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A general dedicated to a corporate DE for Linux.
Post your favorite gitlab quotes of the best gnome developers.

Website: https://www.bassi.io/
Github: https://github.com/ebassi
X: https://twitter.com/ebassi
Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@ebassi

>eBussy Projects
gtk: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk
glib: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib
GNOME Control Center: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center
Mutter: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter
Amberol: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/amberol
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I see no use case for this thread, I'm going to close it right now
How do I remove Gnome from Linux Mint? Chatgpt couldn't do it...
you need to remove all the gnome-related packages in reverse direction
sudo systemctl stop gdm
sudo systemctl disable gdm
sudo apt remove -f gnome

or something like that
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What's the usecase for this thread?
What's the best way to follow ebussy on gitlab?
Is there an RSS feed or something?
There is an extension you could use to show if a website has a RSS feed open, try this and see what you get.

If your RSS Reader can do it, add a filter to only show items that include "commented" in the title.
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more users means more donations
And his discourse posts

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More money
Less features
>gnone foundation in the brink of bankruptcy
>people making threads to convince anons to give them money
It's over isn't it?
St. Eboosy, how are we going to demolish the tinkerch- uhhh tinkertrannies once and for all?
they are telling me to "develop critical thinking skills" or some dumb shit and my african american brain just fallbacks to you for help!
I like Adwaita :)
same I dislike a lot of what GNOME does but my cinnamon desktop and xfce desktop both use adwaita. All the other themes like juvenile compared to Adwaita
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What is the usecase for Ebussy?
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ebussy gassy
He looks like a gnome! I finally understand!
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Come on guys, let's not bully ebased so much. There are many other lolcows at gnome too!
GTK5 will be wayland only
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do you have someone specific in mind?
Any ETA when the wiki will be back?
Need to expand it a bit.
allan day
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For me, it's TheEvilSkeleton
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GNOME developers complain a lot about brigading but they don't mind doing it on other projects, like with SerenityOS a few months ago.
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oh, wait, so now money is good?
what sort of twisted christcuck mentality is that in which offering a product for a fee is evil but begging for alms like a vermin is virtuous?
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Is there anyone likeable in the Gnome project? No wonder Gnome was always garbage.
This tranny is doing permanent gaslighting.
When people complain about gnome devs being pretentious, he turns it around and says that the one complaining is actually the bad behaving one.
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the reviews on the gnome store are the best
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The fact that the GTK file chooser is a complete abomination is a major reason the year of the Linux desktop never came.
>no volume control specific to the GNOME music app

Yeah this is the biggest lolcow in FOSS. I mean their "waifu" is literally Google Chrome
Just switch to Cinnamon

