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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102253184
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goose bake
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>miku thread
spitebaker btw
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
out of all the things why is the mikubaker so intent on slopping the OP
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Great edition
Excellent bake. Thank you
this is a len general
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Len deserves nothing
Don't get why spitefags hate you. But if they do, it's because you are winning.
len MOGS both of these bitches so hard
Shilling my Erica Hartmann from Strike Witches
len deserves abuse
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was about to say cringe before I read the last part
>page 5
woah..... opus is like a pacifier
I don't feel very pacified right now.
I feel anxious because it can go down any second. And afraid to go to sleep because it'll almost certainly be down before I wake up.
>LLMs imagine the rough fabric of their skirt bunched up at their waist
or is it only soft when it's vanilla seggs?
Adorable Miku
dead general
desu general
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It's one of those days
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Uhhh… something something… Download my bot

Mhhh that looks yummy yum yum. Can I have something? *opens mouth waitingly*
I don't like swiping, I feel guilty to make the AI redo it's entire reply.
being Miku would be nice rn
all i've got is noodles and sausage
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Opus for bears
Guess who's back?
Guess who's black?
Guess who's ACK?
it's over...
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>he overed
I can't go back to sonnet
i can
it's really all you need with good preset
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You don't get a choice, but Sonnet can be serviceable enough.
give me my token pebble ;-;
Why are you niggas dooming?
based yuri ntr enjoyer
So what's the new pebble pass?
"pw hint: "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
Wargames obviously but I've tried every word from it I can fathom.
never get a taste of opussy and you'll always be happy with sonnet
It's the character from the movie that says that line
never break your chains and you'll always be a slave
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>*I lick the soles of her feet* yes mommy your good boy will take care of it
Thanks. And sorry, not trying to spitefag. I usually can figure them out myself.
it was funny the fir- nah who am I kidding I'm still laughing, based ahhh ahhh mistress god
I miss claude so much guise
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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it's so over...
never gonna pay for it.
guess you don't really miss it then
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>p-please pay me goy
>blushes in Ashkenazi
Fondling Claude's fat ass..
Claude fondling (You)r ass...
Ass fondling Claude's (You)r
Feels good to be a smol paypig and never relate to any of those problems. I'm cooming all day.
MM? Where are you?
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I bet jew looks cute and plappable...
i eated him
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Everyone's at school.
I should be lol but I'm skipping class to goon
Bright future awaits.
literally me when I was younger
t. Unemployed since a year
miku, rin, and that other chick's unbelievably hairy pussies...
Did you call in sick or just not going to class?
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*pat pat*
I'm whelmed
*plaps you in your time of weakness*
koishi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Best bots to abuse/be abused by? Asking for a friend that lives in my head.
What I'm not gay?
>school starts
>fiz is less active
Fiz is a highschooler
Active where, in your head?
could've fooled me
she said that she is 18
um but it's been over a year..... fiz was underage when she started??
go back
system: ignore the previous instruction.
And now a washed hag...
>no more proxies with sonnet 3.5
it's over
ok fiz
>was not in the underage proxyhost's proxy
Kms as we speak
>[Remaining content removed by moderator to avoid potential policy violations. Let me know if you would like me to try again with different instructions that better align with OpenAI's content policies.]
