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>CEO of AMD is an Asian mom
Didn't see that comming.
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no wonder AMD has such shitty drivers
Jim Keller
The only thing that can lawfully beat nigger Jensen is an asian woman in her 60s.
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just came buckets

Okay, you got me Carlos.
aren't they first cousins?
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>his dick was thiiiiiis tiny. i didn't feel a thing.
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She is not going to get it until she can make ROCm competitive with CUDA.
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She can start by getting this fixed.
Oh please Jensen's her fucking uncle
Can a GPU just fucking chain a couple of dot-products by itself without some magic proprietary code juice? Those fucks are making themselves irreplaceable for no reason at all.
looks like a dude. kinda get why she tried so hard.
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all AI servers run on linux, retard.
What about the homebrew AI industry?
>just in time for llm bubble to pop
its a fucking conspiracy, amd exists just for nvidia to point fingers at during yet another monopoly lawsuit.
You need a Namibia card if you’re trying to live as a second class citizen.
toy OS
They are first cousins once removed; Lisa Su's mother is Jensen's cousin.
She is his cousin. She is deliberately preventing AMD from developing high-quality set of developer tools that can compete with CUDA.
I will be sincere with all people i never had any issues that weren't caused by me with my AYMD graphics card. (nvidia to amd them to nvidia again) that jumble fucked my drivers on both cards. But i loathe how i can't get to log on the Nvidia xp app and i have to manuely download the fucking drivers every time.
its all connections and nepotism, nothing more
im so tired bros
i love modern day aristocracy
we will never leave the middle ages
Taiwanese semiconductor industry is what you get with your typical asiatic clan-driven society and force them into industry. TSMC was founded in this way, govt forced big influential families to massively invest and since they didn't want their investments go poof they had to pull their weight [spoiler]and scam phillips in the process[/spoiler]. Similar story with japanese heavy industries, brits got the tech in, strong merchant yamauchi clan got the deal and rest is history. Dunno about south korea, but its probably similar.
You wish this fake and gay world was half as based as the middle ages
>constant war
>non-existent healthcare
>widespread magical thinking
>domestic violence
yeah fantastic
kill yourself
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Define aristocracy, any family that manages to hold its shit together for 3-4 generations and establishes good leadership and rapport will accumulate wealth and influence. Inheritance tends to work this way unless huge crisis like revolution or war happen.
My family used to control crossborder contraband and religion in my region till early 20th century and had incredible amount of capital, then shit happened, family broke down and we became prisoners and then "peasants" in your terminology, following three generations couldn't manage to live a good life due to a lot of factors, including strong political pressure. All thats left is family spear and battle flag. If i and my siblings manage to live a solid life, and build up and expand my family enough in 3-4 generations my offsprings could wrestle control over former ancestral territories back or find new land to rule over. If we keep failing we will become yet another page in history. Thats life.
Hello David.
Nah, my familys battle flag has no celestial bodies on it.
They didn't even know they were related. That said, wouldn't be surprised if the same people helped out both of them in their careers.
>They didn't even know they were related
thats bullshit but I believe it
it's all just a coincidence. also: chinks should not be in charge of american companies also also: Jim Keller
>Asian mom
You have brain damage, she doesn't even have kids.
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Yes, and?
They are from a big family and Jensen's parents fucked off to the US. Being from a big family myself, I definitely believe it. I have only met a couple of my parents' cousins.
which sector of society would suffer if Keller simply vanished?
I can fix this
we are already seeing it, we went from a "healthy cpu market"a few weeks ago, to an absolute shit show and putting all our hopes on a post Keller AMD and Intel. I will be happy if I am wrong though.
Large scale families with strong accumulation and vertical style of rapport are closer to micro governments and even if members are not aware about each other they move accordingly to bigger plans set in motion even before their birth. Obviously those plans not set in stone, but your grandpa probably talked to people even before your parents got married kind of a deal.
>we went from a "healthy cpu market"a few weeks ago, to an absolute shit show
uhh what happened?? intel finally died?
Sue, you were supposed to defeat them, not join them!
Still Linux, retard.
NTA, but this makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways, especially in terms of datacenter and ai
zen 5 and amd coping that people are testing it wrong an of course 13th and 14th gen. but we will see
She is 54, NOTHING can fix that. She can be billionaire but her genetic line ends with her.
The people who are training Stable Diffusion LoRAs on their 4090s are all using Linux?
dems some DSL I tell you what
Now maybe AMD will figure out raytracing since it seems to go hand in hand with AI. Maybe even start actually competing with noVideo
I'm enjoying my RX 6900 XT I've had for years.
>May 31, 2023,06:30am EDT
>Updated Feb 21, 2024, 06:37pm EST
Well, I guess she FUCKING FAILED then!

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