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I recently watched Luke Smith on bookmarks and I have to ask.
Show me your bookmarks you bookmark obsessed fagots!

What do you even bookmark?
The internet is like 10 websites you visit max in 2024. WTF are you bookmarking?

Luke smith literally did have like 32 bookmarks
30 are all of his web pages
1 is his monero wallet
and only 1 other website he did not own.

What the living fuck are you bookmarking in your browsers?!

I can post my saved URLs (not bookmarks) of interesting web pages however most of it is pirated streams that have a ever changing URL because MPAA. The era of the 100s of web pages is long over.
How is a saved URL meaningfully different from a bookmark?
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>How is a saved URL meaningfully different from a bookmark?
Have a picture.

Bookmarks are in browser shit.
Saved URLs can be far more then browser shit.

Bookmarks lock you into a browser and its retarded ecosystem.
Saved URLs can be far more then browser shit.

Bookmarks can be browsed only in the retarded UI of the browser.
Saved URLs can be far more then browser shit.
Any questions?
>Bookmarks lock you into a browser and its retarded ecosystem.
>Saved URLs can be far more then browser shit.

They are piss easy to export
I have hundreds if not thousands of bookmarks. Do I check them all? No, but if I want to easily find a page I figure might be useful, I just have to search them.
It's better than my previous life as a tab hoarder, though I'm still not completely over that.
NTA, but I wonder if there's a way to transform bookmarks into Excel sheets or something similar. It could make the back and forth easier.
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>L meaningfully different from
Like this
>They are piss easy to export
Export to what?
>Another browser shit.
You lost the argument.
So my choice is to export from my chromium clone to another chromium clone or to another chromium clone or to another chromium clone or to forefox or a firefox clone?

>Do I check them all?
Can you post them?
>I have hundreds if not thousands of bookmarks
Can you post them?
>What do you even bookmark?
Interesting web pages I want to come back to later or refer to frequently.
>Excel sheets
What is the use case? look really retarded see picture: >>102323632

1) The file system is a database this is why you will not enter the same URL 2 times.
2) You can look at the pictures and instantly remember what that is. Pictures > TXT only.
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>I consume so you must too
You're right, but we're talking about thousands of pages. In my defense, it's not just hoarding, it's for a future project. At least that's my cope.
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>Interesting web pages I want to come back to later or refer to frequently.
Like? Examples? Do delete them after or keep forever?

>Interesting web pages I want to come back to later or refer to frequently.
Insanely stupid idea.
Web pages go 404 all the time. You are literally wasting your time doing this.
And also wikipedia changes their articles etc.
News website purge old content from their servers.

This is incredibly stupid.

What you should do is CTRL+S (only on chromium browsers FF clones can not into CTRL+S) a web page and save its URL in a folder + all the extra files like video will be saved using yt-dlp etc. This way you always have it on your HDD and can use the saved URL to go back to it (most of the time it will 404).

Also think about doing
1) Archive.is
2) Save Archive.is web page
3) Save Archive.is URL
4) Post archive.is URL only if people ask.

PS: Look up what "link rot" is.
Good link. I never did find out what the size of that cat is. Everyone probably thinks it's fat when they hear the phrase, but what if it's a longcat reference or a cat so small that mice hunt it instead?
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>t's not just hoarding
No such thing.

>but we're talking about thousands of pages.
Literally of what? Post examples. I posted and named that they are stupid pireted streams websites for the most part.

And because the domains get changed while the UI stays the same I need the picture the most.
PS: The domains who become unreachable will go into a
"Can not reach" folder if this persists for a long time (you can save a blank space in the ODT to change the modified date of the file)
It will go into the
"Probably dead" folder

>it's for a future project.
Link rot exists see >>102323793
You are wasting your time doing this in a retarded browser while I have all the important stuff like the video files or a full page screenshot etc. that I can post again for other people.

There literally is no defense of using a retarded browser bookmark system instead of a folder who has the URL + saved version of the entire thing.

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>These links are provided as a convenience to assist you in the search for information since search engines are completely fucked up; constantly updated (September 2024), if you have suggestions, send me an email. You can download the data in this page as a JSON file (might want to keep an offline copy).
LOL link rot is a thing and exists.
These links are useless you should have saved the entire file and given a MEGA or FTP bundle of all these things.
These are facts.

