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A$AP Niggy
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Does hardened kernel just work
I like power lines
Very nice
Just got a new laptop, dunno what I want to do for a wallpaper. Still working on a battery indicator and brightness controls for the panel.
what laptop
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New to me but got it used, x1 carbon gen 3
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ssd is dying, it was a nice ride
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Holy shit
looks good but you still use 10.
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FIrst time in FVWM, any tips?
Ricing up my polybar. What should I put up there?
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Why this monitor? Why not HD or a 4k monitor?
Imagine listening to niglet music
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nobara linux, too much based for a distro and it just werks!
who are you watching
Why do I keep seeing a fatman on the Arch linux logo? Is this some sort of a subtle calling for me to install Arch or something? or is it because I need to lose some weight? I have always been a windows user, but lately I feel like I need to leave that software. I dont like going to win11.
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>nigger ""music""
kill yourself, unironically
How do you know when a SSD is dying?
hardened kernel is useless
you should manually forward port all grsecurity patches to the latest lts kernel
Why are you still using Windows XP?

captcha: WARSX
>captcha: WARSX
Why did you feel a need to highlight this cpatcha? What's so special about it?
Answer my question first, and I'll answer yours.
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every boot system boots into BusyBox and wants to run "fsck /dev/sda1" manually. Sometimes you want to save some file, it hangs for like 5 seconds and after reboot the file is unreadable. And if you update your system, some files are destroyed too.
SSD is cheapest Adata su650 with 2 years, 1 month and 0 days Power-on Hours according to SMART data. Not a lot, but I don't care, everything is backed-up and better ssd is on the way.
how to achieve this, good sir?
>stock dwm
good rice
good music
this guy hacks
>he doesn't know
>Verification not required.
minimal, barely modified but I'd like to customize the taskbar just a bit more. any ideas?
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good morning saars
It looks really nice, anon.
what happens to the clock if you open more windows
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holy soul
>nigger music proudly displayed
not like this, archsoicacas...
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Maybe boring, but does the job.

>nigger music
mind you this is a vm
>dark souls
>does the job.
You don't do any job.
Average debian user
Does anybody have this wallpaper without the slackware branding? It's just from the tileanon repository and it's a nice texture.
They all look too similar so I don't know.
Thanks for the suggestions, it was worth a shot anyway.
What theme is this?
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It's my own Fvwm config + sevenIcons. It's mostly just MWM styling with my own vectors for the button designs and a few tweaks here and there.
I've played the shit out of Heretic, played some Hexen just the other day.
thanks, it's a really old machine but I love it.
Beautiful, would you mind sharing how you got aero? (Assuming this is windows 10+)
comfy, awesome work anon
nice wallpaper
very nice monochrome
niggercoal brimstone
looking forward to seeing what you've done anon
high effort windows rice? Looks comfy
working mans setup
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d-d-d-desktop thread
do you have a white control panel?

I've never riced or played around with WM's. Where does one start and how do I get to this level of comfy?
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Here you go, anon. This is what I used for the background when I made that tile. Your desktop looks great btw.
Kino. Favorite version is Whistler Watercolor tho.
Hell yeah, anon; Thanks a ton! Love your wallpaper aesthetics.
In Fvwm's case it's just a light scripting language, it isn't difficult you just have to read through the documentation a bit to understand how objects are composed and how various things interact. The man pages and website examples are very thorough however and give you all the information you need.


If you want a simpler to tweak WM consider window maker, it has a nice and easy to use GUI for everything and still looks really solid out of the box imo.
thank you for blessing me with this gem while I wait for C++ to finish compiling
You're welcome. I use bitmap collection that's been posted on /g/ before for a lot of the patterns when making backgrounds. Here's a catbox link if you're interested.
Thank you.
What are some good retro icon packs like the BeOS icons/Win2K icons?
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How are you doing icon-only vertical tabs with the firefox gnome theme like that anon? It looks great.
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No, but the top bar is white.
>windows 10
>solid black wallpaper
>small taskbar
is this XP?
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Tab Center Reborn extension with the custom config and CSS provided on the firefox gnome theme github page
heres my desktop

I dont use dwm or i3 because it looks outdated, and pop oses fork of gnome can do everything i3 and dwm does while not looking like shit in terms of productivity. I mainly just play red dead 2
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It's Windows 10, I've just modified it to look like older Windows:

>7tsp XP icon pack
>simple classic theme
>a lot of windhawk mods

Right now I'm using Luna10 theme.
why do trannys install a privacy focus operating system and then install discord when they can still use all of discords features perfectly in the browser and wont have to worry about updates
>trying to get into the head of a mentally ill
don't bother trying to understand
old pic from last bread
>You don't do any job.
because they play video games?
I don't think streaming with audio works from the browser on GNU/Linux yet. That would be my guess.
I installed Vesktop solely because of that. Kept using because it just werks.
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>install privacy focused distro

