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Does /g/ has personal/custom software for personal purpose?
> pirel lust provoking image
I know, dummy
Good ass thread, man I miss /cumg/
>lolisnatcher for pc
where can i get it?
Have been making my own media tagger with python and sqlite3
I got some special crawlers I do not share(purpose built) and a few bots.
kill yourself porn addict
whats the best software to do that?
organizing images with tags and shit
the only thread with people that actually programmed
bros.. are we back?

I have a lot of things I'd love to share

>ephemeral file hosting where the delete time is picked by the uploader, and there is no difficult URL to remember
>web based image search using CLIP
>web based image viewer
>web based webm creator that makes using ffmpeg faster
>4chan archiver
>4chan frontend for said archiver with Full Text Search
>PH metadata crawler
>Bandcamp ytdlp extension that embeds track numbers

I'm just afraid to docks myself
>I have a lot of things I'd love to share
>web based
>web based
>web based
instead of sharing you should kys instead
im going to need you to post your brazilian miku collection
>I'm just afraid to docks myself
this is why i don't share any of my personal projects here
At least i am doing stuff, what have you done anom?
>>web based image search using CLIP
Interesting. How did you go about your solution?
>>Bandcamp ytdlp extension that embeds track numbers
I need this
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I am assembling a team of top talent of AI and quantum computing researchers to develop a plugin that can preemptively identify anime/tranny posts and hide/report them automatically as I scroll
Same. You can make an anonymous github account though but only new projects should be transferred over.
this might break your mind but you're on a
web based image board
Just put it all under a pseudonym.
Can you think of any ways how this still wouldn't be good enough?

I am actually afraid of some of the people on here. Posting text only allows me to interact with the unhinged freaks in a safe manner.

I've stopped posting images the second I found out they all contain exif data. I'm afraid its too late though as 4chan has a HUGE amount of information on me. Should they ever get hacked, it won't be good.

t. coomer gif poster
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Most of my personal software (which I still use) is in the realm of home automation; I have built an infrastructure to control and manage my various sensors and actuators.
Over time I started using the system also for purposes unrelated to home automation, i.e. network threat detection.
Pic related is one component of such infrastructure, a web portal where I can update my devices and check if they're still alive.
>>I've stopped posting images the second I found out they all contain exif data
>I've stopped posting images the second I found out they all contain exif data.
EXIF data is stripped nowadays
Also you do realize only photos contain stuff like your location, right?
Why mods started to ban /cumg/ breads?
It was so fucking comfy
in made it all in one evening, I'm not ready to docks myself here. Check out open AIs CLIP Repo. The have examples. I'm so sorry

I understand not all images have exif data. but still. What's funny?
Sorry, too lewd for the advertisers.
And ad money is the only thing Hiroshimoot cares about.
dont your remember the "young child" piss program saving "young child" anime md5 sums on image filenames? Plus the images data embedding
Have you tried making the thread on /r9k/. Bonus, it would get rid of some types of ritualposting endemic to these threads.
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this site confuses the fuck out of me
I deleted my post because it was dumb. There are a couple CLIP based search projects on github.
okay, cool! thank you for replying

any that look good to you? I only found
>Chinese repos
>a python one that uses Elastic Search and looked weird
>a bunch of incomplete ones
I have a script that helps me shorten time for downloading videos and rendering chat in one go.

Another script that uses TTS AI to run on long stories.

