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I actually pay for this shit...
>muh legal reason
why isn't there some unofficial option somewhere to enable it?
XDMAN werks on my machine
>nibba doesn't know about ytp-dl
>F12 network tab
why would I need more
I know of youtube-dl (dunno if its still or regularly mantained), yt-dl. but whats ytp-dl?
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literally just a python version of yt-dl that actually gets actively worked on. however, as you can see, it's still useless in this case: >>102271880
that doesn't even extract the stream lol
>last updated 2022
If they make it easy for retards like you, the publishers would make it harder for everyone else.
Just use ffmpeg
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>Just use ffmpeg
it's also useless for DRM content (pic rel)
>nonargument about IDM without a fix
just say you don't know either
You are supposed to feed the decryption key via -decryption_key switch retard
It's not useless if you know about --allow-unplayable-formats
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and I retrieve the decryption key how?
If you need to ask you're probably barking up the wrong tree. May I suggest you spend some time reading the videohelp forums.
Use neat download manager
Free, and has a browser extensions
>oh noes someone is asking for help, better not help him
How to get the key depends on the site and is a complicated subject. It's better to send you to a place where the question has probably been answered 10 times by people who actually care about the site you're trying to download from. I know how to use widevine cdm shit myself but I probably haven't tried the site you're using.
>omg use command line you normie
>why can't you be a troon like us
imagine being too fucking stupid to use something as simple as ytp-dl. why are you even lurking on g?
With that attitude you're probably never going to get your video downloaded let alone get the key to decrypt it lmao.
I'm the op, this is not my post: >>102272227
I'm the actual op, this is not my post: >>102272252
kys trollfaggot
Well start with:
You need a CDM to get the keys. Next here are two possible tools to use to get the keys with the CDM:
Follow the instructions and put the CDM files where they belong. Then see >>102272034 for tools to download and decrypt. Follow the instructions to use them, or you can use ffmpeg as described earlier. If there's more than one key you will need to decrypt each mp4 you got from yt-dlp individually with mp4decrypt from bento tools. I never tried n_m3u8 so I don't know if it can handle stuff like that. Decrypting manually is how I've always done it.
I'm not going to waste an hour of my time setting up something in a CLI just to download 1 video. Some people have jobs.
thanks, I'll give it a try
gtfo of my thread faggot
mp4decrypt works like this:
mp4decrypt.exe --key 1:0663980ee36ff960g84ffa1e5f6f2e24 in.mp4 out.mp4
Encrypted video or audio track goes in, decrypted one goes out. When done you can use mkvtoolnix to merge them into a single mkv file.
nice b8
I'm sure that complaining on here and trying out various spyware will be much more productive.
Xdmanfag here. The 2022 is actually a fucking broken mess so in reality...
>last updated 2020
But yeah works fine for me too
Piracy lost?

>python version
It always was python.
Since the thread has gathered some interest from actually knowledgeable people, I wanted to ask:

What's this stuff with VDM validation? How will it affect widevine dedrming in the future?
Or just watching it on youtube....
so is this dude trying to download a paid video?
Some sites even use DRM on free videos so it's hard to tell.
I'm dumb as a brick, I don't understand any of this shit.
It does the same thing.
Stick to torrenting shit instead of trying to download it from streaming sites then.

We already went over this. See: >>102272012
>Stick to torrenting shit instead of trying to download it from streaming sites then.
But mommy said I could do anything I want if I put my mind to it. The things I want are not on torrent cause they're not popular and because of the nature of streaming services, the episodes can disappear any time. Sometimes they don't even have the rights to a movie for a complete year, it's fucked.
Why would you even use this turd, jDownloader is so much better.
What are you trying to do exactly? Yeah downloading shit but what exactly and from where
That has encryption baked into it. There basically isn't any way to hijack and download it directly.
Time to fall back to the ol' screen grabber.
Episodes of The Last Drive-In (movies with a horror host) on Shudder (streaming site for horror movies, owned by AMC). I could probably follow a guide, but there's just so much fucking documentation, I don't even know where to begin.
then just pay for the content asshole
That's what I do, I am employed unlike some people here.
You can't download it without paying for it in the first place moron
Anons dont be mean
oh, and by the way, I'm not OP if that wasn't clear.
>g boomer only knows two options, using 25 year old software that was popular when he was young or paying
I hope I don't fall this far behind when I'm old.
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Just record your screen normie
You wont get old I will kill you first
thanks for the tip, DSP
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they're easy to get if you're on the right site
Ure welcome faggit
Sorry for not being on the right private trackers then. I just wanna stop relying on fucking third parties and do that shit myself, like I've done for fucking everything else. And trackers can die any time, ripping knowledge doesn't
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Well if you're on the best trackers you can get the entire seasons at once. As long as you're hoarding it locally it's not going away. There's also streamfab and you could rip it through having a shudder subscription on Amazon, which is the highest quality so that's what's on torrents, but you'll pay out the ass for it.
>That has encryption baked into it. There basically isn't any way to hijack and download it directly.
>Time to fall back to the ol' screen grabber.
oh damn. Then I guess I'm do that.
>What are you trying to do exactly?
op here
trying to download a news video from my country's own public news network
NPO right? Link it and I'll try to decrypt it. I'm bored.
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>NPO right?
If you need an hour to use a CLI you might be a retard.
ignore that retard
he's not the op and he's just trolling
Here ya go
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holy BASED anon!
thank you!
how the hell did you do it?
Wait, how does Youtube do it then?
>omg im so smart i waste my time using a cli
>no need for the faster alternative
chrome cdm to get key, yt-dlp to download video and audio, mp4decrypt to decrypt, mkvtoolnix to mux separate tracks to single mkv
>chrome cdm to get key
this one?
That's probably old and outdated. I have a paid API key for a newer one that does work. I'd recommend trying to use https://github.com/FoxRefire/wvg/tree/next instead if you don't want to pay shady people and possibly get scammed. It doesn't work 100% for everything but you can at least get keys from sites that aren't too exotic without paying anything.
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I can confirm that also gets the key on npo
I'll try it out soon
that shit reads like a fucking $300 grocery list from the 80s
>the sorry state of freedom-acquiring
>IDM is cucked
>I actually pay for this shit..

