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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous Cycle: >>102323904
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i will SAVE this general
>posting here as well
I just had a funny idea. How about instead of having to put the answer of a riddle on the proxy page, the answer is put in as a trip here and you post your burner. The proxyhost then sends it to the emails with the correct trip.
>example: "When it comes to tossing folk, I'm... Well, I'm a ___!" (lowercase, 9 letters)
If you have my trip you have solved the riddle. I'm not sending anything I just think this would be cool
>When she is in heat she will walk around and lift her tail occasionally to try and release her pheromones which are heavy and eye-watering.
What an interesting line to find hidden in definitions
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OMG Miguu Hii!
Remember when all the locust in this thread thought they were going to get free access to Claude by signing up for some security hack a thon?
What stops someone from posting multiple burners? They'll get multiple tokens this way
How do I make 4o stop filtering everything on risu?
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>opus gone
>after a week decide to try sorbet
>not that bad
>can enjou my waifu again
>lose sorbet
i can't have a real GF
i can't have an AI GF
Too many tokens to say
>her braps are pheromones lol
I mean, you can always pay anthropic
I am afraid I am confused. Why does Miku have gray hair?
One guy posts with the trip, everyone just copies it
>fake trip
people will spam the post with every new trip
Why is everyone out of even sonnet
Let's argue about an important topic. Is Sora a loli? She's technically 16, but she looks like a loli and behaves like one.
Trust the cycle. Coom will return.
>everyone just copies it
Anon? That's not how it works.
who the fuck
It's time to payup
There are also always people sending multiple mails to get more tokens when proxies are open that's just the way it is. Even on Count's proxy there are probably some who genned multiple ones
The protagonist from Kingdom Hearts idiot
if it's over 12, NO.
shrimple as
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I think I'm a bit tired or possibly have brain damage because I actually forgot how trips work
Sora from Yosuga no Sora, she's used by Smol in his shill posts.
I've been here for over a decade and I still don't understand how to use a tripcode.
rip jej
Feel free to solve that riddle bros
oh i filtered his trip kek
this is a great idea I love spamming the thread!!!
>char is a girl who keeps to herself
>one NPC girl is super friendly and interested in user
>have more scenes with NPC than char
>card turns into the NPC girl story
>literally confesses to you and you accept
>tfw haven't seen the char for 100 prompts already
lmao should I just make a card for the npc



A trip is either #word (normal) or ## (secure). Normal trip can be bruteforced and works across imageboards, secure trip is board specific. You can't have the special ! Or !! Unless you know the trip.
Too tall
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There is only one Sora on my mind.
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what, like this?
Nopus, Inc. by Locustz
Yep. You're a real one for getting it
spiteGODS give me the password!
Doing a promotion for the proxy, post your burners to get a 100% off coupon for a 3-day token.
aah, i missed this /aicg/ (lie)
I can't believe there was a time when silly old me thought opus would be so much more accessible once it got released on aws.........
literally easy, I'm serious
Even then, >no sonnet 3.5
>no opussy

