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Oldfag grandpas, was life better in general before the internet? Or were you guys bored all the time. Also what was the point of no return? iPhone? Instagram? Snapchat? Tiktok?
>Before the internet
Kek. Nobody here is that old, lad.
However the point of no return was when zoomers started showing up on the internet and asking if things were better before the internet.
>Dude, it would be totally radical if we could like, like, like watch a guy with dyed hair scream at videogames right now, and like, like give him money dude
>What the fuck are you on about?
>Angry nerd is a zoomer
Gtfo of here
We would all roll down hills in tires and then drive all over town and stand on hills looking over the city, and then we'd go to a party with a live band and kiss girls in the shower and then push each other into the pool and then throw the patio furniture into the pool and TP the house. Then we'd go to a gas station and start bowling with the bottles of 7up and get drinks and mix all the flavors and then run when the cops show up. Generation Z will never understand what they don't have.
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>Oldfag grandpas, was life better in general before the internet?
The internet came in degrees. The best version only had American scientists with graduate degrees on it. In those days the internet was for sharing Computing Resources and advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research. It was so slow you only checked your email once a day and getting an email was like opening a Christmas present. Before that if you wanted papers you have to deal with getting them mailed from institution to institution, and they were hard copies. You also had to fill out a shitload of paperwork to request papers, so it might be a month or worse to get the paper you wanted. So getting a soft copy in a day instead of a hard copy in a month was magical.

Later they added undergrads. Later they added the general populace. Then accessibility came in stages which brought in more and more normies until everything sucked.

>Or were you guys bored all the time.
Early internet was the least boring version. Internet was great until late 2000s/early 2010s. TV was also better in this era because it focused on being entertaining instead of having a lot of boring politics inserted into everything.

>Also what was the point of no return? iPhone? Instagram? Snapchat? Tiktok?
iPhones and Facebook. Social media made a lot of normies want to use the internet and iPhones gave them an easy way to access it, and also become terminally online. Prior to iPhone 99% of internet use was on an immobile terminal so there was a lot of time you were physically away from internet access. Almost nobody was terminally online, and 0% of normies were.
56k faggot here, yes things were generally better because computers and internet were the exclusive domain of professionals, hobbyist and gamers. Right now the signal-noise ratio is overwhelmed by oversocialised doubledigit iq mongs being 24/7 connected through a nightmare rectangle wherever they go non-stop.
Despite my problems with modern society, my quality of life is way better than it was back then.
I got the internet for the first time in the early 90s during the eternal summer. It was fantastic to connect to old BBS boards and argue with University profs as a kid.
I miss when it was closed off enough that you could still open a telnet port on your machine to the internet and the worst you'd get is a random message or package from someone you've never met.
No. Life is much, much better now. Especially after covid & WFH.
You were not busy all the time. You had time to be creative or pick up hobbies. Video games were great because you didn't have the internet to back you up and discovering things was like finding a treasure.
I liked smart phones when they came out but I blame them now for making everyone glued to them all the time. I used to be able to talk to random people in bus stops or clinics, not anymore
This WFH is a game changer, working in a packed open office really makes you feel like less regardless of your income
>We would all roll down hills in tires and then drive all over town and stand on hills looking over the city, and then we'd go to a party with a live band and kiss girls in the shower and then push each other into the pool and then throw the patio furniture into the pool and TP the house. Then we'd go to a gas station and start bowling with the bottles of 7up and get drinks and mix all the flavors and then run when the cops show up. Generation Z will never understand what they don't have.
I like when Rick and Morty made fun of that movie
>overwhelmed by oversocialised doubledigit iq mongs being 24/7 connected
That wouldn't even be a problem if they stayed in their own containment forums, but nooo the corpos and govs use them to force their homosexuality on the rest of us and we wonder how we got to the point where "we will moderate your private messages" happened.
Someone time machine and -ack the gamergate whore.
why do you prefer remote work over office spaces? is basic socialization in reality too scary for you?
you'd only have to signal to your other co-workers what you have done and what they should do also.
you'd have to be autistic to try and avoid conventional spaces, and it isn't even meant to be an insult
WFH is a double edged sword.
I work in a huge office where I'm usually the only one there because it's a stroll down the street away which is fantastic.
The problem is the number of people in the org who are so technologically inept that they should be forced to work in the office have ended up getting work from home privileges.
Remote work means no commute. Remote work means I can choose to live where I want, instead of paying inflated real estate prices and having to deal with the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of a VIBRANT urban hellscape.
>is basic socialization in reality too scary for you?
NTA however "socializing" with the 3rd world and bitter insufferable 30+ year old women is not what I consider to be a professional environment.
Large portions of the developed world have fallen into the deepest pits of hell where hideous demonic figures reign over what's left of the civilization they worked tirelessly to destroy.
Having a mix is pretty great, some things are way easier when you're not being distracted with questions and minor problems. Besides everyone has a bunch of communication tools to get together remotely to solve problems.
It wasn't that bad at first and Nokia was already pushing many smartphone ideas before Apple did it
I always saw and see Instagram as the lesser evil: ads are not as painfully bad as they are on facebook, you can actually block most of the content you don't want to see and sometimes people actually use it as a social network, just like early years facebook.
That's just a convoluted way to access porn

The four horsemen of the Internet apocalypse are:
Facebook: for implementing the aggresive ways to push ads and gather data
Twitter: for implementing "always show things that the user hates to generate traffic" in the news feed algorithm
mobile gaming and casinos: for inventing all the the abusive ways to monetize 0 and 1s that regular people can't resist
Tiktok: for destroying people's attention span
Food tasted better, had bigger portions, and was cheaper. Clothes were of higher quality. Products in general were made better. DMV parking stickers were very sturdy and impossible to rip apart.

