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>all jenkins build nodes under heavy load
how do I enjoy friday? I think I might order a pizza when I am done with work
Don't slop yourself up. Just go to the gym.
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Pizza's a brilliant idea as long as you can get something local
Hey anons,
I am a going to graduate in december and i am feeling pretty demotivated. The market doesn't look too good for new grads and I have been getting rejected in every job I have applied to. I can't even do leetcode in good conscious anymore because I need a interview in the first place. Anyone else know this feel? Any advice or comments?
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Sorry, this thread is for tech workers.
>Any advice or comments?
this is tech WORKERS general

other than that, fuck off we're full
>ausfag. Make $75k being a data analyst/BI bitch
>Very chill, lots of time to teach myself basic stats/"data science"/very simple scripting and implement projects with such
>Think I know a fair amount, start applying for more involved jobs
>Everyone else has a masters
I guess I'm capped at $75k
apply to every internship you can find, in this market it's good even to work for free
If you're still in school you may be able to get a practice teaching assistant, this is how i got a foot in the door, i was a master's student though
>practice teaching assistant
practice AS A teaching assistant
>RTO going ahead
>seniors from many teams will leave because they live 2+ hours away
Will they just make the ones who are left absorb the workload?
Brilliant idea. You should try out for management
I'm considering it because the devs are just goy slaves to management. All you have to do as a manager is ask for updates on a jira every hour
Anyone else have a 10yr+ career without ever really having deployed anything?

I built a few services that communicate with SQS at my first startup job, but ever since going big tech....lol

I feel like I earn one of the most precarious 250k salaries on the planet. Nobody would pay me this much to be bad at anything else
That's exactly what they will do. When companies talk about RTO these days, they already know they're going to lose some people. It's already been factored in. So the RTO will happen no matter what, and they'll take the opportunity to cut some costs and trim some fat while they're at it.
thing is it's highly competent people who are leaving and not the useless ones
They don't care. Unless they do adjacent technical work (and I can assume they do no technical work at all) it will have absolutely zero impact on them. They will deflect all responsibility when talking to their peers and their own boss, while continuing to turn the temperature up on the remaining devs
This is like a classic at this point. That is precisely how it will turn out. Has happened a million times. Will happen a million more
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Hey man, just here to say you need to build up some mental resilience ASAP because for most people in your shoes it will get worse from here (see people being unemployed for 6+ months post graduation). I recommend buddhism.
How difficult is it to find clients for web development on your own?
I'm someone looking for a web developer for my startup, i'll be honest this is what I did:

1. Look up the cheapest global rates
2. Settle on LATAM
3. Go on toptal
Israel and mass immigration from India (greencards stapled to every diploma) are the only things Vance and the people behind him care about.
So I'm interviewing at a place and the company wants references. They need to be professional references like previous managers, so I can't find a friend or something.
Problem is, I'm pretty sure my previous managers and coworkers have a grudge against me. I left a while ago and it's been a long time since I've talked to them. I really don't want to use them as references and honestly I'm kind of scared to ask.
What do /twg/
Fuck am I tired of everyone assuming I know their shit and they don't know anything about my shit.

>anon this needs to work because I have a MIR meeting in 40 minutes. Without that other anon can't do the EBITA report.

Then fast forward to troubleshooting and I get asked what a "login screen" is. If you don't know things that is fine, but why the fuck do I have to know everything about your fucking world.

please report back on how this goes and include a reference to this post.

Call and ask them if they can give a positive reference. Acknowledge the horrible thing you did, if that is the case. If the horrible thing you did was short notice then say you were stressed and the situation was unfortunate and you wished it played out different. Make sure you poke them about the positive part of the reference and give them an out. Most assholes will out themselves if they are planning to shit talk you.

If you are worried about them saying no, who cares. Better to know that people are against you than wonder about it.
Thank you for the advice anon, I appreciate it
I don't want to get into the "horrible thing you did" but I think it suffices to say I got terminated for it. It wasn't illegal or anything like that, but it did lead to me getting fired. So, I'm very hesitant to reach out to anyone at my old job.
How do you gain the confidence/knowledge to go from
>This seems wrong
>I think we should do things this way
>This is wrong
>Do things this way
start with co-workers then. There are some managers who aren't assholes, but will still bluntly answer the reason for termination question.
doing it wrong yourself
that's all there is to it
This. Happened to my team/company over this past year. Only remedy is to make yourself as critical as possible beforehand then quit with no more than two weeks notice and provide no useful knowledge transfer. Don't let managoids bully you into saying anything that makes them look good either.
This. Still voting for Trump just because it might cause a civil war but Vance is a fucking poodriller and would destroy the country faster than Harris.
Between me and my wife we currently make enough to pay the bills, invest, save for emergency and vacations, all the important shit. I am 100% wfh, working a pajeet tier job with very good stability. In a given day I put in maybe an hour of actual work, most of my day is just sitting in meetings listening to people talk.

