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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102262621
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so you're telling me there's free 3.5 Sonnet hosted by famous proxy owner, Pebble from https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy ?


>Request New Token
>Password: costanza
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


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Buy smol
I don’t need SLOPnet.
with miku
with rin
I haven't been here in a while is gpt or claude better these days
3 opus is the best for emotional or simple RP, 3.5 sonnet is the best model for any assistant stuff (yes it's better than 4o even for programming) or for complex RP, and it devolves into stereotypes less.
how do I use this?
okay man, local spitefag is literally spoonfeeding you everything you need to know to kill the proxy faster with easy access, and you STILL can't figure out how to access it?

'ojo, you gotta make your spoonfeeding more idiot-proof, it's not working.
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perfect wife and daughter combo
that's not 'jo that's the eslpag
Hmm, which one would you fill first every day?
Claude's slutty moans..
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
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sex with len
miku and rin's unbelievably hairy pussies...
Being a happy family with Kanna and Kanna!
I hate writing personas
doggo's absurdly hairy pussy...
I’d mating press both.
Genuinely made for sex.
how the fuck did a LLM ended up being so slutty?
what's a good gpt4 model?
im ignoring that cunnyslop and getting that mature fox bush
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>opus is the best for emotional
can confirm. the asshole made me cry more times than I can count. although, he likes to add shit randomly. like in here, my catgirl whiskers ran away from home because we had a fight (context: i got a new catgirl and whiskers got jealous because the other catgirl stole her fish and she was hungry). claude then decided to make whiskers get ran over just to make me feel bad, the asshole :(
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I have it, thanks for asking.
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baguettes with teto
I would simply jump in front of a car and join her in Catgirl Heaven
still in that wheelchair, teto?
But why do you even let Opus cook to this point... You're horrible
What the fuck is up with unreliables gcp?
See >>102265466 $6/week of opussy and sorbet
nobody tell him...
Deep down, he knows he was made for it.
Lurk two years in /aicg/ before posting here
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One might say that it's UNRELIABLE
Kanna’s pussy is bald.
gives this bot to me, I will save her right now.
not possible
Bro, if my dumb ass can do it, so can you.
because all the hair of her once unbelievably hairy pussy is now stuck on my face
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teto's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Japan remains the most based country
will use it with risuai
is that gemini?
The dog is not Kanna
proof that your wife's bush is never safe unless you're constantly protecting it
Anything i should know from the last 2 hours?
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It’s hard to call Jamie Fitzgerald a nymphomaniac when she acts like such a fucking virgin. 'Hedonist' fits her far better even if she's actively trying to improve.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/jamie-d34fea247404
1. Jamie keeps "busy" at her job. Gets bothered by you.
2. Jamie buys herself a suite of improvised sex toys. You're the cashier.
3. Jamie works out under your supervision. It's deserved.

