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Expect the quality of apple products to go further down in the future and the prices to go a bit higher in order to offset the loss.
fuck, forgot link


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Nooooo you can't just bully the innocent megacorporation
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>noooo companies are within their rights to evade taxes, this is against capitalism.
The bizarre thing about this case is that the Irish government itself has claimed that Apple does not owe those taxes, but apparently the EU commission can over ride the Irish government and make Apple pay more money to them?
>in order to offset the loss
This is nothing for apple, and they should've gotten charged more
the irish government are being bribed by Apple obviously. are you 12?
This is very unjust. Europeans cannot into free market. Why are they punishing American corporations for being top-notch and always ahead? Apple invented the smartphone with the iPhone, the tablet with the iPad, what have European companies invented, the flip phone? Just more and more regulations. No wonder Europe is so behind. Shooting themselves in the foot with stupid regulations while America innovates. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Yuros are the reason you'll have replaceable batteries by 2027, be nice
It's not that unusual, Apple and some tax agents in ireland made a deal under the table to pay less tax, and like Apple many other companies will have similar deals, they can't just say
>ups I mistook a dot for a comma
Because it would be too blatant.
>replaceable batteries
That's antisemitic
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>Apple invented the smartphone with the iPhone
no one here buys apple,
even if they do have 1000€ to spend on a phone they'd get a Samsung or something,
and if anyone has an iphone 10/10 chances he is a tech illiterate normie
Loogle fined for being a monopoly, but Andjeets won’t talk about that.
we both know only people who use Droids instead of iPhones are those that can't afford iPhones
thought that was the indian flag for a solid minute
Where is the free market in the US imposing tariffs on China?
>nooooooo why do you hate my lovely megacorp, this megacorp is no better
Lmao this is your brain on terminal iToddlerism

not true, i switched from having a 1TB iphone to a floor model android and i appreciate the OS and hardware a lot better.

also, part of the reason why people can't afford apple is because of elitists like yourself inflating the value of the name.
keep telling yourself that you're using a Droid out of your own free choice
we both know that ain't so, champ
Why is it even called potato land they consume less potatoes than most other euro countries
They're technically punishing Ireland too. Ireland has had special arrangements with Apple for a while now to keep Apple's tax rate in Ireland incredibly low. This is good for the Irish government because of their leprechaun economics, and it's good for Apple because no tax lmao. However, this is explicitly not allowed in the EU, you can't make special arrangements with a single company that would unfairly promote that company over another comparator. This 13 billion isn't a fine, it's back taxes the EU thinks Apple would have paid if Irish tax laws that apply to other Irish companies were applied fairly to Apple.
holy shit you can't really be this uneducated and new lol pls sudoku ys
>Apple invented the smartphone with the iPhone
you dont even know basic history you fucking zoomer, shut the fuck up.
I think you meant "seppuku". Ironic that you insult another person of being uneducated, yet you don't know basic terminology from the noble Japanese cultural millieu. Please go back to /b/, you are not mature enough to be here.
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I dont use apple because an apple phone in my hand would scream "HI, IM A SOIBOI FAGGOT AND A RETARD. PLEASE FUCK MY ASS AND OR BEAT ME UP". True story. Apple is fine for girls because they are retarded. If youre carrying an Iphone your in a metropolitan faggot area and your car is going to get bipped and your face is prob. going to play the knock out game. Enjoy your job as meta dev. or whatever faggots do. prob. gay bar shit.
> le apple is le gay meme

Nice try. Google "sour grapes". You will undersatad then.
Can you play Morrowind on your phone?
You can install any software without hacking your phone?
Can you even use an SD card?
I don't see you with many choices...
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>unknowingly further proves his extreme newfagotry
LMAO you can't make these shit up.
LOL wanting to play a RPG game on a fucking phone instead on a gaming desktop PC
the absolute insanity of Droidlets
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>saaarrr look at this guy doing things he likes to do with his phone.
>thank goodness we applechads can't do anything with our toys without asking permission.
Try explaining this way

