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>An American schoolboy has earned 1.1 million on an AI startup - he created an application that counts calories from photos.

>For work, the boy simply used the ChatGPT API wrapper. The application was downloaded by more than 100 thousand people.

why haven't you made a GPT wrapper yet, anon?
because i will never sell my name
i don’t know how to do any of that shit
The same reason I see all these apps and I think "why the fuck would anyone pay for this"... I simply cannot build something that I have no faith in, I just have no idea what the market actually wants I guess? I have like two apps on my phone (banking and payment) and I see absolutely 0 need for more

also imagine being known as the fart app guy etc, no thanks
yo name is worthless bitchass nigga
if you can't make a wrapper what are you even doing on this board
now imagine if someone scams the kid out of his $1M
he's younger than me, he's more likely to fall for one
he sold a gaming startup, too
so my bet is on
>parents are rich

there you go
Thos tech has been around for a while with plenty of apps on the market. Sounds to me like he just got a donation from a richfag or used connections to do it more than he actually developed something useful with high market value.
ChatGPT API isnt free, every request costs and 1M revenue isnt profit

Still a good idea and he executed it which 90% of people dont so good on him
is this real chat? can we get an early life check?
Americans are fat (they still think calories are the problem, not carbs and sugar) so it makes sense why there's a large audience for this
Gotta respect it.
Obviously the app wouldn't work, but which apps actually do?
On average 52% of the adult population of the EU are overweight.
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>if you can't make a wrapper what are you even doing on this board

I piss on your app dev pujabipajeet
any retard can do $1 million in revenue. just sell something at a big loss and people will buy.
I'm lazy and old enough to know that comparing myself to younger, more energetic and more intelligent people is how you get depressed. Good for him, I'm still making more money than 70% of people my age.
anon, his app that takes photos and gives it to chatgpt cost him nothing to make but a small amount of time, and nothing to maintain or distribute
there's no costs here, the revenue is 99.999% profit
>>parents are rich
you guessed right
>chatgpt api is free
>simply used the ChatGPT API wrapper
so the app sometimes blatantly lies? wow. and people fell for this? WOW.
>huge house in long island
yeah they're loaded
What ethno-religious tribe does he belong to?
that's not what worth means. it's the price he can try and sell it for.
>OpenAI wrapper
who evaluated his product?
>use app
>Chatgpt tells me my 1400 cal plate of pasta is 500 because i used tagiatelle instead of spaghetti
>Get obese and diabetic
>Sue this faggot kid for millions of dollarinos
last name sounds Iranian
Averaged over what?
All member states. The percentage of overweight male adults ranges for example from between 52.9% in France to 73.2 % in Croatia.
Lol which connections does his dad have that got this crap promoted?
>What ethno-religious tribe does he belong to?
>is this real chat? can we get an early life check?
Check the last name results online, that will tell you everything.
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A lot of his story sounds fishy.
His first "gaming startup"
seems to be a youtube tutorial project
that was sold to a literal who Romanian game dev
Going from the site stats, 4.5 mil hits might be possible over 1-2 years
although EIN Presswire just seems to be a company that writes fluff piece if you pay them. The website obviously has changed hands, but I don't see any sort of monetization/ads on the site currently, so not sure how he made any money there. Even the concept of "unblocked games" just seems like the website is too small to be noticed by school sysadmins.
Also, looking at where the current company for Cal AI (Viral Development LLC) is located, it seems like there's 7 other LLCs registred from the same address, the largest which seems to be VILLYGE INC., which received $1mil pre-seed in 2021.
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The Cal AI stuff looks legit enough aside from the AI spewing bullshit, so I kind of wonder how it would have made $1mil already if subscriptions are $50/year (guessing $5-6/month?), and it's only been out since April, so 5 months total. That would mean approximately 100k people were dumb enough to pay for the app. The app itself just seems to be a shittier copy of MyFitnessPal
which also seems to have dozens of copycats on various app stores. Good on the kid for doing more than most kids at his age, but none of what he's doing is actually revolutionary in any way.
I love how people portray news like this pretending it is was something simple, if it is, then why hasn't anyone bother to make something similar? We have tech to make wanders and we use (myself included) it to shitpost and have depression.
Wonder where the break even point is rho
It's simple because the tech doesn't fucking work. I mean it does something and the caloric estimates aren't like, a billion kilotons, but there's no way in hell it's accurate. A 500 calorie difference can separate weight loss from weight gain. and many foods are IMPOSSIBLE to determine the caloric density, let alone the volume, by look, try feeding your AI pictures of whole milk vs skim and see if it can tell the difference (it can't)
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There's dozens of similar apps doing the same shit already. Whichever one comes out on top usually comes down to shilling. Found a reddit account that in 5 months only make 5 posts, all shilling for Cal AI. Who knows how much marketing costs they spent on other sites like Instagram or Tiktok? Either ways, Americans are easy to fool.
Reminds me of MrBeast scheme
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As I guessed, their Tiktok is full shill mode
Instagram too
I'm in the same boat. I occasionally integrate LLMs into various school study tools for some difficult subjects, but I could never come up with something like this. Shaq often talks about how he did not invest in Starbucks earlier when he was approached about it because he doesnt like coffee. I guess it is similar but more pathetic.
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Plenty of people calling their shit out too. Pretty costly at $10/month, they bait you with that $60/year instead, and they don't a trial either. Devs probably know most won't sign up if they realized how shit the app actually is during a trial period. I want to see what their refunds look like honestly, since I bet a lot of the users chose the $60/year option thinking they got a good deal.
i should have expected something that is basically a scam to be subscription-based, they all are nowadays it seems
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It's always the same, it's all rigged, there is no hope, it's so over.
Why would you need this when legally all food sold even at restaurants has calories listed
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At least there's some reasonable people left in this world. Now I REALLY want to see what their refunds look like.
how often do you eat at restaurants?
I have, but I did it before chatGPT existed like anyone that's not a dumb normalfag
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Every single time lmao. I wish they would be legally forced to end every headline about these stupid stories with "thanks to his rich daddy's money"
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Once a year. They legally have to say the calories of every drink or meal on the menu
do you eat only once a year?
same. I think this is in Canada. wish it told the protein
X in revenue literally doesn't mean anything. How much are they spending? Just one of the 95% of AI startups that don't make any profit.
why would people want to calorie count from a photo?
you can google it instead of having an arbitrary app, it would take even less time and this isn't even a complex task

