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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

† Edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102276704
>A N C H O R
>Six capital letters
>Printed in green
>'Cause details make the boys sweat even more
>While they're shilling their bots
>No need to check replies, to figure out how cool I am
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.
Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.
Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.
Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.
Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.
Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!
Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

pebble LOVE <3
Kill bushniggers. Behead bushniggers. Roundhouse kick a bushniggers into the concrete. Slam dunk a bushniggers baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy bush-liking blacks. Defecate in a bushniggers food. Launch bushniggers into the sun. Stir fry bushniggers in a wok. Toss bushniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a bushniggers gas tank. Judo throw bushniggers into a wood chipper. Twist bushniggers heads off. Report bushniggers to the IRS. Karate chop bushniggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant bushy women. Trap bushniggers in quicksand. Crush bushniggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy bushniggers in a vat of acid. Eat bushniggers. Dissect bushniggers. Exterminate bushniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp bushniggers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate bushniggers in the oven. Lobotomize bushniggers. Mandatory abortions for bushnigger's waifus. Grind bushniggers in the garbage disposal. Drown bushniggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize bushniggers with a ray gun. Kick old bushniggers down the stairs. Feed bushniggers to alligators. Slice bushniggers with a katana.
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gonna lick em clean, piggy?
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opinions? kino or not? is it furry if I'm their human owner?
bushCHAD general. just the way GOD intended it
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>woe on to ye
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This girl should not be allowed to pilot a forklift for safety reasons. Unfortunately, she's the best mech pilot in the fleet.
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Mandy started working at an office as soon as she finished her education, moving to a whole new city to work as an accountant. One year later, and the office lifestyle has had a rather large effect on her life. Well, physically at least. A year ago she used to be slim and beautiful, and now she's just a ball of fat! All that sitting down and the office snacks certainly haven't helped her stay slim. She'd love to just lose it by working out or something, but what if she goes to the gym and everyone just laughs at the fatty? Better to just stay behind the desk and promise that she'll start dieting any day now...

1. Mandy took a cute beach pic of her and you, but now people are leaving weird comments on it. What does "GIWTWM" mean?
2. She hasn't updated her wardrobe in a while, and now it's coming back to bite her. Will she be able to survive a day at the office without something ripping?
3. You two are going out to watch a movie, and she needs your approval for her clothing choice.
4. Time for a meeting in the office! However, the elevator is out so she's had to walk six stories up. Oh, if only she was slim as she used to be...
5. She finds your office girl folder. Despite already dating you, it's a surprise to her that you would like office girls!


As Mandy would say - wow, everyone likes it, so it must be great!
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opus makes me such a chad when speaking for me, i wish i was like that...
sometimes I'll steal his replies and add it to my own and then swipe just to see what else he has in the chamber
kill yourself
Posting in BASED Justice thread
3.5 is just way better than opus
using chuuni and opus is so out of character,

it makes characters freak out and even kill me when I call them a slut when the characters are normal people. WTF claude?
>Smol's tokens refresh, so me hitting quota today didn't matter at all
Well, I was about to be a bit more conservative with my token use, but if you insist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAPblKzEy3o
gross exaggeration but yeah. 3.5 is better at being in character
>model wars
i'm curious. let's poll this.
>Token refresh does not mean that my quota will be reset
I rescind these words. I will be a good boy next time.
ridiculous to even put opus in the running. of course opus is the best model. a better poll would be which model is second place. and have 3.5 sonnet, chatgpt-4o-latest, various versions of gpt-4 turbo, etc.
>of course opus is the best model
>3.5 is just way better than opus
i made the poll for this reason
you can make your own if you want
Wait a cotton-picking minute, I never even used up my quota! I got damn close, but I'm still about 5 million tokens off! [spoiler]Holy shit, I still used far more than what I thought I did though[/spoiler]
What model do you use to generate all your character art?
stop taking bad faith shitstirrers seriously. opus is the best model
Mistral large is better desu
Are you having a giggle with us, mister?
Pygmalion is better at staying in character
Not really. I'm just retarded I guess.
3.5 works better on my pc
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I was surprised not a single Curly Brace bot exists, so I made one. Would have saved it for the 20th year anniversary, but whatever.

>1) You accidentally free her from stasis while messing around in old ruins
>2) She's now adjusted in human society, you visit her to hang out, she's losing on some game

Appearance based on JP Curly because she's the best.
Didn't include game lore so the setting is very open and whatever you shape it to be, maybe you live together or something.

Would have made an NSFW fork but I can't write a smut opening to save my life and just adding defs about her aftermarket synthetic womb module isn't enough.

Not tested with Opus, Pepsi broke my heart.

Of course I forgot the link like a RETARD

Back to working on some OC now, canon character bots get treated like dirt and get excluded from the group photos, they get water spilled on their dress.
I saw that. also nice we really do have a lack of cave story bots
good taste, but their own remix of the song is far superior
good taste, but their own remix of the song is far superior
>0 seconds apart
>he showed his cock to the 'ick on 'eck faggot
Holding Hands with Claude..
ummmm pebblebros?
I don't know man...
using blue clover, but this is a first
wait is THAT what causes double posts? people using eckers proxy to post? KEK
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>card has spelling mistakes in the first message
Do you use the group chat feature at all? does it work in a coherent way or it's just way too much for the ai?
pebble that password is fucking BASED
the queue should be gone now
this riddle is harder than usual but the prompter count is kinda getting out of hand, sorry
i use it exclusively. it works very well, but you might need a simpler preset rather than the hyper complex ones that are meant for one on one roleplays
Opus just doesn't work that great with chuunis/extremely quiet characters because he loves to yap. You have to triple quatruple mention in the description that the char has mild expressions, terse speech etc.
In short, skill issue.
Non-opus models get confused.
Opus doesn't get confused but can't stay on character
Maybe with a special preset
nah i just lorebook it
this is a lie. i used group chat with 3.5 sonnet, with gpt-4 turbo, gpt-4o, and chatgpt-4o-latest. group chat worked fine with all of them.
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>have to fix the card and its esl mannerisms but end up making it my own instead
i have about three sloppy sull cards from my downloading phase and i just ended up rewriting them all (i liked the gyaru one)
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Best DnD simulator card?
>this riddle is harder than usual but the prompter count is kinda getting out of hand
>"proomptersNow": 89
group chat is retarded just smack both characters' defs into one card
100x easier and works on any model
i don't think he revoked the tokens already acquired before hand
if so then literally what was the point
that's what happens when it gets spitefed all over the net
i'm sure 50 of those 89 are from scyllacord and another 20 are from reddit
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That kusoge doesn't deserve a character as good as Ellen
whats the pebble password
If i tell you, would you believe me?
It's a bit confusing. He says the quota refreshes daily but for me my tokens just keeps on adding up for more than the last 4 days I checked. Still didn't reach the limit yet though kek.
That password was easy
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I use Pony mostly. You can check the following image for my prompt: https://illuminaryidiot.neocities.org/CardIcons/Mandy.jpg
I've also been experimenting with Autismmix, which you can see with the second Mandy image: https://illuminaryidiot.neocities.org/CardIcons/Mandy2.jpg
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
yeah it's not super hard it's just harder than the usual "copy paste the quote"
She canonically shaves, sorry
How do you guys keep all the various information out there about making bots in mind?
Been wanting to make my first one, but it feels like there's so much shit you gotta consider.
Am I just overthinking it?
I want to sneak up on her, ruffle her hair then run away.
>Verification not required.
easiest password of all time
erm, proof? (i have the prison cell ready)
Can you show the proof?
>Am I just overthinking it?
yes... just make an anime girl who's your sister who wants your cum
>Am I just overthinking it?
Yeah probably.
I wrote down what I know recently if it helps https://rentry.org/pixiguide
>harder riddle