Should I job hop to start doing some actual work just to have some more money and a challenge? I'm in my mid 20s and I worry that if I continue to sit here I will eventually lose any skill that I had and be unhireable later down the line. Or should I just continue to do my low effort, basically neet job, and ride out the rest of my career in mediocrity, for middle of the road pay.

This is probably more along the lines of life advice. But do you anons who work high intensity and high pay jobs wish that you had something slower and easier? Does anyone else feel like they aren't learning anything new or useful at their job? Is the grass always greener?
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Damnit Bobby Tables, not you again!
what keeps you going, /twg/?
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>be me electrical controls engineer at small company
>about to pass 1 year
>hey COO, I'm sure its on your calendar, but just wanted to confirm i am on your radar about my 1 year eval.
>oh you think you're due huh?
>in discussion with senior PM later, come to find out they let him go 2 years without an annual review until he requested one and he has only gotten 2 raises in 5 years
What the fuck did I get myself into bros? Am I fucked? They hired me in at my asking price which was a big bump for me. But now I'm starting to get worried about this place long-term.
I'm trying to get my state eng. license and then go job shopping q2 2025.
Pic unrelated
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money and my fumo collection
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I slack off 50% or more of my work time, why shouldn't I get another job and do the same, effectively working a full time job while getting two paychecks?
I don't have a use case for getting more money once I can have every need met at the cost of 2x-10x my workload. All that extra money is being saved/invested anyways. Eating at high end places every day, high end luxury vehicles, bigger house, etc don't really entice me. The only reason to work those jobs is probably just ego for me, or to retire early and do something at the 5th rung of Maslow's hierarchy of needs like make a startup.
can't you just, like, discuss your salary with your boss like any normal worker would?
You should, but for some reason jobs get pissy about it.
They act like a gf and that you're chesting on them. No idea why that is.
I'm going to, that's what the 1 year is about. The concern is I don't want to work for people who play fuck games with employee money.
The very limited amount of books worth reading. The limited amount of kino anime worth watching. The lack of good games is wearing on me now. Eventually I will catch up :C.
I'm not convinced voting matters at this point.
I'm not going but no one has noticed yet.
I wake up hungover, put on some music, and then wait for standup where I tell lies again.Then I go back to sleep.
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Will NEETS be issued this book if there parents lose there jobs?
bring back /utwg/
damn I miss it, you're right. someone should make it
nuke india now
>start remote gig Monday
>ask hr to tell whoever to not send me a monitor
>nobody gave me a tracking number yet
>expect to get a monitor I don't need
>don't expect hr to get back or help me in time
Why do they regulate this to HR?
Does HR ever respond in under 2+ days?
Just get plenty of certs. Look up a website called "exam preppers" which have old questions, but good to prepare anyway.
T. Someone with same job as you. Although I have a master degree.
slop yourself up with two mcdoubles from mickey d's AND go to the gym.
ever considered biostatistics?
>make mistakes
okay but what if im not bad at my job and dont make mistakes all the time?
Just use it for something else, they did the same to me and I've been watching Columbo while working for months.
Yeah I think I'm in that boat the main hr contact is OoO so I'm not going to be able to stop it.
I asked her 2 weeks ago and she just didn't respond to that message
>finished my item
>dont want to pick up a new item for the last 2 hours
So I just ask copilot for suggestions on how to refactor pieces of code so it looks more like clean code.
Try a smaller model to do the first refactor. Then use Copilot/Claude/whatever to do a revision.
Double the bullshit work.
>Eventually I will catch up :C
and what's going to happen then?
How hard is it to land an internship in the current job market? All my shit is getting rejected even with a yoe under my belt.
Why are there so many unemployed anon in the thread? Isn't this a tech WORKER thread?
I'm a worker but seriously want to quit my job and trade instead
you can start it yoiurself, anon
Sirs it's beyond over
High interest rates killed this industry
>hate job
>hate career and industry
>hate computers in general
>zero network
>wfh has made me a quasi neet shut in
>no gf
>hate city
>no friends
If I found a gf, got married, and got her pregnant in a 2 year timeframe which would be lightning fast, I would be 30. That would probably only temporarily mask how I have wasted a decade of my life to such soulless corporate pursuit. I fail to see how it isn't completely over
