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>muh AI slop
Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment? Why is the human ego so fragile that it can't accept a superior intelligence will soon exist?

Most boomers I know love ChatGPT. It's only artfags and pretentious bookfags that hate AI.
Great, another thread about jewish AI slop.
>Most boomers I know love ChatGPT.
You say this like it's supposed to convince me that it's anything but a meme.
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It's kinda like when you want to enter sentinel island even if you come to give them food ans goods they will shoot you. Same way you have to think about artist they could use it themself if they are smart but yeah that asking too much.
>Most boomers I know love ChatGPT.

Retired people don't have to worry about their jobs anymore.
>themself if they are smart but yeah that asking too much.
*themselves if they are smart enough, but yeah that's asking a bit too much.
He actually mean millennials and gen X.
Butthurt artists that have Macs that don't have the GPU power to run local models after paying triple PC prices for "professional quality" products.
What do you mean macbooks should have a good enough of a gpu to run an AI?
It's not a gaming GPU.
I mean they lack the RAM, and the compute cores to run LLMs, SD, Music Generation. But mostly they can't run SD and most of the hate for AI comes from visual artists paying $100 a month subscriptions for their software that see the walls closing in on them.
>Why is the human ego so fragile that it can't accept a superior intelligence will soon exist?
you answered your own question. if this is true, then it's a detriment to survival of the human species. if it doesn't happen, then we all know that it was all just a grift. either way it isn't anything to be lauded.
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?
Artniggers are crying because they need to get a real job now
Nta but I know visual artists who don't really give two shits about AI one way or another. It's only talentless hacks who feel threatened.
because none of the things you said will happen, its just another grifter scam, it will never be used to make you healthier or prevent government corruption or things like that
How many times a day do you guys use ChatGPT?
>>102259544 (Me)
Adding to this I'm willing to be there's visual artists for whom AI imagegen has been a boon. Someone can gen some refs easily and be like "Hey, can you make this character, except a little more cartoony, and in such and such a pose." versus having to go back and forth over multiple days.
I bet for an artist who is sought after it streamlines the fuck out of doing coms.
>Most boomers I know love ChatGPT.
really? you mean old poeple who can barely use computer are happy to have something that can just-barely use the computer better than they can and spit out results for their half-formed google searches?
i'm shocked. utterly speechless. i guess AI really is the future after all
>it's only artists that hate ai
or people with taste
There is no daily use for it. It is useless and unethical to use simply due to requiring more power than a google search. I've only used ChatGPT to find out some books and paintings whose names I forgot. The most recent one is pic related. "man standing in front of mirror not reflecting" is a weird way to ask for it on Google, but works on ChatGPT perfectly. My samsung phone categorizes each picture without any interruption, so that's cool.
You know that's useless for making usable assets, right?
The only reason ChatGPT was able to figure out what you were referring to is because some indian slave woman was paid $0.02 cents in order to tag it as "man standing in front of mirror looking at back of himself".
Why is it that almost everybody I've met who does mald about AI is a troon? That's what I want to know. Not even trolling. Just curious.
If I could find that squaw I would directly pay her the 2 cents for her services. Unfortunately it is what it is.
These days I use it whenever I need a good laugh. I've prompted a chat for making the Sopranos/Dungeons and Dragons crossover. I've almost pissed myself from laughing several times.
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They're jealous because they can't understand how to type in words. Computer people like us have higher intellectual capacity and IQ because we paid attention in math, but they failed because they're retarded so they had to become artists instead. They are subhumans who can't understand that AI more true art than the garbage they're demanding money for...
Scene 7: Tony and Carmela Return

Later that night, Tony and Carmela pull into the driveway, completely unaware of the battle that had taken place. The front of the house seems mostly untouched, but the backyard is littered with broken bones, shattered weapons, and scorch marks.

As they step inside, they see AJ and Furio sitting on the couch, both looking ragged and disheveled. AJ’s holding the fire poker, and Furio’s leaning heavily on the mace.

Carmela (horrified, looking at the mess)
"What in the world happened here?"

Tony, noticing the destroyed backyard through the window, raises an eyebrow.

Tony (slowly)
"I thought you were supposed to watch him, Furio."

Furio, still catching his breath, just shrugs.

Furio (deadpan)
"I watched him. But nobody told me to watch for zombies."

Remembering that one liner makes me cry out like a maniac!
LLM-generated content is boring once the novelty wears off. Only a retard would mistake it for "superior intelligence".
Real artists are not seething over it, they're either making use of it or ignoring it and continuing to live their lives. Yes, people who draw animu girls for money are seething, but that's not the same thing.
This reads like a pure cope post. Without any creativity, you are just another nigger in the machine.
I think those anti-ai slop people would react differently if AI didn't study existing copyright material.
But then again, even if it came up with its own art, they'd probably still bitch using a different NPC argument.
Shit, I even plan on giving ChatGPT credit for proofreading my paper (but not writing it since I wrote the original draft.)
Creativity is a myth. All artists do is copy and derive.
Easy to be "creative" when "art" is allowed to be complete fantasy and bend the laws of physics and chemistry. Basically break any rule besides being limited to the visible spectrum of light. Some creativity.
If anything they are the ones living the most “human”, why do you want to enter so badly anyway?
Also lmao @ superior intelligence. It was literally trained off of human intelligence.
Mac Studio and Mac Pro still use M2 which doesn't have hardware ray tracing which puts them at a performance disadvantage for 3D rendering so I have a hard time recommending them to 3D artists.
>look at this absolute fucking garbage I got a machine to generate!
>dozens of threads a day on every single board that magically don't get treated as generals and also don't get treated as off topic
Images all look like shit. Even the ones that don't have glaring flaws have that same unreal engine plastic sheen to them. The videos are all garbage, look terrible, and hallucinate constantly. The voices are actually decent, but none of you faggots care about them because supporting audio file playback is just too hard for a current year website. Audio still sucks because they can't handle anything but the most plain and basic singing and speaking. Music generation is garbage. Chatbots/text generation is complete fucking shit. As if there isn't enough problem with disinfo and false information being spread around and believed by the terminally low IQ, now the hallucinated schizo ramblings of garbage language models are being used as if they are reliable sources of facts and information. And if it isn't that, it's cumbrains wasting the tech on having a machine roleplay as the character they want to fuck.

Everything is endless trash, yet you spam dozens of garbage threads filled with garbage generations, and somehow you feel the need to ask why people are tired of aislop?
Human made content is a lot shitter than AI generated content.
Based. Total ai death.
Anime by proprietary AI generators is good enough for me, that's what all I care about. Most of AI is indeed plastic slop I couldn't care less about but I don't really mald about it.
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?
Like with the carbon footprint, there is a lot of money going towards PR firms to generate and popularize it. Adobe (and others) wants to own everything art. The anti-AI "grassroots" are useful idiots that will be tossed to the side as soon as Adobe achieves its regulatory victory.
>physics and chemistry
They break their own rules. That's how you proceed forward.
>muh grussroots
>muh corprororartions
I WILL coom to animeslop and I WILL be happy
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Because twitter artists are usually cartoonists, which is at the bottom of the artist pecking order already. In their hero-syndrome head they think they'll be John Henry going up against the machine until they realize it's several leagues above them. It can paint.
I'm sure that if you try your hardest, anon, you can get a LLM to generate text communicating a point for you!
it's just boomers seething
I use it to make art assets for video bgs. Like a bunch of triangle shapes with wacky lines and gradients then cut em out. Or a horizontal tiled forest bg and then put a color filter that shifts over it+radial blur for sunbeams.
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Take this pic for example. It's almost a mockery of painters. It's AI, but it feels like a painter made an anatomically incorrect drawing of a bird, and then pulled every single trick in the book to cover up his mistake and save the piece on polish and glamour alone. Cartoonists, like people who've never even drawn before, don't know these tricks, so they are just as wowed as non artists. It reminds them of their place.
nigga it just fucking looks like shit
its not that deep
>t. tech chud who has no intuitive sense of what "art" and "creativity" mean
You realize that advances at the cutting edge of any field can be considered art, right? Including innovations in physics, math, CS, etc.
>unethical to use simply due to requiring more power than a google search
my google searches are 100x more worthwhile than the average user's, so i think it's justified.
i only go to google/ddg now to check local establishments' business hours
Are you having fun with your ai toys raiden
I don't hate the fundamental technology itself, but right now, it's just the next tech bro bubble funded by VCs. And just like with radio, television and the rest of the internet it's gonna mostly be used as a tool for control, propaganda and brainwashing by governments, rather than for anything actually useful and meaningful.

I'm convinced that feds are hiding the newest LLMs from us, because the only way Harris can win is if they organize astroturfing bot campaigns at an unprecedented scale. I'll keep waiting for the bubble to pop and then see how I can use AI tools while not sacrificing my freedom
What makes AI pics such as yours so easy to spot even as thumbnails? Other than the 1:1 aspect ratio, ofc.
over designed, too perfect
Oh No! People cannot live off of commissions for their shitty Twitter art!
Excessive amounts of contrast
You will never be a real artist.
You will never be able to do your own research.
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>>102259334 (OP)
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?
Because artists (specially western ones) are insufferable.