I'm not a programmer, it just makes my life a little bit easier with existing software.
>Have you tried making the thread on /r9k/.
Anon, listen to yourself. No one wants robots in their general. Not even the shartyfags.
I know this could be controversial.
It's working for the fine gents over at the 4chan Happenings general thoughever. (>>>/r9k/Happenings). The natives aren't too drawn to thread (and it's not like the average /g/ poster is that much more preferable.)
lets just move to /b/ instead, the porn will hide the thread from niggers and faggots and we will know where to find it
okay, make the OP and ill post there
@ work rn maybe later at night once i get home if you faggots dont make it first, hoping you will
I'm at work too kek
got a presentation to do in 2 minutes
Please don't actually make the thread over at /b/.
I'd unironically rather'd you'd use /r9k/.
Fuck r9k, is full of normies pretending to be autists, at least on b I know for fact we wont get bothered since its full of coomer drones
>since its full of coomer drones
Yeah, that's what I want to avoid.
I'd rather be among failed normalfags than degenerate coomers.
they dont open anything thats not porn, so well be fine
I don't think you understand.
General thrive on discussion.
Discussion only happens with people.
You want relatively normal people, not coomers.
Why? Because the latter will devolve into coomposting and not actual discussion.
lmao i just finished everything for today and im pretending to work, good luck with your presentation anon
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presentation went well :)
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2nd tool, available online now
Hah, I got you now! Prepare to be doxxed!
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3rd tool
Its insane how "le coom" is the right fuel for programming
dont understand booru downloaders at all. its already on the booru, wtf you downloading it for?
looked this up and it's for... android? what the fuck
Now make it CLIP enabled
People were using some of the software to hide cp. There was an incident in a /v/ thread which I think got the ball rolling on banning everything (if memory serves).
Perhaps cooming to porn has a decent chance of conditioning you (pavlov style) to become a computerphile.
dogshit "art"work and unfunny forced "trend"
I made a program called genitalizer, for quickly adding genitals to all creatures whenever a new version of Dwarf Fortress came around.
A tripfag and having absolutely no idea what they're talking about, name a more iconic duo.
The exentsion (not "software") you're talking about scanned the filenames for MD5 hashes of relevant nsfw booru images. There never was any actual CA content.
The only reason why these threads got banned is because it allowed users to post nsfw images on sfw boards, even if only visible for people who had the extension installed.
And having nsfw on sfw parts of the website limits the available advertisers. Meaning it would cost Hiroshitmoot money. That's the only reason why the mods actually got off their asses.
pics or fake
that's in the works.
If there is anything else you'd like to see, please one a PR or Discussion
On the official Ayase Quart repository?
how hard would it be to make a nigger-remover where photos are hidden if they contain ghetto men?
yes sire
how are you scraping images from xitter?
its scrapping sankaku and sometimes the image posts the source which is usually from pixiv or xitter
how about /trash/
The 4chan Happenings general evacuated /trash/ for a reason.
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>> pirel lust provoking image
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Cool it with the insults. I'm recalling stuff from a few yeas back. I distinctly remember someone using the png embedder to share pizza on /v/ and then link the /g/ thread. Either way, 4chan doesn't tolerate embedders. I only ever liked to use the eye since it didn't break any rules.

>browser extensions aren't software
Why not?
No, I will keep calling you exactly what you are.
>4chan doesn't tolerate embedders
Good thing no such thing occurred then, hm?
So will you educate everyone on what really happened then? Or is what I said the truth?
>So will you educate everyone on what really happened then?
I just did, you dumbfuck.
See: >>102357038
There was a period of time where 4chan did not scrub metadata. This is a fact. I have been here everyday since 2007.
Correct. That's not what we're talking about, however.
Gomenasorry, I didn't know you were being serious when you posted that ....
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Anon, why are you using a trip?
I hold an unbridled anger for every single tripfag in existence.
If you were anonymous I would have answered much more cordially.
Proxy support? Can that be used to anonymize your requests?
webui is nice because cross-platform and easy, but jesus christ having to interact with JS keeps me from having anything to do with it. Even the most basic thing ever - syntax for sending, getting requests makes me want to puke.
Booru user interfaces are usually garbage and dated(in the bad way)
You should be afraid. I'm going to steal your cum right out of your balls
>he doesn't know about stylometry
>I hold an unbridled anger for every single tripfag in existence.
Seethe harder anon.
>Seethe harder anon.
Why would I seethe when I can filter?
I do, I just can't type long essays on my phone in the middle of work meetings kek
fuck off
So is there a thread on another board?