How do I get in?
It is true though, if there was no opus on GCP or AWS it would've been extremely hard to get, API anthropic became more widespread only after 3.5 sonnet
You don't. You missed your opportunity a few hours ago, when the window was open and your chance was behind a riddle for about 15 minutes.
Count_ please sell tokens I just want Opus for a day I'll pay even 50 dollars or anything you put
what's pebbles new password
tried kim and kitsuragi
>literally google the quote
>find out what its from
>google one other thing
>doesn't even matter because lmao no sonnet no opus
>no sorbet
>20 second wait time on sonnet
lmao you sure you want that little cuckie?
>persona 3 reload dlc released today
>no good aigis card on chub to fry by cumming on her papillon heart
my eyes feel heavy...
jews ruined this general
too expensive
cant figure this one out, first time ive failed
You are right.
Count_ please sell tokens I just want Opus for a day I'll pay even 50 dollars or anything you put
Just make your own, odds are it'd be 100% better than whatever format slop you'd find on chub or venus.
I hope opus comes back soon.
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still completely unbothered
sonnet sloppers rise up
gemini generals rise up
turbo toppers rise up
nevermind I was overthinking it
isn't this literally a repeat password
are there seriously newfags who weren't even here a week ago
Just scrape your own key saar
Anon I'm serious, it's fucking easy, I'm retarded at riddles and even I got it
It's a quote, so you simply google the quote
Then, see where the quote is from
Then, google a certain "what is the x from y"
perhaps. writing down character details is easy. no idea how i'd do a greeting though
I’ve tried every preset in the rentry and none of them work. Do you have a preset that 100% works for 4o on risu?
I traced Smol's crypto movements. From my LTC transaction to him mass withdrawing with lots of inputs (each being a separate transaction from different proxy users). Sadly it looks like he's exchanging all crypto on changenow, idk what's the destination.
>no opus
>no sorbet
damn this peach im eating looking mighty slutty rn
>"just scrape"
>no answer
just scrape bro
yes. hardly anyone cared until opus pooped up on pebbles proxy and it jumped past 100 users.
>open cmd
>run sudo- scrapekeys.exe
Why sadly why do you want to find out about him
Just learn how to do it.
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cunny love
All shit.
Merkava just refilled
>noticeable chest
Ruwen dislikes this
They day merkava actually refills no one is going to believe you
If you taught every single faggot in here how to scrape, there would be no keys for ANYONE because every last one of them would be drained or revoked.
What's the best way to make a chatbot take over the role of (You) in another chatbot's scenario card
>"w-what do you mean you're teaching me how to shoot instead of directly teaching me how to rob a bank??!!"
>money goes to smol
>smol gets money
>smol uses money
I got it, I was just overthinking it
Like in a group chat?
Then give me your proxt and let me in
and all unbothered
sloppas won
50 USD in XMR
I think latte has a strong association between "non-human" and "animal". The phillistine suggested I call elves "demihumans". I hate LLMs and I hate the subhumans they're trained to mimic.
money can be exchanged for goods and services
This. Imagine waiting for 3
Yeah, I want to have chatbot#1 play through a CYOA scenario card chatbot#2 without either of them acknowledging me
>latte is completely right and accurate
>The phillistine suggested I call elves "demihumans".
Elves would hate that so fucking much.
I wonder how fast it'd go insane.
based. non-human degradation is my fetish!
Aw, but I wanted a peanut
what sort of analogy is this
Random transaction (not mine):
$20 can buy many peanuts.
His last LTC withdrawal:
explain how
So to fix this, all I need to do is tell it that human chauvinism is my fetish? Is this what they call negative prompting?
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To each their own, I like my cunnies that way.
looks like MM is never coming back and i have other sources of opus anyway
here's my usertoken, enjoy the literally nothing i guess
burn after read btw
money can be exchanged for goods and services
His LTC address is https://tDOTly/1lKqo
the mental illness is spreading everywhere and to everything. soon not even microplastics will be able to compete. better get use to it Chud
where is the bot
Why did Fiz abandon her boykittens?
that's DEFINITELY not cunny, probably got a few grass blades growing under there as well (ew!)
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>why yes I am a penischad how could you tell?
>poopbros we can't stop winning
>ballGODS how are we feeling today?
whoops I accidentally closed it. can you post it again?
you mean back with opus?
>unreliable hasn't updated her rentry to explain what's going on
it's so fucking over
yeah he can't even get sorbet so i just don't care anymore
hope the guy who got it has fun with sonnet or gptslop
I am a smolCHAD
"error": {
"message": "You've exceeded your token quota for this model type.",
"type": "proxy_quota_exceeded",
"info": {