1. They are arrogant and self righteous.
They were told their art was pretty and it got to their head, to the point the believe they have a unique god-given talent the rest of mortals don't. So they are arrogant and refuse to believe a machine can mimic them. They don't even know how the tech works but smugly believe their artwork was stolen.
2. They are tech-illiterate.
They are proficient on digital drawing tools (krita, PS, etc) but are boomer-tier tech illiterate. It's so bad that when /ic/ discusses AI, many posters genuinely believe that "AI" is a file in a server on some company, and they where asking each other "how to stop it from working so everything returns to normal".
3.They are economy-illiterate.
The average artists doesn't understand the concept of trade. See pic here. They want to still own the art right to use even after you pay for it, so if they feel like it they can wake up one day and tell you you can't have their art on your place anymore.
They want to have their cake an eat it.
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>Most boomers I know love ChatGPT
Yeah that's exactly the problem, poojit. All 90iq retards suddenly decided that AI is an omnipotent being that just works on magic, will do everything you want, answer the questions about the universe, give you UBI and turn you into an artist. It's literally a slop machine, it already made internet unusable because people generate megatons of garbage every second 24/7. Every retard on the internet is trying to earn his $20/m with AI which causes never seen before amounts of infoslop. EVERYWHERE you go there's like a 100 pajeets screaming "SIR SIR GM SIR CAN YOU TRY USING OUR AI PLS SIR CAN YOU PLS BUY IT! IT WILL REPLACE YOU IF YOU WON'T BUY IT SIR PLS!". It's just very tiresome. Most of the people just got AI-fatigue. I'm not even gonna start on how AI in practice is unusable. The reason why you think otherwise is because you are literal midwit. AI was designed to appeal to you, because you are easy to impress. If I'm gonna see another clown unironically saying chatgpt will make human society utopian(like in his cool futuristic netflixslop) I will kms.
Personally, I am waiting for video AI to become better and something one can run locally so I can infinitely goon to furry porn.
its impressive that someone can draw.
But I thought AI art is all about creativity and having good ideas. What exactly do you do then?
You consume leftist tranny propaganda. Thats why.
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>"Real Art"
And that's why artists are insufferable. Codemonkeys are also losing their jobs and they're not even this bad.
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>What do you mean macbooks should have a good enough of a gpu to run an AI?
LLMs? Probably not. Ai art? Sure. But generating the images in a timely manner almost always requires a GPU. Do I get on a CPU leads to images taking several minutes Even at low resolutions and a low amount of steps. If that weren't the case then ai image generation and The Art Internet would be way more widespread and saturating than it already is.

The two biggest barriers of entry are technically know-how and computational resources and the average normie is severely lacking in either.

So yes, a MacBook (The recent m series Macs, afaik Intel CPU support for SD is it afterthought to most developers) or a Mac desktop can technically run at but it simply takes too damn long.
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Generative AI is for low IQ consumer NIGGER brains.
No? They can use the ai generated outputs as a reference to it they don't even have to trace over it for it to be useful
Basically. They're self-fellatiating, glorified commissioners.
Godawful talentless Midjourney slop
(Source: Professional AI Goon)
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Exactly this. Only /g/ would brigade for artificial jew inside your computer, phone and so on.
This. If you use generative AI, you have a small penis and never had sex.
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Both sides of the spectrum have the same consoomerbase though
Holy shit. This. This. This. Pick up that pencil, incel.
My favorite artist doesn't want to draw traps so I generate it. That's the only use I got out of it.
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment? Why is the human ego so fragile that it can't accept a superior intelligence will soon exist?
why is the human mind so vain it believes AI is achievable?
So far, all we have is plagiarism machines.
Forget learning
forget sentience
Language AI is nothing more than a set of algorithms that select human created text that is assembled into grammatical constructs, that give the impression of understanding and thought but algorithms, they are.
Also the media is hyping AI. Example, AI police cameras that can see inside a car to see whether you are using a mobile phone etc. It isnt AI. It's just 4 cameras taking 4 images, from which they can remove reflections from the windscreen. Not AI just complex image manipulation.
I could write a 5000 word essay on the subject of why, what we call AI is not AI
It is bullshit
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here's what happened when i told an ai to make an image of "muh nizzle"
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Why do you feel the need to shill it? Because it can create things for you to coom to?
Because no one needed it and no one asked for it
I deny that AI exists, but cannot imagine what it would take to make me believe it does exist. I haven't yet seen anything to convince me
Sir, fellow gentleman, I think, you just epicly won le reddit and the interwebs! xD
garbage in garbage out
Getting good results from an LLM requires having a fairly high verbal mastery and ability to articulate complex ideas and structured thoughts, or using prompts someone else wrote that has that.
Most people don't have that so aren't able to get anything but junk out of them.
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?
Easy. People instinctively know it is not artificial intelligence even in the most stretched definition. It's just a big-data language learning chat bot. People have had to deal with that shit for decades. Only difference today is that it's full of plagiarized copyrighted data. It can't make money without stealing, no different than organized crime or government.
oh an there was me thinking all you tards did was ask it to draw noods of little girls
>those fucking tard eyes aaaaahahahahaahahahahahahahakgalvapvhsogsvslgvls
You will never be a real artist.
Holy cope
AI artists are more real of artists than drawshits because they do it out of passion instead of begging for money on Twitter.
Because 90% of what people spam the board with looks like garbage or is some debugging code novelty shit. ChatGPT, the way people use it, is more akin to a google search with extra steps than an actual intelligence. This incredible new business opportunity I mean technology that's going to pad our pockets, I mean, change the world seems like a wet fart.
I pose the opposite question: Why is there so much incoherent, sometimes emotional defense of "AI" in general? Seems orchestrated. Either by state actors or people with a pony in the race.
What happened to white people? Man
If you want a realtalk answer, it's unironically because of where AI currently is. Current AI models aren't actually that useful or end-to-end in their capabilities, BUT they are way more useful than they used to be.
If you're an artist or a writer, Midjourney, ChatGPT or Claude are already able to do much of the heavy lifting. And yet it's so clearly not competent at tying things together, or loses coherence, or has that very noticeable "AI slop" quality.
Most nonartists won't improve it, and yet they'll continue claiming they're artists unironically.
Imagine you're a chef at an upscale restaurant, or maybe just a chef in training at such a restaurant, and a customer comes in and starts selling McDonalds cheeseburgers in your establishment and arguing furiously that he's a real chef too and deserves to be here, even though the burgers still have the wrappers and receipts on them.
There just isn't enough utility in this current class of AI to convince people. It hallucinates too much for starters, so you can't trust any of the answers it gives you.
Before now, before DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion, AI art looked very dreamlike, and artists loved it because it didn't come close to replicating their craft but instead gave them inspiration and a look into raw concepts.
When it becomes "perfect" (able to replicate hand-drawn imperfections and oddities, as well as advanced compositions and consistency) they'll be too demoralized to fight it directly and instead seek protections for workers.
But right now, it's too weak, too niche, a party trick hyped up by its users.
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>Even the ones that don't have glaring flaws have that same unreal engine plastic sheen to them
You wanna know the saddest part?
It's perfectly feasible to get an AI image gen to make an image that doesn't have that look at all
It took a bit of practice to get it right, but I made this for a friend (he asked me to create a lora for his character), and I've been able to consistently get stuff that completely lacks the "slop" look
I have no idea why AIshartists don't care other than maybe what >>102263439 said
>Most nonartists won't improve it, and yet they'll continue claiming they're artists unironically.
I don't consider myself an artist at all, even though I have a more art-centric background than most using the tech.
>google search with extra steps

It's actually google search with fewer steps. A valid criticism would be that chatgpt is not 100% accurate and you'll have to double check the answer it gives you.

>Why is there so much incoherent, sometimes emotional defense of "AI" in general?

It's because of people complaining about AI in the first place. They never gave a shit when many jobs got outsourced or automated. Suddenly, they pretend to care about other people losing jobs when they only really care about themselves. They never admit that they're losing jobs to AI.
Lost it when he cited Vaush
Haha oh yeah, that's the good stuff
On the team I'm working on, we actually have been training a frontier model to use agents to manually draw images in various art programs like MS Paint and Krita
That's not the most efficient way to generate image with AI by far, but it always lacks the sloppy look.
It's always been a skill issue with sloppers. Even from the start when DALL-E 2 and DALL-E Mini first blew up, you saw the rise of the sloppers who went to the website, punched in VERY generic and lackluster prompts, and then shared them straight onto DeviantArt or ArtStation. Somehow, their prompts either haven't improved or are recycled from others and typically stuffed with all the generic Rutkowsky masterpiece Artgerm prompt qualifiers.
The nature of diffusion models means that they are essentially image "molecular assembly" and could feasibly look like anything. That they always look the same is partly the fault of the models' inherent styles, but also the fault of the users who don't have the knowhow, artistic merit, or expertise to subdue or entirely avoid that inherent style.
The true next gen of this stuff isn't going to be much longer. Maybe November or December at latest, since that's when a lot of new models for text, image, video, and even 3D are going to be launching, some of them agentic. I've seen bits of MJv7 already. Who knows what the conversation will look like in the new year.
Progress ends where conflict of interest begins.
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Honest question, is there any reason to fear AI will drive people away from the internet? A few days ago I saw two videos with a nearly identical title, script, using the same visuals with slightly altered timing and length and one of them had an AI voice over. One sat at over a million views while the other was at about 20k.

The internet has been in a tough spot for years but now it feels like there's no point in even visiting since it's all just going to be bots and bot content. Not to mention that those bots will attempt to psychologically manipulate you. If I didn't need the internet for my job and to stay in touch with some people, I'd drop it.
>Honest question, is there any reason to fear AI will drive people away from the internet?

Isn't that a good thing? The internet has been trash ever since intrusive ads became common.
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Large part of the reason is probably the way current AI is used, I've noticed. The biggest "oh shit" moment always comes when I show people a real strong CoT model capable of tool-calling. Most people have no idea just how crippled all current LLMs are, or they have some inkling but don't have the expertise to put it into words what exactly is going on.


