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A Shitty Simulacrum Edition
When are cherry styles switches just cherry clones or an entirely different switch?
I can’t wait.

Wtf is that?
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>preview video
>asmr shaking and table surface rolling
>cookie cutter hype music swells in with a pan over to an even more cookie cutter 60% RGB keyboard
>bandpass kicks and the ogre sized hands responsible for the asmr ear rape begins to type with the fucking fluffy audiophile mic
>sounds generic as fuck
All for Gaterons that cost a fucking dollar a piece. At least they captured the most stereotypical keyboard review/preview video however.
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I reassembled my daring run flip and now it's reading all the numrow keys as being f-keys. wtf man
I'm not paying for Optical switches
HE keyboards are trash.
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>le comfy sound/aesthetic angle on a preview
>for gigasweat "i-spend-hours-daily-in-aimtrainers" HE switches
I feel like they are tragically missing the point.
Interesting keyboard
Minuteman III
I just want more sub-$300 customs having some extra shape to them. The great boards of the 80s were not all flat-faced boxes, there were pen rails and scooped-out centers and recessed indicator panels and high rear bezels and raised badges and more. I want more of that. I know it's more expensive to cnc but there's got to be a way
Why must the masses be deprived of such sovl?
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>it's been four years
>and I've spent over $2,000 on various parts
>but if my recent purchase actually ships out next year
>I'll finally have one keyboard I like
>better check theremingoat's latest switch review
>don't want to miss out on the newest Chinese plastic grift while I wait on my group buy
this 'hobby' is fuckin' dumb
Sounds self inflicted, I'm happy with my kit and the only thing I want I don't really need but would buy if a good board comes out. Split chads stay winning because we're already optimized
I'd like to spend in the "hobby" but I love my current board so much I don't even know where to start.
Not even an expensive setup, it's a Bridge75 with Princess tactiles and a GMK clone set.
>sounds self inflicted
it's hard to imagine the insecurity that must be baked into taking a shitpost like that literally
only a matter of time before the remaining bespoke vendors collapse
this was a one-and-done market for most and pre-built vendors now have too many offerings designed to scoop up future keebtards without a full retard business model
It's hard imagining you quoting the wrong post lmao
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New caps arrived
What form factor?
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ergo is the only semi-retarded way to keep the lights on for small builders, last thread really signals that. Since field is extremely underexplored some of the current enthusiasts crowd have a chance to keep the ball rolling for some time. Amount of knowledge needed to innovate is way beyond your typical cnc operator and everybody and their mom got a 3d printer, so mediocres WILL get washed out quickly.
How long did you have the princess for ? I loved mine but at least half of them started chattering and doubling my inputs within a couple months. I kept swapping them out so often I ended up just moving back to kailh box pink.
I have actually looked into this myself recently. You CAN get custom exotic layout keyboards reminiscent from the 80s, I have plans myself to do one or two. If you use the site keyboard layout editor you can recreate whatever layout you want and then generate a JSON file of the design. Then what you do is go to builder.swillkb.com and upload the the JSON file with whatever switch parameters or edge width you like and the site will generate a DXF file of a keyboard switch plate designed around the layout you want. Then you can go to a laser cutting website of your choice which has a DXF instant order service and get the plates in your choice of metal, MDF or acrylic from anywhere between $60-$130 dollars from my experience.

Once it has a arrived you can just plug the switches into the plate and then hand wire them in a standard matix format (its piss easy trust me) and then hook it up to a microcontroller flashed with QMK firmware which you can program to whatever layout you like with your build. All you need to do then is build a housing for the plate to sit on which can either be a box shape like >>102260318 or >>102260330 or you can do more complex shapes. With the former its easy woodwork or you get a handy man to do it for less than $40 and then you can use paint of your choice. Or you can use modelling software like fusion 360 or if you are feeling adventurous blender and make whatever shaped enclosure you like and hollow it out. Then find a 3d printing farm and get them to print out the model enclosure and then assemble from there. You can do all of that for bellow $300 easy with fairly minimum DIY for what is involved.
I poked at my huntsman v2 in several ways to make it good for typing since I type all day long. In stock mode it was basically an arthritis speedrunner especially with the brutal metal pinging. Now it's soft and pliable and dare I say excellent. I have zero fatigue typing on it, the only reason I modded it was I got redpilled on keyboards lately and I didn't want to turn my huntsman into ewaste just so I could CONSOOM a fully customized board with creamy marble thocks.
I lubed the razer, replaced the foam pad with a thicker one, added foam between the pcb and metal plate because I wanted to try everything to reduce the metallic ping and painful reverb after each keystroke, and used double washers for mounting it on every screw point. You should see how ridiculous it is but damn if it doesn't feel far better than stock mode.
Why are these keycaps so nice? Is there any cheap alternative?
I think I've had them for 2 months or so, haven't noticed any issue yet. I'm using the 48g V3 model.
They recently released a V4 version that I haven't seen anyone review yet, they might be holding up for longer.
60 + numpad is such a sensible layout. I've got everything I need. Numpad nav just works.

Does anyone know where I can find MX lock switches? Would like one for my numlock.

