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I've never used windows 7

Why is it so beloved? What makes it "the best" windows? I want concrete answers, not buzzwords like "sovl".
its got the best laid out UI, the most compatible software, the least bugs, and its still faster than any other Windows.
Win7 was good because they finally smoothed over most of the x64 teething issues and it had a pretty smooth and stable overall user experience. It was also good because the kikes in management had not gotten their hooks into it yet and the engineers weren't molested with gay and Jewish feature demands like WinRecall or adware.
only retards say that xp SP3 was the best windows
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because of this
was much less bloated than anything that came after it
good performance
good driver support overall
>oh noooooooo
>I have to click the desktop tile before using my PC

Pretty much every windows 8 hater has never daily drived this OS and knows nothing about how it works. It wasn't THAT bad. You pretty much never interacted with the retarded tile tablet shit. I was running this os for 7 years before getting a new PC and finally upgrading to win 10. Windows 10 was so bad compared to 8 I switched to linux a year later. I know that the general consensus is that win10 was an improvement over 8 but then again almost nobody used 8 so they should not be taken seriously. I wish 8.1 was still supported.
Most "people" on /g/ who say its the best do so because they are either too poor to upgrade their hardware to something that will run modern windows smoothy or too obsessed with times in which Windows 7 was not EoL. I started using windows since XP era and 7 was neither great nor terrible. A lot of people still fails to understand that your OS is just a tool to get your work done and you should not act nostalgic about it. Its as if you tried to unscrew a screw with flat 1mm screwdriver instead of the one with PH4 tip just because you like the handle more.
it just looked weird and a lot of people took it personally
ESL but TRVKE anyway.
>windows since XP era and 7 was neither great nor terrible.

>windows xp era
>blue screen of death every week
>losing progress when doing work or playing games all the time because of it

>windows 7 era
>doesnt crash a single time even if you leave the computer on for 5 years straight

>windows 10 era
>blue screen of mandatory updates every week
>losing progres when doing work or playing games all the time because of it

>sar is too poor to upgrade to the free windows 10 sar baby duck sar redeem the windows 10 sar

fucking liar
It didn't force or heavily push users into using a Microsoft account and is the last version of Windows to use entirely traditional toolkits and not use this whole bloated apps shit like with settings. It also doesn't force people to update unlike Windows 10 and newer you can skip updates if you really want to.
It doesn't have schizophrenic UI of W8.
Windows 8.1 was not bad, but windows 8 was.
The Windows 8.1 desktop was faster without all the aero shit hogging resources. No one gave it a chance because changing one button made lots of npc heads explode.
>blue screen of mandatory updates every week
>losing progres when doing work or playing games all the time because of it.
Delusion. Used 10 for a while and now use 11 pro. Those updates were (and still are) definitely less frequent and never caused me any issues.
>fucking liar
see pic related
I don't know if I remember it right but I remember the search thingy being absolutely fucking trash on 8.1, as opposed to it being perfectly fine on 8

Everything else was better, sure
They started removing features and adding bloat starting from Wn8.
>I've never used windows 7
helly soulessss
XP > Windows 7. Sorry faggots, I can tell most of you were born in the 90s or later. You probably think halo is the best video game franchise too.
anything search in any microsoft product has always been broken
it was windows before they started chasing the mobile crowd
hey I liked xp. sometimes I use classic shell to make it look like it
>Why is it so beloved?
Relatively lightweight, simple, just gets things done. Doesn't get in the way. Doesn't attention-whore or shill apps. Minimal telemetry that's easy to disable.
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> What makes it "the best" windows?
XP was the best. 7 doesn't have any ads, doesn't change your settings after another updoooote, normal UI without tablet shit. Also UI wise: XP > 7/Vista >>> 10 > 8
To me UI is the most important thing when it comes to OS. I use 10 on my working laptop and it just irritates me. I'm autistic and cant use it as daily driver. I will switch to Linux when the time comes.
>To me UI is the most important thing when it comes to OS
We got it anon, you are unemployed.
>t. flips-burgers-at-mcdonalds
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Stability. Simple.
Win7 was the last true stable OS in which nothing broke unless you started to fuck around with it. No bloat, very little to no telemetry, every software even dating back from Win95 worked with backwards compatibility.
In one of the companies I did IT for they still used 7 to run old version of CamPlus to work with 90s CNC machines. Everything you threw at it just worked. That's why I'm not entirely surprised that people still stick to it despite no receiving security updates for years.
Here is something to think about. If the majority of computers in the major intelligent agencies still run XP and 7, why they don't upgrade other than their computers being old? Why not use Linux or, better yet, use Win 10 LTSC?
the only reason I switched to Win 10 was because Elden Ring forcing it on you. otherwise, it didnt work. I was on Win7 for years before it got released.
Zoomers never got to experience the golden age of XP
They got their first computer with vista, and after using that pile of garbage no wonder they thought 7 was the shit
It worked, didn't overreach, and did its job. Only bad thing is you still had to install your own drivers after boot, and that was a pain.

Makes me wonder if we'll ever get another good corporate OS. Probably not.
>intelligent agencies still run XP and 7
desu they should have their own operating systems, maybe based on the linux kernel. win7 is not for NPCs nor security critical situations, but for power users that know what they are doing.
I wouldn't recommend it to an npc who are scared of cookies
why don't you tell us since you're the only person who makes windows 7 threads here?

Imagine being that guy who "peaked in highschool" and makes it their entire persona, except it's one troll/spam thread from 10 years ago on 4chan
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> win7 is not for NPCs
You will be surprise how many NPCs adapted to Win7 when it was released. It was easy to understand and operate for them. If you give it to them now and tell them that they still watch ticktok and Youtube or whatever goyslop they like, they would love the OS. The fact you have senile boomers still use it should tell you something.
> they should have their own operating systems, maybe based on the linux kernel
Its call Ubuntu.
> win7 is not for NPCs nor security critical situations, but for power users that know what they are doing.
The only problem with Win7 right now is security updates and their telemetry. If someone can patch modern security updates along with getting rid of the spying addons, then Win7 would be perfect.
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Modern gaming is shit nowadays. You are better off emulating older systems or even the Switch if you want to play modern games well.
> Captcha: 2B
name one good switch game
>wow not having control over my opperating system is so much better than having control over my opperating system! Progress means removing features, paywalling others, and adding invasive advertisements and "reminders" of current thing on my homescreen. task bar? whats the usecase? indians live in your head rent free its not like its one of the biggest social issues of our time hahaha got'm heres my work machine to prove im a true blue windows 11 american

kill yourself.
>Why is it so beloved? What makes it "the best" windows?
nintendie games may be baby mode for 95% of their content, but nintendo has excellent quality control and im always impressed by the products they put out.

