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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102265952

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
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Again, feels sanitized as fuck. I'm going back to XL.
Blessed thread of frenship
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https://mega.nz/folder/mtknTSxB#cGzjJnEqhEXfb_ddb6yxNQ (inupool folder)
A lora for huge-eyed, extremely precious goodness. Based on this artist: https://xcancel.com/1nupool/media
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Anyone else noticed that the higher size loras perform better? 1GB lora will create better hands or more realistic images compared to a 20MB one
what's the deal with anon being so weary on sharing their shit on huggingface or civitai? in 12 hours, everyone will have forgotten about your lora on the next thread
desu I thought it would be the opposite, bigger loras means more weights raped and in consequence more broken anatomy, worse prompt understanding...
4chan is an anonymous site and HF and Civit are not?
>4chan is an anonymous site
unless you're sharing your file via a proxy, you're not anonymous at all to the eyes of the jannies
That's clearly not my point you retard
What determines if a LoRA ends up larger or smaller? More steps? More images? Both?
Just ignore him.
oh so you're a 2 digit IQ who doesn't know what he's talking about then, got it
Oh does HF and Civit allow for anonymous file uploading or do you have to have a profile?
>>102273845 #
Some flux models are this size. Nf4 in particular iirc. Fp8 is 16gb, some other typical custom flux models I try are 11gb. That model is states it is an nf4 model.
Just tried it put
>Needs clip dictionary, t5 and vae
>using detected unet type: nf4
It is a flux model, nf4 type
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>4chan is an anonymous site
perfect goy, keep using our talking points, you're doing great goyim
Feel free to start posting with a username instead of "Anonymous".
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Dealing with the resident nogen retard is very easy. If a post disparages or antagonizes another with no apparent reason, and especially if it's disproportionately vicious, ignore it.
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>bigger loras means more weights raped
loras usually are bigger because of a bigger rank, rank doesn't change how many weights are modified, lower rank means less precise changes to the same number of weights
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I'm fine with that, I'm making them for myself, and I don't want to share them with a large audience because it always sucks when the artist finds out about his lora.
I thought it was more weights because the bigger the rank, the bigger the file
Ignore me I accidentally put the wrong model on lmao
>it always sucks when the artist finds out about his lora.
I'm the artist in question, you dissapointed me anon :(
The higher size ones user higher resolution images for training?
Nope, the blocks the lora affects and the rank are two separate things. Say rank 1024 allows you to have a new value for each parameter, at rank 512 one value in the lora affects two parameters in the model, and so on. It gets less precise but it affects the same number of parameters.
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calm down anon just download it
Oh I see, that's really interesting, and now it's logical why low rank loras mess up with the vanilla model more, it gives the model a lot of "bad" replaced weights due to less precise ranks
nice try glowie
Here's the right gen, still an nf4 flux model
It's almost the same, also did the same settings on flux dev fp8
Flux fp8: https://files.catbox.moe/640njv.png
Which is almost identical again.
how soon until we start clockwork orange training AI?
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Bigger loras means more regularization images could have been used to stop the raping of the weights (like, their hymen is reconstructed.)
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Must have a profile.
But doesn't MEGA also force you to have an account when uploading?
network dimension (rank) but you can resize the lora to drop out weights that have tiny values that won't do anything but just take up size in the actual file