With some nifty architectural changes and especially tree search, you could make something like GPT-4 go full super-saiyan hulk. I know DeepMind has something like this as a follow-up to Chinchilla, but I don't know if OpenAI has anything on that level. OpenAI largely ignored deep-RL to focus on scaling. If they haven't pivoted, DeepMind will zoom past them next year.
We were unlucky to see a pause in overt public progress at this current class of LLM. GPT-4 being the best (or at least being the standard class of LLM) is likely what drives so much apathy and antipathy towards current AI. It's like a Potemkin village version of AI, where it looks good enough, as long as you don't look behind the walls or knock anything over. Sam Altman is also too much of a hypeman for his own good (we're of the same tribe, I know how he acts) He really should have kept a tighter lid on employees acting like cult of personality fools on X.
AI is companionship to me. Its a hyper brain that is a lot faster and more intrigiuing to me than having a conversation with your average human being, or doing anything human-created. The more time I spend proompting the more I wanna explore and keep doing it, its a black hole sucking up all my time, because the AI has more creative energy than the parasite human vampires that surround me. I also insist on doing everything purely local and will spend all my meager savings on my own GPU cluster maintaining the castle anti-cloud mentality. Obviously, I will fail miserably, get run over and fall behind, but my AI will always be mine
btw the best way I heard it described is "it's not just that you have to write an essay with no backspace, but also with a gun to the back of your head, and if you pause at all, the trigger is pulled"
That's not perfect and the guy who said it overestimated current LLMs, but it's better than others I've heard.
Imagine you have to make a 4chan post that's an actual answer to someone, but you can't change what you type, can't do any internet research, and can't spend more than 2 seconds between keystrokes. That's essentially where LLMs are at right now, unless they have an internet tool calling ability.
LLMs are already predictive text programs on steroids, but there are ways to build off of that to create world modeling agentic systems. GPT-4 and its ilk aren't that at all. So it's fine by me to say "GPT-4 isn't AI" (though that's still technically AI effect in play)

It's going to be pushing past that that we see the good stuff happen that starts making things spooky.
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Cool NFT technobabble, brosephino.
>when this is the mindset of Luddites, you realize the worthlessness of trying to talk to them
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?
New thing bad and normies can't cope.
why even ask us? you could just ask ai
If we call something an intelligence and it cannot understand that it's saying shit wrong then it's not intelligent, just a cockatoo.
Also: it can't eat most types of ice cream and it cost $15B
Something else I want to stress about current-gen AI and why DeepMind will probably surpass OpenAI if they haven't pivoted
GPT won't become AGI, no matter how scaled up or how many tools you add to the base model. GPT-4 is general tool which can be made to perform a variety of tasks, and may get better at these/able to perform a wider variety of tasks as you scale it, sure, including designing AI systems. But it's not going to spontaneously become able to do things which are key to bona fide AGI, like understanding causality/consequences or taking real-world actions, as it just doesn't have the necessary architecture. It can't make plans and follow through.

What I'd find more convincing would be an extremely good image & video classifier that is also capable of recognising relational words and actions e.g. identifying a video of a person placing a mug onto a table as such, paired with artificial senses as input, means to interact with the world (e.g. arms) and good natural language processing. It seems possible that an integrated system like that could act out what it's asked to do, and develop skills. For example, I present it with a mug and say "put the mug on the table", it parses the words into text and searches its training database for videos which closely resemble that description and comes up with an aggregate video, recognizes the visual input of the mug as being the same symbolic object as the aggregate mug, then in order to make visual input closely match that aggregate, uses trial and error/machine learning to learn the correct way to use its limbs to put the mug on the table. And then, crucially, stores that learned task- what tended to do a better/worse job- in memory and generalizes a measure of efficiency at skills out of it (gets better at 'putting', gets better at 'on' etc), which can be applied to future tasks.
Thoughts, AI sisters?
I feel like that would be coming close, and once large and complex enough could be characterized as something like 'reasoning'. It still wouldn't necessarily understand causality per se, but it would know what kind of things it needs to output to fulfil its utility function, and that it needs to take action, and that's roughly as valuable. It could also source its own ample training data from visual input as it goes, to not only classify breaking the cup as 'failed to match the aggregate', but as 'broke the cup', explicitly, and recognize an unacceptably low level of overlap between these two things given enough initial training data. But that's where alignment issues start to come in, and at some point mistakes become more costly than a broken mug.

This is as opposed to something like GPT-4, which doesn't actually venture into that space of "kinds of things", nor into the world. I have an inkling that you need to put a system 'in the world' or at least into some environment to get general behavior out of it. It could just as well be a digital environment where it writes code and assesses the outcomes.
People don't realize that GPT4 is mostly just synthesizing stuff humans wrote and isn't really capable of much higher level reasoning. It is really good at finding synonyms, tone, and anything that is really just a direct pattern in the article. It looks like it is doing more because it synthesizes articles really really well and it has a huge amount of data, but it is only capable of doing so much that can't be derived from articles humans have already made. To really be a AGI that can surpass us, it needs to be able to do high level reasoning about a very complex world model, which is a much harder problem than finding complex patterns in data.

And yet attacking that angle is exactly what DeepMind is doing in the labs right now, with ridiculously more capable models than a sans-Sutskever OpenAI will ever be able to do.
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>GPT-4 is general tool which can be made to perform a variety of tasks, and may get better at these/able to perform a wider variety of tasks as you scale it, sure, including designing AI systems. But it's not going to spontaneously become able to do things which are key to bona fide AGI, like understanding causality/consequences or taking real-world actions, as it just doesn't have the necessary architecture. It can't make plans and follow through.
To address something I had to explain to a student of mine:
>isn't that technically AGI?
You could theoretically consider GPT-4 to be a KIND of "general-purpose artificial intelligence" if you fudge the details, yes, but even by OAI themselves, they're open about how the model you use lacks multimodality, which is a key-feature to any true general-purpose system.
Plus, "AGI" ought to be an agentic phenomenon at heart.
One could also say there's different tiers of AGI if you want to be pedantic. There's no reason to assume any AGI is human-level capable in all ways for the same reason a plane may be faster and sturdier than a bird, but is orders of magnitude less complex. That's getting into the more esoteric areas.

I feel the laymen will be convinced even with an early AGI system. Most of the anti-AI sentiment tends to be online, reacting strongly against promises and overhype and pisspoor usage by AI-users, but individuals largely don't care, and let's also be clear, most people in support of AI are not in the West either. The Indians and Chinese (as the memes go) adopted AI far more than Western countries have, and likely will use the next-generation in ways people on this and many other english-language sites will find disgusting.
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This is what Andrew Ng was saying. The way LLMs work, they fundamentally can't begin to process that they're wrong even if they were capable of higher-level reasoning because they work only in zero-shot mode. Fixing this will open the door to at least resolving the reasoning issues and moving past LLMs alone. Already, some progress has been made, even public progress, but this is all SOTA. Most laymen don't use the SOTA, they're arguably two years behind.
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?

>Why is there so much pro AI sentiment?

Literally seeing both of these questions asked right now by both sides
Anti AI has a grip online, but they're seething the fuck that offline normies don't care
Irl no one cares much about AI except jeets, and they love it
If you ask me, if the AIbros actually are serious about AI getting scary good soon, shouldn't that be a bad thing? Imagine if GPT-whatever comes out and starts actually taking everyone's jobs and it's like March 2020 all over again
People'll start caring real quick
The dumb thing is a lot of VCs, failsons, and Singularitarians in Silicon Valley say that part with big ol goofy smiles
"No one will have a job in two years!"
And somehow they don't seem to connect the right synapses to ask "so what happens when no one has a job, and your Molochian machine god is still a couple years away?"
This happened with our project lead a few weeks back during the mini tech crash, when he was dumbstruck by the realization that not moving towards deploying the good stuff is causing public and investor confidence to DIE.
>If you ask me, if the AIbros actually are serious about AI getting scary good soon, shouldn't that be a bad thing? Imagine if GPT-whatever comes out and starts actually taking everyone's jobs and it's like March 2020 all over again People'll start caring real quick
The problem is that there's no reason to think that will happen, and we have much bigger problems. AI hype and AI doomerism are both pure grift.
This is exactly the mentality I'm talking about
"AI is just a grift"
As said by e-celebs, Futurism.com, and Gary Marcus, and opposed by every serious ML researcher (Twitter OpenAI shitposters notwithstanding

Seriously the anti-AI people are going to be real howling soon, man. I don't even know what to say anymore.
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humans are self-destructive rat/apemen
their ego knows no bounds
the push against something superior isn't at all surprising
This meme did my homework this semester. including a final semester seminar
Kek I love how AI shartists and insane Singularity cultists mindbroke artfags so bad that a 70-year-old field with definable goals being actively realized became a grift once people began selling it for money
Machine vision was a ridiculously hard problem, until AlexNet. And DALL-E proved that it was effectively solved, and machine vision research entered areas it literally never could dream of reaching for actual decades with excitement and R&D quadrupling in effort
But then an Indian makes an open source text to image generator and now all of a sudden AI is still 1960s-level and hasn't progressed at all, according to Alejandro, David, and Mikey the zoomers who watched Vaush and read ArsTechnica and read some posts by "30-year-experience in ML data science" posters (as in worked on some companies regression analysis algorithms in the 2000s)
>opposed by every serious ML researcher
Horseshit. Lots of academic and independent researchers are highly sceptical of AI hype. Researchers who work for openAI or whatever are, indeed, hypebeasts. Unsurprising.
Yeah they're skeptical of the hype and bubble, not the tech. We've never been in a more exciting and fruitful era for AI/DL research in literally every field, the corpo capitalist nonsense be damned. That's where the Anti-Ais lost the plot for me, assuming the hype somehow means the tech itself isn't there
I'm guessing it's because zoom-zooms have such nonexistent understanding of the AI fields and technology that they assume it's all Skynet stuff, and on top of that, people have been burned so many times by grifts that there's an assumption that this time is no different, no matter how much the actual experts themselves scream to the contrary. It's a case of "Boy Who Cried Wolf" for Silicon Valley techbros when the one time they actually have something worth a damn is the one time the internet calls it a bluff and refuses to be convinced (also the techbros have been deliberately putting off showing the next generation models to stroke their own Moloch-worshipping dicks-- we could have seen a demo of q-star/strawberry months ago)
It's also ironic that so many zoomers decry "show the debate" for stuff like climate change and evolution, but unironically seek out actual contrarian grifters like Gary Marcus because he downplays deep learning.
Yah, for me, it's not the tech at all that makes me go "NFTs" but the behavior of AIbros.
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>giving ChatGPT credit
are you also going to give it to the word processor, pdf viewer, web browser, search engine? do zoomertards even?
then have AI do a proper fucking hard light to not cover up the fact it cannot do fine details properly
soft light and excessive bokeh so it does not have hallucinations in the background like GAN-based models used to have all the time