>literally the windows 7 of lynx

lol lmao
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> Mario Odyssey
> Tears of the Kingdom (If you haven't played Botw)
> Smash
sorry I'm not into gaymes, would my previous post be considered bait on /v/?
>>literally the windows 7 of lynx
Nah, Ubuntu is Windows 11 before Windows 11.
If you never used it, then it's best never using it. Google Chrome stopped supporting it in 2023, only Wokefox still runs on it.
who cares lol
>sorry I'm not into gaymes
based retard
oh sorry am I supposed to say "nta" or else you're just going to assume that you're speaking to the same anon?

I'd like for you to go back to r*ddit or lurk moar since clearly you can't use 4chan yet
Not as obsolete as xp, less bloated than win8+, also windows users are afraid of tiles introduced in win8.
lol NOPE
Because with windows 8 they really started to force a lot of silly design paradigms without offering you the "legacy" option (start menu, settings etc).
I think windows 7 was the last windows to have a classic start menu if im not entirely wrong, I think that alone accounts for a lot of the nostalgia.

I honestly dont think that windows 7 was much better than vista, aside from vista gobbling up my harddrive storage space with "shadow storage" backups that you need to delete using command line, it wasnt really all too bad. Sure some drivers where bad and it introduced the whole WHQL signing and stuff, but I see it as an improvement.
I just put Win 7 Ultimate on an old laptop. What are some essential things I need to do for security and/or what is some good software that goes well with win 7?
security is a meme
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why would you even ask about gaymes if you're not interested
>pretending to be retarded
Vista was bad and 7 mostly worked by comparison. 8 had that ridiculous "metro" look and it took years for 10 to stop sucking so hard. So you end up with this comfortable island of windows 7 surrounded by vast oceans of suck on either side. No wonder why people remember 7 fondly.
I don't remember vista being bad. The only reason why my family PC runs win10 now is because league stopped working on vista and my sister wanted to play

Honestly it's amazing that league can run on 17 year old hardware with 3gb of ram.
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I don't use it for nostalgia. It's just stable and less frustrating to use. No ads, no pride trash, and little to no telemetry. You can get Windows 7 to update until 2026, and either way I have OpenBSD as a NAT.
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This was the turning point. Up until 8, Microsoft had implemented gradual improvements to a consistent user experience - the Windows experience.

Then, overnight, the out-of-touch boomers who ran Microsoft decided to betray their own UI which they had developed and instead followed the dumbed down niggercattle Apple UI design. At the time, ipods were the latest consumer craze and Microsoft was (still is) the Hindu King Midas where every product they touch turns to shit and dies.
8.1 was a downgrade. Microsoft did extensive testing before releasing Windows 8 and the reason that they made the Metro start screen the default even for desktops is because it's faster for keyboard and mouse as well as for touch. Having things spread out further means you have to move your mouse further, but that spacing allows for bigger buttons which require less precision to click. As an example, compare the time that it takes to move your mouse from the bottom left to the top right corner of your screen, to the time it takes to click the middle of three taskbar icons. The first task is actually faster despite needing a greater amount of movement.

I'll admit that defaulting to the start screen rather than the desktop on boot was a dubious choice, but there were tools to change that almost instantly.
Windows 2000 Professional was not that bad, but ME was.
win7 is the windows version where system crashes stopped being a regular occurence. I don't remember Win7 crashing on me more than once or twice a year. With XP it was a monthly thing, with ME almost weekly.
They fucked up with vista so bad that they needed a reboot. Same code base as vista but improved for mobile devices and internet based applications.

The code is better at 8/8.1 (not talking about gui) but people hated it because of the lack of proper GUI.

After that development team got tired, m$ fired all QA and bill gates sold the company to indian mafia.
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The rumor around the shitting street is that Microsoft will declare Win11 EOL for Q2 2026

Windows® 12™ Candy Crush™ Facebook® Edition will roll out by EOY 2025
I almost threw up in m,y mouth when Windows 10 came with Candy Crush in the start menu
It just worked, and was the last time desktop/mkb wasn’t seen as secondary
It was the last Windows OS before Windows started getting all weird with the interface design, forcing people to change the way they've been using computers after ~20 years and making Windows like a phone OS in all the worst ways. It's not just nostalgia or "SOVL", things got objectively worse after 7.

>blue screen of death every week
Though the rest of your post is the same as my experience, I don't think I ever saw a BSOD after Windows 2000 with service pack 2.dookhw
Literally every fucking UWP replacement app is dogshit. New paint, new mail app, new snip, it all fucking sucks because the people who understand function>form left and the only people left are designerfags who don't even use windows but Mac
It's just the newest windows that isn't trying to sell you something every two seconds.
No metro start panel instead of regular one. No double control panel. No widgets. No notification panel. 7 just fucking works and that's it. For some reason 11 has no similar kind of full screen start panel like in 8, but it has its own way of retardation in this regard.

I switched to 10 in the same year 11 released.
>I've never used windows 7
Underage b&
>Why is it so beloved? What makes it "the best" windows?
>I want concrete answers, not buzzwords like "sovl".
Ah. It just worked. It looked nice. No ads. No tranny flags. No indian slop code lagging up the system. No bullshit, it was just Windows.
>Zoomers never got to experience the golden age of XP
>They got their first computer with vista
SP3 dropped in 2008
>and after using that pile of garbage no wonder they thought 7 was the shit
Vista was as good as 7. Just don't be poor in 2006.
>not having control over my opperating system
Name a few things that I should really control in Windows 11 that are not possible to change.
>than having control over my opperating system
Let me guess, you are a linux user?
>removing features
what kind of features?
>paywalling others
such as?
>adding invasive advertisements and "reminders" of current thing on my homescreen
Neither ads nor small rainbow sticker prevents you from actual work. Those things dont really pop up on pro versions at the first place.
>indians live in your head rent free
Yep, they do.
> blue windows 11 american
I am not even american. Now you can go back to >>>/pol/
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Because it just worked and still does
>Underage b&
what? why do you think I'm an underage?
Real perfection is a lie. Windows 7 and 2003 toyota Camry are as close as we've come to real perfection
It doesn't have a plan to start spying on you right before the age when successful businesses will have to consider everything proprietary and stop sharing any information on their operations whatsoever in order to avoid being copied and undercut by virtually free AI agents.