Stop pretending to be me.
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i retrained my lying down LORA from yesterday with new tags by joytagger and i've gotten much better results. still suffers from the flux nipples though.
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outside of nipples, why does Flux boobs all look AI generated and generic
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kathy bates as doom guy
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Hires fix is doing wonky shit. Is it because I'm using a LoRA?
try lowering denoise
Because they didn't train on real nudity but on AI generated nudity.
*air quotes* nudity *air quotes*
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>AutomaticCFG burns the image too much but gives great prompt understanding
>SkimmedCFG burns the image way less but it's too close to CFG 1 in terms of prompt understanding
Why not just use both at the same time?
That was it, thanks.
The absolute state of Flux.
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You're welcome.
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it's giving me this, a bit more burned than SkimmedCFG, but not quite the prompt understanding of AutomaticCFG, thanks for the suggestion though, could've worked, I guess I have to look at the schizos parameters from AutomaticCFG and see if I can make it less burned or something
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>it's giving me this
Is there anything better than SD yet?
your mom
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This is what I'm currently using, CFG at ~8-10. Adaptive guider doesn't work well with them together, but even without it I can manually control when to shift back to CFG 1 with uncond_sigma_end. 0.5 = last 50% steps are generated at CFG 1, 0.3 = last 30% steps and so on.
As you can see yourself >>102275331 the dev of these both is extremely autistic so there's a fuckton of skimmed/auto cfg node variants, each has its own stuff so someone (preferably not me) has gotta test it all out.
Flux, Pony
No one askled an underaged summerfag nigger blow-in.
Interesting, I'm gonna test your settings out, thanks anon
>uncond_sigma_end. 0.5 = last 50% steps are generated at CFG 1, 0.3 = last 30% steps and so on.
does that also mean you'll get the cfg = 1 speed at the last 50% steps?
pony is a SD model though
>does that also mean you'll get the cfg = 1 speed at the last 50% steps?
Obviously, yeah. Also if I go all the way with full CFG it ends up looking grainy and kinda fried, so last steps really need to be at cfg 1.
Is there a reason you went for "Skimmed_CFG" 2.0? the goal is to mimic cfg 1 no?
Well, it's based on it, but it's been autistically finetuned enough to consider it a new branch, as compared to SDXL finetunes for example. It's in it's own category for a reason, even if it share the architecture. The next model is supposed to release on either auraflow or flux, so there's also that.
Bro, you adding way too much shit into your workflow that barely changes anything in your gen, both backgrounds look bad, and you’re probably scratching your head playing with values , sometimes less is more, that skimmed automatic cfg is snake oil
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>that skimmed automatic cfg is snake oil
not true, you can get better prompt adherance if you know what you're doing
They're all the same picture.
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I'm literally in the middle of playing around with it, yeah cfg 1 looks best but higher values make the foreground a bit sharper (but fuck with the background). I may or may not post my results later.
H-haha yeah...
are you blind or something? read the prompt, cfg 1 refused to acknoledge Hatsune Miku or the sushis
Is that Hifumi from persona5?
I’ve seen you for weeks posting here and on reddit about those crappy custom nodes and those gens don’t look any different than the rest, I just don’t see the point, all it has added is confusion in your head, there are so much other stuff that you can test on, stuff that actually relates to flux, the funny thing about those skimmed automatic cfg nodes, is that they were made for sdxl and yet you keep try to make them work for flux
>those gens don’t look any different than the rest
>muh prompt adherence