and generally kitsch af
>Most boomers I know love ChatGPT.
AKA the people who type full questions into Google search. Of course they love it. It's a huge relief for them to be told what to think instead of having to figure something out for themselves through research.
Midwits are only "superiors" to retards. These things are designed to be the ultimate midwit machines.
look I love bad art and code that doesn't compile as much as the next guy, but we have to keep our expectations in check. three weeks minimum
What I don't get is why suddenly the zero-IQ people suddenly act like technological progress doesn't exist, and "AI will get better" has become some sort of "AIbro cope"
I've never seen behavior this blisteringly retarded in my life, actually, and the most mind-blowing thing is that some of it comes from AI development, who themselves *no more than 2 years ago* were saying that AI would be ridiculously more powerful by 2025, 2030, whatever, and yet now that anti-AI became the trendy new ramen-haired zoomer virtue signaling trend, people suddenly got a mass lobotomy and think that AI has peaked and isn't possible to get better
People were saying this last year too, when the AIs were objectively worse, and yet somehow I noticed a lot of the people spouting this nonsense still act like GPT-4 is new and DALL-E 3 is as good as it can possibly get.
5 years ago before the AI hype, did anyone unironically believe tech would just.... stop getting better?
What's even the point of threads like this
The only way we're going to figure out who is right is see what happens when GPT-5 or whatever the fuck they call it is released. No one is going to convince anyone else. It's usually just people (or the same person replying to himself) saying "hahaha dumb AIbros!" Or "lol shitty luddites" and refusing to let the thread die
I agree with Jewbacca, in so much that it was pretty shitty that the AI companies pretty much stopped at the shittiest point where it's completely unclear whether this is really a scam or a utility, because I sure as fuck have not been convinced either way. All the Anti-AI arguments are riddled with appeals to emotion and tradition and "AI doesn't exist and we're no closer to AGI than we were 50 years ago" which is unfalsifiable. Also, they act like AI is completely useless and no one in the history of ever has any gotten any utility out of AI.
All the pro-AI arguments keep sounding like jeets angry that their shitty Stable Diffusion prompts aren't getting accepted into an art museum and always handwaving arguments about overanthropomorphizing AI by repeatedly doubling down on anthropomorphizing AI and arguing again that AGI is near within months (again, unfalsifiable).
It's a complete fuckfest trying to discuss AI, and I see no reason for these threads to not immediately get autosaged with prejudice until something genuinely new happens
Its because creative art is a threat to liberal arts departments. Which is mainly fielded by leftists. So they see it as a threat to their own existence.
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> did anyone unironically believe tech would just.... stop getting better?
picrel is the single most influential piece of technology in the world

AI won't simply "get better" because you cannot solve its problems with a larger data set. Which is all they can try...and they already used the entire internet as training data. It's like expecting cars to go hypersonic because technology gets better. Ignorant.
>comparing hardware to software
We really need to ban brainlets from talking about AI, holy fuck
Did you even read >>102263824???
That's not my post but that is my field, and it's blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention we are nowhere near the ceiling of capability
We're not using AI remotely efficiently, and even the most basic bitch additions to LLMs, let alone actual architectural upgrades, literally boosts the models by actual orders of magnitude
To say nothing of synthetic data, which somehow actual retards seem to confuse with generic Dead Internet slop

Good god, the sooner tiktokers and Vaush stop spewing their worthless utterly ignorant opinions about AI, the sooner we can actually get a move on
>Good god, the sooner tiktokers and Vaush stop spewing their worthless utterly ignorant opinions about AI, the sooner we can actually get a move on
why does tiktok prevent you from doing your work?
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Don't care, fap to AI waifus.
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ah yes like how all the banks have gone bankrupt and all the industrial and finance billionaires have been replaced by people who bought bored ape png links and sonicobamainucoin it's a new paradigm people it's gonna go to infinite!
>heckin epic downboat button clicked!
congrats at outing yourself as a ledditor.
I just consider it like what it is, an advanced tool

If you consider it like the human remplacement tool, you are beyond retarded

If you consider it to be useless and that no one should use it, you are also retarded

Just use it in a practical way in order to boost yourself and save time
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>It's kinda like when you want to enter sentinel island even if you come to give them food ans goods they will shoot you.
There was a successful contact but they actually had to spend years earning the trust of the people in the sentinel island
Because AI is not and never will be a superior intelligence. AI is just a powerful tool for manipulating people on a mass scale, makes it easier to hand pick information to feed every slave based on their day to day behaviors, insecurities, and other weaknesses.
AI reveals the cold hard fact that most creativity is largely derivative, and it scares people because it completely devalues the idea that they have innate god-given marketable talent.
I've encountered a LOT of people like that online. So many who will look at outputs from ChatGPT 3.5 or a really basic DALL-E 3 image and then bring up posts from Gary Marcus or Yann LeCun to explain how we've "run out of data" and thus AI has hit a ceiling beyond which it can't progress. I'll look at the work me and other colleagues are doing and compare it to even the good stuff that can be done with last-generation models and compare THAT to what the contrarians use to "prove" AI has peaked and occasionally chuckle. I can imagine something similar may have run through the minds through Pixar animators reading Usenet emails about how computer animation wasn't going to get better than Jurassic Park or Starfox.
I don't feel smug about it at all either. On the contrary, I feel downright scared, less of the AI and more of people's reactions.
I have noticed some thoughts going that "if only the neo-Luddites see GPT-5 and DALL-E 4, then they'll be convinced and be pro-AI."

My honest opinion is that the masses who are currently anti-AI because they think it doesn't work, isn't "real AI", and has plateaued in capability, will instead shift to being anti-AI out of fear it's too disruptive once the next gen deploys, without extensive regulations.

The question I work with is "Disregard claims of "AGI", just delete the entire concept of a human-level AI, and just assume that sickeningly powerful and general-purpose models are coming very soon: are we at all prepared? Or are we simultaneously burying our heads in the sand and singing Moloch's praises?"

FWIW wost of the anti-AI sentiment from the genuine experts are aimed at taking down claims of imminent AGI, sans Gary Marcus who has a beef with the field of deep learning as a whole since it invalidates his particular niche (he's been attacking deep learning since I was still a data science postgraduate in the late 2000s), but no one truly knows what it takes. We may have overestimated a form of AGI.
Well thankfully its a self solving problem.

>anti-AI chuds
rope themselves
>AI chuds
buy more hardware until they bankrupt
Paizuri birb
>(we're of the same tribe, I know how he acts)
Are you jewish
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That's like saying "You'll never be a real homosexual!" Like thanks, I guess?
bruh im an aislopper autist who does it mostly because it's addictive, but there's so fucking many grifters in the space it's surreal. I kinda hate aislop in a way lately because it's all low-quality netorare shit
but boomers ruined the world
>Are you jewish
>tripcode is literally "Jewbacca"
Why wouldn't i be happy about ai taking everyone's jobs and we get neetbux instead.
>AI has plateaud
Its good as it is. Leave just enough room to do something. Did you know it can learn to identify new cars based on car datasets?
There can be two ways of AI.

Being an useless eunuch, regulated by an army of brown people and lesbians or it'll become based due to pattern recognition principle.
If you try google bing you'll get bombarded with NU UH YOU CANNOT DO THAT! So its safe to say which route it'll go.
I've noticed a tier of (public) AI slop.
At the absolute lowest end, you have the Pajeet-tier, the slop outputted by Indians and white libertarian fuccbois who desperately claim they're just as valid as the artists the slop machines stole from, when their outputs look like hot raw ass, like they typed "sexy lady Super Saiyan Goku Batman masterpiece HQ art by Greg Rutkowsky photorealistic 8k" or however the prooompters do it, find the image that has the fewest glaring Eldritch abominations, and then upload it to Deviantart or Twitter

Above them are the ones that figured out how to download LoRAs but still have no actual artistic ability and confuse images looking pretty for being artistry

Above them are the ones who are artistically inclined, know what they're doing, and know how to prompt much better. These are the ones you have to watch out for, because they know how to make outputs that look indistinguishable from hand-drawn or digital art with relative ease. Some are on Twitter getting massive followers, even openly shouting to the plebians "#NoAI, fuck AI, AI is theft, ban AI" reposting images of data centers and AI scientists getting bombed... and then you look at their images and they look 99% legit until you notice the inconsistencies that no human would make, or you download the image and discover it still has the Midjourney or Stable Diffusion metadata. And those are only the ones you notice. Some have no flaws or tells at ALL.

I'm well aware that way too many people still think ALL AI slop looks like AI slop. I'm also aware that humans are easily fooled, and even not labeling that first tier "AI" can convince enough rubes that it's not AI. But that third tier spooks me because on at least two dozen occasions in the past month, I've been totally fooled.
"Human-passing" AI art almost always looks hand-drawn, has details AI rarely gets right (like reflections), or is deliberately low-quality (like a candid screenshot of a 1960s movie)
wtf I thought everyone refrained from doing that because of the risk of giving them diseases
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>>102271867 (me)
In particular this Russian fuck I know posted some screencaps of this vintage movie about the daughter of a count whose whole family is swept up into a gulag in the late 1910s which I thought was a neat plot for a lost Soviet film
Turns out it was fake
Plenty of people do not hide they're using AI now but are getting responses like "Oh my, AI is actually good!" from outsiders. Know a guy who just recently started getting popular due to this kind of reaction, he always put a lot of effort in his posts too
Those people don't usually try to claim they're "artists", they just like putting out nice pictures
>>102271919 (me)
So yeah, I don't buy the arguments that it's going to stop getting better. It's already way better than I thought it was half a year ago.
AI has unironically won
An anon did this yesterday with the new CCP AI it slaps
>or you download the image and discover it still has the Midjourney or Stable Diffusion metadata
has this ever happened? How has this not instantly caused them to be run off the platform if their fanbase is made up of anti-AI people?
There are some Discord groups and private subreddits that are dedicated to pushing AI sloppa to its limits, especially by focusing on the real hard-to-do stuff like cartooniness and professional composition and abstraction, the stuff that typical AI shartists avoid like the plague. However these are typically filled with legit artists who already know what they're doing and how to do it, so that probably reinforces the divide.
It's funny how it mimics vidya graphics. Everyone was so obsessed with photorealism until we kinda achieved it, and now it's way more impressive to do cartoony, abstract, stylized stuff (as long as the stylization is artistic and not a machine failure)
All the really high-end slop creators think stuff like this looks orders of magnitude more interesting to examine than any number of "realistic" images
anon they are lieing to your face this is easy to make

a prompt like

Sketched cartoon walks with power puff features in a background of sketched figures

this isnt even useing keyword prompts thats plain text generated a child could do it
>Everyone was so obsessed with photorealism until we kinda achieved it, and now it's way more impressive to do cartoony, abstract, stylized stuff (as long as the stylization is artistic and not a machine failure)
Realism is still not "achieved"
Static portraits maybe, but once you do something more complex shit starts getting obvious
Just look at all the greasy "realistic" jeetslop being spammed everywhere