Now most food you buy tastes like shit and have smaller portions. Clothes are thinner and are frequently mixed fabrics. DMV parking stickers are sticky aluminum foil that fall apart with the slightest touch.

The point of no return was when they started mass outsourcing. It became a race to the bottom.
>DMV stickers
They disintegrate by design because people would steal them before the days police had access to your info on their computers.
It's pointless now. Even having stickers on the plates is pointless.
As for food you should be making that yourself or having your wife do that.
Clothing can be purchased at an affordable price and manually upgraded with your material of choice
We had lots of shit to keep us busy back then, papyrus, cuneiform on clay tablets, illuminated manuscripts. Loads of stuff.
>Clothing can be purchased at an affordable price and manually upgraded with your material of choice
If you're a professional seamstress maybe. How do you manually upgrade the material and stich of a t-shirt?
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>Food tasted better, had bigger portions, and was cheaper.
This is really the worst and most horrifying change. Over the last 30 years we have gone from having cheap, delicious food made with nice ingredients to gross, expensive food that makes everybody into fat, sick, stupid zombies and tastes disgusting and appears in some cases to be made from wax or sawdust or other fillers.

Even that early 90s food was a degradation of 1980s food which even better and cheaper.

I think after the Soviet Union collapsed the people running America just took their foot off the gas. They didn't care about living standards of workers anymore because they no longer had serious fears about a Socialist revolution. When the Soviets were around there was kind of an understanding that if living standards in America did not remain obviously much higher than Soviet living standards, that all the American elites would be swept from power and replaced by a socialist system overnight. There was a common saying that was something along the lines of "America is three skipped meals from a communist revolution".

Once that threat disappeared there was no longer a reason to hedge against it. It was also around this time wages stopped growing, probably for the same reason.
We had flying cows.
The food is also more depleted of essential nutrients, especially iodine and zinc, largely due to over-farming.
It's a pity China doesn't fulfill the same threat function the Soviet Union did. They're the best abled to do so.
I've been using this specific website for longer than some of you have been alive. The earliest 4Chan memes I saw are impossible to find online. They're lost to time.
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Chinktok is in a category of its own because it's a 4000 IQ squinty eyes gook war-move in crippling generations remotely while not even lifting a finger.
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i liek the xbox
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I am a 36 year old Australian man and did not have daily access to the internet until I was 18.
We had some exposure to it at school and you could go to the library or a friends house to access it.

We just did stuff instead like, swam at the local quarry, rode bikes, went to theme parks, vandalized our schools, climbed trees, went to the beach, stole stuff from the shop, went to the movies, played video games(not as much as people do today), made homemade bombs, picked wild mangos, mulberries and passion fruit, pushed each other in ants nests. really just a bunch of delinquent shit.

I'd say the difference is that days were a lot more meaningful. Today I will spend an entire day on the internet and it feels like I have wasted the day.
It was much better. We had square dances and apple festivals and chatting over the cracker barrel down at the general store and so much more that is now lost.
world before mainstream internet was just playing games on consoles and counterstrike online. there is no point of no return, once internet started there was never going back. if you avoid the degenerate stuff online, life is drastically better now because of technology.
There was stuff to do: watch tv, play videogames, go to the cinema, go to waterparks, go to the arcade, play laser tag, go karting, go camping, play football, and so on.
I'd say Web 2.0 is where the rot set in. The increased utility of the modern internet is still more than worth it though.
I used to read old local comics and play the few pirated games over and over.
It was honestly shit and I'm glad I got internet, but not because I'm an ADHD retard but because I was able to download a wider range of games.
>made homemade bombs
Okay bin laden.
Well they were not really bombs.
You put aluminum and hydrochloric acid in a sealed plastic bottle and it will explode in less than a minute or you wrap a soda bulb and some sparklers up in aluminum foil.

Fireworks are very hard to to get a hold of here.
I'm that old.

Yes, life was better. Kids these days.. This is a dystopia, and you guys are growing up thinking this is somehow normal. Its sad. We (in the US) are moving quickly to a 3rd world society where everyone is low trust. Oh well.

Getting information was difficult, I many times had to go to a library and walk the stacks to find scraps. I actually built electronics based on magazines I printed off microfiche. Microfiche was photographed negatives of magazines held in the library connection. Basically a magazine on an index card sized negative. You fed quarters into the printer to print pages.

The point of no return was normies getting on the internet. Maybe starting 2000?. The rise of social media creating a view that consensus of the (many) morons was actual reality. It was only a matter of time when that reality became manipulated top down.

imho, you kids need to be archiving like mad, because everything nice is going to disappear.
I'm only 40. My life was ruined by video games long before the internet turned it into a post-modern art exhibit. Point of no return? Probably World of Warcraft.
I learned how to make gunpowder in the 4th grade from the Encyclopedia Brittanica from the local library that helpfully explained that Saltpeter was actually potassium nitrate, and I remembered potassium nitrate was sold at the local corner drugstore because it is a diuretic. My parents were totally cool with it, and I could walk with my sister as kids a mile away to the store to buy gunpower ingredients.

