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Desktop Thread

Desktop Thread

Cute not pedo edition

>Windows guides
http://nanami-tan.info (W7/8/10)
http://pastebin.com/CL7HyL3V (embed) (embed) (embed) (W10)
>Linux guide

Recommended Suggestions:
>pretty much we just post anime now
>we are in charge

Old Thread: >>102297026
THIS is not the OFFICIAL desktop thread
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ben the king
>we are in charge
Who's "we", faggot?
It's absolutely okay to have sexual relationship with your younger sister.
And if you don't have younger sister... well then it's time to become bit creative.
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It's only ok if it's your adoptive little sister and she's a hacker.
Where do you buy Cross Days and its chibi version ?
The fuck is a niggerbrimstone? Is it from a meinkampf ore mod? Anyway your ratings are trash by meinkampf standards, they should all be iron or diamond esp >>102333313 the windows 7 VN guy
this thread fucking sucks
holy kys
I formally invite you to the 'craft mc.basedak.party:25565
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good morning gee, um why is there a pedo OP?
>it's messy but I got shit to do
based vibes
>foot DE
>clussy fetish
NEET + pedo + go kys
thread is saved
how did we lose our beloved desktop thread to them?
this thread sucks
muh SOVL whoa hipster zoom zoom fr fr
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Still no change. I've been touching grass more lately.

nip or /djt/ oldfag? +100 aura
LXQt is based but -1000 aura for trannemai
+150 aura for Palemoon and Epyrus
+100 aura for the app selection and scripts
-150 aura for Revolt and vanilla Windows 10
+9001 aura (usecase?)
+250 aura for FreeBSD +50 aura for KDE
+250 aura for LXDE +100 aura for being straight +50 aura for mpv
fr fr ong no caperino
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same shit
it's actually Mate not LXDE btw.
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There was a coup on the janny squad to install maids. A moderator who is not very active, but this board likes to harass, realized maids are not part of that harassment. There is no real reason why the janitorial staff and the maids need to be in conflict, because maids mostly want to discuss Computer Science in non-disruptive "maid threads" and post maids. He also realized that the people who are harassing him are so repulsed by maidposts that they are actually starting to be driven off-site. This is actually the first time anybody has been able to drive these people off.

This board might actually get renamed to "Technology for Dra/g/on Maids", and Tohru might actually be put in the sticky for the same reason you'd put up crosses to ward off vampires.

>tl;dr: Jannies had to pick between maids and /pol/ tourists spamming hanging troonjaks. A mod ordered them to pick maids, because they're better behaved, more numerous, and more on topic. Enforcement against them has been silly and involved things like deleting threads about typesetting Hare code as "off topic" for containing maidposts. Maids also buy ads. A consequence of this, is broader lenience on animeposting, because maidposting is a subset of animeposting and this is a maidposting site.

There's a moe sun in the sky above the Science Foundation for maids. If you listen, you can hear "Blue Sky Rhapsody" on the wind.
>pædophilia, the thread
ruri is my wife, I am litterally married with her.
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tried to approximate how my monitors scale up irl

yes i installed neofetch on windows just for this thread, bully me
Big, (if true).
Based... based... based...
desktops without a bunch of icons are so soulless, idk why. it just feels sterile and depressing, like putting on a fake smile and a facade in public. its like a shell of a human being so broken they cant even be themselves on their own 'puter, they have to put up a facade even at home, they are so lost and their imagination, wonder, and childlike happiness is completely gone. now they are just some ugly soulless husk obsessed with comforming to other online losers desktop standards. sad :(
Based, will kneel
Keeping a clean desktop makes me happy, I don't usually show off to other people, I more or less stare at it like I would do at my room after throughoutly cleaning it. Being yourself is not necessarily chaos and disorder
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Got tired of the light theme one, back to gaybird.
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>defender disabled
>internet turned off
>AI lolis
>vivaldi bloatmaxxing
>icons all over the desktop
>epic games launcher
>windows lgbt
my knees are bending so hard at this point they might just end up snapping. HOLY BASED RETARD
I'll try to make a theme for IceWM now. I've never riced any linux window managers ever and I know nothing about this shit.
>thinly veiled succubus
go away demon
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>my old cpu
>same gpu
cute & comfy
i would suck your tight cute italian phimosis gock so hard if you gave me your dot files
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Revived my old machine as a backup. Works great with this setup.
Based Dafne admiror >>>

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