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I'm going blind, /g/, what technology for blind people do you recommend, I know some of them use computers quite heavily

It will be years before I fully lose sight and possibly I will always retain some but the jury is out, I need to prepare. I can't just stop writing code.

Where do I go looking for tips on how to set up my computer with screen readers and shit, I am willing to practice with my eyes closed
here you go: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22918980
>learn screen reader
>change your software so that it's easy to use without graphics
>start now
>get some blind shekels in the process
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State the name of your disease 1st, mayabe there is a cure, or a method to pause it, who knows.

Get one of these (or similar): https://braillepen.com it's a braille display AND keyboard at the same time (learn braille ASAP)

Learn how to use screen reader.
Make your IDEs braille and screen reader compatible.

Make sure to have something to fuck and cuddle before you go blind.
Living blind is not worth it
i dont have the greentext but you can try this as a last ditch effort
it said that blindness or poor vision is caused by weak muscles in the eyes and to train them is by wearing an eyepatch and switching it back and forth every 30 minutes for weeks
the anecdotal stories was that it worked but i never tried it
>it said that blindness or poor vision is caused by weak muscles in the eyes and to train
yeah I've heard fucking retards blabber about this for 30 years now, I have progressive heavy myopia due to being irresponsibly doused with steroids in childhood, reaching quite epic proportions rn and eventually in maybe optimistically a couple years from now and maybe sooner will start getting tears and shit in the eye and it will be over

The eye is a very complex optical mechanism and taking advice on it from faggot manosphere gymbros that literally dont know the first thing about their own shit is not something I'm ever going to do.
Yeah it is. People get used to that as well. Don't need to take a highway to eternal hellfire for that reason.
>myopia due to being irresponsibly doused with steroids in childhood
you can't just not elaborate
also my aunt had cataract at birth and gramps did not get it treated so she has been blind since birth, her husband is also blind
they told me that browsing web is a fucking nightmare. I can't imagine how it is to adapt to non-stop design changes because designer at FAGMAN doesn't want to lose xer job
Also maybe consider getting an iPhone? they both use it and when I asked it they said their accesibility options are far better which is fair enough
Oh also maybe try mastering braille typing before you lose your vision? I assume learning would be much easier with direct visual feedback
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>I'm going blind
Apply this directly to the brain
Just commit Sudoku at this point
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>Yeah it is. People get used to that as well. Don't need to take a highway to eternal hellfire for that reason.
sorry to hear that anon. as others have said, start familiarizing yourself with braille and voice command stuff as well. that braillepen thing seems pretty cool. i wish you the very best. i'm not religious but god bless you.
If you're not already using ChatGPT's mobile app, start using familiarizing yourself with it.
>no argument
stay mad then
>what technology for blind people do you recommend, I know some of them use computers quite heavily
it's time to start using speech to text and text to speech software at all times
that which is asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence
this thread fucking sucks. OP was asking the TECHNOLOGY board for cool and niche helpful accessibility tech like screen readers and braile monitors and instead the /pol/ crowd comes out.
>searched for myiopia and steroids
holy shit it's true and no one talks about that
Well there'll always be music and sitcoms and audiobooks and text readers
Archive a lifelong supply offline while you can in a setup that you'll be able to use easily
Protect your hearing, don't listen too loud, invest in a space you can enjoy peace and quiet
Pray to be transported to another world where magic is possible, then use simple spell to cure your eyes. Easy right.
It's 10 trannys telling him to ACK and mocking religions and one guy mentioned that it's better to live because of faith
you suck
Eyr surgery
>/pol/ crowd comes out.
Don't ask sighted "people", they are superficial and they believe, that the world can only be experienced through the eyes. Sigthed people are actually the blind ones.
>and instead the /pol/ crowd comes out.
They've been shitting all over this board for ages now.
I've seriously starting to wonder if we still have active mods.
Keyed remoralizer
How good you are with programming? You are in an ideal position. You know how things look, yet you'll loose that. This shit is usually in eyes or nerves, not inside the brain. So start playing with cochlear implant, but instead to use it to send sound signals, send visual. The glasses with camera are available and need just some adapter to translate signals.
Honestly a good idea.
OP should probably look into building some sort pipeline where he can press a button to take a screenshot of his screen which gets send to a local llm model, which parses it and tells him what's there.
You could probably also add a history functionality where the models gets send multiple already made screenshots at a time, so it can tell what changed.
So you're basically suggesting him to become a guinea pig for neura-link or another company like it? I highly doubt a civilian can go from knowing nothing to safe-for-human-use neural implants independently
>So you're basically suggesting him to become a guinea pig for neura-link or another company like it?
What? No. I'd wait a decade for when they've successfully manage to implant a few vision-restoration implants in humans.
>I highly doubt a civilian can go from knowing nothing to safe-for-human-use neural implants independently
You'd be surprised, the first guy who underwent the surgery to get one those implants adapted to it pretty fast.
The first day he was allowed to use the implant on his own he stayed up playing Civilization VI until 6am lmao
He's training to translate sign languages into keyboard inputs down, so he can type on his keyboard while moving the mouse with his mind.