I've found the perfect usecase for LLMs: making plantuml diagrams from descriptions
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why do you use vs code with the "Remote - ssh" extension anon?
>How many years of work experience do you have with Leading Development Teams?
I struggle with this, because for years now I've been sort of informally doing this sort of thing, but no one has ever said "you are officially our lead on this project." I like to be honest, but I don't want to say "0" or "none", because that's really not quite accurate either. What do you do in this situation?
every engineering problem has multiple solutions
a "mistake" can be the 3rd best or hacky solution (i.e. why did we do a db call multiple times here instead of caching a value, which stalls the app by 3 seconds every time we load)
>do daily job post cycling
>see Musk company job post
>see Dice, remote.us, and other scammy job posts
>immediately hide or X out the job post
I have already done my 80-100 hour work weeks. I don't want to deal with Musk bs or give my data to scam job recruiters that don't do their jobs.
to answer the original question of how do you know when to find these issues, you need to experience an inefficient codebase
if your work has a perfect codebase (lmao), go do OSS contributions or make a personal project
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How long does it take to get good at leetcode?
and stay out
i just pooped on company time
I haven't take an unpaid shit on a work day in two years
fap on company time next time
Does any other office job have this level of micromanagement? I don't actually know but I feel like if you are an accountant or civil engineer or something you just have someone come to you every once in a while and ask you to do something not a daily humiliation ritual that's totally not a status meeting but where you have to give your status on tasks
>What do you do in this situation?
you could lie as the other anon said, but you could also refer the people looking at your CV to your peers, and/or maybe ask your current employer to make you the actual lead of your dev team.
nice LARP general
how often do they ask?
is there a deadline coming up?
do you get all your tasks done each sprint?
>how often do they ask?
Ask what?
>is there a deadline coming up?
It's agile every X weeks is a "deadline"
>do you get all your tasks done each sprint?
It's agile you don't have "tasks" it's a team effort
Please do the needful sirs and stay off this general
nvm whatever you're complaining about is deserved
>I feel like if you are an accountant or civil engineer or something you just have someone come to you every once in a while and ask you to do something not a daily humiliation ritual that's totally not a status meeting but where you have to give your status on tasks
Yes, this happened all the time as a junior engineer. What's worse is I basically had 8 different bosses who only cared about their projects and I supported them all so I usually had one stopping by once a day to ask me how I was coming on only their thing.l and would disract me from whatever I was working on.
Yes it was like Office Space. Civil engineering is for the fucking birds, bro. Licensed guys all act like holier than thou dickheads and expect juniors to kiss their asses.
So glad I got away from it.
>you could also refer the people looking at your CV to your peers
I may be misunderstanding, but what I'm doing is applying online to various companies that I don't currently work for. I've always been told to keep this sort of thing on the downlow until I'm ready to leave. So there's no way I can see that I could get anyone external to talk to my current colleagues.
How do you deal with a situation where you're not the PM so you stay away from anything above your work in that project but your boss keeps pushing you to do stuff outside your area so you have a good control on everything.
Shit's kinda frustrating because I don't have time, money or the job responsibility to be in charge of people on projects that give NO fucking benefits to myself. (in fact most of the time it leads to more overhead for me)
You don't have a job
>you want me to do this then give me ownership over the project. I'm not doing extra work so someone else can take the credit for it.
What are they gonna do if you say no? Only jeets kiss up and deliver garbage from overpromising
That sounds like garbage I didn't think about having multiple bosses. I wonder what it's like for non-STEM fields. Seems like management just loves to harass autists
Kek i did this during unpaid internship
At least once a week I'd jack myself off to chatbots
i'm sorry everyone has to deal with your autism, my heart goes out to them
10% of my pay maxes out my 401k and roth ira little guy
Please make an effort to poo in loo sar
should have done it once a day at least
bros i can’t stop gooning… !
>Work PC arrives
>No notice
>no tracking number
Well at least it's here, not happy with how they handled it but I'm officially fully remote.
I fail to see the problem
>I've always been told to keep this sort of thing on the downlow until I'm ready to leave.
I mean, yeah, you could do that, or you could be honest and tell your employer that you want more money or whatever, I guess.