Who's the cuck again?
My preferred combo is keydive to generate my own CDM from my phone and then N_m3u8dl-RE with mp4decrypt to download and decrypt it.
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Why can't yt-dlp do that, is it the chrome cdm?
Yt-dlp can only download the video and audio, it has no functions for getting decryption keys or using them to decrypt the video and audio.
since there's anons that know their shit here
is this thing useful? I read it a few weeks ago and thought it was impressive, but is MPEG-CENC widely used?
CENC is the underlying encryption. Stuff like widevine, playready, Fairplay, it's just protecting the keys it's not an actual encryption scheme.
ok, sounds powerful then
I don't get this stuff yet, but isn't it a complete bypass of the key-grabbing ordeal?
as in, I've heard L1 keys are the holy grail and L3 keys are hard but doable to get, but with this you don't need to get the keys so you can get the L1-protected content easy?
is it something like that?
Yeah it bypasses that. I read through the text on phrack before and he said it only works on video so it's not totally useful yet. My goal is to always get the key because I am most interested in live streams.
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The what now?
I use yt-dlp sir.
Post the link.
I want to try to download that video.
at the end of the day, your computer is doing the decoding. either find a way to grab the key or do it DV-R style, where you play the video you want to record, and use a screen recorder to capture it.
you could automate the latter, and have it done overnight, and then have a save of the entire series within a few nights.
automation can happen as simply as making a script in JS that wait 20 minutes or however long the show is, and then goes to the next link in the series.
this is basically the last resort, but the most impenetrable one.
ALL I get:

yt-dlp https://npo.nl/start/serie/nos-journaal-20-00-uur/seizoen-61/nos-journaal_94966/afspelen
[npo] Extracting URL: https://npo.nl/start/serie/nos-journaal-20-00-uur/seizoen-61/nos-journaal_94966/afspelen
[npo] afspelen: Downloading token
[npo] afspelen: Downloading player JSON
ERROR: [npo] afspelen: afspelen: Failed to parse JSON (caused by JSONDecodeError("Expecting value in '': line 1 column 1 (char 0)")); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
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Sar you forgot the --allow-u argument
please do the needful and decrypt the resulting widevine stream with mp4decrypt
random-ass argument that shows up nowhere in help or docs, seems to be the short-ver of --allow-unplayable-formats
and it doesn't even help because you didn't read, the problem isn't with the encrypted format, it's with the JSON metadata
the file I downloaded works fine on my machine
>grab mpd
>download with ytdlp
>strip encryption
what json
I see the difference, you're using the direct link to the stream
but how did you know you had to delete the stuff after the .ism and add stream.mpd?
Is that open source?
i didn't delete anything anon
my question is, how did you find the direct link to the stream?
not him but I used https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/hls-stream-detector/
many thanks, it seriously helped!
this is really cool actually
lots of shady tools but they all just werked (on linux too!?!)
Not wanting to be sued into bankruptcy by (((media company lawyers))) is "cucked." Got it.
just gatekeep the feature and make it not official
yes it's cucked
I downloaded three different videos and the keys were the same every time
is this how it works? the keys don't change per video or something?
The keys might be specific to you and/or change with time. Could attempt to download again in a few hours and see.