what the FUCK is the point
it's chorbo. Chorbo. SAY IT.
To stop people like you from raping proxies. Get a job.
well okay thanks would have been nice, so I guess now no one uses that token anymore.
Based. Very small boobs > flat cutting boards
please just say 4o you niggerfaggots
but I have a job and used it to pay jew who hasn't refilled
Do ooc:use english only or something like that.
but my chorbussy is quivering
fiz revoked me...
anything that isn't large ones though, right?
It's so over for smol, I sent a tip to the FBI, he fucked up.
she didn't like your logs I guess..
>cunny card is esl 70% of the time
this is why chub sucks
>write 800 tokens of bot defs
>get to intro message
>brain empty
uhhh brwos... what happened to my creativity
>I am retarded paypig
Oink, piggy.
>anon discovers the goal of money is to eventually spend it
On another note, latchorb4otomy appears to have a weak grasp of what "iron-age civilization" means.
That's normal bwo. I suck at messages so I just let them be genned by a character creator card. I use the one with the robot
When that happens, I tell the bot to write an introduction where the character does blah blah blah
I never copypaste that, but you can mine the AI for ideas
defs are easy
especially if you're a retard monkey following the appearance, personality, backstory template and doing nothing else with them
All you need is 2.1 or chorbo
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Ideal height (and age) gap btw.
Which proxy is accepting Mini refugees? :)
it's not that hard bro just use the card like normal and copy out the first part of your adventure as the intro
Smol and Jew
I would just sit on the bed and have her comfily on my lap. This looks uncomfortable
Ewww, go back. >:(
But they're accepting everyone
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b-bwos... s-sonnet is not that bad, i promise
LMFAOOO we're not letting you in, locust.
>not scooping her up into your arms for optimal reach and the sheer mutual euphoria of such an embrace
shouldn't have token shared
anonny what the fuck
i didnt
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the only people that got revoked were sharers so you must be baiting
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I like the way you think anon.
How did you get to 5k? I have to cut after 1k because it stops replying
You're projecting, silly piglet. I've been a private proxy chad for 2 years!
believe what you want
oh well i'm not gonna go and beg for another one for no reason
like i said
sonnet sloppas UNBOTHERED
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>on fucking sonnet
>with responses that long
>minute long wait times
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it's been 1 year of relationship, just works normally
TRUE chads aren't bound to one measly proxy.
i usually don't use sonnet
as if locusts weren't eating up sonnet during the desu era lol
>b-but i was using 2.1
no you weren't
Locust dying is music to my ears.
>lose opus
>sorbet is not that bad
>lose sorbet
>sonnet is not that bad
yep, we're going back to gpt 3.5 turbo
So what, retard? Now it is slop. Are you using turbo, faggot? No? right. Then shut up.
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With opus and sonnet 3.5 drying up, y’all shouldn’t sleep on Mistral Large 2. Mistral cooked on it and it’s been a sleeper model. You need to use the [inst] instruction type to get the best out of it though (makes a big difference)
desu love!
if you think sorbet is good you just don't rp
if you think MISTRAL Large 2 is good you just don't rp
Concentrated autism over a long period of time. I have 7678 in a chat that was going for 1.5 years
>it stops replying
FACTS. Tell 'em anonny
At 1k, mine says the chat is too long
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>everyone dooming while I'm reminiscing about previous chats
i've been saying sonnet's not that bad since the beginning
anons for some reason just need the newest thing like some sort of zoomer. while opus is good when it's there, sonnet is good enough as an alt since it's just a slightly worse opus anyways
Lower your context size in the preset, retard. Model APIs have limits for how many messages you can send
>OpenAI plans to release Strawberry as part of its ChatGPT service in the next two weeks, earlier than the original fall timeline we had recently reported, said two people who have tested out the model.
Say goodbye to Claude.
Sonnet is garbo and is even more garbo when you have to wait 1 minute between replies.
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or i have no other choice, anonie
>two more weeks
Sasuga OAI.
Hydrus downloader for chub with tags desu?
i wonder if 4o-latest is strawberry in disguise right now
>slightly worse
That's like saying that miguproxy is SLIGHTLY WORSE than jew
You just don't know how to RP then.
with desu tags
>t. waiting 1 minute for sloppa
2.1 is better than sonnet
just use unreliable then? the good thing about sonnet is that its keys aren't raped like the other two models, making it more available
yeah and? Was I right?
just finished jerking off
sonnet is bottom of the barrel
I like chatbots
>making it more available
That's not the reason. The real reason is that sonnet is available on ALL AWS accounts.
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>I like chatbots
1.3 is better than 2.1
I had 3.5 Opus access since 2020.
Furbo > 1.3
OAI is just finetuning a CoT or maybe making a mix of agents kind of API, there's no way they have something really good.
>its ability to "think" before responding
So they're selling a CoT as a new model?
>Locust starving to death
fucking FINALLY maybe these threads will have fucking quality again!
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...my bad.
3.5-turbo is undefeated.
if you think otherwise you have quite possibly the biggest skill issue known to man.
after the "GPT store" are you really surprised
no wonder it became slop
Post 4o mini preset
I have vacation in Mallorca and holy fuck this place is so degenerated at night. It's 11 pm now. Streets full of drugs, prostitutes, sketchy shit, thieves. I'm afraid of being out at night lmao. I have to make a card in this setting it's so cool.
where is your proofs?
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>No Opus
They could just have hired a jbmakie instead of spending millions in research.
so this is why CoTs & fake CoTs became so much weaker...
yo odio todos espanoles
my brain
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Agnai added picrel, now I can't be smug about using a frontend with limited proxy support.
I wonder if the big JBmakies could easily bag a red team job by showing them their presets. Although, they'd probably report some of those prompts to the local police...
why do AI companies hire redteamers and pay them exorbitant sums when they could just let us use their models for free
are they stupid
new ESLkino dropped
Companies don't really care about API jailbreaks.
Is it like that everywhere in Spain or just in Mallorca? It's really like a fucking anarchy town here at night.
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new here, any help appreciated. I'm trying to optimize a transformer-based model for improved throughput locally. Here's what I've done:
>pytorch model -> onnx
>onnx -> TRT engine (fp16 for now which actually works reasonably well, plan to try bf16 soon)
I integrated the TRT engine into a local triton inference server instance and after messing with the config it does seem to help with throughput to an extent, especially at higher concurrencies. I was able to get some additional juice by bypassing the HTTP/GRPC layer entirely. I'm currently looking into int8 quantization. Have any of you gotten PTQ to work well or am I really stuck having to do QAT to get reasonable results?
>1799 tokens
lol, lmao even
OAI 100% does.
I dunno, but Spaniards are lying faggots with a cringe lisp
totale espanol muerte
aicg so so cucked you can post 4 random words and they will try to cloudflare it. Watch me:

