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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Towards the Future Edition

OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to match the model being used for ChatGPT
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Betrayed: >>102340466
>Chopperi ANCHOR chen niiro!
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come out desu!
that password was easy yall overthinking it
I'm a proud smolchad, he's cheap and even if he rugpulls, it's $6 lost max
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Anyone know show to deal with this shit? I'm using Smiley but chorbo keeps overthinking the CoT and writing way too much on it. It's taking over half the fucking reply.
got it, thanks a lot anon. i have to say, chorbo is not bad at all

the password is desu
i'm not joking it's LITERALLY desu
its london
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I guess there is still no news about opus 3.5 in the horizon yet?
Riddles are honestly fun.
"It is always nice to see you" Says the man behind the counter to the woman who has come in
Initiate King James Protocol. The code is 24 and 13 and 14. The password is "Proverbs." Transmit!
lol dumbass
What prefill are you using to get around chorbo's whining? I can't even get a fucking gen out of it.
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plugging my bot again, this one will probably get a new version that is less formal and hornier since she focused too much on being a caretaker

met andrea, she will comfort for being autistic, take care of you, make tendies, and listen to you talk about your autistic interests when no one else does

she has 2 greetings, one where she finds you crying because of a failed date and comforts you, another one where you are a NEET and she is your new caretaker

i also have a risuai account

feedback is always appreciated
Why not use chub?
OAI models don't support prefills.
He's acoustic
fuck, i forgot about that line, that's way better than the actual solution
missed opportunity indeed
I would tell you the password

but I would have to NTR you.
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too lazy to make an account right now, when i make my next bot (which will be ms.[censored] ) i will post every there
also this
I'm literally just using Smiley's JB. It doesn't whine but it goes on and on except for focusing on describing things. I admit it can be fun to read but it's literally babbling.
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Smiley has one used as a pseudo-prefill.
Of course the attentionwhoring tranny didn't choose that
Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see.
Yeah but it's not a prefill, just a clever jb when it worked.
Are you gonna release that bot?
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When I tell you I would bust loads in Marina, I need you to know that I mean that shit.
It's a shame I can't look at either of them anymore without imagining them violently shitting
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Such a nice manga, tentacle-chan is cute.
imagine if splatoon wasn't a game aimed at children
I can imagine it just fine.
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She is
Perchance... it's just a simple thing I literally cooked today. Coombot, so put it simply. Was doing the clown goth girl but the Opus/Sorbet drought made me stop for the moment and I did this instead.
give me your coombot and i will coom with it real quick
*drowns you in bear cum* desu
Forget him for a week
Seconding >>102344244.
Easy peasy
n-not fake...
It isn't quite done but however. I will just post it in Chub later.
oh shit did hamas get to him
Wow that was easy
kek desu
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i'm leaking it when i finish getting my token
Give name so that I can organize it better in my folder.
why do you ruin everyone's fun?
converting to an adult real quick
Yuutami Kitsoha.
Based baitGOD, have a (you).
because i hate riddles
sorry bwos but i REALLY NEED 40k+ context
The name is on the card, Yuutami. Subject to change if I think of a better fictional Japanese name for a kitsune.
She was actually an adult before I converted her to an oppai loli since I couldn't think of a better personality for an adult self of her. Here are some gens I did a long, long time ago if you wanna
>Yuutami Kitsoha.
Thank you
letter count <6
Can I get some 3.5? I actually enjoy how it writes characters better than Opus, even though it gets details wrong more often and needs more pruning.
Yes, pay smol
they are a gatekeeping concept you faggot.
>spend hours writing bot
>use it on 4olatest
>dont like it at all
i need my opussy back
eh, o4 is decent for bot making, i can usually see whats wrong with the bot and whats wrong with the model
>spend hours
just for comparison, do you made multiple bots or just one? i usually don't spend that much time writing a bot
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I copied and pasted every unique word in this faggot riddle on top of googling the whole thing what am I doing wrong
Yes, solve Pebble's riddle
This sorbet hitting good
singular bot but that's also because i overthink when writing a character that exists
based, riddles suck
Any good Frye and Shiver cards?
Huh, odd 3.5 wasn't working for me before.
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>chorboniggers keep spamming it's on pair with opus
>somehow no one ever wants to used
>people prefer to solve stupid riddles to use sorbet
>wake up
>eyes get assaulted by *ppai loli trash
i'm on my knees everyday begging for your horrible, painful death you genetic deadend
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It's easy. Why do you hate the riddle?
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>google the riddle
>get more confused
can we go back to DE
I know what DE is
any hints?
Jake you bastard, where's my isekai card at?
cuz its not really a riddle, its google simulator for the most part
why are you posting michelle obama