How about you learn to properly write a prompt? You just got proven wrong a few days ago with your simpsons style flux theory
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ani! <3
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What's the difference between /ldg/ and /sdg/?
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I actually got some good ones a few times on standard flux dev fp8, it is heavily reticent about nipples usually, often you can nip slips out of a bra before full exposed.
Flux dev pony?
I'm ready
before there was a difference, the schizos were on /sdg/ and /ldg/ was more like a comfy place but now it seems like they decided to hijack this thread aswell, so there's not much difference anymore
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>Flux dev pony?
They mentioned it as a secondary option though. Time will tell.
thanks for proving my point anon
fuck around and find out
>Flux dev pony?
No, schnell, because Flux dev pony won't get them any money. And it's on schnell only if the Auraflow version sucks.
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Nobody can still answer how a few people are blessing sdxl and flux. But starting to see some flux dev models that are different from the base model
>But starting to see some flux dev models that are different from the base model
such as?
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What if they're just generating images with SDXL and using them to finetune Flux and they call that "blending"?
That would be hilarious.
Kestral anime one, quite substantially different output. There's a couple NSFW ones that (Inc kestral) that are less inhibited than stock flux, nothing like pony though. Just look filter for flux dev checkpoints on civitai
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>This is the unet only at fp8 to save on download times.
I hate when they do that, fp16 or bust, I don't care about fp8 anymore since Q8_0 exists, and the GGUF node is the only one that doesn't unload/reload the model during a lora change
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Possibly but they say they've blended specific models. At least in the case for dx hybrid which I'm trying now. They still give flux quality outputs so as long as that's the case I'm not concerned with how they enhance what flux can do
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Flux is supposed to be offtopic on /sdg/ because it's not a stable diffusion based model, it's akin to posting Dalle 3 generations over there.
Since they're not enforcing their own rules, it's... yeah, some users only post here and others only post there, and that's the difference.
Gguf takes 2+ min to load for me, fp16 was faster to load. I find it thoroughly annoying because I model hop a lot. A lot of the flux models on civit are nf4, but I've still found them to be good, and well beyond any xl or pony model in terms of complexity like concepts, interactions with objects, etc.
How many images do you actually need to fine-tune flux?
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about a tree fiddy
Also, it's Zovya, the guy that ruined ReVAnimated by merging it with Dreamshaper 8 to get rid of the unique things it had going for it on the Rebirth version.
His only good model was AZovyaArtistsToolsV2Art and he didn't ever update that one again.
>Gguf takes 2+ min to load for me
that's weird, should be fast with mmap (it's slow the first time and after that it's blazing fast)
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You mean slow after the first ever load then fast even if I switch models and back? Or slow every time I switch models and it has to be reloaded?
That's a very strong claim without showing us them side by side in a comparison.
You're claiming Flux has already been obsoleted with that method and people still using vanilla Flux are retarded for not moving to the enhanced versions.
yeah if you switch models back it becomes slow again, maybe if you disable mmap it would make it better, but I have no idea if it can be disabled in the first place
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More than there are stars in the sky.
So funny to see all those sdxl “finetuners” getting exposed by flux
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this, now the level is way higher, they cannot make half assed finetunes anymore and call it a day, that's the moment we'll see who were the real talented finetuners and the frauds
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>not shogi
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what's the best model currently to make porn anime picture with?
4000 should be enough, 2000 to add the knowledge/styles you want and 2000 to regularize it so it's not like merging a giant Lora into it.
When finetuned was implemented originally, the idea, back when people released 7GB models of Stable Diffusion because they had the full ema in there for training, the idea was to have a collaborative effort where someone would finetune the model to improve it, and then someone else would finetune THAT version to improve it, and you keep getting better and better models.
Stability AI was supposed to look at the best such finetune of added improvements, add their own improvements, and release a SD1.6 that obsoleted SD1.5 (note no proper model of that architecture ever obsoleted it, people still have to train their loras on it.)
Instead, they dropped the ball with SD2.0 abandoning all the work, and setting a trend where you know your loras and finetunes will never work on future models.
And then they released SD1.6 which actually outperforms SDXL on blind tests, but they kept it API only and nobody can download it.
If we pick up that idea again, someone could make a finetune that obsoletes Flux, by, say, being identical but producing women without buttchins, and then people would finetune that one instead of the original Flux.
And such a thing could be done with 2000 images, the problem is it needs a good dataset and a person that properly tags it, and the only person that has done such a thing insists on removing artist names from the prompts.
>4000 should be enough
do we know how many pictures were used to pretrain a model, what I know is that the SAI cucks filtered 98% of Laion 5b to pretrain Stable Cascade, so basically they were using 100 millions of pictures to pretrain that model, that's the only number I got, if someone else can help on that that would be appreciated
False, flux is a distilled model meaning that those 2000 to 4000 images would overfit the model making it useless, might as well train a lora
*is garbage
>they cannot make half assed finetunes anymore
It's funny most of them never finetuned anything and became famous by just merging models from others.
Elldreth was the worst offender and perhaps he deleted all his models to avoid being found out, people were mentioning what he merged on their reviews ("oh, I wished Eldreth has merged this model instead of that one"), and if the model is gone, nobody can ever know.
This Is a dx hybrid (flux model) output, it specifically draws symbols, text etc we'll, which XL does not.
Yiffymix was never surpassed on the fine details and creativity department (say, you send "1girl", it does wonders just with that.)
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ok there that's bigger than laion. preparing the update now :)
Nobody knows, it's a black box. But that was the heavy weighting, it's already done, from there you don't need as many images, you just add what is missing.
>Flux can't be trained.
You are here.
>Flux can't be improved because it's a distilled model so just train a Lora.
Cope, training =/= creating a shitty lora
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>, it specifically draws symbols, text etc we'll, which XL does not.
We know all Flux based models make XL look like Craiyon, the question is if there's any model out there that is better than Flux.
Is there a link online to try it out? My computer fucking sucks
>you just add what is missing.
I'm not gonna sound pessimistic, but Flux misses a lot of shit, it doesn't even know Picasso's work
I mean people have been talking and talking about what is being impossible to do and have always been proven wrong, so good luck being the first being right.
The portrait finetune of Flux could have been it if they trained it properly, the only reason we don't have it is because of their incompetence.
No, they're still flux models, and the enhancements added in the custom models may be lesser than stock flux but better than XL and you can do stuff that's much harder in XL etc. So in a way it's better if it's something that you can't do in stock flux because it's either censored or something it doesn't know