...are they, though?
>...are they, though?
look those beautiful colors. So much soul...
I don't even know what version I have. I didn't even know there were multiple versions. V1 maybe ? How can you even tell ?
Is this what keyboard consoomers actually act like? I really don't fucking get how you people will spend 100+ dollars on slightly changed color swapped set of cherry switches that haven't even been fucking made yet. There are so many different keyboard designs out there, but keyboard consoomers will always stick to the same switch patent and keyboard percentage layout format with slightly different materials. At least Dactyl Manuform fags are autistic enough to use what they build but there are actual faggots out there who will pay $1000s of dollars for keyboard parts he does not have to build a keyboard years from now. I will repeat: YOU ARE WAITING 4 FUCKING YEARS TO MAKE A KEYBOARDTHAT HAS COSTED YOU HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS

Am I the only anon here who sees how mind-numbingly fucked that is? Something designed for regular use and is expensive because it makes mundane tasks easier cannot even be experienced years from purchase. Years that people bought these cherry keyboards for in the first place. Yet here you are, cognisant and aware at the sheer retardation of such a market as if it somehow makes it easier. You anon are the reason why fucking gay keyboard marketing exists. YOU ANON. You are collecting receipts and vaporware while your hands tap away on a keyboard you are likely going to be comfortable using for the rest of your hopefully young adult life. If you can do that to begin with why fucking hang yourself with payed influencers and Chinese plastic manufacturing companies?

Look at your PayPal receipts and then take one look at yourself in the mirror anon. Then ask yourself how much older you will look by the time your squeaky hen 135% metal bubble frame board arrives.
Ok I have V1s because classic style POM stem. The sound good they feel good. But unreliable. I don't' know if I had a bad batch but it's not like you can get good info about anything these days
>I don't' know if I had a bad batch but it's not like you can get good info about anything these days
For sure, best luck might to lurk around Bilibili and other chinese community hubs.
>how mind-numbingly fucked that is
>You anon are the reason why fucking gay keyboard marketing exists
>At least Dactyl Manuform fags are autistic enough to use what they build but there are actual faggots out there
>autism fags fucked mind-numbingly fucked CAPS LOCK SHOUTING FUCKING YOU ARE DUMB, YOU YOU YOU. le chinese heckin plastic look at yourself in the mirror, you consoomer, sheer fucking retardation fucked fuck YOU
What an embarrassing post.
Point out one thing that is at all incoherent or wrong about that post. The only people embarrassing themselves are anons who try to defend such behaviour and the nature of "custom keyboards" or the "hobby".
Yes, your hobby is fucking dumb.
I spent about $100 on one (1) mechanical keyboard and have used it for the past 9 years.
>Point out one thing that is at all incoherent or wrong about that post
No, you haven't earned that.
Ok faggot.
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can't relate as I am typing on my endgame, non-custom keyboard, but I don't really care if people want to be consoomers about it. Part of the reason mech keyboards and parts are getting less expensive is because of the people who want to own 10 of them. The used market benefits too, for you scavengers out there.
Thereminigger IS lowkey fucking weird though.
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nth for lots of sublegends
Interesting choice of keycap anon
What's your end game promethean man?
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That's how it was on the computer that inspired the keycap set.
I hate the british so fucking much bros
>t. never saw a ZX Spectrum
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Be warned, I am a splitfag. It's a dygma raise that I bought used.
>not columnar ortholinear
>very easy to use software for keybindings
>not chinese customer support
Anything less 60% is too small for me and I don't need an ortholinear layout or tenting. The split helps with my posture.
I think the keychron split Q11 fits a similar niche, minus the chinese
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A better layout does not exist.
What's the most ergonomic design you've ever seen on a laptop? Hypothetical/conceptual or real
>f keys only go up to 10 aka u have to still use fn to access them
move numpad to left, get rid of those f keys

u now have a more usable numpad since you can use the mouse with it and if you were using the f keys as a macro pad u can just now use the numpad with the addition of more space on the right for your mouse
Make it Colemak
I use a Unicomp IBM Model-M PS/2 clone and I'm sick of pretending it's not the best.
Looking for:

>full keyboard
>compatible with Cheery MX switches
>non RGB
>metal or plastic frame
Ducky One 3, maybe? I'm not sure they sell non-RGB ones.
You might as well get some shit off of ali express. Your taste has been solved and mass produced more than anything else right now.
Just turn off the rgb, or make it a dim white. Although it seems people have been having issues with the one 3's firmware recently. I would do some more reseach.
The options are so shit right now it's depressing.
You don't need full-size, just get 60+numpad, superior layout
Generic oem crap from china. Literally every second chinese keyboard has these keycaps. I even have 2 sets with this ugly font...
It is more convenient to use a separate mechanical numpad with supports via/qmk if you are an old stupid boomer fucktard with duck's syndrome.
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Been using my ducky one 2 TKL for awhile now, where can i go from here? I really want to get into customs but i don't have much dosh, can i somehow upgrade my current ducky to be somewhat custom-quality or what?
First time looking to mechanical, any recommendations for full keyboard ones? Been googling around and seems people recommend keychron to start with. Is keychron v6 max good ? Wanted wire but v6 had big latency and I like to play games.
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where can i buy picrel just not split?
Stop the cap
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Aula F99 maybe? I think it ticks most of your needs and it's good for the price.
It's technically not a full classic keyboard layout but it's close enough.
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typing ergonomics were wonderful
travelling ergonomics were dogshit
Aside from replacing the keycaps and maybe switching out the cable, there is not much you can do to customise your current board. You could desolder the swtiches and then solder in some new switches of your choice but you would need to know what you are doing (its not difficult to do, but its not difficult to fuck up either).