>there's no way I can see that I could get anyone external to talk to my current colleagues.
do you not talk to them or to people from previous jobs?
that's pretty negligent on their end
Yes and it's been causing me stress. The company is big and has a name but they did not confirm much of shit including my background check so I was basically floating in the abyss before getting my laptop.
I sent emails today asking for the above but I got my answer so now I just start and pray my manager is as easy going as this HR department
>you could be honest and tell your employer that you want more money or whatever, I guess
I did mention recently that I think I ought to be making more, yeah.
>do you not talk to them or to people from previous jobs?
I talk to my colleagues about stuff, but I've never involved them in my job search. Perhaps I could use a specific person that I trust not to spill the beans as a reference. As far as previous jobs: I've worked at my current one for like 6 years, and the only previous job was 2 years right after college doing sort of niche work. That was so long ago that I don't want to refer to it too much, as I've improved a ton since then. Though they did like me there.
>I talk to my colleagues about stuff, but I've never involved them in my job search
... anon, ever heard about this "networking" thing? if you are relatively friendly to coworkers, if they like you and respect your work they will help you (and expect you to help them too)

>I've worked at my current one for like 6 years
why the fuck would you do that lmao
How are you all doing in the raises and bonuses department?
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oh my science it's friday.
*leans over your shoulder*
*spills coffee into your lap and all over your keyboard*
What is the comfiest console to play while pretending to work? Should I get 'eck to play halo mcc or wait for switch 2
i put my work laptop in front of my PC. when i want to switch i just slide the laptop out of the way.
Pc is cringe I want to lay in bed and gayme
>why the fuck would you do that lmao
Job hunting is a lot of work, phoning it in isn't. You do want to bail after ~4 years though because people start to catch on.
terrible idea. i bet you have trouble sleeping.
I always perform way worse laying down, you need proper posture.
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Had anyone here successfully purposefully got fired?
Don't care pc is still peak cringe
xonotic, nethack, and factorio don't run on consoles and those are the only games I play.
I'm working on it. Been going 6 months doing the absolute bare minimum and only been told I'm doing a good job
I kind of lost what I was living for and checked out for a year until I got fired. I would have been ok not getting fired so idk if that was really on purpose though.
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>drafted two emails
That's enough work for me today.
I keep getting promoted while sandbagging
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attack the brown woman.
That was what happened to me initially too. I think managers panic when you do that and think you're being vindictive or something.
>power on laptop at 9 am
>back to bed
>check email at 5 pm
all in a day's work
yes but I make nowhere near 250k
>click spammed through FOUR trainings
>updated a spreadsheet
pulling my weight
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Thanks for your hard work!
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i wrote an email last night and got a non sensical brain damaged boomer response from management. emails are a meme.
>non sensical brain damaged boomer response
kek i get this shit all the time
today my boss called me a different name, i don't even know who he thought he was talking to
Is there a name for the kind of developer who controls a project the whole team depends on, that they developed in their own particular way without a care for things like the principle of least astonishment, resulting in a project only one person understands and knows how to debug? Project Dragon, because they guard their project like a dragon guards its gold?

How do you slay the project dragon? The guy on my team goes on vacation, there's a bug in the project, I submit a fix that gets rejected when he returns because it doesn't fit his vision or whatever, he gets promoted presumably because the team needs him but it's only because he has created a wall of shitty design practices around his fiefdom and the team lead doesn't do anything about it.
>Job hunting is a lot of work
it isn't. you just check linkedin from time to time. have you never had recruiters message you on linkedin? do you even have a linkedin account?

I have, in the past. I got involved in some drama and they didn't want to fire me but wanted me to move elsewhere... I told them no, you can fire me instead. and they did.
"big tech" feels like daycare for midwits. Like they want us to busy so we don't bother the people in charge. Ever since I started working for 400+ person companies none of the tasks I've been given seemed remotely consequential. It's weird because they pay me a lot to do almost nothing. I feel like that shouldn't happen in a market economy and I'm not entirely sure how to explain it other than that the whole culture is doing that slow motion suicide thing civilizations do from time to time.
>do you even have a linkedin account?
I don't have any social media accounts, I think they're extremely retarded.
If I'm looking at jobs at places no one's ever heard of or at non-tech companies how much should I be focusing on leetcode? I got my current job via a friend so I've never had to go through the normal interview process. Looking at backend focused work in particular.
>today my boss called me a different name
At least in Outlook it's right there at the top of the window. That's an impressive amount of apathy/negligence.
You are leaving out
>5+ humiliation rituals for them to decide if they want to hire you
or do people get job offers without any interviews
we aren't in a market economy. all large corporations are melded into the state. they're protected/privileged through regulatory moats and kept in line through regulatory control. even that control is hardly necessary because everyone running every company is educated the same way and thinks the same way. further below that there's the loss of civilizational confidence and vitality that you hinted at which is why nobody cares that this is happening.
I have never been asked to solve leetcode problems during an interview. It's always braindead easy stuff to see if I know basic programming concepts.
How do I keep my cool at work, I'm getting micro managed on inconsequential shit and I am too autistic to change my routines. Did I bring this on myself by being too productive?
>I don't have any social media accounts, I think they're extremely retarded.
linkedin is not social media, you retard. and if you use it as such, you are the problem you fucking faggot.
how the fuck do you even work in tech if you are unable to use the tools you have at your disposal? you seem useless and absolutely retarded