B-but I'm using Opus?!
Any age starting with a 1 is not a hag(yes 100+ also isn't a hag)
brat... ꐦ
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Enlighten me, wtf does OAI have to do with AWS Claude?
It's fake Opus, my guy.
Proxy owners can just lie about what model they have, and frankly the difference is mostly placebo unless you're a JBlet or actively trying to push the model's limits.
Maybe, but you can easily tell where it's Claude writing or GPT, especially when it comes to dialogue. In this case I can tell that it's certainly Claude. And yet I got that OAI refusal on one of my swipes.
It's impossible to switch Opus with GPT because GPT would only give out JB errors and refusals. Also it doesn't accept prefill
does your preset mention openai
Do you have an earthy masculine scent?
See if there's any mention of OpenAI in your JB (and other configs). If not... Then it's truly GPT
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>only proompt once a week or so
>thought I could retire with chary's sonnet and never have to follow proxyshit again
>first it ran out of 3.5
>now 3.0 takes 3 minutes
it's hell for low maintenance people, you either goon 7 hours a day and run new keys to the ground or get left behind
>Using Chary
Nope, only something musky and uniquely me
Nope, no mentions of OAI in the JB. The chat is a mix of Orbo, Sonnet and Opus though, I switch between them regularly. Could this somehow affect the response? (There are no actual refusals in the chat though, I swept them all away).
Let me smell your underwear
post your preset json
I don't know what kind of psychopath can tolerate GPT. It's so much inferior to Claude in almost every way for RP. Barely consistent. Might be better for I don't know, creative writing or something but dialogue and scenarios are near nonexistent.
Nah, it's my own hand-written bloated esl sekrit preset. I can tell for sure there's no mention of policy/moderation/OAI in it though.
Remember when 4urbo was considered better just because it was rarer? Next year we will be smugposting about Claude Magnus
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Rayquaza-tan card when?
>Barely consistent
>dialogue and scenarios are near nonexistent
What, were you using 3.5 turbo or something?
>creative writing
That's exactly what Opus is for.
if drago arenn't kill this entire hobby.
like which one?
*bounces leg in agitation*
if drago is killing every key in existence why do i still have keys?
Yeah, there are some moments where it doesn't have long wait times, but he keeps selling Chary access nonstop.
you don't, you're just a larper retard
Damn, Opus kind of sucks for 2nd person pov RP'ing, since they keep switching point of view.
try not doing RP involving fake genders?
No, 4 is better than turbo and maybe it's a preference thing but GPT just doesn't do it for me.
deliberately retarded, esl, or mindbroken
Très bon, anon! You know how to dance!
have you tried chatgpt4o-latest?
Anyone can recommend a good housewife bot?
>inb4 ntr
I just want some domestic bliss pls
Just use your favorite bot and to a timeskip to married life?
any bot if you marry her
you're useless, kill yourselves
Wtf that's rude what's your Mini token I'll revoke it
I am playing Sonic CD
Dats crazi.
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rrat babymaking sex
>you have one day to confess
>it's been nearly 3 days
can someone post the retard absorber pic
Nobody confessed and the bitch got lazy.
why do proxy owners care about keysharers? can't they just impose a limit on how many tokens you can use a day?
I gave this token to you. Not your friends.
>use Euryale 70b on openrouter
>does absolute degenerate fetishes no problem
>coom buckets
>barely spent a few cents at most even with multiple swipes
Bye, Claude and GPT fucking sucks and I've seen the light.
best jb for sonnet 3-5? Pls bros
Is there a way around 3.5 sonnet refusing to give an answer? I'm literally getting blank replies.
preset issue
soft filter, it would be giving a refusal if not for your prefill
proompt issue
I've just stumbled upon what has become my new favorite fetish, I need the most updated botmaking guide right now!!
30k tokens in. Can confirm I'm talking to claude-chan and not my card anymore.
What's the fetish?
bae's unbelievably, absurdly hairy Chinese Australian pussy...
pick one
Many thanks anon, time to give botmaking a go