If you want to buy a new board I would suggest looking at the different layouts out there and styles and once you have an idea of a keyboard layout you like you can start shopping for keyboards of that particular type. If you are broke the only real option you have is aliexpress, but if you have the confidence to do simple DIY you can make a custom board for dirt cheap. You can get a shit ton of different DIY keyboard PCBs that you can plug switches into and then solder them in secure and then you just plug a micro-controller into its designated slot and flash it with whatever template keyboard layout the PCB uses. Then you can buy some keycaps and a case for it and have something custom to you for easily below $100-$200 depending on your taste. Or you can buy a dirt cheap "hot swap" keyboard from aliexpress with whatever case and layout you like most and just buy your favorite switch to plug in without needing to solder. Its easy as fuck to do. Pic rel is only $40 and you can get that with some switches and keycaps for a nice under $100 build.
are there any good 65%/TKL keyboards with a screen for $200
I would get a RK87 or GK87S. Both are mechanical, hot swap and $65 or cheaper.
I do like jades and they could be a little stiffer.
ergodox with beamsprings when sars
why is having your nav on a separate peripheral more convenient? are you retarded?
>it's close enough.
never say this to a full-sizer they will explode on you. anything other than exactly the keyboard they're used to fills them with anger
hotglue it
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>it's 4th brokenswitch in a year
Remind me again, why didI buy a keyboard which is 4 timesmore expensive and strictlyworse in every regard (starting fromthe typing feel) than my trusty scissorkeyboard I usedfor 10 yearswithout a single issue?

>buy a8x moreexpensive keyboard
>it's 4th brokenswitch in a year
>Remind me again, why didI buy a keyboard which is 4 timesmore expensive and strictlyworse in every regard
I don't know, why did you?
Obviously I don't rememberwhy I listened to/mkg/consoomers and bought a memechanical keyboardinstead of a proper one, otherwise Iwouldn't have asked
I've never had a broken switch, and I've been using mech keyboards for well over a decade. Also you can just swap out bad switches with very little effort.
we told you to buy a model m, 20 years ago, when they were five dollars

we didn't tell you to cut off your numpad and pretend to be a girl
I can forgive you on that, there are some real real retards here. But you should have known better anon
>4th broken switch in a year
like you've had to replace the same switch 4 times, or 4 different switches from the same initial set have broken? if the former, then yeah your keyboard is fucked somehow or you're really hammering one key a lot. if the latter, you just got shit switches. replace with gaterons or cherries.

always liked Owen Cyclops as a poster but didn't care for his style as an artist. trad-goes-Reddit.
which mechanical keyboard was it?
>> 1u left ctrl

Has anyone tried the perixx

seems like 'modern' microsoft sculpt version.
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Best keyboards.
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Model Ms and Fs are the CRTs of the keyboard world. You are meant to get them dirt cheap or from e-cycle sites and put them to good use. But as soon as you start to charge scalpers price you have lost the point as to why they were cool to begin with. That Model F keyboard guy is faggot, plain and simple. I remember trying to get a converter off him a while back and after paying for the order he told me he couldn't ship it for some reason and I would have to get a refund. I tried to ask him questions but he ignored me. So I got a 3rd party converter instead and the fucker had the gall to email me back 2 weeks later and say I can resume my order now as if he was expecting me to repurchase there and then.
I might be wrong but those are non-mechancial right?
What is the highest switch count keyboard I could purchase right now? (PCBs are applicable too)
I dunno about "right now" but hyper7, probably.
Yeah I did hear about but it is exclusively group buy and delayed heavily apparently.
I do not know why the palm rests look surprisingly soulful
Reminder that every time you humor some anon's request for sub-$100 backlit mystery China junk you create one of these disgruntled "you all made me buy a mechanical keyboard and it broke and mechanical keyboards suck!" malcontents. Don't ever recommend a keyboard you wouldn't buy and in which you have no confidence.

If people aren't willing or able to spend decent money for a decent product, don't build up their expectations and attach /mkg/'s name to something that wouldn't meet your own standards. We don't need converts that badly.
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While your sentiment only means well there are some things you need to be aware of anon:
>/mkg/ is not a brand
>/mkg/ is just a general
>stupid poorfags will always exist
>the difference in quality between chinesium and non-chinesium brands are not that big anymore
>if a poorfag would fuck up a chinesium board they likely would fuck up a non-chinesium brand keyboard anyway

If I had to start over again I would have cheap'd the fuck out on an aliexpress Frankenstein custom and then wait down the line for an endgame. Advice I would give not just to poorfags but richfags too. The level of mark-up brands like Keychron or Ducky operate at are insane when you actually break down how much the parts are in isolation. I cannot see how it is at all justifiable to recommend to some anon to perform inadequate cost investment when I know they are paying for glorified cherry blues/reds ect. Especially poorfags who are already on a smaller budget. Besides even if they do not like a keyboard for some reason you said it yourself:
>We don't need converts that badly