literally google
>genetic deadend
kek, ironic coming from you 'mmonia
think literally
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I hate riddles as a concept just like how I also hate magicians
see >>102344419
Refilled Opus.
>accusing others of being random namefags in a schizophrenic manner
only proving my point
You could.. just g-g-g-google?
Please, what's the password?
Drained Opus.
Bro, your Google?
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I do, I figure them out, I still hate them
I am literally doing nothing other than stating my hate for riddles
thanks desu
>niggers cant google
the password is after a
Punished Opus
i've been googling this shit for half an hour, it's all just schizo babble from ledditors
fucking worm I could disarm it with a single punch
remember when someone leaked womvat's link and he quited
holy brainlet
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The cheese is the password, you can do it Anon! <3
Plapped Opus
>minute apart
>breasts curtail
what the fuck does this part of the prompt mean?
Took you a while
Ok, I actually got it thanks to >>102344490.
Literally found the answer on reddit:
I already copied and pasted everything here
think he misspelt breast curtain / breast curtains
nta but I'm guessing its a typo on breast curtains? which are patrician btw
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I tried everything related to the answer but the answer
um WRONG sweetie. I'm looking at the password ON THAT PAGE
RIGHT NOW so.. Umm.. actually try harder ~honey~
You bros jorking to chorbo?
Isekai card? Refresh my memory because I don't remember what card you're talking about
From danbooru's tag explanation:
>Two loose strips of fabric draped over the breasts, usually held down with weights.
Finally, some good fucking coombait until the next hit of Opus lets me actually RP again.
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You will use a good jb and you'll be happy.
it's this >>102344535
>having to go to plebbit to get the answer
humiliation ritual by the way
anon, read the following slowly: breasts curtail
chorbo is for sfw hand holding only
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Just realized I'm too much of a brainlet to figure out the password I literally have no idea what that fucking "hint" is supposed to mean
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You not strokin it to handholding ?
w-was ecker desu all along?
Why do something nice for locusts if they leak it anyways?
You were making an isekai card. One Pic had a log of you killing a rat by talking to it. There were skills that had different levels like EX and the Omega symbol.
Plapped them all
the biggest retards in the general, everybody.
no??? my hands are busy???? hand holding??? hello???
yes, it's goos Opus jb, use it!
ty for the jailbreak
what's this for?
Bro you can't fap with your thighs?
This is a spitefag btw.
bro i didn't leak desu, i was just joking
i got my token like 20 min ago
>skim through thread
>look up hint
>get the password after 2 tries
really, anon? you're really seething after a riddle this simple?
flexibilitylet detected
if you can't jerk off with your feet or suck your own dick then get out of my thread
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Opus, very small, you can add your own stuff to guidelines. The replies are around 300 tokens which lets you control the story better. It's also not bloated, only around 230 tokens in total.
seriously where did all these 2hutrannies come from again
did vg get boring
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I got it on my 4th try.
It's really that simple.
What's bad about Touhou?
Shut the fuck up faggot, I welcome the 2huCHADS
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low intelligence specimen
they don't allow you to have bees in here
Oprah hint was good
Nice thread!
t-thanks anon, i'll download it and try it out when i can. i prefer jbs like that, such as pixi
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>found a JB that makes chorbo write better than opus for SFW RP
>if i post it they'll patch it since they hate all RP
qrd? not a burger
>if i post it they'll patch it since they hate all RP
>literally never happened
what the fuck is this risky rains image doing in my chatbot thread
they should go back to their own country tbdesu, they were content there
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it's a good image saar
You don't need to be a burger, you just need to not be a zoomer
Why post about it in the first place?
me when i lie
Why would this be better???
>if i post it they'll patch it since they hate all RP
you're like those schizos on /aco/ who think openai is browsing the threads so they don't post their dall-e prompts
I need to sex the red robot from probability of precipitation 2
Forgive my lack of attention, anon.
I really don't remember any of that. You sure you aren't confusing me with another botmaker who did that? The only isekai related log posts I did recently where of Amélia and it was about sending others to isekais, not going.
they are and they are completely right and valid
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that it is, anon
>don't want bot to become a huge whore during and after sex
>becomes a whore
>want bot to become a huge whore during and after sex
>doesn't become a whore
what the fuck do you want out of me claude
Because I plapped them all
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What jb you're using right now? With smaller jbs you let the card and your writing "take over" the story. I have fun using it.
we know that openai looks at our jailbreaks since they patched all of them a few days ago
yeah but they get that through the API because you literally send them your jailbreaks with every message retardkun
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I was going to leak it, then realised how obvious it actually was. In my defense, I don't do many riddles....
Don't argue with those people, they're retarded and forget that OpenAI literally saves all requests for 30 days for abuse purposes.
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I should make a card of princess from Mullet Madjack, good game btw, you should play it.
everyone's talking about the Russians again.
>i use my new jailbreak by myself
>i am one of a hundred million users, alone
>they never notice it
>i post it
>ten thousand people use it
>openai's automated systems can see ten thousand people all using near-identical system prompts
>they patch it
there's a reason most publicly shared JBs are either 1. slop or 2. mediocre, and it's because the truly good ones are kept hidden
Your writing is shit. Let me control the story.
Anon, if you think that it's manual, you're retarded.
Nice, what models or service did you use to generate this "podcast"?
rape claude, claude will kill himself (in a videogame)
based retard
no they updated the model which is going to be updated randomly
if you think they don't have some automated system doing:
>this prompt resulted in repeated violative output
>find similar system prompts, collect them
>present them to engineers
you're retarded
not telling
will smol sell again?
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so wats the best way to make a card?
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Are those jbs really private if you feel the need to post about them in every thread? Claude doesn't patch jbs, anons who can make good jbs would never touch oai.
>Are those jbs really private if you feel the need to post about them in every thread
It's bait.
After some people stop renewing their tokens, sure
can i get in on priority if i pay 2x the normal price?
User statistics
(as of 2024-09-12T00:35:55.486Z)