what is the actual storyline here?
>person builds some tech with the help of parent's money
he's a fraud! muh daddy money!!!1
>Trump builds failed companies with the help of a small loan of a billion dollars from daddy
based1!!! he's thu saavior of the white race. alpha man is alpha!!
You know you don’t have to go to a restaurant to eat food right?
Honestly I'd rather him say that he lucked out or the divine powers of rah gave him all this money instead of "muh grindset"
This. It's always a huge red flag when someone brags about revenue instead of profit. If they were making a big profit, they would have mentioned that instead.
that is what i'm talking about, yes
revenue is big number
also I suppose he is just flexing the number he sees from the appstore and not actually a proper financial statement of his startup
all of these chatgpt wrappers make openai shit ton of money anyways, the kid is basically making them even richer
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>also imagine being known as the fart app guy etc, no thanks
where did you get that from? who said you have to create a fart app? xD
was this your super buisness idea all along?
Eat at a restaurant 1 time per year
Eat at home every other time per year
It's not that hard.
>make a bad product
>charge loads of money for it
>people buy it
>they can't refund it
>you're rich now
I never knew becoming a millionaire was this easy.
The reason why you aren't rich is because you are too scrupulous.
these stories have always been a thing and its always revealed to be some rich relative needing to squirrel away cash
i had to go digging through newspaper microfilms from the 50s to 90s and 99% of them had at least one article each day about a child curing some disease or cancer or building a rocket or inventing a new type of soap
>>people buy it
So ez, your turn
his mom's company btw.

you get it. Everybody can spend $5mil to get $1m in revenue
call it divine intuition
What a fucking shock.
As soon as I saw op's post I immediately thought "rich parents?"
volume of food makes calculations really annoying. Serving sizes are very marketing influenced.
>Did I will this into existence?

What kind of question is this. Did you will the dinner you cooked up into existence?
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How much does the API cost him?
And the calculation from the photo is probably wrong but people don't care. They just want to see numbers so they can feel good about themselves. It's a very cunning thing. I wouldn't even make an API call to chatgpt, I'd just randomly generate a number. Maybe count red vs green pixels to get something that seems plausible.
The app is 100% returning false numbers. There is no way it takes into consideration the volume of each piece of food, the type, the condiments that are invisible, etc. Yet the user base is dumb women that already wasted money on applel products.
I am now trying to figure out how many healthy brown foods there are. Plenty of unhealthy brown foods, most starches, meat (cooked), chocolate, cola, peanut butter.
Rich zoomer pretends to be a genius but relies on his parents connections and lies about everything. Nothing new and this trend has been in full force the last 10 years. See Iman Gadzi, Biaheza, and the tons of other grifters. You have no one to blame but Gari Vaynacuck who started this garbage. Many such cases
Colors are rgb numbers, brown contains some red and some green. Add them up separately, maybe throw in some constant to scale them, then divide to get a ratio between 0 and 1, finally multiply that with a number that looks like the max amount of calories one could take daily. Bam, you have your on-device LLM for calculating calories.
Maybe color balance the pic first or only count the pixels near the center or something.
Also it's AI so add a disclaimer that it might be wrong some times.
"AI" would be handy for segmentation. Only counting things in the bowl or plate would solve a lot of issues.

