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Is Tor worth using?
Tor is better than a VPN in many ways, it's free, doesn't track you and just works. Also you get to use .onion versions of websites.
Ok glowie
> Tor is glowware
Wrong. Free sketchy VPNs are though
99% of the tor users are criminals. VPN is designed to use the same network elsewhere like business related stuff.

In the end all of them are worthless
> never heard of censorship
> tech of circumventing it is useless
It got its usecase but it's not a complete substitution for a VPN
Tor is an NSA honeypot. Avoid
I said 99%. Maybe in china, heck Iranian people use telegram for everything.
> tech of circumventing it is useless
Circumventing via identifiable ways are dumb because when the Internet was designed, nobody gave a shit about privacy. It's called internet because it connects your computer to other computers YOU ABSOLUTE MORON. TELL ME HOW YOU CAN MITIGATE FROM SERVER SIDE METADATA AND FINGERPRINTS?? you can't.

With powerful machine learning and AI they can connect the dots and identify you no matter what because of the METADATA.
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>not Qubes
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OP clearly is a beginner, cut him some slack
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NSA is pro-TOR
>just buy more nodes lol
>Ooops somehow this internal document leaked
>We can't scare them away because they are so heckin based
>We could totally get all IPs but we conveniently left out on this slide if we currently are capable of it
Funny how anon over here only tells us to not use tor but doesn't tell us about better alternatives...
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>better alternatives
Go live in a forest with no electricity.
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>xhe didnt read the Tor faq
>You can only abandon everyone and everything or be surveilled
You gotta try harder
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There are no better alternatives until one of them addresses netflow deanonymization.
Is the ParrotOS anon mode good?
Pretty much the GOAT. Also the reason I pointed out that the glowie couldn't manage to point out something better
desu I didn't try I2P before, but from what I read it's a actually much better than TOR, but it's wierd how it's not that common, or TOR has become a hub for degenerates.
>but it's wierd how it's not that common,
I'd say it largely stems from Tor being more user friendly as you are up and running in Tor in less than a minute while I2P takes some time in the beginning. If you're curious, kenny did a good tutorial on how to use I2P if you have your router set up on some cheap SBC in your network.
If TOR is a honeypot, do you think the feds would risk outing themselves and ruining what would ostensibly be the most fruitful honeypot of all time, just to catch some nobody cretinous 4channer with a penchant for cheese pizza?
because if every retard knew about it it wouldn't be good anymore. when you are smart enough then you will find out naturally
they've already been outed by their own leaked docs, their goal is to own and control as many nodes as possible to be able to de-anonymize users. and US isn't the only government doing it.
Literally that is why their major CP bust fell through years ago; they refused to reveal how they caught the perps and thus had no means to convict.
How do I use i2p

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