>what is networking
only retards like (You) go through humiliation rituals like that.
>f you are unable to use the tools you have at your disposal?
I'm just not convinced it actually does anything other than spam all your professional contacts without asking you first.
you don't have to live with micromanagement. establish boundaries, try to transfer internally.
I love leetcode. Better than CRUD I have to do as my current job.
Today's daily LC is quite easy despite tagged Medium, don't you think?
No way I rather for CRUD slop #3747 than do leetcode #10
the thread resources are way too large and impractical
bruh I graduated 4 months ago and still unemployed. validate and start ur own startup. u can team up with other unemployed new grads.

whatever the case, if u do not enjoy making stuff, u will fail
its very easy to deploy something. I just deployed a next app on gcp cloud run this week

t. unempolyed new grad
I'll deploy my dick in uranus, faggot
>Establish boundaries
I told them I do not want to be managed on how, where and with whom I work without evidence of disfunction. Hope this works out.
Well done anon. Next time you see your boss, smack him on the ass to formalize the new dominance hierarchy.
I’ve got an AWS associate developer exam coming up pretty soon. Does anyone know where I can find some practice questions without having to pay money?
kek. thats why u never let a dev solo an entire project. a subsystem of it sure, but even then u gotta make sure they write docs that make sense.
I'm 6y in and feel that.
Same deal, in my first job I worked on an actual product people used. Second job, it was a library people used in some products but not while I worked on it, as it was cancelled shortly after. Then I worked on its replacement until that was cancelled too, and I have no idea if it was used. Current job is kind of research based but I guess it will contribute to something pretty well known. Don't want to say what as it's a small world and my coworkers definitely use /g/. My job still feels inconsequential most of the time and I spend a lot of time doing nothing. Sounds enviable but I actually hate getting distracted, I just can't make myself focus on work.
benchod fucker !!
>and my coworkers definitely use /g/
how u know
It's fucking boring.
I'm 6y in and feel that.
Same deal, in my first job I worked on an actual product people used. Second job, it was a library people used in some products but not while I worked on it, as it was cancelled shortly after. Then I worked on its replacement until that was cancelled too, and I have no idea if it was used. Current job is kind of research based but I guess it will contribute to something pretty well known. Don't want to say what as it's a small world and my coworkers definitely use /g/. My job still feels inconsequential most of the time and I spend a lot of time doing nothing. Sounds enviable but I actually hate getting distracted, I just can't make myself focus on work, partly because it feels inconsequential and partly because it feels like I'm playing jenga with a blindfold.
NTA but I had an Indian coworker who would often do the /g/ Indian memes. I could never figure out if he was either completely unaware or if he knew and was leaning into it.
I have a solid resume and have gotten a bunch of auto OA's but no actual interviews. yeah it's fucked
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/g/ is at least 50% indian/mexican.
>auto OA
jeets optimized for this long ago
bloody bastards, they just cheat and hope for an interviewer from their village
>using LinkedIn
What year are you from?
cans of monster energy and dreams of owning a home
You need connections for internships. Cold applications rarely work for that. I got my first two from people at church.
I was personally involved in a dotgov.gov deployment. I think my carrier peaked then.
Our senior guy just announced he's leaving and everyone's face expression immediately changed like they were shitting their pants
you should strive to become like him. he's made himself irreplacable
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RTO is happening soon and I was already planning on quitting anyway. What's the most optimal solution to maximizing how long I can get a paycheck while never going in? I was thinking something like: have covid for 2 weeks, get a doctor's note for FMLA, then "return" to work and immediately need two weeks off for health reasons, then just stop responding to anything and stop showing up to anything.
sucks to be you I guess
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ignore or make awkward noises when they ask where you are. they probly wont even care. rto isnt enforced most the time.
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RIP, Paul.
>send a few emails a day, virtually attend some meetings
>deliverables pile up
>do 90% of everything in two days (usually friday/monday)
my department is a black box so nobody questions anything
Can you get a psychiatrist or doctor to give you a bullshit excuse to keep working from home? Something like extreme social anxiety. Also I work for Amazon, we have a dogs in the office policy, and someone at my org got a permanent remote work exception because he's allergic to dogs. So maybe you can bullshit some symptoms of an allergy or medical reason you can't go in.
The best and worst kind of software always gets developed this way. It's really underrated. You can build Android by strictly adhering to "good design principles" but that's why everyone fucking hates Android.
or if you're good at your job: "I am moving out of state. Send me the paperwork to be reclassified as remote." that's what i did and i got zero pushback.
Just don't go in. If you're still getting work done all of these extra mandates are almost always bullshit with nothing behind them.
maybe you can no longer drive because of a medical condition.
I had a coworker who was legally blind and they just had him take transit in.
simply don't go in
based. blindniggers do NOT get a free ride.
1. you are too lazy
2. you'll pay a lot of taxes (since the scale is progressive), so need to calculate pros and cons before starting
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Do American tech companies auto-reject Canadians?
Should I just fake my address?
It just requires a simple TN Visa to work there anyway so why are they so picky
canadians suck
I just don't get why he wants me to take more control of the project. I get maybe it's to make sure everything looks good and it's better someone on his side MAKES SURE it looks good but on the other side bro what the fuck this isn't my project why the fuck are you making me overextend. I can't really say no no because this is the VP to my department.
Either move to the US or don't bother.