Poorfags who are stupid can fuck off if they wanted to and they would just be gatekeeping themselves out anyway which would be a net positive. It is a self solving problem.
i already have but the gap in the middles pissing me off
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This infuriates me
Bro no way the caps lock key isn't rubbing against the cap next to it.
I rarely press those buttons I use autoshift
It should
Are dactyl palm rests deliberately designed to look like furry paws or is that the brainrot talking?
I don't see it that way
The jellybean shape is just some stock gel pad thing. I wouldn't use rests with a dactyl anyway to be honest.
Feels better to me especially when reclining.
>The level of mark-up brands like Keychron or Ducky operate at are insane when you actually break down how much the parts are in isolation.
seriously doubt it. where are all these sub-$100 boards that compete with a V6 max on features?
desu I was wondering yesterday how a split keyboard would look on a laptop
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>where are all these sub-$100 boards that compete with a V6 max on features?
Link one.
Why not?
Whats wrong with a split keyboard with a trackball?
I'm not paying for or building another one when my current splits are fine. I got this before they started becoming a thing.
>t. chatters
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>desu I was wondering yesterday how a split keyboard would look on a laptop
Fuck laptop formfactor anyway. Just make x86 tablet and ship it with lowprofile sandwich split. Put a bunch of magnets on it so you can attach it to tablet's back cover for transportation. You'd lose ability to actually use it on your laps, but its a good thing anyway.
Like a picrelated but with tablet instead of a deck.
Not sure why people on here told me that a low profile mechanical keyboard isn't a real mechanical keyboard and that it would suck as much as a membrane one. But I got a Keychron K1 Max with brown switches and I think it's the best keyboard I owned. Can type fast and no wrist pain due to the keyboard being excessively high.
you are correct
If the switches aren't just recolors or material swaps of the cherry switch ig? Kinda like Topre and Alps.
my biggest gripe with low profile switches is that goddamn high pitched ping. Really gets on my nerves
I haven't bought many new keyboard since the MX cherry patent (? am I remembering correctly?) went up and all these new switches came about into the mainstream. I have a hitbox with kalih switches, and it feels nice, but all of my keyboard are MX clears. Is there any good resource for the best of the new switches, or would any of you be capable of a good recommendation?

I haven't been on this board in almost 7 years lol
If you want good tactile switches, look at boba U4T.
I like a heavy switch and a nice thonk, I like tactile but I don't like the audible click hence clears. Honestly a HHKB has been my dream board for what seems like over a decade, but I've just never found myself in the right place to buy one. I either don't need a new keyboard or when I feel like buying one they've jumped in price again lol
Didn't notice any annoying sounds with the keyboard
You can get the bobas with 68g springs (or you can swap in heavier if you really want), and they're noticeably more tactile than clears.
cherry mx is still one of the best, that hasn't changed
I mean I believe you, I love all my mx clears/panda clears but it can't hurt to try something new. The linear kalihs in my hitbox felt surprisingly good so I figured I'd broaden my horizons a bit
Thanks I'll check them out man
Some $100 budget keebs have insane quality. You're thinking of the sub $50 price bracket on amazon
Are there any keys that do not wear out quickly? Ones that allow RGB lighting through? I've had this keyboard for a few months and the keys are already wearing out.
took apart my hhkb and left it in my drawer for a few years. all the parts a little dusty but nothing serious. i have a bulb blower, isopro and some camera wipes but i don't know how to get all the residual lube on the sliders and stabs, wires and the dust off the rubber domes. how do i correctly clean all my hhkb parts of dust and lube before i put it back together and apply a fresh thin coat of lube
I like how you ask for a full size and get retards linking you shit under 100% lmfao
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Not exactly the same but it already exists:
There aren't many 100% options. I get tired of telling people to consider a Keychron V6 Max. As far as I'm aware that's still the best option.

Every time I watch a video of his where he has nice things to say I think "ah, this guy seems like he gets it." Then every time he has bad things to say and starts calling things yeasty fuckstrumpets and cromulent fuckcrustables I remember that he's an extremely cringe Gen X geek
Not really
>awful clickies
>mediocre linears
>tactiles ranging from acceptable to awful
That's not to say that every chink brand will automatically be better than a cherry - afaik, if, for example, you specifically want blues, then cherry is still somewhat better than all the clones - but just that there's better options for almost anything out there. For example the clickbar box switches are simply superior to the standard cherry blue design, if you want a clicky keyboard there's almost no reason not to go box whites at least.
He's also a boomer who thinks QMK is just so fucking complicated and hard to understand. But then when he's given a board with an RP2040 MCU & a precompiled firmware file (which also uses QMK) then it's the best ever and way better than QMK. I wish I was joking.
What is your excuse for not having a keyboard with magnetic switches, pleb?
Why keychron are either overpriced or looks as ugly ass toys or both at same time?
Back from my beauty sleep.

Just look up GK410 on aliexpress. Hot swap and metal plate for under $30. Swap out the keycaps for some clones and you have a full sized mechanical keyboard for less than half of the v6 max's price. And that is just the cheapest option.
On the pricer side there is the AK35I V3 MAX which is around $80 depending on variant which is bluetooth or usb, hot swap, gasket, multi-profile with LED display along with a switch knob.
What is the go-to clicky switch these days
Kailh Jade or Navy
I regret so much buying an expensive mechanical keyboards.
I had your normalfag cherry brown mechanical keyboard for years. A year ago, I bought/built a custom keyboard with gazzew boba u4 as they were the most recommended. They feel good, but the quality is atrocious, I already replaced 40 switch that were chattering a lot and I use quite heavy/slow debounce. Every month I have to replace some keys, it's really annoying, characters being inputted multiple times slow down my typing speed and workflow a lot. I spent $300 to have an unreliable keyboard, I don't know what to do, I think I'm just going to buy a pre assembled keyboard again, some of the newer switch that I bought are already suffering from chatter (in the last 2 months, I have replaced 13 switch).

zeal clickiez are what i use in my builds nowadays
Just buy a keyboard with HE switches, man.
Is there even a good one that have open source firmware? Feels like those are still too new.
>mediocre linears
ok let's just ignore the fact that nixies and blacks are both used in endgame boards all the time. also I guess it counts for nothing that Cherry switches always fit well in boards and don't fail in the first year the way many meme switches do?
>A year ago, I bought/built a custom keyboard with gazzew boba u4 as they were the most recommended.
Not by me. I recommend Cherry Browns. Fuck memeshit that breaks.