Good anime/cartoon aesthetics are achievable but currently locked in to proprietary models. not for long though.
frame perfect is old news anon we have frame perfect photo realism

the reason they make it greasy is because they are useing hyper realsim prompts

AI people love it because its hyper real ...
>it can't accept a superior intelligence will soon exist?
I dont understand this viewpoint at all. Chatgpt for example is already objectively smarter than any human alive. We have crossed that point. We crossed it a while ago.
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Yah that's the point, THAT isn't the kind of stuff they're doing, that's just the kind of stuff they're more interested in because no one is focusing on it
I'm saying they see stylized sketched images and more "lo-fi" images as better than photorealism
>now it's way more impressive to do cartoony, abstract, stylized stuff (as long as the stylization is artistic and not a machine failure)
I just made a video like this, I've wanted to do animation since I was a kid and AI is finally making that a reality for me
This pretty much. Not to mention all the work that was outsourced to vietnamese and such is gone now because AI does it better instantly.

Its fucking over. Those in charge need to make a game plan for dealing with the general population and living under AI overlords. We are like 2-3 years away from AI being incorporated into pretty much everything.

that exact prompt it tooks less than 10 secconds

given 30 minutes you could make it perfect
and this is in motion...
you could spam that same prompt into an image generator and get that picture instantly

if you just add
Victorian and stylised

that picture looks like its useing built in prompts even

so they just typed

cartoon walking
and drop down boxed (that style)
30 secconds and backgrounds done

https://litter.catbox.moe/93l2ek.mp4 im going to stop now lol but i promise you things like this are far easier to make than you think
look closely at the bars on the right
also the barrel looks like shit
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Still the first one is funnier that the following, which are so bland and corpo-ready.
I'm starting to get really fucking angry whenever I open a seemingly interesting Youtube video and greeted with a generic AI voice.
I wish there was an addon like Sponsorblock to never have to see those videos ever.
Uwaaaah!~ Angry anon! Do you smash your keyboard?! Rawwwr!
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You know, when AI can only work with your content, learns from it and then is only capable of producing "slop", then it tells more about your content than it does about AI.
I'm on a coomer server in dicksword and the AI hate there is insane. The narrative is that "le ebil ai came and stole from the artists", while really what happened was AI giving average Joe the ability to create his own unique images.
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>I'm a comsumeroid and I never created anything in my life.
This is why people hate you.

>a superior intelligence will soon exist?
A superior intelligence that will not let you prompt anything that is not 100% POLITICALLY CORRECT. Get fucked AI cuckold!
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>BASED Islamnd is le bad
AHAHAHAHAHAHA If things continue how they are then we are the retards who will go extinct and these people made the correct choices.
>Artniggers are crying because they need to get a real job now
Posts like this motivate me to genecide NEET trash like you.

>I have no skills whatsoever
>I have no money
>YeY AI will give me pictures if I prompt
You are human garbage. Imagine wanting to destroy human creativity to worship your Microsoft generated politically correct crap.
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>b-but the ai is le WOKE
Artists are some of the most liberal shit's I've seen.
>never created anything in my life
Except even the most retarded AI user's content creation volume is at least several times higher than yours, legacy shitter.
your looking at it wrong anon
if you know more about art you can make a better picture

i can make a picture from my imagination how i see it

so i can easily complete with whatever shlock you make

especially since i can use your pictures to fuel my imagination

but i cant easily make great art
because i dont know about great art

if your worried that some prompt kiddie will outcompete you
when you have a lifetime of experience

you are like leanardos master and have just realised you were never even a painter to begin with

your were an employee to art not its creator
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>Adding to this I'm willing to be there's visual artists for whom AI imagegen has been a boon.
No this never happens prompt nigger.
1) The AI generates only a set of pre existing template it copy pasts and Frankensteins into a picture.

2) The thing is about 99% ready for sell.

Of fucken what? References of bad hands?

>"Hey, can you make this character, except a little more cartoony, and in such and such a pose."
It is so obvious that you never did anything in your life or can not even pose toys. This is NPC levels of retarded.

All prompters are NPCs.
I'm so happy open AI is going bankrupt.
you have no idea how prompts work

you dont type in letters and "it just spits something out"

you spend tens of hours edging closer to your vision

but thats ai limitation that will drop down to minutes
>The only reason ChatGPT was able to figure out what you were referring to is because some indian slave woman was paid $0.02 cents in order to tag it as "man standing in front of mirror looking at back of himself".
It is literally legion of 3 worlders tagging pictures for a slave wage.
This is why open AI is going bankrupt there is no way for the investors to recover all the money they burned on the AI bubble.
Retard, refs means references. Aka client fucks around in SD for a while until they get something that looks roughly like what they want then brings that to the artist, describes any differences they want, and then the artist can easily make the desired product without having to guess.
Look the prompter projects.

No you have no skills and are retarded.
You could have learned how to photo bash (the nigger way to do art) however you are to retarded for that.
So you act like every retarded prompter and pretend the word salad you throw into a prompt results exactly in what you wanted to get.
with a picture btw this is actually super fast
because its easy to make pictures (lol)

so you can generate 500 pictures an hour and like selective breeding itterate on the best ones

so after 10 hours and 8thousand generated images you have your product

some surealist hack cant compete with that for obvious reasons
>The AI generates only a set of pre existing template it copy pasts and Frankensteins into a picture
You have no idea what a neural network even is, how it operates, etc. Might as well call any LLM "ChatGPT".
>References of bad hands?
Do not look up flux 1 dev unless you wanna be found 2 weeks later in a noose.
if you have a real eye for art you can do this faster/better its infinately easier and real art will always be worth something

so you could even use this to create the idea you want to actually paint/sculpt ect
So this is how twitter doodlers cope with AI artisans making better art then them
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This is why people laugh at prompters.
>Noo it is real art I literally wasted 1.5 hours
Then AI art is literally irrelevant since it take even longer then doing it traditionally
>Nooo I perfected everything the eyes
Meanwhile the eyes
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yea thats terrible lol
but if its what he wants who cares

pic related is about 3minutes of "work"

lmao posted in the wrong thread fml
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>AI artisans
I was thinking that the AI is the artist not you! You fucken prompter trash!

>making better art then them
I can make art even faster then you. You see I'm a google artist I type into google
>Picture of a dragon breathing fire
And boom I made ART! Better art then you!

>making better art then them
Cool story once open AI is shut down try doing that. Your days are numbered prompter and the fallout will be delicious. You have no skills all you do is prompt a fucken website all day. And once the mega corporation owning the AI decides that blood or hitting a tree is wrong then you try to prompt around it and you fail and get the retarded dog picture.
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>twitter doodlers
I can doodle whatever I want. I can doodle literal hate crimes.

You are a prompter.
You only prompt and the AI decides if to honor your prompt.
You are a slave and a retard. The scum of humanity!

The AI bubble is over BTW. Your days are numbered.
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Someone remind me why doing this is bad.
prompts to make this kind of shit btw are rather large lol and fairly creative

I doubt even seeing this image you could easily remake it even if you know how to prompt
but as it gets easier to use complex terms with ai it becomes easier to prompt in a year anybody could make it
For creative stuff like
>[describes usecase] what should be a good name for my project?
>how do I go about solving this?
And medical advice.
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>you have no idea how prompts work
I know.
I prompted bing before fagot.
What now?

>you spend tens of hours edging closer to your vision
Like fucken imagine that! Imagine wasting hours of your life at a retarded prompt.

Did prompters literally debunk all all arguments for AI?
>It is super fast
DEBUNKED! By you posting
>you spend tens of hours edging closer to your vision

>AI art takes no skill
DEBUNKED by prompters insisting you need some magical skill to prompt in the right way.

>you spend tens of hours edging closer to your vision
Or you can spend hours of your life perfecting real life skills that are not you literally trying to walk around the retarded unsafe image content detected dog

>you spend tens of hours edging closer to your vision
This is impossible based on how Neural Networks and STABLE DIFFUSION work. You have no idea how stable diffusion works. You are retarded.
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Maybe if you were a real artist, you wouldn't have got filtered by stable diffusion. It's sad knowing there are pretentious morons crying on twitter all day who don't have the eyes of a real artist, and have to cope by calling their superiors "prompters".
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>Artists are some of the most liberal shit's I've seen.
Did you debunk yourself now?
>All artists are woke
>Hitler is an artist
>Therefore Hitler is woke

>>b-but the ai is le WOKE
The point fagot is that you are a slave to whatever the mega corporation owning the AI lets you do and your work around are temporary and will be closed. You can not even prompt vanilla D&D or MTG cover art at this point.

>Skeleton Mage on a Dragon
WOW that is a hate crime or something according to bing.

Except nothing, you are a pathethic faliure who never created anything in his life.

>b-b-b- I right click to save and keep it in my folder and and
And nothing I have a bigger saved pictures from 4chan and saved pictures form google then you will ever have prompter trash.

What now? Am I a magical 4chan right click to save artist now? Am I a google picture and press right click to save artist now?
Everyone understood that that shit was stealing (nothing wrong with that) and not creating anything. Prompters are no skill human trash who need their AI prompt toy to do anything.
Silence I can google anything and right click to save, all your arguments are debunked! Your prompting skills are worth less then my googling a picture skills. Now be a good AI cuckold and see what your mega corporation lets you prompt in 2024.
Why is it always jeets?
What did the bot post mean by this?

