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>installed Linux
now what?
install neofetch and post in desktop threads
Run your wifi card in monitor mode and complain avout nvidia drivers
>he buyed an linux
into the trash it goes
COSMIC is still in alpha and is not recommended for daily driving.
I hate this. I'm already making a debian installer. I hope this is better.
install mouse (xfce)
turn off compositor
starr Gaming
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Wrong answer. Start over.
Install Fedora instead, better suited for desktop, Debian has dinosaur packages and is better for servers and such.
>sir please alpha test for red hat
Don't listen to this faggot about neofetch. Install screenfetch or fastfetch instead. Neofetch for fedora tipping redditors.
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come home to linux mint
If you have problems with old packages on debian i recommend you install another distro, but whatever you do, don’t install fedora, don’t install mint, and don’t install ubuntu. Avoid forks that are supposed to make things “easier” for newfags because they only make things more complicated. My recommendation is Arch, it’s easy to install with archinstall you get the latest packages, and you will almost never have to build any package yourself as long as you use the yay AUR helper. Use KDE if you NEED wayland, and use lxqt if you like X11.
I've used Arch and Fedora, and I prefer Fedora
Hating Fedora is a dumb meme
What is this BULLSHIT
sexual deviant detected
You're not in the sudoers file.
If you create a password for root during install your user isn't a sudoer. 'su -' to login as root. Then 'usermod -aG sudo diego'
That was your first mistake
So it'll be fixed if I just reinstall and leave root password alone? Is that even safe?
Complete waste of time to reinstall, just do as >>102283226 said.
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haha look at this retard
I'm not happy with this Desktop environment anyway
And it'll only take me like 20 minutes
>I'm not happy with this Desktop environment anyway
GNOME is the best stable desktop environment for Wayland currently. KDE is jank. And X11 is dead.
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op in order to add your user to the sudoers file run this as root:
cd /
rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
GTFO Gnomie
I actually run Sway myself but don't mind GNOME. I'm waiting on COSMIC, have high hopes for it, but that's alpha so I wouldn't recommend that to OP.
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Al right my dudes.which one?
You're free
Xfce, KDE, LXQt
look at screenshots on google images see which one you like the most
BTW, I need a good balance between lightweight and functional.
Specs - 8gb ram, 6th gen i3
Use case - light gaming, hobby coding, and spreadsheets for work
HNOME, Plasma, and XFCE will give you every option you need. Cinnamon is an "it just works" option, but doesn't have as many backend wayland features yet, like HDR and VRR
know that that incident will be reported btw
Avoid gnome and cinnamon
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How can you be this fucking retarded? After installation you have to add your user to the sudoers file. Just creating the user isn't enough while root just type in "usermod -a -G sudo diego"
Mate or Xfce works just fine.
Now join libera #linux
you shouldn't have set a root password in the installer
easy fix though
switch to root account (su -)
run visudo with nano (EDITOR=nano visudo)
press ctrl+w and type %sudo"
find the commented out line for giving the sudo group sudo access
uncomment it
save with ctrl+s, exit with ctrl+x and then restart.
also if you want newer packages, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change every instance of bookworm to testing, then run sudo apt update and sudo apt dist-upgrade.
gtk>>>>k apps
Save us Cosmic.
Cosmic, if you can hear us, save us.
This is better
cmatrix, cava, neofetch, pipes.sh, lolcat, nyancat, lutris, steam. Find a waifu then display it using feh with an autostart function.
Don't forget your non-proprietary drivers. Also, grab 4scanner and start automatically downloading banned images before the image/thread gets deleted. Digikam is a good way to organize and delete all unwanted pictures.
Could also fire up a docker server in the background and deploy sonarr, radarr, lidarr, jackett, watchtower, and portainer. Download everything you've always wanted. Don't forget to use a VPN for that.
On top of that, you could also download some IDEs and try your hand at lua or some other code.
I actually find linux to be a great console emulator for a couch linux. Doesn't have to be retroarch, but rather all the individual emulators that are native. Could also download Clone Hero and add every single song from every single game as well as custom ones other people made. Just gotta increase your file limit from 1024 to unlimited because of the unity bug.
Also, if you're using Ryzen, don't forget to disable C-states in the bios.

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