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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102332654

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
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BFL managed to make dalle at home, will they do the miracle again by making a MiniMax at home?
If twitter announces a video model then yes, someone needs to fund it
Best not to think about it. They've said nothing about it since it was announced.
Personally I'd torture someone who promised me something "Soon", give me a fucking date you carrot dangling fucks.
I need to plan my schedule, projects and so on and not have shit just dropped on me and scramble to make time, change hardware, write things and so on.
It's really a bad sign when a company says "soon" they either have no idea if the project will even work or are having financial problems which may kill the project completely. It shows they dont have a complete grasp of what they are doing and cannot make projections about their own product.
We saw this with SD3 <shudder>
Just say a month Black Forest Labs, before black friday (meme prices)? so anons can decide to buy shiny new cards.

Throw us a bone, and not the ones betwixt your legs.
Are there any video models that I can animate with controlnets? I feel like I'm stuck with SD1.5 and Animatediff. I was doing some experiments with ToonCrafter and PonyXL stills and saw that there were some efforts with SVD and controlnets. I'm interested in cartoony/anime stuff.
Training a model is not straightforward. It's like giving a date for when your baby will say its first word.
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>Personally I'd torture someone who promised me something "Soon", give me a fucking date you carrot dangling fucks.
desu when you're making models you don't really know when it's gonna end, they're experimenting a lot and I prefer them to take their time and then release a good product, rather than going the SAI path and release a failed experiment as a bone for us
Forge question about Clip Skip on pony
I switched to new Forge yesterday (version that has flux and shit) and noticed my gens aren't the same on the same settings between old and new Forge. Blamed it on the sampler+scheduler split and moved on though. Now I also noticed Clip Skip is not on 2. Tried enabling it via sdxl_clip_l_skip and CLIP_stop_at_last_layers (together and separately), but it made no difference at all. On old forge, changing Clip Skip did make a difference however. I even tried making a xyz plot with Clip Skip 1 and 2, both images were the same with Clip Skip being 2 in both PNG Infos. What could be the issue here?

tl;dr how do I enable Clip Skip 2 on Forge with pony models
>Are there any video models that I can animate with controlnets?
there's some video to video features that exist, like you make a basic blender animation and you let the video model to do the rest
Blessed thread of frenship
I don't think they have much money problem now that they sold their licence to twitter, you can't find a better place to release your model as an API
Clip skip is bizarre on Pony. On Comfy setting it to 1 gave me noise (same for merges/finetunes of it), but I was told that on A1111 it worked and gave a slightly different output (not better, just different).
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Booba going crazy
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I understand it's an iterative process to get a well performing model, they could go on for a month, 6 months a year re-iterating the model until they were happy with the strengths it has in the areas they want.
What I'm objecting to is the use of "soon" because there's no timescale for "soon" and im too jaded to be strung along when a better explanation could be given; here's our timeframe" 3 months model refinement, 2 months tweaking the %'s, 1 month user testing, 1 month model refinement from feedback" etc.
it's just nebulous bullshit at this point. I don't want a shit model either, I don't want it now.
I want it when it's done which my sources tell me 100% will be:
>In 7 bananas
See how dumb it actually sounds?
on comfy for pony you have to set clipskip to a negative number, the setting is -2.
Maybe you should do something instead of acting like you're waiting for a deposit on your EBT card
im more looking forward to what those chiness university students are up to. maybe they cracked the 16ch VAE.
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why does pony do this? it doesnt make sense to me. I'll have a prompt and it will have "blonde hair" in it. then when i change it to "long blonde hair" it shits itself. and ill have to trial and error removing words until it works again.
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there is something very wrong with whatever you're using
You make a great point.
EBT card payments are more reliable than Black Forest Labs saying "soon"
I don't care. I hope they release it and manage to single you out and ban you from using it.
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This looks like a vae or clip slip -1 issue
BFL employee having a melty ITT
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gib me dat *smacks lips* gib me dat model now
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I literally don't read any of these posts lmao who cares about some BFL retard
why aren't you posting in sdg, sounds more like your echochamber
who are you? oh yeah that's right it doesn't matter fuck off
it kind of matters because you're a brain drooling retard
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stop typing
unironically smacking my lips yes
im using automatic1111, the vae and clip skip is correct. im not sure, maybe something to do with out a1111 is sending the prompt. sometimes it will be totally fucked up like thei mage i shared, other times its just really warped. but I have found that just adding a bit of punctuation can fix it. so if adding thick thighs fucks it up adding "thick thighs" instead makes it work as expected
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Investors have shills all over /g/ , threads are scraped, keywords are flagged and they jump into threads.
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when will mods make a /1girl/ containment board for low effort slop?
you just know who's trolling kek
there's less than 10 dedicate AI slop posters
it would be a very dead board
you clearly haven't seen the red boards
And you clearly demonstrate there's an overlap of users.
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I like 1girls desu
nice imgs
>using an LLM to prompt is literal Indian retard tier shit
It's good to get a sense of how most data sets are captioned and in turn how you /should/ prompt
>bloo bloo bloo why do I have to write long winded captions
>no I won't use a tool that does this for me, I just want to complain and get random images from single words
>Chudalus 4chanus
Great stuff man. Did you train just with the basic 2d meme images?
Attempted this today >>102350076
Flux does not understand the word "fat", so I had to use "obese" instead.
Mostly, but there were a few pictures of Patrick Crusius.
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>This code snippet shows how to split the Flux transformer across two 16GB GPUs and run inference with the full pipeline.
that's cool
Big if true
>across two 16GB GPUs
I guess it would work for a 24gb + 12gb aswell?
Dumb question: why does it need two text encoders instead one?