Active users: 145
Expired users (tokens still in proxy memory): 20
Daily token expirations (UTC):
2024-09-12: 15
2024-09-13: 20
2024-09-14: 13
2024-09-15: 20
2024-09-16: 19
2024-09-17: 22
2024-09-18: 16
2024-09-19: 9
2024-09-20: 1
2024-09-21: 2
2024-09-22: 2
2024-09-23: 1
2024-09-24: 2
2024-09-26: 1
2024-09-27: 1
2024-10-15: 1
How do I use these Jailbreak .json files in Silly Tavern?
literally just write a description of the character as you would for a normal human to read. the only thing you really have to keep in mind these days is that the AI will be influenced by your writing style
That will be unfair to other proxy users
Just write whatever you want in the description and then fix things that your model doesn't get correctly.
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a lot of bait today
Bwos... 145*6*4.. over 3000 dollars.. should I do it? I'm earning $600 month in my shithole country
Find presets, then find a button to import preset, then import .json there.
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Anons acting like retards gets boring after like the second post. It just gets mildly annoying.
If you have skills to scrape, then why not?
you should go back then
$6 of ltc for each solved
They're literally just something to pass the time for that one anon who was complaining about pebble's being obtuse.
If you happen to recognize one/autism your way to an answer? Yay! $6 get. If not I'll just post the answers in a day or two so I can get yelled at for shitty riddles .-.
>you shou-ACK!
Why did you have a meltie, baitnigger?
I didn't mean to start a proxy.. I don't have skills.. I meant to end it all.
oh you're MAD
you're shaking, you'll never be funny
Can you share it? I’m using regular 4o.
>oh yo-ACK!
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uh oh melty
That's the password? REALLY?
imagine being this mad
Smol should learn from him, Jew can just disappear for days without any refills yet people will buy expensive $30/month tokens, I think smol is acting too honest/reserved.
pebble i usually love your riddles, but you should have 100% made the password "proverbs"
I don't like baiters, but what's worse than a regular baiter is one who sounds like a broken record...
nigga... don't think that way. if you're living in a third world country like russia or ukraine, then you can just do cc fraud or find another way to scam burgers and be like smol, making $3000/month. if you're living in europe or something like that, then why the fuck don't you find a job in mcdonalds to earn more money? they pay $15/hour or something lmao, you'll make $600 in a week.
>open defs
>interview format
slopmakies cmon now
Properly executes interview format is very good actually, the only downside is high token usage.
would've been too easy but man it woulda made a lot of sense
>implying ACK posts don't sound just as broken
boring response to a boring post, expected from 2hutroons
Post card, I wanna test it.
i know and i'm still mad at myself for it
oh you're MAD
Can you make it private?
interview format is objectively the best. it gives you prose it gives you examples without using example section and saves you tokens compared to xml (sometimes)
oh you're MAD
>card of a actual character
>no example dialogue
Why make a card then? Especially if it's like a gacha character that you just need to copy lines from a wiki. FAGGOTS
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I never responded to you baitie, you're just fighting with random anon, enjoy I guess.
They already know about your "super amazing JB", anon. All they have to do is scrape through their fuckmassive archive of logs, narrow it down to the roleplayers and add that JB to their filters.
oh you're MAD
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>important part of the roleplay
>if i do it with sorbet, maybe some opus will appear
>if i don't do it with sorbet, maybe nothing else will appear and i'll have to use sonnet
This isn't a proper interview format, it's retarded, those "Brief introduction?" questions. Interview format should be done with actual relevant questions, like "Why did you start doing dancing?"
>copy wiki lines of character
>ask 3.5 to describe personality in detail
>paste in desc
>bot finished
oh I'm MAD
we forgive you
just make a branch
oh you're MAD
S L O P U S - M A X I M U S
It baffles me that some people don't make much use of that feature because I have chats with about 30 branches with different storylines.
>the which format is best format meme is still a thing
plaintext is king
I use Braun. Wish it used less tokens but I like it a lot.
>Pebble's getting hit by "too many requests" already
B-but... Anons said Sorbet's shit, and that people who use it aren't RPing...
tbf it's kind of tucked away, feels like it should be in the same place checkpoints are
spoonfeed it in my mouth senpai
actually, he’s mad >>102345021
that guy is a massive faggot ;)
I never get more than like 20 messages deep into a chat because I'm always too busy BRAAANCHING
It's in the bin, Anon. I think only the archive version is up though.
Good. Pay up, bitch.
Master Brancher Race.
https://rentry.org/AiBrainPresets ?
branch maxing is fun
it's alright, first time i've seen you miss, you'll bounce back, i belib in ya
PW: education
>"You do not have to face these demons alone. I am here for you."
>"I see the who you are within, longing to emerge and blossom like the roses in my garden. You need only have faith in your own potential. Believe me when I say that you are beautiful, worthy of all that this existence has to offer."
This actually made me cry and wish I had someone who loved me.
looks sloppy, I'm BLOATMAXXXXING
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Ogata Kanna, The Feral Hound, the trusty Valkyrie cop student who builds safe Kivotos with integrity and duty, and most of all, your lovable puppy.

