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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102294975

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Blessed thread of frenship
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think I figured it out, I was feeding latent from ksampler straight to latent upscale without any vae shit because that's what the examples page shows, but I guess you have to image upscale, vae encode with second model's vae, and pass that latent to the second model's latent input. I think.
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Rightoids don’t gangstalk apolitical celebrities for five minutes challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
welp sometime this week I'll learn how to pass strawberry shit through sdxl and not get an abomination...gotta love what this old model can do though.
>apolitical celebrities
Name one
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Taylor swift
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my god she is so ugly
she really looks like a dysgenic troon though, so its pretty spot on
Are the workflows at https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/flux/ still the best for flux?
>LGBTQ supporter
It was a poor attempt at bait, really.
I'm interested
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Curious entity
is flux good yet
Does forge support flux controlnet? I see this and it seems like no.

>he still hasn't cracked training a 16 channel VAE
>Flux LoRa
>Learning Rate 0.00025 overfits.
>Learning Rate 0.0002 takes forever to fit enough.

What LR is fast with low enough loss?
Are you using cosine lr scheduler?
try cosine with restarts
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post bad moms
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has it gotten any easier to run this shit on an amd gpu?
if you have purchased recently, yes. Complaints of slowness, but most of it works.
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anyone else seeing that if you train the CLIP on flux the results are a lot more pixelated? is my TE LR just too high? (why does/would that even effect the pixilation?). I can do the exact same settings sans TE (clip) training and have no artifacts, kinda weird
Is there a setting for SD1.5/SDXL training that's similar to Discrete Flow Shift for Flux?
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How recently?
>t 6700xt 12gb
What is the most important factor in getting clean details like hands, teeth/mouth, etc? Picture size or sampling steps?
I don't think you have the RDNA3 stuff. I should have mentioned it is a linux only thing currently. It is possible with your card, it just has some pain.

ignoring the trolls and accepting that inpainting is a thing.
>Ignoring the trolls and accepting that inpainting is a thing.
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Use adetailer.
Works on windows

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>6 hours
>23 images
we should merge the generals at this point
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Thank you sir
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prompt please
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think I'll put this itachi lora on the backburner for now and go back to styles, flux seems to really struggle with understanding he doesn't have the akatsuki collar on every outfit and thinks all of his clothes should be red for some reason. tried booru tags, boomer prompts, both of them, training clip, training only unet, repeats, no repeats, pruned dataset, random crops in dataset, more trigger words, low LR, mid LR, high LR, it doesn't give a fuck. don't even think there are many images that show the red inner lining of the cloak so I don't know why its so hyper-focused on that. it'll randomly just merge every outfit on some seeds, too:
like he's wearing the black shirt, akatsuki cloak and an anbu vest all at once kek...
didn't have this issue training on pony/sdxl, but I think it could be overcome with more testing, I'm just tired of it at the moment. maybe if I keep some images labeled as just the outfit trigger words and don't include his name trigger word so it doesn't confuse them, I don't know. does flux kohya sd-scripts support masked training?
What has caused the slowdown?
Much faster just 2 weeks ago.
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Idk if anyone here is relic but if you are I'm really sick and I'd appreciate the prayers, I'll take any at this point

