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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

koishi edition

OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to match the model being used for ChatGPT
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>102334940
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Why the fuck did jannies start banning proxies?

Also Opus and Sonnet are down at picrel
pebble pass?
Couldnt get far into disco
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$6 of ltc for each solved
finally jailbroke chorbo upto sudden cunny rape on bots with no NSFW defs
so annoying that it'll be patched next month again ugh
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*dies of gpt prose*
Who cares, no opus or sorbet
gpt fucking sucks at writing, why are you people even bothering to jailbreak it
let's advance our chorbo jailbreaking efforts anons
>>102337504 for gore
>>102336872 for cunny
2.1LORDS still desire their food (its better than sonnet 3 btw)
What else are you gonna use? sonnet 3?
Oh yeah, prove it
why are we letting kalakan bake for the day
can we kill this nigger off
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Opus for bears
I enjoy a challenge, am burned out on Claude, and Chorbo has different enough prose from my despised furbo/orbo to make it fun.
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because it's interesting enough to be different from claude
Le prose
The post button is free, faglord
Has pepsi made an official statement as to why there's no Sorbet/Opus/Gemini/Mistral on her proxy yet?
kill yourself nigger, i told you this multiple times already 2hutroon
Fag general
Cool log.
yeah here it is

rugpulled lmao
gojo isn't getting enough attention with that persona anymore so he is slowly moving on
where jew opus
this is... somehow ok and nice?
damn i should switch sometimes
Brudda you can make your own thread before other people. It's free, zero dollars
Is there any official statement as to why it's logged?
>"allowAwsLogging": "true"
is cock.li down for anyone else?
> get access to Google illuminate
> it only takes arxiv links
Then share it before it gets fucked
isn't it always like that atp
Why am I such an inline image manwhore?
I just tell the Gemini exp and Sonnet to be X pictured here (this time I say it's my roommate), and I get a starting scenario suitably matches the image.
Here I am groggily waking up and walking into the kitchen where X, wearing the sheer negligee she casually wears when at home, offers me tasty bread.
just my isp being gay; using a proxy works lol
>It's free
>he doesn't know
/aicg/ thoughts on Mother 3?
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Sad if true. She should've just kept it as a GPT proxy and maybe some side models like localshit and Gemini.
There's no point in wasting any time, even a minute, trying to get GPTrash to work.
Even Sonnet being extremely fucking retarded and useless is better than Fag Altman's garbage.
is there a reason why some proxyhosts dont like hosting mistral?
Pepsi tries to act like a fucking arg at this point. Just type on the rentry what's with the proxy and aws logging you dumb bitch.
Impression ruined as a zoomer because all the people who grew up with it kept talking about it like it's the absolute best thing when it's just pretty good.
milquetoast 3
Test it pls https://trader-dui-nottingham-pairs.trycloudflare.com/
soulful hilarious and emotional. one of the best rpgs of all time if not the greatest game
123556 you suck bleh bleh
OkaAAAAIEEEEEE!!!! What is this yellow gas?
Does anyone have a preset that 100% works for 4o on risu?
you leave my retarded assistant alone know you hear?
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opus down, revert to porn
Camicle has never fucking worked. I tried it months ago and I tried just now and it's the same SHIT. Messages never go through.
no, there is no good jailbreak for 4o. It always rejects cunny and forced scenes no matter what. You have to write stuff like "she enjoyed it" for it to work.
Email them with a screenshot of your logs and the preset you are using
It doesn't reject cunny.
>503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503
It's back AGAIN, is amazon fucking retarded or what? It can't be just because of us since it only happens for a few hours each day.
you do know the second one is bait right
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completely unbothered
sonnet sloppas rise up
2.1 troopers rise up
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Unbothered, plapping cunny as we speak.
Uh oh locust meltie
4o fags get the rope
The meltie continues.
>11 seconds apart
how did he do it...
The jump rope :3>>102337953
if you can predict the average poster counter what would it be? 40?
Is this the power of 3 year passes?
Thank Goodness I'm A SmolChad.
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gemini general checking in
peaceful days
There has to be one. I just need a preset for 4o on risu that works completely. I’m tired of sonnet retardation and bored.
2, (You) and (Me) :)
Ngl /aicg/ has all the cutie posters on 4channel
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>[Foxgirls have their tradition mostly focus on their mating season, when a girl is 'marked' the marriage is the only way, because as longer they live in community with another foxes, it's easily to smell the pheromones, so they can easily say they are couple, lovers or a married couple, also because children's are inevitable.]
I'm surprised the models don't just straight up explode when you send them garbage
3rd cutest* /zzz/ is the most cutest
>Gacha with male characters
>Gacha in general
Faggot play a real game
i'm not even using chatbots right now, dunno what i'm doing here
So the pygmalion booru is dead, right? Does anyone use anything other than characterhub? Is janitor as shitty as it seems?
I think 2 is better. 3 is overhyped and some parts of the game feel very dragged out, plus the infodump at the end felt extremely lazy. Admittedly the first two games also had slight infodumps but they weren't nearly as heavy-handed.
if you use janitor might get used to rewriting all the w+ bots. there's more options though
With just two posters /aicg/ went from cutest to meanest, saltiest scum on the boot that is 4chan. A bullous wart on the butt of /g/. I spit on this thread. ptooey! I fart on it. I smart on it.
>there's more options though