You guys have zero idea what you have lost.
>he isn't using sophisticated actuators to create the conditions to grow biological agents using processes automatically combined from several chemical reaction libraries. in minecraft
you can keep your salt peter, john
>he isn't making nitrate from his own piss.
lol. That was 4th grade. But there is a huge truth in your post. The capabilities are still there; it is the expectation and tolerance that is evaporating. Pretty soon the capabilities will disappear too.
Before the internet we had something called "outside". It's still there, I visited again this afternoon.
Also, the internet did not begin with the iphone...
>Fireworks are very hard to to get a hold of here.
prison island
almost everywhere else in the world there are fireworks, at year's end there's a ton and dogs get scared due to the noise
I know a NEET whose point of no return was during elementary school. He admitted that he started slacking off since 3rd grade and felt proud of being a "rebel". Ironically, he felt qualified in giving life advice to other people but didn't practice any of the stuff he preached.
Neetbux is worth it though
People who grew up before screens were reality looked at the sky which filled HALF the world and dreamed the dreams that ancient peoples dreamt. What do the young dream of now?
>bored all the time
I don't mind going into a office it's when all the offices are spaces that are packed to the point you're knocking knees and you have no space for a truly quiet space. I work better in quiet spaces that don't require me to wear headphones and always having to be careful where I place my feet. You also save tons of money working from home and you won't piss away money AND time on travel ect.
As far as I do my job I'm fine. Luckily my org is mixed and they post both remote and local positions.
>Also what was the point of no return? iPhone? Instagram? Snapchat? Tiktok?
It was the takeover of the internet by advertisers via google and social media companies. Once attention became the main currency of value online, everything revolved around getting more and more attention. The entire internet became like reality TV and supermarket tabloids. That was the true downfall. People talk about how shit the internet is today but the real end of the internet was Buzzfeed being able to make so much money off of clickbait and ragebait. They invented everything that makes the internet shitty. Oddly enough, a lot of people accuse right-wingers of making the internet worse these days with social media ragebait, but the people that did it first were the left-wing faggots at Buzzfeed. Never let them forget that, there is a red line from Buzzfeed doing ragebait engagement, and Donald Trump being elected in 2016. It's all their fault.
Buzzfeed and other SJW outlets were psyops created by the US government after Occupy Wall Street, and purposefully created the ultra-divisive political and social landscape we see today.
Fucking zoomer niggers. Respect your elders. This is our site and you're the filthy unruly ignorant guests. Plenty of us were alive "pre internet". Internet wasn't ubiquitous in most homes until about 2000.

To answer OP's question, the turning point was around AOL. When anything becomes more accessible to the average retard it goes to shit. Honestly, I think peak internet ended around 2010. Only stupid and dull people are ever bored. The idea that you need a constant influx of curated content or else your bored is for humans that will not survive into the future.
Even older oldfag great-grandpas, was life better in general before the computer?
>made homemade bombs, picked wild mangos, mulberries and passion fruit

I'm old enough to remember pre internet days as a kid, even when I didn't have a PC, life was simpler then, no information overload
Actually, bots took over most of 4chan.
>What do the young dream of now?

Dreams that are more grandiose than ever, hence the mental illness rates skyrocketing because reality failed to meet their expectations.
>d say Web 2.0 is where the rot set in.
It was AJAX which set the grounds for modern cancerous web sites.
Also 4G networks with cheap data plans that allowed biggest of retards to finally get online.
My friend has small kid, said he wants to be youtuber. Is glued to phone & roblox at all times.
No one wants to be commando or pilot anymore.
Office culture changed dramatically because of MeToo and mass immigration. In the 00s it was generally fine. Commuting still sucked but you could socialise with colleagues, people would go out regularly for drinks and do whatever. In the 10s work socialising became heavily controlled by HR, with everyone pandering to the most insane person who had decided to tag along. Gradually Thursday and then Friday after work parties were replaced with once a quarter of once a year non-spontaneous organised fun. So WFH is infinitely better than that.


Life before the internet was tough. I spent most of my time hanging out outside, often getting beaten up by Russian kids or gypsies. Theft was common, and human life was cheap.

Our family was poor af. I had only one pair of shoes and no clothes without holes. I was bullied at school. The day my richfag uncle gifted me my first PC (286 or 386 with DOS) with shitloads of games and QuickBASIC, I never wanted to leave my room again. Well, technically, the kitchen, since we only had a bedroom and a kitchen. Over the years, he upgraded my PC, mostly with his old parts, with the occasional bigger upgrade in the form of a completely new PC. Since he didn't have kids of his own, I think supporting me was his way of coping.

I had a crappy 56k modem connection, but it was more than enough, and my uncle paid for it too. When I finally got ISDN, it was a huge game changer. The internet felt cozy back then, though today it’s much more crowded. I learned everything from networking to programming through the internet.

Discovered 4chan on a cold December evening in 2004. /g/ had just been added, and /b/ was already a cesspool full of pedos. But loved the site from first sight.

So no, life wasn’t better before the internet. It was worse.
>dyed hair
Isn't that rather a reference to PewDiePie?
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>Kek. Nobody here is that old, lad.
Why do zoomers spam this shit? Despite zoomers looking all like they are 90?
Is this why you mass suicide now zoom zooms? Because Gen Alpha will replace you? And the only thing you did have was
>Oh yea I' from the young generation.

>Oldfag grandpas
The zoomeroid insults the people he wants to talk to nice one zomerfuck!

>was life better in general before the internet?
Hard to say. I'm Gen Y so I know the transitional period.

I remember a world without internet and today.

>Or were you guys bored all the time.
WTF?! No lol what makes yo think that.

Explain to me why anyone would use the internet in the first place?
(you have crippling internet addiction)

We talked to one another more. Simply started conversations IRL with people and we did think about some things.

On the good/bad side we did argue over irrelevant shit like
>The biggest mountain is ...
>>>NOOOO It is not
>Yes it is!
>>>NOOOO It is not
>Yes it is!

>the capital of X is ...
>>>NOOOO It is not
>Yes it is!
>>>NOOOO It is not
>Yes it is!