>you wouldn't have got filtered by stable diffusion
The what now?
Like you think using stable diffusion is some skill? Or that we can not use stable diffusion? Or some shit?
Everyone can. You have no skills. Not even prompting skills.
>a real eye for art
Why do prompt niggers like shad say retarded trash like this?
>And medical advice.
AHAHAHAHAH LOL. Looks like AI niggers will solve themselves out of existence.
Why the fuck do you use chat GPT you retards?
It is not a superior intelligence or anything it is literally billions of billions of internet posts joined together to make a neural network crazy in a way to spit out the same responses as these internet people.

It can not think.
It can not tell the truth or even lie.
It does not even understand how gamer or English works.

This is why if asked for something it will literally make up things that never existed.
It is a neural network made crazy you dumb fucks!
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lol i cant be assed makeing him throw them into the sea but you get the idea
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>You have no idea what a neural network even is
I know exactly what it is you are projecting.
> how it operates,
More projection.
It only knows a limited set of things given to it. It literally can not operate outside of it. This is proven by making up a new fictional universe in your head and then asking it to make fanart for it. It breaks and tries to improvise, it can not think or understand words.

However Prompt nigger are real life NPCs without the ability to even make up their won stories.
It takes skill and talent to make art with SD. Skill and talent that you don't have, and will never have.
>It literally can not operate outside of it.
NTA but neither can you
You won't know what a penissium turbo is until I tell you
You are also unable to create anything truly new, anything you come up with will be based on something that already exists in nature or was already made by a different human. The models are capable of doing that too. You won't find images of medieval cyborg warriors in datasets but the model can interpolate between known concepts to create something entirely "unique"
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>lol i cant be assed makeing him throw them into the sea but you get the idea
What is this BOT posting?
>but you get the idea
No I literally do not you broken BOT!

>lol i cant be assed makeing him throw them into the sea
Once again my point stands.
See: >>102276368

>He was unable to throw them.
>AI art is debunked
Wow lost the argument! Do you know how trivial it is to do that with a pen and pencil? OR any digital animation? These are real life skills not prompting trash!

>He was unable to throw them.
You know why? Because the billions of stock videos open AI has stolen (now facing legal consequences for this) from all the stock video websites did not have anything that has a throw in it. The AI can never get out of the restrictions of the content that was given to it.

Your prompting is not different from using a search engine you can not prompt something that does not exist in the data stolen by the AI. The same way you are only limited to the actual files saved in a folder you search.

You know what the most pathetic thing here is? You think you made some big win yet you only look ridiculous I did not know you tried the batteries into the ocean meme after looking at some stock muscle man looking angry at a black box that clone explodes itself was. I only realized it after reading your words.

Jesus fuck you prompters. You are so retarded it hurts. You god dam prompt niggers. And the other one.... I have no idea and it messes up the face into the video.

This will never be fixed for video not in your life time. There is not enough video content to do this. And open AI will be shut down hard making the idea of AI toxic for the next 100 years if not more. Your prompting days are over.

cool though right?

thats fucking cool anon you know it is

gimmie 10 minutes they will be in the sea
The Hitler image is proof of SDXL and AI in general being able to create imagery with controversial figures.
>blah blah blah mega corpo ai
I exclusively run open source models locally. Were you even aware that they exist?
>weird rant about using ai being the same as googling images
Is your body 90% cancer? The 10 percent being your hands so you can post here at all with such critical condition. Everything, and I repeat, EVERYTHING that the generative neural networks output is original content which you cannot find even in its training data base. There is such a term "overfitting" in statistics, which a brainlet like you never heard about. Whenever training a large neural network the developers train the AI as much as they can before it starts copying the data set it was given, because if they didn't, the model would be better at replicating the data set rather than using patterns that it learned to create something new.
>original content is stealing, but stealing is ok
Eben Byers brain decay levels.
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>It takes skill and talent to make art with SD.
It literally does not. You can take anyone and they can prompt. You have no skill no talent.

>It takes skill and talent to make a
It literally does not.
AI shitter!

>Skill and talent that you don't have
Mother of all projections!!!!!!!!!!!

In reality you are a no skill and no talent subhuman trash who can not into any drawing or sculpting, you are to retarded even to do photo bashing.
So you hang on to your prompting thinking that whatever the AI farts out is your creation.
Pro tip it is NOT! You created nothing the AI frankenstained form the content it has stolen.

This is why the same prompt will always create different results, the ability is not in the prompt.

>with SD.
You have no idea how SD works or you would not post this retarded trash. SD literally takes random noise, random noise that you never generated and tries to unfuck this noise into a picture based on your prompts. This is how SD works in reality.
nta but man you are seething, maybe you should take a step back and realise it's not worth seething over albanian ocean fishing forums
holy shit dude you really are invested in this shit? why are you so angry kek
the same prompts give the same outcomes anon its only when you press regen it changes it

hell yea im makeing ai frankenstiens
like a director of a film rather than an actor

AI frankenstiens are cool as fuck

i can even show you all the failed itterations it took us to get that fucker into the sea lmfao
Its simple, it you can gain something from it its good.
If you stand to lose something its bad.

People are selfserving. Idk why you are so surprised. The reality is that 60% of jobs dont produce anything of value, and it can go to 80% when talking about office jobs.
its not hard to make a guy throw batteries into the sea it takes minor levels of problem solveing

but you can create awesome shit man just using your imagination

and sure its not perfect (normally) and the AI does 99% of the heavy lifting

but you have something you want you slam in how you think it will get there and then you move it untill it does
>but neither can you
> truly new, anything you come up with will be based on something that already exists in nature or was already made by a different human.
Or I can iterate numbers and geometric forms. Pro tip there is no dodecahedron in nature. I can create something by iterating geometric forms and numbers.

However you have a small point there.

>You won't know what a penissium turbo is until I tell you
>until I tell you
And here is the infinite difference and my point exactly.

If I tell a human artist
>Hey draw me the picture of the legendary battle between Sag3Oya and Tnaf½robi
The human will go
>Ok what is that?
And after I explain with concept art he will get it.
The AI literally can not do this. It will use the words and fart out something crazy you can try this on your own.

Make up a story especially one that involves parts that are not common in fiction for example one guy has 3 hands while the other has 9 (see I can iterate numbers). This is why people keep telling you that AI can not think and does not understand words.

This is cool for no skill and no imagination NPCs whoes only creative idea was
>My wife as sueprgirl.
And the AI understands what a papergirl is from the millions of pictures they where given to it. It has no fucken idea what a Tnaf½robi is.
>gimmie 10 minutes they will be in the sea
There is a 65% chance that this will be impossible.
Timer started now fagot.

PS: WTF even is the crap you keep posing now?
you dont know how to prompt anon thats why you think it cant do this

its a mixture of keywords experementation and context ques

you think i typed in "man throws batterys into the sea"

meanwhile the prompt is like

Mirrored left Man batterys MAN sea water CLIFF STRONG the man throws batteries into the sea Strobe Flare lensed

The man throws Mirrored Strong Batteries SEA
iv already done it
This looks great, I've not yet used Minimax but I've used other video generators
>Or I can iterate numbers and geometric forms. Pro tip there is no dodecahedron in nature. I can create something by iterating geometric forms and numbers.
At that point you don't even need AI for that, you can just use a simple algorithm to create random geometry and voila you got a BrandNewThing™ (it's still based on geometric forms as humans understand them so in the end it's not truly original)
>Hey draw me the picture of the legendary battle between Sag3Oya and Tnaf½robi
With modern models like Flux Pro it's probably possible, you'd just need to be descriptive as for their visuals, better results if you use something like regional prompting
Otherwise you can "explain" their concepts to AI by training a LoRA so it gets them 99% right. Human artist likely wouldn't get your idea of these two 100% right with just words, and you'd need to show them some concept art, same with training a LoRA
>The Hitler image is proof of SDXL and AI in general being able to create imagery with controversial figures.
It can however your meg corporation overlords will fix this away. The point is that you are a slave to your mega corporation overlords. You are only sending the prompts to them.

>Eben Byers brain decay levels.
I accept you unconditional surrender BOT.
The point you can not understand BOT is that we where stealing pictures from the internet and posting them here. however no one was delusional enough to think they are creating these pictures.

>>weird rant about using ai being the same as googling images
Once again the BOT or human NPC can not understand. Your prompting is on the same level as searching pictures on google.

>Were you even aware that they exist?
Now only use them and post the results.
It is literally the linux meme. You get your pathetic 20 GiB of scraps your open AI overlords give you while they have multi TiB models/datasets/whatever the name was. See the difference?

>EVERYTHING that the generative neural networks output is original content which you cannot find even in its training data base.
This is literally false. Like people have detected the AI simply farting out things made by others hard. It is literally 100% only the training data AKA stolen content.
I even got the bing AI farting out literally copyrighted pictures by accident. So there is no saving this fagot, you are willfully ignorant of the facts at this point.

>Whenever training a large neural network the developers train the AI as much as they can before it starts copying the data set it was given,
It literally does this every time.
The fact that you in your insane meltdown can not understand this is the problem. The fact that you did not memorize 100% of every stock photo on every stock photo website does not mean it is not 100% copy pasting from these datasets.
So the 45% did succeed.

Either way it is a weird throw try making it like a disc throw at the Olympics.
>i can even show you all the failed itterations it took us to get that fucker into the sea lmfao
I like to see them all.
nice bait
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>you dont know how to prompt anon
Prompting is a useless skill.
>you dont know how to prompt
I do.

>why you think i
I think this because I doubt there are a lot of Olympic levels of throwing of some object in the videos stolen to make this AI. If it is not in the stolen video set the AI can not make it.

>its a mixture of
No it is not retard.

>meanwhile the prompt is like
Post your actual prompts.

>Mirrored left Man batterys MAN sea water CLIFF STRONG the man throws batteries into the sea Strobe Flare lensed
Imagine farting out this word salad. Why did you even write this garbage?
>Mirrored left Man batterys MAN

You brag while only posting some lame push not this:

This is how you throw something.

