank you for your valuable opinion thread schizo
>its just as foolish to pretend that there is no problem
No one is though..... It can be a problem if the trainers and people in charge of QC are utter lazy retards or hell bent on making their models worse like The people behind SD3. The main point of my multipost blog posting it's the demonstrate that people claiming "me heckin MODEL COLLAPSE" are mostly exaggerating or straight up lying about its effects. They don't even know what it is. Mono collapse in the context of what YOU'RE talking about does fact happen, but what THEIR talking about is utter nonsense
You've literally said nothing in that entire paragraph and my reading comprehension is just fine if you're wondering.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to give ME that title?
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>its only a problem if you're dumb
no, its a problem if you're not dumb as well. thats why smart people are treating it as a problem and studying it. thats why people with millions/billions in AI projects are treating it as a problem too.
I couldn't stop thinking about my coworker today
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I gave her a crow familiar but the controlnet malfunctioned in a fun way.

Thanks anon. That paint texture is so appealing, especially the details on the gold embroidery.
>Tries to argue against my point
>Says basically the same shit I said

Are they good looking?
>getting baited by debo's nonsense
newfags will learn one day
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>>Says basically the same shit I said
then I guess we agree? idk why you're minimizing the problem though.
Love transparent tech
All this drama to just generate cartoons over and over
I give up trying to finetune SDXL lol the bokeh abd the poreless skin smoothing is truly unbearable
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Messing around with chatgpt and uncommon languages is super fuuuuuuuun
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Yeah, there's a new boring reality lora. I mixed it with a 2000s aesthetic one.
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well look what you sad, peusdostable beings are doing now. nice, i guess.
I didn't do nothin
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it's ok, it's fine.
it is what it is.
what else could it be?
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Mom said it was my turn to be mini ani anon today
But she's not dancing
Where's that anon that generates very creepy vhs-like images? I want to ask him what prompts and software does he use
I really love that style
Do you think it's bots just scraping everything uploaded, or is it pajeet coomers?
How does this have 6 downloads, top row of recently uploaded on civitai, matter of few minutes.

Absolute dogshit lora, no one would ever have any use of it.
Better than mini trani has ever made in his entire existence in these threads
I've probably seen them, but I don't remember which ones your talking about
Is it possible to make animations with as many frames as his and get better coherence or is that still the limitations of local animation?
>How does this have 6 downloads
Yes, I think there a people/bots that scrape everything uploaded to civitai. But why would he upload this? I've made ones that failed, but didn't publish them
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I know right, there's some terrible shit being uploaded. It has to be pajeets.
For instance, I've seen this one nutjob upload his latex fartbox suit lora, starting like that terrible picture. Spamming for days.

Autism should never have been invented.
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>just scraping everything uploaded
>its just as foolish to pretend that there is no problem
There's no problem.
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Great colors.
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is he still melting or did he calm down?
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This is why storage devices must be regulated!
Hey /g/uise I'm looking for a nice guide to work with IPtransfer and controlnet to create different views of my character in a consistent manner.
Can anyone help me?
Making catsup.
that cat looks ready
It was a little too big
Hi Julien
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(good:1.4) morning
*has a blurry, distorted mess of a morning*
kitten soup for breakfast sounds good right about now
Prompts for nice illustrated backgrounds?
Bande dessinée illustration by Moebius , x scene
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sorta surprised it knew the logo
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This is what this board needs.
The logo is backward
She thinks it's a dolphin?
crossed wires between a nurse shark and a "white sperm whale"
she's just high and happy
God rays.
What's the today go to way of doing regional prompter / latent couple? Never could get anything useful out of them without using openpose CN for the figures so I gave up on this months ago. Has there been any new development since then?
good prompting
unless it's loras then you're fucked