Image being able to use spare 3060 as some dedicated ai card
Why most loras made and posted here worked fine while the average civitai lora gives fucked up hands or eyes?
T5 translates your text from boomer prompting into tags that clip uses
Civitai is known for its easy of use not necessarily its quality
Tangentially anon is pretty good at it
>Dumb question: why does it need two text encoders instead one?
it's not a dumb question at all, I think they went for two text encoder to get the best of both words, clip_l is excellent at tags wheras t5 is excellent at natural language, imo I think that was a bad idea because clip_l can only eat 77 tokens, so if you go for long prompts it's basically useless
I have to tune way more often the random civitai ones while the ones from here worked fine with prompts used for other loras, so maybe everyone read here some guide to train loras properly?
Was the DC sampler implemented anywhere?
Pixart proved you don't need both, it seems like a dumb layover idea from SDXL (same team).
would this work with other models?
It was made like that so average users on twitter can use it without tags
that's big, there should be a ComfyUi node about that because Comfy can't be bothered to implement important stuff on his own repo
>it seems like a dumb layover idea from SDXL (same team).
Highly likely
T5 doesn't give a shit how you prompt it and in practice no one has ever liked the dual text encoder. No one wants to type different shit into two boxes. And in practice it's not required and they probably did it because they're lazy cunts who didn't want to train on a diverse set of prompt formats.
>No one wants to type different shit into two boxes
then dont
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I won't and like I said, it's a dumb architecture and they're dumb cunts. And in the end it didn't even matter, because the model is stylistically inferior and the CLIP does fucking nothing.
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>use style lora
>people gen as asians
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4090 coming in tomorrow (currently have a 3060 Ti)
can't wait can't wait can't wait
looks like something out of Darius
>so maybe everyone read here some guide to train loras properly?
Unfortunately I don't think anyone created a "definitive" guide. There's been lots of discussion in previous threads (and some small guides posted) so I presume anon gleamed something from that.
>and the CLIP does fucking nothing.
the worst part is that clip does something, when you change the clip finetune (there are several of them) you can get really different pictures, I was surprised how much that affect the output actually
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I downloaded a new flux model and get an error saying "mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied" when trying to use it, what's the deal with that?
>I downloaded a new flux model
it's going to be something like you're using an SDXL vae, lora or something when your entire process should contain flux based models, loras etc.
did anons answer yesterday not work?
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I meant finetune, it's AcornIsSpinning Flux on civitai.
I have the clip file, T5 encoder and Flux vae, I used jibMixFlux before which worked without problems.
missed it, gonna check the archive
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great, an overcooked cat
so that's it, we can now split the model into different gpus? that's a huge deal, especially if you want to split a tiny % onto your cpu to run bigger models but with tolerable speed
i enjoy this cat in space
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I feel so irrelevant ever since XL.
What? This isn't new. I'm running T5 + CLIP + VAE on either GPU of my choosing, and then I run the transformer model on the other.
No norm needs to be enabled in settings if you're not using comfy
the new thing about that script is that you can now split Flux into multiple GPUs, for example if bf16 is too big for your first gpu, you split it and put the smaller parts on gpu 1 and 2
get with the times, old man
its finally happened..............
im in love with one of my gens
Well, get on with it, don't be such a cockblock tease and allows us to shame your taste in women.
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>AI face
I'm a humble gobbo enjoyer myself
what does that mean
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there are some facial features that appear commonly in ai generated women, making many gens basicaly sameface