Just buy Cherries and put them in your board.
Did they improve their linears recently? I remember a while ago "vintage blacks" was a big thing. If your switches need to be hammered for 30 years to get smoother, they are not good.
If they improved their molds then maybe that's no longer the case. I'd still find it hard to believe they compete with all the meme ptfe-construction cum-lubed reddit linear switches, but honestly at least you could call them good enough and requiring lower effort.

>always fit well in boards
As do literally all switches using the same form factor and standard, except maybe the absolute bottom of the barrel that can't even manufacture to the standard but those are exception
>and don't fail in the first year
I haven't really heard of that happening either, at least not to "mainstream" gateron or kailh stuff - maybe the niche reddit ones do? Or are you just exaggerating
>I haven't really heard of that happening
Do you read other people's posts in these threads or just make posts?

>as do literally all switches
No they don't retard. HMX switches pull out of plates because their tolerances are shit. Many brands of switches are hard to get straight for plateless builds because their alignment pins are too small. Etc. Fit issues are not rare. Gateron switches are usually good.
do you use the trackball with your mouth?
I bought an Ajazz Keyboard, and I sometimes get double inputs when typing. Could be any key on the board. I tried replacing some of the switches, but even they still get double inputs.

Is this a case of a shitty PCB?
what's the best split ergo keyboard with functions keys
Function keys?
You can make your own
I'm going to skip past the $30 board because it's so different it would be difficult to compare.

The Ajazz has significant disadvantages vs the Keychron, which is only $20 more:
- Proprietary software, not QMK configurable
- Mystery switches likely from a less trustworthy manufacturer than Gateron
- Clip assembly, compared to Keychron's nice rear screw assembly—much worse for disassembly/cleaning
- FR4 plate vs polycarbonate
I think the Ajazz is a good deal, but the price difference from the v6 max makes sense. I don't think this proves the Keychron has any significant markup by comparison.
Could be a case of shitty firmware. It's proprietary so you'll never know!
Tactile HE switches when?
It's actually further away and serves as a means to reduce travel when my boards are split.
I'm pretty wide shouldered so it allows me to keep things wide
Transgender keyboard, anyone?
In my understanding only glove80 and different dactyl remixes have function rows. I consider splits ergo only if they are columnar, so ortho splits like bfo9000 and row staggered splits like dygma raise do not count, but if you are content with those you can look into them i guess.
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what's the deal with topre?
I remember it being shilled heavily years ago, but now it seems that nobody talks about it
at the same time, I see people who've tried it say that it's the best and ruined other mechanical keyboards for them
is it worth getting one? is there some sort of guide for which actuation force to get?
Please leave my thread schizo
I want to try one but there's not as much fun stuff to do there. And that initial outlay for a plastic topre I may or may not like could buy me another beautiful aluminum mx board to fuss with until I'm happy.

But if you love heavy tactility imo mx will always feel second-rate, like a weird imitation of what feels natural on membranes. I like light tactiles, so I'm happy.
tariffs (or other escalation with China) will destroy this hobby btw. If you're on the fence about getting an alu custom, buy one now, not later.
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Just built this for under 100 bucks which I think is a good deal. Epomaker Galaxy80 barebones kit with Akko creamy purple pro switches and some Olivia clone keycaps. I'll probably change the keycaps but it's a pretty good value. You can also install a hotswap knob in the F13 switch slot but I don't have it in right now.

