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File: 1726010833979863.webm (1.07 MB, 1280x720)
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1.07 MB WEBM
Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video
2. Enter your prompt. (avoid obviously banned words)
3. Click on the green button to generate video.
4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.
5. Convert to webm and post.
6. Tip: For riskier creations chang will delete the video. Camp creations at 96% and download asap.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:

bonus hint: works on mobile when switching to the desktop version of the page in the options of the browser
What's up with the drummer's legs?
File: giphy.gif (445 KB, 245x193)
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445 KB GIF
It's modeled after Lieutenant Riker, the AI increased the length of his legs for more easier executions of the Riker Maneuver.
>won't do porn
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1.93 MB GIF
wow it looks terrible
Simultaneously extremely impressive and completely useless
>anon discovers what a demo is
look, I get it. maybe once upon a time this kind of thing was fun. but I look at this thread and the only thing I see is "just another AI slop general to filter."
No, most demos I can imagine a path forward to making it useful. The "minor" issues in the videos I've generated make them totally useless outside of novelty, and from what I know of how they work I doubt they'll be fixed without major architectural changes. Not to mention that you can't guarantee any kind of visual consistency between gens.

Still it's cool to see a bunch of latex wearing slutty hijabis flailing their limbs around.
this is like saying
>those Geocities websites and all their gifs have no use outside of novelty
No. That's actually a really retarded comparison.
1) web 1.0 sites were incredibly useful for what they were already, and more importantly we fully understood how they worked, and they behaved exactly how we designed them to. We have little to no fine grained insight into artifical neural networks.
2) even then there was a clear path towards both richer UI experiences and vastly expanding the amount and quality of information.
3) web 1.0 happened in the middle of Moores law scaling, that is now dead. Again I don't follow hardware so maybe there are more advancements here than I think.
4) The "flaws" of web 1.0 were clearly defined (can't design on a grid, no dynamic interactions) and we knew that improving them was theoretically possible. The complete lack of insight into what exactly visual problems even ARE combined the points in 1) mean that there's not much reason to think we can continue blindly fumbling towards a solution, sans more order of magnitude increases in data and hardware.
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1.48 MB WEBM
I think you are vastly underestimating were this is going. You are seeing a man with paper wings looking silly and can't imagine the fighter jet yet.
Nigger what? What evidence of recent exponential improvement do you have? Are you just a cultist?
Why would I use something with a secret list of banned words and """moderation""""? Let alone something from the chinks, and further still something being spam advertised on 4chan?
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it's free and it's fun
lol wtf is up with riker's(?) legs
Nobody force you to use, but I will spam this board with kike, pajeet, and tranny videos
Let me guess, it's going to get memed on tiktok and then a billion zoomers will flood it, followed by the site slowing to a crawl before severely downgrading free tiers to the point that it takes an entire week for one video to generate.
It does not offer img2vid

What is the best img2vid available?
Your imagination
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1.25 MB WEBM
Bloody excellent
Did you not ever see the original will smith eating spaghetti images?
To act like this tech hasn't progressed is being even more delusional than the ai cultists saying it's already Basilisk/skynet tier
Still Kling
…wait did someone finally make a model that recognizes and can make named TNG characters out of the box
Stocking up on lube and batteries if true
chinks do it again. been making videos for hours on my mobile, work pc and home pc. figure it uses a mass amount of power so the more you spam the most wasteful it is :^)
They very much did not
Nuke china
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I tried my best to get a good Bloodborne one but this is my best out of 3.
I take it no one uses kling anymore
This is txt2vid. Kling is img2vid

Is that Andrew Ditch wearing a dress?
>serj tankian tries free software
the Indian stuff never gets old
lmao, love the ciggs in both hands
>2. Enter your prompt. (avoid obviously banned words)
that's cool I wasn't that interested anyway

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