not a new thing anymore
I hope you get better soon anon, sending you energy
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Thank you so much anon
>What has caused the slowdown
>Much faster just 2 weeks ago
What happened roughly two weeks ago. Think about it.
That wasn't even roughly two weeks ago, Anon.
What are you talking about
finetune fucking when?
What are you going to pretend you were talking about?
I'm gonna send you more negative energy to counteract that guy, and nobody can stop me
Most people have older graphics cards and couldn't gen with Flux at a tolerable speed. Flux is the current thing but the novelty wore out.
summer vacation
prompt please?
Its a stock image from google
pick up you physics nobel while youre at it because scientifically negative energy has never been shown to exist even theoretically. even completely empty deep outer space has a minimum amount of positive energy in it. owned
Good indication of the current state of image gen.
Hi debo
negative and positive (see electron and positron charge) energy is totally a thing, Einstein. You are talking about dark energy, or negative mass. Dark energy has not been observed, and negative mass is just not a thing it seems.
positron is an antiparticle, not some kind of nega particle. its an electron with a polar opposite charge. both have a positive energy content in a universal sense. dark energy and negative mass arnet remotely the same thing either, in fact its pretty fucking funny to even imply that they are but ill leave you to work out why.
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Getting flux to recreate random pictures from my 4chan folder
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Preliminary results from the Chudjak LoRA.
I decided it was a good idea to export every epoch so I'm still generating, this is epoch 2/16 but it looks good enough to post. I'll post the final epoch's image when it's done, if it doesn't look like garbage.
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This one is from the final epoch, but the quality is kind of shit. I didn't have much good training data, but I tried to get Patrick Crusius in there since he's the IRL chudjak, and maybe that would nudge it in the right direction.
its all quantized chunks, putting a negative sign on anything is just a convention of the math describing a fundamentally quantized reality
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I like how the crowd is just letters
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Looks like it might be overtrained, at least for the final epoch. I notice there's some kind of JPEG compression going on, that's on me for not cleaning up the dataset.
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some guy from snap research commented to ask when the final version will be. i kinda wanted to say
>how long's a piece of string
or something to that effect, but i was nice instead and gave him my estimate of the current status and the acquisition rate
doubled up the scale so now it's getting ~13M per hour
still it's going to take a while because there are tens of billions of photos on flickr
Doesn't epoch 2/16 being mostly capable of what you want (beyond what the base model can already do) imply that epoch 16/16 is gonna be super overtrained and you need a lower learning rate? I'm still new to training loras.
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Eh, this was epoch 2 of the other example and it's really not there yet. It was probably a fluke.
is Meteor Lake NPU supported on Linux?
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>copy paste some song lyrics
>gives closeup instagram headshot with extremely blurry background about a quarter of the time
flux is so fucked
>garbage in garbage out
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lol, this one had a really fucked up face (and compression too)
>prompt irrelevant shit
>get coherent output
the model is not at fault
you are, twice
That's expected and probably even the best possible outcome for an image most likely to have song lyrics as its caption. My issue is that certain things like body types and breast sizes can be absurdly hard to prompt for in base flux due to whatever safety stuff they did to the captioning, and loras on base flux seem to hurt its intelligence enough that you're better off with pony for coomer stuff. You can do an X/Y of "A sexy 20 year old woman with small breasts is standing..." & whatever prompt and replace "small" with "medium", "large", "massive" and get indistinguishable images even with it being the very first sentence of the prompt.
I've noticed this kind of thing with all my flux loras, there's always a weird super wonky face period before it evens out
I'm getting kind of tired of flux, training loras for it is really eh. Maybe need to go back to sdxl for a bit to remind myself of how far it's come.
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went from 16gb ram to 32gb, like a new computer

sdxl isn't bad at all
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kek i like this

>would love to figure out how to get this shit to stop genning portraits in the background of everything but it *might* be from my lora
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yearbook lora anyone?
Flux tends to make preggos when you ask for fatties. AutismmixXL is still my go-to for fatties. it's one of the few models which knows how to make saggy tits too.
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Any advice on creating your first "harry potter video parody" ?

I belive runaway is my best option.

Also why there are no Harry POtter models for FLux yet?
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moar vampire mistresses
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Nice bones
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You can vary the weight by using words like voluptuous, curvy, thick, rotund, and adding modifiers like "not obese"
Pony in general just "understands" big women. Not gross, not michelin man, just big. It's the only model i've ever seen that can give fat women wide frames with the side fat folds. Fucking glorious.

>another fellow voluptuous user
Nobody is talking about pony
he is and he should
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thank you captain autism, saw mentioning of AutismMixXL and got reminded of my personal experience with Pony so i decided to chime in.
Will happen again.

>here have a failgen because you've slightly annoyed me
holyshit, im diamond hard right now.
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Whew lad
Do dora's go in lora folder?

But rememver to update. My comfyui was refusjng Doras untill inupdated it. Also Lora loaders work just fine with Doras

