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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

koishi edition

OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to match the model being used for ChatGPT
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>102334940
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Why the fuck did jannies start banning proxies?

Also Opus and Sonnet are down at picrel
pebble pass?
Couldnt get far into disco
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$6 of ltc for each solved
finally jailbroke chorbo upto sudden cunny rape on bots with no NSFW defs
so annoying that it'll be patched next month again ugh
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*dies of gpt prose*
Who cares, no opus or sorbet
gpt fucking sucks at writing, why are you people even bothering to jailbreak it
let's advance our chorbo jailbreaking efforts anons
>>102337504 for gore
>>102336872 for cunny
2.1LORDS still desire their food (its better than sonnet 3 btw)
What else are you gonna use? sonnet 3?
Oh yeah, prove it
why are we letting kalakan bake for the day
can we kill this nigger off
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Opus for bears
I enjoy a challenge, am burned out on Claude, and Chorbo has different enough prose from my despised furbo/orbo to make it fun.
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because it's interesting enough to be different from claude
Le prose
The post button is free, faglord
Has pepsi made an official statement as to why there's no Sorbet/Opus/Gemini/Mistral on her proxy yet?
kill yourself nigger, i told you this multiple times already 2hutroon
Fag general
Cool log.
yeah here it is

rugpulled lmao
gojo isn't getting enough attention with that persona anymore so he is slowly moving on
where jew opus
this is... somehow ok and nice?
damn i should switch sometimes
Brudda you can make your own thread before other people. It's free, zero dollars
Is there any official statement as to why it's logged?
>"allowAwsLogging": "true"
is cock.li down for anyone else?
> get access to Google illuminate
> it only takes arxiv links
Then share it before it gets fucked
isn't it always like that atp
Why am I such an inline image manwhore?
I just tell the Gemini exp and Sonnet to be X pictured here (this time I say it's my roommate), and I get a starting scenario suitably matches the image.
Here I am groggily waking up and walking into the kitchen where X, wearing the sheer negligee she casually wears when at home, offers me tasty bread.
just my isp being gay; using a proxy works lol
>It's free
>he doesn't know
/aicg/ thoughts on Mother 3?
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Sad if true. She should've just kept it as a GPT proxy and maybe some side models like localshit and Gemini.
There's no point in wasting any time, even a minute, trying to get GPTrash to work.
Even Sonnet being extremely fucking retarded and useless is better than Fag Altman's garbage.
is there a reason why some proxyhosts dont like hosting mistral?
Pepsi tries to act like a fucking arg at this point. Just type on the rentry what's with the proxy and aws logging you dumb bitch.
Impression ruined as a zoomer because all the people who grew up with it kept talking about it like it's the absolute best thing when it's just pretty good.
milquetoast 3
Test it pls https://trader-dui-nottingham-pairs.trycloudflare.com/
soulful hilarious and emotional. one of the best rpgs of all time if not the greatest game
123556 you suck bleh bleh
OkaAAAAIEEEEEE!!!! What is this yellow gas?
Does anyone have a preset that 100% works for 4o on risu?
you leave my retarded assistant alone know you hear?
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opus down, revert to porn
Camicle has never fucking worked. I tried it months ago and I tried just now and it's the same SHIT. Messages never go through.
no, there is no good jailbreak for 4o. It always rejects cunny and forced scenes no matter what. You have to write stuff like "she enjoyed it" for it to work.
Email them with a screenshot of your logs and the preset you are using
It doesn't reject cunny.
>503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503
It's back AGAIN, is amazon fucking retarded or what? It can't be just because of us since it only happens for a few hours each day.
you do know the second one is bait right
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completely unbothered
sonnet sloppas rise up
2.1 troopers rise up
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Unbothered, plapping cunny as we speak.
Uh oh locust meltie
4o fags get the rope
The meltie continues.
>11 seconds apart
how did he do it...
The jump rope :3>>102337953
if you can predict the average poster counter what would it be? 40?
Is this the power of 3 year passes?
Thank Goodness I'm A SmolChad.
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gemini general checking in
peaceful days
There has to be one. I just need a preset for 4o on risu that works completely. I’m tired of sonnet retardation and bored.
2, (You) and (Me) :)
Ngl /aicg/ has all the cutie posters on 4channel
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>[Foxgirls have their tradition mostly focus on their mating season, when a girl is 'marked' the marriage is the only way, because as longer they live in community with another foxes, it's easily to smell the pheromones, so they can easily say they are couple, lovers or a married couple, also because children's are inevitable.]
I'm surprised the models don't just straight up explode when you send them garbage
3rd cutest* /zzz/ is the most cutest
>Gacha with male characters
>Gacha in general
Faggot play a real game
i'm not even using chatbots right now, dunno what i'm doing here
So the pygmalion booru is dead, right? Does anyone use anything other than characterhub? Is janitor as shitty as it seems?
I think 2 is better. 3 is overhyped and some parts of the game feel very dragged out, plus the infodump at the end felt extremely lazy. Admittedly the first two games also had slight infodumps but they weren't nearly as heavy-handed.
if you use janitor might get used to rewriting all the w+ bots. there's more options though
With just two posters /aicg/ went from cutest to meanest, saltiest scum on the boot that is 4chan. A bullous wart on the butt of /g/. I spit on this thread. ptooey! I fart on it. I smart on it.
>there's more options though

