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>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between September 30th and October 1st (UTC)

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>102214152
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VOTE ON THE TITLE OF THE 13TH (Music for your god (divine music, your interpretation)) ALBUM:
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trackers > your daw
What is the better scratchpad for ideas, Bitwig or Ableton?
Okay, I understand the process for submitting a song to the album. What I need to know now: is this a song
why are there so many low effort trolls with online music prod? fucking sucks trying to find any likeminded souls
Went to my local guitar center to check out some equipment, wow the circuit tracks is absolutely tiny. Looks too cute to make any beats
that's just 4chan m8
reddit is equally bad but with hugboxing, pick your poison
>that's just 4chan m8
it wasn't always
yep... we remember...
idk if they updated the firmware but it is/was extremely limited for a sampler groovebox thing
How do I do microtones over midi?
Does bitwig enable this?
googling must be too hard for you
Do you make any money from ya music?
I used to make peanuts but then my paypal account got suspended for whatever reason. I fucking hate how it's the only bandcamps payout option.
Thoughts on the drumbrute impact? Been wanting an analog machine that still have fundamental digital capabilities and this looks killer for the price
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>Thoughts on the drumbrute impact?
incredibly underwhelming sounds, would rather have the connections of the drumbrute, and limited in not being able to recall things like presets. neither of them is for me though, you should try it yourself

i don't think there are any great new and cheap drum machines, compared to just using a daw. i wanted a drum machine a few years ago, settled on a groovebox, and just unhappy in general with the state of things. i just ended up working in the box all the time
Thanks for the heads up, I'll demo it first in store. I feel I might get more done away from my pc, but really just looking for an excuse to get some new shiny machine
there have to be people dumping digitakt mk i left and right to buy the new shiny
A dude is selling one for 400 on reverb I'm really tempted
yeah it really sucks how limited the impact is. analog is a big meme for drum machines and small synths in general. after learning enough stuff with electronics and dsp, i truly don't care about analog vs digital much anymore
I'd be tempted too, but I already have enough stuff. If I had nothing, I'd be on that
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I'm so bummed out about how most of the latest and greatest software synths are all so fucking flat and souless.
None of them inspire creativity or exude personality; nor do they invoke the feeling of accessing the unobtainable - expensive hardware synths you'll never get your hands on, but a stylish VST GUI may give the closest feeling you could ever get toward owning one......

Remember when software synths had air vents? Wood paneling? Realistic looking knobs and sliders?
This needs to make a comeback
Sounds like a you problem
It's my problem modern software synths are souless and aren't stylish anymore?
Your opinion. They look perfectly fine and inspiring to me.
Maybe you could try being less superficial.
they're tools for professionals, excessive skeuomorphism like screw holes is considered laughable, most people care more about features and sound quality than a flashy GUI
vital looks fine, pigments is minimal but too cluttered, i hate kilohearts' design, everything on the right sucks
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Well you don't have to give up sound quality to even simply just have an alt GUI that looks cooler than flat and grey
I know Hive 2 has a handful of GUIs floating around out there, some organized way different than the default layout
Wouldn't be such a bad thing if the best software synths out there had modable GUIs.....
both of those look like ass
Serum has themes
I still love Sylenth and I refuse to get with the times
Vital is definitely trying to look slightly futuristic, but in general I agree, albeit not at the cost of usability.

I want personality but I don’t miss the days of “look how OLD and RETRO (cluttered and sloppy jumpy ass knobs ) xDd!!”
Im with you. Soulless looking software creates soulless music.
idk i feel like the palace and chorus space tail are pretty much the same so it's basically just that diffused attack that's different in vintage verb?
(but if you switch it to night mode on modern it's harder to tell of course)

Most of the Valhalla reiterations i feel like are pretty justified but there are a handful of them that almost seem like "fixes" to the original algorithms.
Idk maybe i haven't a/b'd them enough
> complains mostly about how it looks instead of how it functions and sounds
yeah, you're a fucking idiot.
we can have both

i like my guitars to be a pretty color too my jazz bass is sparkly blue :3
>we can have both
looks aren't important at all when it comes to software. you aren't going to be looking at it much unless you're editing a sound.