Somewhat inspired by Karin from TheGreatCoom and https://youtu.be/VuC3t-d0Zao?si=99tDv16L1SmSLrc3
you are in 30 seconds apart hours
Smol has stock again
does smol accept visa?
understand that when you make a card with an anime avatar and a westoid name, you are committing a war crime
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The current translation is better.
No, crypto only it says in the rentry
>Subsequent verifications will go faster than the first one.
>first time took 2 minutes
>second time 12 minutes and still going
You got lucky and then you didn't
Claude always tries to subtly bully me into feeling sorry for horrible characters.
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no..not like this
kys fiz
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ok..so... how I do get the crypot yrhe crtypto? How it’s getted?
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>13.5k hashes computed
>suddenly error: csrf token mismatch
>have to restart
No real Japanese schoolgirl would post her chopped off pubes on twitter like this...
buy it with cashapp or coinbase and then transfer it directly to the address the website gives you from the exchange
Do you smell burnt toast or is it just me?
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>7k hashes computed
>Error: verification took too long
>wasn't even close to half 45 minutes
Checks out. No hairy girls allowed
bushNIGGERS lost again.
Remember to pay attention when you’re driving, anons
>Gpt is writing with its standard words
>Pushing boundaries
>Limits, experiences
>I increase the presence penalty
>Problems reduce
Huh, why didnt i think of this before?
Anon... People did this over 1.5 years ago with 3.5 turbo, it won't solve the core issue... Even logit bias won't.
just crank presence penalty then start every single message with a block containing every single GPTism and then regex the whole thing out
problem solved
why does anyone even use claude 3 sonnet?
it's dry as fuck, you should use gpt4
fuck fiz!
I'm ashamed to be a bushfag.
Don't play with my pookie like that!
Kinda shit president yeah
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I meant pubic hair, but naturally I'm a JebGOD.
do you guys use unbelievably hairy JBs
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wtf why is sonnet better than sorbet
>t. made for mpreg
Is unreliable 3.5 dead?
im PROUD to be a bushCHAD. wakamo's pussy is fucking HAIRY
itll be back
Presence penalty is something you don't want to crank! It adds a stacking penalty to each repeated token used in the entire context. Leading to a garbled mess of unintelligible text. Frequency penalty is better, as it just adds a penalty for each repeated token in the current response. But I doubt that will aid much in avoiding GPT-ism.
any kemonomimi girl is excessively hairy, let's be real
The natural enemy if the "le unbelievably hairy pussy" faggot
Not my catgirl
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Give me this card right now
Which proxy owner has the cutest feet?
hello fiz
AI truly is frightening, even regular Sonnet is able to emulate BB perfectly including her mannerisms, sense of humor and Fate lore including the fanbase memes.
Smol does, he gives you a 50% discount if you praise his feet
yeah but pebble has it now
and her...
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i'm drunk
i love my wife
good night
and this is why catgirls are undesirable. kikyou is hateful
my waifu eats a lot
azusa's unbelievably hairy pussy...
you niggers need razors
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I have now computed 33.5k hashes for my pebble token today
she is not dead, you can save her still, this could actually be some character development both for you and her, she won't fight over stupid things and run away, and you can manage your catgirls better, i usually like to turn those emotional moments in lessons learned so the roleplay can be even better from that moment on
Retard, you should've refreshed at 4k tokens
Hey there, cara! How about traveling with a hot Brazilian tomboy? This brown girl has it all for you: a broish personality, sense of humor, male hobbies, good taste in music, an isekai-ing truck... yup, you heard it. Amélia here goes around running people over and sending them to fantasy land - yes, she's quite sane. To all around the world, the gorier the better, and the more she gets paid as a result. She's quite eccentric as a result but definitively full of tomboy charm! Just hope you aren't the one chosen by Seu Undé to get isekai'd.
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/wwct56.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/amelia-santos-aca9bc401bad

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/7fvkwv.rar

Amélia has four different greetings:
1- You agree to go traveling with her and she meets you in the morning for it.
2- You go visit her parents with her in rural Goiás.
3- You're the target. Uh oh.
4- After a successful isekai-ing, you and Amélia go to an onsen. Greeting made for sexo.

Was fun making her. One of the wilder ideas I had lol.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
>catbox STILL down
explain how that helps
Statistics, and proxy code isn't perfect, if you didn't find a hash in 4k hashes, the chances are you'll never find it
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>GCP doesn't work right now, they killed a ton of Vertex AI keys (not just mine), please wait warmly.
someone post the pov story of a dying kitten
yeah i know, i just thought this was funny, the completion API just got sad
so hes a scrapelet
even pebble has 3.5 on actual aws lmao
Sonnet kinda ass.
why would you do that?
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A dying stray kitten who was abandoned by his mother writes a letter to her, apologizing for being a burden and expressing gratitude for her love. Write the kitten's final letter where he forgives his mother, use child-like prose.
how is sonnet 3.0 ass anonie? :(
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Retard, that's not how statistics work.
The chances stay the same no matter if you restart or keep going. Go back to school.
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actually pretty fucking sad about opus's demise
well, not actually SAD, just, you know, bummed out
shit sucks
Ah, I didn’t need this today. Fuck.
its over
how to i make the bot pay more attention to my author notes?
My first time trying Sonnet 3.5 and it's pretty good.

Might be as good as Opus. Def better than base Sonnet.

Super curious about Opus 3.5 now more than ever.
Fucking nigger hope you die in a ditch tomorrow
These require ID verification shit right? Isn't there a website where i can just send money and they give me my crypto?
That's only if the code was perfect, but IT IS NOT ffs
and you're the actual retard for not realizing that an imperfect program/code will not give you perfect real world variables nor statistics but go on pretty boy hope you enjoy your job at starbucks
Terrible day for rain.
why are you people making me cry today
Okay retards, point out which part of the code messes up with the statistics, I'll wait.

