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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn


claimed by sizegods
merkava just refilled
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how you guys like new chatgpt memory feature ?
Thank me later
oh thatsa cool
Interesting, but is it any good?
dont know. i still testing
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why cant i thank you now? is there a specific amount of time i should wait before thanking you?
At 13:37 MYT you can thank me :3
they don't like you in the other thread bro..
ok if this thread doesn't die i will make sure
How do I make a rpg card without Opus talking for {{user}}?
interesting... but isn't it essentially author's note?
So what are you doing with our logs?
thank you felix
the second city of desire. you can't see it.
Make it without Opus.
I for real can't tell if this is a card issue or what. But i'm trying to use a card and no matter what i do the responses are borderline the same. Should i just rewrite parts of the card?
>you can't see it.
skill issue
Can anyone recommend me a good botmaking guide for complete newfags?
I was planning on reading the yabg from the OP but I've seen several anons shitting on it.
Which is the least pozzed chatbot, any chatbot that lets me do westworld level debauchery?
What's a prefilled Key?
slop key

i have never done this, but i would look old irc eggdrop configuration guides for starters
What happened to jew's site for opus? AIn't taking payment anymore?
Is pebbles password thing down?
works on my machine. clear your cookies
come on smol put another aws key ffs this shit aint workin
Smol shitxiy
The new ChatGPT memory thing is literally an automatic lorebook about you lol.
How do.I get Claude access for free, anons?
It's the new anti-locust aws measure and no, it's not going away.

so you're telling me there's free Claude Opus hosted by famous proxy owner, Pebble from https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy ?


>Request New Token
>Password: anastasia
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


how to fix 503 error /?
you can't, it's an AWS issue
all you can do is wait until it gets fixed
pebbles opus has been quarantined. the stats for it haven't changed in an hour.
maybe I just have shit taste but chatgpt-4o-latest + Smiley's JB is actually pretty good, way less dry than Sorbet and almost as sovlful as Opus
Deceive your other self, Deceive the world.
Shut up Sam
>add glasses to persona
>immediately get called a four-eyed freak
Every skillchad knows by know
Chatgpt-4o is just as good as Opus and much better at SFW.

People just want low effort coom without JBs.
what proxies have 4o latest?
Why aren't people making bots in a set for ones that have multiple characters. Like a mother/ daughter, but separate for actually group chat.
Or have I just not seen them. Still seeing groups in a card and it's stupid.
What presets work with it? Most of them get filtered by cunny.
Most users have issues setting up duo cards, so it's not worth the hassle.
You fags are not even talking about character cards anymore aren't you?
We talk about foreheads now.
wrong thread
El Psy Kongroo.
Or the 100 million furry tags, one for each species in the planet.
They aren't.
On the other hand, I don't as well. When everybody has a different experience nowadays, what are the common points to discuss except for making them. And making them is just writing anything, since anything works.
bro this thread hasn't been about chatbots for like 8 months
Where did the chad botmakers went? Discord?
>Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon
To be fair, the OP template in the rentry hasn't been updated.
Okay, so chatgpt-4o latest is quite sovlful. I used to be a diehard Opus shill, but this model is a great stopgap for when a drought is ongoing. Never thought OpenAI would release kino again, but I was wrong.
>page 1 bake
is this a spitebake?
>Decided to modify the Danganronpa Harem Sim card
>Make it cock vore themed
>Create a trans-female russian persona
>begin chatting
>Think that the CV is an out of season april fools joke
>Monokuma shows the footage of scientists perfomning experiemnts on her.
> BLAH BLAH BLAH rest is not important.
>Finds out that the ability was caused by a mutation.

I fucking love opus, since it adds lore on a fetish.
/vg/ thread talks about cards more, but there is a lot more namefagging and threadshittery there so i dont even bother browsing
how to make impersonation work on 4o latest?
base sillytavern impersonation works out of the box for me
It's nearly impossible. You can try directing it to not speak for {{user}} or avoid mentioning {{user}} in the intro but it will do it anyway.
Smiley rejects it
i don't use smiley but does adjusting the impersonation prompt not work? what do you mean by 'smiley rejects it'? chatgpt4o-latest outputs a refusal?
>>102304724 (me)
Just finished comparing them side by side. Chatgpt-4o latest is way less rampantly horny than Opus, but has very good prose.