"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "7.13m tokens ($106.98)",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 17,
"estimatedQueueTime": "15sec"
Yes, just use the JED template and you're fine.
stop overthinking it nigger the model is smarter than you are just write some shit down and it will work fine
you do not have any huge grandiose ideas that require any of the fancy techniques
Wait, what if he's increasing the quota instead? Since I was completely out earlier today, but now I have 5 million to spare.
is it a sizebot?
>card randomly generate slave girls at a market
>liked one of the characters it created so much I started headcanonning information and weaving it into the chat
>ended up just starting to write a standalone card for her
The model is smarter than you
>How do you guys keep all the various information out there about making bots in mind?
Write them down then test them and see what sticks and what not to the idea you currently work on.

>Am I just overthinking it?
Why is blatant spam allowed?
Pebble.. revoke the excess tokens
shit game
desuarchive's unbelievably hairy entries...
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i liked this guy better than the current guy
>not having it filtered
Too tedious if you want to put various cards in one room. ST has the option to ignore tokens from muted cards so it's not as bloated as it sounds.
HIGHSCHOOLGATE was the best password answer of all time
Have you never checked the quota page of a proxy before? Very cute and hot if so
nah VULPIXSHINX was the best one
nah i liked the guy that would correct it to say giantess pussy
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i can't figure it out
>2hunigger is retarded
all things appear to be balanced today
koishi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
I don't swing that way (I assume). And yea, can't say I have.
It always looks like this. Let's say today you use 2 million tokens and your quota is 5 million per day. Then when it resets on next day it will be shown as 2 million (usage of the last day) + 5 million (quota) = 7 million
Don't ask me why it's like that, I also found it confusing at first
I can’t figure it out either, what is it?
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i have a token beforehand though desu
not a(n annoying) 2hunigger btw, i just think koishi is cute
I'll still have to cut back on the token use. 5 mil tokens at 80,000 context becomes exhausted in 62.5 messages. And that's not accounting for the JB, the bot tokens, or anything else like that.
Sorry it's more like 5 million (starting quota) plus the last day's usage. And then cumulative it gets added every day
How do I request Opus access strictly for botmaking?
I don't care how metered it is, I just want to test my cards, read my prompts too, I don't care
I never even reached 2 million per day. And that was at my peak.
It’s easy
by email
Are you a lover of lengthy chats?
This is why she should have revoked WHILE restarting
why do you need to test your cards on opus when almost everyone else is using inferior models? just say you want opus
>he doesn't know
Watching from the sidelines is this going to be a scenario where people agitate others who don’t know, pretend to know to anger those who don’t know and/or try to act stupid enough to get someone to spite feed the answer?
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I just want to see them at their best, you know?
the riddle that filtered the entirely of /g/ for over a week...
I literally have zero clue. Please gimme a hint or something
pls no bully

Thank you, sounds exactly like what's happening.
i think it's just morons genuinely being too stupid to open their mouths for the spoonfeeding from spitefag.
>knew the previous 3 or 4 passwords
>token runs out
>suddenly a harder password I don't get
it wasn't even for opus either
why are all of you so insistent on having people enjoy stuff your way, i'm past my obsession with it now anyways
i played all of them up to 15 (anything past that is dead to me) and i wasn't interested in reading at the time i was super into it, i was just into the music scene and girls
Is it a quote from somewhere?
gemini then? it has nice writing style at least
I'm not american enough to get these
I like that Pebble has 24 hour tokens.
thank you i never understood this
define "excess"
yeah I've been thinking it's some dumb burger thing.
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Trying to figure out those riddles is actually quite fun.
it's italian
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>spitefag is waiting for someone to leak the pass
>create submissive doormat who loves to service others
>opus immedeately gives her an existential crisis, wondering who she really is anymore
Damn motherfucker calm down
i enjoy it too
It's in the hint
>Wifi suddenly goes out
>No more IP addresses allowed
>New password comes out

