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What ways other than GoodbyeDPI/Tor/VPN are there for bypassing Roskomnadzor's war on the internet?
Dont act like a anybody here should know what any of that shit means, vasily
There is none, the internet is dead, deal with it.
You should look into Tor bridges, newfren.
If youtube was hammers and sickels, RKN would love it.
The government made monarchists, tsarists, fascists and anarcho capitalists illegal, but not communists. Never forget
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Fixing the problem at its source.
Polish patriot, not Russian. The top says "Youtube v glavah RKN": Youtube in the heads of Roskomnadzor
The bottom says: "Net! Vi ne možete obhodit blokirovku! ispolzujte Rutube"
means "NOO! you cannot bypass the block! Use (not sure what that word means) Rutube!"
You should be happy you live in a traditional redpilled chad country, you nigger. every single person here wishes they had a government as based as you do. Never post again unless it is pro Russian
Obvious xtls reality. Everyone's using this. Throw your useless wireguard and openvpn away. They're garbage.
>"Youtube v glavah RKN"
It's 'v glazah', not 'v glavah', which means "in the EYES of Roskomnadzor"
yeah, sorry. I read too fast. you know what "ispolzujte" means?
It means 'use', just like you've translated.
I highly doubt that Roskomnadzor cares about you bypassing the restriction, my fellow slavoid.
Russia is a multiracial empire that only cares about absorbing more and more random people into them
The greatest part of Russia is not even Russian, but composed of Mongol/Turkish people that were forcibly assimilated
A culture of pure cynicism and manipulation, where "tradition" is just a pretext for war
They keep shitting countries and acting like they are saving them by invading like Chechenya and now Ukraine
OP here, none of these are answers to the question :(
Stop being a liberashka, RKN is in the right
Everyday I thank Putin for removing Russians from the internet. Alhamdulillah
Russians don't have a tradition, it's all fake theatrics.
pro Russian site
All you need is to change DNS service to something like quad9
Japanese site, fuck off third world jackal
No. Pro Russian, pro Chinese site.
Lol, you people had to make your safe space threads even on /pol/ because the originals were too pro-UA, I'm not even going to meantion rest of the website.
literally only /uhg/ is pro Ukraine and it is the minority. And it is full of
>unironic trannies who call Russia "totalitarian" because it doesn't have LGBT parades
>80 year old senile boomers who rant on and on about muh cold war, muh judeo bolshevism
The collective IQ over there is around 75
How's XTLS reality isn't an answer?
People who say that have never set foot in russia. Just because they hate faggots and the west doesn't mean they're an ethnostate.
you cannot possibly be describing russia like that, unless you mean the abundance of bearded churkas here makes it based because mudslimes fuck pre-teens or something
You're a retarded nigger
>muh ethnostate
ethnostates are a failed idea and they don't work. just look at how nazi germany ended up. even jizzrael is having problems and they are constantly at war with their diaper shitting soldiers.
Aren't monarchists & tsarists the same thing?
>ethnostates are a failed idea
The only issues they have are their populations veering back towards liberalism. Fascist Spain was fine, and Norway is almost homogenous and one of the nicest places to live in the world.
and they don't work.
>just look at how nazi germany ended up.
They lost the war and were culturally genocided afterwards kek. And yet culturally hegemonic areas in "shithole" east Germany are still nicer places to live than every diverse city I've ever been to. And iirc Bhutan is doing great after expelling minorities.
>even jizzrael is having problems
They're full of Arabs and haredi you ignorant fucking nigger. Why are you straight up lying about things?
>culturally hegemonic areas in "shithole" east Germany are still nicer places to live than every diverse city I've ever been to
The only difference between east germany and west germany is communism. It seems that communism is an antidote to whatever multi cultural lgbt bullshit the west is shilling.
Who cares what it says? Go be a bosnian somewhere else, you goddamn dreg.
It also makes you poor and soulless, neither are good states
>It also makes you poor
Americans are poorer than ever

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