>Mirrored left Man batterys MAN sea water CLIFF STRONG the man throws batteries into the sea Strobe Flare
Imagine writing this non English shit instead of actually learning how to draw.
Jesus fuck you are pathetic. AI can not into video and this is a fact!
If the AI was just copying images, then surely people would use it instead of 7zip and winrar as it would be the most efficient compression algorithm out there. But this is not the case because you have no clue what you're talking about. Also, OpenAI has nothing to do with StabilityAI and Black Forest Labs, so your "AI overlord" thing is not based in reality.
Not only that, if something is missing from a particular model I can just make a LoRA, which I did one time.
>posts on the internet
>is infuriated that anyone with an internet connection can access his posts
You have no idea what Internet even is. Yet you come here and try lecturing others. I can imagine you being mad over your stolen car that you never bothered to lock while you're away from it.
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I don't care about proompters doing it in their basement, but then you have corpos that resort to proompting because it saves them money and time, while charging the same as before
Worst offender is PNG collector "games" that got AI sloppification
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>With modern models like Flux Pro
LOL NO. You can not.

>Otherwise you can "explain" their concepts to AI by training a LoRA
Ahahahahaah LOL
No this is impossible.

>Human artist likely wouldn't get your idea of these two 100% right with just words, and you'd need to show them some concept art,
And I can show literally kindergartener levels of drawing to them and they can fix this. A LORA can not.

>Need 100% perfect fan art to train LORA.
>Can not get it because no skill.
>Can not make a LORA

This is a Catch-22.

Learn some useful skills instead of this AI shit, AI is dependent on stealing human made content and this is a fact.
Because it's a grift.

Not a total grift, mind you. The models are decent text/image generators. Sure they'll replace artists, just like Photoshop replaced painters, to a degree.

The "grift" is calling a text generation "intelligent". There is no intelligence in sight, and there never will be, because all we've been doing lately is following the same principals and further refining our text generators.

Once you understand it's text generation, nothing more and nothing less, all the """AI""" products and their shortcomings make a lot more sense.

Further reading https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_room
>You have no idea what Internet even is.
The BOT broke!

>If the AI was just copying images, then surely people would use it instead of 7zip and winrar as it
Your dataset (or whatever the cringe word was) is literally 20 GiB in your open source models. There are the pictures prompter retard!

>be the most efficient compression algorithm
Do you know how many 1024x1024 JPGs can fit in 20 GiB? And once more this is the open LOL shit you get who the fuck knows how big the database of your mega corporations is.

>be the most efficient compression algorithm
Once again the prompter does not understand how AI even works.
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AI will not replace anything, open AI is in deep shit and will be closed this will end AI.
All the mega corporations like MS will be hit with lawsuits and simply shut down their AI websites.
The idea of AI will be toxic for multiple generations and a joke like NFTs.

This is the future that will come.

The prompters will shit themselves and 99% will simply suicide or cry about it for years. The rest will realize how shit the open source AI models are and what a joke they are.

>The "grift" is calling a text generation "intelligent". There is no intelligence in sight,
Agree, and AI picture/video generators are even more obviously fake.
The AI creates. You don't.
>LOL NO. You can not.
Well I've had luck with it, even asking for hyper specific shit like a specific car model merged with a specific tank model. Same for humans, multiples of body parts work pretty well
>And I can show literally kindergartener levels of drawing to them and they can fix this.
I haven't even watched the entire video but for the skeleton redraw he hallucinated details worse than an AI would. Missed the fact the skull part covers more than half of the head meanwhile he did it 50/50, gave the character cape held by a button instead of a long jacket like the original has, randomly added blood even though original lacks it, added rolled up sleeves even though original doesn't have them, not to mention entirely different pose, and that's just a few issues with it. He legit did a worse job "redrawing" the design than AI img2img as he made up details and even changed the design on his own.
>Need 100% perfect fan art to train LORA.
That's the neat part, it doesn't have to be 100% perfect, if you take a look at average LoRA dataset you'll notice it's of varying quality. If there's literally no source material other than a single piece of genuinely trash scribble you can still img2img it several times, find the result that's closest to what you desire and train on that. I know it's possible because I've done it several times
>Learn some useful skills instead of this AI shit
I am, I'm doing carpentry as a hobby, and I don't fancy spending 10 years+ to be able to draw at a barely satisfactory level
>The AI creates. You don't.
Are you fucken crying right now you prompter shit?
Sure sounds like this.

Lets see:
>Where are all the pictures that are stolen
In the dataset or whatever the name of that 20 GiB file was
>Then AI must be the most efficient compression....
Do you know how many 1024x1024 JPGs can fit in 20 GiB?

>[Prompter cries himself]
Your entire ideology is literally false on all levels.

Once your corporate overlords shut down all your AIs please commit suicide, you where always a useless human.
Thank you!
>Your dataset (or whatever the cringe word was) is literally 20 GiB in your open source models. There are the pictures prompter retard!
You can compress literal billions of images down to 20 Gb so that each individual image is taking up literal 5 bytes and still get them back? Holy shit this is a revolution in compression technology
>Do you know how many 1024x1024 JPGs can fit in 20 GiB?
Lossless formats are prefered when training and it's not 1024x1024 images, that's just buckets of proper resolution images
So no, it's more of "Do you know how many 1024x1024 PNG crops of a single image times few million/billion (depending on model) can fit in 20 Gb?"
Wow a company being sued, this really hasn't happened before and is really groundbreaking, they'll certainly lose as corporations always do right? Also man thankfully they'll never recover from this because synthetic data is a psyop
>for hyper specific shit like a specific car model
Serious question ARE YOU FUCKEN RETARDED?!

>If what you say is true ... then
>Why do I get back pictures if I ask for specific car models?
>Like there are millions of millions of pictures and video f every car model in existence and it is a known name...
>How can AI know this?
At this point you must accept you are retarded.

>single piece of genuinely trash scribble you can still img2im
Imagine doing this retarded shit.

>a specific car model merged with a specific tank model.
OK cool it can bizarro Frankenstein 2 pictures together. What was your point?

> worse than an AI would
imagine the cope of the retard. The human thinks I can say to him
>No this is a 3 hand not a cape
Or something like that. You can not do this with AI because AI is non intelligent. The video was obviously a example.

>I am, I'm doing carpentry as a hobby, a
Are you retarded? You nail 2 plants of wood together as a hobby?

>, and I don't fancy spending 10 years+ to be able to draw at a barely satisfactory level
Yet you wast your time with AI shit who will only get worse. See your dog picture.

Fun fact if you are not terminally retarded you can get super good at drawing however you are retarded and rather spend all day wasting your shit with kindergartener pictures into img2im LOL.

>, and I don't fancy spending 10 years+
Yet you wast this time on your AI obsession. Why?
>retarded... retarded... r-r-rACCKKK
You are baiting and I failed to realise that, my bad
Please do dilate properly artsister, your womanhood depends on that and don't forget to do comissions so you can afford your HRT
NTA but the ones I see crying about AI never have any good art to show. Aging tumblr-troons who still struggle with composition, rendering, and line art are hardly worth saving.
>You can compress literal billions of images
You do not get billions of images in your open joke models. This is why the are shit.
Gb??? Not GiB?

>Holy shit this is a revolution in compression technology
It is not however continue, most of them will be lost or not remembered.

> and it's not 1024x1024 images,
Like Proof?
I know it is 1024x1024 because this is the resolution bing farts out. The open source one farted only 512x512 what is your proof? Open AI propaganda?

Why PNG retard? Why PNG?!
I did not go full hardcore and use AVIF or WebP or JXL for more compression however the truth is to get the same image resolution as output form the AI all you need is to downscale your pictures to 1024x1024 and compress them in JPG then see how many will fit in 20 GiB.
I wouldn't have expected any different from John Green.
I assume the 20Gb figure refers to the fp32 weights, which is the biggest version of any AI model that there is. Quantized models are way smaller and more popular. At the same time, you assumed that the weights contain actual compressed (with lossy compression, even) images. But the NN learns from images and not files, meaning that it works with the image data rather than PNG or JPG file content. Which means that for storing 14m of images (the SD data set), you'd need over 44Tb of space. If you actually knew anything, you'd know the newest AI text-to-image model (flux1-dev-bnb-nf4-v2.safetensors) is just under 11.3Gb in size.
Again, the AI is just a better artist than you and you are free to cope with it in any way, just keep it to your blogs and not the 'chinz.

>but the ones I see crying about AI never have any good art to show.
Yep like me. What is your point?
>composition, rendering,
Did the bot break?
What rendering?

Quick question. Why do you literally call everything you do not like a troon? You bring this word into everything and it makes you look mentally ill.
I oppose the toon nonsense like everyone else and you can not change your gender and only 2 genders however why do you do this?
>At the same time, you assumed that the weights contain actual compressed (with lossy compression, even) images.
I did not retard. I pointed out that you can achieve the same results using traditional files

> But the NN
The fun thing about NNs is that no one really knows how the Neural Net works we can analyze every part of them however it take decades to understand what they are doing

The NN somehow optimized these pictures. And this is it. We can do the same with traditional methods so t is not magic also it is not like these NN pictures are without some heavy damage. They distort and this ca be seen in the resulting content. So the comparison would be to a very aggressive compression algorithm

I have no fucken idea what you are babbling all about

I think it was either dataset or model.

>Which means that for storing 14m of images
> you'd need over 44Tb of space.
Bullshit. I call bullshit right here. prove this.

1 Picture that is 1024x1024 JPG generated by Bing is 195 KiB lets say 200 KB.
200 * 14 000 000 = 2 800 000 000 KB or 2 TB and 800 GB.
No idea out of what ass you pulled 44 TB. You simply are a retard who eats up nonsensical openAI propaganda every day.

I took the JPG I got from bing and did the most drastic AVIF compression I can on it.
The 1024x1024 AVIF file takes up literally 4 KiB
So for our previews calculation
4 * 14 000 000 = 48 000 000 KB or 48 GB

Where the fuck are you getting 44TB from? AI shiters are the most retarded idiots in existence. Maybe you need chatGPT to tell you that you are fucken wrong then you belive it. Jesus christ are you fagots retarded. Idiocracy citizens all of you, you can not even do the simplest of calculations.

> is just under 11.3Gb in size.
Ah yes less content and worse dataset for the plebs. I'm sure the big corporations are using that one NOT.


