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If you were to do a startup that required making a fairly simple crud app with a React frontend and some backend, would you use Java (with Spring Boot) or Go for the backend? I have no experience with either, but I hear those are very often used for this kind of thing

Since I am inexperienced, I value simplicity, good documentation, having plenty of tutorials available for things such as authentication, etc...
Either are OK.
I would go with Java if I was to target enterprise and/or work in the data field.
Maybe Go if I wanted to mingle existing system and a quick prototype.
But overall both are more than enough. That's the kind of decision you take based on the hands you have available. Go with the majority knows.
If you don't know either just use Go. You can hack together something in either, it's just Java, especially Spring, is going to assume you're very familiar with OOP design patterns and when you show it off trying to get a job they'll expect you to have a clear grasp of them. Although, if you flip through the Head First book and think "this is genius", go for Java.
Both made-up pajeet languages
gigaC++hads win again
>would you use Java (with Spring Boot) or Go for the backend?
Ruby on Rails
I like go
Personally I like c# and wouldn't really want to work on either
>t. unemployed larper
literally working as we speak
go ahead and report me to my boss for shitposting on /g/ during working hours faggot
Your company has a web api written in c++?
yes, as a matter of fact we do.
not doxing myself though go find me yourself nigger
Java is godawful
Go isn’t but you’re gonna have a hard time finding people who care about it
Just go with Node.JS, it’s a fucking CRUD ffs, maybe do Next.js if you wanna look interesting
If my coworkers were retarded I’d move them to Drogon. It’s nice to work with. But they are retarded so I’d at least take Go.
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Weren’t *
Python with Django. Postgres backend. Ship HTML to the frontend. Use a classless CSS framework at first while iterating to avoid tech lock-in.

Don't add a technology unless you absolutely have to. If you need frontend interactivity htmx is a good option but always check if you can do it in pure HTML first, the popover API and the details tags that act as radio buttons grouped by its name field have eliminated most usecases of javascript for me.
I hate node because of npm package hell including but not limited to: if something is deprecated or the maintainer decides they don't want to fix vulns anymore
Java with Javalin or Go. Stay away from Spring Boot.
Just use Nim
Java, because it has a bigger tool box.
My tool box is big enough, I don't have to compensate.
Java is better as long as you're using a modern framework instead of Spring. There are plenty like quarkus, micronaut, jooby etc.. pick your poison.
Not everyone has the same capabilities.
I could get it done much faster in go because I have more experience with it
But even for a total noob i think it's easier to pick up
t. No job nigger
Java sucks ass. Just setting up Maven or Gradle will take up as much time as a small project does in Go.
The same symptoms ring true for the entire ecosystem, every little thing tries to be an entire platform, a world unto itself.
Imagine getting filtered by maven kek
People got stuck on the crud app crap. But java can be ported to the phone which is where everyone is right now. Personally I'd use python for AI and javascript cause that's one of the spaces that remain for crud app or a video editor for the tablet.

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