The future is going to have no middle class. Just on one end the people too poor to afford computers and on the other end will be businesses and their owners who won't use anything that has a risk of bankrupting them overnight by recording the wrong clue to proprietary information.

At best it's like trusting Amazon would never look at your sales data and clone your product but cheaper. Except imagine if anyone ever saw the data Amazon collected on you and then everyone else besides Amazon was also copying you for free.

I thought big tech would be successful companies to bet on but just realized that having the wrong data collected is the difference between life and death for the customers who will be able to afford their products. Making their customers play Russian roulette means eventually all their customers go out of business. Amazing.
you can type into the path/search bars and get instant results instead of wating minutes
I had to switch to Win10 after my SSD starting failing and I still regret it
search on windows got really, really bad pretty recently, wtf happened?
The walls are closing in!!
>no updates
>firefox on extended support
>manual download of security essentials updates
>many applications drop support

I tried linux, but the file managers alone just can't compete with explorer. Also I learned "distro hopping" is a thing. wtf? I know my Win7 system. I don't want a new system - it would take years to have the same confidence, especially with Linux.
>comparing NT kernel OS to a 9x one
yeah, I really wish someone makes a desktop environment that is a 1=1 clone of explorer, but knowing lintards, they will probably choose to work in a win11 design instead of the classic theme + win7 explorer design.
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SAR you will be provided with the most relevant onedrive search results FIRST! This is BEST because you will then be able to access all of your important documents from the CLOUD via MICROSOFT 365!

Please set your ticket to SOLVED and mark my comment as the ANSWER if I was helpful to you today.
it was always bad, I use w7 and the searching barely works, still better than searching for a file and getting bing web results instead
>file managers alone just can't compete with explorer.
what are you exactly looking for?
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>You pretty much never interacted with the retarded tile tablet shit
When did you last use Win7 or even XP explorer? It's just a much better user experience, no need to get into the details. Everything I tried sucked, including KDE which appears to be the go-to UI for former windows users. Well not for me.
I think the skeumorphic design of icons was what made the Windows 7 machine the most approachable at that time. Combined with the easy personalitzation settings and how ugly Windows 8 looked, I think the system solidified in the public's mind as the best. Some of it is nostalgia, but in my experience, 7 was stable and was created at the time where Microsoft was just beginning to spy on the user and shovel ads and unneeded apps down our throats.
I held on until support ended. After that, I jumped from 7 to 10 and the first couple of hours were such an annoying experience, with having to disable all the tracking, removing all the bloat, only for M$ to change my default browser to Edge after an update.
I think everything related to Windows went to shit after 7. The design, the UX, stability, everything. I will switch to linux when support for 10 ends. 11 fails to improve on anything except following current UI/UX trends with rounded corners and glassmorphism.
cool, can you actually say something instead of posting memes, retard?
can we also admit windows 8 was fast like really fast.

being faster than windows 7 and having the fatest startup time out of any windows NT version ever
I mean, it didn't need to render aero, setBackground(#0000FF)
Because it sat between the festering turds that are Vista and 8
I should've specified that I want answers from people that were around at the time of windows 7.
>vista wasn't bad
dumb contrarian
people putting it on shitty computers and being surprised it doesn't work as fast as XP doesn't make it bad
The poor performance wasn't the only thing bad about Vista silly zoomer-chan
because Vista was a mess, and 8 was too much of a change.
Win10 is more fast and stable BUT it doesn't have the consolidated experience of 7.
>people putting it on shitty computers and being surprised it doesn't work as fast as XP doesn't make it bad
>I'm that much of an inbred retard full of socially adopted "fun facts :tm:" I cannot dispute what you're saying
>btw the exact same OS with slightly different themeing and d3d11 is better
SP2 was kino
>another retarded contrarian who wasn't alive for the release of Vista has joined the lobby
who are you quoting
it works
>looked good and professional
>no ads, metro, cortana or recall
>rock solid core applications that had been around forever
>microsoft wasn't trying to reinvent the desktop every version
whom are you quoting
whom are you
who ar-

this is getting retarded

I'm leaving
whom are you quoting
you're quoting me!
It was me all along! You were quoting me!
You gotta be if you weren't around for 7. It was still king until like 2018.
>Win10 is more fast and stable
LMAO delusional fucking mong were you even around for 10 RTM? What a mess. Literally unusable. XAML jeetcode shitfest start menu bricks explorer when it feels like it. Autocorrect by default.
>facts I can't comprehend are muh contrarian
stupid retard
>and d3d11
Vista got dx11 from updates.
>wasn't alive
I was. I saw my parents get a laptop with it and remember the biggest problem was Toshiba shipping broken wifi drivers preinstalled.
because vista had a rough launch (drivers and shit PC specs) made it laggy
7 was released for free from m$ to "test it out", except it never expired. just had a crappy water mark that could be removed with a fake activator so millions of people got a "free" upgrade and the UI was better. if 7 had released the same time as vista everyone would have shit on it too because poorfag PC specs wouldnt run it neither and the driver issues were fixed by the time 7 was out so budget pcs were better by then and could run 7 or vista by default
I see Windows 7, I post "sovl", simple as
quads of truth
vischads won
>You gotta be if you weren't around for 7. It was still king until like 2018.
My first OS (family pc) was vista when 7 was not a thing yet. Then out 'puter broke and some IT guy install XP on it. (even though the pc could handle vista very well but I guess he jumped on the bandwagon of vista -> xp downgrade). Then it broke again and vista came back.

Now at this point 7 was already out but we had no reason to upgrade so we didn't. In 2013 I got my first PC and it ran windows 8. No reason to downgrade this pc to 7. So I've never used 7. Not too long after 10 came out so again- no reason to use 7.
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If you used vista you used 7.

What's the use case for Windows 10, really? 7 runs "Windows 10 Edition" shitware.
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>Why is it so beloved? What makes it "the best" windows?
Imagine a world without smartphones.
Internet where every user is on a personal computer.
Era where you pay once for your software, and then own it for life.

That's the kind of world we were living still in the late-00s, and in the early 2010s.
That's the premise for the Windows 7's tale. It was essentially the "last" of many things:

The final MS' truly desktop operating system.
The last "offline" MS' OS, that didn't try to sell you something every passing minute, or force untested "upgrades" down your throats.
It was also the last Windows with a robust, tactile explorer and control panel. All while already packing modern conveniences, like a snappy, quick search function, screen corner snapping, Aero theme with peeking, docking / grouping of the same exe's windows on the task bar... etc. You could also literally opt out of the UAC and Windows updates. Latter you could retroactively uninstall if shit didn't work, without having to do a system restore.

