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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102302153

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
First for **** is the thread schizo
Hey debo thanks for stealing my gen
First image
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>mfw Resource news


>Concept Sliders: LoRA Adaptors for Precise Control in Diffusion Models

>EENets: Early Exit Convolutional Neural Networks

>A Low-Computational Video Synopsis Framework with a Standard Dataset

>ComfyUI Qwen2-VL wrapper


>FaceSwapLab for Forge

>diffusers-torchao: End-to-end recipes for optimizing diffusion models

>California’s big AI regulation bill is headed to Gavin Newsom

>StableNormal: Reducing Diffusion Variance for Stable and Sharp Normal


>ComfyScript v0.5: Previews, CivitAI nodes, ImageViewer and MetadataViewer

>Deforum Music Visualizer: A music visualizer tool build on Deforum Stable DIffusion

>Fluxgym: Simple Flux LoRA Training Web UI for Low VRAM (12G~)

>Nvidia RTX 5080 and RTX 5090 are reportedly 'scheduled to officially launch in September'

>Datacenters to emit 3x more carbon dioxide because of generative AI


>DC-Solver: Improving Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Sampler via Dynamic Compensation

>TCDiff: Triple Condition Diffusion Model with 3D Constraints for Stylizing Synthetic Faces
>mfw Research news


>Flash Cache: Reducing Bias in Radiance Cache Based Inverse Rendering

>Evaluating Multiview Object Consistency in Humans and Image Models

>CustomContrast: A Multilevel Contrastive Perspective For Subject-Driven T2I Customization

>TextToucher: Fine-Grained Text-to-Touch Generation

>CipherDM: Secure Three-Party Inference for Diffusion Model Sampling

>A Survey of Multimodal Composite Editing and Retrieval

>Shaking Up VLMs: Comparing Transformers and Structured State Space Models for Vision & Language Modeling

>Decoupling Contact for Fine-Grained Motion Style Transfer

>Boosting CLIP Adaptation for Image Quality Assessment via Meta-Prompt Learning and Gradient Regularization

>MRStyle: A Unified Framework for Color Style Transfer with Multi-Modality Reference

>Can OOD Object Detectors Learn from Foundation Models?

>Image color consistency in datasets: the Smooth-TPS3D method

>DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping

>Rethinking The Training And Evaluation of Rich-Context Layout-to-Image Generation

>SpotActor: Training-Free Layout-Controlled Consistent Generation

>Swin Transformer for Robust Differentiation of Real and Synthetic Images: Intra- and Inter-Dataset Analysis

>Thinking Outside the BBox: Unconstrained Generative Object Compositing

>POINTS: Improving VLMs with Affordable Strategies
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Blessed thread of fennec girls.
>four ears
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its kind of interesting how nature has evolved a plethora of different strategies for vision but hearing is basically always two holes in the head. no more, no less. I wonder why there was no evolutionary niches for 4 ears
>no image
I didnt ask
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no one asked if you asked :3
You wanted attention and got it.
shut up
Who hurt you, anon?
rainy girl
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>>Nvidia RTX 5080 and RTX 5090 are reportedly 'scheduled to officially launch in September'
Okay, I'm transgender by the way.
So is a lora what I need to make it so my characters don't have fucking wonky eyes? They often have lazy eyes, cross eyed, different sized eyes and shit.
>debo is gay
The furry stuff makes sense now
Who the fuck is rainy girl?
Morning anons
Morning, Is that Flux and it doesn't know what a quokka is?
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gm. nice raichu
Flux Dev seems to be more coherent but less inventive than Schnell, which seems technically as good but with some of that old SD unhinged flavour. Not really sure what I like better.
that anon you know
Yes, it comes and goes.
They look good either way
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This thing is so fun.
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Here's an old gen from when SD 1.0 was out I think
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i liek ur pic
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Hate that normies think Miguel is a villain
I miss the discord
it's a shame it got banned for pdf files
What was in these pdf files?
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government secrets
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Haven't prompted for a few months, whats the current sota waifu model? Still pony-based? Tried flux, didn't do good waifu - any good lora/finetunes?
>anything you wanna hear more of
>I lost your cassette in a house flood.
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I don't think there's been anything big in the 1girling world lately. people are mostly captured by flux lately but, you're right, its not a great waifu engine
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he looks content
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maybe had a burger for lunch
that came out nice.
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>beer through a straw
this is the most degen shit I've ever seen. what's next, pizza with a knife and fork?
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It's just XL [or restart] being autistic. I asked for drinking so it stretched the foam as it probably couldn't handle the mouth glass interaction
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lol, I didn't doubt it was just some artifact of the AI mind. it seemed fun to poke at