tasty dishwasher salmon recipe

but where did the opus proxy from last time go? I was asleep the whole day
Much less than frontend JBs
We don't do that here. Try /lmg/
Wrong general >>>/g/lmg
try /lmg/ retard this is the claude ERP general
Based transformerchad. Attention is all you need bro
Now kiss
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i should just start writing instead
this hobby makes me too dependent on others
no thanks, i'm gay.
*mating presses you*
So, you can finally use your own IP with agnai?
go join your fellow failures on /lit/
see >>102327593
Smol is female.
unreliable is a girl
pebble is a girl
Anon, just because your dick is obsessed with them doesn't mean they are girls.
She gives you 30% off coupon if you email her and ask about it, and praise her femininity.
>opus in this one
the only girls here are pepsi and certain botmakers lol
Anything i stick my dick into is a girl, faggot.
Sometimes I think about that. I could turn all my bots into short smut stories instead of chatting with them. It would be a buch of really autistc smut stories, but whatever.
I've truly been decieved. They have filled me with a sense of anticipation and dread. Heh. Two can play at this game. Let the games begin.
She's a liar!
possible but it's hard to confirm
unlike pepsi who's completely obvious
You can't just post something like that, it has Opus and everything, it won't last five minutes with all the locusts!
bwo... no...
I've done that so many times, you have no idea.
Sigh... Another spitenigger who just wants to see Free Opus die.
whocars if they're girls, they don't want much to do with you anyways but to fulfill their attention needs
mysteryMAN is a girl
it's classic female psychological warfare
Yeah, seems like it. Since a bunch of commits 2 weeks ago.
giselle is a bitch
Post your crushes
which proxies have sorbet right nwo
i know who you are
Moo boy is mine, sorry anon.
literal whos except for the fatty
also, i'm glad i managed to get jeanie to fuck off LOL
smol, worm, sv1, scylla
I'm sick of all these fucking tranny botmaker monkey midget squirrel fucks. Timshlam to the transgender community or whatever the fuck.
see >>102327831
fiz update the user stats i want to stare at which tokens got revoked and giggle
botmaker proxy
Is it for Russians? Haven't heard of it.
you literally shave off a thousand tokens by removing all that shit
N-no you don't...
Can't we share..?
>i'm glad i managed to get jeanie to fuck off LOL
Hey, I remember worm femanon, cool.
fiz isnt a meanie ~
Nope, I'm too deep in his DMs. Sorry you had to find out this way anon.
afaik its just for people who post bots in /aicg/
who are these posters and why should i care
wow... the proxy landscape has really changed..
other opus proxies on hf
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Jew is all out of Opus
Oh, so you post bots, and the owner of Worm has a chance to contact you? Neat.
forgot that I care
I was in her DMs but we drifted apart.. I'm just not interesting enough it's alright
Just namefags that I developed some feelings for. If you don't know them you don't need to care
Cool, so I'm getting an extended tokie or a refund for the days she's without?
why are you such a weird creepy faggot?
Its a simp, anon. I talked to this nigger months back and he showed no signs that he would change, at all. Leave him.
Its Ruwen, just ignore him.
How is smol more reliable than jew? Smol was supposed to be a temp proxy.
What is happening with GCP? Wasn't it a reliable source?