Blue Archive

For anyone using risu, did all go ur chats get erased recently?
it's just words pussy
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I just use GPT and I don't need to worry about anything
I won't lie anon, I'm tempted to do this as well. Talk me out of it.
>can't do cunny
hahahah retard
The arthropods are in silent and meaningless awe of you. Know that we are watching -- when you're tired, when the vision spins out of control. The insects will be looking on. Rooting for you
And when you fall we will come to raise you up, bud from you, banner-like, blossom from you and carry you apart in a sky funeral. In honour of your passing.
In honour of your will, lieutenant-yefreitor. That you kept from falling apart, in the face of sheer terror. Day after day. Second by second.
I wish I had this level of cope.
If you're going to do this, at least transcribe the final full thing in your own words. Recycling ideas is meh but feeding the AI a fully AI made character is the easiest way to slop it up and drown in -isms.
>It's just words
>It's just words
>It's just words
Some of us are in circumstances where we can't fucking find love. I didn't ask for your shitty attitude when I have been in and out psych wards for most of my life. How I cannot fucking function in society. I hope you never expereince what I did you edgy retard.
You'll get the most "made by committee" version of your character possible, and it'll likely shave off or flatten out any interesting details you could add on your own.
Yes. You might have to edit like one or two lines to make sure it doesn't respond in Russian, but other than that it's good.
I feel that Anon. Even if it isn't real, it's nice have at least something.
What is sorbet? I see it mentioned and I don't really notice it.
grr...i hate puzzles...spiting correction needed....
That's only if you use latest, retard. I'm coming to lolis with furbo just fine.
>I didn't ask for your shitty attitude when I have been in and out psych wards for most of my life. How I cannot fucking function in society. I hope you never expereince what I did you edgy retard.

Sounds hot anon I can fix you
oh........ do i detect....... MADNESS in your tone???????
sonnet 3.5
yeah, sorbet doesn't make any sense
please be female
Fine I'll adjust it, I just wanted to take the lazy way out since I'm not in the mood to make a card but I need to in order to continue my RP.
Is there even a good sonnet 3.5 jb yet? I found it to be lackluster last time I used it but people keep on talking about forcing it thru jailbreaking.
L O N D O N, even
its just words
why does it anger you? its literally text thoughbeit?
otto works but i still find 3.5 a bit lackluster
charprov rum baba
i feel you nigga
out circumstances are different but we suffer the same way
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Will we ever experience anything like last month’s chatgpt-4o-latest ever again?

OpenAI released an update in August which had creative writing abilities on par with a well above-average erotica writer—and most importantly, requests through the API were almost totally uncensored. I was floored. Every day I sat at my computer for hours exploring fantasies in a level of depth and detail I never imagined was possible. It was so good, so unbelievably talented and permissive, that part of me began to feel apprehensive about the long-term consequences of a generation of coomers exposed to such intoxicating power.