we gotta get these numbers up
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no sweat
So I've been using Pony models for about a month now. If I want try Stable Diffusion, should I look for Stable Diffusion 3 models or is it like the best 2 models are better?
How many here still using SD 1.5? If so, what models? My current preference is Counterfeit V30, but it can be limited in environmental variety. Haven't really used much in the way of mixes to expand it.
quad channel surround sound

dreamshaper iirc
>dreamshaper iirc
Fascinating, I might try a mix between this an Counterfeit V30 and AnythingV5. The Pixel Art variant especially looks interesting. The thing I like about Counterfeit is namely the gritty 1990s animation look to it and the environments that it can produce.

I should probably learn how to properly mess with controlnets/poses/regional prompting after all this time for more control as well.
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if you like the counterfeit aesthetic but find the model to be limited in composition range, you could gen a first pass in a different model then do a 'refiner' pass with counterfeit. depending on hardware though, this could be a lot slower because of having to swap models in and out of vram constantly

there's also counterfeitXL out there. when I last used it, I didn't really like it but it may have been improved on since
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>depending on hardware though, this could be a lot slower because of having to swap models in and out of vram constantly
I'm on a 3060 Ti so I'm basically forced to use SD 1.5 by default until the next-gen cards come out. It's too late in the upgrade cycle for me to be buying up a 4090 for this to be honest. I usually like to do semi-complex or minimalist urban environments mixed with characters, so XL would naturally be a big upgrade if I could run it.

Also on the topic of swapping models, does it actually affect startup time to have your sd models folder full of unused files? I haven't tested it but it feels like it takes longer as opposed to a fresh install at least on a HDD.
>milka factory
I was just gunna say lol
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might go cadbury world soon desu
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Can I create controlnet poses using something like Maya and Blender? I'd like to have the ability to use references.
She misses Mike?
Yeah, you can make them
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here's an "everything and the kitchen sink" option for blender. might be severe overkill for what you're looking for but controlnet and openpose are in there
>might be severe overkill for what you're looking for but controlnet and openpose are in there
I would just draw the poses myself in dotPDN or something but it might just be more straight forward to use a skeleton.
>all bitches, no rods
sad days
nice chains
A random pussybowl appears
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thx bb
God, why can't real women look like this.
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3B tomorrow
~18.5M per hour since i scaled it up
yiffing in hell
Does PCIe version matter when using SD? Say, if I stick a 4090 onto a PCIe 3.0 system?
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where is pw