Pro-Tip: you can't
What Timmy gon do?
every single person I know who is a ""techie"" has an android phone.
some of them ( like me ) flash custom firmware to escape google,
it's not about the money,

please go seek professional help, ASAP
It's always funny when the EU decides to rape some tech giant's wallet and there is nothing they can do about it
Based. And people will still pretend that EU is bad. Really makes you think who the posters on /g/ are and where they come from.
>13B €
Talk about a slap on the wrist
Actually considering Apple is worth 3.3 trillion as of right now not even a slap on the wrist, it's just nothing
It should have been 130B minimum to be felt
For comparison, let's say some guy has 50k in his bank account, if he were to get a 200 fine it'd be the same proportion as this
The guy barely sees this as a mild inconvenience, it's just nothing
>the Irish government are being bribed by Apple obviously.
Ireland offers a tax corporate tax rate of 15% to attract the companies and get the revenue. Other European countries which are bigger and have more sway in the EU (like France and Germany) have it at double that. They are doing everything they can to essentially bully the Irish into paying more tax so they're less competitive. The UK used to actually stick up for Ireland when it was in the EU, but with them gone, France and Germany are able to apply more pressure on Ireland to get what they want. Every sovereign country should have the right to set its own tax rates. We were told time and time again that the EU was just meant to be some economic union but it's clearly more than that now. Now they brag about being first to regulate things they don't even understand and will never build themselves.
Well yeah, androids are for brown people. You're the target demographic.
You are a useful idiot that enables the world getting worse. No, a 13 billion dollar fine is not "nothing" to a company, no matter how much imagined net worth it might have. There's a difference with paying the fuck up billions of dollars, and having imagined value. If it was nothing, then none of these companies would make changes after getting fined. The reality is that the EU will bull up, show up, tell your shitty corpo overlords to pay the fuck up findom piggy, and if they don't pay up then they will lose a market of over 500M first world consumers. You cannot justify raising the taxes of the rich by 80% immediatly or fining a massive corporate entity 500 billion dollars at once, because then the frog gets boiled too fast and they might just take the leap. What EU is doing is by far the best thing, smacking them over the knee when the spoiled brat missbehaves, and getting them on the right path.
From the thumbnail I thought she was standing over a grave. Maybe she is.
Apple's net income is 100 billion per year.
>another episode of the EU undermines its authority by giving a court order that a member country has no intention of honoring
Ukraine is invading your country lil bro, better watch out or they'll start enlisting niggas from your city next lol
cute bubble you live in but no one is on the EU's side, not even its member states
>tell your shitty corpo overlords to pay the fuck up findom piggy
Oh my sweet child, this is not how it works in the real world. In reality corporations are the ones that lobby the EU and even write the new legislation that the EU Parliament votes on.

If you're a corporation based in the EU, lobbying against your competition in places like North America or China will give you a great return on your "investment". You can cost your rivals billions in fines for mere millions given to useless bureaucrats who've never had a real job in their life.

You are cheering on protectionism and you don't even know it.
Now that's just mad cope. But I can't fault you for coping, it's the only thing you can do knowing EU will run all of Europe in the not so distant future. You should check the map sometimes, it looks like your shithole is surrounded from all sides pup.
EU has the best work unions and human rights in the entire world. It is what it is though, you being an useful idiot is not a foreign concept to anyone. Thankfully at least younger generations are learning and are less suspectible to the grifts and nonsense your genx/boomer generations fell for.
I wish
I'll believe it when I see it
First of all, that's true if you only conside the EU, not Apple as a whole
Secondly, this means that years and years of tax evasion are apparently worth only 10% of their yearly revenue?
That's absolutely nothing, holy shit what a fucking joke
>You are cheering on protectionism and you don't even know it.
That's the fun part, we know
>I'll believe it when I see it
What do you mean when you see it lol? Google has already been forced to follow GDPR privacy guidelines, and to ask every single EU user what search engine they want when opening chrome, as well as generally not being allowed to use EU user data for AI training or any other privacy invasive nonsense. Microsoft isn't even allowed to ship Copilot and Recall to EU users, and has to code their OS in a completely different way, allowing you to remove bing from search in start menu, allowing you to uninstall edge, and having to show you a completely differnet OOBE privacy settings screen and microsoft account privacy settings screen. Apple is now being forced to allow EU users to uninstall annoying apps and to ship their products without invasive AI and with proper universal chargers. There's no "believe", EU is the only competent and good-willed political entity in the entire world right now, when it comes to pro-user choice in the digital world and general data protection. None of these things can be disputed either, as anyone can read this documentation freely online. EU won.
Based EU courts
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Not shocked as Direland is #1 tax haven.
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>Expect the quality of apple products to go further down in the future
Why doesn't Ireland just leave the EU?
oh am laffin

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