I used to like /cumg/
Why would you lie about stuff like this on the internet? Is your life that miserable?
Back to rddit you go
i didn't know i needed brazilian miku in my life
thanks anon
>Proxy support
yeah it's on the features section of the page.
>wtf you downloading it for?
I can access my coom stash offline, also browsers make for horrible image viewers
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Made this one with Python/tkinter, you can either alter the image as a whole or its rectangular region. I still use it for converting pictures sometimes. Pillow is a great library.
t. maid hater
If that's what you want to call me :3
Yes? What does that have to do with the program though?
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I wrote a program to automatically .desktop files for a script, so you can call it quickly call it with the super key in gnome. It also generates a randomly colored icon and adds some common misspellings on the script name as keywords.
This is my most used one, for a script that toggles gnome's night light filter.
I'm trying to develop an AGI, but instead of shitting up the boards by posting retarded questions about it here and on /sci/, I waste hours of my day trying to code it. Obviously, I will never get anywhere because I'm a shitty developer.
that sounds really useful, mind sharing?
Sure, I'll clean it up tomorrow and publish it somewhere. I guess I'll post it here if this thread is still up. If it's gone I'll post it in the latest /dpt/. I appreciate the interest.
But if you like living on the edge, this is the current binary: https://files.catbox.moe/w5afy8
holy shit this would save me hours of time
I wrote a flask server to organize and read manga and h-doujin. Then I turned it into a bastard booru for images.
i need a fast tag database
should i write it in lisp?
auntie, I think your nighty is on backwards
Only scripts, mostly for file management and organization.

I also have a very small business related to graphic design and have a few python scripts to automate vector graphic generation. Not really deep learning based AI, but still automated graphic generation nonetheless.
Jannies added the phrase to the spam filter, I had to delete the E
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indeed they did
I always dreamed about this, then I wrote something like this as an addon for nautilus. good job!
I left it on my old Windows machine and haven't used it since I switched to Linux. In any case, it was a Visual Basic application that looked for [NAME: tag and added male and female caste below it (it was necessary to put it there to work a the time), then jumped down to the end of the creature definition and added the specific genitals for each caste. The genitals themselves used custom materials and body template RAWS, setting the parts and their tissue layers where they belong.

And as a fun little detail, I also added [THROAT] tag to testicles to enable strangling grapples.
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I do, and I occasionally shill it here, but I won't admit I'm the author shilling it here.
Smartest anon ITT
>22 hours later
>thread somehow still up
>still no brazilian miku collection posted
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yes, i made my own booru viewer, youtube client, music player, image viewer, text editor, notification/system stat mascot, image resize/converter
all are native programs written with my own gui toolkit
>I must consume
>i must consume
extremely retarded comment
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I made a cli tool that automates downloading and organizing new anime and eroge as well as auto updating my list based on what I download. It uses data in an sqlite database that I got from scraping a bunch of sources
does gnome not allow you to assign a keyboard shortcut to toggle nightlight? on kde I just meta+shift+n to toggle it
just got done my image analyzer. it saves the following to a SQLite database, which is viewable from a simple frontend

>OCR using AI
>EXIF data
>image characteristic
>CLIP embeddings
>considering adding tag generation.