>install discord instead of just using the browser version
>nothing besides firefox and terminal bookmarked
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systemd i better for laptops
neither firefox nor discord are bookmarked tho, none of the softwares I use are
if you can't imagine someone using linux a different way/with a different goal from yours I think it's safe to safe your opinion doesn't matter
you have discord it installed.
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Still javajeetin', still retarded.
What do you mean anon? You only need a non shitty font and a few non shit colors and you're set with i3.
what is it ? can't imagine having friends ?
>if you can't imagine someone using linux a different way/with a different goal from yours I think it's safe to safe your opinion doesn't matter
Except for Trannygelion and Tranny Experience Lain
You keep goin' anon, if you haven't found a Java job yet, you will soon
>I don't think streaming with audio works from the browser on GNU/Linux yet.
It doesn't work even if you install it.
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Checks out
filthy degenerate
just finished setting up cmus and the polybar module
Is that Callisto?
hi frens, sup?
high dpi displays and its tiny UI has been a disaster for computer aesthetics.
can't fix that either
thx anon
looks good
because i said so
>4 clocks
It's a reason to buy 65 inch desktop monitors
Man, I tried that shit for so long, didn't get anywhere close to where you got.
I'll try it again with what you posted. Can you remember what windhawk mods?
good run today :]
>obvious 'cord bait award
gotta try harder than that
>Caves of Qud
Don't have my computer with me right now so you guys will just have to settle for a tablet desktop.
i have friends i talk to who arent foss evangelist neckbeards and qud is one of the best roguelikes of the current day like it or not
>i have friends i talk to
the irony of you calling others neckbeards while attributing online groomers to friends
I love the GNOME desktop environment!
im sure every one of the hundreds of millions of discord users are pedophiles
without exception every single 'cord user is a groomer, a victim, or future victim QED
is this some temporary setup you contrived specifically to irritate me or why did you dress your plasma in a gnome costume what could you possibly stand to gain from that
GNOME is the logical conclusion of all modern desktop computing.
Install Open-Shell to use custom buttons in explorer, can find explorer icons for XP, patch themes with uxthemepatcher, download Luna10 themes from DeviantArt, you'll need OldNewExplorer installed to load shell styles for it, get WinPaletter or themes10x64 to change metrics accordingly, get 7tsp then download 7tsp WindowsXP v1.2.7 icon pack and get retrobar.

Windhawk mods I currently have enabled: Aero Flyout Fix, Classic Explorer Treeview, Classic File Picker dialog, DWM Unextend Frames, Enable SyslistView32, Eradicate Immersive Menus, Explorer 32px Icons, Fix Basic Caption Text, Legacy File Copy, Message Box Fix, Old This PC Commands, UIRibbon Caption Icon Fix, Win32 Tray Clock Experience, Windows 7 Alt+Tab Loader
Check out winclassic forums, they have a lot of stuff.
This still feels like a beast. Using it in an SSD feels like cheating after running catalina. It's blazing fast. Its search function and quicklook feature are things I wish Linux had. I had to download a browser on another computer because Safari wouldn't open github, but now everything is basically perfect. If there's an app archive anywhere on the web for old programs, it is perfect for daily use even today.

I got 15Mbps on wifi over 5GHz. It turns on in seconds. My sound is fried though, I'll have to replace it.
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happy cirno day
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caught me gaming
scrots on windows look retarded to /g/ because both my displays have HDR
Using Windows for home computing is and always has been indefensible.
space marine game didn't "just werk" on my Arch and I wanted to play it
I think we are destined enemies.
Where'd you get the background from?
I've just got a Ryzen NUC to use for emulation and light computing tasks, working on getting my music library sorted shortly.
ok now run Star Citizen lol