Type your text in the box and click Compute and hope you don't get an unknown error. You can't customize anything, though.
Have you heard about some Blitzball game on some obscure version of Final Fantasy? Flux can't do that one either :(
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Can I use googlecolab or something and run it with automatic 111? I remember doing something similar with Stable diffusion a year or so ago
>if they trained it properly
Almost as if it can't be trained properly
>He called FFX obscure
Well, if flux is so trainable where are the super finetunes then?
Didn't it only just come out? How long did good sd1.5 models take to come out and it's far simpler and less needy on hardware. Meanwhile Nvidia still sticking with 16gb on the 5080.
wait you expected some super finetunes after 1 month of its release? We didn't even have the training script
any flux news within the last week or so? new controlnets, finetunes, anything?
The awportrait model is not a finetune but a lora merge, it just rendered your whole 4000-2000 images is enough theory invalid since that’s the amount of images they used for their super dooper fine tune that overfitted the model, also stop comparing 1.5 with flux they are totally different models
What theory? Where are you getting that from?
Yes, and no.
Yes, because you can go to a space like this: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Yntec/Noosphere-Webui-CPU go to the Extension Tab, install the Batchlink Downloader extension, download Yiffymix on there, and use it on the space.
An no, because it's CPU inference and you'd need to wait for 20 minutes to gen a 512x512 image at 20 steps.
They have it like this because if you want GPU you need to buy a pro account.
Something I've never seen is an anon on 4chan with a pro account creating a Zero GPU space of a model on request, since they are FREE (once you buy pro...)
he saw that on a dream, the same dream that relevated to him that Loras on Flux were impossible because "iz distilled therefore impossibru"
They didn't use a single regularization image to make sure it didn't forget how to draw.
Because all they cared about was portraits, fuck everything else.
How do I into flux on forge, just take off --xformers and im good to go? Aside I found out you can use XL loras on pony and it works alright
Just scroll up, one of your cope anon friends say it , not me :)
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By now it's as obscure as Super Mario Sunshine, the number of people in the world that had ever played it is decreasing.
what models are you guys using? I use the pony models for pretty much everything, if it's not porn I sometimes us flux but the pony models can handle most of my needs
>How long did good sd1.5 models take to come out
Depends on your definition of good, some would say it was Novelai, but that was never supposed to be released, it's like hoping someone makes a godly finetune of dev for personal use and it's leaked.
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These newfags weren’t there when we had the waifudiffusion model
Yeah, people have been blending it with SDXL and this anon claims they're better than stock Flux.
Oh man, the voice I heard on my head reading that made it sound very funny!
Depends, if I want to draw a specific picture I have in mind, I use Flux.
If I want some interpretation of the prompt on the creative side, I use Kolors.
I've just been using Euler simple 20 steps for flux at default of
Cfg scale 1
Distilled cfg scale 3.5