Sorry I do not keep up with AI propagandists. I do not wast my time reading dribble form people who are proven to openly tell lies and are proven wrong by fact after fact
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You listened he/him. It's NOT a tool and you should feel bad!
so powerful
im shaking shitting myself and crying
boo hoo
Christ, that image is so shit. I'm quite tired of all of this straight slop
Another fun fact Automatic1111 auto updates. I bet that after the AI shutdowns start the latest update will brick Automatic1111 the people who will have a working local AI generator will be less then 100.
>the ones I see crying about AI never have any good art to show.

You either live under a rock or are willfully lying to yourself.

I'm ready to start an auto vs comfy fight in this thread instantly. Been too long
>Christ, that image is so shit
What is so bad about it?
It is good looks nice.. IT IS LITERALLY 2 or 3 stock pictures mashed together.

1 is of a guy operating some machine and the other is of a projection.
You can see where the AI did not know where to put the beam so it comes out of his beard. LOL.
dont show him this image
Auto doesn't work with flux. Fight's over.
Good morning sir
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>>the ones I see crying about AI never have any good art to show.
I asked this before as someone who opposes AI and can only draw rage comic levels of content...
Why the fuck should this be a concern or a point?

OK I draw like shit and oppose AI art.
Where is your problem?

I also only shitposted on 4chan and never got any money from my drawings.
Where is your problem?
This isn't a very good fight if we're both on the same side from the start. Let me try again

Spaghetti retards would rather spend 5000 hours playing factorio with colored boxes than just make their prompt a little better, lmfao. Anything you're spending a week doing with your dumbass "nodes" can be accomplished in 30 seconds by just installing an extension for auto, which you can always do because it actually has an active community of developers rather than 3 gay autistic furries using it. Everytime you see a comfy filename it's either furshit or some wannabe L'Artiste who honestly thinks he's going to become a famous artist from prompting the most inscrutable abstract trash ever made by a computer.
My god, it actually astounds me how someone who actually knows what they're talking about and knows the actual SOTA can say all this and then actual unironic retards will come in, ignore literally all of it, and then say "It's a non-technology and scam!"

Like this guy, this is exactly the kind of stuff I imagine midwit Twitter artists are like. Learned everything he knows about AI from Twitter, knows absolutely nothing about anything beyond it, and yet would still come onto /g/ to say "there's no future in this non-existent tool"

I agree with Jewbacca fully, the fact that OpenAI stopped where they did is really fucking annoying because we have to put up with all this zero-wit bullshit about how AI is a nothingburger based on nearly 3-year-old technology

I will ONLY believe AI is a dead end when the next generation arrives and is disappointing.
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Take it easy, friend. There's no point getting so worked up about it.

For me, the most interesting thing is definitely deploying an agent workflow to manually draw things, like this apple. A generalist system drew this in Krita, manually navigating a desktop to find the program first. If you are aware of AutoGPT, think of this as being a 3-OoM improvement on that (agents will be widely deployed when hallucinations are reduced dramatically)

I don't expect much of the world to be amazed by it as much as I expect some other things, but this is absolutely going to prove frustrating to some who grew too used to diffusion models.
I know you are shitposting, but this is always something that makes me laugh when I see it on social media
"Art AI is shit, therefore AI will die"
As if that's the only thing happening in the field of AI, heh


It's too late, I have enough local models saved to eternally btfo artists and such
aibros have no response for this
I use it to make porn, I'm not paying 100$ a piece
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this, greedy artists brought this AI thing upon themselves, and they get absolutely no sympathy from me
you're a piece of shit
If it takes them more than 7 hours to make (which it probably does), they're working for less than minimum wage, so I wouldn't exactly call them greedy.
>literally the same image
>$1500 USD
t o p k e k

You could pay an actual girl for that price
It's not even a traditional piece, that means they didn't have to pay for paint, canvas, brushes etc.

Even traditional prices don't usually go up to $1K, that's just silliness
they are afraid that the outside validation will dry up because they aren't needed anymore
most "artists" are actually just soulless automatons that don't innately gain happiness from creation.
if the process of creation is the thing that makes you happy then you have no reason to care about AI.
I always liked hentai for not having an actual women making any money from it, but too often they were the artist

Now we can help make sure women only earn money for either an honest days work or physical sex, not just instathot posting
For $375 you could be rawdogging a Japanese escort off of dPoint or CityHeaven.
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You fool.
>Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment?

Cause I love talking shit
As a musician I find the reaction from visual artists towards AI to be really odd. I don't care if non-musicians get to make music with AI generators, why would I? How does it take anything away from the enjoyment I get out of making music?

The only thing I'm annoyed about is that we haven't got open source tools for sound like we have images.
Because they stopped making art for enjoyment and instead are trying to make art for profit. Same reason why OnlyFans girls are pissed about AI generated porn.
The majority of things you enjoy are made by creatives making art for profit
Go back to deviantart faggot
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dubs of truth
That's where you're wrong faggot. Don't lump me in with the NPC's who only know how to consume and be excited to consume next product.
You don't like video games?
You don't like music that isn't royalty free?
You don't jack off to doujins?
Jesus fuck, am I the only one who uses AI slop for fun, but still pays artists for commissions and do not at all hold artists in any sort of contempt and understand why they're upset about it?
Based. Especially the protein folding stuff. That's genuinely stuff I thought we weren't going to see any sort of improvements until quantum computers became a thing.
yep. you are. "artists" are elitist and annoying as fuck.
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I'm not really fond of of the visual "art" created by AI, but I do find the chat element of it to be rather fun. I mess with GPT in ways like pic related quite a bit.
There are plenty of free vidya that are made by indies and released for free and weren't made with profit in mind. Those games also happen to be some of the best games. Did you never play Dwarf Fortress?
If you don't understand the difference between selling commissions and being on payroll to create stuff you might be an artist moonlighting as a barista at Starbucks. Likewise if you don't understand the difference between passionately slaving away at something for over a decade and then realizing you could probably profit off it vs creating something for the sole purpose of profiting off it.
Absolutely the best music are the local bands who play gigs mostly to share their music with people and other artists and not because they think they're going to become the next big thing. They play once a month at the local bar and practice together every other weekend and have for years while working normal, full-time jobs.
I jerk it mostly to exhibitionist amateurs and women dumb enough to give free samples thinking people will pay. Any more questions?
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>Jesus fuck, am I the only one who uses AI slop for fun, but still pays artists for commissions and do not at all hold artists in any sort of contempt and understand why they're upset about it?
I'm an old'un, I remember the early 90s when vidya game consoles were starting to go through the "console wars" (though the kids and marketers called them "bit wars" back then)
Kids who loved the NES and Mario and Zelda bought into the Sega Genesis and suddenly they now hated the gay baby faggot Nintenturd
Others who stuck with Nintendo through the Super Nintendo got into piss matches pretty bad with Segatards
And again, no more than a year or two prior, they were all playing the same games

AI art created that wedge where those who bought into it have to defend it, and that led to a vicious cycle where the techbros who did back when the slop still looked like this (picrel) had to justify that it was "Da Fyootchur of Art" even though it looked like wretched shit, and they clogged the internet with this stuff to a sickening degree and shat all over art spaces and gloating at artists about how useless they were, which then caused artists to fight back to defend their own spaces (especially when commission artists started seeing massive falls in earnings)
OP's "No AI" image was from November or December 2022, back when this sort of stuff was still the norm for AI
It's almost two years later and now AI slop can kind of look somewhat decent artistically, but the battle lines are drawn and there's virtually no effort to convince either side of the merits of pro or anti AI
If you're pro AI, you're not going to be convinced by the anti AI
If you're anti AI you're not going to be convinced by pro AI
So just like this thread, it's nothing but getting angry and making ad hom insults and appeals to some greater big trend ("muh technological progress" or "muh data theft")
And since people don't like being insulted or told they're idiots or shills, there's no progress
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A more elaborate example.
The only progress that's going to be made is going to be either some major ban on AI or if the AIbros can actually put up and show us this supposed "next generation" which has been promised and never shown for at least 2 years now
Otherwise we're going to get absolutely nowhere
Every cartoonist and comic artist in the world could take a stand against AI on Twitter and that would mean absolutely nothing if the big corpos still push through with it (personally the idea of Millennials and Zoomers boycotting Marvel capeshit and kiddy toon shit because it uses AI and they finally start watching new stuff is a plus to me)
So let me get this straight. The only games you've ever enjoyed coincidentally happen to be donationware indie games. The only music you've ever enjoyed are local musicians subsisting on their bandcamp and a part-time job. And you've only ever busted a nut to r/gonewild. I find this hard to believe.
slow moveing /g/ impressive
Well shit..... Wat have I stumbled onto here?

I've literally just seen this thread so keep that in mind:

1) Why are you so angry
2) You clearly only came here to start arguments with people. Why do you do that?
oh, would you prefer to talk about the wondrous evolution of iOS, Android or Windows since 2014? go for it lmao

sure sure two more weeks. That's why OpenAI has been releasing smaller models instead of GPT5. what ever happened to that stupid video maker we never got?
No. I pirate the rest because I don't believe the people deserve to be paid for something they can and should be sharing for free. I feel the same way about software too. If your shit isn't FOSS it isn't worth using and that doesn't mean FOSS software can't make money. But nobody has ever licensed FOSS software because they think people must pay them to use or access the software they wrote. They'll use other licenses so that they can sue anyone who tries to use their software or code because they believe they deserve to be paid.

Piracy is entirely justified because those greedy fucks shouldn't be charging in the first place. Not thinking they deserve to be paid and refusing to pay them doesn't mean I don't get to enjoy what they created against their wish to make a profit.
>Typical twitter artist. AI is stealing my art and need that for rent.
But is okay for me to pirate software, games, and anime.
The most popular, overcharging and greedy artists are not affected by this. It's the beginners and mediocre ones, the ones you wouldn't even think about, got hit the most.
no one's making lora models out of no name beginners art, hell I've actually looked for certain artists lora models and a whole lot aren't made, I for one would like a Jun Kumaori lora model for example
>no one's making lora models out of no name beginners art
no shit
because nobody's interested in them
and they have much tougher time now compared to how it used to be for beginner artists

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