Now you can look this up in seconds.
Everything ((((Social Media))) is cancer and useless. The good things about the internet, Not really the internet since you can do this without internet:

>GPS and maps
Once more you can implement this without the internet and 8/10 it will be superior.

>Looking up restaurants or shops, GPS
Once more you can implement this without the internet and 8/10 it will be superior.

>Looking up information online.
One the internet was always shit, in the 2000s it was misinformation now it is government misinformation

Yea you can look up what the name of that movie is or other consumeroid shit however that is really not important.

What we lost was the interpersonal communications, and not being spied on 24/7 with even more shit.

I say the internet is a net negative and removing it would be a benefit to everyone.

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>Or were you guys bored all the time.
To drive this point more home see this zoomer as an example.

Before the internet people simply did think about things in their minds. Like on your own.

You apparently are so fucked in the head from Tiktok that you are unable to do this. All internet generations are fucked. You have a crippling addiction and are brain dead.

Imagine being the NPC meme IRL.
> Oldfag grandpas, was life better in general before the internet?

Not really, but the internet was much better before it became mainstream.
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>Early internet was the least boring version. Internet was great until late 2000s/early 2010s. TV was also better in this era because it focused on being entertaining instead of having a lot of boring politics inserted into everything.
You forgot the best part of the early internet that basically forever ended when filthy frank ended.

Gore and murder and edge shit

People make home videos full of gore profanity and insults

Also the porn everywhere.

This declined since youtube after google took over and the rest of the internet decided to make everything 100% toddler safe with no insults or bad bad words.

Now it is all in decline, filthy frank was like the last big going out with a bang of the old internet.

Most of the old content you could literally access without an account and simply watch (newgrounds) (also youtube all of youtube) the content that was ok in 2006 is not ok to post in 2024.

Youtube will ban and unperson you for it.
Newgrounds will either ban it or plaster a big login requirement to confirm you are over 18+
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>iPhones and Facebook. Social media made a lot of normies want to use the internet and iPhones gave them an easy way to access it, and also become terminally online. Prior to iPhone 99% of internet use was on an immobile terminal so there was a lot of time you were physically away from internet access. Almost nobody was terminally online, and 0% of normies were.

>immobile terminal so there was a lot of time you were physically away from internet access. Almost nobody was terminally online, and 0% of normies were.
This is something I did not think about however also realized it in a round about way.
You are right this being away and going away from the computer is the most important aspect why older generations are not so fucked like zoomers.

However I think you are forgeting the most important part here internet speed increases.

Imagine a modern iPhone only it can run on 1991 internet speeds and is even slower.

You think that anyone would be non stop watching anything? What? A Wall of TXT? Waiting for 1 picture to load? I think the internet speed increases especially for mobile are a part of this problem.

And zoomers getting addicted to watching super star looking influencers on their mobile screens.

On a side note I decided to read the book twilight it is trash however it is full of early 2000s references like people owning CDs of music and the most striking part is when the man character complains how terribly slow looking up things on the internet is. The book was written for girls to be
>WOW Totally like ME and SO RELATABLE!

I think the key aspect here are the speed increases who made seamless pictures and seamless videos possible.

I fucken remember doing the multi tab trick in firefox to have instant next page on a web comic.

>Middle click on "Next Page"
>Go back to the previous one
>Read this page
>Close tab

This way you always have the next page instantly ready to read.
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>BBS boards
Real BBS or fake internet BBS?

You realize millennial that the real BBS existed before the internet! Right?

Because before the internet you used phone lines to call a phone number to connect to a BBS not the internet shit.
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>Remote work means no commute. Remote work means I can choose to live where I want, instead of paying inflated real estate prices and having to deal with the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of a VIBRANT urban hellscape.
What do you even do?

And explain how your job can not be replaced by AI.
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>I think after the Soviet Union collapsed the people running America just took their foot off the gas. They didn't care about living standards of workers anymore because they no longer had serious fears about a Socialist revolution. When the Soviets were around there was kind of an understanding that if living standards in America did not remain obviously much higher than Soviet living standards, that all the American elites would be swept from power and replaced by a socialist system overnight. There was a common saying that was something along the lines of "America is three skipped meals from a communist revolution".
>Once that threat disappeared there was no longer a reason to hedge against it. It was also around this time wages stopped growing, probably for the same reason.


I also noticed this, and this is the reason why the USSR needs to return. Basically the USSR and communism did keep the USA elites from robing the people blind since if they did that a communist revolution would simply happen.

Also the real horrors of communism are the american billionaires and super rich who during the USSR days needed to give back 99% of their profits to the workers or communist revolution.

This is why the 1950s and 1960s where so great all the cheep everything and you can get anything on a minimum wage work was a thing. Basically the USA was the last bastion of capitalism and if they do not keep their proles happy a communist revolution will happen and the USSR military happily will roll in.

The reason why USA was the only important part is because europe was basically destroyed by WW2 and the USSR army could simply roll in and take it over.
>. The earliest 4Chan memes I saw are impossible to find online. They're lost to time.
Why did you not save them on your HDD?

> impossible to find online.
No surprise everything will be impossible to find online in 2030.

> They're lost to time.

>They're lost to time.
Why don't you go to /t/ and upload 100% of your 4chan pictures as a torrent?
Before the internet it felt like the world centred around what news broadcasters would talk about, and also what people were talking about around the local area. If you wanted to be a fan of something you had to actually go somewhere and meet people. You’re ethical and moral standards were influenced largely by where you lived.