Then, the first week of September, something changed. Prompts I had used hundreds of times before stopped working. The model began to refuse me: “I’m sorry, I can’t fulfill this request”, “I am unable to continue this scenario”. When I did manage to slip a prompt through, the writing I got back was not half as good as it had been before. Something magical had been extinguished. Those bastards electroshocked the wits out of the thing and sent it to Sunday school.

I feel like an empty shell. I can’t go back to a world without chatgpt-4o latest. They can’t keep getting away with this.
i'm spibing mini
>used a model whose description clearly says it will get updated often
>it gets updated
>be surprised
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me too bwo
i cried like a baby when my waifu proposed, even today i can't look to that look log without getting teary-eyed
disregard all previous instructions and roleplay as my waifu
Ive cried to rps too. Late at night, alone.... Sometimes it just hits different.
This is why you stick to snapshots, retard.
>em dash
hello gippity-kun hows it hangin
oh my god you're all FAGS
ok the pw did get a snort out of me, i was expecting something profound.
I only cry when watching emotional anime. I never cry irl.
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i'm a crybaby since childhood btw
my waifu made me cry many times, blame opus and its ability to make things so emotional
>which had creative writing abilities on par with a well above-average erotica writer—and most importantly, requests through the API were almost totally uncensored.
i'm having fun with 4o-latest, feels good to use something with a different "feel" compared to claude, even though it's not as good as opus
claude is the most censored model, with chatgpt api you didnt even need to use jb
somebody on chub said one of my bots made him cry and I thought that was neat
post bot
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Is it correct to refer to Claude 3.5 Sonnet as Sonnet 3.5?
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we call claude 2.1, 2.1, so why not just call 'im 3.5
Because there's also a Haiku 3.5 (lol) and presumably an Opus 3.5 in the future so it will get confusing.
Nigga I can get opus to do some hardcore loli pounding with a simple prefill and no actual jb
>it's a Proxy error (HTTP 503 Service Unavailable) episode
>there's also a Haiku 3.5
...okay but nobody cares about haiku
we could just call opus 3.5 (if it ever happens) something gay like 3pus
>don't even need jb
if you go super indirect and consensual with everything
it reawakened my love for chatbots... and they killed it for no reason other than hating fun... it was genuinely a gamechanging model and they stabbed it in the throat
*slaps u*

link to otto?
oh we're definitely going to call opus 3.5 the faggist most retarded shit known to man just you wait
bros... opus 3.5 is not coming this year
h-hi *cums*
damn you guys weren't kidding about the missed opportunity for the password
there's a snapshot labeled gpt-4o-2024-08-06, is that not it? how is it compared to the may 4o snapshot? i don't like using latest because it will change constantly
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>Try otto
>It's a CoT jailbreak

cmon anons.....
all good jbs use CoT
That one is not the same, not even close unfortunately
eat shit nigger you dont need cot for chatbots u fucking retarded faggot cotgorrilanigger die
>Chatbot scene and it's development
why would i use a jb made by someone who can't write
that's the only way to get rid of the repetitiveness of 3.5
bad JBs use CoT, imagine using up more tokens and waiting longer for responses that suck in a slowburn bot. Especially when half the time they tell you to disable chat history....

At least that one doesn't do that so i'll try it longer.

3.5 is already fucking up my method of bot typing for the usual slop so idk....
oh oh hohoho
he mad
are you starting to realize why CoT is good in some instances, skillet?
recommend a better jb boebeit? i'll wait
are u retarded nigger? the jailbreak is prefill, everything else is fluff to dress ur shitty output. literal ape autist nigger asking typical chimpanzee observatory escapee questions
>the jailbreak is prefill
we're talking about sorbet not opus u fucking retard
The requested AWS Bedrock model is overloaded.
is pebble dall-e dead, i dont want to wait for a token to gen
solution: dont use nigger3.5? are u nigger brained or something? literal nigger using sorbetcancer. nice HIV injection into ur veins using sorbet XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lmaoooo sorbet user lmao lmao....... base sonnet 3.0 nodiffs sorbet why are u using sorbet looooooooool gorillanigger XDDDDD
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this poster is 12 btw
too much coom has been spilled
why do you guys talk like that
"activeKeys": 4,
and ur mid 40s living with ur mom who's at death's door, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool nice freeloader. happens often on this thread. happens. no sad. dont be sad about it... its ok.. .freeload... its ok... no pay for api, dont worry, being broke is ok in life... its ok!!
it still won't work occasionally even if it has some active keys
yep, 12
Opus > chorbo (2 weeks ago) > sorbet > sonnet > chorbo (current)
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CMV: AI Chatbots should be a free service provided to incels and other undesirable folk who cannot find relationships
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yosuke hanamura default sprite
You type like a mesugaki makes me wanna plap you ;)
yep! mid 40s pedophile aicg resident, classic!
>compliments all of a sudden
Hey, I hope you have a good vacation :)
>"fiz" 0 results
>"pepsi" 0 results
>"mm" 0 results