you can especially see it with sd 1.5
Basically all the slop models are overtrained on specific facial features so they all have the same AI face. I'm not sure if this is by design however, like Flux has it and it might be a deep fake counter measure. Or just retards training on a set of 1000 pictures of the same girl.
Pony models are guilty of this because of model inbreeding
I think it just has to do with the fact checkpoints are basically an average of whatever they were trained on, or so I presume.
i dont see it. i had to make my own models for the faces. maybe its just the symmetry
I don't think so, you don't see it with other things like dogs and cats. If it was an average things you'd see the same lamp showing up over and over again in the background, for example. I think it's an overtraining issue.
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Anon, posting one face won't convince them, if they haven't noticed it by now.
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>tfw no rotting gf
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is it just the gentle smile neutral expression?
does this pic have ai face?
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look at the eyes
it's just the same person wearing facial prosthetics
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I'm not sure what about our biology says it's the same person. Must be the eye shape to cheekbone ratio.
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faceblind autist thinks he is unleashing true meaning on the thread
Everyone knows AI face exists. If you don't think it exists, you are definitely face blind. Try going outside and looking at real people.
Flux has buttchins
if you dont know about sameface in 2024 it unironically over for you
Isn't that a DPO thing?
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imagine thinking that I am affected by AI "sameface"
So was there a solution for that SD3 "gelu_new" error or it's still unusable in Automatic/Forge?
The Pony models wouldn't be using DPO
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i've hacked together a random prompt generator in comfy based on wild cards, and to read the prompt i've hooked up a simple string reader at the end of it. However, i can only see the prompt of the current image being generated, and when it's finished it's replaced by a new one. So when the image has finished generating, and i would like the see the prompt that generated it and compare it to the image, the string has already been replaced by the next prompt in the queue, if that makes sense. So what i would want is some sort of buffer or delay, so that it displays the last prompt generated instead of the current one.

Does anyone if this is possible somehow? I hope i described that well enough.
anything is possible, just find a node or make a node that saves a string to a text file
Yeah, so, you need to either find a way how to cache out the current prompt into a file on its own. I guess this should be doable because it's Python.
Or if it's not possible you could resort to writing a simple manager controller outside comfy but that's probably not that simple.
To add: it's probably hard because ComfyUI is not time based on any level, it's not made like that.
You will need to figure it out.
I mean it's not like Maya which you can easily script the way you want and refer previous positions because it's there and if it's not present you can always read it back.
Oh that's cool! It's like InstantID but for Flux
it would be dead simple to make a node that saves a string to a text file
you could even save the output image and the prompt together as an image (.png) and .txt file pair.
>chink looks at viewer
Demo here
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not bad, but I should try something that gives a different expression than the input image I guess
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>As shown in the above image, in terms of ID fidelity, using fake CFG is similar to true CFG in most cases, except that in a few cases, true CFG achieves higher ID similarity. In terms of image aesthetics and facial naturalness, fake CFG performs better.
Interesting, that's what I noticed aswell at some point in time
This is the answer, also add the seed number to the save file name or something to make life easier.
meant for also
>gen big butt foid
>watching it gen with fast preview
>at some early step it decides to flip the foid around so she's facing the other way
>now it doesn't know what to do with the big protruding buttocks area that's no longer her butt
>watch as it turns into a big potbelly
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Sergeant Braphog came for you when you least expected it. Or maybe not, since it was an ass fetish image anyways.
The new ChatGPT model might actually be good enough to design an image model from scratch. Investigating.
Sure but you need to implement time function too.
I think this cannot be done without changing the source code of the original nodes or at least the interface itself.
I might be wrong because it has been some time I did any work etc.
how's the 4070ti at flux? are all those new advancements in architecture or whatever the fuck making it really fast?