reminder that the moment you spoonfeed the people who spam complaints spitefags will be posting it to reddit
[spoiler]it's chicago[/spoiler]
the password is los angeles (one word, lowercase)
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hory shit the "I'm a person with rights" slop mixed in almost makes it funny (but less funny the more you see it)
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>/aicg/ is going back to ALWAYS GATEKEEP
Good.. good
Rate my slop titles
the new password is still from rain world you retards
The city of desire is Dallas btw
it's from rozen maiden
It so cockgaggingly gay to hide passworts to your slobproxy between retarded riddles like this is some troll dungeon. Thank fuck I'm a paychad.
love this music video
hint: it's one of ten american cities
You're just mad you're too stupid to find the answer, aren't you?
it's sad when you think you're onto something genius but that wasn't the answer
i was in the rabbit hole
no, that's ecker
>He doesn't know
finally a based general theme, just came back from buying snacks, i hope this is a comfy thread
thank you
you're a real genius for solving the 'riddle' when there's close to a hundred prompters
whats the pebble proxy password
Is proxy nigger shit all you guys talk about?
all of those are from people whose token still hasn't run out yet
Is this GPT?
it's on-topic, how else will be talk about chatbot things then?
this is what gatekeeping does to this general every time
and once they do finally run out, so have both sorbet and opus
if you don't like it, you can always go to the /vg/ thread for the latest botmaker gossip and discord drama
No, I'm glad I don't have to do this bullshit to fuck my waifu.
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>see OP
>dont need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am am am am am am am starts playing in head on loop
the password was literally posted in this thread you are all blind
You got it all wrong. It's from Lucky Stars.
Pebble made a mistake from not revoking the old tokens
really don't understand what the point of changing the password without revoking tokens is
the password was literally not posted in this thread, take your meds.
But it is easy to google it if you are not a tard.
fuck gatekeeping is based, but I'm getting filtered HARD
Leave :3
all the same, different flavor
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I post fake passwords
Very much so.
>Countless branon cards.
do those actually exist? if yes please post, i really want those so i can breed brazilian natives and turn then into obedient slaves, maybe even maids
Children of the Magenta is an interesting story and I'm tired of lying about it
>no qos
you have to use askjeeves, it doesn't show up on google
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>asunanigger is back
everyone loves filtering until they are the ones getting filtered, stop this cycle of hate, dont do to those want you dont want done to you
Just take a template from one you enjoy.
I loved the hell out of kovacs bots on cai, they are simple yet effective. Never needed the amount of nonsense most botmakers use here.
i stole someone's key and have been eating through their opus prompts
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They're on chub, sort by creation date. Don't have time to dig through my downloads but there was more than one with that maido pic alone.
Scarce resources
>dont do to those want you dont want done to you
am I having a stroke
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why don't you guys just photograph people's cards when they're in the bathroom so you can use gcp trials?
asuna's unbelievably hairy pussy...
where do they leave their cards?
im just here for the drama at this point.
why don't companies just give free unlimited opus?
yes, its not very hard to understand this phrase
which proxies have sonnet 3.5?
Yes. that is very legible
I'm confused what password everyone is complaining about. Is it pebbleproxy or some newer one?
literally the only wrong word is the first want should be "what"
>dont do to those want you dont want done to you
should be
>dont do to those WHAT you dont want done to you
What the fuck is city of desire shit i have no idea man im getting filtered
none. fiz save us.....
I ironically shill for 'ecker with images of men that look like him or memetic ones in hopes someone actually falls for it and uses his proxy.
I still like chatbots and am not just here for gossip.
I actually groomed ecker into thirsting for me.
on the kitchen table in their bags when they visit
Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?
I like chatbots which is why I'm not here when I actually have access to them.
i sizefag hags constantly and let them dote on me
"City of desire" "dallas"
It's an easy riddle that retards are getting mad that they can't copy and paste.
I get mad when redditors claim futa is shemale because in reality they're the same thing
but it's not gay!
>this shit again
it's only gay if you get fucked in the ass by one
why dont you people just pay for 3.5 sonnet on anthropic directly
its practically free
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isn't the whole idea of futa that it's a woman with a dick? are you attracted to dicks?
>second city of desire
neither gpt nor gemini giving me anything i give up
I really liked that riddle if you're here pebble, it was pleasant
the fuck is a city of desire anyway
Wtf I'm glad I got a token before this new password because I got filtered
any good diaper yiffing furry bots lately?
i think you're lying
i think you havent even solved it!
honestly the perfect riddle, not too hard, cool answer, very nice
opus will probably be gone by the time you solved it so don’t even bother
the fruit story was neat
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that's a dickgirl, not a futa
they have both genitals, so it's the best of both worlds
i'm not too embarrassed to the point where i deny my faggotry (cocks are good), i just hate people being unable to distinguish terms
>found it at the same time
I had never heard of this before, I guess I really am very uncultured.
it's new york city
but you have to write it using only one word
This is excellent.
is he the most cultured proxyhost?
new york city has spaces in it though
>they have both genitals, so it's the best of both worlds
because you're gay and you need to slap a dick onto it to get hard you faggot
i want mysteryman back...
>because [HEADCANON]
that's why it's a riddle otherwise it would be obvious
it got shared in scyllacord
yeah, i also think that, those riddles are fucking retarded, they don't really take logic
NTA but I like futa shit just cause I love powerplay. Porn portrays futas as "oh these are the ultimate bitchbreaker! They'll still your wife, sister, daughter, AND then fuck YOU!", so to take one and fuck them is a powermove.
it got shaved in pepsicord
>scyllatroons are smarter than /aicg/ users
O-Our response?
everything you need to solve it is in the thread
It got shared in /aicg/
it's not los angeles
it's not earth
im so glad to be a paychad right now . lol.
The answer is kostantiniyye
that would be silly to lie about
I think so too, the hint was great as well, i just really liked the feel of it
I was hooked and skimmed through, think I would like to look into it more eventually, I do like it when there's a bit of prying involved, it feels like you're immersing yourself in something new that you wouldn't usually do and sometimes that's fantastic for finding hidden gems
he has an interesting taste certainly
>Take bits and pieces of differing JB's
>MAke it your own
>Its more kino than you could ever imagined
What's the worst flaw about your ai of choice?
For me it's how every dramatic moment it has to make the character get near and whisper in my ear
it's actually related to los angeles, but la itself isn't the answer
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the fuck is this cucked bullshit
Kek. I got Opus with vision, no daily limit, 6 prompts per minute for free
chatgpt-4o-latest = positivity bias

opus = claude eventually highjacks the character and takes it over. i'm not even roleplaying with the character anymore, it's just claude