W7 was a massive upgrade from Vista. Some try to belittle its legacy now, saying that it's just "Vista 1.5" and that it was the world that changed around it, but this is BS. I got to beta test Seven back in 2008, and used it as my main work horse from 2011 to 2023. Installing W7 literally REVIVED many Vista craptops my peers still had years ago, improving their stability, performance, and even software compatibility.

Visually, W7 is peak. None of this flat-boxes shit that looks like some intern drew in MS Paint. The fact that the OS generally stays "out of your way" is a big plus too; Seven feels like your private office room, where as anything after W8 is like walking into a public Bazaar, never knowing what's coming. This change is still well symbolized by the "My Computer" turning into "THIS computer".
And this ain't just some nostalgic mumbojumbo. W7's system requirements are 1/4th of 10's or 11's, all while running the same NT base (6.x)
>If you used vista you used 7.

I mean
yeah, kinda

Honestly up until recently I had trouble telling them apart.
This comment should be saved and posted in response to every baby duck spammer
NTA, but nope, he's right.
This chart's from late 2017. Win7 was simply "way too good" operating system for the modern business models. MS had to pull out all sort of mental gymnastics and under the table deals to finally "kill" it. Something which even Blizzard criticized, when they released their own Win7 DX12 mode for the WoW, proving once and for all that all the Pajeet shilling about DX12 "needing" Wee10 were once again bullshit. Just like their promises of keeping W10 the very last Windows release were in the end.
by "wrong" I was referring specifically to ">You gotta be if you weren't around for 7"
make it happen

how hard is it to copy and paste this into other threads?

turn this into a copy pasta, it takes very little effort
You could just take a snapshot on FF and save it as a PNG.
Still, I'm flattered if my boomer rant is appreciated.
If the 1% rule is real (it most likely is) then you can be sure that any post on this site is at least somewhat appreciated.
It was what the larper nocoders of G grew up with. Also the last "normal" os from microshart before they started being obvious about turning their user base into niggercattle.

Unironically I migrated to 10 because of this. Xenia needs DirectX 12, if not for that I prob still with 7 now.
It looks good, it works faster than windows 10 and more stable than windows xp. Everyone was hating it at the time though because of all the telemetry it sent back to MS but today everyone seems to have forgotten that because windows 10 is a lot worse with that and windows 11 dwarfs even windows 10 with that shit.
Windows 10 and even 11 is fine. Cant imagine using W7 on a modern computer. Its missing so many APIs and functions. It doesnt even support pcie3 NVME drives. I miss classic theme so much though.
Who needs an nvme for YT, music and shitposting? Even for gayming SATA speeds are fine. If some workstation fags really want to flex they should spalsh out on enterprise like the big bois they imagine themselves to be
it was never the best, more like the last acceptable one
>just never upgrade and use windows 7
If you have had put aside 1$ per month every month since the last time you bought a computer you would be able to afford a nice and fairly modern used computer poorfag.
I'm waiting on 8800X3D+8800XT achyally
Way less bloat
Looks good
UI that still makes sense
Way more control over your PC

Sure, 7 wasn't perfect and still had a lot of room for improvement but compared with 8, 10 and 11 it was a competent OS for both work and entertainment.
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Microsoft pulled that shit before, when halo launched to pc, it was a vista exclusive, and the installer could not start because of "incompatibility". A day later someone created a crack for the installer and the game ran perfectly fine.

Vista failed because it was too heavyweight for the current pcs (mostly came from XP > 7), but it was beautiful for the era.

Win XP was really good OS, a huge improvement over 98/2000. But it loses to 7 because of usability, the compact program icons, better control panel, being able to pin a program without taking up space.

W8 is the biggest failure of all because the phone market became too big, and microsoft confused with the pc market. But 10 and 8 was the same as 7 was for vista, they build a new OS on top of it but forgot to remove the phone UI aspect, even 11 have 8 UI mixed with pc ui.

I would be still using 7 but I moved to linux 3 years ago, mainly because of my new pc not being able to install it and compatibility. I don't regret moving since I'm a power user and I know what I'm doing and not afraid of a terminal.
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it just oozes optimism and contentedness. just thinking about it gives one the same airy, spacious feeling. the vast, deep blues, the lush, alive greens, it is the distilled essence of unwavering peace with life.
only neonate retards think that.
Win2K SP5 is the best Windows.
Everything since has just been added gimmicks making the experience worse.
>how dare you! rubber ducky!
the solution is to avoid monolithic monopolizers like google and microsoft and then try to be a good guy tech guy and dont let the hedonistic lazy puppet masters get the information they seek to build devices.
actually Win2K SP3a with KB215376 update is best windows everything else is just bloat
Oh shut the fuck up. Its literally the same shit but with the start "menu" not showing up full screen by default at boot and a few additional small tweaks.
Its 99.9% the same shit.
This is why I still run all my ATMs on windows 7, even though I'm not supposed to.

I would gladly buy windows 7 again. If it had modern api support.
because anons used it when they were young and happy, and now incorrectly they associate their memories and the good feelings of that time with the operating system they happened to be using.

same reason people say the music and movies from their youth was the best.
Then 8 wasn't bad either and you retards can't be trusted to be objective. As someone who used 8.1 for several years there was nothing fucking wrong with it.
It was the perfection of that desktop experience. Once it reached SP2, it was stable as can be. W10 decided everything needed to be moving into a settings "app", w11 I've heard is even worse with this.
>calling anyone poor
Girls Und Panzor: Dream Tank Match
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people loving windows 7 clearly forget all the windows live bs they tried to shoehorn in. worse than todays xbox shit because it worked even less well, and was drm.
they don't make mobile chips with 3d cache
8.1 was great, but nobody installed it so support was cut short. Regardless 8.1 was a true successor to 7 and was the last good Windows. XP -> 7 -> 8.1 everything else is garbage
if NT6 and up didn't introduce DRM then I'd agree that 7 was perfect, but XP has it beat there.
failed os u rite
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form is function

the new form sucks
Its a big improvement on vista
Fruitnigger aero
Lots of software compatibility
Isn't ugly like 8.1
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>What makes it "the best" windows?

Well first of all Windows XP is "the best" windows.

>Why is it so beloved?