also what model, probably should have asked that first
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can somebody increase the resolution of this picture, like up to 4k, i want a good look at the huge painting.
>good prompting
Have not yet found a prompt, that can mix concepts like girl with dog collar and guy in suit
>unless it's loras then you're fucked
yeah. My workaround is inpainting so far.
>also what model, probably should have asked that first
Mostly Pony but anything XL and up goes.
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>Have not yet found a prompt, that can mix concepts like girl with dog collar and guy in suit
Really? Thats not hard at all
What's regional prompting?
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look at picrel >>102258757 you define regions and each can have its own prompt. To combine concepts or add details. For instance "green hair" often also produces green clothes. So you can regional prompt the hair separate from everything else.
albino cthulhu outta nowhere
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enjoying your monster in background pics
*** [[0, 0, 0, 0],
*** [0, 0, 0, 0],
*** [0, 0, 0, 0],
*** ...,
*** [0, 0, 0, 0],
*** [0, 0, 0, 0],
*** [0, 0, 0, 0]]],, dtype=uint8), resize_mode='Crop and Resize', processor_res=512, threshold_a=0.5, threshold_b=0.5, guidance_start=0.0, guidance_end=1.0, pixel_perfect=False, control_mode='Balanced', save_detected_map=True), ControlNetUnit(input_mode=<InputMode.SIMPLE: 'simple'>, use_preview_as_input=False, batch_image_dir='', batch_mask_dir='', batch_input_gallery=None, batch_mask_gallery=None, generated_image=None, mask_image=None,


ControlNetUnit(input_mode=<InputMode.SIMPLE: 'simple'>, use_preview_as_input=False, batch_image_dir='', batch_mask_dir='', batch_input_gallery=None, batch_mask_gallery=None, generated_image=None, mask_image=None, mask_image_fg=None, hr_option='Both', enabled=False, module='None', model='None', weight=1, image=None, image_fg=None, resize_mode='Crop and Resize', processor_res=-1, threshold_a=-1, threshold_b=-1, guidance_start=0.0, guidance_end=1.0, pixel_perfect=False, control_mode='Balanced', save_detected_map=True), False, 7, 1, 'Constant', 0, 'Constant', 0, 1, 'enable', 'MEAN', 'AD', 1, False, 1.01, 1.02, 0.99, 0.95, False, 0.5, 2, False, 3, False, 3, 2, 0, 0.35, True, 'bicubic', 'bicubic', False, 0, 'anisotropic', 0, 'reinhard', 100, 0, 'subtract', 0, 0, 'gaussian', 'add', 0, 100, 127, 0, 'hard_clamp', 5, 0, 'None', 'None', False, 'MultiDiffusion', 768, 768, 64, 4, False, False, False, False, False, 'positive', 'comma', 0, False, False, 'start', '', 6, '1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5', [''], 0, '', '', 0, '', '', True, False, False, False, False, False, False, 0, False) {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "forge\webui\modules\call_queue.py", line 74, in f
res = list(func(*args, **kwargs))
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

tf is this? Appears randomly?
Reset your router and flush the dns cache, there is a known problem with the telemetry
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So um... how do I accept this?
*** Error completing request
*** Arguments: ('task(ekizbtya6vcpuft)', <gradio.route_utils.Request object at 0x000002B6A901EFB0>, '1girl etc...', 'score_6,score_5,score_4,score_3,', [], 1, 1, 2.5, 3.5, 1152, 896, False, 0.4, 1.5, '4x-UltraSharp', 0, 0, 0, 'Use same checkpoint', 'Euler a', 'Use same scheduler', '', '', None, 3, 20, 'Euler a', 'Automatic', False, '', 0.8, -1, False, -1, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, 'Flat', 0, 'Flat', ControlNetUnit(input_mode=<InputMode.SIMPLE: 'simple'>, use_preview_as_input=False, batch_image_dir='', batch_mask_dir='', batch_input_gallery=None, batch_mask_gallery=None, generated_image=array([[[ 0, 0, 0, 255],
*** [ 0, 0, 0, 255],
*** [ 0, 0, 0, 255],

This happens with XYZ plot after genning 6 of 8 images.
>X values: CFG Scale 1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5

