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ARMa balls
Just like absolutely everything in life, everything has a usecase.
Your mum has a usecase
>better battery life
>until the cpu an heroes by overvolting
Battery time skilling on osrs? WITH the gpu plugin from runelite?
Where are the battery capacities? Totally useless if the intel is using a 100Wh battery while arm uses a 40Wh one.

Who cares? Let me know when a Pajeetdows laptop can run half as long as a Macbook.
ARM is superior and a Western chip.
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Now you know.
>comparing battery life without disclosing the mAh...
Ah yes, shitel, rust inside.
Irrelevant desu. Why? Because you cant plug and play another battery. Battery life vs weight vs perf vs price is the argument.
Fuck off phone poster, we talking in Wh here
Games on Windows ARM is like BSD tier gaming lol
I'm not buying Intel ever
Yeah, but Id consided the laptop desu, but if lunar lake beats it.. even better
In a latop I just want
>Visual Studio 2022
>Davinci Resolve

Pretty sure all of these have native arm builds. Lunar Lake has ram on the die, not upgradeable.. so lets see how much theyll charge for 32gb
this is all available on Linux except lightroom but we plot against and intimidate Abobe staff here.
Only web browsers and Davinci Resolve is available on Linux, the rest isnt, stop gaslighting people. Resolve is also gimped on Linux
>No VST support
>No codec and container support
>No ProRes encoding
>No intel quicksync
>AMD gpu support is shit but works on Windows
Though I use Nvidia, AMD seems to be important to Linux even though it is an absolute joke outside of games and simply doesnt work, theyre lucky AMD gpus work just about perfectly in Resolve on Windows but thats about it.

Linux is garbage for this, its a poor desktop OS outside of niche use caches like a remote desktop box, low ram system or home server with DE installed etc.

Lincucks fail to understand Linux users use Linux and do so for the sake of using Linux and spend much more of their time using the OS.

Windows users dont actually use Windows, they spend their time using software.
Probably going for the Lunar Lake, but the snapdragon has 1 advantage.. when you close the laptop it suspends properly and doesnt drain power in sleep that much, itll be the same the next day when you open. X86 laptops will jnless ypu shutdown, keen to see how lunar lake fairs for this.
if you think this is bad, (YOU) should kys and stop posting here.
ARM is literally the end of freedom in the desktop. almost one year since release and there is still not a single distribution working properly on a single Qualcomm X1 laptop.
no chance of installing LTSC, enterprise, Server or any other windows flavor if you want to get rid of all bs.

fuck arm and fuck their device trees and fuck their locked bootloaders
didn't read
>Windows users dont actually use Windows, they spend their time using software.

As a Wincuck, this is not true. You absolutely have to troubleshoot it constantly and fight Microsoft's bullshit. Just right now some of my taskbar icons started disappearing for no apparent reason. Maybe you're thinking of Macs.
didn't ask for seethe but ok
>results may vary
>intel aviv
>not lying about tdp and battery life
pick one
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Why would you buy a laptop for gaming? You have things like Steamdecks now.
> battery life myth busted
maybe for x86 vs ARM, but surely not for their fabs vs TSMC
oh ARM is total failure, lets kill it AGAIN and bring it few years in the future again and present it as THE NEW REVOLUTIONAL THING
the main reason to migrate to ARM is not "battery life", it's competition.

due to legal reasons, only AMD and Intel can design x86 chips, that's terrible for the PC market. With ARM dozens and dozens of companies can join the chip design game, making real competition fun again
I'm never buying anything Intel, sorry
me? AMD64 desktop. no laptop kikeshit allowed in my household
I'll believe it when I see it. They've been trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip with the x86 architecture for the past decade.
Its likely. AMDs laptop chip made good gains. Intel has gone to much further lengths even as far as integrating ram onto the chip
>almost one year since release and there is still not a single distribution working properly on a single Qualcomm X1 laptop.
Nigger what, those came out in June
>max turbo power 37w
So looks like any of the 17w chips with 32gb will have the best efficiency + best perf under hewvqy load?