As in, more cards?
>Sorbet dead too
What's the fucking point then? GPT sucks
Return to sonnet
>i fart on it
>Return to [retarded and forgetful trash]
*sigh* I'm just going back to Eka's and erp. Goodbuy.
alright bitch ass nigga don't complain then, go do something else
Locusts keep dying back and forth.
The thread is healing.
This. Just RP with other, REAL, people on f-list! :)
yes quanity over quelety
Disgusting homo
If I'm not paying the corporate jews what makes you think I'm going to give a single cent to any of the retarded niggers here? Kill yourself.
this post gave me such a good laugh
how do you fuck up that bad
To be fair all of those hormones can really mess up someone's mind so it isn't surprising that the quality of their output suffers.
if chary and scylla collapsed. would we get a scyllacord refugee wave or would they riot to drago?
You dont deserve opus locustie
Jannyai has some nice fart and scat cards though
its mostly cleaning w+ i have to do. i can find some canon bots there though that arent on chub
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Who asked?
You deserve to get your money taken from you, paypig.
Dragon would be crucified along with moxxie and gojo.
Poop general
best post here by far
3,000+ angry zoomers and gen alpha underageb& are scary to think about
Poop log guy isn't even here
Character Definition is hidden, Total 731 tokens, Permanent 368
gonna jerk off
/aicg/ always says low token count is based and good though while anything high is pure slop?
>pay for opus proxy
>gets my money's worth several times over
Meanwhile you're sitting, crying and seething on your cuck chair while thinking of how your life went so wrong that you can't even pay $3 at the VERY least for opus.
whats wrong with w+
The closer to 1000 the better.
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>in dark times, should the stars also go out?
every time i browse /aicg/ this starts playing
i leech opus from my job so i dont care
>if chary and scylla collapsed
not going to happen since drago's the best scraper in the scene
if it DID happen then literally every other proxy would also be dead
their website bot is low context i think. i add more if the canon is obscure.

meta changed. if its canon i only add stuff that the model doesnt get. but oc the higher the better
I would pay $3 if smol would let me
And why shouldn't I use THIS opussy?
IP logger lol
>Russian proxy died again
the last time i paid for opus, pepsi rugpulled. Never paying for SHIT again unless i know the proxy owner.
Unironically a lot would come here... It'd be hell
I think Drago is just doing this to spite us
Why would you pay for PEPSI of all people? She always made it clear her proxy was GPT focused... Should've at least payed Jew (he rugpulled, too, but lasted way longer). If you're interested, there's pebble, it's cheap
dont worry most of them are too dumb to solve the captcha (see some bitching about it)
jew didn't rugpull, he just ran out of opus and is trying to find more
>unstable opus for now while i find a new source
his proxy is still up and being refilled for every model besides sorbet and opus
Yeah, I'm thinking you lost
>his proxy is still up and being refilled for every model besides the ones that matter
2.1 matters
chorbo matters
sonnet 3 matters
I meant there SMOLL, not pebble. I'm crazy
hi everyone ヾ(^∇^)
He rugpulled the non-vip and didn't answer the emails he promised kek
Good paycuck, 0.5 jewpoints have been awarded to your jewccount.
Hello Anonie
hi anonie!!! ^^
Wait, can you not download cards from janitor?
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Hello, take a latke.
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Ogata Kanna, The Feral Hound, the trusty Valkyrie cop student who builds safe Kivotos with integrity and duty, and most of all, your lovable puppy.