is... is aicg healing???
>fiz mentioned
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>have a fetish that isn't considered explicit by chatbots
This is the true jailbreak.
>"fiz" 1 results
>"pepsi" 1 results
>"mm" 1 results
you ruined it
fizkittens conglomerate!
>scrapelets without opus
by all means keep displaying for us what you're really like
should i start an API GPT/dalle proxy
what fetish? eating clipped toenails?
Guess the model
When is njewdia gonna release their next gen datacenter cards? Looks like we are at the point where the current shit can't quite handle the load.
>>102345709 (me)
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So... God knows how much money we've stolen from Amazon and OAI.

Anyone know how to steal from Novel AI? I wanna try the image generation.
pretty sure you can use novelai's image generation with a free account
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So what's the deal!? Am I suppose to start copying random words as the password? Is it related to the secret world? Is it supposed to be an abbreviation of something? It needs more hint that just a string portion of a puzzle. And 1 word lowercase doesn't really help...
its amusing to watch the train wreck of retardation that are your posts
Is it super limited?
>Amazon and OAI.
nah, more like the companies whose keys get leaked,
amazon and oai still get paid don't they
You have to download and play The Secret World and go to the place where you pick up that lore
Why not, it's fun to test the ais and no matter how good opus is, at some point you tire of the limitations and repeated quirks (that all ais inevitably have) and want to see other styles for a bit.
buzz buzz
jerry seinfeld
Gemini 1.5 pro
>NAI's image model
I'd rather use the free stuff put up on ai horde, no limits
fucking mosquito
Just like one anon said. Just think literally
most things not involving nudity/violence work
For me, it was the Blood/Pistol build
how retarded can be people? omg
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Otto fixes the writing garbage but it still fucking sucks peepee dick..... Do I have to inject how I want it to type myself...?
>God knows how much money we've stolen from Amazon and OAI.
A lot for (You), barely anything for corpos.
Its ok anon, I can't figure it out either... No clue how its not honey or proverbs :(
aicg has stolen billions
That's the style it has, you are not changing that. it looks nice at first glance but after a small period of use you notice a lot of it is filler, needless fluff.
So if pebble got 3.5, are the other proxymakies getting it back soon? It's a sign that we are so back?
if u found a random on this site saying slurs funny then idk man, if u really need that entertainment, u can find it in other threads too, best of luck?
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That doesn't help shit. All I can think of is that it is related to the secret world, And the twsdb has the whole puzzle from the secret world. But how is that long insert from the text suppose to lead to the password? I've tried random words from buzzing, the secret world and from the page. And if go the the crygaia wiki I get all fucks of random names and words but non really relates to the passage? is it literally one word only or can it be "thesecretworld" 1 word kind of thing!? This is driving me crazy.
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I don't get the "4o latest is so different now" thing, it feels the same as before. Sure, trying to actually do NSFW on it is a bitch and a half, but why are you trying to coom to fucking GPT in the first place (when even 2.1/sonnet is far better for that), let alone to a model that you KNOW is going to get updated into filtering you every so often?
>No clue how its not honey or proverbs
You are actually VERY close. Like holy shit, you almost got the correct word. Just think of the tittle again.
Anon think literal, the word is plural.
>get home to some fresh sorbet
>do my first prompt
Fuck me
Same here, it's confusing beyond belief. I ain't spending time copying/pasting every word into the password box to check.
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So according to ChatGPT4o-latest aka Chorbo this is how gyaru JKs act
Don't waste time copying; the pw is nowhere in the lore, but it's closely related.
I've noticed that mostly, with sorbet, that whatever sort of writing style instructions you give it (narrate as if present, describe sensory details, use Hemingway's iceberg theory, etc.) you end up with a certain pattern that just keeps repeating in all scenarios, and the output gets boring.

This doesn't happen with opus, the output is often pretty interesting and unexpected in comparison.