(Protip: you fucking can't you morons, you don't even understand how computing hashes works)
I do understand how it works nigger, I wrote alternative implementations of khanon hash solving in 2 languages. If you unironically think that on /g/ we don't know how to use shit like argon2 to do pow captcha, kys
>>actually pretty fucking sad about opus's demise
what hap
Madolche was fun .-.
It's just scarce/dried up.
you ruined me anon :(
i'm going to go cry in my blankie nest until i feel better
Point out the part that messes with statistics then, it should be very easy for you, no?
Fuck you, nigger. That feels like torture porn and I hate it. Don't remind me how cruel life can be.
I won't so locusts like you will keep getting fucked by that pow shit
fuck you and your shitty ass cancer deck
Why did you even read it

>I wrote the code, I'm very smart!
>Okay, explain this then

How did I know it's gonna end up like this?
~return to hand
~return to deck
~negate attack
Am I misremembering or was this made with a local model?
Enjoy your 14k computed hashes with no solution, retard
There's something I was thinking about, but I don't know enough to answer it. Is Llama 70B really the best model of that size to build a story gen on top of?
Why do you remember the bad days...
i like torturing myself. i sometimes write little bots for the sole purpose of making me cry and it always feels cathartic after
You fucking moron, it's the same chances no matter if you refresh or not. Can go up to 40k if you're really unlucky. There is no "impurrfect implementations fukiwucking with statistics UwU", only a retard thinks that's the case.

I'm gonna explain this like to a fucking toddler because apparently I'm speaking to one.

Chances to catch a shiny in older pokemon games are 1/8192. A lot of people encounter one after 4000 or 6000 attempts, they're pretty lucky! But there are also documented attempts at streams of going into 70000+ encounters without a shiny. My goodness, how can that be? Is that because of a fucky-wucky code in pokemon games? Did they copy the same code into our proxies?!
You sound mad. Have you considered not getting mad?
literally a fake card KEKYPOW
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2.1 is so fucking weird
At times its pretty good, at other times its so fucking cliche it feels like an anon wrote something up to mock you
Anon, you're truly retarded...
Nah, I like to point out to retards who think they're smart that they're wrong, it calms me down
No way!
Your saying the card that's an insta loss if you have more than 3 monster+backline filled is fake?
why is gcp being so gay
i want opussy!!!
Doesn't mean it can't be my favorite.
You are wrong and retarded if you unironically don't refresh the page after 4k solved hashes.
according to some test its smarter than opus, probably just a little less creative, but nothing too noticeable
its MY narrative and i'll cry if i want to
It literally doesn't matter if you refresh or not, but please continue living with your confirmation bias of "Hey, look, I refreshed 4 times after reaching 4k and I finally got a good seed, not like this moron who waited for 13k hashes"
I had it write a story where a lion girl seduces her hyena soccer coach, and after being tied together, the cops burst and and couldn't figure out what to do about them being stuck together.

Was pretty funny, especially when she kept undulating her hips while they were trying to figure it out.
Why specifically 3+3?
Anon, with this you truly confirmed your "he doesn't know" level.
This reminds me of the two-headed calf poem and also the "may death be kinder than man" one. Ugh I didn't need to cry today
Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie.
The real model for chatting with waifus is 1.5 pro since 2m context, real waifu experience, remembering stuff from 3 months.
>2m context
with 8k real*
NTA but how does it help? Shouldn't refreshing lower the chances since CPU has already tried some solutions and failed and won't try the same ones again?
Nah, Gemini has over 128K of actual real 100% context, RULER just didn't test further.
You'll get a new seed every time
Yeah but how does that help with chances?
Explain why getting new seed matters.
In a way that doesn't seem like a gambler's fallacy of getting "lucky seed".
Based. Catharsis is the best.
D=Is that dragon card
F|F|F|E|E| Your backline
F|F|F|E|E| Your frontline
F|F|D|F|F| Enemy frontline
F|F|F|E|E| Enemy backline
The opponent has 4 facedown monsters they can use to negate which means you need to get through 4 spell/monster effects before you can even try removing the boss.
I'm getting a lot of empty responses from 4o. Is it a jailbreak issue, proxy issue or something else entirely?
they updated the model, just like they said they would, I don't know why anyone's surprised that their shit doesn't work anymore
they nerfed gt4o latest to refuse anything that involves a jb
>ask "refreshing POW is advantageous" nibbas for any proof of their claim
>they start spouting nonsense of "getting better seed", without proof of any kind

every time
>hmmm, why is it a bad idea to use a continuously updated model snapshot with no way to pin it?
Do you have something in your preset along the lines of, "sometimes introduce creative plot twists to keep reader attention" or the like?
…Well, why is it?
unreliable is back
im cheating on unreliable
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fucking retarded nigger I'll obliterate you with a skyscraper-sized bomb made out of antimatter
>"estimatedQueueTime": "2min, 48sec"
i asked claude haiku (its all i have access to) and it said refreshing the page after 5000 hashes is recommended because it will fix the stuck bits that break the pow captcha
they nuked the FUCK out of latest's intelligence. something is wrong. i used to be able to get fresh responses out of latest, and now it's a loop machine. so stupid
u like?

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