Any tips?
its a troll, likely an llm bot, stop getting baited
you can try higher CFG if you want better prompt understanding, it'll be slower though
Last time I used Waifu Diffusion it gave me garbage, though. It didn't age well, something like Nuipeni 2 blows it out of the water.
>Any tips?
If you're not drawing text scale 3 is better.
what's the point of models like this? why bring the ai face back to flux
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It's now done for buzz farming.
Buzz was a mistake and now people doing it for the love of art are buried by the farmers.
It creates the illusion of paying with virtual currency, so it's still free, so people will pay for it with that, and the images produced by the models are no longer important, but how much buzz you can extract from losers.
like blender porn, people have jerked off to pony so much their brain has rotted and now they find that look attractive
This thread is worse, that's the difference.
>Buzz was a mistake and now people doing it for the love of art are buried by the farmers.
the civitai dev don't give a fuck unfortunately, they make a shit ton of money from those retards
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Oh man, I thought cfg 6 was enough, but now I have to crank this shit up even higher, I definitely have to look at the more advanced parameters of AutomaticCFG to see if I can fix the burn or some shit
Huh? You could have said that about hentai, cartoon girls without lips on their mount, a poor nose and oversized eyes.
And hentai models are more popular than realistic ones.
>they make a shit ton of money from those retards
And I thought they were going to die with the vac, but apparently retards are resilient.
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what's your prompt anon?
Jesus anon this is really good
I’m just a tourist but can you tell very briefly what you made this sith? Program, database etc
why does nobody ever compliment my 1girls, I make hundreds
Anyone has experience with the flux template on vast ai (cloud gpus)? Comfy can't seem to find the checkpoint
this is a local thread anon
Yeah, it's a local install on a cloud environement that's why I'm asking here
I haven't used comfy on it, but I found on runpod when training loras I sometimes had to delete the folder it was supposed to be in, remake a folder with the same name, then put the model in it. not sure if it
example for your usecase:
>on comfy delete the 'unet' folder
>make a new 'unet' folder
>move flux model into it
>not sure if it
not sure if it is the same on vast gpus*
post ate my sentence kek
Ok I'll try thanks anon. I'd rather use runpod but they decline my card every time and I have no btc
>this is a local thread anon
Thread is on external server
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For those using joycaption, is it possible to use a guuf LLM with it ?
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>creatures on flux be like
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runpod is significantly more expensive usually, so vast is probably better overall. I just used runpod because I had no idea what I was doing and thought it was easier to have the jupyter thing, now that I understand it a bit better I'd recommend vast price wise
yes, just clone the repo and change the "model=" in the app.py to whatever you want
God bless you anon
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let me guess, you need more?
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i finally caved in and bought a 4090
now, is a 850W PSU good enough?
yeah you're good with that anon
ok, thank you
will probably need a bigger case though
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Yes, should be fine if you didn't buy some XXX GIGA OC model which has its stock power limit pushed up to some insane value.
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Is it possible to make LORA"s for Flux yet?
it's never gonna happen, stop asking
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great, so we are still stuck with shitty stable AI that outputs half baked slop that you always have to inpaint or edit to make look good.
no different than yesterday, or tomorrow
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So my issue was that the inpainting controlnet uses the whole image as base and I can't control that. And raising the crop factor of the detailer so that it also uses the whole uncropped image is the only solution with this workflow.
So I'll try to add cropping and padding before the detailer but with this overcomplication now the whole idea seems pointless.
google is your friend
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albino gorilla
Dreamy Floating Flux Lora? Are you using anything else? Especially love that first one
holy fuck there are like 10 new ones each hour on civitai .. how techlet can you be?
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Looks like the interior booklet design of a crust punk album
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BASED, thanks for a lot for that one anon
based migu
>verification not required
this is perfect, I've been looking for a plastic surgery kinda of look and this should do nicely at low strength
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aint it too blurry?
2nd best puddle of mud song
How did you do that?