Not sure what Im missingq desu if they all can do the same power draw
Linaro was supposed to be working on porting Linux since last year AND with full support from Qualcomm. Guess what, it's still an unusable joke.
If ARM dominates over AMD and Intel, it will be the end of software freedom as we know. There will be no way out of Windows, desktop Linux will die as we know it, only ran on old computers or shitty underpowered SBCs with proper device trees.
>muh Asahi Loonix
porting Linux for one specific device vs porting to multiple brands with many models, each with a different DeviceTree. And even if you could, you risk bricking your laptop like android phones
Maybe Linux should just give up on Devicetree and ask them to make devices that are actually compliant with ACPI.
Yes shill more for the AMD/Intel dualopoly.
ok shitel
Close your mouth and eyes and go back
this so much buy two laptops instead of one
what was the usecase of my son getting cancer
Well you're on 4chan, someone had to get it
>5.4K heavenly micro led 500nit display on a 66.5Wh battery
>5.2K 500nit IPS on a 70Wh battery
good, computing should not be easily accessible to jeets and other shitskins.
it has to become difficult to have, use and monetize computing skills again.
Sure you can.
Anker & others sell high-capacity external battery packs, that can power a mag-safe our USB-C power port.
Intel used to be an ARM licensee.
There's nothing stopping either company from obtaining an ARM license.
probably for you to find God but you don't care about that cause you're a dumb goy
lmao even
>With ARM dozens and dozens of companies can join the chip design game, making real competition fun again
Its like you retards never read the news at all.
ARM totally changed their licensing structure. You need to be a multi billion dollar company to have the privilege of trying to make a custom ARM core. All ARM will do for small vendors now is give them access to stock IP.
The op pic literally says same OEM same chassis for both tests
It always was a fucking lie.
ARM can't both outperform x86/64 AND have better battery. Literal physics would have to be violated in order to do in software what x64 does via hardware. The second you do anything more than simple web browsing or answering email is the moment ARM chugs gigantic balls, chokes to death and dies.
All x64 needed was to compartmentalize itself a little more so it could do ARM's fancy low power/"sleep" states when it isn't working but morons on /g/ were utterly convinced that it was impossible despite the fact that MS even admitted their next "surface for business" was going to be x64-based.
Americans eat this and wonder why they get fat
it's genetic m-kay
its a 1/4th of a cup of marshmallows (45 cal) and less than a tbsp of peanut butter to bind it
marshmallows are mostly air. relax.
Mostly air? Guess that means I can eat more of it.
>You need to be a multi billion dollar company to have the privilege of trying to make a custom ARM core
retarded anon, that's a massive improvement over having a duopoly, now all of these companies can make ARM CPUs:
> Nvidia
> Apple
> Qualcomm
> MediaTek
> Intel
> Samsung
> Ampere
> Amazon
> Huawei
and many more
>have to make a custom build for every single device
ARMfags are insufferable niggers
so I will use this ARM thread for my laptop question
any anons got any legitimate advice?
I will be needing a laptop for at least 1 whole year so I will finally cave into buy one

I game but I hate the idea of overheating and the jet engine sound, do I go for a shittymacbook that doesn't really do much but at least it is lightweight and insane battery life and good computing power, or do I buy a gaming laptop that isn't too bulky which I hate the idea of carrying with me all day everyday

all thoughts appreciated, really need advice desu
>micro led
No, Air isn't even miniled.
Aren't arm still smaller than, more space for other stuff in a laptop.
i like chubby dudes so please go right ahead.
no? not even close.
there -are- small arm processors but you aren't using them in a laptop. besides, even x86 laptop guts from 5 years ago don't even take up all the space inside a laptop anymore
You are so goddamn stupid you don't even know what any of these terms mean. The overwhelming majority of the companies listed only create SoCs with stock ARM cores. They do not possess licenses to modify and create custom arch based off of the ARMv8 or ARMv9 ISAs. A few years ago anyone with a few million dollars could try to have their own custom ARM core. Now only Apple and BARELY Qualcomm do it.

That isn't competition. That is multiple vendors selling you the literal exact same cores.
Wait for Lunar Lake to release later this month and look at the benchmarks.
extremely funny that they couldn't even find two benchmarks intel won on, just one
Cyberpunk 2077 1080p high 60fps on an iGPU + best battery life + av1 encoding (which macshit still have LOL). Cope seethe and kys itoddler
*which macshit still doesn't have
Good morning sir
No argument cuck
>thread about Intel x86 vs ARM
x86 is basically american muscle, arm is fucking commuter car, you can only do so much with your inline 4 banger, and adding a turbo and trying to increase your displacement size till your engine just fucks up.
Except big Arm cores are wider and bigger than x86 cores. x86 cores are the riced out 2.1L turbos that need to boost up to 6Ghz to match a 4ghz arm core
>Intel has gone to much further lengths even as far as integrating ram onto the chip
this is the sole reason apple got laptops to run 20h
not ARM, its the die
>Intel has to integrate RAM to the fucking package to achieve the same battery life as ARM

absolutely shameful
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what makes you think usecase is a metric?
>ram on package
it's still 2-channel ram. Intel will never let you have more than 2-channels in consumer laptops/pcs
you should always multiply their TDP by 1.5-2.0 or more
for example their "6W" N100 has actual TDP of 25W

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