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Because I'm not gay and nobody's forcing me to be gay.
I'm not that big of a faggot
Just say you cant afford a macbook lol
if lenovo or whatever had an ARM laptop he would use this instead of the apple nigger hardware.
he is only interested in adjusting his shit distro to this architecture
>appeal to the authority
hey <insert seemingly relevant person here> is gay a sucking twenty cocks every day, why don't you? oh wait, you do.
This is your dev?
is this the distro whose devs said you should not use it if you browse 4chan (because they hate 4chan users)? or was that another distro?
He's a commie tranny pusher. So yeah, I'm not.
i'm not linus torvalds
>if torvalds eats shit, I'll eat too: the post
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I use Asahi too.
Probably. The dev is a goony bearded male named Hector Martin who represents himself as an anime vtuber called Asahi Lina and he was byuu's butt buddy.
I have a macbook, macos is possibly the worst UX I've ever experienced, and ios might be even worse because it's still more limited by applel bullshit.
holy based
they made a tranny almost kill himself because of this btw
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Which tranny and because of what?
I'm heterosexual
please answer us, who do you mean? Did hector totally troon out? Or is cyannyan a guy too and that is why lina (hector) and cyan can be in the same room? and how long will cyan pretend to be part of fagman and claim to study?
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Lenovo does have an ARM laptop...
check mastodon
they are gay
>creator of linux
>uses proprietary hardware
Linus turned out to be a complete faggort

RMS > Linus
No thanks
Why would you buy a mac if you aren’t going to use macOS?
he is using macbooks lmao even the creator of the linux kernel knows it's shit.
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>Linus Torvalds uses Asahi why dont you
>"Not that I've used it for any real work, I literally have only been doing test builds and boots and now the actual release tagging."
For me I used Asahi, 30 years ago, as a kid.
My K1000 worked well but couldn't outlast the Zenit.
>2 0 2 2
What's with this board and never posting anything recent
I own 4 of them and won't run that tranny bullshit on mine

Fuck Linus!
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Fedora Asahi Remix
>endorsed by (((Red Hat))) who continue to destroy Linux with garbage like wayland
>made by a faggot with a vtrooner persona that insists it's not just them with a voice filter
>only runs on overpriced garbage with smartphone cpus
Linux Mint
>lmde available which is based on rock-solid debian
>made by a straight white man
>only runs on real (x86) cpus like god intended
Mintfags are just about the worst people on /g/.
No one cares about your tinkertranny "minimalist" distros
You have a very low IQ.
>Not that I've used it for any real work, I literally have only been doing test builds and boots and now the actual release tagging.
He only uses it as a glorified arm64 testing machine.

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