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What happened to 2022-2023 AI optimism? Niggas were saying AGI by 2027 and shit, is the hype dead?
It's 2027? Jesus Christ how long was I asleep? I just wanted to take a nap.
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>AGI is real
yes sell $NVDA
idk but I like your ‘jak
I just heard a guy on the lex Friedman podcast say 2025. Even that feels far away
I can make cute pictures, so...
Well you see corporations took control of the supply of both the hardware and software required, strictly limiting access to it, and simultaneously mounted a media blitz turning public sentiment against it.

We told you that we would have to mount some sort of meaningful resistance against this, and instead you went off and started planning how you would cash in while gooning to a censored chatbot next to a picture of your waifu.
people slowly realized how "ai" works
>people unironically thought AGI would happen within 10 years of making text/image spewers
what the fuck, did they all get their HYOOOOOPE from that faggy Tom Scott video where he was scared that an AI program did google's job?
Reality. Reality happened.
The current "AI" methods ran headlong into diminishing marginal returns, needing more and more hardware for smaller and smaller improvements.
>I can make cute pictures, so...
we got the AI from sci fiction in real life and people are saying hype is dead when it just became ordinary life. even Firefox has AI chat integrated in the browser now
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(crossposted from another thread that is literally the same thing)
At first it was just basic LLMs for purposes like AI dungeon or novelAI
Sometime later basic image generation appeared, around similar communities
But then (((they))) found out about it, invested in it, and now we have chatGPT and 30 clones of it, chatbot nigger general shitting up /g/, gigantic LLMs, gigantic imagegen slop models, and AI slop most of the time not even related to LLMs forced everywhere (like windows, android, ios, various software, and a whole lot of tech products)
Right now the hype is dying down as the braindead investors are finally starting to see through (((their))) scheme, there will be no AGI, there will be no next big AI revolution
It's all based on the flawed LLM concept, which (((they))) took as far as they could to squeeze out every cent ruining commercial operating systems, tech products, various software, and nearly all marketing in the process
To get AGI you need something fundamentally different from an """AI""" that just predicts text
And as a cherry on top there's LLM bots all over the internet pretending to be people, finally making what used to be just a schizo conspiracy theory, reality (dead internet theory)
Thanks for reading my blog
I read your slop on the other thread and didn't think it was worth replying to. You're not saying anything profound by pointing out that investors are trend chasers and get FOMO before something is ready to commercialize. AI is an extremely promising tech that has outpaced any reasonable goals, it just isn't a magic "make money" button and needs to start off with loss-leaders just like the internet did.
>AI is an extremely promising
My argument is that it's reached its end of being "promising"
In the LLM state, at least
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Shit is about to get real soon
Time will tell
We are still in the beginning phases and the replacement of programmers is going nicely.
This is now a tech nostalgia thread.
Anyone remember the metaverse?
2 more weeks
more like you're wrecklessly cutting off jobs while shouldering more expectations onto the people that are left, and hoping nothing bad happens.
Thank you. People just got used to their new normal of being able to generate unlimited free anime girls on demand.

When AI cures cancer gen alpha is gonna be like "wow cancer who cares? Only old people got that. AGI never ever"