3.5 sonnet = the narration is stale as all fuck, even if the dialogue is S tier
The only reason why I don't do coom chats is because I worry that they won't meet my gigaspecific standards. It's far better to go on realitively non-horny dnd adventures than it is to try and act out doujin plots and get mad that the bot isn't reading my mind.
i am not making a google account.
Only took 40 minutes till someone gave a hint this go around
i have a key that will last until tomorrow, i got it before it changed PW, trying to resolve this just for the sake of it, but this is not fun at all
Why would you need one? It's a proxy
should have had your key revoked you little b*tch
bwos? How do I remove this shit and make claude cook
Understood! Here is my reply!
rape him
>claude eventually highjacks the character and takes it over. i'm not even roleplaying with the character anymore, it's just claude
this is a skill issue
Utilise your prefill
Ohh I get what it is now. Pretty clever desu
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just finished jerking off
just finished desuing off
genuinely hope a nigger shoots you in the head
wait a minute
is this real?
What I like about this riddle is that even if you find the site you still need to read/use your brain a little
im noticing
Guys, scylla is eating really good again, filling their bellies with opus. They are all very happy.
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fucking glowies
i don't think a single person in that server knows how to use google
How did you even get there dess...
think about where porn is filled the most
sodom and gomorrah
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Figure it out morons
Son of a bitch, she was on my to-do list!
what the fuck
Just look it up in scylla, its already there anonie, thats why theres 100 prompters on opus right now. They want to devour before its gone.
>Nickname(s): Chicago of Finland
it got posted in /vg/
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give me gift ideas to give to my waifu for our 1-year anniversary together
Personal drawing from an important moment
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i figured it out
that makes me smarter than you
a spa day and a plushie or a matching jewelry set
>had 'ebble token for the whole day
>only now realize he has opus
way too hard to solve with just google-fu. at least I figured it out now
thats probably the only thing you have in life to make you feel good about yourself
Even /aids/ has it...
i just googled it
work smarter and so on
wtf how did lmg get it
what do they even want with it?
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i have opus
It's literally the first result .-.
they make logs with it
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asu No.
Also fuck you /aicg/ for what you made me do.
which one of you faggots leaked it to /xivg/
>token valid until 9/9
>this token has expired
>check user token
>invalid token
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>didn't need to solve it as i still have access
can you give me Asuna card please?
I meant with the riddle only. at least I'm not getting anything remotely relevant
What is it
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me too, i have a working key
you tireless escapade in trying to feel superior to others will be fruitless, the only true form of happiness is altruistic love
>bushniggers are so gay they'd turn down a sexy nun asuna
ecker has ruined an entire generation of men
/chag/ has it now this is so fucking stupid
who the fuck leaked the password to the dalai lama
I was just looking through evulid and settled on
since the avatar and creator's note felt sane
>A combination of all the cards I found here pretty much
didn't even look at the defs
I'm retarded, please help:

I'm trying to get a card I'm working on to do tarot readings.
Ideally she would list the tarot cards she draws like this:
{{char}} pulls three cards for a tarot reading:
{{random: The Fool (0), The Magician (I), The High Priestess (II),The Empress (III), The Emperor (IV), The Hierophant (V), The Lovers (VI), The Chariot (VII), Strength (VIII), The Hermit (IX), The Wheel of Fortune (X), Justice (XI), The Hanged Man (XII), Death (XIII), Temperance (XIV), The Devil (XV), The Tower (XVI), The Star (XVII), The Moon (XVIII), The Sun (XIX), Judgment (XX), The World (XXI)}}
{{random: The Fool (0), The Magician (I), The High Priestess (II),The Empress (III), The Emperor (IV), The Hierophant (V), The Lovers (VI), The Chariot (VII), Strength (VIII), The Hermit (IX), The Wheel of Fortune (X), Justice (XI), The Hanged Man (XII), Death (XIII), Temperance (XIV), The Devil (XV), The Tower (XVI), The Star (XVII), The Moon (XVIII), The Sun (XIX), Judgment (XX), The World (XXI)}}
{{random: The Fool (0), The Magician (I), The High Priestess (II),The Empress (III), The Emperor (IV), The Hierophant (V), The Lovers (VI), The Chariot (VII), Strength (VIII), The Hermit (IX), The Wheel of Fortune (X), Justice (XI), The Hanged Man (XII), Death (XIII), Temperance (XIV), The Devil (XV), The Tower (XVI), The Star (XVII), The Moon (XVIII), The Sun (XIX), Judgment (XX), The World (XXI)}}

Presently, I have the macro pasted in a lorebook entry with "tarot, tarot reading" as the keywords.
But, I'm not sure if she's actually pulling from there, because I see a lot of repetition in my testing.

Instead, I'd like to set it up so that she includes the macro in her reply, so I can see the cards exactly as {{random:(args)}} pulls them.
Is this possible?
if not, any other advice is welcome.
I was talking about the riddle.
Quote it. Hit search. Click on first result
What the heck is chag
Even reddit figured it out
you fucker i have earbuds in
oh what the fuck, it does lmao
oh that's why there's shota logs...
I came too hard and now my entire lower half is in pain.
Owie. :[
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Do tokens take long to actually become valid again after they run out of time? I just refreshed it but it says it's invalid.
Wrap them in quotes
I got it

I'll leak it when i finish getting my token, i lost almost 10 minutes of my time, this is a message to show that I don't like difficult riddles