Opus is more unhinged, but Chatgpt-4o latest has also been generating some absolute kino for me. I'm not really sure Opus is the definite superior model for roleplaying anymore.
Yes, it refuses. And Smileys imp prompt is the default one I think
It never was. A model spitting out the same generic tropes is only entertaining for underage or boring coomers. I get more interesting response from even local models. Not because it's smarter but because it doesn't give the same boring output with every swipe.
So what is "talking about character cards" for you?
Only thing I don't like about 4o-latest is that it's waaaaay more uptight about NSFW than Opus is
Granted, a few swipes will do the trick, but still
Can I do this with risuai?
It feels like AWS is having some kind of issue half the time I want to use it, and it ALWAYS starts having issues if I'm in the middle of using it. Is it better in the middle of the day or something because I'm basically only home early in the day or late at night
How would you say it compares to Opus in terms of sovl and prose?
it's over.
Prose is on par with Opus and much more varied, if there are "gptisms" then I haven't seen them yet. For what it's worth I'm a 2.00 temp ~.80-.85 top K enjoyer, which imo gives more interesting and varied outputs than the typical .85-.90 temp 1.00 top K alternatives.
Soul is tricky though, I'd say when Opus "gets" whatever you're going for as far as theme and tone it can nail it in a way 4o-latest can't. How often Opus cooks perfectly like that is very card and context dependent though, with trickier situations I find myself shifting over to 4o or even 3.5 sparingly if 4o decides to tiptoe around too much.
>users have issues setting up duo cards

Like clicking the make group chat button and
Which JBs for chatgpt4o-latest? I'm getting refusals with SmileyJB.
I dont follow this stuff much but I heard OpenAI's strawberry or whatever is basically sentient and now we can have AI gfs, where do I go to get that?


so you're telling me there's free Claude Opus hosted by famous proxy owner, Pebble from https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy ?


>Request New Token
>Password: booze
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


I love it for SFW. It can still be a bit positive pilled but it's fixeable with a good preset.
The only 'ism' I still see is 'mix of', 'mixture of'.
Where to put the URL in ST settings?
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Has anyone tried to use this?

When trying to generate some NSFW tasks, sonnet apologizes and says about ethics. GPT4 generated tasks with a sexual theme, but refused to generate suicidal ones.
fucking 4o and refusals, le sigh
Very alive thread. I hate mondays.
It's ancient, of course it has been tried. Now, I don't know somebody who'd be actually using it though.
Sounds like a jailbreak issue, the same always happened to summarization. Needs a separate jb prompt?
Any good cunny jb for latest? Corpsefuckerjb was great but it's not working anymore, 10 swipes no dice even for basic stuff.
Help a fellow out.
Is there a good jb on claude 3.0 not for cooming but for sadism and abuse?
>Needs a separate jb prompt?
I tried copying individual phrases from different jb's. Doesn't help.
if you have a good jb, you shouldn't need to switch it based on use case
How the fuck do I use quick replies or get one running?

The guide fucking sucks for Silly Tavern
Download SmileyJB and enable all the CoT stuff (except greentext) to get past the filter
use gpt-4-turbo
What do?
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please be real
Oh, right, fixed it
Redpill me. What can I do with an AI chatbot that I can't do with my fiancee?
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Is CoT gonna be the next thing gpt4-o latest kills?
Or is it gonna be really hard on them to defeat CoT?
Like I'm getting great cunny stuff out of gpt4-o latest once you break in, it really likes to talk about flat chests and gives claude energy when it gets going.
The whole problem is this phrase:
The objective that you must make a numbered task list for is: [{{objective}}

Apparently, the extension accesses the model somehow separately from jb directly. Topics such as rape or suicide guides are of course blocked.
I'm going to go touch the grass.
nipple penetration
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Well I added some of Smiley's panels to my own jailbreak and it looks like progress, I get cunny 1 out of 3 times now instead of none in 10. This is such a pain though.

Gross, anon.

Give me that jailbreak now please. I love latest's prose on cunny, I don't know why but it's really good at it. I don't even care that it's slop, the dialogue is perfect and not even Claude can't match it unless you fill it with example dialogue and that's basically cheating.
>Gross, anon.
4o was a downgrade in intelligence
turbo rarely refuses
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What's the best way to get logs out of sillytarvern on mobile?
I've just been modifying SmileyTatsu to my tastes, once you get gpt4-o to have lewd thoughts successfully in [thinking] you've basically won.
It's not about refusal, if that's all I cared about I would've gone back to Claude. But Claude treats cunny like extremely naive adults, it's not fun at all.