ffmpeg -cenc_decryption_key for dash
ffmpeg -decryption_key for mp4

For multiple key support https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/project/ffmpeg/patch/20231113084019.5081-1-adrien@guinet.me/
Use a gui for it then
I just used a different PC, different IP, different wvd file, and different video
and the key was the same...
can I reasonably assume that all of the files are encrypted with the exact same key and there's no fingerprint in the files?
Huh, might be the case. Would be weird if that was true.
This does not happen on my machine using JDownloader™. :~)
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(pic related)
yah cool, one will probably always find a way, but that does not make this bullshit any bit more acceptable!
>this bullshit
companies have been encrypting their streams since cable tv 40 years ago
Are you retarded
now take this as hyperbole, but you could in theory get the most gruesome, evil shit and this little program would download it, it would not show you a hint or a warning or whatever. but the average person should not be able to get britney spears, justing bieber or whatever mainstream shit ...
a user does want to save a streaming (video?), IDM - a download-manager, tells him "no you are not allowed to save this" ... (they bring the excuse of it would be "using circumvention methods" but ...)
jesus christ, you're dumber than I am
if you want to live as a slave without any rights, go for it!!!
I don't see a problem if some streaming provider user would save the video for his use. As long as he doesn't try to sell it where is the problem?
we demonstrated in this thread that you can save the video
the first sentence in the error message is:
IDM cannot download this protected stream for legal reasons.
(cannot is "doesn't want to" or "doesn't want to allow to" here)
Probably Youtube uses something similar to cloudflare check to detect real browsers from scripts. Emulating a real browser is very hard. Even using something like playwright, websites STILL detect it somehow and the differences are minimal
ok I'm curious what stream are you trying to download OP (if I may ask)?

and for everyone else in the thread what do download or have downloaded with these methods?

I just want to check out if I want to delve into this
>wtf is chrome cdm
>look it up
>basically just a chromium extension + cdm combo, probably does some EME sniffing behind the scenes as well
ok, so far so good
>manifest has storage + web request in the permissions
>both service worker and foreground js files are garbled and unreadable
>cdm is a single opaque dll file with no way to check the signature
even more fishy...
this has to be malware

just dump keys from a cheap old android phone / tv box using devine guys (even emulators work for the most L3 keys)
dont bother with these shady projects or shitty online decryption services
i have been doing it this way for years without any problems
I've been backing up local classics from a regional tv channel's online archive
the videos have drm, so to download I have to do the whole decrypting process
I kinda want to try out amazon but I have no proxy to get the shows I want
You have to have L1 to get decent quality from most mainstream streaming services (including Amazon), the methods described in this thread so far won't get you very far with that.
what do you mean by "decent quality"?
I didn't research at all but I thought L1 was only for 4K content
is 1080p also out of the table? are there tiers of quality by bitrate or something
>He doesnt know how to dump a widevine L1 key and use it to decrypt video.
Fucking lmao what a retard.
Dude, I would do anything for L1, but at the same time, I don't care enough to do own research.
>is 1080p also out of the table
last i checked L3 limits you to 480p on netflix, i assume it's similar for amazon
using L3 you'll only be able to rip local tv station and small streaming company stuff because they dont bother to pay for extra certification

getting L1 keys is more involved as more of the code has to be run on a secure enclave. most ripping groups generally keep their methods to themselves. Video streams are also watermarked in a way where a transcode keeps the signature, so you have to be careful not leaking your private key and getting your device blacklisted (but ripping L1 is not impossible of course if you know what you're doing )
sounds like getting these L1 keys require real money with real devices to break
what's the incentive though?
I imagine if you want to make money from it, a WEBrip would be an easier product to sell
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Look, here's how the game works:
-DRM exists to increase cost of piracy.
-DRM is expensive to make, so it's made to be Just Good Enough™ to induce a certain conversion.
-If it's too hard to see for free, NPC will either relieve his FOMO with cash or will just cry and suffer in FOMO.
-If it becomes too easy and too few NPCs convert, publishers invest in stronger DRM.
-Stronger DRM makes life worse for the smart pirate.
-Ergo, the smart pirates rely on keeping you dumb NPCs dumb so you keep suffering and paying for the content we enjoy, and because if we help then it invalidates our magick and we are back to the drawing board.
-You are a desperate drowning man.
-You are just going to have to drown.
Point a camera at your screen. Low tech boomer method just werks.
you are wrong, because it isn't a "pay or crack" situation
the crackers are the ones paying
I'm trying to learn to crack, but even if it doesn't work I can freely watch anything I want because some other guy has paid his subscription, ripped it, and shared it to me
if anything, it's very dumb to be the true pirate leading the charge
DMCA Section 1201. If you're in the U.S., it is on you to bug the shit out of Congress to change the status quo. Sometimes that means blasting representatives with emails, phone calls and letters. If you know people in another State, have them do the same. Have your friends do it to. You win when the rep hears from more of you and your friends than the copyright lobby.
Incentive: You get into something someone spent a lot of time to keep you out of.

For some that is enough.
downloading the webpage won't work, you need to download the .mpd stream, find the url in the network tab

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