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I write C++ and everyone is saying my skillset will soon be obsolete. On Reddit, hacker news, and anons here all make fun of me for writing C++. So I thought to learn Rust, but it's full of scary looking people and it's said that if you learn it you will become a transgender like those scary people. What do I do? Zig looks cute, but it's still not portable as C++!
Erotic image... anyway stop reading the news and posting bait please.
C++ will not become obsolete in the next half-century
Rust is nevertheless a nice language that you should consider learning
I don't think it will make you transgender unless you have latent issues that you're just barely managing to suppress
Zig seems nice but is much less like C++ than Rust is
starting to think "coding" is just retarded
its like an inside joke that lost its edge decades ago
>Zig is still not portable as C++!
It's not?
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>I write C++ and everyone is saying my skillset will soon be obsolete.
TWO MORE WEEKS until le rust takes over!
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well zig only runs on x86 and niche arm64. The only embedded support it has from my research is arm cortex uCs, which is not good enough! At work I work with CUDA signal processing, and zig has 0 support from Nvidia for their products. I don't know what to do anymore, everyone is laughing at me and calling me "senile" even thought I'm only 22 years old.
I'm serious! Rust is scary to me because from what I heard it has very long compile times (but I'm used to it), but most scary is their cargo package manager with large binaries and many things being pulled in. I manage my dependencies with apt or git modules. I'm not ready for a dedicated package manager
thanks anon, but don't lie to me I know people hate C++ and Rust will replace it

Can you provide proof that Rust will "take over"?
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Why don't you just make something cool in C++ to create more jobs for Rustaceans in 10 years.
C++ has so much market share that it is not going to go away quickly. That said, Rust will grow. You just need to swallow your pride and also learn Rust.
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I know I know, which is why I'm tried learning Rust but it scares me
I could keep doing what I love, but from all the news I read Rust will only grow and C++ will shrink. I want to have a job in 10 years, not be replaced with a Rust dev
Rust is just C++ minus templates plus FP. If you are a competent C++ programmer you will get Rust in no time. A good programmer should know many languages.
>zig only runs on x86 and niche arm64
Where the fuck did you get that from? Zig supports x86, x86_64, aarch64, arm, mips, riscv64, sparc64, powerpc, powerpc64, and wasm32 as tier 1 targets, plus a bunch of others that aren't as officially supported. Are you just outright making shit up?
Just because people hate it doesn't mean it will go away. COBOL still hasn't gone away and there's a lot more C++ now than there ever was COBOL
You don't have to pull in dependencies from the net, you can do everything yourself or use libraries from local paths. Debian even puts crates in .deb packages but that's more for use by other packages so IDK if it's easy to use for your own projects.
Of course third party packages won't necessarily accommodate caveman style development. Many have transitive dependencies.
>x86, x86_64, aarch64, arm, mips, riscv64, sparc64, powerpc, powerpc64, and wasm32
but zig doesn't support a proprietary hardware with a compiler provided by the manufacturer. Besides x86, zig will only run on popular arm64 devices. Anything else you listed is either toy examples I seen, or just hypothetical. Again, zig won't work with proprietary nvidia devices I work with, and I need more than a promise of support for embedded linux devices with proprietary hardware.
that is true and good point, but COBOL devs are few and not needed
>caveman style development
Is that an insult? I see nothing wrong with cloning a C library, compiling it, and using it in my project. I don't have to worry about breaking changes, and I have full control. For new people it may seem more complicated than `pip install X` but it is nicer to work with and simpler.
you are reading the wrong news
>but it's full of scary looking people
What does that have to do with the language?
That's right, nothing.
Now go learn Rust so you don't have to bother with managing memory.
Buy an ad nigger
>What does that have to do with the language?
I have to interact with those people
>Now go learn Rust so you don't have to bother with managing memory.
memory management is not a problem for me? Smart pointers and good practices make that easy. My focus is on engineering problems.
sauce on the girl? she's cute
>I have to interact with those people
What? No you don't.
>memory management is not a problem for me?
Even the best programmers make mistakes.
Especially once the scope of your program grows beyond to what you can hold within your mind.
>My focus is on engineering problems.
Use the right tool for the right job.
C++ is a tool. So is Rust.
Think about what you need and use that which makes sense.
Remember, programming isn't about learning a language. It's about learning to program.
Once you know how to program, you know how to use any language.
Why everyone suddenly a kernel dev now?
If you follow good memory management practices then Rust will be piece of cake for you. Otherwise, it will teach you the hard way.
Rust works similarly to a static analyzer. Using tools like that might show you how good your practices are.
you're making a lot of sense now anon! I will learn Rust on the side and try to build something cool with it. I been wanting to make my own st terminal.
I have her saved from I need a girl manhwa, really good comedy but its korean so many jokes may not make sense to others. Still read it now!
I'm not? My work with C++ is writing a for a proprietary device, other people make the Linux for me, and I write code in the user space.
>Rust is nevertheless a nice language
no it is not, but that doesn't actually matter
shilling Odin here. give Odin a try.
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