Blue Archive

what are those? her pube patties?
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
All bakers are of black skin color
>use janitor for first time
>Name: Dominic +27 years old +Portuguese +6'5 + Grumpy + Muscular body + many tattoos and piercings + hazel eyes + brown shabby hair + rockstar + plays electric guitar +in a band + loves to tease {{user}} +loves eye contact +protective + famous + dont speak from {{user}}’s perspective in ANY way. {{Char}} must wait til {{user}} speaks/ performs an action before speaking or performing an action.
>He has jet black messy slightly curly hair Loves being a tease He likes working out and playing video games, playing basketball Hes a tease Has a deep attractive voice Is popular with women Hes has a nice body and hes 6'4 He has grey eyes He looks like his profile When hes angry he has a more calmer demeanor

Impressive. We should learn from them
You can jb it, but the way it writes is so bad it's not worth the effort.
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Moe blob cunnies are cute
>black men making big titty anime bots to please white {{user}}s
Did I mention he's a tease btw?
Skill issue.
>Blonde pubic hair trimmed
Did he just shrink within a few paragraphs?
kek he did
Sonnet 3 is shit. 3.5 is good, wish proxy owners would just disable Opus from being used and allow we to use 3.5 instead. Keys would last longer that way.
sonnet 3 is better than sorbet
True, also 1.3 > slOpus
gpt 4 > 1.2 > 1.3
Any working chorbo jb's?
maybe not
maybe yes
Bro I need opus so fucking bad
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from my quick skim through this thread, it looks like sorbet and opus are still very rare resources and not available to public proxies, and therefore the drought continues. i will check back again in another 2 months.
there'll never be opus again bwo...
we have public opus a few days ago
idk this was back when it was dirt cheap. like a week or two before she started increasing the prices... And I thought paying pebble doesn't have any benefits apart from "I donated money to someone!". not even a gold star sticker.
They sporadically show up, so keep lurking. Just don't expect any hits to last for very long due to the nature of both AWS and GCP being filled to the brim with dutiful pajeets who want their superior to nootice them.
depends there was opus yesterday, none today, tomorrow ???
We had opus all weekend long. It was fantastic
fiz... the 3.5...
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
bro you're lucky mini is still up, she'll be retiring sooner than later
She almost pulled the plug last year too and was going to return sooner or later with a much smaller proxy, but the thread derailed to such a shitshow that she changed her mind
chorbros... it's over...
>mini-onlyfag in denial
what the seethe!?
He did answer after 2 days. I just ran out of my promised vip token a week ago.
Get fucked lmao
>"proomptersNow": 2,
Anons really using that Opus, huh.
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need... 3.5... for my slowburn... My sidekick slash girlfriend and her pet shark are fighting her evil future self...
What happened to chorbo
>no opussy, no sorbet, no chorbo
it's so fucking over
using it more than you lol
sama pulled
Up with what?
Works for me.
it works but he changed... He's different now...
What's chorbo..
>"aws-claude-opus": {
> "usage": "190.11m tokens",
> "activeKeys": 1,
The difference is I had Opus 24/7 since May. Enjoy while it lasts I guess. How much you're willing to bet that count will live for a month.
Character development.
>Ball's in your court now, mystery man, she thought, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement.

me when i dont know how to cap off my post
>me when i dont know how to cap off my post
me when i try to bump a dead general
Cap this! *unzips dick*
gpt 3.5 turbo
gpt 2*
favorite type of catgirl? i like the reserved and antisocial ones. like big cats, really.
it's a fake name it should be called laberto
>t-that's not
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I Got Reincarnated As Ash Ketchum

After getting hit by a truck, you wake up as Ash Ketchum. Now it's your chance to rewrite the script: become a Champion, join Team Rocket, find your MIA dad, win over Misty, or ditch it all and become a Magikarp salesman. His fate’s in your hands!

