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iPhone 16 Pro have the same main camera as 14 Pro.

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Still the best in the business
it's the best in class at capturing the negroid skin, indeed
it has the 5x telephoto camera that only Pro Max had last year.. anyway I hoped Apple has finally reached the full retardation peak and would now start reducing the cameras back into a single lens but they added a fucking camera button. it's over, SE is the last functional "jobs era" phone
It’s been one of their main selling points for a long time, they’re not gonna just give up the race
If I wanted a camera I would buy a camera.
I just want a fucking phone and maybe an ssh terminal.
>iPhone 16 Pro have
are there any native english speakers remaining on this shit site?
hola senior no hables ingles is against the global rules, innit
Thanks for letting me know, retard. Wait until you find out they've been using 12MP cameras for years beforehand.
What are the 3 cameras even for? Looks ugly.
good morning saar
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Piss off to your miserable hovel euroshit
Who cares when they ai the fuck out of your pictures anyway? Just put an 8mp shitter on the thing it wouldn't make any difference at this point.
Besides the chinks who hasn't recycled a sensor a generation or three at this point?
pay up
Why is have just a trigger word for you weirdos? I hate this place sometimes.

Anyways, buy Galaxy instead.
>*buy Galaxy Ultra
ftfy. Scamsung treats its poorfag customers like even bigger plebs than apple does.
they don't need to update the sensors now that they've got Apple Intelligence
Camera insanity. One camera was plenty, now they have three? How many fucking pixels do they need for some whore to take a selfie in front of an object?
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did you know that the iPhone 16 camera is less than 1 megapixel??????? Sony confirmed they swapped out the phone's sensor as a prank, and NO one noticed! everyone continued to upload primitive webcam quality videos to tiktok which added filters making it hard to even tell what was going on. such a funny prank...
It wouldn't surprise me if lens can't resolve the 12 Mp sensor.
retards uppload everything to instashit anyway, wnhere it gets compressed to hell and downsampled below 1MPx. then they argue in the comments about "quality"
Don't forget about Snapchat.
so it's the white man's device
kinda shocked desu. I always laughed at "iphone has no innovation this year" narratives but seriously, there's barely any fucking changes aside from a fucking button this year. Like is shrinkflation hitting apple too or is it really peak and no more ways to go up.

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