Now you get your news from the local village idiot turned YouTube sensation, or some ad filled garbage on social media. If you want to be a fan of something you gotta go on discord and never meet anyone.
Your moral and ethical standards are controlled by some rich dudes in the states or the middle east.
>was life better in general before the internet?
In lot of ways yes and in other ways no

>Or were you guys bored all the time.
Not all the time, either friends would just show up to your house or you show up to the friends house and you do something. If the friend was not at their house that when true boredom would hit

>Also what was the point of no return? iPhone?

Iphone with app store, early messaging apps and mobile data becoming mainstream, the moment you could escape 24/7 no matter what was the beginning of the end
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The internet was best before 2008, then it became really shit around 2014.
>TV was also better in this era because it focused on being entertaining instead of having a lot of boring politics inserted into everything.
It's actually crazy that younger zoomers have never even known a world before the culture war bullshit started. For them it's like that world was always this way. Probably makes them easier to control.
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>Anyone can learn to draw! Everyone with talent got there with practice!
>I am a 36 year old Australian man and did not have daily access to the internet until I was 18.
Okay. That does not mean you are "older than the internet" lol.
Its true. Why do you think it's not?
God Damn AMEN Brother!
The brain varies as much as the body. Someone who's 5' tall is never going to be great at basketball. Someone who can't picture what they draw is never going to be a great artist.
>Someone who can't picture what they draw is never going to be a great artist.
Unless they practice, because picturing what you draw is a skill. You can get better at it.
Why do you think you can't?
Fuck me man, I am 33 and I remember in high school people had phones, but it was more simple shit like
>SMSing, or lack thereof due to having no credits
>Recording school fights and uploading the grainy video to youtube
>Shitty polyphonic ringtones that people unironically paid $10 for
>Dudes sharing really low quality porn
>playing mp3s downloaded from limewire from their phones tinny speakers (especially in fucking buses)
Back in the 00s, shit like patreon wouldn't have worked because not only because people we cheapskates on the internet, but stranger danger and fear of getting card and banking details was still a thing. Anyone remember when youtube used to recommend us to not post identifying details online? I wish that pandora's box never opened.
>Or were you guys bored all the time.
still am.
>Brain structures are a skill, just practice your congenital aphantasia away, bro!
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60yr oldfag here. 1990, bought a 286 PC, clock speed, 25 Mhz, 14.4 modem, porn sites were like gold dust, BBS and Newsgroups amazing. totally uncensored.
>Brain structures are a skill
Factually, yes. When you learn a new skill, your brain creates a new nural pathway.
How do you think it works?
Yet my dog never learns to talk. He must be lazy or something.
yes so you were basically down at the arcade playing twin cobra, shinobi or something or trying to play moon patrol on your mates apple IIc and later amiga or some such.

You did more oustide stuff, and on the weekends you more or less left the house at 9.00 AM and would not come back until just before sundown. You would be at a mates house or out with them or something like that.

No one really even thought about it. Just plenty to do.

No land whales around fatties troons wokes etc. Life was way way better desu. Boomers fucked it will mass immigration. I kinda want to move to japan, as they hate nigga behaviour and the west.
>Still can't answer the question
>He thinks a dog is a human
Concession accepted, thanks for cofirming you were wrong anon.
Use the word maid more often so I can filter you.
life was better. this guy is right >>102270973
There was a less of a monoculture - just like there are only a few websites to visit, the internet is making everyone have the same opinions, knowledge and interests, roughly.
Did anyone mention dating yet? Without internet dating it was easier for the average guy to get girls.
yeah pretty similar. We did some cool stuff as well. Like cut an oversize gear for our roadbike so we could slipstream trucks at 100 Km/h down near freemand waterhole. One of us would get infront of the truck to slow it own first.

Raised a 1/2 cab boat out of the water

mates dad ha a small kinda blast furnace sounded like a jet engine restored cars


bbs boards and mags for porn

arcade games

Cubby houses

Another mates dad was restoring a e-type jag

apple 2, amiga 500, mac se 30, brick phones, I remeber my call to my gf on one of those. legit spin out.

Life was more free than now. People accepted that when you said anything, you were not asserting it, just a view, so you did not have to qualify everything.

Though video tapes were the begining of the end, it cheaped the thrill of watching something at the movie, and some many videos were shit.

I hated all the covers in the video shop, 1/2 of it was like aversion of hell/brain rot, horror and similar, I stayed away from that. I think that was the true begining of the even, blockbusters and such. Even moveis really.
Actually retarded, you can form synapses but not drastically alter your brain. You probably think IQ is fake as well.
>Life was more free than now.
You were a child. Of course it was more free.
saying 'i win' doesn't mean you won, anon
>you can form synapses but not drastically alter your brain
Forming synapses IS drastically altering your brain.
Please prove yourself right or stop replying.
You're right. I just so happen to be correct anyway.
Forming synapses is regular brain function, retard. Do you think practicing enough can change your IQ from 90 to 180?
>Still hasn't proven himself right
Why not?
>Dodging the question
I'll answer your question when you stop dodging mine.
Prove yourself right anon, I asked first.
Why can't you do it? You are right, aren't you?
You're asking for vague proof of an broad statement. I'm asking a very direct yes or no question. If you refuse to answer it's obvious why.
>Dodges the question
>For a 3rd time
It's obvious why you refuse to answer.
>Can't prove himself right
>has to resort to making-up things I didn't say
Concession accepted.
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>Refuses to state that IQ can't be doubled
>Asks for proof of the equivalent not being possible
Double concession accepted.
>Oldfag grandpas, was life better in general before the internet?
Yes. I grew up before internet was available at the palm of our hands. Kids would be outside all the time. Going to parks, going on walks, going to friend's house to play together, having sleepovers, just being ruffians in the neighborhood, going to malls together, going to arcade together, playing with marbles, hopscotch. etc. And that was roughly how life was before internet for the prior 100 years before.