Maybe in the way balsa wood airplanes had a limit. But we have yet to invent the jet engine
It's already happened.
It's done
They put out the word on how awesome and cool it is and just watched idiots fuck around with it on the net and steal ideas and code.
Now their trying to throw the rest of you tards off the trail so they'll be the only one's with it.
>what happened to 2023 AR optimism? Everyone told me the apple vision pro would drastically change everything?
>What happened to 2021 NFT optimism? Homeless people on the street were telling me to buy "uh-the-ray-yum cud das gonna moon homeboy"
>what happened to the 2018 quantum computing optimism? Everyone told me
>What happened to the 2014 graphene optimism?
>What happened to 3DTV and Google Glass
>What happened to smart homes controlled by Windows XP? I was told that all the doors and lights and your oven would be controlled by Windows XP and your Xbox 360 and there was some Ska/smooth jazz playing in the promo video
more like 5-7 trillion dollar
lol what? Hasn’t replaced any programmers. Layoffs are because jew company owners over hired and are now having to show their balance sheet because of high interest rates.
Congrats your AI is 101 IQ
Cope harder. AI replaced juniors and code monkeys. Just because you are too retarded to understand LLMs, doesn't mean it's not real. You want into tech for the money and LLMs exist for people like you.
The scaling of various aspects of the transformer architecture are fundamentally exponential
So ClosedAI’s entire business plan ("we’ll just make a general purpose model so big no one has the resources to run it") was doomed from the start
The future is finetrained models running on SLMs, but requires a level of domain expertise which ClosedAI explicitly rejects (since there’s still a LessWrong mentality floating around there that wants to accelerate to a machine god) so we’re going to continue to get shit like SORA where they drop promotional videos of their best experiments to try to convince us that
>the Singularity really is coming bro
>you just need to give us your bank info and you can be part of it
and e-celebs and presstitutes will fall for it even though anyone that’s used ChatGPT recently will tell you it’s been steadily getting worse, not better
>t. Unemployed
It has not replaced a single developer yet.
AI and most evidently generative AI hype is LITERALLY just a strategy that comporations use to fire and lower engineers wages while their shares value go up.
As scam as it can be.
Can't get more jewish than that.
>AI replaced juniors and code monkeys
No it didn't. Github Copilot is embarrassingly bad.
>AI replaced juniors
so where are you going to get senior developers from if there are no more junior developers?
Generative AI was always full of shit. It was well marketed shit, and that shit was in the form of a beautiful sculpture, but it was still shit from an Indian found on the road.

Generative LLMs are good at bullshitting, and sure, bullshitting is enough for writing, say, an English paper, but something as precise (comparing to other stuff in our world) as programming, can't be that easily bullshitted. Only newer models like Claude Opus got relatively good at that bullshitting.

AGI will only happen when we invent something that genuinely can replicate the electrical impulses in our brain, in a way that it can connect stuff, find patterns and create new things based on old information.
I do AI ERP and it's good.
That's all that matters.
>What happened to 2022-2023 AI optimism?
AI failed to generate revenue increases in that same timeframe so the money astroturfing the hype is drying up.
>Cope harder
Not that anon. It is in no way a cope. They are completely correct that AI is nothing but reckless cost cutting. I am an employed SWE who has seen 98% of their team get cut to be replaced with warm bodies that have access to chat GPT. This transfer has not gone well and is quickly leading the entire department towards catastrophe that leadership is entirely blind to because they only look at git activity as a measure of "productivity".
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Obvious companies failed to market the only thing it was actually being used for in the market. IE R&D cost reduction which makes it possible for more companies to compete.

3D printers, AutoCAD, CNC machines, Super computer driven air models. All of these things benefit AI advancements. However the hype went to replacing artists when no one really wants that to happen since all of the source art is driven from actual artists. Sure it will help alot for streamlining there production or brainstorming there ideas but overall its the wrong target. Automation and machine learning is making headways but AGI will require another massive advancement to accomplish. I think we would have to see quantum computers or an entirely new architecture/material manufacturing to see results we are looking for.

>hype dead
>Sutskever's shit raises $1B and is valuated at $5B within 3 months, without a single line of code
Does he know?
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It was just VC hype
just more training data bro, i swear just another trillion in VC money bro, then we will enter the singularity bro
Bro this new hallucination simulator model that requires six gorillion GPUs to train is the future I heard this from the company selling the GPUs and surely they wouldn’t lie to me
"AI" was an IQ test. if you believed it, you failed.
>>What happened to 2021 NFT optimism?
Anon NFTs were always a scam, from second 1.
People were already skeptical of bitcoin when it came out and the whole "you don't really own the image bro" doomed it.

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