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Unironically the sole reason I'm not upgrading from my 11. Here's hoping the 17 will be made elsewhere
Apparently the fecal percentage is pretty low.
I only buy a phone made in Vietnam now
Why is it a reason at all?
Why can't Apple manufacture it in the US?
implying that the US can manufacture anything anymore, they've outsourced all the knowledge and expertise overseas, and what's left is a clown economy built on services
Post wall socket.
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they must ALL be flushed if we are to be saved from this evil
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i didn't say we were any better off, most of the western world has done it, which is a shame. i hate how everything is chinese crap these days
i do have a KitchenAid stand mixer that's made in the USA, that works pretty well i admit
Do they come with a e. coli warning?
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enjoy your shit stained screen bro
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We are spoiled for choice on luxurious mobile phones and you choose crApple. You lo0t deserve whatever trouble comes your way.
fucking KEK
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Apple and India is a match made in heaven. I'm sure Steve Jobs is smiling from Hell.
they can't get away with paying assembly line slave workers $0.50/hr here in the US. the poor shareholders would have to make 30% profits on every phone sale instead of 90%. THE HORROR!
China has way less fecal matter in the air, if that is not important to you then you have problems sir
Instead they have air so thick with coal dust and carcinogens that you need a gasmask to go outside in any urban center.
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and create jobs for americans here? that's communism, therefore verboten.
You seem to be the smartphone guru, got any suggestions then?
Imagine the smell
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>coal dust is… LE BAD
>carcinogens are… LE BAD
Poo's law.
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>At least we weren't Reddit!
because it will lower their profit from 1000% to 500%
Yeah enjoy giving the girls the ICK
They will have to take a hit in their profit margins due increased labor costs and thus pay less to the shareholders, which will make them unhappy or raise the prices further and everyone will discover that Apple users are indeed poor.
Because they'd have to pay people what they're worth and that is COMMUNISM!!!!!!!!
>Yeah enjoy giving the girls the ICK

If someone so shallow that they reject you merely because of a phone brand, are they really worth dating? That relationship sounds like it would've been full of other headaches. Bullet dodged.
Are there home e. coli swabs like the COVID swabs? Would make some hilarious tiktok videos. You've done the tide pod challenge but have you done the fecal swab challenge?
Disgusting, will not buy. Srs.
Just use a burner iPhone if you're too ugly for a girl to accept you using an Android.
>eww what ancient iPhone is that?
>eww, you have an iPhone 14!? So old
I'd rather not date a shallow retard that cares about what phone you have.
I fix phones, plenty of solid ≥8/10s coming in with Xrs and 11s
boy I dont want some disease derived from human poop, guess I will be skipping the 16
At least you outed yourself as knowing absolutely nothing with >>102313054
The US makes things that are highly local (home goods), highly regulated (medical devices), or government related (weapons).
As for china, they only assemble. The parts actually worth a damn in any computer/phone come from Taiwan, the US, Germany, Japan, or Korea.
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wasn't there an issue where iphones made in india kept having traces of feces on them
So Samsung and Xiaomi then?
boody bitch basterd
good morning
the US is a shithole, anon. congrats on finally noticing.
Fucking lol
Nothing says quality like a bunch of jungle swamp insects touching your tech.
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whats wrong with india you bloody bastard bitch
>Why don't corpos pay wagies adequately instead of slave laboring a bunch of chinks to the point where they an hero them selves in the factories they're forced to live in.
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Unfortunately US domestic manufacturers have to follow labor laws and can't just put suicide nets outside of the buildings.
I think they assemble Mac Pros in the US.
us is a 90iq sub 50% white economic zone.
Makes sense, the last launch got fucked by Winnie the Pooh. It was going to be India or Vietnam. Foxconn was expanding in both countries.
Should frankly be illegal to mislead someone at all about the country of manufacture. They want you to see California and not see India. This is intention to be misleading if not fraud.
No one gives a shit about the slaves that built the product.
How much are iTards willing to pay for a phone assembled in the USA?
Poojabi hands typed this
It's not about that, it's about the fact they want you to see California, not India, and that is a form of sleight of hand. Doing such things should be illegal because they are trying to have their cake and eat it too. They'd think twice about where their phone was made if they couldn't, in any place, imply their phone is largely derived from India or China.
I only buy made in China because I hate trannies and black people.
china has made every phone for the past twenty years, they know how to make phones
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Slave cities are not yet allowed in the West like they are in China and India (we'll get there yet, and soon). Apple cannot thrive without vast cities of slaves to build their overpriced slop.
China has never made a phone.
China = 4chan
Reddit = India

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