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Has anyone ever used one of those automatic glasses-cleaners that actually worked?
I've tried a few and it has literally never gotten rid of anything but the most basic dust particles. Smudges, fingerprints and literally anything else ALWAYS survives the process.

I'm sick of doing it by hand and I was hoping someone else had a solution.
Ultrasonic cleaners work extremely well. You are either using a very shit model, or you may need to add some solvent or soap to help remove the grease.
>Ultrasonic cleaners
what model do you have?
>what model do you have?
yes, I use the Ballkleener2000
ah, ok.
was looking at a watch maker's model recently.
Industrybros, arise!
>I'm sick of doing it by hand
The fuck?
You take a cloth and wipe it for a few seconds. I guess there's also remembering to throw the cloth in the laundry (after all, it's usually sitting on a desk and not in the laundry hamper).
I have an ultrasonic cleaner, and not once has the thought crossed my mind, "I should fill the tank, let it sit overnight to degas, and then stick my glasses in there."
couldn't you just buy a new pair every time it gets dirty for the cost to run a cycle on this?
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not op but i recommend this, great for big glasses, keycaps etc.
thank you
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was kind of eyeballing this one but the reviews seem to suck lately.
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If your glasses have white smudges on them, that's skin/dirt/dust. If you use something abrasive (like sandpaper) you can scrub it right off with some elbow grease.
It's annoying loud. Adding a foam gasket between the lid and the box helps some but you're still not going to want it anywhere you have to be near it for extended periods of time.
Don't do this anons. It creates mustard gas!
ah, ok thank you

What is the good brand then?
Just get a laser surgery and stop being crippled faggot
I like being able to drive at night.
Already addressed in >>102272294
But really any semi-industrial model will do.
driving is for fat, wageslaving cucks
i mean yeah like >>102272637 said it will be loud, but if you need 2L size and somehting at an industrial level, then you really dont have any choice
What the fuck is that gay shit
Just use a microfibre cloth
kek amerifat spotted
I have an ultrasonic cleaner and it destroyed the non reflective coating on my glasses, but in patches
so now it looks like I permanently have cum splattered on them
can't recommend
just use a rag
Do you guys have any good practical tips for keeping glasses clean, if tech has failed us?
I've got:
>never EVER touch the glass
>keep them low on your nose to avoid eyelash dirt
>don't ever clean them with any rough cloth
>the water you clean with should always be room-temp, never hot nor cold
>cleaning with your shirt sounds smart but isn't
>store them somewhere there isn't a draft
>contacts are for fags
>You take a cloth and wipe it for a few seconds
Never ever works for me. It just spreads the smudges around and makes a bigger fucking blurry mess. I've washed my cleaning cloth too and it makes no difference.
Sigh..a real, decent quality microfibre cloth, the kind they use for car detailing.
perfect for gunk on the nose bridge, wires along the glass, legs near ear built up salt. you literally see the dirt separating from the glasses.

however, for glass lenses itself it's not great. best is to still do it, or hold it under water and then use a microfibre cloth. i'd buy the cheapest ones and almost use them as tissue, because they get dirty easily and i fucking hate cleaning my glasses.
What about the "eyeglass cleaner" spray?
Wouldn't that remove coatings from the lenses?
Dish soap and warm water. Then gently wipe water with paper towel. This gets my glasses 100% every time and is completely safe to the anti reflective coating on the lens.
You just gotta carry the cloth with you desu
What about hands soap?
Soap bars are not good.
Good quality liquid soap contains glycerin and oils and are not good.
Cheap liquid soap should be fine.
Ideally you want something that will dissolve dirt and body oils without leaving any residue on the lenses. Dish soap is perfect for that.
use dish cleaning liquid, also good for face
>tap water on lenses
>t-shirt to dry them
works every time
I keep something similar to picrel around for my electronics and they work well with glasses.
I only have manual glasses. Can I still use one?
when facing this problem I used 4d logic and went through LASIK.

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