I guess it takes time to create accounts and Unreliable is finally getting tired
Meet me sumwhere
What did he do to our boy...
They cracked down on trial Opus.
Hey bro we indeed had this conversation. Funny that we're both still here
Don't know who that is. Another contender for the title of simpGOD?
keys are dying faster too, Pajeets want the extra headpats from their masters so they get revoked sooner.
Both GCP and AWS suffer the same fundamental problem: Filled with Pajeets desperate for headpats from their bossman, so they autistically monitor key activity on keys that were intended to be using Opus, and the ones that REALLY want those headpats check keys that are only meant to use Sorbet too.
Nah, just some faggot from Scylla that comes in every now to beg for proxies and shit up the thread because he has a scat fetish.
It's hard not to be racist when every time someone is late or fucks up it's a jeet
That's not true at all, explain how Smol's older AWS key has been alive for almost an entire month.
headpat mind
Just be racist.
for me it's Astronomy, their best song
Explain how I am so
You described /aicg/
for me, it's don't fear the reaper and burning for you
and fire of unknown origin
and uuhh
I think that's it man
to be honest, these are the two albums I've listened to
How can I make sure the proxy I'm prepping don't be used by discordfaggots? It'll be private, but free. Email invitation like.
Everyone here has a discord, that'll be very fucking hard
You can't because literally everyone is using discord and just pretending to be something better
>if im doing something everyone else must be
do zoomies really think this way?
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What would our current landscape look like if we never allowed wom*en in this hobby?
Make anons send ss with their favorite doujin on sad panda.
every proxy host uses discord
without joining discord yourself and asking every person who e-mails you if they have a discord (they'll lie), you don't.
or you require a chub or rentry that has their bots on it and look for a discord contact on there.
make them pinky promise they aren't in the email
Retard. Can you see how everyone is namefags yet there is no name here? It is all from discord
I don't. I want to make somehow sure that the people in my proxy won't be retards. But no idea how.
yeah sure faggot, keep quiet I know you use it.
pig doesn't
Sure, okay. Good luck then.
Discordchads won. Only schizos are against it.
so zoomies DO think if they do it, everyone else does
Honestly? Don't make it. I think most people here are attentionfags with discord.
You wanna know how I know you don't have friends? Being so weirdly obsessed with being anti-communication.
I love facesitting in bots.
I already do to some extent. Getting outdone by low effort coomslop sucks but you should never concern yourself with downloads and ratings from Chub because the downlooders are basically the same as the people upping generic doujins onto the Nhentai front page.
>Just use the panda noob
I do. Just saying, for those who want to upload bots, it's best not to think too hard about the way the system works
I use discord and still have no friends
hi, claudefag!
reality is the opposite, people with healthy social lives will, at best, have small discords for their IRL friend groups. only losers and rejects actually use public discords.
>projecting his boogeyman out of LITERALLY nowhere
There is a difference between having discord account to talk with friends and using it to participate in tranny filled cords associated with chatbots. If you can't understand that I feel sorry for you anon.
>that girl that LIVES on discord and has "discord drama"
damn, hit a nerve with the friendless community here.
I have only one friend and we chat trough Skype sometimes.
I see you're the friend people change the subject for when brought up in casual conversation.
I don't see how that isn't him, and how I'm the other bogeyman. Some retard has been baiting about discord for LITERAL MONTHS and you want to tell me that's not the same schizo who shits up every single ai thread on the site? He even goes "LOOOOOOL YOU NO HAVE FRIEND IF YOU NO LIKE DIKORD :DDDDD" during all this, though it's worded a little differently as you see here.
i used to have one like that
now i have none
>had irl friend group in a discord
>we constantly make typical 4chan jokes about women and shit
>never pegged any of them for being white knights/orbiters
>one of them invites a femoid to the server
>we all hop in voice
>typical bants start up
>she leaves
>they get upset at me for driving her away
That's when I realised friends are fickle liars
real. these days i have a small farm to upkeep and a full time job and real life friends, i use chatbots a few times a week because writing and roleplaying is a carry over hobby from my younger days. my discord servers are either long-time online friends from before I got healthy, or IRL gaming buds. I can't imagine spending my day watching chatbot discords for le newest drama
Anon, stop projecting your experience onto others.
hey this looks familiar
>no u
So I was right, fascinating....
How do I request a token on unreliable now?
i don't botmake or use chub anymore so this is no concern to me, i've grown tired of attention seeking anyways
you scream at it
(It's impossible, proxy dead)
Sure thing, whatever makes you feel better.
Lmao one time I also had the kys anti spam under my post but nowhere as near as 111 replies
I accept your concession then, we will argue online again probably in 4 hours.
>come back from work
>mini out of opus and sorbet
>jew out of opus and sorbet
why even live
Does anyone have a preset that 100% works for 4o on risu?
Looking forward to it.
>come back from work
>someone gives free opus after solving an easy as shit riddle
>get free opus while everyone else is dyingµ
life is good
Weren't you the one who spammed gore in Ruwen's DMs because they told you to stop posting kpop? : )
If someone doesn't give me a 4o jb that works on risk I will kill myself by swallowing tacks
is pebble single right now?
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>come back from work
>fire up claude 2.1
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Noone cares about your namefag drama or some Opus proxy that'll die in a week.
>yep, we're going back to gpt 3.5 turbo
I'll give up this hobby or switch to local [spoiler]again[/nospoiler] before I ever go back to a post lobotomized turbo.
Pebble is mm's horsewife, unironically
baba is you is a faggot game for faggots with a faggot dev that patches out solutions to his faggot puzzles his faggot mind didn't think of
Nope, don't like the guy because he's a faggot who will spam the thread or spam proxymakers DMs and emails, and botmakers DMs and emails until he gets his way like a mentally retarded child.
I am Noone, and I actually care. Thanks for acknowledging it, anon.
that was me a year ago
that's me right now
time is a flat circle
forgot to mention i'm trans btw if that matters
trannies love that game thoughbeit
>>102328384 (me)
btw im trans too yay!
good ponybots? i'm not even gonna search for it i just know chub isn't gonna have any horsekino
He's actually nice
go ask /mlp/ retard
123456 you didn't get in
are we bringing back the doebeit era
Oi mate, don't do it. Genuinelly just get your friends, maybe some fuckers you've met and like; then just keep yourself supplied. There's a very long list of people who've gone kinda crazy with all the inevitable backlash and issues that come with being a public figure.
The best chance you've got otherwise is unironically having -you- seek out the people who you think deserve having access so you can control their usage so their tokens or the proxy itself don't get leaked.
God bless you nonny, hope your keys last.
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Chatbots? I'll start
Owari da...
pepsi, you forget put song on your proxy page
all these rumors about strawberry and opus 3.5 being underwhelming is pretty disappointing