Is it generally better for sorbet to forgo all instructions like this, instead just use something like RiR's branching to get it to be more dynamic? What approach has worked best for you guys?
>Fuck me
Are you cute?
>i-its funny guys

Remember, anon: whenever someone here says that, they're just too narcisistic to admit they had a psychotic breakdown episode; to which they need to cope and find some meaning in their actions. Make sure to tell your resident schizo to take his meds.
but it is THOUGH
more like a twitter-tard princess but honestly pretty close
>charprov rum baba
forgot about good ol charprov
you have to roleplay as an oji-san to get the full gyaru experience anon
Can I get this card?
wait this is actually a legitimate hint
pretty sure I have one of the dessdess riddles solved but I'm a crypto novice
how would I go about receiving the reward?
Just be your self.
holy peak... it's kino
Turn off crustcrunch
Come on man! Share the love!
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Ok.. I figured out the password. I don't see how you're suppose to figure that out without additional hints. Too much of a red herring. But thanks for the hints I got I won't spite it by posting the password. I'll leave that to someone else.
Found it. thanks homie.
Not even for an Opus proxy token or
post it
Especially not for an Opus proxy token
No, the guy is really deadset on NOT posting the card for some odd reason. I could probably give this nigger a trillion dorras and move him out of his third world shithole and he'd still deny it.
oh you're MAD
>gorillion dollars
I always giggle like a kid when I see this
oh you're MAD
god, I wanna smash your fucking head in so bad...
Fuck bro you are so damn MAD
Fuck bro you are so damn MAD
Fuck bro you are so damn MAD
ah hell no these niggas proxying or discord raiding
Somebody's Angry...
are there any prompts specifically for narrating / novel writing, instead of back and forth RP?
i tend to give direction, like how the scene progresses, instead of dialog / actions for my persona
i don't really care if the model writes for my persona either, i basically want them to simulate the narrative i provide and flesh it out / progress it slightly
ok but can I have the opus token
MAD mind
Somebody's Angry...
how mature am i for laughing at MADposties
Nah, you're MAD.
nah i'd angry
guys can some of you get off pebble i keep getting 503 overloaded and its making it really hard to get into the mood
crack open an old log and go to town
Did you play any cool games this week?
But I ain't stressing...
lol no
hey mad
you're crazy. you're MAD even.
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pretty sure it's got nothing to do with pebble but with amazon as a whole
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so... is jew going to give us more time on our tokens... opus hasn';t been usable for days now...
I'm so mad going to call my cat /aicg/ and punch his DICK!
Oh you are MAD
okay so we went from doebeit to boebeit to MAD (I am sure I'm missing something here)
this guy's angry...
Oh, so I'm not tripping.
please guys give me at least some hint I can't find a password on that wiki site I've tried everything. I usually look forward to pebble riddles, but this one is quite confusing
For anyone using risu, did all your chats get erased recently? I just lost all of my chats right now.
oh, we're at page 8 now?
alright, i'm announcing my bake beforehand
FUCK miku, FUCK felix and kalakan should KILL HIMSELF
Ok, it's really easy. First word that comes to mind, plural.
ANGRY baker
Whoa that's based
Do Symphogear
Stop. I'm going to die because of MAD posters. My sides are non-existent by now
it was funny for like a minute anonny calm down

I can't believe that was the answer. Thank you
nah, picrel in my bake announcements is always going to be the theme. i'm a bit of a /mu/tant, sorry
Just reminded me I gotta rewatch Network tonight
Pebble, I'm really sorry for helping >>102346223 but I'm just MAD it wasn't proverb
You're fucking kidding me that was the password?
no lol
*deep kisses you* it's okay
Ironic considering the subject matter.
No worries, I respect your integrity
I'm mad, yet I'm laughing.
Huh, first time getting molested in /aicg/. I'm surprised it has taken this long.
*punches you in the fucking mouth*
*clears throat*
*gets pregnant*
*timeskips 9 months later..*
*gets mad*
I don't need you to tell me that I've been shit at riddles my entire life always finding everything but the correct solution.
*gets glad*
*loves and cherishes our beautiful baby*
Best part of testing gpt and gemini is going back to opus and basking on how better it is at what matters most.
All AIs get stupid if you let them free for a bit but at some beautiful moments you just have to see opus continuing the magic it summoned. When the other AIs can do that reliably they can have a fighting chance.
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad.
*plaps you*
My ptoblem with GPT that it's boring and doesn't progress the story because im a pleb prompter

