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Explain the joke.
Sony is smoking crack
>25% more expensive in EU because ???
Every time
25% vat
EU countries have a value added tax of like 17%-25% depending where you're at
Everything here is more expensive
atleast we have 2x lower wages
and 2x smaller houses and apartments
they want how much
that or a 3090 with some change
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Is that some sort of immobile, overpriced steam deck?
How quaint.
>800EUR for a fucking console
What are Sony smoking? Surely this will save the struggling PS5, right?

I'd sooner pay NVIDIA 2000EUR for a 5090 than I would pay 800 for a locked-down DRM box.
And that's without the disc drive.
Add in a disc drive and a game and the euro price goes well over a 1000 euros.
ribbed for your pleasure
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How fucking much!. Id love to know what gpu theyve apparently upgraded to. £700 for a console is crazy
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>+$80 if you want a disc drive
The rapefugees benefits wont pay by themselves
The EU's chief export is regulation and this is an example of a company trying to cia you into overthrowing the government
same one clocked higher
stand is an extra $100
If Kaz was still in charge, things would be different around here.
Neither will your food stamps, you inbred tub of shit.
still doesnt fit in my entertainment unit
its gonna be 1000 cad.
just buy a fucking pc at that point what the christ
UK has VAT too. Ours is inflated too that must be like $800 but the Euros are getting fucked harder and that's probably equivalent to $900
now add sales tax to the US price, retard
Enjoy the 6700 XTX lol
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Ill stick my pc's. Was going for a pro but not at those prices.
Could sell my 3090 as i dont use it really. The 4090 is in the main pc
Bing bang wahooo box is too expensive? Who cares
laughs in oregon
700GBP is more than 800EUR, the bongs are getting the most expensive console.
So what games are on the PS5?
In exchange you get free education and free healthcare. Gaymers pay for your health.
Exclusive- literally Gran Turismo and bloodborne and that new one thats a mario rip off
>Vertical Stand sold separately
"Yes, we could have molded the case in a way that a stand is not necessary, but this way we can extract another $100 from you"
Nothing. Sony admitted just a few days ago that they fucked up.
Someone has to pay for all the government gibs
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Still lower than the PS3's launch price.
PS3 was at least worth it for blurays when streaming still was a 480p experience.
You could convince your family it was worth it for the movies and games.
PS3 had better games. Consoles are kind of stale . xbox will die due to their games being available on pc now
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well shit
The PS3 at launch blew even high end PCs out of the water and was the cheapest BluRay player on the market.
It was sold at a net-loss for Sony, with the hope that the game sales make up for it.
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Someone has to pay for all the parasites in pic related
US + 10% tax = $768.90
EU in USD = $880.90 (+14.5%)
And that was a disastrous launch even with the original PS3 unironically being the greatest console ever made, hardware wise. Even today it's still amazing.
Xbox is just windows and that means more stuff for me to play in linux via steam so I'm rooting for this.
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So, how much would you pay for a vertical stand (sold separately)?
naah I am happy with my 4070 pc
A BluRay player in 2006 was over 1000$.
Full HD flatscreens ware new for the consumers at the time, and the most cost-effective device, that could deliver that quality to the TV, was the PS3.

Don't underestimate the impact it had at the time.

In comparison, what do you get from the PS5?
gt7 is trash and bloodborne is already playable on pc
Yeah I have been following the posts on twitter about bloodborne and what theve been doing to make it playable. 60fps too
ps3 was the cheapest blueray player
Free healthcare at least in Poland sucks, you'll die while waiting in a 3 year long queue. If you have money or work benefits, you go private anyway.
will get more optimised by the end of the year
>free healthcare
You already pay for this separately with the income taxes.
And if you want any good service, you need an ADDITIONAL private insurance. I got relatives in the USA, and they get far better healthcare for much cheaper.
>b-but if you are a hobo, you get better service in the EU
Yes, but anybody who has a job doesn't. It's yet another way to kill the middle class.
If you want the best service for the buck, you go Neet.
At least the they know their place.