Besides, they don't even want to hire Americans anymore. They just keep the job posts up long enough to justify hiring or keeping their H1B's.
Provide a formal proof.
By the way, your superior already knows about it but it's too lazy to fix it.
>Today's daily LC is quite easy despite tagged Medium, don't you think?
I HAET linked lists.
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You are all mediocre, including myself.
y-you too...
Fellow remote workers: do you consider it to be rude to just call someone on slack without scheduling it first? Often, my boss will have some bug I'm discussing with him, and because he's apparently fucking illiterate and can't type, he'll just call me on slack without even saying "let's do a call!" or "can you take a call?"

Am I being overly sensitive or is this the most low temperature aggressive move you can make for remote workers
It depends on the company, even myself. My last company I'd be really fucking pissed if you call me without saying anything when I'm WFH. Here, people just randomly call me all the time. If you don't answer though, they don't take it to heart.

>Often, my boss will have some bug I'm discussing with him, and because he's apparently fucking illiterate and can't type, he'll just call me on slack without even saying "let's do a call!" or "can you take a call?"
This part you may be taking it too autistically. If he's already in conversation with you, it's just easier to say your point than typing it and it can be taken like 500x different ways.
boomers man
no it's really annoying and inconsiderate. bosses do it as a power play, you can't do shit about it but i reject any cold calls from non-boss.
>the final evolution of "quick call?"
your boss is a jerk. probably slav
>you'll pay a lot of taxes
This is a good reason not to try hard with most things desu.
I'm convinced my manager is taking on more work than we can handle so he can justify hiring a huge number of reports and forcing his way up the ladder. Then he tells the existing devs to come up with work for the new devs instead of managing them himself. I've told him I need a project manager for my project, not more devs, but he refused and hired a junior dev anyway, so now I'm a dev, a project manager, and this junior dev's manager as well.
juniors are so fucking needy. it's a full time job just to wrangle 2-3 juniors.
Yeah. I told my manager to set up time on my calendar if you want to do slack huddle. Dont interrupt my work
Honestly if its a quick question I much prefer that over scheduling a whole meeting for it.
If it's a quick question, he should be able to type it. It's 2024, there's no excuse for not being able to communicate via IM
This makes me feel better about slacking. My senior doesn't have to deal with so many questions from me.
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>find enough internal meetings going on to block my whole day
>Teams status: In A Meeting from 8-5pm
>"sorry gang am in meetings all day"

This FIFA's not going to play itself you know?
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sign your timesheet fellas.
Tell them to ask ChatGPT how to do their jobs. :)
I should start doing this on Thursdays so it looks like I'm ahead of the ball on at least one thing.
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>had a job since I was 16
>always documenting my hours
>9 years later
>finally get a career job
>get busted to hourly because of COVID
I never want to do timesheets ever again. Please get that shit away from me.
>tfw jealous of niko
i wish i could give up like that. i bet it's pure bliss.
Move into your car. If you're single you're getting nothing for the money you pay in rent.
as a white man i _need_ a minimum amount of private space
I'm glad I'm not a new grad now. I think it'll be very hard to get into the tech job market now that everyone is studying CS, pajeets come en mass and AI can automate as well.
nah man I don't know where these companies are where you don't have to justify how you spend time. Probably fagmen ones where your performance is tracked some other way.
In mine I have to specify exactly how much time I spend on each activity and it feels like slavery
>In mine I have to specify exactly how much time I spend on each activity
yeah mine too and i've been faking it once a week for almost a decade. stop caring.
this will probably result in termination quickly because there's a new project that only onsite people will have access to