The Akko switches are really, really good for the price. I love typing on them. I have some more expensive tactile switches like the Baby Kangaroos and I think this are at least as good. I may even prefer them. They sound absolutely fantastic and have a unique feel.
you were supposed to match the KEYCAPS to the case color, not the switches!
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I have always disliked that to be honest, I feel like there should be a contrast between the case and the keycaps. I am going to order some keycaps from Drop because they've got some nice sets marked down heavily at the moment. Probably these which I think will look good with the lighter almost pink shade of purple.
Not for me
Just bought a secondhand rama u80. Love me some thick bezel board. Can't believe these aren't more popular.
>Can't believe these aren't more popular.
Probably because the company is bankrupt and hasn't delivered who knows how many orders now.
Why can't Keychron into chamfered edges?
Chamfering adds machine time which adds expense.
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im pretty new to keyboards (b/c ive always been a laptop peasant until this month) but ive recently inherited a glorious gmmk pro keyboard from my brother and i put some gateron yellows on it. really loving it so far but when i play games, apparently the clicks can be heard around the ENTIRE house.
any tips on how to make it more quiet? or is it more of an issue with my desk being wood and house structure? ive already ordered a deskmat which i can stack with a smaller mouse pad to hopefully make it significantly more quiet.
what about o-rings or even quieter switches?
You need silent or silent tactiles. You will still get a satisfying click but anything loud is for people that live alone and are not in a office as well. I suggest boba silent tactiles they are the top of the food chain can feel a bit scratchy depending on your keycaps. I use them on all my boards doesn't wake anyone up and perfect for office work.
excuse me?
See my post >>102287945, don't get boba, they feel nice but are absolutely not durable. You can search on google for similar cases (plenty on reddit), feel like most people only test and use switch for a short while, but their durability are terrible.
I never had this problem with my bobbas and I been using them for 4 years on two board. What board are you using and are you slamming it like a ape?
Also I'm using the silent tactiles I'm not sure if there's a difference but all of mine are solid
I'm on monsgeek M1, but it's a relatively well known problem, when I talked about my problem people guessed immediately that I was using gazzew switch, most people are fine by just using slow debounce algorithm, but even then long term, chattering get too much. There was quite a good research about them and how to fix them, but fix is tedious, can kill tactility if done wrong and will have to be repeated when chatter comes back.
Here some old research for U4T but same applies to my U4: https://old.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/pfs6ef/boba_u4ts_have_some_serious_issues_with_key/
I'm sorry you fell into that group but I've been using my bobbas for 8+ hours a day for years working ect and I never had that issue. I'm happy my non hotswap board doesn't have that issue but that's the main reason why I'm sticking to hotswap moving forward.
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thanks! ill definitely look into silent switches. any good quality linear ones with actuation forces on the lighter end?
good to know, i wasnt really looking for tactile switches so im likely not gonna use those
I'm quite a heavy user, spend most of my time on my computer and use a keyboard workflow and I'm a dev. I think most people that are recommending switch try a lot of them and often switch. But, quality/durability is quite important for a lot of people, gazzew have issue on that point. The problem is that it's something hard to get information about, particularly on less popular switch, there is just less feedback. I really hope that some website could properly test switch and get some nice data, instead of just "those feel good".
It looks like there's QC issues that were swept under the rug, stuff like that makes me not want to back a manufacture that would handle a situation that poorly.
I'm not a linear guy but I know of speed switches that are linear and have low actuation points
I enjoyed my speed coppers but ended up enjoying my bobbas more
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I know what you are talking about and you are not schizo.

It was shilled hardcore as the unspoken alternative to mechanical keyboards and influencers/shills would tote how it felt amazing to type on and had a super quiet sound profile that was unique as well as perfect for work. I remember seeing people say if you were not a gaming autist and was an Aryan who was serial about having a daily driver for productive applications topre was the true answer. You then got a whole bunch of aftermarket topre keycaps and domes to cash in on the new demand which you could use to ironically make them louder or more tactile. I decided to get myself a rare Japanese JDL 122-key topre keyboard during the time as a unique addition and to try it out for myself. They were variable domes so each key row have different levels of stiffness which gave me a rough idea of what the full range of topre dome variants felt like and I can say regardless of row, it all felt awful. It is a really rough tactile feel and while they sound funky I do not think it justifies the key feel.

I would not recommend them unless you want a keyboard that is better to use compared to a membrane for an office which has a strict sound/keyboard policy.
newb here. I don't see a pastebin so I'll ask for recommendations.

Location: EU
Budget: For a first mechanical, I was thinking a maximum of 50 eurorupees but I guess I can stretch that a bit.
Size: Full sized, with like a proper numpad.
RGB: Preferably no, but if it can be turned off, I can live with it
Use: At home for office tasks and light gaming (using numpad)
I think your budget is too low for a mechanical keyboard.

If you really can't go much higher, then I would look at this:

Plate-mounted stabs sound like a red flag, and you don't get hotswap and you don't get the foams. But it's pretty cheap for what you get. And it has nice rear screws to disassemble for cleaning, which many other boards at this price won't have. QMK, 1000Hz polling, double-shot PBT caps. It's not a bad package.

I wish Keychron browns (and Gateron browns also) had more like ~63g springs, similar to Cherry Browns. I think their springs are much too light. That would annoy me if I bought that board. But at your budget I don't know what else to recommend.

This is the one thing that almost prevents me recommending Keychron, they don't offer anything with a proper heavy switch other than their short-travel holy panda clones (also bad in a different way). It's frustrating. Otherwise they are good boards.

if you were willing to spend much more, I would get a v6 max and order some Jwick 63.5g black switches on aliexpress. But now we are more than doubling the budget...

Outside of Keychron, I don't trust the other China boards at those low prices. Other "good deals" do exist, other anons will tell you about them—buy at own risk.
There should be more 65% wired/wireless keyboards. I love my ducky one 2sf but I can't any good prebuilt 65 I like. Razer has one but it has abs keycaps eww. I don't like building keyboards myself like you fags so
Thank you for the rec anon. I don't know much about boards anyways, maybe I can double it then, I had no idea what I was getting into and thought that a cheapo would be around 50. I found a logitech G512 GX, full keyboard sold by a local store for 95 bucks, they cut the price by 25 euros since they had a back to school sale and it's the last one.
I think Keychron will be better than the Logitech. When I have had a chance to try Logitech mechanical boards at my local computer store I have found they feel and sound like junk, I was not impressed.
(also logitech software is cancer)
okay, thanks anon, I'll go with the Keychron then. much appreciated.
I hope I'm right. I have a V6 max which is good but I don't have personal experience with the K10 pro. I can only guess from videos and Keychron's reputation.
Why would you get tired of recommending the same product if you think it's the best one?
Chiming in with Kailh Arctic Fox or Gateron Melodic, I like the former more though.
What keyboard should I get if my budget is ~200 EUR?