>of which i can't use because i'm on a 970 right now
Comfy is just a behavior tree. Each node typically has an input and an output. The node takes in an input (if available) and does something and if there's an output pushes it forward. It's just a dynamic system of modules, it's trivial to do.
is this face thing unique to flux or is it available for 1.5 or sdxl or pony?
exists for SD1.5 but not for XL/Pony IIRC
Don't worry, flux is way slower than other Open Source models in its class, but the image quality is on par with what Bing AI was using. Just make sure you have at least 12Gb VRAM and CUDA compatibility, you'll be good with that.
My RTX 3060 satisfies these, and I spend like 2 minutes with 30-40 steps. That's with forge and the optimized model the dev uploaded. You can make FHD wallpapers with it, even.
>exists for SD1.5 but not for XL/Pony IIRC
instantID was for XL though?
Yeah but you will need to implement 'frame' conception.
what the fuck are you talking about?
he just wants to know what the prompt was
why are you making this so complicated?
yeah but instant ID kinda sucks, at least from my experience it fucks up the face especially the mouth often, PuLID seems to work much better
There are no advancements in arch. It's the exact same latent diffusion process as in SD or all the other current image generators. It just uses an additional text encoder and a transformer instead of a unet to predict noise from t -> t-1
>PuLID seems to work much better
you tested the demo or on ComfyUi?
I meant the one for 1.5, the faces came out better than the with InstantID on XL
I guess that can be used on comfyui right?
looks like im buying a couple supers

>and it takes over double this time at 1024pix on sdxl on my current gpu
>for around the same power draw
retracting this, not the ti super, i got confused. which is exactly what nvidia was going for with this retarded scammy releasing scheme, of the three GPU's the TI is the best value price/performance/wattage.
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a transformer instead of U-Net is a massive change
You either do it right or don't do it at all.
Wouldn't say that fits my definition of "massive"
that's alright. you only need to agree about that it's an advancement, specifically in terms of the arch
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No Flux Anime in sight...
I do agree that it's an algorithmical advancement based on the same mathematical process.
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i cant even google this question and get any results, probably because im wording the question wrong maybe, but those of you on 3090's/more than 24gb of vram, do you use batch size? Like generating more than a few images all at once, how much vram does that take and do you get a performance hit doing it?
i just thought about how more efficient that would probably be in performance + power usage vs genning 1 image at lower performance, say 4070ti vs 3090ti.
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Back to basics!
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CLIP is trash

SigLIP is the future
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>I guess that can be used on comfyui right?
PuLID is asking you to install the facexlib package, but unfortunately it's not available on python 3.11, and comfyUi uses 3.11 so you're fucked lol
>numba is not compatible so facexlib, gfpgan and realesrgan modules will not be available
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That's a boy
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>and comfyUi uses 3.11
kek, how do I downgrade to 3.10 then?
>comfyUi uses 3.11 so you're fucked lol
you can definitely run Comfy with older versions of Python. I use 3.10.6 without any issues or custom node incompatibilities

you're quoting a post from April '23
it's ok there's a way to make it work anyway