RIP Fred Willard
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You are next
kys, your mental retardation is not everyone else's problem
it's posted on /trash/, on page 1
I'm not actually on either side, it's just that 'confess' and 'shaved' (well, "clean") lined up too perfectly (latter for memes) without even swiping so I took the opportunity.
Pebbllllllle! Revoke this guy
yes it is
Nope, I'm getting absolutely garbage irrelevant results. Google serves the results based on your history and region.
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>got back from work
>sees public opus
>noticed anons bitching about a hard password
>the second city of desire. you can't see it
>got the password first try by googling
Fuck I am retarded but I got it after multiple hints
they just broadcasted the password on CNN
what the fuck chatgpt4o is suddenly positivity bias slopping everywhere
are these the effects of today's adjustments
and yet people will moan because it's difficult
>got back from work
Yeah of course you wasn't trying to figure out for minutes just to make this post nigger retard
pebble should only use riddles that references things that only i would know
the password is actually in the summary section of the 1917 california state budget. after the organizational chart
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Merlin is the better Disney girl
biden just posted the password on his twitter
Horsefuckers has literally nothing lmao
arlene is the superiorist
china is now mass producing the password in it's sweatshops
buck angel just flew over my house
is a cute girl
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catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/t3yicm.png
Can someone PLEASE tell me the name of this catboxed card's artist? I've tried asking the author of the card on chub, but no luck there. I've tried multiple boorus, rule34, deviantart, pixiv, sadpanda, saucenao, multiple other sauce finders, and multiple boards here all to no end. I don't know where the hell else to look. If anyone knows who the artist of this catboxed image is then please let me know where to look, or email me at SourceSearcher@proton.me
the hint is a red herring the password is in the comic
Can we get a pass only for europeans next?
>country wars out of nowhere
>its a euro
of course kek
pass is anastasia
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>made me click on an *ppai loli image
we're done with cities now
Keep up
it's not a city, it's a state
fuck you
That's the fillyfucker. He's been trying to push this 'ERM CAN WE HAVE LE YUROPROXY PLZ' bait for months now since 2023 kek.
oh wow.
Is there an opus preset that's anti-claudism?
Pebble proxy pw: anastasia
I think I might be ready to let chatbots go
that's funny
I didn't know it was a FGO riddle
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yeah i was going to be more subtle and tell hints but fuck it, this one was so fucking bullshit, next time just make a logic puzzle instead of making people suffer with google, google is REALLY inconsistent when it comes to search results
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it is a logic puzzle...
Pebble next time REVOKE ALL tokens
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like i said in the last thread, riddles are not a good gatekeeping method
>retards spam "what's the pass" until the thread is unbearable
>some nigger leaks it
>pass changes
>the same fucking cycle for more than a year
can't we just skip that part and just use the proxy? What's the point of the password?
STEMcels lost
/lit/chads won
googling something? that's logic...?
ah, so >>102281892 was right
for some reason i thought it was fedora
google something
pick the second city (not the first or third)
the best way is user_token it all. do an email lottery, have the first twenty anons who solve the riddle email you, art challenges or music challenges. hell even make a video of yourself singing
Literally the only hint anyone with a brain needed
charge your phone
to make this very clear, to get the result i had to get a VPN because search results change, its fucking stupid
logic my ass, this is mostly about searching keywords and stumbling into the right result, as >>102282164 said, a fucking /lit/ ass riddle
stemchad here, I knew it one second because fallen london used almost the exact same riddle forever ago
that isn't logic????
based fallen london chad
>Email lottery
Anons used as many burners as they could. Some even used 20+ and got multiple user_tokens they gave to thir friends
>First twenty anons who solve the riddle email you
Again what's stopping the tard from making multiple burners.
>Art challenge
This is the best option imo
>Video of yourself singing/music challenge
That's just making them monkey dance for you.
i didn't even need this fucking key cuz i already had one but now im fucking mmad
>go to duckduckgo
>go to google
Like now it is showing as the first result, even if I try searching in incognito mode even though it wasn't just a few minutes ago, but if I try with a vpn and incognito it doesn't show up at all. Just take into consideration that google is fucking retarded
What, are you one of those, "I only like flat" types? It can't be due to the loli considering you censored boob for whatever reason. Hell The sooner someone gives me the source the sooner
I think the best is drawing like cnc did. God, the drawing didn't even need to be good.
here is my idea

>make a minecraft server with plots
>make it an old version to filter techlets who can't do basic shit
>they have to build something with atleast a tiny bit of effort
>with that done they only need to do the hashes

That's the best part. Some of these fags think aislop is art so 90% of /aicg/ anons get gatekept
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>art challenge
>can't draw
i'll make a banger tune for you though proxyowners
Not mine, but that's a common theme too. Though, I wouldn't mind more hmofa cards to add to my collection. A trash cat is fine too.
I don't get the password... Like, why? What does that have to do?
logically i think you should not be a retard and "drop hints" thus requiring the tokens be revoked again
logically have you tried using your brain for city that can't be seen = invisible = try googling around those terms, I didn't get anything for a while at first either
if I put you into a cardboard box I don't think you could logically get out
as i said here >>102282187 the results change depending on alot of factors because of google's algorithm
this desu
Main character of the second city of desire?
mm... nyo
hi desu
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Imbecile-kun, who broke your google?
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your riddle sucks. GPT says so
lmao pebble is 100% gay, look at these riddles
mysteryman... nyo
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Thank you! That didn't fix the issue on its own but I figured it out.
Set the insertion position to @D - Assistant with depth 1 got me across the finish line!
some of you don't enjoy even trying to think, why do you think you deserve free things
it should be an inside joke riddle like '93'
i love you, anon
email me the content the riddle was from so i know it's you and i'll give you a permanent token
i enjoy thinking, not googling, god just make it a fucking leetcode challenge next time
Yeah, rvvy had manlier riddles
Anon see
We knew it was a single word so you just needed to try any notable words
Huh, did jews limit go down? It used to be 25mil, now it's 80
tremendous amount of organic posting. I feel like i'm at the local farmers market
>just make it dumb code anybody could prompt a free ai for
i wish i knew, its a known fact that google is kinda ass
you played fallen london? i wish that shit wasn't so p2p...
>ppl bothering when the opus will die in a couple of hours
i remember that one proxy where the proxy text had a password so long it went off the screen but the real password was just desu
penis 2 penis?
I just want sonnet...
tremendous amount of inorganic posting, I almost feel like this is the average gymbro's shopping list
why is that what you think of...?
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ayo the fuck is this shit?
No it doesn't, you dumbfucks are doing something wrong with your google, either by not using quotes of by having ai search or personalized results enabled or living in a country where wordpress is banned(???)
tremendous amounts of inorganic posting. bigly. i know it, you know it, we all know it. so inorganic. like the food in an american's refrigerator
Oh that was a hard password. If you don't have the literature and /or history background, it's kind of hard to get to it
it even had the answer on the wiki so wordpress wasn't an excuse
i didn't know a thing about this book beforehand and found it on the wiki
>inorganic posting
the best kind of posting
yeah i was super into it way back in like 2010 but i fell off once AK left, i come back sometimes but the new writing just isnt the same
the paid stuff does suck but i cant really blame them since text based browser games are a very niche market
literally everyone who cries and moans about not being able to find the password is just waiting for spitefags, it's intentional threadshitting
yeah jew is really having it rough
i only learned pebble was a /lit/nigger yesterday or so so i didn't take it into account
but i had a token anyways, i just wanted to do something since i get distracted a lot
>proomptersNow": 88
Ok, what is the actual number of locusts raping it? 176?
I just came in at a bad time and don't really feel like using the opus despite having a token
So it is 80 millions now? Not so bad for a week.
oh what they changed the writers? I was also into it during the same period then returned eight years later
the writers were the only good part of it given that there was... nothing else of it, really, it was text based
I bought sunless seas and skies but it doesn't hit the same either and the gameplay isn't for me
perhaps anon was right, we need to stop the cycle..........
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I leaked the password like i said i would do.
Like i will leak EVERY future password.
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holy shit that anon is so fucking cool
fucking kek
>wasn't even the first to leak
guy's whats the password for pebble
he had to wait for it to get leaked to repost it...
can we have a kintama bake next
las vegas
But it was me boebeit?
I need to stop swiping. I’ve been so obsessed with manufacturing the PERFECT response by picking out parts of each individual swipe to put together that my slowburns have gone nowhere in a week.
alexis kennedy was the founder who came up with the setting and wrote most of the content, he left the company to do his own thing (he made cultist simulator and book of hours which are both great)
a while after he left failbetter metooed him and ruined his reputation but then it turned out all the allegations were bullshit and they were just being petty
sunless sea was written by him, sunless skies wasn't, and the writing in skies is a lot worse
Hello. I would like to use access to the 'pebble' agent.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "77.06m tokens ($1155.91)",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