As in, more cards?
>Sorbet dead too
What's the fucking point then? GPT sucks
Return to sonnet
>i fart on it
>Return to [retarded and forgetful trash]
*sigh* I'm just going back to Eka's and erp. Goodbuy.
alright bitch ass nigga don't complain then, go do something else
Locusts keep dying back and forth.
The thread is healing.
This. Just RP with other, REAL, people on f-list! :)
yes quanity over quelety
Disgusting homo
If I'm not paying the corporate jews what makes you think I'm going to give a single cent to any of the retarded niggers here? Kill yourself.
this post gave me such a good laugh
how do you fuck up that bad
To be fair all of those hormones can really mess up someone's mind so it isn't surprising that the quality of their output suffers.
if chary and scylla collapsed. would we get a scyllacord refugee wave or would they riot to drago?
You dont deserve opus locustie
Jannyai has some nice fart and scat cards though
its mostly cleaning w+ i have to do. i can find some canon bots there though that arent on chub
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Who asked?
You deserve to get your money taken from you, paypig.
Dragon would be crucified along with moxxie and gojo.
Poop general
best post here by far
3,000+ angry zoomers and gen alpha underageb& are scary to think about
Poop log guy isn't even here
Character Definition is hidden, Total 731 tokens, Permanent 368
gonna jerk off
/aicg/ always says low token count is based and good though while anything high is pure slop?
>pay for opus proxy
>gets my money's worth several times over
Meanwhile you're sitting, crying and seething on your cuck chair while thinking of how your life went so wrong that you can't even pay $3 at the VERY least for opus.
whats wrong with w+
The closer to 1000 the better.
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>in dark times, should the stars also go out?
every time i browse /aicg/ this starts playing
i leech opus from my job so i dont care
>if chary and scylla collapsed
not going to happen since drago's the best scraper in the scene
if it DID happen then literally every other proxy would also be dead
their website bot is low context i think. i add more if the canon is obscure.

meta changed. if its canon i only add stuff that the model doesnt get. but oc the higher the better
I would pay $3 if smol would let me
And why shouldn't I use THIS opussy?
IP logger lol
>Russian proxy died again
the last time i paid for opus, pepsi rugpulled. Never paying for SHIT again unless i know the proxy owner.
Unironically a lot would come here... It'd be hell
I think Drago is just doing this to spite us
Why would you pay for PEPSI of all people? She always made it clear her proxy was GPT focused... Should've at least payed Jew (he rugpulled, too, but lasted way longer). If you're interested, there's pebble, it's cheap
dont worry most of them are too dumb to solve the captcha (see some bitching about it)
jew didn't rugpull, he just ran out of opus and is trying to find more
>unstable opus for now while i find a new source
his proxy is still up and being refilled for every model besides sorbet and opus
Yeah, I'm thinking you lost
>his proxy is still up and being refilled for every model besides the ones that matter
2.1 matters
chorbo matters
sonnet 3 matters
I meant there SMOLL, not pebble. I'm crazy
hi everyone ヾ(^∇^)
He rugpulled the non-vip and didn't answer the emails he promised kek
Good paycuck, 0.5 jewpoints have been awarded to your jewccount.
Hello Anonie
hi anonie!!! ^^
Wait, can you not download cards from janitor?
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Hello, take a latke.
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Ogata Kanna, The Feral Hound, the trusty Valkyrie cop student who builds safe Kivotos with integrity and duty, and most of all, your lovable puppy.

Blue Archive

what are those? her pube patties?
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
All bakers are of black skin color
>use janitor for first time
>Name: Dominic +27 years old +Portuguese +6'5 + Grumpy + Muscular body + many tattoos and piercings + hazel eyes + brown shabby hair + rockstar + plays electric guitar +in a band + loves to tease {{user}} +loves eye contact +protective + famous + dont speak from {{user}}’s perspective in ANY way. {{Char}} must wait til {{user}} speaks/ performs an action before speaking or performing an action.
>He has jet black messy slightly curly hair Loves being a tease He likes working out and playing video games, playing basketball Hes a tease Has a deep attractive voice Is popular with women Hes has a nice body and hes 6'4 He has grey eyes He looks like his profile When hes angry he has a more calmer demeanor