Not sure what other properties an image has. I think that's everything.
It would probably be wise to precalculate these too:
- md5sum (used by boorus and 4chan archives)
- Perceptual hash
- md5sum of the pixel data (not the file)
>>image characteristic
What's this?
the basics - file size, dimension, file content type
I made a tiny webapp to write faster my call center reports, shaved me a good chunk of time
I'm so sorry.
It just werks.
I wrote a budget manager that simply tells me how much I have left to spent for the month. Includes a login system so I can pull it up on my phone any time. The limitation is that it takes CSVs and I had to write specific helper functions for each of my accounts since they export CSVs differently. Then if I ever open a new account I'll have to write a new helper function.
I want to integrate it with Plaid so I never have to worry about exporting CSVs again. Paying a couple dollars a month for a half dozen accounts is a reasonable tradeoff.
I had a real sweet art program I put a lot of time into because I would use it. but a combination of larger work responsibilities and falling out of love with the language means I haven't used it in years. I loaded it up recently to look at some old things and couldn't get the pressure sensitivity to work because I couldn't get the jar to recognize an external dll. honestly, the build pipeline constantly breaking that was half the reason I quit
Neat. Mind sharing?
I glossed over it before but it does look useful. I only search on nyaa because it has the most stuff, but if I could search on a bunch of smaller sites + on nyaa at once (for the same effort) I would.
it's useless without its databases and I still need to work out a better way of distributing them.
Real Aryans like that anon watch paint dry. Don't you know the new alpha sigma skibidi-whatever male trends? You're not supposed to have fun because having fun in any form is feminine, transgender, gay or all of the above. If you enjoy anything whatsoever, you have an addiction. Just like you're not thirsty, you're dehydrated and you're not hungry, you're hypoglycemic.
I use your YT client with vlc
Absolute kino /g/core software
Here it is
You can bind custom commands to shortcuts, so technically yes, but there isn't a built in command for night light. You have to write a script for it.
But for me hitting super and just typing what you want to do is comfier than remembering global shortcuts for everything.
I also use it unironically. It's great. The only thing it's missing is interface zoom
Never mind, I found the config file. No complaints then.
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I want to create a program that will recognize Korean, Chinese and Japanese females, and then create separated folders for each.
I have stash for normie porn
and a stash for the porn scenes that I DON'T have yet. and a script that refreshes scenes periodically for favorite actresses / studios
and then another stash for hentai pics
and a script to run searches with gallery-dl to get more pics
script with hotkeys for opening random video, setting custom filter, preset filters, and it weights the choice with estimated rating based on performer / studio ratings, body stats
the text is blurry
download link for ikatube pl0x
>Cost 30 bucks
>No Loonix support

No thanks, I will wait until TagStudio leaves alpha
>custom software
that’s 3 letters extra
Can your booru viewer work with files on a SMB share?
i want to sex you
Tried this some time ago,shame it can't use twitter api,I have no idea how to look for images in that hellhole
Just an image viewer with built in search (I tag my images) and key bindings to call arbitrary shell scripts
Is this the start of custom utility/management general?
it should work as long as it's mounted on the local filesystem
That's pretty cool, based on the defunct ahoviewer, I assume? You got a repo?
How do you create a GUI toolkit API like that? How did you find the common denominators between Windows.h/X11/Wayland?
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I had when i used window managers, essentially it was a better version of dwmblocks that updates when the scripts outputs something and not execute the command after some time.

Also, pic related.
only a small amount of gui code is windows/x11/wayland specific, which i made a platform abstraction library for that
most of my gui toolkit code use that library for window/event handling so they are platform independent
>only a small amount of gui code is windows/x11/wayland specific, which i made a platform abstraction library for that
That library is exactly what I was looking at and my question was about how do you go about designing such an abstract API? Did you learn a bunch of Windows/X11/Waylaned before diving into this project?
Back to /pol/ you go.
i was using sdl when i started, and at that time i already have an internal wrapper so that i can switch to another backend
later i learned windows/x11/wayland afterwards so replaced sdl with my own thing, so the api has some similarities with my internal wrapper
I see. I guess you iterated like we usually do in software development anyways. I was just wondering because were I tasked to create such an abstract API, it would bother my sperg brain if I couldn't make the external abstract API play/fit nicely with all the backends I was going to support.
the easiest way to do it is to look at the capabilities of different backends and summarize the common capabilities which are supported on all of them
then you base the api on that
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>custom softw
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thank you chinochan <3
I wrote a custom file sorter, image viewer, and album manager because I'm autistic about my preferred keyboard shortcuts
People were actually programming instead of shitposting. That's a bad thing!
Seems like lots of people have been releasing their own approach to sorting media stuff lately. I wish I kept working on mine, maybe I should try picking it up again. Should've paid more attention to all the threads about managing files.
keep it up anon
write in something which compiles to wasm
That's a race mixed Gook and Gook nationalities can't tell which nationality or ethnicity a Gook belongs to, you retard
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>we wuz aryans

kill yourself schizo
minus sto
this one gets it
Anon, this is the most transgender thing I've seen in this thread and this is quite an achievement
>still pretending anime from a clearnet booru is csam

unironically kill yourself
I built a chat bot/media archive system that lets me import and tag a variety of media (epub, pdf, video/audio, wiki dumps) and then do full text search or RAG against it all. Also has a character card chat so can upload a persona to chat with handout your stuff.