I want wireless, full size (or 96%), white aesthetic. Mostly productivity, doing art stuff (music and visual arts), light gaming. I've even been fine with rubber domes all my life, but I'm open to trying a mecha

If I have sweaty hands will the grease buildup look worse on white or black caps?
everybody who bought one fucked off from these threads because its the true end game keyboard. only the manchildren are left behind circlejerking over the latest snakeoil shit switches year after year.
But you're here
>Why would you get tired of recommending the same product if you think it's the best one?
Because the switches it offers suck—it needs a 62g linear option—it comes in one color, the keycaps are not much to look at, and the 108+knob layout is less than elegant.
because i poured something over my hhkb of 11 years of age and im in market for a new keyboard and reading this thread made the choice very easy. a new topre its going to be.
anyone have a SteelSeries with the omnipoint wtf adjustable attenuation
is it any good?
I'd get a white Keychron K10 pro for 83€, then spend some of the remaining budget on shenpo BoW caps (~35 from keebox) and a decent pre-lubed linear switch between 60g and 70g. Maybe some Krytox 205 to touch up the keychron stabs when/if they need it.
Is the Bluetooth on hhkb's decent?
His budget is not too low. He can get a full sized mechanical but he would have to deal with Aliexpress keyboards. If he only has 50 euros it is better to get something than nothing.
I don't think a 50 euro aliexpress mechanical keyboard is a better idea than a $25 membrane keyboard. That is why I say I think his budget is too low for a mechanical keyboard. The cheap ones sound bad, feel bad, and might not be reliable.
no everyone who bought one fucked off because there's nothing interesting to do further with the extremely limited topre ecosystem, topre bores you into quitting
I spilled milk on my Code keyboard and destroyed it, what's the best simple-looking mechanical keyboard I can get for up to $200?
daring run flip 6p is quite attractive and not too ornate, I bought one by accident. Nylon switches on the default polycarbonate plate sound and feel pretty good.
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Is the difference between Gateron Browns and Gateron Moss noticable?
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Give me the mechanical version of this. Need another ergo and want to retire the old microsoft one from the server room.
would love to try something like this desu
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I can make a dactyl just like that if you're interested.
>The cheap ones sound bad, feel bad, and might not be reliable.
The switches used in them are not the problem. They sound and feel on par with just about every other mechanical keyboard. The only issue is the PCB quality as some aliexpress brands suffer from double inputs which is a valid point of concern. But these issues are not even guranteed and is often a case of bad luck and you can look up whatever board you are considering buying to see if there is reported defects with the PCB ahead of time. When you are paying less than 50 euros those are some fair odds to deal with in my book.
Looks like shit
The vibrancy of the colors
Just get an Alice 98 and get a palm rest to go with it.
yeah but the thing is that one year you have the YUNJI ALDX738 and then in 18 months when everyone's boards start failing suddenly they don't exist anymore and now you can buy the suspiciously similar ANJIZZ RG812 instead, the only youtube video is an Indian man unboxing it and saying it seems pretty good.
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>because i poured something over my hhkb of 11 years of age and im in market for a new keyboard
So you're telling me you payed for a keyboard that uses rubber switches just like a cheap office keyboard but instead it is 200 dollars more, slightly over engineered and in return you lose a numpad and the water resistance that makes cheap membranes good to begin with?
Just once I'd like to hear an anon say he bought a Shenpo set after I shilled them relentlessly for months. Instead I see posts like this
oh man I didn't even realize he spilled something on it I thought he meant it finally died and he "poured one out" in its memory
balding millennials love accumulating a stock of 4+ mechanical keyboards when just one would easily last them the rest of their life (suicide at 40)
Which one would you recommend anon?
This sounds too highly specific to not be first hand expereince. What did you bite the bullet on anon?
I only have 3 keyboards* and I'm only norwood 2.9 so it doesn't apply to me

*one doesn't count because it's plastic
my bad mixed up which post was replying to which. must be my post-covid brainfog haha. I should kill myself just kidding
Geonworks W1-AT with a 1.6mm solder pcb. Plateless. Cherry MX Browns.
what do you charge
Because it's missing bits, right?
>Geonworks W1-AT
That is actually pretty based ngl
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$200 + cost of switches for a full build. I have a bunch of different switches & filaments on hand so send me an email to dactylman at protonmail.com if you want a detailed list.
I don't actually own one, I was not a true believer in the 60 + numpad layout until recently
How many keycap sets is too many?
One of you guys recommended a black glossy keycap set for my silver anondized 75, but I forgot to bookmark the link. Can you plz help which brand was it again?
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I’ve done it, /mkg/. All of my boards are as customized and modded out as I care to make them for the moment. I wish there were more XDA or nSA keycaps worth buying, but my custom dye job worked well enough until then. I may upgrade to a Q5 down the line or get some weird meme boards like a 40% ortholinear.
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Why are all the good keyboards in the pastebin always unavailable? I decided on getting a Keychron Q2 instead since its around but the red switches are out of stock too.
it's sad to think you could graduate out of normal boards into end-of-life palliative care boards (split etc) without ever having tried a good layout
gateron red are too light anyway. Cherry reds are ~55g, Gateron's are more like 45g. Then they goop them up with thick lube and you get switches that feel sluggish.