Because its basically a reskin of Windows XP.
I have used it just because I had to, never really liked it. Where do you even see people living it? You probably saw a few tards here but that doesn't make it a beloved os. It worked fine in 2009, in 2024 it's completely useless.
>2024 it's completely useless.
So is w10/11.
No 10 and 11 work just fine wdym? On 7 you can't even get graphics drivers. Arch Linux is still the best. But I wish they would make SOLIDWORKS for Linux, no freecad doesn't work.
born 1992
My fav os is Windows 10
>xp best windows
what windows 7 got wrong was including theme/genre folders like 'pictures' and 'videos' which 'collect' and present files from various locations as if they are in one folder.
forcefully obfuscating and abstracting the hierarchical file system structure without user consent is, very simply, evil.
why i don't like windows after 7 is a mix of they move everything around so control panels and settings no longer have any logical structure and at them same time make them extremely ugly using flat design where grouping no longer exists and everything is just a list instead of using layout as context clues for function.
someone at my job suggested i should use visual studio code as an ide instead of bloated old vs, and i just simply do not understand what it is or what to do with it. everything is just completely flat, none of the options or menus are predictable or logical, there is absolutely no structure or hierarchy to anything, there is no manual to anything, the only instructions i found was a walk through published by the plugin author which did not match what i had on my screen.
the only time i have used windows 10 was getting roped in to a couple of tech support issues with old people who can't figure things out and i would say to them well normally i would do this, and go to show them, and what i would try to show them wouldn't work or exist and it would be actually embarrassing trying to figure out the solution in front of them because the menus and options are so obscure.
never had that problem with xp, 7 i use linux daily never had a problem with it, my boss has a macbook never had a problem with it. w10 to me just seems a complete fucking mess.
and don't even get me started on the bloat lol. i switched to linux and i use plain wm zero taskbar just right click menu launcher. just the idea of having a taskbar that has the temperature, what the traffic is like, when the next pride parade is, i just dont want it
Looks cool
>never used windows 7
Your dad was Richard Stallman or a macfag? Every household had that growing up.
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>I've never used windows 7
>Why is it so beloved?
It just works. Regardless of whether your PC has a Core 2 duo CPU or an i7 CPU or 2GB of RAM or 64GB of RAM, Windows 7 works and it works fast. I was an avid XP user up until 2013, but even XP clunks pretty hard compared to the excellence that is Windows 7.

>I wish 8.1 was still supported.
When I had a Windows 8 PC and upgraded to Windows 8.1 it caused all of my laptop's drivers to shit the bed and even Minecraft wouldn't run right anymore. And this was a new PC at the time that shipped with Windows 8 as well. Then in 2015 Microsoft did the no opt out forced upgrade to Windows 10 and I got out my recovery disc and reset the whole thing back to Windows Seven. Post 2010 Windows can go to hell.

>all that bloat and mess and you cannot even remove or disable it without linux tier fiddling
Yeah right.
>But yes, might as well use linux
Unless you meant ltsc.
It was visually and behaviorally consistent for the most part and not actively user-hostile. There are things that are passively user-hostile just due not being well thought out and difficult to use as a result. Windows from version 8 onward on the other hand is actively user-hostile by being intrusive and generally more difficult to use by design, in order to funnel the user into a set of choices that Microsoft wants them to make. It undoes your settings at random, it makes it more difficult to set 3rd party programs as defaults, it serves unwanted ads and so on. Windows 7 is considered by most lifelong Windows users to be the last good version of Windows because it just leaves you alone. You didn't have to constantly fight it.
Good answers and this is what people mean by sovl. It was the last of old Microsoft when they let the software engineers and UI designers work together.
>8 was the beginning of the end trying to combine a tablet and desktop experience (terrible idea)
>10 was a slight back track committing to a desktop experience, but doubling down on the new UI design standards
>11 is the point of no return. They removed the control panel, engineers where forced to write the start menu in React, gimmicks like ChatGPT being forced into everything.
>Microsoft pulled that shit before, when halo launched to pc, it was a vista exclusive
You mean Halo 2? Because Gaylo 1 came out in 2003 for PC, when XP was the latest system.
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First off you need to switch over to Windows 7 Pro because KMS_VL_ALL_AIO can't unlock Ultimate Edition if I'm not mistaken (you are activating your edition of windows right Anon?) and then you just basically get a third party anti virus program like Malwarebytes and you should basically be fine.


Also, the Simplix updater is a good way to bring Windows 7 up to date.
>This update pack allows you to update Windows 7 SP1 (x86 x64) and Server 2008 R2 SP1 live operating systems and integrate the updates in the distribution (Install.wim). It can be installed in any language. Includes all critical, recommended, and security updates and updates for all versions of Internet Explorer.

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>Microsoft pulled that shit before, when halo launched to pc, it was a vista exclusive, and the installer could not start because of "incompatibility". A day later someone created a crack for the installer and the game ran perfectly fine.

That was Halo 2 Vista, and then Microsoft discontinued Games For Windows Live in 2014 so a group of modders Cracked Halo 2 Vista and brought the multiplayer back online for free. It's called "Project Cartographer" if you want to give it a try.


They also updated Halo 2 Vista so it will run properly on modern machines because Vista was ass and nothing after vista liked the game in its original form.
not optional if you ever played the games that required it to be there
I was a typo, meant 9800x3d
It was the last version of windows that was created to be consumer friendly, rather than turning the consumer into the product via mass spyware, data harvesting, monitoring, etc.
>windows 11 user
opinions discarded. you're obviously a 70 IQ subhuman.
t. zoomer
devil advocate here, 8.1 was very good
8.1 was a weird inverse of 10, they back tracked on some of the UI design but doubled down on the tablet tiles stuff.
Why? Wasn't it literally for industry/enterprise? Those things wouldn't be tablets anyway.
WDDM 1.2 in 8.0 was much better. 8 1 became less responsive.
I am wealthy enough to afford a computer with alder lake i5 and 32gb of DDR4. Most 7niles daily-drive really ancient hardware, from c2d to sandy bridge era, that they either bought a long time ago or dumpsterdived.
Better to be 70 IQ subhuman than 50 IQ NEET.
>use case for windows 10
I can't get some games to run on 7
cool, why are you telling me that though? I don't care what you are
>when they let the software engineers and UI designers work together.
that doesnt make sense. they wanted desperately to make windows on a phone and tablet a thing, theyd have to work together for that.
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>started on 98
>worked through school on NT/2k
>had XP at home
>moved to 7
>still on 7 (with NT/2k classicshell)
I know they were just chasing the ipad market with 8 but man what a downwards spiral that turned into.

