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Back by popular demand (i.e. one guy asked for it) - Edition

Do not talk to the police without a lawyer.

>How to write a resume
Get drunk, hit up Linkedin and hit on HR women. What are they going to do? Write you up for sexual harassment? You don't even fucking work there.

>Salary Stuff
If one of those HR women actually respond, you'll need this

Don't disclose your current cash reserves to anybody. Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.

>People who will be joining us shortly
first for guilt-free masturbation to hmofa all day instead of waging
>Back by popular demand (i.e. one guy asked for it)
holy shit do you mean the
on the first post? blessed thread.

rates were cut bros, it's only a matter of time before it kickstarts again.
yeah that one lol
I can’t even get a cashier job (t. College dropout). Been looking since 2022. I give up
>why don’t you go back to college
I will just procrastinate everything and fail
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surreal, it's small things in life that make it life.
>I will just procrastinate everything and fail
I know it's a fucking meme but your mindset is everything. You can't just assume you're going to crash and burn or else it'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy. A cousin of mine graduated college at... THIRTY TWO and he just got married. Don't fucking worry about it and just get it done and play the system (internships, grades, LORs etc). Don't worry too much man, just do it.
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Why don't you create tech jobs for yourself and other people. They give away libraries for free.
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Sex is real and God damn I hate it. It is silent it gives me the ick. I don't want STDs and throwing up every day. But it can be so magical. I don't find any woman attractive anymore (personality). It probably would give me quantum power and who would want it? Everyone. The whole world would have changed. No.
>Why don't you create tech jobs for yourself
Solo micro-saas is the answer.

Super fucking hard though, but there are marketing tools out there. The thing is, in 2024 there is so much subscription fatigue. I want to hear what you guys think but I think "pay-as-you-go" is probably the best way to get people to pay for shit with a freemium model.

That being said, doing B2B solo is impossible; you need a team for that. The best you could do is a B2C, and say if you're not a front-end dev you will probably have to cough up $1000-$1500 for an MVP webapp. It's fucking doable though.
>150 internship applications
>0 interviews
>1 recruiter called me but it was just to verify some info
Workin on it bravo six. Fighting years of bad habits at this point.
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I once tried a NEET general and mods deleted it. How the fuck could you delete a neet general. Wagies get a general but not neets? On fucking 4chan? It was doing well too

Anyway what technology are fellow neets using today? I am using technology to clean my house, cleaning places that probably haven't been cleaned since the house was bought 25 years ago.
The thing is, NEET != Tech worker

You can be a NEET and have nothing to do with tech. But unemployed tech workers are... yeah. That's why probably.
just going to every thread calling people fags eh? you sound like a fag yourself.
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Been unemployed since getting fired over the jab. Had to move back in with my parents. Turns out they hate being empty nesters, told me I could stay here as long as I want. Since I have my own fridge and make my own meals, the state government considers me an independent household which means I get SNAP and since this is a waiver state, I don't even have to look for a job. NEETing is comfy. If the government at some point decides to no longer feed me, I might get some side gig to afford food even though my parents are fine with buying food for me. I figure I should at the very least be able to feed myself.
My biggest fear with a SAS business is that I'd become trapped in it. I'd need to be available 24/7 just in case something breaks. Even worse would be if I had just enough revenue to cover the bills but not really enough live on. If subscriptions were pre-paid, I'd be stuck supporting the service until the last subscription ran out.
why the split?
did you guys get bullied out of the real general?
90% of people there are as good as unemployed anyway
/utwg/ tends to be more dark humor, which isn't always appreciated in the other thread. It's just more fun this way.
Marketing shouldn't be your main concern if you haven't even built the thing yet, it should be making the best product possible. Product quality is a foreign concept to a lot of fin-biz types, but if anything it's gauged by your conversion rate, and if that's high enough you don't need a marketing budget, people will spread it through word of mouth alone.
this hasn't been true since 2012
marketing trumps all
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>This kills the society

Why don't you realize every "tech job" is resetting the router and making net negative revenue apps as a justification for being a tax write off?
how do i get job in canada if im from sri lanka
start swimming
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No. Stop being a trend chaser.
how do I nepoboost? (contacts)
some lawyer wanted IT help, if they don't want to hire a current MSP and want to hire a friend of a friend of a friend for IT work, its always absolute shit pay and the worst jobs. Not to mention working for lawyers is the worst customer you can have. I have provided support for a huge range of professionals and they are by far the worst to deal with
anyone got tips for am amazon SDE all virtual interview?

Specifically how to use chat gpt for coding questions during virtual in-person interviews

I gotta do the remote assesment but that should be easy, but for interviews coding challenge with a person, assuming they can tell where i move my cursor, how can i use chat gpt for coding quesions in real time?

set up two laptops side by side? use voice to text on my phone to speak the quetions out? ctrl+a ctrl+paste on the same laptop into a chatgpt window?
There's a specific paid program that exists for the exact purpose of cheating during interviews, and it works really well it seems. I don't remember the name, do some googling.
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all I know is that I failed it
sirs do not redeem the thread
sort by price and pop the largest one until the 3 largest no longer sum above?
Second, with a little hmoma when I'm ready to finish the job
>I'd be stuck supporting the service until the last subscription ran out
Generally these kinds of contracts describe ways of early termination

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