Is pretty cool; biggest timesaver is summarizing YouTube videos or generating transcripts for them
interesting, is it chatbot controlled?
i just want a booru browser extension to post maids here
Can you give some detail on the image search. Is it looking over your own collection? Where does it store the information?
eh i cobble a lot of shitware for myself but is 100% cli crap and daemons, but if there are some i'm close to proud of it would be these 3:
https://github.com/eylles/afreq.sh -- is a daemon for automatically changing the cpu governor, in posix shell cuz i can.

https://github.com/eylles/betterxsecurelock -- wrappers and scripts to rice xsecurelock, most of it in posix shell cuz i'm masochist.

https://github.com/eylles/shed -- a daemon to manage user services, think a replacement for xdg-autostart stuff for window managers, soontm it will be a session process, in posix shell cuz i hate myself more than you imagine.
a bad cli pomf tv vod downloader
wow this thread is still up

ya, all my local photos.
and it stores it in a sqlite db
Hydrus, that shit is a beast. Its like the swiss army knife for grabbing, tagging, and viewing images. Takes some getting used to and you may have to change your downloading habits but the way it handles millions of images and tags is a god sent. I never knew I needed slave and master tags(called sibling and parent for Hydrus) until I used that program.

Also despite the name, its not a full client unless you manually set it up to be one, it just has the option to. Its perfectly fine and 100% usable without connecting to anything.
if you want something done right, do it youraelf
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here is what it looks like.

CLIP is utter shit for some queries, other times its really good. The scores it provides are very inconsistent, and hard to rely on. JPGs with a lot of artifacts get matched on totally different looking search images.

I haven't tried any other models besides the default ViT-B/32 one. Apparently that has a rating of 75%

I plan on looking at some other AI tools. CLIP is fast, but a little overhyped
whats the difference between hydrus and imgbrd-grabber
Hydrus is a local booru that stores images in a database with network import capabilities. Imgbrd-grabber is a downloader, which is much simpler.
hate hydrus.
'everything' is enough for me
and it got me in the habit of naming things sanely
ok so Imgbrd-grabber is not made for viewing and searching
Thanks, Anon. I started working on it again. If I don't get lazy and quit again I may even post a very rough alpha before the end of the month as I have most of the annoying stuff already deal with, although in a different language. Doing stuff yourself is the best.
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Pretty much what >>102404960 said. Hydrus does everything imgbrd-grabber does but also tags them better, can set it up as a local booru, supports a wider range of files other than images(gif, webms, for whatever reason video formats like mpv, mp4, flash, txt, etc.), find duplicates, scheduled downloads and regularly check sites for certain artist/tags, and a bunch of other stuff I don't really use. The tagging is the main draw for me because you can preform all kinds of search methods to find your stuff like any normal booru and then some, along with siblings and parent tags because after using Hyrdus for a short while you'll notice how some sites have shit tags and have you wanting to change those tags entirely.

Welcome to the autism party.
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>system:everything (1,541)
it's too late for me. it would take years to tag all this
so Imgbrd-grabber also has tags for local images?

isnt everything just file searching?
Well there's some hope for you. That's what the client side of Hydrus is for. The client can be set up to be used to connect to other users to share tags and the dev made a database you can connect to for users to auto tag their stuff. This however is still a slow processes last I remember. I haven't tried it in a long ass time but I remember it taking weeks and months which is normal. I don't think it was because it was such a massive database but how he programed the thing. I haven't updated in years so I don't know how it is now but the idea is you just let it sit and tag your stuff while go do something else.

And if you don't like the tags from database then that too is fine as you can set the tags you do like to be local or not shared. Yeah this program gets pretty autistic. Just read over the help section as it explains better than I can and see if its your thing. This shit is a commitment.

What's your inspiration for that question, fedboy?