Nowadays they're all glued to phone/internet from the moment they can open their eyes. Its pretty dramatic shift in life. Its sick.
See >>102271342
Lol. Lmao, even.
(also your post is incorrect)
well even adults could think that men are men and women are women and not lose their job for it
see >>102271342
>men are men and women are women
Also the school I went to was a long walk, so me/friends would go through forest/rural route and pick berries/animals that we would hunt. I have memories of wild bird hunting. And swimming at local nearby river, etc. I grew up near rural area but have moved to cities as well. So there were lot of physical outdoor activities as a kid

I'll stop spamming the thread now,
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See >>102271342
Wrong I'm 36 and internet in Romania wasn't a thing untill 1995.
Anyway you can't miss something you don't know existed.
Stupid people have more fun information is a waste if time and is generally used against people.
I think a world without internet is better when it comes to fun
That doesn't mean you were "born before the internet". The internet existed, you just didn't have access to it.
Is it really that mentally challenging?
After cellphones went mainstream everything went to shit because employers wouldn't leave their employees alone. Americans are the biggest cowards for not enacting disconnect legislation before the year 2010. Pagers were also abused the same way.
Same thing.
It didn't exist in my location and 0 people had acces to it in the entire country.
I bet internet existed on other planets before this one had humans does that count?
I lived in a world without internet for years it's the same experience people in your country had in the 70 or 80 hell the tv shows got here with a 10 to 20 y delay so I literally had the same childhood.
You're asking the wrong people OP. I remember life before internet, but as someone who regularly visits /g/, of course I was happier after the internet was developed. Anyone who comes here obviously prefers having the internet around. You need to ask real life boomers.
>John Green
Fuck you of reminding me of this faggot's existence.
>deluded commie rats actually believe this
>Same thing.
It factually isn't.
T. zoomie, I would say poorfags were more fucked back then rather than now while richfags lost comfytimes. It's going downhill tho, so soon you'll share stories of better days with goyslop addicted alphas gramps
The best time in life was pre-2010. Before mobile phones were big. When using the internet meant being at a computer. When everything on the internet wasn’t created for the sole purpose of manipulating you. When forums weren’t eradicated by Facebook groups.
I’m glad I didn’t grow up in a world where everyone is online
If someone is an asshole to you at school you don’t have to deal with him once you’re off campus
But if everyone is all in the same Discord groups or whatever, then he can be a catty bitch 24/7
What's different?
>It's actually crazy that younger zoomers have never even known a world before the culture war bullshit started
older people had the same shit though it was just via tv instead of the internet probably a little less intense but americans have been brain rotten by politics for decades

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People with poor reading comprehension need face to face meetings. You should be able to document what you are doing so another person can read and understand it. Similarly, others should communicate in clear writing what they need from you. Highly complex software systems have been built by people communicating over email lists. Even with all this I guess if you do want face time, I don't mind going in 2-3 times a month. But no more than that.
>effort posting at bait
Based zoomers
>reddit spacing

Thread hasn't started and the mentally ill newfags already showed up to LARP as an oldfag which they think is the 2016 election tourist.

Can't make this shit up.

Almost as if over 98% of 4chan's userbase is made up of Zoomers and whatever the fuck comes after them.
this is regarding USA, but I feel we're seeing this right now here in Italy. Italy is always thought as a country with good food, but nowadays, dunno if it's because of globalization or some other stuff, food tastes like crap 90% of the time.
Especially low and mid tier restoration in Italy is completely collapsing, 9 out of 10 pizzas in restaurants taste like dogshit, the staff is always rude and treat you like you're the lowest scum, and the prices are of course higher and higher by the month.
> then run when the cops show up
with zero worries about being shot. Some cops might get rough but mischief was understood and the worst that would happen is a ride home after cleaning up said mischief.
We have everything now...and yet somehow nothing at the same time..also I'm now old and it takes ages to pee.
When there was no Internet, I read many more books.
> this
I have this same exact schizo theory

>why the USSR needs to return
it has 0 chance of ever returning
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Many computer jobs will be replaced by AI and many physical jobs will be replaced by robots. We'll probably enter a time when it's not viable for most people to work in our lifetimes.
I don't think OP was implying that the internet was the only metric for happiness.
Back in '94, I had to visit the local computer shop to get some random games on diskettes. Half of them didn’t work when I got home, so I had to walk back to the town center just to get games on a functioning diskette. Now, I can download the same amount of data in a fraction of a second.

Also, i used to learn game cheatcodes from friends or computer magazines.
this, but who started this ai shit? usa? india? blame them
It was inevitable, this was always the path computers were heading towards.
> We'll probably enter a time when it's not viable for most people to work in our lifetimes.

I won't see that happening until the advent of nanotech based machines.
early internet > no internet > current internet
the point of no return was when everything became about making money rather than exchanging information/talking to people
Endless summers, going out for the day, back to somebody's house for food, then out until it was dark. Gocarts. Reading lots of books, messing around with early computers, bakealite phones and local libraries. Not bored, colour TV was new. hanging out in people's bedrooms. Video Game Piracy in person at swap meets. A far cry from insular world of today.
Wanting to learn a new skill:
Before internet
>Either trial and error, find someone who already knows, or scour books until you find the solution
Early internet
>type keywords into search engine, get articles and forum posts that detail exactly how to do things and why
Modern internet
>type question into google, get nothing but AI slop, straight up misinformation, 30 minute video by some annoying faggot to explain something that should take 10 seconds, and paid articles that are thinly disguised ads that also tell you you're racist for wanting to learn a skill
Before the internet I read many books. I was never bored.
You have never touched a carbureator.
You have never dialed a rotary phone.
You have never used a pager.
You never rented a movie at Blockbuster.
To you John McAfee is a political persona before he was the foremost cyber security guru of the world.
You never got to play outside because where I ran out doors on dirt roads, you see massive concrete.
This. Mexico had this for a full decade longer than USA.
If you prefer remote work you are either a very trusting very wealthy boss or a very pampered professional during a historically horrific housing crisis where everyone is begging for a place to stay even for a moment.
Alan Turing
Real life boomers have not made sense of anything after the internet gave them double dementia