Anyone who does not understand link tor it a retarded old internet user or a zoomeroid. Everyone who grew up on the 2000s internet knows the 404 and that nothing on the internet is permanent. Links = useless.
>>it's for a future project.
A sort of link directory like what the other anon posted, maybe easier to navigate and more visual. It's not so much about specific precise links or websites as it is about the idea behind them. So even if a link dies, knowing what was there helps with finding an alternative. I know it sounds convoluted, but I like to have a list of apps, gits, tools, websites, extensions, channels, interesting social media pages etc. and their descriptions for when I don't exactly know what I need or how to phrase it.
99% of my bookmarks are porn.
I can't tell if you're shitposting anon or you're serious
Yes your method of self archiving is better than bookmarks. But it's not feasible to self archive every interesting page and more to the point, there's no need to. Some pages are interesting enough to keep around but not so where you would be that bothered if you lost them because there are altneratives
>hurr durr if you don't care about losing them they can't be important
It's just a bookmark anon. Try to see other point of views than your own
>What you should do is CTRL+S (only on chromium browsers FF clones can not into CTRL+S) a web page and save its URL in a folder + all the extra files like video will be saved using yt-dlp etc. This way you always have it on your HDD and can use the saved URL to go back to it (most of the time it will 404).
Lol, good luck if the page uses javascript
>Try to see other point of views than your own
This is why I ask.
>[still no links posted]

>But it's not feasible to self archive every interesting page

I have 100s of tabs open and if something interests me I CTRL+S the web page. It takes like 3 minutes top.

>Some pages are interesting enough to keep around but not so where you would be that bothered if you lost them because there are altneratives
Like examples?
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>it is the le javascript bad

1) I experimented with my method. After saving the web page in chrome I open it up in fire fox locally works perfectly every time.

2) If you push the web page into archive.is archive.is solves most javascript problems.

3) I experimented with web pages and have seen that javascript 9/10 gets resolved unless it is some dynamic pulling from server shit with DRM.

4)Chromium works best for this and firefox is shit this is a fact and why I stopped using firefox these days.

Let me guess you are using some shit browser like lynx or other crap?
>Like? Examples? Do delete them after or keep forever?
I'm lazy about updating or maintaining them.

>Insanely stupid idea.
>muh link rot
Suits my needs just fine.

I'm not a schizo hoarder collecting an archive of every document I've ever read. Most of the internet is not that important.
I just checked and I have 18.638 bookmarks between 10 firefox profiles.I started saving around 2006, I think.
You have things like Buku for that
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>I'm lazy about updating or maintaining them.
What did the bookmark hoarder mean by this?
So you keep a ever bloating list of bookmarks?
Not interested if they 404?

>Web page .PDF
Anon this is peak retarded you made the most retarded decision in your life. That is a fucken PDF!

>I'm not a schizo hoarder collecting an archive of every document I've ever read.
If you click that bookmark link often it should be on your HDD if you do not it should not be in the digital trash pill known as browser bookmarks.

This is a catch 22.
You can not resolve this.

Most of them are meh OK I think.
90% of my bookmarks are
>links to some software documentation or troubleshooting Reddit/HN articles
>webapps (which you can't truly download anywas)
>webapps (which you can't truly download anywas)
I understand. However saving links as bookmarks is still peak retarded.

>>links to some software documentation or troubleshooting Reddit/HN articles
You should save this locally.
If I go to access one and it 404s, I delete it. But I don't actively check them for this. So the list expands over time until it get reset when I move to a new machine/harddrive/browser whatever.

I don't expect or need my bookmark list to be a permanent archive of information. I view it all as somewhat ephemeral. Nothing lasts forever and if an article I liked disappears, well, life goes on, man.
>I delete it.
So it was not that important then. To even bookmark it.

>a permanent archive of information. I view it all as somewhat ephemeral. Nothing lasts forever and if an article I liked disappears, well, life goes on, man.
Buddhism is the most evil religion in the world all their temples and secret texts must be destroyed and their clergy all killed.
You don't seem to understand that my notion of importance is not binary. Bookmarks occupy a middle ground where I don't care enough to archive the content locally, but still might want to revisit it at a later date. You seem to have an all-or-nothing approach.

Also, Buddhism is irrelevant, woo-woo nonsense.
>my notion of importance is not binary.
Kill Buddhists in the streets.

>, woo-woo
Unironically using the word woo-woo.

>Also, Buddhism
You are controlled by Buddhists.
>It takes like 3 minutes top.
it takes 2 seconds to bookmark
Here's an example. I livestream sports. I have websites I use to do this. Can't Ctrl+S them bucko

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