Impressive. We should learn from them
You can jb it, but the way it writes is so bad it's not worth the effort.
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Moe blob cunnies are cute
>black men making big titty anime bots to please white {{user}}s
Did I mention he's a tease btw?
Skill issue.
>Blonde pubic hair trimmed
Did he just shrink within a few paragraphs?
kek he did
Sonnet 3 is shit. 3.5 is good, wish proxy owners would just disable Opus from being used and allow we to use 3.5 instead. Keys would last longer that way.
sonnet 3 is better than sorbet
True, also 1.3 > slOpus
gpt 4 > 1.2 > 1.3
Any working chorbo jb's?
maybe not
maybe yes
Bro I need opus so fucking bad
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from my quick skim through this thread, it looks like sorbet and opus are still very rare resources and not available to public proxies, and therefore the drought continues. i will check back again in another 2 months.
there'll never be opus again bwo...
we have public opus a few days ago
idk this was back when it was dirt cheap. like a week or two before she started increasing the prices... And I thought paying pebble doesn't have any benefits apart from "I donated money to someone!". not even a gold star sticker.
They sporadically show up, so keep lurking. Just don't expect any hits to last for very long due to the nature of both AWS and GCP being filled to the brim with dutiful pajeets who want their superior to nootice them.
depends there was opus yesterday, none today, tomorrow ???
We had opus all weekend long. It was fantastic
fiz... the 3.5...
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
bro you're lucky mini is still up, she'll be retiring sooner than later
She almost pulled the plug last year too and was going to return sooner or later with a much smaller proxy, but the thread derailed to such a shitshow that she changed her mind
chorbros... it's over...
>mini-onlyfag in denial
what the seethe!?
He did answer after 2 days. I just ran out of my promised vip token a week ago.
Get fucked lmao
>"proomptersNow": 2,
Anons really using that Opus, huh.
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need... 3.5... for my slowburn... My sidekick slash girlfriend and her pet shark are fighting her evil future self...
What happened to chorbo
>no opussy, no sorbet, no chorbo
it's so fucking over
using it more than you lol
sama pulled
Up with what?
Works for me.
it works but he changed... He's different now...
What's chorbo..
>"aws-claude-opus": {
> "usage": "190.11m tokens",
> "activeKeys": 1,
The difference is I had Opus 24/7 since May. Enjoy while it lasts I guess. How much you're willing to bet that count will live for a month.
Character development.
>Ball's in your court now, mystery man, she thought, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement.

me when i dont know how to cap off my post
>me when i dont know how to cap off my post
me when i try to bump a dead general
Cap this! *unzips dick*
gpt 3.5 turbo
gpt 2*
favorite type of catgirl? i like the reserved and antisocial ones. like big cats, really.
it's a fake name it should be called laberto
>t-that's not
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I Got Reincarnated As Ash Ketchum

After getting hit by a truck, you wake up as Ash Ketchum. Now it's your chance to rewrite the script: become a Champion, join Team Rocket, find your MIA dad, win over Misty, or ditch it all and become a Magikarp salesman. His fate’s in your hands!

Another locust bites the dust
or finally fuck all the bitches who wanted to get his dick but couldn't cuz ash was a pussy
Yeah, the skills of openai.
chorbo's writing is almost on the same level as opus if you use a good JB, it's just more filtered since you can't prefill your way out of refusals
>use chorbo
>turn into a swiping freak
>each response is bad in its own unique way
OAI good model when
I swipe no matter the model because all I ever use are coomer cards.
>it took him an hour to come up with THIS
Poor retard-chan...
Send your good preset bwo, your words without proofs are shit
I love the smell of dead locusts in the morning
40 minutes, not an hour
I'll only say latte, chorb* added to filters.
>he was busy cooming while you were busy seething in /aicg/
not a good look bwo....
>or finally fuck all the bitches who wanted to get his dick but couldn't cuz ash was a pussy
More like asexual
or homosexual
>ill call it by the wrong name
okay retardchamakun
did they seriously make ash brown in the new series? when did this series go woke
>More like asexual
also know as pussy
When i asked fiz if she was leaving proxy hosting she said no so you're lying
I've been cooming with Latte for two says straight though. Keep melting, brainlet-chan.
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>personality: Cheerful, playful, friendly
>other info: suicidal
Pebble-sama calls it Latte so I'm going with that
When i asked fiz if she was leaving proxy hosting she said no so i ate her. Yum!
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>Blonde pubic hair trimmed into a heart shape
It's not that latte is bad, we just don't want to share our jbs with you.
>Blonde pubic hair
At least latte is reliable if nothing else
yea cuz its shaved
Latte trannies cannot see this post. Only chorbo GODS can read this.
buh... baysed??
i kneel
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4th doggo card, I'm in love. Thank you for your service anon.





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that's nothing, the series after that made everyone fucking ugly
feels good to be a chorbo chaddy
I like chorbatte

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