Maybe, I have a history of anxiety and other BS so could probably get them to write a note
This but sugar-free redbull. Best paired with Adderall.
>master forgive me
>I need to go all out, just this once.
Is that worth $2k/month and not something you can get by hanging curtains in an SUV? I say this as someone who moved into a vehicle.
You need less space than you think.
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>I say this as someone who moved into a vehicle.
americans unironically do this
I'm not paying half a mil for a house in Mexico 2.0 lol.
I once lived in an apartment with low ceilings and it had a measurable negative effect on my mental state.
I can't imagine what a van would do to me.
I think once you deviate from ten foot ceilings and marble countertops the destructive effect is non-linear and negligible. Better to just embrace reality with open arms and bank the money than teeter on the edge of perfection.
You can't sleep comfortably in an SUV
quick call?
sorry pradesh i'm on a meeting :)
Man the other day I had some Indian say hi to me twice before telling me what he wanted.
That woman went on to have a music career that wasn't half-bad, as unbelievable as that sounds. Personally, I only listen to an intricate cacophony of bleeps and boops which are occasionally interwoven with amen breaks. You wouldn't understand.
My commute is so bad that I sleep in my car twice a week to get time back. It was brutal in summer. I make 110k a year.
>Personally, I only listen to an intricate cacophony of bleeps and boops which are occasionally interwoven with amen breaks.
Based Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus and/or Reverorum ib Malacht enjoyer
WFH one day a week and work it from there.
>Oh sorry I've got a flat tire, I'll change it in the evening.
>HR lady in new company sent mass email to newbies (including myself) to write little about ourselfs
>take picture(!)
>and put int on fucking company wiki.
Is this what you guys call 'humiliation ritual'?

I'll probably try to ignore it and hope she will go away, but I kinda doubt that.

I wonder if I could invoke GDPR somehow, without coming out as schizo...
You can ignore it by the HR stacy will put you on her shitlist.
Just have to cope
You're making enough money where you'll have to tolerate this.
I don't track my time. Is it that unusual? I'm looking for other jobs because of RTO and commute hell.
just post in detail about your sex life to show them all how cool you are
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>coworkers found out about the lgf
Guys, it's really not that difficult to say "no."
>just post in detail about your sex life
About WHAT?

>Guys, it's really not that difficult to say "no."
Thanks, I guess I needed to hear that.
I'll try to phrase polite 'fuck off' email on monday.
Why? I'd rather have a linked list question on an interview than e.g. a segment tree.
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Yeah but I fucking hate my job
For the autists in the thread: Absolutely no one at work appreciates hearing about this.
Doing the Lord's work, anon.
I told someone to fuck off (professionally of course) and it caused so much drama. I just wanted this BA to stop fucking calling my personal phone to have me do his work for him when I don't even know wtf he does. My boss at least told him to not call me ever again even during work hours.
sir if you don't do this work i'll be fired! do you want me to be fired sir?!! please do the needful
I'm in a position where they're trying to force RTO but of course there's a meeting scheduled after hours cause we can all just dial in on the 'puter right. Probably going to say no by just ignoring it
>oops I forgot
Can't get the best of both worlds nerds
That was the plan from the very beginning.
>currently work at a boring but stable and comfy job
>have a recruiter that is strongly trying to get me to take a start up job with big salary
what do
Tech jobs are fucked unless you like doing support call center shit and l1 helldesk garbage with levels 1-3 support stealth slipped into the job duties.
dreams of FIRE
All my stuff runs or has a huge dependency from my personal office server. They're own infrastructure is just roadblock after roadblock. Kek good luck figuring any of it out jeeters. They'll have to redo years of work from scratch.
I'll probably kvetch about trying to come in to the office more and just hang on as long as I can / unless I find a better job.
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christ, what a week.
Rotate having one coworker badge everyone in.
This faggot shit is why I will never work for an MSP ever again. Timesheets are dystopian jew bullshit.
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i wrote zero lines of code. did literally nothing. only 4 days so no point.
I could probably just badge in have coffee and leave it's a huge waste of gas though, 80 miles round trip
I survived an enormous layoff, and inherited a shit load of work because they wont be backfilling the people they axed in my org.
Gee whiz anon as your manager I'm SO excited to give you this opportunity to shine!
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>I fucked up and forgot to start something sooner
>That means it's ultra-high priority for everyone else too
>Better harass this guy at 4 PM on a Friday until he does it for me
They actually came at me with that shit, I told them that shit was going to get dropped because it was impossible.

>"well....we'll have to see"
>"no, I'm literally telling you I'm dropping some of this shit because theres not enough time in the day to do all this, if its important hire another person, if not I'll get to it when I get to it"