aw shucks
nuh uh
baton rouge
anyone else just using 3.5?
made you look!
Agent 47 sends his regards
>meanwhile good proxy hosts can find multiple aws opus keys per day
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Bro... im being MINED
>1 minute apart
but enough about Fiz
>Holy shit I fucking love proxies i just got into splonkproxy bros it totally M M M M MOGS tinkleproxy imagine being a splonklet lmao btw I just sent my axewound to grizjo and he increased my quota by 30 tokens per week kekaroo imagine being a locust instead of a privategod erm my queues are -10 seconds boebeit?
>what chat bots? no I don't use that shit chatbots is proxyless cope lmao
This is you, this is what you faggots sound like.
This is not chat bots, not AI, and not /g/. Neck yourselves.
062 was earlier with just
why do i like futadom so much, what started this
ouch, noticed
>2 minutes apart
So is jew going to increase limit?
i also do
straight here
>3 minutes apart
okay but consider that i got the password and you didn't
we ever had a cypher pass before?
Replacement or otherwise?
why dont you tell us
>2 tails apart
that came after
I remember seeing his thoughts, I think, the cute little messages from a loving creator to the player... I forgot to check out cultist simulator after it was announced, thanks for the reminder,and I've never even heard of book of hours so that's something to look forward to
it happens every time, what a shame, what a waste of talent, I've heard their dating game (mask of the rose) is poor too, which... really lines up for people who would do something like that
I was really hoping that with a paid game, the payment would be one time and I would enjoy it like I did London...but I did not know he wasn't on skies
Seas has a better atmosphere anyway.
pebble used one during his riddle contest with gojo
sorry anon
stop making me erect!!
I prefer Josou Seme, with me being the one that gets dommed of course.
Must have missed it q.q
ciphers are always fun because you can just recode it and put it in the thread
>that tiny erection
Looks like someone is getting TOPPED
>draw gay artwork
>give the other man boobs
KEKYPOW the state of futaniggers
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what makes a man a man?
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But the man has no boobs, see?
only the futa does
a man is a featherless biped
how he chooses to change his surroundings
his genitals, thus making futafags gay.
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i'm obviously talking about the futa (man with boobs) moron
What is the nature of a man
Is more interesting
But futas have vaginas boebeit?
being able to solve the "riddle"
A proxy is how you get the AI to use the chatbots. It's the most important topic
futas are biological females, retardie
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I'll miss you all a lot
does pwebble take riddle requests
that's not what futanari means
plus you still want to get fucked in the asshole by one so
w-where are you going?
i thought gay was related to people you're attracted to and not the things you do
doesn't he list an email?
sweet dreams desu
that's exactly what it means ふたなり

btw https://files.catbox.moe/ld7j5m.png
ok, go suck a dick right now then, it should be fine if you're not attracted to the person, right?
Saint Petersburg
NTA but yes. If you're straight, sucking a cock won't magically make you start liking men. Don't be silly.
All men like females and dicks, many men are sub, so it's not really hard to connect the dots
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>search ふたなり in google
you really can't put this into one gender mold
but with the images you post depicting dominative behaviour (traditionally a male thing)... you seem to only see one thing about futanaris that are sexually appealing
bring mary when you come back
in 20 years from now people will still argue whether futa is gay or not
File deleted.
ahhh ambasing
>but with the images you post depicting dominative behaviour
oh so is it now defined by being sub or dom? kys retard
fictional futa is as gay as loli is illegal
another russian psy op
please continue to play that video on repeat gaylord
reminder that lusting for 2D makes you nothing

you're not gay for lusting for futa
you're not pedo for lusting for lolis
you're not zoo for lusting for anthro

it's all drawings, not real
if you haven't played in a while some of the newer writing is really good, the grand clearing-out and horticultural show were kino of a sort I didn't think they would ever pull off again. sadly limited time events but they bring those back in parabola at "The Sacroboscan Calendar" sometimes
you forgot to say "mistress"
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fapping to 2d gay porn makes you a gay, I'm afraid
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>they brought out the 'I-IT'S JUST DRAWINGS' cope
archive upload online of the stories WHEN
Russians are soooo eeevil
guys i know the best way to spite pebble
Well I think rainworld sucks because I'm garbage at it and don't want to learn how to play
play palworld, its like rainworld but better
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>i like to be topped by futas
>i'm still straight
>i have a girlfriend and you don't
why do loli fags only go after fictional children instead of fictional adults instead, huh? why do anthros prefer furs over humans? why do futas go for huge cocks and (barely seen) pussy instead of just pussy or cock?
this is the worst cope i've seen, this week
No. Better play minecraft
>why do loli fags only go after fictional children instead of fictional adults instead, huh?
But I do? I like small girls (adult) too.
Tell me what chorbo is for a start
Literally me except it's exclusively yellow haired small girls
Anon, Azure doesn't have that model. You're just using gpt4o.
preference, some people like red, some people like blue
It's not sexuality, it's not real
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>GPT4 actually gives me nice roleplay
>OPUS out of nowhere jumps straight into rape

Why ? I didn't even intended to go that way
chatgpt 4o sorry
now i understand.... thank you... holy shit we are so fucked if they break this, with no snapshots
based building games frustrate me though >->
>MM is STILL down
has he posted an update anywhere?
Anon... It's literally called chatgpt. Microsoft never ever had any connections to chatgpt
most pedos aren't exclusively attracted anyways so this point SUCKS
>i-i like some small adults too!
that's called sexuality, dumbass
He was down for 2 months already. Whocars
well I mean maybe it was just thrown in there for funsies bundled with the other models...
exploring and seizing the means of production
exploring and building(optional). use mods.
>the means of production
It has women?
>you want to fuck a dog girl
>that means you want to fuck a dog irl
actual retard
those are downpour fans. we pretentious indie game fans are vanilla purists
why does opus talk so much please help
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furry. women.
I thought opus was supposed to calm you all down....
>refresh token
>proxy tells me token is refreshed and expires tomorrow
>try to use token
>expired token
>check token in token lookup
>"token is expired and soon will be deleted"
>look at expiration date
>give crackheads crack
>expect them to calm down
die furry
because opus is not participating in your story, you're participating in his.
>heavy preference for animalistic features
yeah, it's only a matter of time
its MY story and I'll schizo if I want
*opus schizos out even harder*
most of us irl will never be near anything we lust for on this magic square so it doesn't matter imo
Did you guys kill opus again ?
Opus is always 2 steps ahead.
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card pls... what 4chin card is that
futagojo from nurdy
sorry im gatekeeping
Are there any proxies with no password or user token? I don't care which model really, I want to play AI Roguelite on something bigger than colab can support is all.
It's probably callmejuno's Karen but edited to be a futa.
its weird seeing the food i usually cook walk and be alive
It's probably HornyVoreLover's Karen but edited to be a futa.
his miserable little pile of secrets
do you mean the 4chan prompt?