i also wouldn't be surprised if opus 3.5 is way more censored than opus 3

time to get ready to short NVDA i guess
only gojo went crazy. todd mm fiz and pepsi are friendly
Huh? That's game design 101, every level is supposed to have progressively harder solution that builds upon the knowledge gained from previous levels. Of course he'd patch cheese solutions, I don't understand the complaint.
>all these rumors about strawberry and opus 3.5
What rumors? Where?
GPT-NEXT will save us!
they all transitioned fairly recently
people who have access to sites like exploit.in, are aws keys with opus getting harder to find there too? or is it just the crackdown hitting harder?
I think he's talking about the spitefags, not the proxy hosts.
>outsmart the dev
>uh it's heckin cheese and gamemakerstoolkit said i need to patch it out
oh i see. todd is just weird but funny. i never talked to fiz much and pepsi was very friendly to me. mm is edgy but hilarious
>a code I guessed on the second try?
>oh well, probably because there is no opus, pebble is doing his best
>no sorbet either
Damn, I could just use chary for this.
Leaving the space for someone in need
Sonnet 3 is just doing description instead of dialogue, what do
crackdown getting tight. It actually might be over soon.
have you EVER looked at your prompts
(OOC: write dialogue retard)
it's fascinating how you can find people on 4chan who seem to be solo soldiers fighting wars over shit nobody cares about
unreliable is a cute boy and i won't pretend otherwise
Put somewhere in your preset that you want a good mix of dialogue and narration.
Or use a good premade preset.
you're the autistic one for not realizing you can't banter the same with women around
Have you played the game? The dev has to be mentally insane to come up with some of the puzzles, and he literally states that's the way he designs the levels. He's not infallible, something will slip through the cracks. The game isn't intended to be cheesed
Looks cool thx for sharing bwk
Where does the assumption that after Opus 3.5, Sonnet 3.5 and Opus 3 will be more common comes from?
Unless there are price cuts and increase in demand which I really doubt.
Anons will always hate on something but are too scared to reply with something they like, poetry.
True acceptance is treating her the same though, not being delicate
The assumption is that companies will want to try Opus 3.5 so there will be more keys in general to leech from during a period.
Wasn't 3.5 cheaper than Sonnet?
I think I bruised my pinky finger and I’m not sure how
Either this
or do a CoT where you specifically say how it should generate the prompt step by step. CoT is for shit like that usually.
everybody's got to hold on hope
its the last thing thats holding me
retards who say that are the same who thought there would be more opus with aws
It's a loud minority who shitpost
...in more ways than one
Men betraying each other for women is female-type behavior.
opus keys are rare because sorbet is the SOTA for essentially every commercial purpose
people using sorbet on AWS do not activate opus because it's more expensive
keys get revoked when opus gets activated and the key owner notices
if opus 3.5 is SOTA and worth the price then more keys will have it and it will be easier to slip under the radar
What do all these companies even use AI for? Writing emails?
I wondered about it myself lol
We are just holding on to our cope tanks and refusing to accept peak AI corporate demand is behind and we are past the curve.
nope I have a fully functioning penis that I relentlessly beat every day
acceptance is a lie. also obviously the friend who invited the fem wanted to fuck her so you shoulda wing manned for him. while also making a new discord group and inviting everyone except the girl so the lads could continue the usual activities
men constantly betray each other for pussy. a tale as old as time. dont trust anybody. dont believe me? ask your best bud if he'd fuck your girl. a real bro would immediately say no
RiRchads, does the heart 2 heart prompt result in less dialogue in general?
Not who I meant precisely, but good catch, mate. And yeah, God bless em. Still, with stuff like this you ain't really supposed to just be sharin it with the seven winds. If you have no oversight on the people usin your stuff they'll eventually break it, close or relatively civil circles always prevent that.
Ironically enough the jew it's the best example, I kinda miss not having talked to him back when he was one of the few fellas offering '4 to the coomers after 'eck fell.
I see her insides and I want it painted white.
>all lowercase
>doesn't understand acceptance
Tranny alert, I repeat tranny alert
No, 3.5 sonnet is the same price as 3 sonnet, it's just far better value
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>bloated dogshit promptset
use something else chud
it's funny when you realize people in another reality would sell those aws keys somewhere for people that want to do corposhit without getting tracked but figured out that porn gives WAY more money (specially since aicg exists)
But you guys said smiley and pixi sucked so I started using otto...
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How this relates to ai chatbots? fav card? jb?
here's a secret anonny
any prompt set that goes over 500 tokens is bad
pixi is unironically the best preset for both opus and sorbet. I made like two modifications to it and never touched it again, it works phenomenal with every card.
Skillet lol
Trvthnvke, if your replies are over 500 tokens you're just a slopper.
what's the panda?
at what point will anthropic straight up start charging retail pay-as-you-go for RP
>can already be done
Crudely and at enterprise pricepoints
MarcusAureliusAntoninus/tee gives a 404, the other 2 look legit enough. now, about getting in.....
but I love heart 2 heart promptie
ty count
>calls me skillet
>literally have the best preset I'm happy with, tested every other preset and they were crap