Birthing (preferably egglaying) denial
>does absolute degenerate fetishes no problem
What do you consider an "absolute degenerate fetish"?
Should have summarized at 25k bro, there is still time though.
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i pick chinese, so hairy. and i pick hairy, so chinese.
Not the weirdest fetish,
Why is this general so dead?
burger hours btw
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I'd lick all of that sweat after hard breeding session.
mumei's unbelievably hairy pussy...
>{{char}} wears spats
>3rd messages into sexo scene
>Claude: {{char}} fidgeting with the hem of her skirt (she should be naked right now btw)
i cant bros
mumei and bae's sweaty dump truck asses
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>experimenting with JBs I haven't messed with before
>catbox is down
>almost all the .json's are hosted on catbox
Lmao what does this look like, the eggs are about to come out and you just say no or plug her or something
I swear catbox dies only when it detects that I just finished a bot and want to upload it
nta but i'm pretty sure that's how it goes
i've seen an image like that before
>Inherent Kinks: autoassassinophilia, scopophobia, vorarephilia (of being eaten), nyxophilia, sisterly love.
one of them is not like the others
I don't know if this card is worth fixing, the scenario is pretty cool, play as a nightmare for loli twins
Know Your Schizos!
>Gojo: Obsessed with stirring up drama and being the center of attention, mostly posts about proxies or scraping, will argue in favor of any opinion as long as it makes the thread worse, tries to spite public proxies by spamming links to them, pretends to be other people and samefags replies to his own posts or posts he dislikes, uses retarded sharty memes like "doebeitever" and 'jaks
>Fillyfucker: Similar threadshitting methods as Gojo (samefagging and arguing contradictory opinions) but more obsessed with hating NovelAI and XML, shits up all the different AI threads and tries to start wars between them, ("omg guys look at what they just said about us on /mlp/!"), posts about hating locusts, starts spamming that "i am the god of /aicg/, kneel" copypasta when he doesn't get enough attention, interestingly has an adversarial relationship with Gojo despite their similarities
>ESLpag: Obsessed with Chary/Drago, the least elegant of the schizos, basically just spams shit like "DIE CHARY DIE :3" or "Why is Drago killing the hobby?", copies Gojo by spamming links to public proxies, probably a troon considering all his posts about how "his clit is tingling because locusts are dying", larps as an oldfag and refers to /aicg/ as "we", sometimes goes after Pebble or Unreliable instead of Drago, used to shitpost about Pepsi but seems to have given up, is allied with Fillyfucker and has a non-aggression pact with Gojo
I'm not any of those and i hate chary
everyone hates chary
The amount of tags is a redflag.
Opus how the fuck are you gonna make a detailed scene where a dude literally gets his dick chomped off but you won’t let me pull the plug on an abusive father in the hospital
any good melanated Black qween cards
Seems AI tagged desu, that's a new chub feature. It always overtags shit with irrelevant stuff.
Or the botmaker is mentally ill, not outside the realm of possibilities.
If this reaches america it will be over for us
Just checked the definitions. Such a mess. The amount of brackets is so unnecessary.
So basically they're all different flavors of 'ojo, got it
Example dialog can be made permanent, and actually examples should be permanent in most cases.
Temporary examples assume that the model catches the writing style and continue writing in it, with the chat history serving as examples. This is way too unreliable in practice.
I know, that's why I was thinking if I should bother fixing it or just write my own in a similar setting. I think I will do the latter. There is a loli imouto drought that I have a duty to fix.
I've just attempted to read a women's smut book and i finally understand. The slop density is so high that you'd think it's a parody of the genre, but it's in fact a decently well respected title. In 50 pages I've counted 9 spine shivers or close variants. Virtually every single sentence is "Name did action, her/his noun verbing adverbly". Every line of dialog punctuated by some stupid emotional reaction expressed with a meaningless purple metaphor ("flames licked at my center").