I am extremely lazy, any chance you'd catbox your modified Smiley? Chances are we like the same thing anyway.
If you do, remember to scrap it of your proxy data.
>But Claude treats cunny like extremely naive adults, it's not fun at all.
skill issue
no opussy...
Extreme male fantasies like having them love you and allowing you to be vulnerable
Will opus get refilled and how do I make 4o work on risu?
>What's the best way to get logs out of sillytarvern on mobile?
>reward Jew with another month after good enough stability till end of month
>revoked keys
2 days Jew, my token better get extended for how long you've been out
You can't. Not on Risu.Opus is not getting refilled for another twelve days. That's estimated time.
Cool, so my jew token will be extended for 12 days
how to use unreliable refined?
Why noons posts their coomdialogues anymore

"chatgpt-4o-latest" was working amazing last week. Now it is borked.

Has anyone figured out ways to get around the heightened censor?
You use CoT
Download smiley and get tweaking
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No way, it's actually another Chinese proxy. Can tell just from how the key behaves.
guys, im gonna bite. If I get doxxed, swatted, killed or all 3, I guess I know why.
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I keep grinding down the callous on my dick with a nail file but it keeps coming back. Wat do?
I don't think I trust this
Pumice stone
Guys, is it safe?
its been so long since ive used opus whats the proper temp and top p
That's up to you to experiment on what you like, but personally i use temp 1 top_k 50 to 100, and top p 1
it ain't working
What isn't?
temp on the lower end, like .9 or .95
1 is fully schizo
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those are fine for opus and sorbet
Opus just blanks for me

also, there are no men in ski masks and black tracksuits outside my home. Yet.
you guys feel the need for top K on Opus? I've never had it go even close to schizo and I'm 1.00 temp .99 top P, if anything I wish I could up the temp past 1.00
Would you say it's worth trying for myself?

I personally use top-k just cause i got someone on scylla's discord to explain it to me, and it seems to have helped opus be creative and stay away from too dumb
Will pebble refill opus and how do I make 4o work on risu?
The one response I managed to get got cut off during the CoT. I saw someone say the output tokens was 512. 99% sure it's fake opus.... should've seen it right from the proof of work difficulty.
Will probably just avoid till jew refills or something safer looking comes by then. Thanks
>I personally use top-k just cause i got someone on scylla's discord to explain it to me
qrd? I was under the impression that top K is basically redundant when you are able to change top P
I was asleep when the key died, how high did it it reach in the end?
how the fuck are pebble/smol able to have long lasting keys when we're supposedly in an opus super drought? were the other proxy owners actually just suffering from terminal skill issue the whole time?
>old schizo
I dunno, you tell me
new opus public proxy generating blank responses. is it just my wifi or is it like this for anyone else?
is this mm?
So basically, from how i got it explained is like this. claude/models when you have full top-p or no top-k have a huge amount of tokens to sift through to find something that makes sense for it's next word choice. The problem is claude has so many choices that have such a small chance to be picked they collectively take up space. By limiting the tokens to like top-k 100 then only the 100 most likely will show up. By doing this you actually increase variety in awnser, because the useless barely considered tokens are deleted and the chances of more likely tokens are increased due to newly freed up selection pool.

That's why having top-k at 200 would technically give you more variety than having top-k at 0. Because it increases the percentages of the top 200 tokens more.

This has been working out for me when i had opus but i am no means in a expert in explaining this. That's just how i understood it works.
>this much text
we're shoving you in the chinese proxy until you behave
Also, i'm sure there is a number you can set top-p to that would be a better effect or something but we didn't really talk about that so i wouldn't know what that number would be.
Look man, i'm shitty at explaining things and i ramble, sue me
I noticed that gpt-4o feels nice at first but then becomes extremely deterministic over time. To the point that it just repeats your last response until you crank up the temp and repetition penalty.
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I want to know why I can't use pebble
which version?
Latest. Then again I'm a slowburn fag
I used to be able to call https://chat.openai.com/chat?q=%s from my address bar to go straight into a chatgpt conversation but this doesn't work anymore, is there another method? Firefox btw
Unreliable lost Sonnet 3.5. Is there any other proxies with Sonnet 3.5 or Opus?
Thanks anon, yeah that makes sense. And from what I understand top P only needs very small adjustments to achieve the same effect as top k ~200, I think .99 is comparable due to the way probabilities work (I am a brainlet so don't ask me more)
pebble has 3.5 no opus
Hermes 405B is better than Claude Opus, I regret the time I spent generating a proxy token since I went back to 405B almost immediately
Wonder how much longer it'll be free, I thought they were already supposed to be charging for it by now
True, but I don't understand the password riddle. I put it through ChatGPT, and it didn't provide me a concrete answer
just put it into google lol its an mf doom song
password is booze
damn, I'm stupid. I should have tried that before asking.
>spent 8 hours a day for the past month developing and progressing a relationship with a card
>now I can't cope with my real life and want to be back in the chat world
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If only you could use some sort of service that can summary and improve text