But back on topic: what I'm suggesting is running a local llm model on his computer, which parses screenshots from his computer screen.
It's basically a text to speech functionality, but with intelligence behind it. If he's writing an email and he fucks up some spelling, the model will tell him (if he asks).
Future developments will most likely allow him to ask the model to do certain tasks for him, but I haven't seen any easy method of implementing that yet.
Microsoft is working on something like it, however.
No llm. Direct image stream. That sound is also direct.
Cochlear is available. Cameras are available. It honestly just need an adapter. And you do not need to go to neura-link company. Because there are things like IKEM or university hospitals where the medicine is their primary concern.
>*God takes away your sight*
>noo, you can't just kill yourself, you were meant to suffer for at least 50 years! You will suffer eternally now. I am such a good and just God!
>adapted to it pretty fast
body was also pretty fast to create scar tissue around probes

>local llm
makes sense actually, but instead of llm it's a custom trained AI for this
contributing to gtk/qt accessibility stuff is also an option. iirc one of the gtk devs was actually in need of that shit and he was one of the major contributors of accessibility related stuff
Local laws make this a tremendous pain in the ass
We had those decade ago. The companies went under. Not sure what happened to the tech but it SHOULD be way better now if it was adopted by any other companies
>body was also pretty fast to create scar tissue around probes
Never mind the fact that no official Neuralink source has ever stated this (so I'm not sure where you got this from), it's obvious that scar tissue will appear.
But guess what? Even after some of the threads retracted, they modified the software and his control over the device became even better than before.

>but instead of llm it's a custom trained AI for this
Oh yeah, let me just spend a few thousand dollars to rent the computing capability to do this.
Training material? Oh, I'll just pull those out of my ass as well.
>contributing to gtk/qt accessibility stuff is also an option. iirc one of the gtk devs was actually in need of that shit and he was one of the major contributors of accessibility related stuff
Ah yes, an even better idea! Let's spend months working on features that may not even be accepted or do what OP needs them to do!

Seriously man, if this is the best you can do then you might as well not post at all.
>Not sure what happened to the tech

>i have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about, but BE AFRAID
yeah, okay anon
Start your music career. You'll have plenty of time to practice once you can't see shit.

DragonSoft speech to text was great. You could do all sort of things with voice commands I tried it like 20 years ago.
I'm sorry, OP. It must be shit.

Fortunately, we are getting closer and closer to the maturity of utilities that can mitigate this problem. From AI assistants capable of facilitating tasks or recognising images for you, to implants that replace your eyes and send the signal directly to the brain.

This is probably useless for you, but for those who fear for the health of their eyes: rest your eyes often and look at a very distant point in the distance for several minutes.
but it SHOULD be way better now if it was adopted by any other companies
Indeed. So why are you posting in such a doomer-esque way? Be more positive!
History doesn't necessarily always repeat itself.

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