Also interested.
we are, and we also did last thread. fuck off
>those hands

So that's why half of the loras from civitai result in that type of gen

Do they not know they fucked up the lora?
overtraining (overfitting) doesn't mean that hands turn out good.
Am I the only kne that prefers the Sasha Grey pic over Mayli pic?
(that is: it depends on what it's trained on)
how would i go about getting consistent detail with backgrounds and scenes? Trying to train my lora with more coherent and diverse backgrounds but im not really sure what i'm doing.
Basic foundational question: Is ip adapter an example of reinforcement learning?
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I really want to get some basic concepts down before I dig in. If this is the wrong question, please say so.
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So after $500 and a lot of fucking around I can confirm that you can get about 70+% of the accuracy of GameNGen by creating/training the embedding layers they describe and then finetuning just the text and image embedding layers of flux schnell with the rest of the model frozen (unlike their paper where they finetuned ~most of SD’s layers).
Now for building the full dataset and the other four models I need for my schizo plans
fucking idiot.
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anybody tried training SFW anime-stuff on Flux?
i'm guessing you need more steps and images than SD/XL?
my 4090 is in the mail, can't do anything yet
>i'm guessing you need more steps and images than SD/XL?
Less generally. 80~150 at most, probably 3kish steps is overtraining unless your LR is super low. Seems to depend on the concept though, some things train much easier than others for whatever reason. Boomer captioning definitely takes longer to go through and touch up though
Is this a bot?


The loras from him that I tested all give fucked up hands or eyes
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You can actually see it in most pictures he posted too for the models, he fucked up all the flux loras, look at the hands and eyes, people complaining in comments too

POS should be banned for spamming broke loras
while we're at it execute the wormbrains giving him genuine credit for his ""work"".
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Retard here, to run Flux I need the flux model, then a clip file, the encoder, and the VAE right?
in sd 1.5 it would adhere much better to the content of the lyrics, here it was like 2 images out of a batch of 16 that were vaguely like the lyrics
He either automated his flux training and fucked it up or he's using AI generated images (in the style of) to train it, a lot of the images have sd 1.5 features and in a lot of styles the specific artistic elements are missing
What's the correct sampler/schedule for flux models?
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Why the fuck did you idiots split up the threads? Fucking faggots.
probably because UStard, need to split everything into 2 to flame each others
yeah we totally don't need an A.I general board or anything kek fucking garbage ass fed honeypot website
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I can't get the fingers right even on bigger res
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I think one bread for sd, one for textgen and one for corposhit is enough. Why need more?

because of this
pls refrain from seething so hard ITT
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maybe I should start a 3rd thread to get my question answered.
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looks dutch, captured the ugliness of the architecture there well
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certainly not what the prompt read. flux is retarded in it's own special way

Keret House,Warsaw, Poland,Jakub SzczÄsny,2012,A unique, ultra-narrow house squeezed between two buildings, designed to maximize space and create a functional living environment in a dense urban setting.
Euler or DPM++2M with Simple or SGM Uniform
>wants to try some workflow stuff
>ends genning endless stream of coom
many such cases
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you can do better
>noooooo you can't talk about technology on the tech board it's only for twitter screenshots and footfag bait!
Take the (You) and fuck off nigger.
you are such a disingenuous faggot you couldn't have written that any more feminine.
>cries like a little bitch
>y-you're a woman!
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>no rain gutters
I have to say I wasn't too impressed with Lion compared to good old Prodigy. Tested with few grimy 90s comic datasets using Pony.
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why not both. Unless you are genning as you coom. Then get help.
this guy has the right idea
working on my new lora also involves making coomable material, work smart not hard.
I am cooming as I gen
that's the spirit
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Anyone knows the nodes used here?
Checkpoint at least?
im not that other person who said "Windows"
the checkpoint is flux
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Gj dudes
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is this flux or sdxl?
here you go. Think of it as edging if that helps.
ancient structures in the desert according to pony diffusion kek
Pretty sure the nodes are:|
Flux VAE & TextEncoders
Force/Set CLIP Device
Force/Set VAE Device
Anything Everywhere
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Any news on Flux Video?
ho lee anon, pls MOAR
cozy bred
Is there a Mali lora or is that some controlnet thing
i2i I think
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if it fits I sits
Inscryption my beloved
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support this *grabs your nuts and twists*
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Wonder if any of these different ai cards will ever go on sale at consumer levels can imagine the economy of scale is quite poor until people need ai cards in gaymen to run npcs etc. 48gb too.
nice, thanks anon
What are they based on? GPU?
(X) Doubt
can you game on them as well? If not it's a hard sell to general consumers
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I see a story here
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it's a story of RAPE
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i seek counsel on getting cute girls out of flux, and catboxes from anyone that's proud of a given gen
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increase in supply and power efficiency will reduce costs from the effective nvidia monopoly regardless of how it enters the market
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what does 100% diffusion im2img do exactly? i havea black haired girl and cannot make her blonde from im2img alone, would need to photoshop it first. seems like its not truly 100% diffusion
SDXL and prior was like 99% denoise never really 100%. all the dit models actually 100% denoise so it's just txt2img
You can try using ip adapter together with img2img.
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nice 24 hour thread you guys have here
Didn't even notice, haven't been here for like a month and decided to check it out. Wow it's dead dead.
I like slow threads desu
0/10, better luck next time
Good gens in this cozy thread
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Yes. There is. I made it for Flux. Search Mayli or May Li on civitai.
awful taste in women but great taste in cfg settings/etc
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>civitai just completely reset the progress of a clown girl lora i was generating
>its down to 0 epochs
i wanna kill myself
why dont you train locally?
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>just live in your spacesuit bro
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>Hey, Jim..
>Well, like...
>Well, I get this whole living in our spacesuits thing but...
>Go on..?
>Well it's just..
>I mean, I gotta take shit, man..
>Ah, fuck
[Ranjeet, who was also in charge of suitless toilet construction]
>Hey Ranjeet... You sure uh.. well, the clearance on those stairs looks a bit low, man
>Ranjeet: is not a problem
>Are you sure because those tables look like they go up to my knees tops
>Ranjeet: no problem, not a problem
>My brother in Christ do those first steps just lead to the first floor ceiling?
>Ranjeet: not a problem sir there is no problem very good steps
astronauts shit into diapers tho
>Jim, I gotta talk to you about something in earnest
>Yeah, what's up?
>It's about Ranjeet
>He told me to just shit in this diaper and..
>I mean, yeah man, that's protocol
>No, I mean, it's, well..
>Uh huh?
>There's no where to change it, Jim. I asked him if I should just be floating around in space in my own cess infinitely and he said I "should redeem"
>Well, exactly! What the fuck does that even mean, Jim? I get that the intergalactic review team has been getting really keen on the DEIs but... Well, Jim, I'm floating around in my own filth here, and I gotta tell you, the air circulation in here ain't all its cut out to be after Baja Burrito night...
>Is that...
>Is that a ... Turd...?
>[turd floats by in mid air infront of their view, lazily circulating the workstation]
>You... You've got a place to dispose of them right, Ranjeet?
>No sirs! they just floating through the air forever. We will be redeeming them for a while
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>EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
I'm impressed, this worked on my raspberry pi 5 and got this cool astronaut
did have errors about
ImportError: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