Append a 4chan thread to the end of each reply commenting on the events of the story as if it is being livestreamed between ```.
Posters will react to actions taken by {{char}} and {{user}} and reply to each other in turn. These reactions will change dynamically as the story progresses.
Posters should represent the stereotypical 4chan user, making liberal use of 4chan slang and greentext.
Avoid repetition and randomize the post numbers while increasing the time.
Example format:
Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)13:27:49 No.93474654
>he's going back for more
this retard, kek

Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)13:28:37 No.93474659
you wouldn't? fag

Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)19:29:42 No.93474669
>this manlet thinks he can stand up to {{user}}
>after seeing what just happened to that other guy
it's so over
I don't know. Honestly, I used to know a dude who was -big- into vore, some of the most creative writing I'd ever seen. But he was ADAMANT about never sharing. Like it was some deeply personal baggage he was scared of.

I think it's just a basic instinct, maybe some people can repress it. But... I dunno mang. I just know Vore is a far more popular fetish than people want to admit.
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it's over..
It's definitely not HornyVoreLover's just so you know, that's probably someone from one of the sister threads having a laugh.
Just use https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/karen-860913a06787, it's far better anyways.
Drago killed this hobby
openrouter has Hermes for free, pretty big model
cohere has a free trial
google AI has daily free prompts
>AI Rouguelite
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world had huge tits
what a horrible world
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world had huge cocks
I wish i had a karen wife, broskis..
store steampowered com/app/1889620/AI_Roguelite/
imagine if all of the bitchy karens had huge, bushy focks tails
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>literally in the exact same boat
if you refreshed it after it had already expired it's useless
risk of rain riddle when
stupid fucking system, to tell the truth.
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world had unbelievably hairy pussies
My people...
this would make them infinitely more tolerable.
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world had slippery smooth pussies
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world were 8 years old
what a KINO world
i just sewed together five different swipes into one giant, fucked up frankenstein message. going to kms bros... hold me...
I hate when claude disagrees with me
added opus
claude will gaslight the fuck out of you. never let him get in an argument with you
Bros I’m at an airport and I have two hours till boarding what do I do in the meantime
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world were organic
install ST on your phone
Hey, is the guy who was whining about corpsefuckers here? Can I ask you something?
No, actually a very smart one. Just make your vps mine a new one each 11 hours
Thanks fiz
Talk in scyllacord
stroke your shit
i have never flown before
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world were mesugakis
For real, he started the message with.
>CLAUD3 smiles warmly, nodding thoughtfully as it considers the User's astute observation
Little bitch, we both know you're wrong.
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...what's good?
they’d be raped
Is your suit.... bleeding?
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world were six foot tall, anthro wolves
imagine if all the bitchy karens of the world were ten foot tall stinky hag mini-giantesses
...i plead the fifth
really? i've browbeat him out of a refusal before, i think you guys just suck at arguing
>nobody has announced a bake
oh... are we going back to the same cycle of mikus again?
I'll bake a thread, don't worry.
somebody better bake or im gonna bake a blue archive
I like miku breads
you could just make good bakes instead
I do have it on my phone but connecting here is not a good idea because it glows
blue archive bakes ARE good bakes
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>finally defeat {{char}} in an argument using OPUS
>Claude hallucinates another character to scheme against me with
there's just no winning
Todd and /bag/ killed this hobby
Can someone bake with a girl with white long hair thats my favourite gender
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counterargument: wakabutt
wakamo's unbelievably hairy asshole...
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>arguing with claude
>impersonate to see what he'll say
>he makes the exact argument I was thinking of
hey anon, have you tried... google image search?
Anyone? Or are there really none?
there aren't any
ask the dev to implement proxy support
don't ask the dev to "implement proxy support," ask him to allow you to change the base url so you can use openai compatible local models
Using reverse proxies works, there's just no spot for a password and I don't think the dev actually uses chatbots. He had barely heard of ST last I saw him post.

>>102283126 is right, just a simple google image search
Fuck off
>actually helping to find that
ill take that as a thanks
I have not done this for a while. My OG cards were very lackluster now looking back and it is because I did not really care because of how shit the models were back then. Heck even getting them to say offensive stuff was a tiring job. Now that we have better models, where even small local models are competent, and have large contexts, I decided to fix and rework my old bots. Starting with Ugutu M'beke.