Go ahead, tell the world what inspirred you to ask this question.
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Glowies need a way to organize their anime pictures too
It could, I'm working on building a new API backend for it, so it can have any sort of client setup for it.
Just setup exiftool as an option in your file manager context menu, that's what I did.
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A better autohotkey that embed luajit with builtin debugger type functionality. Picrel is one of the scripts I wrote for it.
I'm interested as well. Are there any complete ones?
what the hell is a "custom fware"
it's a cust soft
You gave me back the joy and want for making my own programs. Thank you OP, today you were not a fag.
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You better be sharing your progress here, anon.
Or else.
what am i seeing here?
give funding link, i'll pay as long as you deliver anon
a visual file sorter, duh
you set up shortcuts to certain dirs and then when you do the shortcut the file you're seeing will be moved there
imagine you have a thousand images and you want to split them into four categories, you can use this to more easily sort them
still manual but it's faster than doing it in the file manager
This is genius
An easy way to move files to folders.
You have a visual representation of files on the left side which you can move (or copy) to the folder you select on the right side.
This way you don't have to have fifteen separate windows of Windows Explorer open just to sort your reaction folder.
Miku ass
Miku thighs
Funny that i did write desktop booru client. It just works.
Based. Fuck the law, it's just a tool to shut down actual programming threads now.
Almost like the Law is a corporate impediment to actual hacking and programming or something.
>scanned the filenames for MD5 hashes of relevant nsfw booru images
>Good thing no such thing occurred then, hm?
You were free to upload multiple links attached to a file to any arbitrary media. That's the extension that caused the real mess and made the website to use cloudflare polish among other things. Why are you so confidently wrong?
Because he's a dumbass tourist and those retards are always right :^)
Putting links or identifiable IDs in the filename of files is NOT the same as embedding files within images, retard.
If the latter became banned due to people posting sinks. The former is allowed, otherwise modern sound images would be removed on sight.

That's kind of badass. Where can I fund?
If someone makes it, call it gentrifoto
>If the latter
The latter*
>Putting links or identifiable IDs in the filename of files is NOT the same as embedding files within images, retard.
Good thing those are not what I'm talking about, faggot. Image embedding is what caused the mess.
what is the latest matrix chatroom?
>Image embedding is what caused the mess.
Literally impossible.
Fuck off.
as with all policing faggots they hate the idea of fun if it means they need to put some effort in doing their jobs
You simply haven't been online long enough or you don't have particular taste
Go ahead. Try to embed a file within an image.
It's literally impossible because measures to prevent it have been active since literally a decade ago.
was meant for
>measures to prevent it have been active since literally a decade ago.
You clearly haven't been paying attention as data embedded in images in various ways that aren't the filenames you're exclusively talking of have been used for different purposes, even for shadow posts, for over a decade. But that's mostly over since 2022, not "literally a decade ago" (it's been longer than that now), and using different services until they settled with polish and whatever else. And yet you keep talking out of your ass?
>data embedded in images in various ways that aren't the filenames
Like I've already mentioned, this is impossible. Literally.
Seriously, just try it and prove me wrong. You can't. Because posting embedded images is impossible.
How are you not getting this?
I accept your concession.
>no counter argument
I accept your concession.
I made my own white noise generator,
I made my own interpreted programming language and wrote a bunch of toys and general tools in it,
I made a bunch of stuff......
>I made my own white noise generator,
brown noise > white noise
>I made a bunch of stuff......
post github
i only push to the cumg gitea
> brown noise > white noise
oh... well.... maybe not really white noise, it has settings for changing the sound and i always have it set to something soft....
> post github
it's here: https://github.com/dusthillresident
I haven't put very much of my stuff up there though...
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I'm going to need an explanation
Link for mascot ? :D I am a frequent ikatube user
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also made a color theme for this mascot which can also be used with ikachan
I think it would be pretty straight forward

>get any old face detection software
>make it get square containing persons face
>calculate average color
No AI necessary
I wish there was some bleaching software to remove niggers from porn/hentai
Last year I wrote some python scripts to auto-generate audio flashcards from my markdown note files. I used coqui TTS for the voice (I'd use something different now, but the stock female voices were understandable enough). It worked well, I passed my cert exam. I was working a job and taking care of my disabled parent, so I would put in bluetooth earbuds and load up the flashcard mp3s on my phone, while doing housework, caregiving.
I wrote a literature library "database" (window on the top-left) though I never use it. It's made with a GUI library I'm still working on (currently rewriting the API and engine, making it more robust and adding new features along the way). The window on the right is a test-application I use to test stuff I write with it. Bottom left is a small CPU / RAM monitor made with a released version of said library.
I also made specialized network simulator (mainly for MAC study) as part of my PhD studies.
holy shit
looks fucking rad
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Forgot to add, as part of that GUI library, I've also made a configuration language.