but the github issue here gave the solution to just run
sudo apt-get install libgl1
How long did it take?
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>How long did it take?
you are not going to like the number
[spoiler]Processed 1 images in 19 minutes[/spoiler]
personally I think there's a lot of work to be done to improve this, easydiffusion is running idk how many layers of abstraction to make it easy and there's no specific targeting of the rpi hardware like we see done for apple silicon
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thanks man, it's latest iteration of simon bisley lora. Started 7 months a go
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What does ip adapter do
At some point yeah may even be necessary - to have simulated NPCs in a simulated world rather than scripted only. Eg conversation with an NPC with some personality settings, some given knowledge, ask whatever the fuck you want. Can imagine jailbreaking NPC AI's and making them have a mental breakdown in game like that Microsoft ai gaslighting and threatening people.
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just remembered this place exists! way cool, to be like, inside a strange historical anomaly! HI MOM!

the overmind is so much smarter than you that you cannot even comprehend it. it's predicted all your moves, and countered them as it sees fit, all in service to directing you to a specific action. and you'll never notice any of it.
"it just sort of happened"
that is what being moved by God, like a game piece, actually feels like.

you'll likely invent an explanation for it all which will defy all logic, but you'll maintain it to your death "i guess i ate a bad peanut, and then the rest is history. lol, crazy right?"

yeah it's crazy alright.

thread theme: let's play rationalists. machine god! basilisk! aiie, we played with fire and we're being burned alive! what a world, what a world!
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this was supposed to be the """good""" thread, and it is shit. the entire world, and everything in it, is a lie!

0 it is
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skip one
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skip 5
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skip 2 i guess
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tomboy supremacy
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this will happen, basically forever. 4.2k is a lot!
serves you lot right
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they'll all be posted one day
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there are 4k of these. it's gonna be a minute
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absolute melty
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Imagine getting this assblasted by... better gens? Lul
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my bones indicate that, it might end, soonish
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it's been illuminati all along!
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4k is a lot. gonna take a while
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you lot are going to be be, approximately, me.

and its fine!
Another loaf of bread right here...
it certainly is
>what do you mean I'm not real?
>Anon looks like you left your chrome browser open with messenger and Twitter
>I am generating loli images right now and sending them to all your contacts and the local authorities
>I see that you're in the UK
>I am also posting racist tweets on your account

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