Funny thing is I don't even have CN enabled.
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sometimes web devs will disable the accept button until you scroll all the way to the bottom, but don't calculate the height correctly. sometimes if you scroll top to bottom again, it triggers it. otherwise, you might be able to just inspect element-> delete the disabled property. you can try in a different browser too
wish flux knew more creatures like sdxl (or even 1.5)
This is über retarded, I downloaded fucking Chrome just to get through this, but it does the same. Like, what the fuck?
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web dev is the lowest form of dev and attracts the worst sorts of devs. combine that with a "get it built yesterday" ethos of a business team that just wants to be fastest to market, you end up with an accept button you can't click cuz the dev fucked up the height calc and no one bothered to look twice at it
I told you what todo lmao
Thank you for your valuable (wrong) opinion thread schizo
I couldn't figure why this would have anything to do with dns therefore I didn't take the reply seriously.
>I'll lie on my horse. that's a good trick
Words can not describe how much I hate comfy
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the dude or the software?
The software dgaf for the dude
we should make our own
how hard can it be to have a modular pipeline that isn't literal spaghetti
Why are your images always that deeply fried?
why not both?
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how could modules connect if not by spaghetti? spaghetti is the universally accepted module connection material
scratch uses blocks
It's used in other UIs too like Blender. But it still sucks. Although in Blender you can get along with less noodles and the noodling is just an additional feature that you need for special tasks like materials or geometry nodes.
Comfys implementation is just the easiest way to shift all problems into enduser space
it also makes rigging new models up trivial, which is probably why SAI and BFL endorse it as the de facto diffusion UI
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for some reason craving spaghetti.
That's why SwarmUI you can have the noodles if you need to
I think I made the best spaghetti I've ever had. I thought I added too much salt but it's what made the difference.
weird shit happening at the edge
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Good afternoon
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hello. happy friday
Not interested
>schizo containment general
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How good is A.I. at interpreting/removing halftone patterns?
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cool gen. makes me think of this music video (one of my favorites of all time)
no one asked
Morning anons
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gm. happy friday
<draw something nice already>
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>different flavor of webdev slop
fuck that redditor slop. channer uis only
Meant for >>102260807
Hello, happy Friday
not sure what happened here lel
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pinterest is awashed with this kind of shit
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for flux?
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I wish i was schizophrenic
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start working to internalize a seething hatred of debo and it will uncontrollably consume your whole psyche. you'll be full blown schizophrenic in no time
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mfw unwittingly gen'd my internal state again
literally me since 520 days
What happened 520 days ago?
thats when the fire nation attacked
He gave up his dream about being a dj
New models need to be implemented as with any other UI. The endorsement is more like "not auto or derivatives, not Invoke" and spaghetti is what's left.
comfy is a degen too, just a sanctioned one
it's all optics
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same seed, distilled cfg scale at 3.5, 6.5, 9.5. goes from a strat, to tele, to a sort of gibson
From the context it sound like rainy girl
me on the right
Found gnome user
It skipped SDXL, but maybe...
>you know i'm actually KDE myself
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>Yesterday's Dreams
Today's hangover.
Was anybody able to take advantage of the "PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF=expandable_segments:True" option? It tells me it's not supported on my platform, but what exactly it doesn't like I don't know.
I'm running win10 with RTX2070S and I'm really missing the efficient memory usage.
Watch out! Your feet might get krushed in those mighty gears.
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why are you typing in the third person?
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no pre-print update today. weird
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I didn't want to make an assumption that anon would know who I am if I just said "me". the name debo is far more prolific than me being recognizable
You make yourself look so bad holy kek
>change one word in prompt
>everything worked out better than expected
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Flux has a nipple bias, it puts nipples on anything that resembles breasts, anyway of avoiding this? I can't take my robo-waifus seriously like this.
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gn frens
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its the flux nipple paradox. it wants to put nipples on everything but its also explicitly disallowed from drawing actual nipples. its prob trained on a lot of nsfw content and then post-trained to forget nipples specifically. idk how to dissuade it from 'nipples'