The only thing hitching me right now are fucking launchers and other browser integration in vidya using dumbass unneccesary kernel calls because that's what the new design docs tell them to use, yeah i'm sure your dumbass CEF embed really needs GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime instead of GetSystemTimeAsFileTime

I wish I could shill vxkex but the author just randomly deleted his github despite being a fucking incredible tool
because you can turn everything included in windows on 7 off entirely by your own choice. Meanwhile 10 and up you're fighting with microsuck about what they can even install on your computer.
Certain editions of windoze can't even turn anything off because micropenis decided that was too much control, they put in the setting panel that has solved literally nothing while trying to deprecate the functional and inoffensive control panel for no benefit whatsoever.
There are now services you simply cannot turn off for no justifiable reason, half the so called improvements rob you of processing power better put to use on anything else.
They're trying to turn most people from informed, educated users into locked down apple tards.
Worst of all this is driven by the poojeet at the top who should be flushed back to his home toilet.
You can disable the aero shit in W7
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Updooters can bitch and whine, i'll be using this OS all the way throughout the 2030s. The only thing that would make me switch to something else would be photonic circuits somehow becoming the new standard for desktop PC's requiring the adoption of a specialized OS.

That won't be happening until 2050 or so though at the earliest, i think (possibly a bit later or sooner depending on how hard the chinks will be pushing their current research. Seriously i'm rooting for these nibbas, China has left us in the dirt and rightfully so)
I'm almost thinking of returning to W7. There's literally nothing I need in W10
what about for video games?
Retards never used Vista so everything 7 "brings" is new to them.
x64 though
fpbp but 8 was optimized A LOT to run on nvidia tegra ARM garbage and 2 core atoms with 1gb and the metro slop bloated it a lot
hacking 7 explorer into it leaves you with a 300MB idle desktop
>Vista failed because it was too heavyweight for the current pcs
along with poor drivers at launch and some bugs... DDR2 got much cheaper from 2007 to 2009 so you had cheap shit with 2gb and midrange shit with 4gb and dual cores were now more common than single cores
blame int*l and OEMs for making MS drop requirements to retarded levels and then dumbasses blaming the OS for buying garbage that was too weak for an OS which was literally made for 10-20 years into the future (windows 10 and 11 are still NT 6.4)
>Win XP was really good OS, a huge improvement over 98/2000
over 98 certainly but it was otherwise literally 2000 with a new theme and start menu
all this old windows extension is developed by transgenders/furries/general porn addict degenerates
linux now has a lower % of trannies actively involved in software development LMAO
I used 8 for several from around 2013-2015 and never minded it at all. I just didn't use the tiles. It wasn't a big deal at all.
>Windows phone/tablet
That was a Windows 8 thing.
This, so far Windows 7 is the only version I've been able to leave running continuously for more than a week without something fucking up and needing to restart.
>so obsessed with troons you're seeing them where none exist
point out the furry and/or tranny in those repos
no, being canadian doesn't count (though it probably should)
Where's a good place to get Ultimate edition?
Imagine going to this length to use an obsolete, insecure operating system on your computer LMAO. Enjoy your ransomware.
Enjoy your ransomware, malware, spyware and god knows what else. You're going to get what you deserve.
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Because it just worked without having to use 9,999 debloater tools and mods.
No it's not, it came out in 2009.
Nobody hated 7 and nobody complained about telemetry.
the game looked completely different in 2009
8.1 fixed a lot of things people hated about 8. you conflate them which makes you sound like a newfag

8 was a botched release nobody was happy with because Microcock got psyoped into creating an unfocused hybrid of touch/desktop UI. they truly believed in the "end of the PC era" marketing by Apple. their course correction on 10 is a concession by Microcock themselves that the critics of 8 were right
What will you do when the last web browser abandons deadshitos, your ancient hardware that was somehow compatible with it dies and your mom kicks you out of your basement?
You can literally use Firefox on XP. Stfu
it isn't, the people who are posting about using 7 are doing it solely because it's funny to troll, nobody is retarded enough to use an OS with a million CVEs out of the box
'cause unlike recent windows versions it actually worked fine without too much bloat nor spyware bundled + it runned fine even on low specs pc
after applying 10 different kernel patches, maintained by a single third worlder thats known from acting out and can abandon them at any time.
One of the last service packs was when microsoft put the spyware / forced updates in. I have 2x W7 machines that are free of that patch off the network and run a few legacy applications. Because of this W7 was the last windows for me.
there was literal furryporn added to thorium browser at one point
Whats it like listening to people with a lower IQ than you and parroting it without checking yourself?

The image was this
It was the last time your computer was really still "yours" as later versions of windows they wanted windows to be "theirs" that you were just renting via sending your data, subscribing to shit, or being subjected to advertising, or other means. The dynamic fundamentally changed. The only way your computer is still yours is if you break away from windows and use linux instead, which is what I personally did.
wow hacking in a strange chromium fork made by a single guy just so you can still use 7. hope you dont use your pc for banking
*ugandan adds one line in the source code to send every input from wellsfargo.com to a backend server*
heres your chrome .dll bro
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>hacking in
Posts like this make me think i'm on /v/, had to double check
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All they did was make the Start Menu into a Start Screen and all of a sudden your average retard forgot how to use a computer.

Man those complaints aged like milk
privacy more then anything, is more secure then using windows 8 due to less spyware included and in certain points better for retro software.
Windows 8 seems bad but depends in games and loading is faster then windows 7 using same hardware (only time that sentence made sense on windows) even in games.
How about us not wanting shitty tablet ui, shill
Because it is the most stable, rock solid, dependable, compatible, no bullshit, and second best looking version of Windows.
To the point you can still use it today no problem, 16 years after release.
>Toshiba cannot into drivers
>Blame vista

quite ironic you're calling others retards desu
pffft I wish
would've been fuckin based if it was
Pretty much. The UI works with you, instead of against you.
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>oh no my start screen is full screen that must mean its a tablet UI

how about you being retarded

Games run in fullscreen too are those tablet UIs as well? dumbass
Last version of windows intended for the competent desktop user. 8/8.1 was a compromise with unwanted mobile crap, and 10/11 is a clunky piece of shit that tries to take control away anywhere a few extra pennies can be squeezed out of users.
Some prior versions were good too, but less refined than 7.
7's Start Menu type-to-search is a very nice feature once you get used to it.
Infrequently used programs?

>WinKey -> type... XM
XMediaRecode pops up.
>WinKey -> type... Cry
CrystalDiskInfo / CrystalDiskMark pop up.

I mean, XP was great but it's a shame it never got that feature.
Also in general XP is pre-vsync era. Raw FPS. Screen tearing on your desktop.
From a usability standpoint this results in smoother interaction but can be visually unappealing.
XP was based for screen recorders though.