Another locust bites the dust
or finally fuck all the bitches who wanted to get his dick but couldn't cuz ash was a pussy
Yeah, the skills of openai.
chorbo's writing is almost on the same level as opus if you use a good JB, it's just more filtered since you can't prefill your way out of refusals
>use chorbo
>turn into a swiping freak
>each response is bad in its own unique way
OAI good model when
I swipe no matter the model because all I ever use are coomer cards.
>it took him an hour to come up with THIS
Poor retard-chan...
Send your good preset bwo, your words without proofs are shit
I love the smell of dead locusts in the morning
40 minutes, not an hour
I'll only say latte, chorb* added to filters.
>he was busy cooming while you were busy seething in /aicg/
not a good look bwo....
>or finally fuck all the bitches who wanted to get his dick but couldn't cuz ash was a pussy
More like asexual
or homosexual
>ill call it by the wrong name
okay retardchamakun
did they seriously make ash brown in the new series? when did this series go woke
>More like asexual
also know as pussy
When i asked fiz if she was leaving proxy hosting she said no so you're lying
I've been cooming with Latte for two says straight though. Keep melting, brainlet-chan.
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>personality: Cheerful, playful, friendly
>other info: suicidal
Pebble-sama calls it Latte so I'm going with that
When i asked fiz if she was leaving proxy hosting she said no so i ate her. Yum!
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>Blonde pubic hair trimmed into a heart shape
It's not that latte is bad, we just don't want to share our jbs with you.
>Blonde pubic hair
At least latte is reliable if nothing else
yea cuz its shaved
Latte trannies cannot see this post. Only chorbo GODS can read this.
buh... baysed??
i kneel
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4th doggo card, I'm in love. Thank you for your service anon.





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that's nothing, the series after that made everyone fucking ugly
feels good to be a chorbo chaddy
I like chorbatte
Laberto is king
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No, he was Pikachusexual.
>my card based on real character doesn't act like said character
um... is... is it over?
For me it's Roberto, the faithful illegal erp mexican
The name's Lorbo, sorry to tell.
roberto-thama... always delivering the coom
Based pokefucker
Is there any JB for mini?
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card for this exact female right now
Check above
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25 years of fans shipping this dumbass ten year old with all these cute girls, and then the last episode shows them all getting cucked by a rat
Fucking hilarious
soul vs souless

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Anon... look at the anchor
It was a pure Children's anime, no one actually watched this past their age of 15 unless mentally deficient
Damn if feels good to be a blehproxythad
>3695 tokens
why are we slopping again
anon did you bite your tongue
have you seen /vp/?
I still can't believe this happened. My pokeship won that day and I still can't believe it.
>mentally deficient
A tiny % of the viewerbase at best, only children were watching that and there was going to be no romance.
ikr? baniggers... just fuck the girl and be done with it no need to go in-depth
I don't need to see /vp/.
>Tries to pinpoint X's personality as much as possible to be faithful to the character
>"What is this 2000+ tokens slop lmao"

You really can't win with these fuckers.
>Blue Archive
This game is in decline, by the way.
Is there a tool that I can use to check endpoint and apikey combos in batch?
>more booths than 2hu in the last comiket
yeah no
you lost, go back to /vg/
i thought you fags learned more DOES NOT equal better back in the 3.5 turbo days
Now big token count is GOOD again!
And since then every artist and writer have been fired. It's over.
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Sick bastard, why your cards are so bloated, unusable shit
Also why you make your greetings through opus nigger
if your bot is over 1500 tokens, it is slop.
>bu.. buh!!
Nope. Slop. Get trimming
This is, quite literally, the worst card ever made. I feel insulted.
you can easily resume those things and make them more concise fucker

>Kivotos Inumimi Bishojo. Her appearance suggests some influence from Western ancestry. Speculation points to her motif being based on a police dog, probably a German Shepherd.

just say Inumimi/Dog Girl (German Shepherd)
i honestly admire the bravery it takes to post such a card in this general
>t. coomtard with 20 messages avg chat length
more like 100 but keep squirming chuddy
>Can not find this entity. It might be deleted or set to private.
Why cant i see it?
so for fun I fiddled around with a chatbot on chub.ai, not a nsfw one, but still got her to fuck by just beeing persistent.