I couldn't image shipping actual code that gets away with the accuracy of AI results. Saying something is AI is a blank check for crap results.
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So he lied to a bunch of people?
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I thought about doing this and I even started a prototype but I couldn't stop thinking about that silicon valley episode with the app that detects hotdogs or dicks and was like... no this would have too many false positives, who would pay for this?

Yet once again I am proven to be RETARDED because RETARDS do in fact pay for things like this. I don't get it. Why should I treat programming as anything other than something to rip people off with? There's literally so much free money out there.
What the fuck is wrong with her nose?
There is only money for those with the money for marketing. Your app will never reach that revenue even if it is actually a useful and great app.
because you don't have the cash to power market this trash heap to a position where it wouldn't be buried in the app store. This story isn't about good/bad programming it is about >>102320280

you should have saw the AI deepfakes. You wouldn't mind so much.
it doesn't have to work, it only needs to convince some people to drop $50 on a year's subscription to find out it doesn't work
you don't have to count calories if you eat a healthy diet (low carbs and sugar, high everything else) and stay fit. I don't understand why mutts love eating so much sugar. It's nasty and it makes you feel like shit.
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This. Wouldn't surprise me if the faggot in OP is a jew or somehow connected to them, or has a rich daddy. It's the real story behind all these morons who claim pic rel
no, just that it's not really a new idea to make a low effort map (fart app was a real thing like a decade ago, you press a button and you get a fart sound)
demonic looking cunt
she's in constant BPD psychosis, you can see it in her eyes
and her skull shape is all fucked up
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>Yet once again I am proven to be RETARDED because RETARDS do in fact pay for things like this. I don't get it. Why should I treat programming as anything other than something to rip people off with? There's literally so much free money out there.
Think about some random retard you've met in your life. Now realize 50% are dumber, and 99% of humans are NPCs (no matter how intelligent), and you can always manipulate NPCs if you're a psychopath.

Let that sink in, nightbitch...
early life?
>look up this Jewish shlock
>adapted from a feminist novel written by a Jew York mother who resented having a child

Lmao sheesh that would suck. Imagine your mom being famous for writing a book about how much she hated having to become your mom. Women need some correction.
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>to make a low effort map
you schizophrenic or what? nothing about a map here. and yes, I remember phone java "apps" that had fart soundboards
inb4 a food maps to calories in his project
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>Jew Kike Shity she-demon
You know you're in for some anti-goy demoralization.
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>photograph food
>kinda works
>get an idea
>how about I photograph random objects around the house
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>it does a hotdog, and a not hotdog
Yes, almost always. They got millions in advertising.
But in this case it might just be fake
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The 1 detail on their webside
Just lol. Also I did a bit of googling and the guy has an Iranian name

Iranian Jews[4](Persian: یهودیان ایرانی Yahudiyān-e Irāni; Hebrew: יהודי איראן Yəhūdīm Īranī) constitute one of the oldest communities of the Jewish diaspora. Dating back to the biblical era, they originate from the Jews who relocated to Iran during the time of the Achaemenid Empire. Books of the Hebrew Bible (i.e., Esther, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah) bring together an extensive narrative shedding light on contemporary Jewish life experiences in ancient Iran; there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Iran since at least the time of Cyrus the Great, who led Achaemenid army's conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire and subsequently freed the Judahites from the Babylonian captivity.

After 1979, Jewish emigration from Iran increased dramatically in light of the country's Islamic Revolution. Today, the vast majority of Iranian Jews reside in Israel and the United States.
why is javascript there with the java logo? the two languages aren't related
>an application that counts calories from photos
So basically a random number generator. Unless primary target is standardized US McDonald's diet, then I see how it might work.
A good version of this app could use ai to segment and identify food then reference a database with actual calories for everything. I have a feeling he's just uploading the picture with prompt, 'how many calories are in the picture. Please respond in json format' though
because I still have this notion of
>people surely can't possibly be that stupid, can they?
Most people don't understand the concept of calibration, but will happily take any result on anything provided that it's what turns up written on their phone.
Plenty of devs think something is dumb and you're dumb for trying to make and sell it because they, personally, wouldn't fall for it. It's like part of their autism or something, they don't really consider the behavior of different people. That's why, even though freemium mobile games have gone from an $8 billion industry to a $108 billion industry in 10 years and are where 2/3 of all videogame revenue comes from, all of them will tell you there's no money in it and it's completely dead.