Thanks anon
End-goal is to have my own multi-device DE (prolly a decade away as it's a hobby project and I'm not even done with the GUI lib that's the backbone of the whole thing.)
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>multi-device DE
What exactly is that? A networked desktop like Arcan-fe?
>I wrote a literature library "database" (window on the top-left) though I never use it.
What functionality were you planning when you made it that didn't turn out?
I worded that wrong, but I meant a device-agnostic ecosystem, aka usable on desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone and various kinds of screen-enabled devices. Each device class will have it's own WM and utilities, but they'll all use the same library.
>A networked desktop
However, I also had networking in mind, which is why the first (and currently only) backend is X11, and apart from text, everything is drawn using primitives (through cairo), so that programs written with with CGUI (Cassette-Graphics, the name of the lib) are remote-friendly. I've already tested that over a LAN and everything was still snappy.

>What functionality were you planning when you made it that didn't turn out?
Originally I wanted to use it to keep track of papers I've read, and be able to add my own summary or notes. That was a pain in the ass, so I stopped making notes. At most, I drop the pdf in a special "important papers" dir. And with that, the utility of this program faded away.
>I meant a device-agnostic ecosystem
Have you seen Justine's work on cosmopolitan?
>it reconfigures stock GCC and Clang to output a POSIX-approved polyglot format that runs natively on Linux + Mac + Windows + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + NetBSD + BIOS with the best possible performance and the tiniest footprint imaginable.
I know about, It's cool stuff.
Albeit in my case I only target X + posix (+ a couple of optional gcc/clang attributes). My lib is "device-agnostic" in that it wants to be equally usable with a mouse, keyboard or multi-touch, and it even provides some amenities for devices with restricted inputs (for example, home automation shit that only have a couple of buttons). For that objective, it's also extremely configurable (color, size, shapes, common shortcuts, interpretation of inputs themselves,...).
Anon, whatever you do, PLEASE finish making that.
Humanity is in desperate need of software that just worksTM.
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Hate bloat most image converters use so I wrote my own python image converter that supports like 20 different formats and has multithreading
Thanks! It's both hate and hope fueled so that keep me going. Hate against modern GUI trends, hope that one day I will daily drive a cool retro-futurist GUI. And I also use that project for UX experimentation.
Last January I released the first public version (0.1.0), it's technically usable, but is lacking widgets (it however includes a full featured API to that custom widgets). And by next January, 0.2.0 is hopefully done (currently at ~75%), it will include a new and improved (and final) API style. So past that point, I'll also start making a few programs with it. Specifically, a WM and a file manager to start off.
>API to that custom widgets
*API that lets you create custom widgets
I see potential in your project. How do I get updates on it? There's too much noise on /g/.
Github (or the codeberg mirror) would be the place.
The master "trunk" branch is currently on 0.1.0 and is self contained. I'm currently working on the "rewrite" branch, I'll be done with it when I reach 0.2.0. I also occasionally post in /chad/ threads. Also also, I have a post lain's desktop thread that should be around for a while. And I plan to make a post on unixporn to shill the project when 0.2.0 is out.
>self contained
To clarify, for the 0.2.0, I've split off the configuration parser + language into its own library (CCFG). And some datastructs have also been pushed out into their own thing (COBJ), kind of what GLib is to GTK.
NTA, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
Would share but its tied to things I probably shouldn't associate with 4chan.
I do and I put it up on github and I got 15 stars... it's something I guess. I've probably put like 200 hours into it at least.
Shill it somewhere people would care about it or in existing related conversations. The chance of people hitting it randomly on github is pretty low if you care.
This is the kind of thread that makes people want to program. Nice bros

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