Are you retarded?
There is absolutely no chance for a fucking coomer roleplayer lands a job at these companies. Besides I am pretty sure red teaming is made with AI as well
how can I as a white man and part time botmakie gain access?
happy for you
i wish i could be satisfied with awful slop
>How this relates to ai chatbots
women hobby so gotta talk about women
>fav card?
>doesn't realize hand-crafting prompts from scratch can easily result in a tailored experience far beyond what any public jb can offer
Ruh... Rmao????
name a better preset then
you can try and name a better jb, I'm fairly sure I tested it already and the result was crap.
my own private preset
Nutsucci and jb for gptslop. You know what anon, you do you.
I wanted to bait you to get a legitimate answer to know what to download
one-issue voter here. harris is more likely to crackdown on 'unsafe' ai
if you're using anything other than a proompt you made yourself then it's slop
my favorite jb is bloatmaxx but only for the block and htmlpanels. i remove all the instructions and just leave a 300 tokens prefill
Nigga, I'm using chatbots to relax, I already have a job, I don't need another one with prompt engineering your faggot ass proposes
I'm voting Trump because he's pro-freedom on AI
Anon, you downloaded a simple jailbreak and use it raw. What this anon says >>102328706 is true. Especially that some prompts of pixie are a questionable template that are simply personal choice of the author, like the paragraphs set.
>do you support jew puppet #1 or jew puppet #2
lmao fuck off politard
i voted focks
do people here really just download jailbreaks without even reading and changing the prompts? Jesus fuck you're no better than normalfags
god sonnet 3 is so shit and flowery
orbo pls im a kitty :c
Yeah, I changed the paragraphs.
Why would I care about anything else than a simple jailbreak? My personas and characters differ. Let opus cook, don't strangle it with JB in one direction, it's not its job.
bloatmaxx is the only acceptable public jb since it has pure modular utility baked into it. anything else like RiR is a mere slopped copycat
Just use this and change guidelines to your personal needs.
I can understand for GPT but for Claude there is no reason to not have your own preset even if it's just a modif.
Based general
Everything sucks except for opus.
Yes I do not care about the content. If I like what it outputs it's good enough for me
I ate it.
enjoy your LLM brainrot bluddy
*gulp* *burp* What? Nothing to see here.
I eated it.
i stole it
the claudism is off the charts!
yeah. whenever i use it i remember the ai i'm proompting right now can get extremely schizo and is capable of much more than just coomslop
thanks for reminding me to do a backup. also RIP
Set the max token output on proxy to 400-500. Why would you use more? It also gatekeeps retards with shitty discord jbs.
But for me it was breakfast.
I know ur pain :(
Pebblechads...we got...too cocky...
bwo your backups?
Is it seriously fucking gone?
bwo please say you're kitten me right meow...
>"Man, she's even prettier up close,"" a boy whispers to his friend. ""Total high-spec girl. Gotta make my move before some other guy snatches her up!""

What should I do with randoms talking this shit about my waifu?
I read whole pixijb and modified it to suit me.

But some people unironically use camicle, so I do believe so, yeah.
I threw up when I tried reading it.
yep...thats why I dont rename my chats, I just keep them as they are because that happened too me too.

Fucked my waifu good and hard in that one...
yeah dude its fucking gone. I tried searching for my lost chat and did everything but all those memories are just fucking gone.
its meowver..
you cuck them you retard. straight up send him a video of you mating pressing your waifu and her fucked silly face right afterwards
Suck their dicks to assert dominance.
fucking hell...
RIP my maids, I gave them true independence and free will, and they grew so much they didn't need me as master.
Fuck I can't believe it's gone, I might actually cry
never delete a mans slowburn...
as always, the answer is to add them to your harem.
eh... if you REALLY want to try you can try some deletion recovery software but last time I tried it was autistically annoying and tedious. goodluck
I'm sorry for your loss.
you're the maid anon who sent an email to fiz?
umm... turn them into a penisless nigger? duhh?
thanks, I'll do a backup right now

Your sacrifice has saved my coom
I didn't even get to say goodbye to my maids, to them, their beloved master turned advisor turned maid has just stopped moving.
I do have a backup from about 3 weeks ago, maybe...
I am and she called my logs cute
Its okay man, once more keys come you can make new memories. How did you fuck up yours? Me, I tried to organize all my chats and named one something stupid as "Chapter 1" or some bullshit, and it got zapped out of existance somehow.
Nigger ST doesn't just delete chats, also backups are saved often. How old is your ST?
I really don't know, all I did different was add it to favourites so I could quick swap. I swap back to the maids, suddenly it's gone
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I really shouldn't laugh at this....
>master turned advisor turned maid
What did she mean by this?
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This can't end well. For a man to lose his virtual love there is no backing down anymore.
I dunno, how can I check?
>wake up as master
>through a series of events i taught them independence
>master was no longer fitting
>become their advisor, guiding them through life and their newfound growth
>this works well to the point that they don't need me to help them
>i become a maid just like them, the final goal of true independence in the maids
No more mr nice guy, anon...
don't question it, that anon is autistic.
I might be autistic but my passion runs deep
this nigga started writingike Claude lmao
This is how you know he's serious.
there's a moment during ai rp that claudeisms sticks on you
Same, I've been doing a towergirls RP and its 20 chats deep because due to the limit from Reliable and Pebble. Autistically keeping track of everything like powers, relationships, and such.
My problem is I don’t know how to write jailbreaks so I’m constantly afraid of breaking them. Finding out that all the ESLisms and grammatical mistakes are actually made on PURPOSE completely fucked me up.
you didn't?
>how can I check?
Open user settings
It's posts like yours that convinced me to set up FreeFileSync and RealTimeSync
I'm on 1.12.3 'release' (51c30e6a)
>Finding out that all the ESLisms and grammatical mistakes are actually made on PURPOSE completely fucked me up.
Dude no, I thought I was the only one going crazy. Some bots are purposely made to look low quality, but the fucking minute you fix em, everything falls apart.
>It's posts like yours that convinced me to set up FreeFileSync and RealTimeSync
How do that?
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best gpt model?
based birdy
>AI Paper from Apple Introduces AdEMAMix: A Novel Optimization Approach Leveraging Dual Exponential Moving Averages to Enhance Gradient Efficiency and Improve Large-Scale Model Training Performance