Do this instead:
ComfyUI_windows_portable\update>..\python_embeded\python.exe -s -m pip install --use-pep517 facexlib
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oh, well. that's not particularly controversial.
I'm sure you understand what I disagree about in terms of the statement "There are no advancements in arch" but meh
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bruh... now it doesn't want to install insightface, this shit is fucked
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Don't build it, just install this prebuilt wheel
Like this?
Maybe it's helpful to differentiate between "software arch" and "mathematical arch"
>Loads Flux
>Adds Lora
>Python.exe has stopped working
What's the git gud trick to get Flux running with a lora on a 16GB GPU?
What UI are you using?
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Soo any finetunes of Flux yet that add porn and furry?
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Oh wait there is a setting for that: fp16 LoRA
Probably won't ever happen. It's very expensive to train and with the Flux's restrictive license, crowdfunding won't be possible.
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yep... the flux model isn't working for ComfyUi yet
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Say No to vrambloat.
It's a crime against civilization.
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I hope specific layer training gets implemented for Kohya soon. It would save VRAM and increase training speed.
you tried this one?
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no. the arch is the model structure. it is /the/ arch in ML.
the "software arch" is the stack, and "mathematical arch" just sounds like a parabolic arch lmao
I never tried that one, only InstantID, which was was better during the SDXL days?
What's the node with the string for autorefresh called?
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In comfy you can use gguf flux nodes and load any loras you want. Lowest quality/smallest quantization flux model can fit in like 4 gig
this, get a GGUF file that's under <16GB
i have 8GB VRAM and the Q4 quant works perfectly
that's a cool looking super stargate
>trying to get joycaption + llama 8b gguf to stop describing every image with 'emotions' and 'moods'
>make prompt something like "caption this image descriptively but concise. you will not use any emotions or moods.." [etc]
>every description, without fail: THE MOOD OF THIS IMAGE IS..
I think it did stop describing everything as whimsical though, so that's.. progress?
>every description, without fail: THE MOOD OF THIS IMAGE IS..
if joycaption start its sentence with "the mood of this image is" then you can easily remove that sentence with a regex python script
I like loss graph
it doesn't start it with that, no, its randomly throughout the caption. not like you can't still get it to remove every sentence that starts with the "the mood of", but I still don't want it to waste tokens on that shit
yeah I feel that, but somehow every caption model add this fluff shit, even the best of them all, GPT4V, and they don't want to listen to our order at all, that's frustrating
I have only used one single text box for prompting flux. How much of an impact does it really make?
the most confusing part is this must mean they were all trained that way... why... no one talks this way, where did the LLM purple prose-descriptions originate from lmao
that's a good question, my theory is that those captions models were trained as regular LLMs before, so they know how to write a story and add some "writing fluff", when finetuned to describe an image, they probably think it's the same thing as describing a scene like on a book, so they add those "mood" thing, that's my 2 cents
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8B models are retarded.
even GPT4V does this shit and it's definitely not a 8b model
Because you're retarded.
Keep 'em coming FAGGOT
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omg it bigu
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Miku by Ubisoft
CogVideoX just added img2video, too bad this model sucks ass though
at this point I feel like img2anything is just worse controlnet
dunno man, for me, controlnet feels like rotoscoping, it's not natural at all, especially if you want to transform a realistic image (or a 3d image) into an anime image
"Clip Skip" isn't even a thing on SDXL, the differences for SDXL based models were always software bugs, there's no need to use the "Clip Set Last Layer" node for anything XL at all in current Comfy versions.
no you don't, in current Comfy you should just not use "Clip Set Last Layer" nodes at all for XL models
Flux Dev and Schnell have it because they're distilled from Pro, which reduces variance a lot. It's not the same reason that something like SD 1.5 has it.
A1111's clip skip 1 is actually clip skip 2 on Comfy. A1111 is hardcoded to prevented clip skip from being set below 2 for no logical reason.
uhh finally
its a fucking nothing burger
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don't fuck with me
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yeah that's not a bad theory and makes sense all things considered, but jeez does it suck for our purpose
Control net is useful, open pose and setting a pose, or using one of the modes based off an existing image etc, there's a lot you can do with it, sd1.5 was great with control nets + latent couple dividing up the image and genning high res straight from txt2img
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What is the minimum number of images you need to create a model from scratch? I'm not talking about fine-tuning an already existing model
the only thing we know is that Stable cascade used 2% of the Laion-5b dataset, so something like 100 millions of pictures is the range for pretraining
>1 hour with no images
These are truly the last days
Anon is busy training
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Unit ready

Real men prompt manually.
Pony is training on auraflow
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>want to use cogvideo to do additive video inpainting
>have to set up an entire workflow for it
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This is a really cool style
:( I wanted to bake a lora over night but it's 2 am and I've only just finished cleaning the dataset, yet alone reviewing and fixing the captions... I'm going to bed... It'll have to wait another night..