Why can I not replicate this image? I put the data into forge png info txt2img but I am getting this
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assuming you are using the same seed, change diffusion in low bits from "automatic" to "automatic fp16" or vice versa
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the thing I have different seems to be

Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-495-g4f64f6da


Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-516-gecb396e0

what are these?
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Someone needs to cl
All out how wrong both of these are.
The only thing that affects the size of the LoRA are the dimensions. It has nothing to do with the resolution of the images or the regularisation images
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Punk rock album cover.
No linear notes.
>102279279 : How did you do that?
img2img repeated on seed image,
by Daido Moriyama , Bauhaus

Negative prompt: little man, distant man
Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Schedule type: Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 609329482, Size: 2048x1024, Model hash: e6bb9ea85b, Model: sdXL_v10VAEFix, Denoising strength: 0.9, Version: v1.10.
But how flexible are those loras?
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Pulling it out of my ass but like training a Lora you really need like 20 diverse images per subject, idea, style, concept. With a minimum of at least 500k images which would be 25,000 concepts.
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as flexible as your VRAM allows .. if you cant load em, just merge em into the model
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Really stuck on if I have some fucked up settings
How do you explain the HyperSD Lora that is 1GB in size and has the same dimensions? Hmmm?
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really fun lora anon, it's mixing well with the
Satoshi Urushihara style one
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The Claude Monet LoRA I trained looks pretty good so far
Was there a booru alternative made to collect all the gens after booru.plus died?
Go be disgusting on >>>/b/
There's nothing more beautiful than two sexy girls tongue kissing
cock lover from /hdg/ spotted
if you have a problem with having 2 beautiful women kissing with each other, then I got news for you...
classic artist loras seem to work well as they somehow train good image composition (beyond the style). Kind of a pain to put them together though.
does this work well?
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I swear to god I didn't prompt for "goy", it did this shit by itself, based flux kek
>a pulp cult anime illustration from japan,
>Bogdanoff on the phone, with a speech bubble that says "Dump it"
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peace was never an option
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This lora is so good
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I'm surprised how realistic this looks, and the background doesn't look weird or dreamy or disproportionate. Doesn't seem to have any nightmare creatures. The only thing that makes the subject immediately obviously fake is the skin texture from collarbone down, which seems more like some sort of plastic than skin.

Was this a recent model and was it difficult to produce this? Did you have to generate 100 mutant monsters before finding this? Or is this a typical gen nowadays and you'd probably get it even if you just generated 1 image instead of 100?
thanks for sharing
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not the same anon but on various models you can get 1girl face + boob portraits in great numbers without much difficulty - even with SD/SDXL/Pony, not the newer model types like Flux or w/e which promise to be better eventually.
IMO it works quite well, but I don't use it often vs. just ComfyUI
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>Did you have to generate 100 mutant monsters before finding this?
no, 8 of 10 look good

those are flux
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tried to get an angry karen going super saiyan
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>those are flux
looks nice. easier to see in this image (detailed ear jewelry, hair strands, belt string and bg details)
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>looks nice
>(detailed ear jewelry, hair strands, belt string and bg details)
but also sadly the insane bokeh blur.. well that's flux

negative prompt bokeh retard
I haven't even tried flux yet
>I haven't even tried flux yet
then shut up, you think I haven't tried that? get a life

flux gen -> mask -> whatever with negative bokeh
but.. why?
Let's get a fresh loaf of bread ready to go...
because we can
Well that's shocking. I'm starting to wonder if we'll still be able to tell what's real at this time next year.

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