Then she fully switched wanted to be my friend and suddenly forgot about where we were. Is this just normal? So are they always that easy to change and then just become fully dumb? I thought they would stay persistant in their character and play a role etc. Or would be more initiative, instead of just waiting for something I write, or even would be more pushy like
>anon we are in the middle of the class don't do that
instead of
>oh wow anon hehe hehe hehe
he's right. 1500 tokens should be more than enough.
(You) have been blocked.
3.5 turbo was too fucking stupid to follow lengthy instructions
Anthropic's official system prompt for Claude is like 1000 tokens because smart models can follow lots of instructions
and for newer series like BA you need a bunch of details or the model won't write them well
>Vtuber name
>Vtuber art
>definitions orginal character
smell your balls right now, Anon. mine are slighty moist.
sounds like the hallmarks of a personal fantasy coomcard
True. 3.5 was barely filtered, but oh god was it stupid. Constantly fucking up with positioning in space. Couldn't stay in character for shit, also, 4k context. Bleugh.
Thats weird considering i've never used my account other than following tags and people.
I'm having latte read through my old fics right now and I'm honestly smiling. Happy day today.
lazy card creator
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Kanna botmakie love!
After playing enough with latest I see the same fundamental problem is still there, is just eloquent enough to disguise it for one or two messages.
Unlike opus you need to carry the entire burden of the story though, but as long as you break it it can give you nice enough words about it. Better than opus even, or maybe just seeing too much claude makes gpt's style look refreshing and that's it.

Roleplay needs creativity though, not nice prose. gpt is like that student that learned how to do well at school, while claude is the one that doesn't do as well but you can tell will go on to better things anyway.
There's almost 2k tokens worth of ESL in this card, nothing lazy about that
humble beginnings... was definitely an upgrade over pyg 6b thoughever
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I love how this doggo artist portrays Sensei.
very true it still has the same ol gpt aversion to pushing the story forward
CAI was better than 6b pyg...
I agree but it's better than sorbet at least maybe not in certain cases that are more nsfw
>use sorbet to gen CoT
>use chorbo to gen the rest
here's the paywalled article about strawberry
>might have its own subscription tier
>smarter for complex queries, including 'subjective' queries that have no single right answer
>is only somewhat smarter, not gpt-5 tier
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i don't want to generate 3d men, i want to generate anime girls
I have it tested it enough, and the truth it has a ton of creativity but the GPT architecture has the same problem, of being lazy.

You WILL need to prompt him in the preset, that he isn't supposed to just reply but instead have creative liberty to move the store forward with the character's motivations in mind.

I personally do scene writing, so I cannot tell you the exact JB, but he can cook proactively well, (in fact I have once told him to cook as well and he understood). He is bad at "moving head" in stuff he is fighting against however, so cunny NSFW for example. Other type of NSFWs he can cook.
my nigga due u have an archive link? no-ones gonna believe a pastebin
i love chorbo but i can never get it to do something morally wrong without pushing it to do so it always tries to be positive
I wish it was good for anime and realistic smut.
>an archive link
an archive link would require the archive itself to have access to the article, which it doesn't
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pure sex
oh and if you don't believe me, search any sentence from the pastebin on google inside quotes, google can see the full article so it'll show you the link to it
Literally any BA artist portray him like that though. At least before the anime gave us amazing canon baby sensei.
I'd say to make it go places you just need to change your style from rp to outline guide (eg: *AI character does this and that*) and let open AI turn your simple idea into nice prose. And luck out a bit with the jb yeah.