Weren't you all supposed to be the more 'tea drinking upperclassmen'? Yet, all I see are migrant pissing, shitting, masturbating in the streets and being let out with a 'your Majestys pinkie promise' they won't rape the minor again.
>in exchange
That's a transaction. You're literally paying for it, only bums and the brown horde get it for free.
>Someone has to pay for all the parasites in pic related
t. Russian mongoloid desperate for vectors of attack.
You don't pay taxes while underage or enrolled in full time education, which is when it matters.
If you don't love high taxes and corrupt politicians, you are Russian
>muh inflation
Miniwage is still 7.25/hr in TexASS and probably in other states too. I think wages in general have not improved to keep up with inflation. Consoles are more expensive now than they ever been and for what? Most of the games look like shit from the 7th gen.
Wtf I was russian all along
Oh but they have the highest taxes and most corrupt politicians of any country outside Africa. What you don't like is a united Europe ready to erase you from existence.
Your parents did.
Stop replying to yourself, Alenka. It's embarrassing to watch.
>vertical stand sold separately
>disc drive sold separately
>online access sold separately
all tax included, illiterate monkey
How about instead of blaming Russians, EU, or America, you two start calling out the real enemy pulling the world by the strings:
this was the plan all along. ps6 will absolutely be digital only.
You didn't. They pay their own taxes so you can get education and healthcare for free. Are you having trouble with basic maths here?
disk drive $79.99
stand $29.99