(works on Linux)
you are retarded for using this operating system in 2024. Just saying
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Help me find the icon(s) used in the polybar workspaces please, i looked for it on the git repo but they're not the same
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mate is comfy
background please
Yeah it's not a bad desktop. Lots of soul. I've had a few issues with it but not too many. Wouldn't main it but it's an ok choice. I'm just used to xfce and it's been super stable for me.
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Then you're not an "os master" you're nothing but a pretender.
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I just got a real snes classic. There's a ton of fakes flooding the market so be careful. You can't hack the fake ones for some reason. They use the real snes classic rom but it's impossible to use hackchi to softmod the fakes.
Install kde plasma.
the old OSX aesthetic is so gaudy yet i'm so nostalgic for it
I like mate. It was peak gnome. Whatever gay shit they do these days is just unusable.
Based nostalgiafag. I ended up with one of those fake snes classics. Just take it apart and find the SD card, mine was soldered in so I desoldered it and soldered a slot. Some of them now come with the slots but you still have to open them up. Open the SD card on your PC and just add the roms you want. Don't delete anything on the SD card and back it up because the software is required for the system to boot. In the menu.txt file just remove the hashtags under #read extra titles
And they'll show up in the menu. You can fish lakka if you want, but the os runs from the SD card. So the fake one sitting in your drawer is probably salvageable.
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around ~50fps with -force-opengl and i can watch star trek in the bg too

its time for a new labtob :(
things that should be lightweight are getting too bloated for old computers nowdays
Please provide wallpaper.
it's a default mate wallpaper
I can't find it.
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>he doesn't know
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Thanks, Anona
I miss when bait used to be decent
>4 clocks
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>ADHD brainded zoomer
>Kendra Lust
Based MILF enjoyer.
Whats your favorite kino of hers?
Mine it's Kendra Lust in Thanksgiving Stuffing.
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is there anything more tacky and cringe than making your desktop look like an obsolete version of windows
>Verification not required.
I use it as my main platform in both my desktop and my laptop (not the mac). There isn't anything near what I talked about available for KDE. It's good though, better than gnome by far, but it's no snow leopard.
you will never be a child again
Please give me Lain wallpapers.
search "Jupiter Sunday" on Wikimedia Commons.
No stalker, it is you who will never be a child again. Enjoy prison
tanks desu
dinit just werks
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Having no soul or personality is one I can think of.
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nah, you're just seething chud.
XP looked like dogshit then and it still does now. The invisible "SOVVVL" you're intuiting the presence of is just the projection of your boyhood memories. Grow up
all these desktops and all I see is gaymer shit
>where are the IDE's
>where's the programming shit
>where's the autism
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If I wanted boyhood memories I would make it look like Windows 95, zoom zoom. I just know flat design is the worst, and you should kill yourself if you think it's good.
you think people on /g/ actually code?
Well, at least pajeet programming yeah?
I mean, I earn moneys doing that so

Well guess I just don't lurk this thread that often
I don't know for the others but I don't code on my personnal PC
You should work on personal projects, can help you get better jobs
there used to be a lot more code stuff
but I don't think I need to tell you it's gotten worse
>verification not required
My work isn't even about coding, I'm just doing some side project for QoL features to help me
I even don't plan to code for a living, I much prefer using my hands to get inside a machine like I do currently (lithography scanners are very interesting to work on)
I don't believe you grew up with 9x. If you did, I don't see how you could possibly feel attracted to XP's atrocious blue-green Luna theme.
You should both keep your system up to date and actively protect your online privacy. These are not mutually exclusive commitments, but one and the same.
"Check out how ugly my linux can look" thread
0/10 don't redeem
her TrueAnal comeback
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>I don't believe you grew up with 9x.
We had a family computer in the kitchen which my dad installed 95 on with 50 odd floppy discs, but ok. I don't believe you even existed when XP was around, otherwise you would've recognised that I was using the royale theme in that last image. Yeah the default theme is a bit of an eyesore I agree, but it's way better than what 10 has to offer.

I just changed it to that to show off anyway, I usually use the classic theme and not even out of nostalgia but simply because I think it's the peak of Windows' UI.
Give us details anon. Love the rice
I'm sorry I don't have the names of all 151 shitty Windows XP themes memorized. I was always a Mac user before I switched to Linux. And I do agree the classic theme is superior. It's much more legible. But not as legible as plain old modern Adwaita in all its flat glory.
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can't remember lol
love the nigger music there, huh anon?
You do you dude.
What theme is this? Longhorn?
what browser and theme? Also, what taskbar is that?
the skeuomorphism whateverthefuck is cool and all but those candy icons or whatever theyre called just ruin your shit completely, they look sooo ass
Pls teach me I hate using Windows 11 ahhhhh
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here's the theme i use anon: https://www.deviantart.com/vaporvance/art/Luna10-907548273
also install secureuxtheme, customizergod and windhawk and also browse the winclassic boards
and install these windhawk mods
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Give me recommendations for what I should change my background to.
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Looks weird for me, I'm pretty sure I set it up correctly.
Did you paste the custom CSS into the tab center reborn preferences?
>>102330569 (me)
Sorry, I linked the wrong CSS
larping isn't cool anymore on /g/
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>Streets of Rage wallpaper
very nice anon

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