It's like KDE but without the krashes and compilation time
Cinnamon sucks, you can't turn off vsync
Use Xfce or LXQt
>Just switch to Cinnamon
I did a long time ago. Unfortunately the gtk dialogs like the file chooser still suck ass.
>you can't turn off vsync
What's the use case of screen tearing?
Those are all people who used Windows and tried to switch to Linux and had GNOME as the default.
Many of them will switch back to Windows because of the bad experience of GNOME.
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>remove a feature
>tell users to implement the feature themselves
he did this with toolbars and actions too. what's even the point of using gtk4 if I'm going to have to implement everything myself? 25 years of "development" only to end up as worse electron. in the future there is only going to be one widget: GtkDiv, and doing anything with it will require ~500 g_object calls. man I really love emulating OOP in C, it feels so natural and efficient
why do I have to suffer like this? I only need 1 (one) gui toolkit with:
- tables (and checkbox cells)
- text entry autocompletion
- toolbars
- c api
that's all I'm asking for
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no just bad
Gnome has always been shit.
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wtf I like wikipedia now
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I don't think iced has tables. slint has tables but no "checkbox" columns (like pic related). fltk is the closest, and it is the easier one for me to add the missing parts
the only problem is that both the table and the text completion model need to support millions of rows without lagging, slint and gtk4 have "virtual rows" (they don't try to render the rows that aren't visible) but I'm not sure if fltk has that optimization. I guess I will have to implement it myself in c++ and then expose a c api
I always forgot to ask.
Shouldn't people be grateful that community is finding corner cases?
If given use case is invalid, then this should be restricted by some exceptions / errors? Or at least it should be noted in backlog?
there is a daemon running in gnome that instantly kills all unsanctioned processes.
Doesn't it require lots of keyboard shortcuts to work efficiently?
So GNOME is a tablet UI while actually not being useful on tablet.
>good code doesnt matter if you suck troon dick
well that explains a lot about gnome
keep your friends close..
Yeah, it's menus are also far too small for tablet usage.
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All of them.
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everybody always forgets the original usecase guy
>gathering intel on ebussy
the akent
I hate this guy.
No Hate.
It's also unusable on a desktop, because it tries to be usable on a touch screen. So it fails in both cases. Gnome is unusable because they haven't found a use case for it yet.
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>gimp cant draw a circle
>bug opened 22 years ago
Ahahaha who made that edit? Bussi himself?
I use Gnome and I look like this.
Where is the webm of Ebussy pole dancing. I only saw it once and forgot to save it.
why does gnome run like shit on wayland, i have stutter and sometimes a frame prior to the current one is being rendered
gnome runs like shit on x too
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>Tray icon was removed because ebussy couldn't get it work on wayland
what the fuck?
i don't get why they don't just make it a gtk specification so is used universlly
He did bring it back for GNOME 44 but it's Flatpak only kek.
this issue is older than me wtf
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After trying out all the DE and dealing with all sort of bugs and krashes, I ended up back where I was started. GNOME.
Ebussy-sama, I FUARKING KNEEL!
This one is the best one
>Oy vey they know. Shut it down!
BTW, BrainBlasted is the one of the faggots involved in the twitter fight that GNOME had with System76 over GTK4, libadwaita and GNOME 40+. Been trying to archive some of the tweets but unfortunely GNOME is filled with fragile leftists that deleted their account when Elon Musk bought Twitter. Anyway, when they announced that they wouldn't use GTK for Cosmic, he attacked their decision by saying iced isn't a11y compliant or have any accessibility and tried to paint System76's Cosmic as ableist.

Additional tweets related to System76:
>This thread seems contrary to the central tenets of the GNOME 3 design.
>An icon view seems contrary to the central tenets of the GNOME 3 design.
>Drag and drop seems contrary to the central tenets of the GNOME 3 design.
kek, make this a thing
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Use case for powering off your system?
Use case for loading music files in a music player?
Use case for quality control?
Use case for keeping politics out of software?
Use case for extensions?
Use case for accessibility?
Use case for changing volume?
Use case for platform compatibility?
Use case for consistent icons?
Use case for sorting files?
Use case for circles?
Use case for navigating the filesystem?
Use case for drag and drop?
Use case for legible text?
Use case for bug reports?
Use case for native theming?
GNOME is a great example of what not to do
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It's a shame that GNOME is so fucked, because GTK otherwise feels more aligned with the UNIX ethos. Qt just tries to do everything.
This is correct though. Letting extensions fill in gaps in functionality is a red flag. Power users think the experience is fine and casual users think it isn't finished. If you have the option of finishing a project over supporting extensions you should always do that.

Not that I'm saying GNOME is finished or even good, but his thinking is right.
StatusNotifier is the protocol that is actually used today. What bussy is referring to is an x11 specification that was functionally worse by all metrics (not that quality is a metric for bussy). He isn't wrong about StatusNotifier sucking but if you're writing a tray you just have to deal with it because thats what everyone uses.
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Thank you, committees
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Best president
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What's the goal of the GNOME foundation?
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>Gnome Circle
The only sane GNOME dev is a based brazilian named Georges Stavracas. He is the guy that decided to take up the task to end the thumbnails in file picker meme. In general, he implements a lot of helpful QOL features. He was always helpful and never had a bad reaction, terrible take, or started drama. He ended up leaving the foundation but is still a member that contributes every now and then.
uhhh is that anal sex?
I do not like GNOME.
Qt feels much more traditional. GTK is just trying to be different and I can't take it seriously for not just adding a fucking icon view to the file picker. GTK3 is so hard to theme too and why are all the widgets so fucking big?
He rejected it because it was made by KDE, kek
They are slowly boiling the frog. Gtk3 preserved some theming abilities, to not steer to much drama. Starting with gtk4 it is really over.
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Wrong image sister
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Chinese KDE
desktop environments are like ethnicity; some are better than others, and can't coexist because of it.
The only non-broken Linux DE is tiling window manager.
only evolving things break, as a part of the progress. that which is deprecated, doesn't break, it just needs constant patching in order to not fall apart. gnome is the roman empire of desktop. everything else is just irrelevant plebian outposts.

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