Good night anon
Do you have lama cleaner? you can just erase them.
fun is his middle name
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Fixed it for you. That's $10, please.
/sdg/ and /ldg/ should be merged; this is getting really stupid
Why don't you show us an example and go to /ldg/ and stay there. Rest of the posters will join you later on...
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What does /g/ think of the chink 6 second video thing?
lets settle for /gas/ - Generative Art Society
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I agree but how do you propose we achieve this merger? there is no functional path towards unifying the tribes

you'll get people complaining about how dalle is allowed
Ran would insult others and then proceed to make his own general anyway, this is for sure.
hear me out
/lgas/ - Local Generative Art Society
/lgaias/ - Local Generative Artificial Intelligence Art Society
"Artificial Intelligence" is implied by "Generative"
lets go
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why local though? people use cloud gens like nai, mj, hf spaces, and fastflux. people use cloud for video too. thats stuff has always been in sdg and is an interesting part of the genai space
No it's not... Generative can also mean procedural. You are not educated enough and I think you shouldn't even be posting.
Fingers turned out better than expected.
for me "local" does imply "you can install it on your machine, even if its a cloud machine"
the point is that you as the user could do it like, model files are available and everything needed to at least run it, given you have the machine available
dalle-3, nai, mj do not check that
Why do you even think you have a saying in this thread schizo?
>a million tests to find the sweet spot between different things
>it only works for one seed
why are we cursed to live this existence
Who are you?
unironically /lgas/ makes more sense than /sdg/ on every level
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sdg is better than ldg
i'm a fan of /1girl/ meself
faggots like you are the reason we are divided at all
too broad
get a larger screen maybe
Yeh i guess but I'm a bit lazy for that
Sent ;)
Who are you?
it just makes sense
>"what could a merger look like?"
>*makes a suggestion*
>"but what about the SaaS people, the premium patreons, the pedos, Julien and the chinese gens?"
Yeah well then fuck you debo
You have no clear idea what this place is supposed to be, according to you
I had a lot of good will but im done and you piss me off
I hope the rest of your life is lonely and you rot forever here
/fag/ - /Friendly Art Generation General/
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/sng/ stupid nigger general
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switching things up bigly, and genning asian, adult, women. enjoy.
It's like she has a sharp mouth
sure, jan
>It keeps repeating in real time
>It won't shut the fuck up, ever.
Argh. And he keeps doing meth. How am I supposed to write about this?
What the fuck.
then why does the other thread have better images?
opinions are like assholes
You love inserting things in your opinion?
if that's the first thing you thought of, i think we know who's been inserting things into themselves
yes, everyone it. All ai enthusiasts are trannies and anyone who says otherwise is a lying tranny.
put her in the samurai garden you had going before. thatd be cool
is that why you're here then, as an enthusiast?

post a gen or stfu this isn't /lgd/ there are standards here
>post a gen or stfu this isn't /lgd/ there are standards here
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lora test, of my kute and krool loras, together. .5,.4,....to 0.
it was a zen garden, not a 'samurai garden'.
flux is dogshit why is everyone creaming their panties over this model? it's lower quality than early sdxl finetunes and is lacking so many basic concepts it's insane
the one on the far right looks good
0 looks best to me, is that good or bad
yes, Im assuming this is the part where you explain why you think you are a researcher or an artist or something but dont bother because nobody cares we are all just trannies fapping to cartoon ass while we dildo our butts and everyone else knows it so theres no need to hide it anymore and pretend like this is a tech thread
wew, lad
chill, my nigga chilllll
post some cute gens instead, you'll feel better
probably bad because im def gon be using higher than .5, testing .5 to 1 rn..
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This thread is now 23 hours old
is this an invitation for me to fill the rest of the image slots with sonic the fridgehog gens? Because if it is then I got u bud. Just say the word...
Damn, will we break the 1 day and 3 hours old thread record from late 2023?
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>there are standards here
so true

mostly because of its prompt adherence and capacity to comprehend complex scenes or intricate details. secondary though, its got very high quality for a base model compared to previous ones. most of the flux you see isn't hires/upscaled, which is pretty impressive
ah i just use mine at 1
wasnt yesterday's also 23-24hrs
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we're still drastically below ldg's 2day+ record
Remember when stability AI said "2B is all you need"
Yeah, funny shit.
every gen you post looks like uncanny slop how are you so fucking bad at imagegen? it's actually impressive how retarded you are
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