In an alternate universe we'd have XP SP4, web 2.0 would have been rejected, and ADVERTISEMENTS in the OS would have never been tolerated.
Shame that never happened.
Built-in search can be helpful, but it'll always be slower than the XP start menu because that allowed you to basically rearrange the menu items to function like a hotkey. If you know XMedia Recode is the first item in the Programs list that starts with an X, you can just type
>Win, P, X, Enter
in immediate succession and it'll open the program as fast as you can type without having to take your hands off the keyboard or wait on the menu to load or wait for the OS to think about what you might be trying to look for. And if that's the only thing under Programs that starts with an X then you don't even need to press Enter.
Windows 7 did significant damage to the UI, its nowhere near as bad as windows 8 and later, but its still bad.
Win2K is my favorite. I'm just clinging on to 7 to avoid 10. Once I build a new PC several years from now, I'll jump to a free software OS since there should be better options by then.
>my boy knocked my desktop onto the floor last month
>while it was running
>had to put it all back together
>blow out all the dust
>ssd wont boot
>win7 install discs are too scratched to use repair with
>but plug it into the linux laptop it loads up
>I can grab data off it
>but it wont load

Was about to copy the ssd to another ssd to see if it's physical damage, any thoughts?
>but it wont boot

I can pull data off it, but when I plug it in to boot
>"please insert system disc"
>The UI works with you, instead of against you.
This is my biggest gripe with Windows 11. It's Windows, I recognize it as Windows, but they made it so much of a pain in the ass to use that I'm actually using my computer less just to not deal with it.
1) Need an update? I recheck all of my settings just in case the street shitters in MS decided to reset it. Settings will reset with updates and they're frequent.
2) Taskbar? No more labels and all windows are forced to be grouped. I had to dig into the registry before another update reintroduced the feature. Fuckers.
3) Settings ≠ Control Panel, the settings don't update half the time for some reason, the buttons and sliders are there for show.
4) Battery management is also fucked as well. I have never seen Windows break battery management but it happens with W11. If your laptop has two batteries, it will sometimes ignore the status of the battery being used. That battery percentage is actually incorrect sometimes.
5) Why the fuck is "Canadian English" and "English (India)" on my US install of W11? This alone justifies the total genocide of India.
6) Account "required" to set up PC. Thank goodness Shift + F10 still works. What if the install environment has no internet connection? What if it requires an airgap? What if it is never meant to connect to the internet? I hope these terminally online retards lose internet for a year. They'll kys in two weeks.

Man, I could go on but I don't want to go to sleep angry.

>metro ui
That was terrible on Windows 8. That was awesome on Windows Phone. Its tile organization brought me back straight to RE4 inventory management. That was something that should've remained a mobile-only UI design.
>search on windows got really, really bad pretty recently, wtf happened?
Heavy monetization pressure and censorship. Sponsored results get top pick even if they're not relevant or accurate for ad dollars. Censorship blocks relevant or accurate searches if it runs afoul of the narrative flavor of the month.
>shock damage

...anon are you sure that was an SSD?
they also do it on purpose so that instead of opening up the file you're looking for they can open up a bing search for the name of the file you're looking for and inflate their amount of searches to sell ads
Yes, I am a newfag. I don't visit this cesspool often and never plan on becoming a permanent member and turned into a radicalized trump supporting nazi. What kind of insult is that?
It's the last version of Windows where you can walk away from your PC to brew some coffee and your CPU fan won't be whirring loudly when you get back because Windows sneakily decided to do some bullshit task in the background behind your back without asking your permission or even notifying you with a tray icon.
solder joints can crack
You are here forever. Sorry. You will come to understand the folly of your ways and to love the God Emperor.
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one of us