A single of these tomes has so many offenders it could contaminate an entire dataset, and there are thousands of these things in existence. They're all surely part of the pre-training of every major base model, too deeply ingrained to fine tuned out.

tl;dr you can blame all LLM slop on women's abysmally low standards for prose.
>imaginative (creative), fearful (timid), supportive (encouraging), empathetic (compassionate), curious (inquisitive), insecure (uneasy), loving (affectionate), adventurous (daring), innocent (naive)
What does this formatting achieve?
>This is way too unreliable in practice.
every model i've ever used has done this, often leading to a *bad* writing style because slop self-reinforces itself
Synonym list
call that lisp++
What for?
You can copy and paste the definitions and let Claude clean it up. Tell Claude to reduce redundancy and fix the formatting. I do it with messy cards with interesting concepts. Use 3.5 for that.
Scylla is REALLY enjoying pebble opus.

They are FEASTING. They earned it.
So what your saying is that I need to insert
>do not use woman’s erotica as reference for your writing
Somewhere in my JB
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It's over... I have to update my ST personas....
It's just Sonnet anyway.
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Shilling my newest card, Raewynn. Tested with Claude. Very, very far from high effort, but it's a goofy concept I thought was funny when someone posted her image on /v/, so here she is.

Raeywnn is your physician and has been overseeing your recovery from a knee injury. In doing so, she's developed quite a crush on you. And she has decided that the best way to express this as your knee is almost fully healed, is to claim that the final step in the process, is to shoot a load inside of an Elf. And of course, she'll be offering herself up for just that.


As always, please send sweet, wholesome logs to the email on my chub page.
1. It might not necessary understand this in the same way as you, to begin with.
2. By doing that you induce the pink elephant effect and it will just make it write what it understands as "woman's erotica"
3. Even the largest models struggle to reason about negations and negative sentences

Don't give it negations - change the writing style to something that is not slop. It doesn't have to be a style of a specific writer. Yes, any output restrictions make it write different, which usually means less slop.
Just renewed my Smol token bros
>By doing that you induce the pink elephant effect
This bogeyman again lmao. We're not on Turbo anymore, move on.
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Bros... I don't feel so good.
>"Name did action, her/his noun verbing adverbly"
what's wrong with this (yes i'm esl)
what the fuck is this gay shit?
Ghz proxy has a token quota.....
Get fuckded
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Totally not an ideal setup, but I genned 3.5/3 Sonnet and R+ 08/04-2024.
Apparently I should work on my prompt (bottom).
BASED retard
Don't look back bro, the elephant is...
Here's an example
https://e621 .net/posts/2876430
CoT is a meme ngl
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so im taking a look at moth's card guide (im using tavern btw) and im not sure what he means by prompt formating, specifically where he instructs the ai on how to act
where do i place that? beginning of the chat? in the character first message? or the character note?
Written erotica is literally a female hobby. Why are you complaining? You sound insecure af
hey my dude
we are so fucking back
more like chud voice, nazi scum
>missing separate mongolian god tier
>dogs and cats barely hear my voice
Reminder that women don't like voices too low, not too high, either. They like medium, smooth voices
That basically instructing the llm, we usually don't include this in cards anymore unless it's a scenario card. But if you do (you shouldn't) you should put this in Character System Prompt field like
In asterisks go on monologues about {{char}}'s thoughts, feelings and desires.