I'm a divorced 40 years old with 3 kids, born in 1984. I begun using the internet daily in 1998, so, when I was 40.
I'm from Argentina. When I started high school, so, 1997 iirc, I gifted my gameboy to a cousin. In 1998 thanks to the Internet I could play Pokemon Red-Blue emulated. I downloaded the roms, and put them in floppy disks, and sold them to other kids.
Piracy was universal, with shops dedicated to selling pirated software and everybody buying cds, burning them, and returning them next day for another cd.
I was not a normie, I was a fat autistic guy (probably why I'm still in 4chan at this age). Normies lived their normal lives, dating and dancing and going out with friends late on saturday nights, to discos and clubs, until social media wrecked them too in the late 2000s and also turned them into internet addicts. The combo of smart phones and social media (facebook, twitter, tinder) destroyed normies. Before that, the internet was for nerds who used nicknames instead of their real names.
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My bad guitar fingers still have not adapted to the touch screen. I could use Grammarly but I like knowing that my fingers assembled a text and taking ownership for my bad writing even if Grammarly can be my parent speaking for me. My typos are far less tolerable today than they were long ago. I still can manage a physical keyboard with Clark Kent dexterity but a touch screen is the "Hi Im worthless" face of the written world of the web that is indiscernible from bots.
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone...
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>Or were you guys bored all the time
One learns that boredom is a disease of civilization. It seems to me that what boredom mostly is is that people have to keep themselves entertained or occupied, because if they aren’t, then certain anxieties, frustrations, discontents, and so forth, start coming to the surface, and it makes them uncomfortable. Boredom is almost nonexistent once you’ve become adapted to life in the woods. If you don’t have any work that needs to be done, you can sit for hours at a time just doing nothing, just listening to the birds or the wind or the silence, watching the shadows move as the sun travels, or simply looking at familiar objects. And you don’t get bored. You’re just at peace.
>Right now the signal-noise ratio is overwhelmed by oversocialised doubledigit iq mongs being 24/7 connected through a nightmare rectangle wherever they go non-stop.
Hey how dare you describe me accurately and accountable for my actions?
I wouldn't say it was better, it was different. You weren't bored, you just did different things.
In the mid 90s
>watched TV
>played video games
>rented vhs tapes
>bought CDs
>bought magazines
>got books out at the library
I'd say by 2009 when social media (facebook, twitter) really started going is when things went off the cliff.
40 year old grandpa here: you have no idea how bad I just want to go back to 1999, even 2006 right before the iPhone 1 came out was peak comfy the likes of which you wouldn't believe.
>iSheep and social media slop ruined the world from 2007 on.
>local women were local women and a feat of human achievement to make bold declaration to
>music was a feat of human achievement
>and then iPods spoiled the illusion
>and the iPhone drowned us in the flood that destroyed every unique's place aesthetic
A life without Internet is possible, but pointless.
t. 36

The points of no return (for society at large) were Amazon, Ebay, Wikipedia and YouTube.
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Shit, before www came out (internet has been around since 1983), I was hanging out at friends houses that had sisters and they had to interact with me whether they wanted to or not. Plus the SNES was pretty fun.
Now with the internet, they can choose not to based off your first interaction.
FYI 4chan uses reddit spacing since 2003
Before internet was okay if you had hobbies. 100% of those who did not were drug addicts.
early internet fucking ruled. Point of no return was major corpos ensuring that there were effectively only three to five websites available for the entire internet and that it's ok/common to have your full legal name, address and phone number visible on your social media account.
look at this pussy little bitch
we'd shoot co2 bbguns and then fill the empty co2 cartridges with gunpowder from bottle rockets and stick 6 inches of cannon fuse in the hole, they were about m80 size but with fun metal shrapnel that could fly 100 feet. Nothing like running away at top speed while your guts writhe in anticipation of injury.
Not really but it really does make them easier to advertise to. There has always been culture war bullshit in media but it took around 2010 for advertisers to figure out that it's a lot easier to associate a brand with a culture war concept (Nike is """"""woke"""""" now ads) rather than to cultivate culture war around the brand ("I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads, Coke vs Pepsi ads, right twixt vs left twixt ads).
Especially when both sides of the culture war consumes product as a result (when people were buying out Nike and Kurig stock to destroy to "own the libs").
life was boring without the internet
nah, i was here.
38 here. I was in middle school in the late 90s. We got our first computer around 1995, but we didn't use it THAT much. All there was really to do was talk in chat rooms and instant messenger.
For the most part you had to make your own fun. Especially because I was living in a small ass town that had nothing to do.
We'd go explore the woods, go fishing, play sports, fuck around people's farms and terrorize the sheep, fuck around abandoned factories.
Pretty much everyone lost their virginity in middle school. Because there wasn't much to do, sex and drugs was common. Being kids, it was harder to get weed unless you had an older sibling who had a connection, but anyone could get their hands on a condom. Word on stds spread quickly.
People who were in high school and college when 4chan first popped up are indeed that old.
t. 50-something grandad.
We didn't have time to be bored.
Nothing wrong with the maroons cunt.
There are better places to socialize than an office. You don't get out much do you?
T-shirts are underwear, kid.
Are there WORSE places to socialize than an office in 2024?
I prefer hobos and San Fran doomloop to SJW Karens
I'm not American so that's not an issue for me, but still it's better to go to places where there are people that share your interests.
My first computer was a Commodore 64.

