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File: mpv-icon-8bit-128x128.png (22 KB, 128x128)
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mpvKt librempeg ikatube
To who is the UI design appealing?
/mvp/ bingo
1. haasn did nothing
2. scaling schizos
3. color schizos
4. stuttering schizos
5. 0.29.1 schizos
6. What the fuck is this fucking GIBBERISH? Speak goddamn English.
7. meme shaders
8. unappealing UI
>changing speed still drops frames
wtf is this? i looked it up and it's some weird SAARware with shitty flatshit gui for phones

you can tell the person made this as a quick entry to their "tech" portfolio so that some FAGMAN can hire them

kuso thread, will be saging this one until a proper one is made
backdoored proprietary trannyware
it's slanderous to include librempeg in this list.
Proofs? Anyway is there alternative? All i see are players i just need lightweight launcher with thumbnails like ikatube.
MPC-Qt librempeg youtube-tui
Which wangblows build is kang and why?
you're not owed an explanation or anything, just so you know
you're free to think independently
you can also search the archive for keywords instead of wasting everyones time by repeating ourselves
the ones that require you to have a shithub account
my wife dmg is still alive
you don't need one but of course i'm not going to tell you the well known method
welcome to 4chan guys :)
#2 is me
in today's news: wayland once again proves itself to be a complete shitmess, and llyyr is a wayland dicksuck who thinks he's better than everyone else just because bothered to memorize the shitmess """"spec"""" that no sane developer cares about
jeets are biologically incapable of independent thought
that's still a web browser viewer with shitty player
>good at rote memorization
and people will still say stereotyping is racist
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>ilyr today
What's this?
the definitive ffmpeg version
What's the difference?
one is written by an american patriot, other funded by cia and nasa
He's such a wayland shill.

Reminder, the objective truth about wayland: https://dudemanguy.github.io/blog/posts/2022-06-10-wayland-xorg/wayland-xorg.html
Shilled xher niche closed source youtube player literally no one uses and a knockoff ffmpeg yet again award
It's only one tranny spamming these two btw
9. pedotroon thread

Rate my config.
At least librempeg is open source, unlike that youtube thing.
>librempeg is open source
paul took down the repo to prevent his changes from being merged back into ffmpeg, so no it's not open source
>increase playback speed
>reset playback speed
>speed stays increased for a bit before resetting
Why does this happen?
what ao?

If this fixes it, the problem is your audio drivers
fuck that tranny
adding these options makes mpv stutter as soon as it starts playing anything
replace min with 10 then 20 then 50 until it stops stuttering, also this sounds like a driver issue
it worked fine with my old version of mpv
i shouldn't have updated
i don't get it
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lurk more
use the archive
helpless nigger
'emmy albeit
>make up nonsense
>get called out on it
>d-d-dumb newfag
so apparently the cause is the hwdec
>closed source bad
reminder that most mpv users here use microsoft windows
closed source software are for working men who want things just work unlike linux tinkertrannies
What hwdec?
What am I missing if I haven't updated mpv since 2015?
i was using auto-safe for the longest time but there are like some rare files that refuse to play with it so i canged it to d3d11va but that one has the speed issue
it's not made up nonsense
it happened only 2 or 3 months ago o algo así
so you got exposed as an ultra newfag
use the archive
not sure why you're seething since it was extremely based of him to do that and we all rejoiced during the happening
I use Linux mint and it just works DOE
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what the fuck are you talking about? paul had a few days where he seemed to quit developing librempeg but changed his mind and started working on it again. that doesn't make it "closed source". it doesn't even make sense as a joke.
see >>102258690
you will not be spoonfed
use the archive
Don't argue with schizos.
I've just started using ffplay lately. It basically the same thing with even less unnecessary features.
Oddly it uses more resources but it's still light weight asf
source: it was revealed to me in a dream. when a public git repo gets taken down, the natural assumption is that the person quit developing. it is not like people didn't already have the source cloned a gazilion different places and could just cherry-pick commits from there instead. what a complete waste of my time. last reply from me unless you somehow actually post proof of paul intending to make librempeg closed source. i don't think it would even be legal to fork ffmpeg and make it proprietary considering the licensing but whatever let the lawyers figure that out.
nice goalpost. "quitting" isn't the same as taking down the repo. paul has a bunch of inactive projects, and one puiblicly archived one on the hub
intentionally obstructing the use/redistribution of source code within license terms violates the OSI definition of open source. and that's exactly what happened
It's over
This is the third time ilyyr has bisected a ffmpeg regression this week, you guys are too mean to him
maybe ffmpeg shouldn't break shit on daily basis?
word salad
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who let blud in :skull: :skull: :skull:
>6. What the fuck is this fucking GIBBERISH? Speak goddamn English.
we have one
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10. "make sure to sandbox these bad boys with firejail" guy.
libmpregentlesisters sonotori once again...
wrap these rascals in firejail to prevent anal leakage.
ffmpeg -hide_banner -noaccurate_seek -ss 00:00.5 -i nl.mp4 -t 0.5 -c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero  -y avoidnoac.mp4
ffmpeg -hide_banner -ss 00:00.5 -i nl.mp4 -t 0.5 -c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -y avoid.mp4
ffmpeg -hide_banner -noaccurate_seek -ss 00:00.5 -i nl.mp4 -t 0.5 -c copy -y noac.mp4
ffmpeg -hide_banner -ss 00:00.5 -i nl.mp4 -t 0.5 -c copy -y t.mp4

md5sum *.mp4
a576ec95b93a6b29c63ca0debe8848a6 avoid.mp4
a576ec95b93a6b29c63ca0debe8848a6 avoidnoac.mp4
a78a6e5a3df88ca19339383aa5aa3367 nl.mp4
54b75ca7f90d62652b00b096d9484c0b noac.mp4
54b75ca7f90d62652b00b096d9484c0b t.mp4

what are the right arguments for losslessly cutting out parts of videos?
>create chapters
>cut along those chapters in mkvtoolnix
>delete the parts you don't want
>append & mux the rest together in mkvtoolnix
>A particularly amusing example is screen recording not working. By design, Wayland doesn't allow clients to see the contents of another client. This is something I mostly regard as "security theater" (I don't install malware)
jesus fuck
what a clueless retard
i take it back
that is the only place where he is clueless actually
It's factually true, retard. There are dbus and wayland extension protocols which work it around, but they're neither mandatory nor supported everywhere.
The extension that makes that possible was literally only merged a few weeks ago. GNOME will probably never support it of course.
That only means it's an OFFICIAL extension now (WOW), not a mandatory one. And yes, GNOME proves how shit Wayland is.
how to disable all the post processing bloat in mpv so i can watch 8k 60fps without 90% gpu usage? mpv literally rapes my rtx 3090 when i try to watch 8k videos
mpv can't used dedicated video processing hardware. Just use vlc with libplacebo disabled.
Are you retarded?
No. I know how shit works.

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