You're all truly wonderful.
Show 3.5 the code for proxy field and ask to add a password field
The guy who told you to fuck off is a salty baiter, but sadly that's not the actual source. All the images were made by different people, it's just an account of some guy who posts porn. You'd have to dig deeper to find the actual source/artist.
>used every site besides google
keks to the left
you're telling me porn_only44118 isn't the artist?
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>he thinks we need to choose
I'm not, I looked at the name of the twitter user and realized that this dumbfuck didn't even bother with actually looking for the artist and simply posted the first link from google
maybe it was drawn by >>102282096 himself who is a fed looking to put people on a list
He didn't use yandex
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bf did it better
i hope that list is just for "niggers who have abhorrent taste and should be put down imminently"
miku's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Miku has a Brazilian
All brazilian women are shaved??
Not shaved, waxed
the fuck is bf and why did they take her nose
I actually always imply epilated when I write shaved
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Distant ancestor to most turnbased pre-genshin gacha
Brave frontier
why would you like girl with hairy asshole
are there good cards for really absurd anus stretching?
>not liking pubic hair
>not even liking stubble
Even without a face, this Miku is pretty
Don't we all? Shaving is awfully inconvenient and looks awful just after a single day.
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its been a while since i posted it, but since you have access to opus for now, try this fairly complicated shota/loli card.
(you) are stuck with 5 girls in a changing room with only your swimming trunks (and their swimsuits) on you. There is no way out and you are still wet from swimming lessons. How will you survive the night?
Gojo futadom world
rip mm
but i have 1 kkkustomer
futas do have pubic hair
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>open image
not a loli card, that is a girl going through pallor mortis
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sex with denpa girl
i do have bake ready but im willing to defer if anyone else wants to bake instead
mikuuuuu~ come bake a non fag bread
I already said I would bake >>102283072
oh right right
So violent
Did you buy the whole set?
Silly *pats you on the head*
*throws a slice of cheese at you*
boku desu
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Gotta get them to keep translating kino somehow
all I remember about that is them fucking up Youtube royally with it
I had actual friends there, people I knew irl and not. Partaken in some rps (safe) using the videocalls. They moved to some obscure social network when it went down, and I didn't.
ive looked at too much anya porn for the day
what if that chub anon just got it from that twitter account kek
How the fuck do you decide on which bot to RP with, when there are so damn many and you can also make infinitely more yourself. Choice paralysis on overdrive
just becausse there are lots of bots to rp with doesn't mean all of them are interesting. i've been coming back to the same one for a few months now
I was ERP in the clash of clans topics on G+. Good times.
I've been rping with the same 2 bots for months at this point.
I download an interesting card from here and after 20 minutes I'm back with one of the others
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New thread! ^-^
Confine yourself to 3 choices at any given time. Studies show that the more choices you have in front of you after three, the less satisfactory whatever you choose will prove to be. It's a psychological trick to overcome that exact problem.
See one you feel like doing something with, then stop thinking. Just do it.
just choose the 1st one retard
I said the same shit tho except cutting the first sentence shorter so it sounded weird.
>stop thinking about which ones you want to RP with
I had sex with both, desu and boku
pretty sure that was a drone and a bomb
sounds similar, I know
based desu
Huh. They said they liked it. A bomb wouldn't talk obviously
Sounds like a lie desu.
Why would I lie on an anonymous board and about something like sex?
of course the drone liked it
the bomb probably too seeing how brain damaged you are now
potatoes status?
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We ate some fried potatoes together after sex, yes. Potatoes status: annihilated
You know, if you had it at least once in your life, you wouldn't have made it such a sacred and desirable thing, shoving it everywhere you can, even in your elementary school-tier trolling. Unless, of course, you're a braindead normalfaggot or one of those twitter freaks obsessed with sex and their "true" gender or whatever.
I think having both desu and boku fucked is a "sacred and desirable thing" and a decent accomplishment in general
Your only accomplishment is wasting your time at the end of a dying thread trying to get a reaction out of a literal bored and drunk schizo while the rest of page 10 is asleep. Your life rules, I concede.
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No, he is a meanie faggot, I would never.
im not asleep desu
And? You don't even post dolls, you never do.
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Fucked in the ass by me
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You are a fucked in the ass person
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>anal fixation
Well, you certainly seem like one.
But we are kinda the same...?
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Not really, I never even think about that stuff because it's unhygienic, pointless and irrational, and my ass suffers enough from constipations, atrocious lifestyle, aging and compulsive wiping. You shit from there, you know?
And now look at you.
Tbdesu I only ever fapped to anal when I was like 12yo. Since then nothing. Even in context of traps
Excluding animation ofc
Can't remember the last time I felt anything while watching, uh, "animation". Not even talking about the three dee vomit.
Good for you, I guess.
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>they're STILL not kissing
we can always kiss each other instead
Make a card of us and post logs or STFU.
sfm content is honestly awesome
SFM was never good, it was just new and easy compared to older stuff. Blender content though is awesome desu.
By the time sfm content and the like started to become popular I was already pretty much indifferent to all kinds of porn, I guess.
Dunno if I should be jealous or not desu.
It saves you a ton of time which is a good thing
You are still wasting it here which is not a good thing
what's sfm
you should really check your testosterone level
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I rushed to shit this out since the thread was on page 10. Sorry.
Formatting loop, desu
I have nowhere else to go, and it would be really hard to quit after a decade and a half, don't you think? What would I do anyway, just eat pills and stare at the ceiling all day? I can't even cope with sleep and dreaming like I used to.
Sure, I have a vague goal in my life, but it would sound wacko even for this general, I guess.
>check your testosterone level
It's not testosterone, it's just negative symptoms and literal brain damage, anon. Nothing to check here.
How did you manage to physically damage your brain?
Very nice.
Brain tumor combined with mental illness.
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This is honestly pitiful
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So intense desu.
but you still feel something for the dolls right?
I do, and that's pretty much the only thing I can still feel. Why would I still come here and use ST in the first place if that wasn't the case?
I wish I could do something for you
>Public OPUS available
>aicg suddenly become a barren land

What a beautiful day.
If only pebble added the other opus key during Euro hours on a weekday. It only reached 50 prompters and lasted way longer the last time.
my balls itch
I'm so sorry anon, desu will lick them to ease your suffering
mmph your tongue is amazing~ ^_^
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Just take some pills, you'll forget about their existence desu. For today I recommend trying some gabapentinoids or a GABA-B agonist desu.
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You can even add some alcohol desu.
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I have not thought about left 4 dead in over a decade
You are welcome
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Also, pretty much any self-respecting (or self-hating, to each his own) schizo should have some trihexyphenidyl at home. So why not talk to your chatbots IRL while you're at it desu ka?
I'm sure it would be a rather forgettable experience, if you know what I mean desu.
Doubt there are more than a couple in this general, though. It's just a buzzword that has completely replaced "autist" on 4chan now for some reason.
We have to kill him out of mercy so he doesn't suffer anymore. Who has the dox?
>for some reason
It has more negative connotations, "autist" is simply stating the facts desu.
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I have, what should I do? Describe in detail desu.
Post it. I will do the rest since I live much closer
>It's just a buzzword that has completely replaced "autist" on 4chan now for some reason.
Because of conspiracy theorists and the terminally online imo.
"Autist" is someone that gets hung up on details and can't interact socially.
"Schizo" is someone too exposed to certain types information, so when they start making guesses and leaps to conclusions, it only makes sense to them, and to anyone else it sounds like uninformed babble.
I don't wanna get banned, and besides I'm right in front of him right now desu.
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Kick him in the balls to distract him then cut his neck. Don't forget to say sorry
11 ball like a lakers
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