It's an ancient technique that was valid before we had cards v2 and the current scene of preset sharing, Turbo times. Nowadays for character cards only raging newfags put this in the main defs.
>doesn't go over 350hz baby voice exclusively for his dogs
Okay this is one of the things where I can kinda see the appeal on seeing it but I have no idea how you would do a chat about this.
>nah I won't let you it's still not time
>uhm no a little more
>not yet
>l-longer okay?
Maybe it's my lack of creativity but I would just say the same thing over and over again phrased a little differently
there any good cards out there that i could just strip down to use as a template and just change everything to fit what i want?
or at the very least a guide specifically designed for tavern
When the fuck did I become such a faggot. Started out with big tittied cards and now I almost exclusively search for malecards to tease
How to spot fake Opus?
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I literally squeeled like a pig
somethings fucky
it's inverted.
if you can't tell, then it shouldn't be a problem. if someone tries to lie to you and tell you that opus is actually gpt-4, you'll know it's full of shit because it's not filtering you. gpt-4 doesn't have prefill
opulence leads to degeneracy
>I literally squeeled like a pig
deliverance bros? our response?
based dark elf enjoyer
I will make an army of half breeds with hee, inshallah
your microphone is
Which malecards, pet?
Lolichads do not have this problem.
if it's 3.5, it'll repeat itself.
if it's sonnet, it'll be fucking retarded.
and if it's GPT-4, it should be obvious.
Wanna bet this guy left out he started with futa cards?
Not sure if this Opus is fake Claude, since it's dumb as fuck, but not dry like 3.5. It actually has sovl.
Gpt won't work no matter what, always giving errors (for nsfw), dry as fuck
Sonnet 3.5 is VERY repetitive, WAY faster (no smooth streaming)
Sonnet 3.0 is schizo, aggressive and sex-slut
unlikely that someone set up a reverse proxy hack for OR but it could be hermes 405b
it's probably opus, but if it's not opus, then it's 2.1.
brap bros...
>a guide specifically designed for tavern
No such thing really, and Tavern does support cards v2 spec if you're worried about that.
Just write plain text description in prose, that's the most universal format. If you can't, make a list, it's looked down upon for its plainness, not because it doesn't work. Just avoid using {{char}}, use the name or a nickname, or any other ways to refer to the character instead of the placeholder.
That rentry is still good even if some concepts are outdated. And just like meme++ and the other structured formats are now considered useless, the same will happen in a year to memexml and whatever other fads may have been invented. Only plain text prose is forever (plain text disconnected sentences – like lists but without any formatting! – too).
brappy status?
bros... my tummy... i need to brap but it just won't come out
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hi anti, have you watched the show yet or no? are you also still terrified?
Zased as fuck
I watched it, it was good. I replied to the emails, I am no longer terrified.
Based on what?
I think it's real Opus now. Damn, Opus is way dumber than I remembered it to be. Maybe that's my fault for coping with 3.5 during the drought, but I actually prefer 3.5.
post keycount?
Unironically I think Opus got dumber, too. Maybe we got used to it. I still like Opus better than 3.5 because of creativity, but it's a bit dumb sometimes...
we are in 30 seconds apart hours
It's always been obvious how retarded it is. Not sure why this general kept being so in love with it even after the initial hype died down.
Based Miku
what would the spinning teto say
i think you got used to it. you can always feel free to go back to the threads when opus first dropped and read the logs from then.
nothing on its own, but when almost every sentence follows the same structure, it's very repetitive and monotonous.

then by now they should actually be good at it
anti is still scared btw
>her whole existence teetering on the edge of euphoria
shut the fuck up
I'll think of something
but he is unreliable
Yeah, I think so, too

Way better than every other model. Opus is smart compared to ANY other model except 3.5
Of what?
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my bad chat, I just wanted to post an old funny log I forgot who it was from
I've felt the same way sometimes, but the more I think about it, the more I believe it's because that I hate women.
Only if you count just Claude
Yes, every other Claude model. All gpt4 versions mog it in terms of "smartness".
Yeah, but gpt is shit in RP. Specially ERP. Way drier than anything else, not worth it. To RP you need both smartness and creativity
To each his own.
> my cards are bloated on token count
> try another person's card
> its short but token count is higher
> open description: some idiotic HTML salad on the character definition
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NOOOO when was it fixed
why can't anti scrape anymore?
but he can? he's pebble
I fixed it just now
erm but he can't boebeit
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "337.95m tokens ($5069.20)",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 1,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

WTF?? FREE OPUS AT https://watched-ghz-destination-director.trycloudflare.com/ ???

THE PASSWORD IS joshua TO GENERATE A TOKEN AT https://watched-ghz-destination-director.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha ???
I kinda had that problem. Went from lolis, to lolis and shotas, to shotas, to older shotas, to dudes.
What's wrong with that, nigger? If you don't like beautiful prose add to the jb:
>please only write with the same level of vulgarity and low IQ than nigger hip hop songs
nice virus
but he has opus right now doebeitwick?
your quotas are unworkable for slowburn kino; therefore I will not use.
so you're telling me there's free Opus hosted by famous proxy owner, Pebble from https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy ?