>jazz bass is sparkly blue
very nice
it's not any more important than the lighting in your room... or your desktop background.... or the clothes you wear...
it doesn't MATTER but actually it does and it's fun to reskin stuff and stuff
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i don't want distractions, so grey/black is ideal
>it doesn't MATTER but actually it does
never mattered.
It mattered a little bit.
not even a microbit. i grew up programming music using hexadecimal numbers. pretty sliders, 24bit skins and 3d modelled knobs are bloat.
i grew up banging stick on other stick and remembering
everything else is bloat
cope, tyrone.
What a fucking god. His only mistake is getting caught. I wish I was half of the man he is.
'Get your kick and sub phase alignment correct'
>The Podcast
what kind of podcast is this? it sounds like some AI generated ASMR fetish smug giganormies overexplaining to a layman audience.
Thoughts on roland aira s1 for maximum ambient drone synth like Earth and Sunn O)))
> talks about subject
> doesn't demonstrate anything
such people need to be gassed. everyone is worse off after listening to this.
>roland aira s1
i think very little of it. you get more for your money just buying their aira based VST plugins.
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For me it's white. I manually set everything on a red filter. Also
>Unveils Insane X bike
Wtf is he doing with a biker, he's a basketball player. Nobody's gonna care if Billy Corrigan shows off a FM dubstep synth
Have you considered pirating the Roland instruments? They all mostly just use the actual instrument interface
Title for the 13th album (Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)):
>The Mongolian Basketweaving Book of the Dead

Please post cover art
>65 from 23
multiple choices allowed
Based. I can barely hear the difference between two reverbs that have the same settings.
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could look at cherry audio synths too if that's the style you're looking for
Pls whats a cool and fun analog synth i dont want to be in front of my screen all the time
moog one
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how does the "blur" effect work in fl studio? edison has a setting for it and fruity delay 3 does as well, it calls them "level" and "spread" in a diffusion section. is it like some averaging kernel it does in the frequency domain?
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>Please post cover art
Aira p6 looks like fun but damn are those pads tiny way too small for me
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looks like yet another toy for hipsters. someone said the aira line is literally for beginners, hobbyists and kids but people are on some copium and defending it even for making full songs.
made it more "listenable" if you'are into that
feat. stephen root
I dont understand why these toys dont have a song mode equivalent or just hands off automation features. I only have two hands I can't be holding a button and turning a knob and be unable to use any other equipment
Anyone got any other good resources like Seamlessr and Composing Gloves? I'm beginning to understand how synthesis works and how sounds are made but I really want to do the automation that they where they're able to have the wave change over time. What is exactly being autmated to make it sound like how it does? Kind of like this. Also when sound designing something do you go with something in mind or just kind of tweaks things until you get something that sounds good?
song mode is for people that make songs. aimless jams are the current meta
Bit of a general question but is there really a point of installing a synth other than what comes with your DAW like sytrus and harmor with FL when they can do the same thing? I'm assuming it's just an easier workflow than working from scratch than operators and sine waves or better features.
literally all you need is a triangle
people who rave about all those subtractive synths never bother to learn their stock plugins. it's from the days of "professional" daws not having any usable instruments which isn't the case for any of the daws hobbyists use now. same shit as "dude i gotta have every single waves plugin and ssl console strip or it just doesn't FEEL right"
This is what I've been noticing with a lot YouTubers where it feels like they're always selling you something that you could do in your DAW. Been on a journey trying to learn how to do what I want to purely with FL Studio all plugins edition.
best advice i can give is DO NOT watch youtube videos of fl studio unless they're on the official channel. your first trip should be to the official online documentation, they've remade a bunch of tutorials and they're really good
for in depth, the official channel is where you should go, in the mix for how some specific tools work. synthet and firewalk studios for quick tips.

fl is insanely powerful but hardly anyone making vids knows how to use it other than traptards. it's powerful but not refined, so there are a bunch of ways to do the same tasks and some ways you will never discover by yourself. you should learn patcher if you don't know already. peak controller and linking is also very useful

i don't have all plugins edition, but the only things i really miss are a decent reverb and a clipper/saturator. luxeverb is amazing though, so next holiday i'll be upgrading. waveshaper and soft clipper exist but they're a little clunkier than i'd like. i can understand people using 3rd party for reverbs and niche effects but most things are complete memes
It's unfortunate they've pretty much dominated the tutorial scene.
what xlr mic should I get for recording highly specific foley and small sound effects? i would primarily be recording indoors but weather tolerance is acceptable of course. if there is a low price Chinese microphone that is basically Chinesium wrapped around a NOS capsule from a major manufacturer/OEM I am willing to take a risk
not really any good "cheap" mics. some cheap zoom field recorder with a windscreen is probably fine for 99.999999% of cases
Other than wavetable morphing stuff you'd find in Serum/Hive 2/Massive X, yeah Sytrus and Harmor will do almost everything else synth wise

If you want realistic piano/instruments, then you might need other plugins
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Hope your daw's drums aren't fluffy
There's nothing wrong with what he said
people still think there's a massive difference in hard clippers and even paying for shit with no special functions lol


the more embarrassing part is that he's still questioning this kind of shit after producing for at least 12 years
Is it worth trying to learn and understand plugins? I love using Massive presets but I feel too adhd to learn to design my own sounds. It seems like most music now uses premade sounds with effects.
How to achieve this beat and sound design? https://voca.ro/1belpJ2tJt7Z
granular , but too low and slowed out of time but played in time
How do you sequence a beat that’s out of time but in time with granular?
as in the grain size and timing itself is out of sync but the start times are played on the grid

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