It's very easy to idealize the past and making qualitative statements about a topic as broad as 'life' is too broad a topic without writing volumes. Things were certainly different in the pre-universal-always-on Internet era. Technology is a part of that, but technology is only a factor in the equation. Culture and the attitudes of the people inhabiting it are a major component. In the last twenty years or so, the outlook and attitudes of most in the West has become increasingly negative. Some of this is for valid and pressing reasons; some is a side effect of the media-driven deluge of sensational information we are all bombarded with constantly. Doomscrolling has no historical equivalent.

Today, journalists have abandoned any pretense to the sort of ethical restraint espoused by those in previous decades. The general population never had it. The Internet in the late 1990s was touted as a personal printing press for every human. As successive waves of social media have shown, most people very little of use to broadcast. But broadcast it is, and consumed it is. A cacophony of banality blaring constantly from the dwindling number of places still speak to each other. People become unable to distinguish fact from opinion and capacity for nuanced discourse is discarded.

Where this is going, I cannot say. There is a growing movement toward moderating personal consumption of electronic media, but most of this sounds like the bargaining phase of addiction. LLMs and their successors may drown out human voice from the 'net entirely. We as a society may decide that people are not entitled to speak freely and public discourse will be fossilized into the sterile corporate bleating we use eight hours a day. The economic factors driving the recent evolution of the 'net may evaporate and the few major sites may once again fracture into the myriad that personified the early 'net. The only constant is change.
>When I grew up a neighborhood was not just an array of isolated houses on a subdivided plot.
>When I grew up it was normal for children to wander the neighborhood, cut across lawns, visit friends, explore the woods, go swimming in a pond, for hours on end, from morning until dusk.
>When I grew up, there were no "free range" children because allowing children the opportunity to be unsupervised, to explore, play, have fun, and, sometimes get injured was the norm
>When I grew up I would bike between neighborhoods to visit friends past on a dirt easement, or walk to the county park on busy roads.
>When I grew up, during the winter, we would all go to "sled run", a hill that you arrived at by walking to the end of the cul-de-sac, through a neighbor's property, and down a wooded trail. It was steep and it was dangerous, but it was fun.
>When I grew up the authorities did not bother themselves with regulating sledding and lemonade stands.
>When I grew up, if a child was injured while sledding parents did not sue.
>When I grew up teens had part time jobs and kids had unpaid chores.
>When I grew up, I made smoke grenades, with sulphur, iron filings, and gunpowder, on the driveway without the neighbors calling the police.
>When I grew up lawn darts were a thing.
>When I grew up, there were no cell phones. When I left the house, I disappeared.
>When I grew up, parents did not worry about keeping their children on a leash.
>When I grew up, I knew that when it became dusk, it was time for me to start heading home or I would be in "big trouble"
>When I grew up, people were more civil.
>When I grew up a .22 was a boy's right of passage on his 12th birthday.
>When I grew up, there were no school shootings.
>When I grew up, the police had white cars and blue uniforms, not black cruisers, MRAP's, and ski-masks.
>When I grew up, the neighborhood was full of children.
>When I grew up, people were optimistic about the future.
>There was trust when I grew up.
Can't remember where the pasta came form & it took me a moment to find it but it's relevant.

>We've traded our humanity for convenience.
>We aren't humans anymore.
>We don't live human lives.
>We don't have human relationships.
>We don't build families.
>We are slaves to screens
reported for hate speech against People of Augmentation
>what was the point of no return?
When third party services started adopting Facebook and Google logins. Cloudflare.
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Oldfag thread? Dare you reveal you power level? I shouldn't, I figured everyone here is a zoomer by now
Kill yourself mental nigger
What few happy times I had in my life were in the 90s, yes. The internet has unironically destroyed any chance for the average person to be happy
quality post
The Internet was good before the iPhone
Normies having Internet access 24/7 killed the Internet.
I wasted the entirety of my twenties because of internet addiction and inability to get off my pc and leave the house. Smartphones have enabled me to be more social, but also the internet is just less interesting, interactive and addictive than it used to be in the 00's.
Well, you can either have "trust" or you can have "diversity".
The people in government have made their decision and it was against their people and in favor of globalist totalitarianism.
>I need to practice to see movies in my head.

Anon you are broken and can not others who where not brain damaged by screens have this ability naturally.
>Nooo the drop in living standards after we defeated the USSR and communism and capitalism won ..... is BECAUSE OF THE RISE OF COMMUNISM!

This is what the GOP retards actually believe.
>it has 0 chance of ever returning
A man can dream.
Daily reminder that we live in the nightmare reality where the USSR was destroyed by a CIA organized military coup
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Things were different before the internet, and to be honest my life was pretty boring, I got accesses to the internet in the first days of the year 2000, and it changed my life forever.
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Boredom can be a catalyst for creativity.
People these days are too overstimulated, they can't pay attention for more than 30 seconds and lose their shit if something doesn't happen instantly.
The turning point was social media and smartphones, now people live two lives an online life and their boring real life.
Mind you we used to chat over IRC and whatnot but that required you to be sat at a PC at home or in a cafe.
Now you go out in a group and everyone's looking at their phones within 15 minutes of meeting up.
You're never actually alone with someone anymore and that is a very precious thing to lose.
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>zoomer here
Fucking kill yourself, faggot.

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