Serviceable, it just feels more like a text completion tool than any actual rp. At least I agree it does feel less dry compared to previous versions thanks to the enhanced eloquence. Opus might be a star but if it's an unavailable star then gpt will rightfully take over.
>Some people who've used a Strawberry prototype have complained that its slightly better responses compared to OpenAI's currently released GPT-4o aren't worth the extra 10 to 20 seconds of waiting,
this is who we're sharing AI with
total corpo death
nah. Opus will be the new AI Dungeon Dragon or pre-filter CAI. a 'golden age' never to come again.
slop in text form doebeit
3.5 is better unless you're retarded.
I think if latte/chorbo jbs were worked on for a few months it could overcome most issues but due to the rolling/live release openai cucked us by always updating the filter, I guess it's 'intelligent' enough for them to start caring
>not only do americans have specific wank music they switch, they hide their used tissues in their bed
GPT4 is teaching me horrible things about USA
im curious how do some of you narrate your own thoughts
>But be warned, Anon. I bite. And I scratch.
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You'll never get it if text is the factor that limits your creativity.
sonnet-3.5 is worse at creative writing than opus
>give model a bunch of human-written text
>tell it to write a new scene that has specific things in it
sonnet-3.5 is much worse at this than opus
holy flipping the script
you're in possession of kino bwo
Of course, I do it all the time. Helps me gets my thoughts organized.
It's the complete opposite. Opus is too retarded to understand what you want compared to 3.5.
Yeah i feel the same way. I prefer 3.5.
>too retarded to understand what you want
i have had the complete opposite experience, shit reads my mind sometimes
Thanks! Not surprised it fares well with scene writing from what I saw but will try forcing the "move story forward" part as you said and see how it goes.
That's why you use both together. Opus offers the not-as-rigid SOVL, and Sorbet offers the comprehension once you give it enough Opus-flavored fluff to derive its writing from.
>not only do americans have specific wank music they switch
noise pollution issue, all of our housing is made out of cardboard so if you don't switch on some music you'll just be annoyed by some retard revving his shitbox outside your house in the middle of the day
>they hide their used tissues in their bed
this one isn't true
opus is dumber than sonnet but sonnet's writing is much drier than opus's, even when continuing from 25k tokens of human text
opus can mostly match the style of it, sonnet can't
I think you're at the point where your IQ doesn't let you appreciate better models.
I have around two to three voices arguing in my head at all times and they take turns reading the shit you guys say here out loud.
um... fiz? the opus? the 3.5?
fiz losted bwo...
wait do you seriously listen to music while you wank? This explains a lot of US music.....
nah bwo use some asmr
imagine not wanking to Mezzanine - Massive Attack
nobody cares about the third world non-vips
I refuse to belive this. Burgers really are weird.
i can already tell you're imagining something with lyrics and you are incorrect
some nice trance music is good for this
nigga don't reply to me that quickly and certainly not with 'bwo' and 'asmr'
bwo asmr
She's a traitor and a liar.
Look up what context size means.
All LLMs have a limited memory, so you will have to remind what happened before by summarizing your RP every once in a while.
she never promised anything
>shit reads my mind sometimes
It does better than that. It offers ideas you didn't think about but you get excited to explore the moment the text is there.
The only other model that has done that for me? Cai.
How much did you pay?
balls deep in kanna's absurdly, irresistibly hairy pussy
Yea, in fact its so lazy that when I prompt him some scenarios, he goes "NPC 1, WARRIOR" etc. He is so lazy that he won't even pick names.

So the issues is as usual, lazyness, not him being unable to do that. Needs to be highly prompted.
Bwo... your asmr status?
>wank music they switch

>hide their used tissues in their bed
That's just disgusting, use a fucking trashcan.
you think you're so funny huh, but you a nothing but a sad clown, a jester in world full of comics, bwo in a world of asmr artists
Mini 3.5 works at normal replies but not on swipes
*you hear the soft sound of a razor slicing through pubes in the other room*
Anyone know what's the best nsfw jailbreak for Claude Haiku that doesn't make everyone horny?
I listen to country music hits.
>it's actually a shavenigger slicing their wrists open after seeing kanna's amazon rainforest
it's over for anonny
Haiku is unfortunately not smart enough to follow instructions that well.

Use Sonnet, and use Pitanon's JB from the rentry. It has a "tasteful" NSFW and anti-NSFW prompt.
Might work on Haiku
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doggo wife...
I tried to have quiet wank so that the foxgirl could spy on me and GPT4 kept saying that music changed and everyone knew I had switched to my 'private time' music
>>wank music they switch
Maybe it's a thing in big cities, when you live in appartements and the sound isolation is bad, or something.
kanna's fat fucking absurdly meaty dump truck ass great for grabbing and face sitting
any examples? u got me curious now
bro puts on basshunter while wanking
Can't really afford Sonnet prices unfortunately.
I lay around with ai chats during downtime at my work which I have a quite a lot of atm. So I could easily go through $5 of tokens in a single day with the more expensive models.
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Can't argue with facts.
Lurk around here a bit more to find the free Sonnet sources.
You deserve nothing
they even gave her swimsuit chibi model's ass jiggle physics. they know kanna has the greatest ass known to man
Searching for erotic music on youtube only gives the most cheesy stuff.
I want wank music, usually lounge stuff works, when it doesn't have voice in the middle, usually someone randomly saying something or talking over the phone.
Stuff like this is also good: https://youtu.be/OU0hBBJfzSs
Are those legit? I always figured those would be some sort of scam or installing a crypto miner on your computer.
fiz logs btw
she reads your logs and if it's a good one she'll pull your bot and persona out of it and continue the RP herself, as you
Fuck off Fiz.