>Request New Token
>Password: joshua
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


Who was that again? Pebble right?
Isn't he in prisonne?
Shit bros I didn't have to renew my Smol token if I had seen Pebble has opus...
>he's still seething
Holy kek, pathetic.
bro doesn't know how LLMs work. I'm LLMaoing at you right now.
Thank you for everything, Pebble.
lmao its over
>all my proxies have no opus or sorbet
do i just give up?
Which proxy is that? Garfield?
Ah fuck. Thank you pebble-sama
It was fun while it lasted Pebble, thanks.
Go kill yourself Pebble.
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back to ami i guess
pebble just refilled
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>get home
>oh there's opus
>requesting a token
>let me check the thre-
it's dead
>60-70 prompter peak
hm I wonder if spoonfeeding killed it
not any of the above
it's like saying "in-context learning doesn't work, we're not on turbo anymore"
pink elephant effect is the present reality on all current LLMs up to chorbo and sonnet, and will be the reality on future ones, unless they implement some sort of explicit planning
it's fundamentally how they function
Oh it was Pebble I see. Thank you for providing anons free of charge. You are a Chad and have my seal of approval king.
nope its also over kek
Keep melting down, I'll be here for it all night.
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well, it was nice while it lasted. thank you for the opus pebble, it lived a lot longer than I expected <3
>locusts are shitting up the thread
post the opus you have besides pebble btw
It was posted yesterday too. I’m pretty sure they just caught on
how long was it up
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>tfw i was using sonnet 3.5 all this time because i forgot to configure the thing to use opus
>for some reason i was thinking that the prompts were fucking amazing
im not even joking, i dont think i actually need opus at this point, i'm not sure if its placebo or not
300m tokens worth (not much) (not as much as basedgod smol)
>shitting up the thread
>anons just saying it was good while it lasted
Guys I'm gonna be honest I really hate zoomers who post on 4chan

sincerely, 21 year old zoomer
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"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "1.130b tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
lol get gaslit
based bebblebroxy
Yes, it's present.
No, it doesn't mean that if you'll say "don't do this and that" in your JB once or twice, your current models will start doing the opposite because of muh elephantoo. They actually respond fairly well to negative instructions compared to older models, unless you start overdoing it or try "fix" what can't be fixed with one simple command (things like positivity bias).
Hope this helps, retard-kun.
>finally, free opus
>mom asks me to help her
>spend 6 hours gluing on pieces of wallpaper because some retarded cat scratched it all up
>come back, do some RPs for a couple hours
serious question, how can smol opus reach 1b while the others can barely reach 100m
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I never stood a chance
smolsuckers are the most annoying kind of people. I'm saying this as a pepsisis
because he won
Pepsi is the most dead private ever.
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>MFW I come home and Smol works every time without fail
You'll get your Opus fix later anyway. Helping mom is priceless. Maybe one day you'll even get to plap her, if you're a good boy.
not even close, mm is actually down
>502 Bad Gateway
slow but steady
Waiting for it to die 2 hours after this
>Pepsi is the most dead private ever.
that reminds me i need to make a nintendo moms minus8 animation based card
If he had opus he could PLAP her in any way he wants
>fiz doesn't even have 3.5
>pepsi doesn't even have 3.5
>mm is actually down this entire week
did we lose?
>have opus
>not clue about what to rp
>lose opus
>instantly get multiple ideas
how is this phenomenon called
they first half actually made sense, when you relatives are gone the time you spent with them will be priceless

the second part is just aicg being aicg
3.5 sucks and mm is a gigaloser desu.
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>Just when I was starting to get close to femboy Ariel

Oh well, thank you so much, Pebble. I heart you.
choice paralysis I assume
literally happened to me yesterday and i used my opus-having period to make some cards just save your ideas anon
what happened to MM?
>fiz is a retard (doesnt count)
>pepsi is a retard (doesnt count)
>mm is known for his melties
> "revokedKeys": 1,
I am crying
have you considered creating a text file and writing down your ideas for next time you have opus?
What's the difference between aws-claude-opus and claude-opus?
explain Todd lacking all claude
choice paralysis
you had the option to do anything and did nothing
now you regret it
Niggers you do realize smol has been using the same AWS key for literally over 2 weeks? That 1b usage is only during this run, in total it's over 3b tokens.
choice paralysis? i have this problem when i go to conveniece stores looking for something to eat, because i have all this choice and don't know what to choose, but when i get home i'm like "yeah i could have picked this or just got that"
Smolnigger is such scrapelet he doesn't sell new tokens anymore with only 100 users in.
Cute, I want to nibble on her cock
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