I don't fucking care anymore.
another interteam meeting another episode of "proposing random meme products when the problem is failing to understand the problem"
that's not real agile. read the manifesto again.
real agile has never been tried.
do they give out coding interviews for senior devops now? I'm gonna kill myself if I have to study leetshit
>real capitalism has never been tried.
>real communism has never been tried.
Real monarchy was tried and it was glorious. When does the Urbit monarchy begin.
>the Urbit monarchy
we're already ruled by jews tho
Don't worry, devops interviewing is weighted on how quickly you can vomit yaml on the whiteboard.
no one asks you to write yaml
You might be ok. I survived a pretty big forced retirement spree (so far) and they're increasing my staff to more than what it was before. I'm not concerned about these guys gunning for my job for at least 4-5 years, but I do appreciate having more hands.
>I survived a pretty big forced retirement spree (so far) and they're increasing my staff to more than what it was before
Incredible how retarded companies are. Mine is still schizo-cycling between long hiring freezes and short hiring booms.
My favorite is when something hasn't been working for weeks and they didn't even ask about it, then suddenly it's a 7am Sunday emergency.
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>After careful consideration, we have decided to not move forward with your application at this time. If you’ve applied to other positions, you will still be considered for those until otherwise noted.
What companies do you need a referral to get an interview at?
I'm fairly sure Microsoft and Amazon don't give a fuck about referrals, but I'm guessing all the other FAGMAN do.
>My favorite is when something hasn't been working for weeks and they didn't even ask about it, then suddenly it's a 7am Sunday emergency.
basically every cyber security incident.
I just worry about you guys.
I had "friends" in college that were also comp sci majors. But if I went on possibly autistic rants about some tech stuff they distanced themselves. That's why I resorted to this board.
>we're already ruled by jews tho
thats not a monarchy thats sort of an oligarchy, a merchant class that profits only from trade requires no allegiance to any people or country. The more there is interdependence the more trade is required and this empowers the merchant. The entire reason the industrial age exists is because of them. The more trade the more material benefits but more dependence. The dependence creates compromises that errode at ways of life. Merchants become so powerful but they make nothing and sell nothing. Its basically what happens when the sales department runs your company. They dont care they are in sales, they will leave the company and work in another sales dept selling whatever the fuck. /rant
yes yes very good but you're missing that both the oligarchs and the hypothetical urbit monarch are jewish. it's like arguing whether you'd rather be ruled by moloch or mephistopheles - you're fucked either way, you can debate their relative merits but then you're just mentally trapped in jew-world.
Pre-workout Mickey's is a classic that I have done since high school.
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Damn... should I just learn JavaScript/TypeScript and node and react and all that shit?
I don't use ANY of it in my current work, but it seems like that's all anyone is hiring for and I might want to find a new job soon...
There's nothing to learn. It's over.
Leetcode always forces me to implement all methods (insert, remove, iter).
take it easy
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>ever considered biostatistics?
No, should I?
I hate agile and I hate my coworker Mandeep
Sounds like you aren't a team player, anon. Our lead Pradesh says Mandeep is doing great.
Yeah anon, our Product Manager Neeraj and Project Manager Chandesh say Mandeep is working hard every day
js is the language of the web. use it or get left behiend
im in a early stage startup part time (unpaid for now, will get part of the profits) and we will launch in a couple. im pretty happy anons
oh no anon... you won't see a buck
startups run out of money. start ups change their mind on everything every few months. start ups chase trends off a cliff. start ups will fire you just as quick as big corps when the money gets tight. any ownership you acquire will be diluted. any loyalty you earn through proven success will be differed to a Microsoft dropout they hired. any autonomy you carve out for yourself through consistent reliability will be seeded away to the first middle manager they hire

you will learn a lot very fast in a startup. including many things you wish you didn't know. if I knew then what I know now, I'd stick with stability
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>unpaid for now, will get part of the profits
Look into it. Search for the big contract research organizations in australia. You'd probably have to continue your education a bit to become a true biostatistician, but clinical research/pharma has longer than average business cycle and is pretty stable, so it'll be there in the future.
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only two days left until Monday
Holy based
>HR lady in new company sent mass email to newbies (including myself) to write little about ourselfs
>take picture(!)
>and put int on fucking company wiki.
Sounds like she wants a mile of cock in her before month end
>Post gym pump in a wife beater
>"Really into paper filter coffee and live bands"
what? no, that can't be right. last time we had three.
>hypothetical urbit monarch are jewish
whats the final solution then
You just answered your own question.
>post drivers license photo
>hobbies are drinking milk and watching a clockwork orange
we need to rebuild the lampshade factory
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>set status to a standard NoHello setting asking people don't just say "Hi"
>multiple Jeets: "Hi Anon"
>5 mins later they send an actual sentence outlining their needs
>I'm working on it. Been going 6 months doing the absolute bare minimum and only been told I'm doing a good job
roughly doing this and filing a promotion packet soon
next week we'll be down to one...
>sorry chuds but line went down so we'll be restoring a 7 day workweek
Damn, senior devs are so fucking lazy
stop messaging me. you have no idea how distracting your dumbass questions are. did you even try looking for the answer yourself first? fuck you.
I don't want to review your PR, it's probably bad and not robust anyways.
The senior on my team submits MRs with code that won't even compile. He'll submit it early in the morning and respond to feedback the next day. No work done in between.
Don't question your betters
I'm lucky, most of my senior devs have been absolute killers
lmao based
like serial killers?
Im cto brah, contracts signed
no, like really good self taught college drop out devs that were way better than me
I was joking lul

every good dev is self taught. degrees taech nothing, all profs are retardde

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