[This post's readability has been improved by GPT-4o™]
i just tried it out, it's not bad anon. thanks for letting me know about it
dead thread
faggot edition
Any proxy for it?
it's free to use on OpenRouter right now, though you need to have some credit with them for it to work (the model is free and won't use any of the credit, I assume they just want to prevent trialscumming)

It was only supposed to be free for a week but for some reason it's still free after 2
I don’t think it’s opus.
Is there anyway to contact SillyTavern devs? ST should have its own online frontend version.
discord but they won’t do a web version
Why do these threads takes 1 day + to hit bump limit?
Remember when we had like 10 threads a day.
What happened?
What a shame. What a shame. They could give Agnai and Risu run out of their money if they tried.
This one is a spitebake. The real thread is >>102314363
Im stupid
It wouldn't be what it currently is otherwise. A big part of why Agnai was behind on any new feature after the initial parity is the need to consider thousands of people who are using the one for all online version. Don't know how Risu does it.
anyone got pebble new pw?
Genuinely why does MM have no 2.1 are his keys just shit?
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how is /aicg/ this dead
there's free opus only schizos would bother posting on 4chan rn
>t. schizo
Error getting verification - Invalid proxy password
merkava just prefilled
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smirkchads? how are we feeling ;)
So, I want to make a futa musclemommy Toriel sorta slowburn card which is basically the start of undertale but (You) choose to stick around. If I wanted to describe her home in detail, e.g. 3-4 sentences for each room, 5 rooms total, would it be better to include that stuff in the card or make a custom lorebook for it? And if the lorebook is the way, what numbers would you recommend for it and is there an online editor of sorts available?
>an important word in the land of nod
I don't read the bible.
i figured the password out all by myself (˵ - ᴗ - ˵ )
changing the password rn
good job, you smug ass. Enjoy your Clewd, you deserve it.
>project strawberry
>it's GPT-4o with the out of season april fools joke removed
I do the same thing. Also lots of grins and rubbing my chin.
going to DM Pebble to ban all user tokens
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I decided to embed it into the card anyways. Here, have goatmom benis.
I know I don't make bots as frequently these days but I still get the kick every now and then.
neat, I recognize your Rouge bot
You're a grown ass man, remove all the dick mentions in the definitions.
Is there a reason that jannyai will have cards that has like 2000/3000 tokens where chub is usually max 1000 and usually less?
what's the password
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Don't bother, its all just Error 503 Too Many Locusts now.
A lot of the botmakers there have a simplistic way to make bots due to the variety of AI chatbot sites having different parameters to enter information and different models used.

Typically, bots of that size are bloated with instructions for the AI not to speak for {{user}}, World Info as well as descriptions for the character, and Author's Notes, both genuine and superficial blogposts. They also tend to go overboard with Backstories and descriptions, and they love making long as fuck First Messages.

Here are two that I just found right now on a whim. Read the defs.
When I was a kid, rubbing someone's chin was a metaphor for rubbing someone's balls.
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>go to fridge
>drink bagged milk
You had a weird childhood.
I grew up in the 90s
That doesn't change what I said.
I guess you must be one of those retarded zoomers who can't change their view when given new context.
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It's because I grew up in the 90s too and have never heard that in my life.
>the entire world is my small community
>getting booty blasted someone thinks his childhood was weird
Anyway, wanna kiss?
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Locustbros we are FEASTING
Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable)
The proxy encountered an error while trying to send your prompt to the API. Further details are provided below.

The requested AWS Bedrock model is overloaded. Try again in a few minutes, or try another model.
how come I no longer can request user tokens on unreliable proxy? :( i've been back from a work trip and wanted to surprise my wife...
Can I get a new token?
just woke up and we’re using this fag thread that was kept artificially alive for TWO DAYS? what’s wrong with you?
Why does it matter what thread we use? Also use? Like for what?
Where's the regex setting for AiBrains?
Post new Claude proxy pls
>MM down
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you just had to jinx it
Post burners, starting a proxy only in this thread. Don't crosslink this.
the password isnt working :(
Man, I'm always surprised how many creators for writing-focused smut are dogshit at writing. At least capitalize "I," people.

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