They should just ship them with unlubed ks-3x47 yellows imo
there's got to be a more interesting 65% around somewhere. Have you checked any of the major vendors?

luminkey65 is probably a nicer board than a Q2, and it comes with linear switches comparable to reds
One set for each season, maybe one for each holiday if you're feeling festive, is all anybody needs.
If you have more keycap sets than boards for them to go onto.
I'm looking for a new keyboard.
Need 100% or high 90s layout since numpad is non-negotiable for my work.
Something similar to silver switcheswould be awesome and budget is about 200 bucks max.
want EN layout but am europoor
any suggestions ?
How much are the switches? Keycaps? Warranty? What if I'm not is USA?
I only have 1 board, but I'm up to 4 sets of keycaps now
>for a product bought off a basket weaving forum

lmao even
Switches vary in price, zeal clickiez are $1.20 each while morandis are $0.43 each. If you're in yuroland or something then shipping would just be more expensive. I can't exactly call it a warranty but if something fucks up I'll replace it. There are a few anons with boards I've made going on for years now with no issue at least. As for keycaps I have PBT DSA sets I ask $25 for.
Maybe it's just not for you
I dealt with anons before, had unexpectedly good results, granted it was pre-2016.
>K6 for audio production machine
>Q1 and numpad for work and programming
>Air60 for writing on the go

suits me just fine. whats the magic layout I’m missing?
I remember anon posting one of your boards from time to time?
I'd like a to make one of wood with some ceramic tiles...real materals where my fingers touch. Is such a thing possible?
There are ceramic keycaps already. I'm sure there are a bunch of vids if you search 'cerakeys'.
Yes. It is called Cerakey keycaps with a wooden case and palm wrests.
Why's it so hard to find deskmats that are deskmats 69 cm long?
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I bought a model F ages ago and I'm kind of regretting it. It's so loud and typing for long periods of time on it can only be described as "laborious". Unlike say, my Kailh Box White keyboard which costs 1/5th of what this did three years ago.
Old or nu Model F?
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Just here to say hello, it's been a long time.

Honestly, I've had my nyquist for 3 years now. I think I've hit more or less end game. I have no desire whatsoever for anything more. No yearning for dvorak efficiency. I'm just satisfied with my keyboard. Only thing I might do is improve my qmk layout a key here or there, which I haven't touched in over a year.

> Zilent v2 62g switches
> XDA profile PBT plastic keycaps

that's it.
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>two 5v6 macropads repurposed as a split keyboard
Strange, but respectable anon. I wish anons such as myself are as easily pleased as you.
Thanks anon. Pray tell, what are you typing on?

I like nyquist cause It's simple, space efficient, predictable, a timeless design I'd think. Before this had a kinesis but the thumb clusters hurt my hands. The browns I had on that for whatever reason sucked dick and ass too, super scratchy and lots of spring noise.
is the font on the keycaps ioveska ?
also, is ortholinear really worth it?
Laptop at the moment. But I have a Maltron and an IBM system/38 beamspring desk module I have been needing to restore and reassemble. I feel guilty about procrastinating over it but I do not have the proper tools at the moment.
The nu one.
Not sure on the font, basically was just looking for any PBT keycap that looked half decent and had a flat-friendly profile (XDA or DSA). It's this one from drop


For ortho, I like it a lot. It took me about 2 months doing practice on keybr whenever I had extra time to get up to speed with it, after that was very natural. Can still type no issues on regular keyboard. Reason I like it is it's very intuitive where each key is and how you access it, none of that queer 14 degrees slant or whatever.

Like, on a slanted keyboard you can generally hit each key that's above or below the home row with two fingers, the one to the left and the one to the right. Like 'c' can be hit normally with either the middle or index finger and they're both close enough to be valid strats, that always fucked me up. I would naturally use both at different times and would get all confused. On ortholinear, the c key is hit with the middle finger every time. It is the only correct finger, so things are predictable.
Don't feel guilty bro. Should feel guilty only about not doing the things that make you a killer in life. Making money, making intelligence, making big titties in the gym with which to woo women, etc.

I first bought a nyquist kit and was planning to build it myself, but never got around to it. It's still sitting in my closet. Eventually I just had keebio build one for me. Had the keycaps shipped straight to them was super easy. Would highly recommend you just do that. After everything keyboard was around $350, but super worth it for me.
any experience with dvorak? otholineal with dvorak seems like it would solve issues with the L key and (for me) the f key
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Built my flip 6p today. Like this layout and I like the gateron melodics I put in it. Never used them before.
Never tried dvorak. I just read that there were minimal returns for a huge amount of effort. What issues do you have with F and L?
L is a right hand pinky finger key on the top row. I think the letter is too common to be there.
F is an right hand index finger key that I find easier to hit with my left index finger (probably because I angle my right hand to more easily hit the L key).
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I could never do southpaw nav. No chance. You're nuts.

Did you find getting the pins aligned while assembling it as much of a pain as I did?
For fucks sake anon
Thanks man.
How come keyboards look so much better when the numpad is placed on the left?
Southpaw nav keys take a little getting used to but it's comfortable when you do. I didn't notice the pins were misaligned at first so I had to realign the top case. It was tricky but I really like the design, not having to fuck with ribbons, connectors or daughter boards.
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I want this topre 60% but this kit only has noisy as fuck topre stabilizers! Those stabilizers are the worst part of every topre keyboard.
[rattling intensifies]
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You people drive me mad with your refusal to just do basic measuring and squaring up before posting your photos, let alone anything further to fix up perspective errors/etc.

First, >>102316867
Frustrating because you obviously thought about framing when you were taking the photo, but you didn't fucking check your angles in photoshop or spot remove the hair. The desk or table texture has lines that don't match your angles also, those I couldn't fix. Also looks like your 0 key isn't fully pushed in.

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