Sometimes I wish I could bring myself to just shit out crappy no effort lora after crappy no effort lora like nochekaiser
Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. PPPPPP
You're doing the right thing, sleep well anon.
Model/LoRA? Alluring style
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https://mega.nz/folder/mtknTSxB#cGzjJnEqhEXfb_ddb6yxNQ 16mei folder.
Based on this artist https://xcancel.com/ju6mei
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Ran killed this general.
zzzzzz..... mimimimi...... zzzzzz.... mimimimi
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>[09/2024] We release Vchitect 2.0, including the model and the training system
>Vchitect-2.0 is a high-quality video generative model with 2 billion parameters, supporting resolutions up to 720x480 and video durations of 10-20 seconds. Besides, We are also developing a larger verison with 5 billion parameters, and will be released in the future.
When I click on the link I got a 404 error though
>A 5B parameter version will be released in the future.
that looks better than CogVideoX I guess
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i just noticed i have 70gb of hugging face models in my home directory. does anyone know what these might be used for? like why is flux dev there
It's the downloads/cache folder of huggingface that it arbitrarily deletes from so you get to download the model 100 times.
it's why niggers should never use code like:
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("google/flan-t5-xxl")

The model gets downloaded to that directory and then after an indeterminate amount of time, gets deleted. My conspiracy theory is they do this on purpose as a form of censorship.
same here, which is a shame, it's 21:20 in Beijing so it might not be fixed until Monday.
Their huggingface links are all 404 as well.

A very rounded video model (apparently)
>no numbers
>they compare to CogVideo and not CogVideoX
Their technical report isn't even on their webpage...
It's over, before it even began. D.O.A.
Why do nerds constantly do this?
>"My GF actually goes to another school"
>"My AI model is nearly finished, here's the hard-drive im going to put it on when it's done"

No one cares ChangDev, put up or shut up.
>No one cares ChangDev, put up or shut up.
this, 100% this, they're wasting our time with this bullshit
Time to see if me and my coding buddy ChatGPT o1-preview can design a diffusion model from scratch.

- Flan T5 XXL
- Osiris 16channel VAE
- No crop image encoding (resize based on total pixels ie 256x256)
- pad and attention mask to handle "bucketing"
- rotary position embedding
- KV compression idea from Pixart
- Cross attention transformer blocks with Flash Attention

Will it work? Who knows.
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unironically chatgpt has helped me solve several long standing physical irritations where doctors were just like 'live with it bro'
Eat right, get sleep, exercise.
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Ive been really sick so I haven't had the mental fortitude to come up with any decent gen ideas but I'm feeling a little better and am working on some now.
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> 20/20 [00:45<00:00, 2.28s/it]
> 20/20 [00:45<00:00, 2.39s/it]
How can I make Flux schnell actually being schnell on a 16GB GPU?
You could have just recorded your feverish ramblings and used those as prompts.
Why should prompts come from orderly minds only?
The best musicians, painters and writers were mentally derainged on drugs or plain old varying levels of insanity during their most prolific periods.
Why should we, modern artists be any different?
is there no flux training rentry yet?
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And you could have not posted this but you did
just use this, it's pretty easy https://github.com/cocktailpeanut/fluxgym
>python -m venv env
really? They still need this bullshit?
It's an important lesson that creativity is nothing something you must only do when you are feeling well. Feeling unwell and doing something you normally enjoy can be part of the recovery process.
Thanks for prompting me to clarify it all for anons.
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NTA but ty
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Come and get your daily bread...
You're welcome

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