getting traction on your webui?
>where is pw
avoiding you
Not pw but I like the gens
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ty! people have seemed to like this series. next I wanna see what kind of similar styles I might be able to get with inks instead of paints but it may not work out
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I should have just bought a 4090 the other year, even if it's over $2200. This thing just does not do the job if you want more resolution in img2img or better character detail at a distance.
Too many times you might push the resolution just that little bit and wind up waiting like 10-20 minutes on 97% which turns your system into a slideshow.
Used 3090 is under 800 now
Holy shit, you weren't kidding. Wondering how many of these are equally ticking time bombs. That's only $100 more than I paid for the 3060 Ti.
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I never trust used hardware. even though most of the time it works, you never know for how long. and there's the worst case scenario where you just get scammed with straight trash.
>Time taken: 35 min. 26.0 sec.
Holy fucking shit, what am I doing with my lifetime. That didn't feel like 35 minutes. More like half of that time.
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that's about the limit though. pretty crazy load from just mongo so i'm sorry snap research but you'll just have to wait, it will be complete soon:tm:
in case people get confused i'll clarify its a crowdsourced data labeling platform, i've already made a gradio sd ui, steamlit ui, a library and an electron ui, i really don't want to make another lol
anyway no, i've got some more ideas that might help and ill work on those soon, chatgpt convinced me to take a little break instead of quitting
i've done a few extra datasets in the meantime, a big art one and some others, and i've been looking more at text stuff
one i've got planned is ripping subtitles from amazon prime, netflix etc, there's different languages so it would be cool for translation, and for dialogue. another is extracting text from books, i want to do like an /x/ files dataset with books i grabbed from some /x/ themed torrent. once ive got the process down i'll look at processing libgen
also put this together https://github.com/bigdata-pw/L3 its for dumping L3 cdm from android studio avd, based on other public info, just a slightly better more automated process. needed it for decrypting video in cases where a source isnt available, ultimately its for film/tv/anime frame datasets
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you sound so motivated. godspeed
>just resize
>just resize (latent upscale)
what's the difference?
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quite the opposite. i'm frustrated and miserable. just doing what i can while i still can, i can't afford to do this for free indefinitely. hopefully the subtitle and other text datasets will get some attention and convince someone i'm worth hiring
the flickr set is the biggest image dataset on hf now, realistically the only people who can be using it are companies, its just too big for any individual to be using, just filtering it requires a lot of resources yet alone the storage required to download the images, someone from snap research commented asking when it will be complete so they're either using it or plan to and someone from nous research liked it so i assume they're using it too, it's funny in a way, like that xckd comic, but mainly just frustrating
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ah, well rent being due is a form of motivation I guess. I get the frustration tho, the tech market has been shit for two years now. just make sure to blame the industry and not yourself
How the hell do you get rid of either the plasticized look or the heavy depth of field effect look that most AI images seem to have?
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
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hi purple lady poster, nice to see you
your timing sucks lately. I'm just about to disappear for a bit. I missed you yesterday (or the day before?) too -- you said hello right after I went to sleep. maybe I'll catch you later on. hope you've been cookin up fun stuff recently
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I mixed the Spider-Man 2099 LoRA with the 90s render LoRA and got pretty close to the style of MTV Spider-Man.
Is this for SD3?
Morning Anon
nothing stopping SAI from using it
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Heyy Debo!! I hope you've been doing well!
LOL I totally missed you last time! Yeah, I hope to see you later on haha i'll likely be around! :]
I don't really have anything planned for the day, so probably just gonna proompt!
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Heya, Quokkanon! :]
Cute lego quokka haha
Hello PW :)
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Heya, anon! Great to see you again :]
Really cool scene!
>two arms
very homoerotic atmosphere
It sometimes looks closer to comic
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You are so cute when you are trying to work hard!
>>too vannila
>posts vanilla
challenge yourself
Good dog :]
stop calling me cute >:( why are you so mean to me
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Sorry honey, I was just trying to encourage you!
Does coloring in lineart with this work?
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Cool style
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Heeeey sorry I fell asleep I'm sick :/ how r u
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Thanks so much, anon! :D
Awww it's ok! I hope you get better soon!!
I'm doing pretty good! Been lazy today which is nice sometimes haha
Is it like a cold or something? You should get some tea if you haven't already
Should I even bother getting back into this with an AMD gpu?
I've got way more vram now but I've heard running stable diffusion locally with AMD is trash
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Not sure
I'm using a XL Clamp style LoRa
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It's probably worth a try! If it's too slow then you could just get rid of it haha
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I put a completely black prompt in and got this
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blue-eyed women are always the most beautiful
>Completely black prompt
What, did you put in a snoop dog song or something?
lol, I meant to say blank
thats the guy in your GPU drawing all the anime
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Typed in "Self portrait"
This is her, this is FLUX dev!
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Good idea I love tea. I'll make some.chamomile, I'm not ssure whT it is but its really throwing me for s loop. Cook anything lately?
prompt? model?
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That's a great idea! Aww well I hope you get well soon :]
Yeah hahaha pretty much every day, gotta think of some new specials for when fall comes up
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Thank you!
What are your usual specials/dishes that you make
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>trans surgeries
>on illegal immigrants
>in prison
lmao the skull on his suit is smiling
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Uhmm well it changes all the time really haha
during fall we'll likely do some soups and stuff though! My favorite is clam chowder so i'm probably gonna start with that :]
Heyyyy wb Debo!
Great to see you again :]
haha nice style, anon!
prompt? model?
I know you are not allowed to tell us anything but is truffle oil one of your secret ingredients?
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I dont think ive ever had clam chowder in my whole life actually. Maybe I should try it. My mother used to cook a lot with clam juice, and I disliked the taste. Maybe that was because to was so concentrated or something through.
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I can talk about just about anything hahaha! It's not actually, but maybe I should give that a try! It's not a really fancy place I work at haha
Oh wow really?? It's SO good!
I think you might really like it but I guess my opinion is kinda biased hahaha!
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such fun adventures
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Nice! What did you end up doing?
That's such a cool gen!!
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had to get my gym time in plus wanted to watch the debate. can you believe they didn't talk about stable diffusion at all? lost my vote. also, dinner. also, I meant that your crew looks like they're having such fun adventures, lol
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what a joyous day!
>SD 1.0
Probably SD 1.3, 1.0 was barely even released and certainly not that coherent
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sdg won btw
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before some way ward astral demon colonizes my mind like it was the horn of africa, i'd just like to say i'm so blessed to have the two of you, my bestest friends on this entire hellsite, here, together, right now! also, in case you were wondering, i have a budget for commas, and i'll be damned if, they, take away my funding next quarter!
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you're all on a list
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this thread is a disappointment.