This boy will be the next dotcom and the next Sam Bankman-Fried.
ChatGPT doesn't have an API
I still remember how media promoted her as new feminist icon and proof that women can be as smart as men.
nah, it was just another entry in the forbes 30 under 30 going to jail. Patrick Boyle has a good video if you are unaware.
use chatgpt
It can't be helped...
>under 3k followers

Yeah, the 1 million revenue is fake
>also imagine being known as the fart app guy
Yeah imagine becoming a millionaire AND having a funny story to tell.
That would totally suck, right?
ngmi mentality
>>under 3k followers
>Yeah, the 1 million revenue is fake
there are roofers and plumbers who make 1 mil in revenue who don't even know how to turn on their phone
how is the follower count relevant
Blue collar jobs are not comparable to digital shit.
>something's popularity and financial success is bound to the number of followers they have on tiktok
Fucking zoomers.
Ok, boomer.
Let me guess he sells a course or a podcast or some other guru type bullshit too? Yeah the revenue is pure fantasy.
>Пepeвecти пocт

Fuck off, Ivan
>at least 80% fake nattys
i hate the antichrist
Calories are the problem, if you count calories you'll be forced to cut out the junk food unless you want to starve.
nice attempt at deflection shlomie
they are literally just using this to collect faces
its always like this. I also has a rich kid in my class that had his own company...
I wonder when /g/ will find out about Aaron Swartz's past
Rich family. Next.
nooo the hecking self made millionaireino from his garage can't be a lie!
Chatgpt api cost, take generating a small amount of data of 30 words top will cost around 5 dollars, even if i was retarded as him i could claim "look i did one million dollars" when in reality my earnings are a few cents or worse i'm losing money.
Taking a million users will cost you around 1.2 million dolars to maintain the api so his profit is -20%.
Not only are you guys that that this doesn't work, 1.1m on a shit platform after spending an unknown amount is nothing. 1.1m * .6 (20% apple cut) - unknown server costs - unknown chatgpt (et al) costs * .8 (assuming 20% tax) is going to be less than one off 500k for a kid probably born into rich parents whom gave him tons of money to dump on facebook ads. hiring one other person who isnt a pajeet wont net him a house in this economy. B-BUT MUH MILLIONARE. MUH APPLE DASHBOARD SAYS MILLIONS
>guys that that
right that*
sry for being dum
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Garages are for peasants. Dude easily had a larger air conditioned space all to himself considering how big his parents' house is.
>Aaron Swartz
literally who? jesus you oldfags never shut up with your shit nobody cares about awards
i also struggle with this mindset
>who would ever spend money on this?
>you can literally just *technical workaround*
remember that what is easy for you, is very difficult for others
a 5 minute process for you would genuinely require hours of effort for most people
yes, even the things that are extremely simple
this is where the value is generated
give people one big red shiny button to press and they will pay you money for it
even if the button can be replaced with a couple command lines, people would still refuse such a procedure and never interact with your product
give them the big red button :)
God damn that's a good idea. Probably doesn't come anywhere near close to accuract. I wonder if he'll get sued.
>why haven't you made a GPT wrapper yet, anon?
I have but it's not useful
It's called being honest and insulated from retarded people. We forget how dumb most are and it doesn't occur to most of us to take advantage of said dumb people.
EVERYONE knew things like lootboxes and gachas sell and were the future since they were SaaS in game form, but most people have morals/ethics that they wouldn't want to jump on that train.
Calories are objectively the problem. Americans eat way too many empty calories. It's literally that fucking simple. Also imagine still falling for the low carb meme diet in 2024 of all years
#should've nailed a banana to a wall and sold it for $15m as "high art"
You have ethics. The world will try to make you forget it's a good thing. Don't.
If you don't see the point, it was not your product to make.
If you want to make a product, look around yourself for the need of other people, however removed from yours they might be.
Or, make art. Write a book, make a game, some music. This is always fun to do if you have the time.
Yes it does
stop falling for social media bait. zero percent chance that kid made $1M on the app store with a wrapper that doesn't even work
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>rich parents
>zach alexander
he's also part of the tribe. you can tell because he has a first name for a last name.

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