you just know what would be the apple prices
>How about instead of blaming Russians
How about they stop being a blight and infecting every online debate and comments section with their mental dysfunction?
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>no games sold separately
The kicker here is that they made the console in this weird, ugly fucked up shape so it couldn't fit any media rack, so you'd probably want it vertical. I guess you can always just not use a stand or buy a cheap garbage one from aliexpress, but still.
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>USD 700 (Exc. Tax)
>GBP 700 (Exc. Tax)
>EUR 800 (Inc. Tax)
>JPY 120.000 (Inc. Tax)
>All Excluding Vertical Stand and Games.
We had a great discussion about taxes, until someone complained about corrupt politicians in Brussels.
Fucking Russians!
>Exc. Tax
All those prices include taxes, dumbo
Imagine being such a demoralized sack of shit you start defending them. It's like you're completely devoid of any kind of self-respect or worth.
UK is worse. $700 is £535 so a 30% increase.
Because they include tax in prices but US doesn't?
You niggers keep saying free, it is not free as you are paying for it with your purchases. You will pay for it in the future to cover other generations. It is not free, you are a moron. There is a cost, your nation is paying for it. Stupid fuck.
Since when american include tax in their display price?
Dont discs basically function as keys these days, and the console downloads the game anyway? I havent bought a disc in years and just go with digitial even though I have a disc model PS5. Before you attack me, I got it in the height of scarcity and being in the lottery etc. I took whatever I could actually get my hands on.
Since when they want
No, children aren't paying their parents' taxes, they're getting that education and healthcare for free. It's the whole point of this and you're gleefully skating around it because it destroys your retarded mutt worldview.
>Dont discs basically function as keys these days, and the console downloads the game anyway?
Yes, but you can still trade/buy used. Xbox once tried the disc registration thing during the X1 launch and it didn't go too well.
>Still no games
Why bother
>>GBP 700 (Exc. Tax)
UK prices literally always include tax. It's only US ones that don't.
>psn account gets banned for any reason
>lose access to psn account
>games permanently gone if digital only
>still have games if you have a physical disc
is that simple enough for you?
no games
Russia is a corrupt shithole but that doesn't excuse letting the oligarchs in our own country from doing the same. If you think killing Russians is the thing we all have to do to save humanity, there is a war going on and you're welcome to go volunteer. Be the one to enlight us all with your wisdom so we can all follow your example too.
Eh, thats a dice roll Im willing to take. I am quite selective about the games I pick, so really out a few hundred bucks if that happened. Chances are low since I dont do a lot of co-op or involve myself in situation where ban potential is high.
the point is it's not like pc where you can just pirate and not give a shit. steam and psn you're solely at the whims of who actually does own your games and it's not you.
It doesn't excuse the Rusbots for trying to seed discord everywhere. And if you actually were presenting any arguments other than "EU bad, lol!" then I'd gladly agree with you. But it's the same facile, quickfire bullshit those post-mongolian animals always try to pull, and it's derivative from their extensive, endless firehose of falsehoods campaigns you read on /pol/.
Yes, and then after they get the free benefits you are expected to pay into it to cover other generations as an adult. That's what I said in my previous message, Muhammad. Kids are put on their parent's insurance here, they have those benefits until their early 20s.
Defending your utterly shitass EU by shouting
is complete cattle behavior.
playing victim as usual
One game
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>Thread about PS5 Pro price
>Somefags debating about UKRvsRUS
>We should accept rainbow totalitarian dictatorship with stars because [insert random country] is le bad
The difference between us and rus propaganda is that the former is highly effective
typical /pol/ brainrot. not even the /v/ pro spam threads are this bad.
Aside from the price which is probably one of the highest prices ever for a console and the lack of the Blu-ray drive, in the tech demo trailer the chief engineer for the PS5 showed comparison pics between PS5 and PS5 Pro and the consensus among the chat and comments is that there's little to no difference some even saying they don't notice any difference whereas the tech guy in the video was like "look at how much better this looks, wow look at the improvements, look how better the details on those background characters (no joke he did say that)".
I think they actually cut those comparisons from the video.
No one gets paid min wage
In was hired off the street for 15.50/hr in a manufacturing plant
>I think they actually cut those comparisons from the video.
embarrassing. wonder how much cerny was paid to shill this trash.
holy shit is it actually cheaper to import a PS5 from america?
Pretty sure you are the first one mentioning Ukraine.
The butthurt belters don't want to talk about that anymore, recently, for some unknown reason,... so they just simp for their EU super hard
the series S is 200E.
what foes this do extra for 600E?
AI upscaling so you can play fidelity mode in 60fps in some games.
das rite
so nothing?
it's an unnecessary upgrade and pretty much the entire internet is shitting on it. it'll still sell out of course.
I tax evade
>Literal mongoloid keeps replying to his own post
Good job, Marina.
du-te pe front eurojidane
Go die in a drone video.
sorry, i am not from finland
>be EU citizen
>pay 800 bucks for your vidya set-top box
>200 of those go to refugees
ahhh, i love this country
sorry, i am not a Swede in a school in Poltava
You know whats even funnier?
Someone from Poland, who has an almost 70% lower wage than someone from Germany, pays the same price.
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in a manner of speaking
The regular ps5 costs 700 euro in sweden, so the ps5 pro will probably be 850-950 euro.
it'll cost well over $1100 for leafs with the stand and disc drive.
nope. Poland doesn't even use Euros
a small price to pay for the title of humanitarian powerhouse
thanks, but i'll just continue to play with the cute hohlina refugee lolis tyvm
No shit! And because of that, tech is even more expensive than in Germany. Yippee!

You know what's even funnier? Most gaming publishers think that Poles earn as much as Germans, so for some fucking reason games are much more expensive in Poland than in Germany, Starfield was famously 10 euros more. Nice.
Americans are poorer than Europeans, regional prices typically reflect that
7800xt alone cost $500
Don't care
No modern game is worth playing
Video games ended last decade and very early on
the price reveal is making me seriously consider moving to pc gaming full time, even though that space is also filled with anti-consumer companies like nvidia and amd
Remember when 599 US Dollars was a bit much?
You know, if they were pumping out exclusives like it was the PS2/3 era, I don't think the price would be outrageous. It has no fucking games though (I own a base ps5) so why the fuck would anyone want to buy one?
And for some reason Japan has the second most expensive.
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Jesus Christ. Just get a gaymen laptop with a 4080 and connect a TV to play your elden rang or whatever with proper graphics.
The only modern console I own is a switch oled because of nintendo exclusives and portability.
I bought a 2020 second-hand office computer for $300 that can play PS3-era AAA games and modern indie games on medium/high settings, I'm happy with that, thanks.
just wait until you hear south american prices
kek good one
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