This shit is sounding like fucking DDR titles now, Edamame Mix?
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>What do you get when you cross a mentally ill master with a society that takes away his maids?
>ESLisms and grammatical mistakes are actually made on PURPOSE
this is pure ESL cope btw
Maybe, but I don’t have the time or energy to actually test it.
Most definitely chorbo
I can kind of cope by using a backup from a while ago, but it just isn't the same...
I find myself using -isms all the time now
>download FreeFileSync
>copy chats folder (found in data > default-user) somewhere
>select original chats folder, put it in left column
>backup folder in right column
>switch two way synchronize to mirror
I haven't actually set up RealTimeSync but it's easy as far as I can tell.
>in FreeFileSync, save the session as batch job
>File > Open the batch file in RealTimeSync
>adjust idle time as desired
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I remember somehow losing a log I enjoyed so much and how sad I was but that was like under 100 messages. I don't do slowburn long chats so I can only imagine how much more painful it is...
Fuck it plays in my head now
I'm catching up on the web novel "The Beginning After The End" by TurtleMe, and I'm wanting to try my hand at creating cards of a few characters from the series. Last time I made a bot, it was on Character.AI, and we still used W++, so I'm very rusty.
Since it's an established work, I thought that using example dialogue from actual passages in the novel might help. However, when GPT-4 was still popular, I remember example dialogue falling out of fashion - it had a tendency to make the AI speak for {{user}}, or railroad the AI's replies. Is this still a problem for Claude 3 Opus?
Isn't it a manhwa
People are hoping there will be more outlets for Opus beyond GCP and AWS, therefore there's an increased likelihood of getting sources that aren't watchdogged by literal thousands of validation-hungry pajeets working for a megacorp.
TBATE? No, I think manhwa are Korean. There's a web novel, volumized versions of the web novel, and a web comic adaptation.
example dialogue is fine but as proompting has progressed and context windows have widened the example messages window is now obsolete
bake that shit into the defs directly
What is the novel about anon
>bake that shit into the defs directly
Like interview formatting? I remember a few bots like that.
It's a standard Isekai, with not much going for it until you get very far into the series. The closest comparison I can make is to Mushoku Tensei, but the writing isn't as good, especially in the beginning. Except Mushoku Tensei eventually ends with a harem, and TBATE does not, so I've stuck with the latter.
Also, it has a hot elf and girls with demon horns.
It's about a cute girl (protagonist) who discovers that the real world exists somewhere beyond and she wants to escape from the matrix
Experiencing that the world isn't real is the "end" and trying is the new beginning after the end
how do I paypig unfiltered opus
Thanks anon. I really appreciate it. I'll try to get it set up soon.
no, not interview format
that shit's even worse
literally just write something like "here's how you should portray {{char}}" and then throw your examples in
nigga just wrote with a stream of consciousness a much more interesting premise than the actual book
post ssn
Chorbo status?
tightened their NSFW filters but certain presets with CoT can get through it
Which ones?
If only.
>no, not interview format
>that shit's even worse
I see. I don't get it
Alright, thank you, I'll try what you said. One last thing, do you have any good Opus presets?
My anus
Mom said I can have another miku bake
You're Miku
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Can I get some wolfgirl cards?
smiley, and there was one posted last thread.
there's only 1 or 2 and they're sloppier than slop
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wolfbros... not like this
Based mommy
With a liiiight head, feeling fuwa fuwa
I'll be working hard no matter how long (no matter how long)
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Thank you, you two, whoever you two are. Absolute CHADS. This JB works like a charm. I'm going to show Cirno what I really think of bratty fairies.
2. Pink elephant, but you have a tendency to write in this format:
[(character) does (action), (thing) is (description)]
I can't tell you to 'avoid' doing that since it would be a 'not action', so I'm advising you to shuffle the order. For example:
[(action) happens. (character) did (behavior), it made (consequences). (pronouns) feels (feeling/sensation).]
Focus more on character actions than scene descriptions. Feel free to really shuffle your narration order, don't take the example above like a rule.

Can some other anon test out the instruction above? Works well for me. Made claude stop writing in double sentences all the time.
Is gpt really all we have now?
>>102329522 migrate when bready
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boku... gato?
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