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Ohhh cool!! Sounds productive haha
LOL the audacity!!
Nice! Whacha havin'?
Oh!! Yeah they're having some pretty wild adventures haha! I love your shadow witch art! It's so cool!
Heyyy Illuminati anon!! It's so great to see you again haha
I hope you've been well :D
LOOL we love you too!! <3
Yes! Use all the commas hahaha!
A VIP list right? :'D
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... yeah it's very exclusive... a real honor!

what's, more, is, that being said, it seems that my wellness is dependent on (you)s. doctor says it's a terminal case. it's over for me! ,,,,,, (we've got too many, desu)
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but memory lane, is a divine space!

lets aislelessly ramble down there! it, could, be great! it could, be, shit! what's important is, that, it is! ,,,,,,

(wow it's been a while since we ... you know... hehe)
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It sounds like a great honor hahaha! I'm glad to be part of such a club!
LOOL (you)s are nice, i'm just glad that today has been a calm nice day so far :]
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Heya, anon! It's so great to see you again :}
Great gen as always! I love your style!
you too friend <3
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<3 :]
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you could be /ldg/ and suffer the assult of all illumini images on record, in sequence!

they love it!
I miss hlky... he's so cute.
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>(you)s are nice
sounds like a ol' timey mafioso

>they love it!
is there even anyone there?

you're just a sucker for the accent
yeah go to /ldg/ watch illuminati be born, watch him die, watch him. it's going so well.
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you should be grateful. its the most action you've seen all week
wrong thread bro. oof
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Maybe then they'd complete a thread hahaha!
Hlky was here earlier I think!
Like the Godfather scene but a mountain of (you)s instead of cocaine hahaha!
>you're just a sucker for the accent
Hlky has an accent?
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what if every thread is the wrong thread

>Hlky has an accent?
he's british so he's probably got some real silky north london accent
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Ohhh very cool! I really like british accents hahaha!
indeed, it's all wrong.
you don't get vintage illumiti, because reasons!
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fine. then you're banned from the giffe bar
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i don't like the sound of that. the dump continues elsewhere, u lot get... this.
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is that a cowgirl bar?
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there's bars for everyone, but everyones unfriendly and haunted
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for now, i slep
good night
>I think
I know because 1.0 was never released. Additionally, the image can be found in an archive circa September 2022, so it's highly likely he was using 1.3 or maybe even 1.4.
Is English not your first language
Point out a single error of English in that post.
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Goodnight, Debo!! Sleep well :]
Thats not what he meant. He clearly stated that he thought it was 1?0 and you keep replying to him trying to be correct. He didnt make a definitive statement to be proven wrong on and for some reason you keep replying that it wasnt 1.0 even though he never said it was.
1 , 2 , xl , 3
>le ESL boogeyman
>didnt read before posting
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Cute purple witch, anon! I love your gens hahaha!
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grabbing crunchyroll metadata desu
so mean >:(
i've only been to L O N D O N once desu
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I don't have a car
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No excuse I live in Japan and still manage to have a car in one of the most car unfriendly countries in the world as a foreigner too.
I'm just a poor nigga from the streets of Europe
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>gets spray bottle
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almost got her to spray it at the viewer/camera
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I am trying to use Forge Couple for couple pictures. However for some reason sometimes I have to reroll 5 or 10 times before it obeys the command. Then it works for like 3-4 rolls and then it's again genning only one character or merges two into one (girl half suit half dress).
Anyone experience with this? It's based on attention couple for Comfy.
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Good morning!
I don't understand why it's so difficult to gen more than 1 person in SD and every plugin I tried, like Regional Prompter, Latent Couple, Forge Couple, doesn't work most of the time.
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It is pretty great. Just tried the Pony version, but every Pony LoRa I have used just shits the bed.
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how does this guy keep posting? He has to have easily gotten past 100 proxies.
it's just a cat
European street niggas don't know about 4g.
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back to animapencilXL
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>doxxing yourself to own the haters
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>ran took everything from me
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hello from nippon pdubs! <3 It's been busy over here and I am going to meet a bunch of different companies in the ai space! Just wanted to pop in and say hello

if you are in Tokyo and feeling adventurous you should come hang out (when we are free oof)

my guilty pleasure is making schizo mald and seethe btw and I don't have to do much to get him to do it kek
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the fact that you proved him right is something you can't take back. he literally stole your life so you can continue your schizo obsession. you need help
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1 a thread is new policy.
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damn. damn


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