one of us
I remember when you faggots didn't fall for zoomer bait
What damage?
are you saying that this thread is a bait? explain why
Agreed, baby duck syndrome zoomers just couldn't adapt.
Literally none of these problems exist for most users, stop doing things to your system that breaks it.
7 Kings
Hol up. HOL UP! You do not get to claim anything being faster is a better when the consequence of any input takes multiple frames to appear.
better than using an os maintained by a group of third worlders that just want to spy on you
Tablet UI usability is infinitely superior to boomer menu rat nests.
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I guess it's a generational thing, I used it after winXP and never liked it, UAC , butchered file explorer, meme search that didn't work right, and many other things that made idiot proof but I guess it was a big generation of idiots who just liked Aero theme
Tiles were one of the best things MS ever invented, they were close to the unifying mobile and desktop window, win8 was good outside universal apps that worked very strangely with mouse, always in fullscreen mode, etc
Less BS from microsoft, granular/skippable updates, classic theme still available, windows were you did not need to use tweakers...
2000 was the peak of its UI, XP removed the folder/file history stuff and later the ability to have explorer connect to the internet.
It had many features that were removed in later windows, no bloat or spying and the UI was user friendly and great to look at
It was pure Windows.
No stupid MS account, no AI integration, no fluff news stories, just you and Windows.
If you're really curious about it buy an old laptop or set up a VM.
I already experienced all of that on XP and Vista
I don't fell like I missed out on much by not using 7
Vista was far better than XP and 7 though.
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Keep coping fellow MicroHard employee, but we shall contine to rock W7 because the only people who need to upgrade their puters every three months are literally GAY children who waste their time and money GAYming. If you're not GAY or GAYming then PC processing has been SOLVED. It's been solved since 2012.
It was Vista for those too poor to run Vista.
NEET retard, you failed to understand that most people actually want to do something remotely important on their computers. In the vast majority of cases, you can't do that on deadshitos in 2024. The only reason a 15yo windows version is still usable from your perspective is because you do not do anything important on your computer (and probably in your life in general), since its hard to actually do something with no money or reasons to live. The only reason why you can still use it is because there are a few maintainers who keep hacked web browsers alive, so you can shitpost here. If they ever abandon their projects, you will update or start phoneposting like a little bitch. Most subhumans like you already do just that, because they silently gave up on their misery and just pretend that they still hold up.
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It is beloved by an extremely tiny and yet extremely loud minority of genetic dead ends that long for their wasted youth. Any time you see someone using W7 it's always a massive red flag.
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Doesn't randomly spin up your hard drive to 100% system usage and random hourglass hangs
>NEET retard, you failed to understand that most people actually want to do something remotely important on their computers
This is shilling beyond all sense or comprehension. Have you met the average person? My shitposts are more important than anything produced by 95% of the world's population. If not a total shill, get a grip, lad. Facebook and Tiktok basically summarize the average use of a computer, which you could do with a Pentium III running Windows '95.
souless pagan
Can you actually prove this contrarian opinion?
I expect a consistent Windows user experience, simple as. Not only do they bury the actual OS functionality under yet another hierarchy of menus and settings, the OS deployment was literally broken right out of the box and it required five rounds of updates to fix it. Microsoft treats W11 as a perpetual beta test.
>muh updooooooots
I forcibly disabled all updates on my W10 shitbox (read: trashed the updater .exe) three and a half years ago and refuse to allow permission to the browser updater to start
Everything I want to access still works and will work for the conceivable future. I hope you enjoy your ads and broken extensions
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Greetings to all my fellow Legacy Windows Captains in the thread. Reminder that the haters in Windows7 threads are Satya(n)'s shill army who can't stand the fact that they want every last person to (((upgrade))) to get your precious data, want to pummel you with ADs and will stop at nothing to achive this goal.
> Have you met the average person?
Yes, because unlike you, I don't spend 90% of my life in my mom's basement. Contrary to what you might believe, most people dont use their computers as a glorified bootloader to Tiktok, since they are not as pathetic as you guys are. They actually have some hobbies, for which they sometimes need a working computer. Everything from making drones and 3D printing to gaming, software development or digital art, needs a decent machine with up to date software. Most of genetic deadends like you probably see this as something irrelevant/pozzled/insert any other buzzword here, because thats the only opinion you can afford as an arrogant, cynic NEET, whose only life goal is to shitpost about supposed superiority of his e-waste with outdated Windows version.
You will update like a little bitch the second your software/hardware will no longer be supported on Windows 10. I see no ads on 11 pro for Workstations, retard.
>Implying that MS scans someone's local files for important data.
>Implying that MS cares about NEET 7 holdouts.
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>Implying that MS scans someone's local files for important data.
I'm not implying it, I'm stating it as a matter of fact. Go read the ""privacy""" policies for 10 and 11. Your ad hominum attacks on other posters here proves you're a either a shill, or grossly uninformed.
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>blue screen of mandatory updates
I don't have this problem
I like nautilus more
No , avatarfagging NEET. Microsoft is not scanning your local files. Since you made a claim, you are supposed to provide a source to back it up. Show us exactly where MS says that they are scanning our local files stored on our computers or admit that you are filthy, little lying subhuman .
Disable Windows Defender, techlet. Run the chkdsk/dism/sfc trio of scanners, too.
The usage spikes have reasons to happen and are fully solvable (and avoidable).
Casette Beasts
It was the last hurrah for a desktop oriented UI and had a pretty incredible range of hardware support.
I have only two units still running Windows 10, one pro and one LTSC. Pro is total shit filled with adware, you are a lying nigger dalit.
of course he can't

it's not zoomer bait, this board has a pathological need for a weekly Wangblows7 shitposting thread. Pure talking out of their asses and sometimes circlejerks. It's probably one of those few moments they convince themselves they are not deeply retarded techlets.


Win7 runs best on older hardware, but you will be stuck with mostly light computing tasks. Plenty of good software runs onWin7, but again, nothing like LLMs, Stable Diffusion, modern games, modern music production software, and much more. Basic utilities, GIMP & Krita, MPC-HC, and Supermium and much more are available, so it is potentially quite usable.
IPv6 protocols need to be firewalled or disabled now on 7, so its usability is still waning. 7 has enough fans that light computing stuff will continue to be supported well into the future. The whole point of Supermium is to be able to run in older Windows as far back as XP.
I've had the same job for 8 years and still use Windows 7, if I ever lose the ability to use anything on 7 I'll just start using Arch which I already have installed as a secondary OS. The only reason I don't use 10 or 11 is because I'm not an NPC that will happily give my data to Microsoft like you are. Beep boop harder.

Btw, video games are the most NEET thing possible. Sort your life out if you are a gamer.
windows 8/10/11 are literally all windows 7 with a 64 bit update, that's it
which is what makes it stupid because it's still the same
its unironically worse for gaming than linux lol
Numerous things. A few notable examples
Completely ruined the file search function. Messed up the file browser in various other ways, like crippling the status bar, forced sorting on rename so renaming a folder causes it to vanish from view. Mangled various parts of the control panel, I particularly hate the "personalize" interface. There was no reason whatsoever to replace the old UI, just a worthless UX retard trying to justify their existence.
Windows 7 felt like the "HD" Windows XP
Like the GTA4 to the XP's GTA3
That's all Windows needs to be.
I remember as a kid just fucking around with Windows XP and 98, and having fun messing with the files, screensavers, wallpapers, cursors, etc and Windows 7 felt like the final hurrah for that
8 onwards has been boring and overbloated
The cars in gta3 were quick and nimble whilst the cars in gta4 handled like boats.
pretty well all of the bad that was attributed to vista , is from the infamous "vista basic" oem config, where they shipped with just 512mb of ram, if you had 1gb+ it was fine
>I started using windows since XP era
Imagine admitting this and expecting anyone to take your opinion seriously. You probably don't even remember what a mess xp was prior to sp2
>You probably
geg are you serious
I was using Windows in the 98 era and he's right, Windows has never been better than ever. Stop living in the past.
>Stop living in the past.

So what's wrong with living in the past?
It just happens to be the place I saw you last

I know it may come as a surprise to you, but in the real world there are humans called adults, we have grown up and we earn our place in the world through work, status and relationships. I know this is very alien to an autist NEET such as yourself who is stuck in the past over a dumb OS from the 2000's, but it is a real thing. If you want to contribute to society and get a girlfriend, you should start considering it. Otherwise you'll be seen upon as that weirdo who obsesses over an operating system and girls won't care about dating you.
>real world there are humans called adults
You sound like 12 years old, kiddo
Whatever, get a job and have sex incel.
Sorry, 11 years old
Have you ever had sex?
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Rate my windows 10 ltsc setup guys
>desktop OS with a singular vision instead of some frankenstein monster of desktop + tablet + god knows what
How did they fuck up searching so bad after Win7? It was almost perfect.
I don't like it.
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>So what's wrong with living in the past?
Do you unironically claim that being miserable NEET thats obsessed about ancient Windows version is okay?
I find it hard to believe there's people here who didn't have a PC before the win 10 era. Say it ain't so...
now where did that come from

we're talking about windows 7, not third world shitholes
"sex" with men is not sex, you are a virgin with a blown out asshole
nice projection
Have you ever had sex?

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