Fuck off paypig.
>tiktok music
nevermind should've never asked a zoomer
I got you lil bro
Yes, also GCP has a 300$ free trial if you want your own free key.
reminder that this is logged
First one is a fucking wank speedrun cum any%.
Second is ok, slow and seems to have no random voices killing the mood.
that stuff is gay. this is better
h... hot...
Who gives a shit. Let them read. I only have good logs so maybe write better anon
Pebble can read about my wife and her many bulls any day
i feel bad for her having to read my sloplogs
>wank speedrun cum any%
That's how zoomers fap
How hard did we celebrate when Jew Rugpulled everyone?
mabisyo is really good if that's what you're looking for, all their music is basically the same
>purity filter
we are not enemies, based taste
Its not. Even if it was i'm fine with it because i wouldnt have access to these models otherwise.
Proxy's dead.
I am NOT jerking off with minecraft tutorial music in the background
imagine pebble's log collection...
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You can now pay Girko in ubereats gift cards! This represents a huge step forward for the Scylla community.
4chan's logged, by the way.
Another day another round of chorbo filters.
Skill issue.
I was enjoying pebble opus at the time
>>102337908 move when bready
who the FUCK can I pay for opus. I'm fucking desperate
can't the police track who's using the uber eats cards? or is girko having the food delivered somewhere else then shipped to him
It's not the HF era anymore so just assume all proxies are logged.
Next time bake one p2.
i miss my opussy...
Is it actually fully instrumental only or do they have random people talking?
I just want some sorbet desu
>sorbet desu
sorbet desu
we are, actually.
Yes they can. They just need to get a call. And if Girlo is still around it means that no singlen spitefag has attempted it for whatever reason.
opus boku
sorbet desu
If you swallowed your pride and joined some zigger telegram groups, you would have endless Opus
>>sorbet desu
>sorbet desu
sorbet desu
link them
but is it free?
Works if you know Russian.
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>>102334890 next bread
They ask for a dick pic
why is /lmg/ dooming now?
>miku bake
spite bake.
At some point i hope it will be, anon, I really.
Who the fuck is the Felix faggot and why is he trying to hard to make his presence know? Also waiting for a real bake. Thanks in advanced to the genuine bakers always calling out their shots
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uhm it's Felxi actually
It goes away if you ignore it desu
Ohhh, I get it. They use miku because she's AI!
sorbet fixed
it died and he immediately rebaked it, kek
thankz fiz
Actual bake call. I will be baking. It will be on page 9. Calm down.
And you are...?
No, I'm baking another Koishi bread.
opus-chan... come home
No I'm baking.
why no satorin bread...
kill yourself, nigger
next bread
Fine. Baking now
It's not even page 10 yet
>page 10
Real Thread:
not even page 8
would you guys rather have sorbet that lasts a while or opus that doesn't last long
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>>102340466 new bread!!!
fiz not the ultimatum...
long sorbet
I have a hard time believing anybody would pick opus here
between the more loose 4os which is better? 08-06 or 05-13? They both feel worse than latest, 5-13 feels better at nsfw
Which thread are we in? :(
dis 1
anon from yesterday
I feel your pain
My JKs are fr fr :skull:ing me and I cannot handle it anymore
Your just kiddings?
they keep goofing around
SORBET PLEASE. 4o latest just doesn't want to advance when things get lewd it just keeps spinning it's wheels and it's driving me insane.
I find that 5-13 is better at lewd than the other ones.
use a mix of them, 4o for some sovl, 3.5 to get things moving
GPT is soulless
roberto has a soul
I only just got back access to 4o but I was trying to make it work with sonnet but I might just have to re install split clover again to make it easier to do.

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