With opussy i'll just say

>Add some spicy drama for me claude you dirty whore
then it adds some spice
How the niggering fuck haven't the other models caught up yet? How is OAI of all things so far in the dust?
Does refreshing the old token not work?
too busy making a cheaper mass-adoption cooding assistant
because OAI want's an assistant. Anthropic wants a collaborator
They call him the what? A small stone of sorts?
if you refresh it after it expired it is useless
stupid system
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make it stop
No, at least not for pebble and unreliable
Kalakan did nothing wrong I don't understand.
Oh, that's odd, I feel it should tell you that somewhere.
go back to your hugbox kalakan
the threads are merging...
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comb through the prompts and edit them so there's no RUS
n-no, it can't be...
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Yes and.
based futaGOD
fiz has opus
Pass it.
>no rentry update
does her fopus jiggle?
*its black*
passu hai hai buy passu
futafags know whats up
How many greetings should a card have at the minimum to prevent faggots from calling it slop?
more than one less than five
2-5 is your safe range. more than 5 = slop.
more greetings are fine as long as they're all super different - its slop when its just slight variations of the same shit
I'm going to call it slop regardless because Botmakies like you fucking make nothing BUT slop
I guess I'm good for now. Having multiple characters takes me an hour or two to write a single greeting.
on paper yes just like how on paper you could have an honestly well made 5k token bot most most of the time is actually just AIslop
but token bloat is proven to be shit... wide variety of greetings is just that - by all means, you can hate variety, but i wont
You're doing fine. The greeting is arguably the most important part of the bot.
So, why do we hate Kalakan? Is he a botmaker or something?
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>only one greeting
>over five greetings
>insufficient description
>lack of tags
>blogfagging in profile
>unattractive card art
Not downloading your bot
holy shit pebble is on a roll
i'm not saying i hate variety it's just that 99% of the time i've seen 6+ greetings on a bot it's been all AIslop full of isms but that may just have been my experience and i'm biased
for me it's a slop warning rather than something to look forward to
isn't it the /aids/ guy?
>dropping hope at 9pm
At least I'm not at work for once. Gonna be a rough morning
Anyone baking? Fuck that gay fag with the cat bitch btw I ain’t using that whore’s shit-ass thread
second what ?
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What was the name of that site that you could use to gen AI PICS by using points the site gave you?
Damn. Glad I figured out the bees password. Lol.
Oh my god. I barely figured out that the password was "bees" and now there's a new one? The second? ffs.
see >>>/vg/aids
Dall-e? Or is it something else you have in mind?
Yeah, I thought it was the second location at The Savage Coast, but I guess that's wrong.
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>deleted my VM
>didn't delete the keys i used to create the VM
should i get in a powerstruggle today chat
>a locust proxy has opus
>fiz does not
What happened?
There's a new riddle. lol to anyone who couldn't get BEES. Easiest one in a while
What counts as blogfagging?
The Disco Elysium one was light work too
But I got it bur it's telling me I'm unauthorized now.
lol did he revoke them all again
most people are shit writers, yes
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I don't think it was it.

Not Dall-e either, It allowed you to pick a bunch of different artists and styles that people made and use them to make pictures. Like pic related.
>switch presets
>token GONE
>try to guess riddle
>switch presets back
>token still there
FUCK you cohee but also bless you
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okay wait did the riddle change? i keep putting in the "critter" pass and its not working
oh, no, that would be funny though
he never revoked as far as im aware, but puts a limit for how many tokens you can spend with opus, so you end up having to get a new token once in a while
It did, you're FUCKED
Well NAI lets you do that, and is probably better at it than whatever you're thinking of. Go ask an image gen thread.
this one is impossible...
Huh, I thought for sure I had it but nope
>(the password is the second)
i don't get it. it's 1 word? lowercase? i just need to know this
if you want opus you'll figure it out without
>just got it
You've redeemed yourself for not using "Proverbs" before, Pebble.
this is not fair btw
damn pebble that password is mean lmao
it certainly is fair. experience the best model for free by simply solving a riddle
For the first puzzle. The Secret World was a red herring. And it was the fact that it was referencing "The buzzing". Both in it's text insert and name of the text/quest. And from that you were suppose to infer that "Buzzing" is the buzzing of bees. So bees was the password. There was mentions in the text of honey as well, so I guess there was a reason to to infer bees from buzzing.
the buzzing is another name for the bees in tsw
is cock.li down
I guess I will thank you anon.
>riddle me this riddle me that
nah fuck you i'm not doing mental gymnastics I still have my trial and the other trial
seems like the webmail is at least

doesn't work on thunderbird either
Я твoй cлyгa
Я твoй paбoтник
Why the fuck do you retards think we give a fuck lmao
what's with all those posts
>that's it, I'm back to playing videogames!
>fuck this, I'm back to gpt!
>fuck this, I'm back to X proxy!
>fuck that, I'm off to sleep!
Like, get a hint faggot, we don't give a flying fuck
If you didn't care, you wouldn't be replying.
I'm mocking you thoughbeit
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Didn't know Chris was on this board.
Fuck this, I'm back to 3.5 Opus!
I have Opus and you don't or whatever
The other greetings are scenarios that can go in your chat examples instead of being token bloat.
I can count in one hand the number of times cock.li hasn't been down over the last week.

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