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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>Read the OP before asking a question.
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.

Previously on /ptg/: >>102322860
I love AB so much bros
please, do not post a second gaki image
are you not getting banned for avatarfagging?
find other characters
third for juicenet
4 4 MOE
themed general OPs are not avatarfagging because they're not meant to highlight a users' identity.
do cabal trackers let you use a VPN (or a private VPN) if you have 2FA enabled? I know RED does.
ok, but when there's obviously only a single anon posting several images of the same character, that can be considered avatarfagging
and this isn't a court of law, if there's a suspicion you can be banned
usually, this is fine and dandy, but when it's the OP doing it repeatedly it's like he's actively killing the threads
wiki is dead?
last thread someone linked this post >>102209656
weird stuff
this general would be so much better if it wasn't posted by a faggot
private TRANStummies general..
Not liking cute girls is a strong indicator that you're the fag
probably glow-ware but digitalcore is actually so good i'm always impressed by this one. i'm in most moderate difficulty trackers but i consistently find what i want in it
This is a longshot but is there a tracker out there for lego build instructions? Would also take a general/e-learning site that has them/allows requests for them.
Nigga just stack the brick on top of the other, watcha need instructions for?
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If a invite thread specifies "unwarned" accounts, does that mean only active warnings/manual warnings, or do past HNR warnings that expired count too?
instructions for specific builds my guy
Active. How would a random recruiter know whether you were warned in the past?
I knew that, it was in jest
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BHD lists warning history on your profile.

They're all old HNR warnings from when my PC turned off and I wasn't home. All of them expired once I started seeding again. idk if that disqualifies my account or not.
still means active
Thanks. Don't want to grind up my account only to be cucked.
HDB recruiter on BHD still mia...
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The biggest fuck you to paypigs I've ever seen
What's the best way to grind upload and everything else on BHD?
Daily reminder that I will NOT use OT until they allow junior idol
BHD grinding is practically free.
All you need is seed size. I just autosnatched for a while and now retain anywhere above 8TB seedsize.

No uploads or any other shenanigans required.
>just paypig bro
got a seedbox service reccomendation? Most of the online resources I'm seeing are for autists who want to race snatches on RED which idgaf about since I'm already established

I selfhost at home.
If I were to not do that, I guess any random dedicated server with decent peering. Preferably Leaseweb in the Netherlands or Hetzner in Germany.

I'd have an additional requirement of a CPU supporting Intel QSV for my slop consumption.
You don't need anywhere near the throughput you'd need to be racing on RED. The economy on BHD is very forgiving, as long as you permaseed you are in the clear and upload kinda just trickles in.
If you want to minmax a bit you can try setting your autosnatcher (use autobrr) to only target BHD internals like FLUX, they are generally 100% free uploads.

tl;dr is BHD is pretty much a set and forget tracker as long as you have the disk space to keep seeding. No racing autism needed ever.
>to only target BHD internals like FLUX
This is every nigger in that tracker, all the good stuff has no seeder or less than 3, while capeshit has 300 seeders in every quality slot. fuck that tracker
'upo'aki on the /g/
what's the path to GPW look like?
you don't need it
Fuck CG
You won't collect it. Fuck you
easiest is PU from RED. it seems to be a shittier version of ANT.
I love AB so much bros
How racing feels:
>wow I have a 7.8TB buffer that's so much stuff I could download hah.
>why doesn't my ratio ever actually go up?
Shit thread
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is there a tracker for old versions of KDE?
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my isp throttles me if i use utp is it fine to disable or does it break tracker rules
Shouldn't be any issue, disable that shit.
doesn't matter to the tracker
you shouldn't be using utp either way
they murdered our gakis... again...
No need to use private trackers for Linux ISOs, just find the torrents and use public.
i dont know. konqi's hole is a bit too salacious for public trackings.... i dont want to share him with curries... i want to seed!!
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Hi niggers. Can someone inside GGn tell me if you already have a file for The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom? Thanks
nope, two more weeks
>building my ratio up by downloading hundreds of gigabytes of shitty porn to seed it back
If it works it works
why is porn so easy to make ratio?
I literally just download any torrent, like at all
even a 2 year old torrent gives me 1+ ratio in a week
>With great displeasure we need to inform you that a malicious actor has successfully carried out a massive peer scraping attack on our tracker on Thursday.
>The unknown actor has downloaded the majority of our torrent files and corresponding peer lists.
>This means the malicious third party is now in possession of most of our users' torrent client information (seeding IP, client port, torrents seeded).
>As far as we can observe their immediate goal is downloading a huge part of our library, but we do not know if they have further plans with the collected data.
>As a mitigation, we recommend that users change their torrent client ports, or seeding IP (for example users seeding from behind a VPN) if possible to thwart whatever (further) intentions the attacker has.
>We detected the attack about six hours after the peer scraping had been carried out. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this incident at this point, other than preventing the malicious user's further access to our site and tracker.
>This attack should have been prevented by code we have in place, but for a yet unknown reason was not. Since the moment we noticed the incident we have devised, and in parts already implemented, further protection mechanisms. However, this whole incident is most dissatisfying for us, as we recognize the sensitive nature of the data. We strive to do better.
which tracker?
don't know why I even bother seeding on music trackers, I'll probably delete all torrents
can get everything I want with streamrip + soulseek anyway
also, you would thought they would've learned after the the-eye/archivist incident
Probably a pajeet
pajeet tracker

I think that download factor was added because of the archivist fag, but I guess that was the thing that somehow didn't work?
Should have stopped using (p)oops
Pakistani, also a member of CMRG group,
He probably was to poor to afford eating daily so he started selling invites
another reason passkeys should be unique per-torrent and not global.
that doesn't help with this
it is easier to rate limit .torrent files than tracker scrapes.
they already need to download the .torrent files, to get the infohash so they can query the tracker.
on gazelle and likely most of the other trackers you dont need to download the torrent to get the infohash
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how do you get it then? it's not in the API
and even if they hide the infohash it not useful. you cant change the infohash if it gets leaked so it has 0 security merit.
Is this album any good? Now More Than Ever was one of my all time favorites but I don't rate most modern Hospital releases very highly.
yes, that's why they telling everyone to change ports so they can't ghostleech.
the security measure was to disallow .torrent downloads if they just download it, but they don't actually load it into a client, and start the download. this somehow didn't work (imo)
acshually OPS could change the infohash of all their torrents, by changing the source value in all their torrents, but i seriously doubt their admins have balls to do that
it would need to be random and unique per torrent for that to be of any use
what the cabal should do is to make modifications to the bittorrent protocol to make it more secure, then tell users to either download the modified client from the tracker, or build it from source with a patchset.
>OPS could change the infohash of all their torrents
that just purges all peers
good luck recovering from that
yes, and as >>102382579 implied, the attacker can also change it in their own .torrent files, and get the new infohash.
>see seedbox site offering a month for 5 euro, 3TB + 25gbps up/down, unlimited bandwidth
>sign up with crypto properly routed into a detached wallet
>slap qbitorrent onto it, put some torrents in
>see 500 mb/s download speeds
Getting discount seedboxes for a month or two to jack up my ratio seems neat, literally 0 effort on my part and I can have 100% uptime since I don't need to turn them off while gaming.
Feels cozy, and if I have enough GB to spend I don't even need to give a shit about renewing the box next month lol.
Coomers have been generating 80% of all internet traffic since the 90s and the ratio never really changes

Looks like my strategy of avoiding lower tier trackers is paying off again.

you remember to take your meds today?
That's it, I'm deleting my ops account and using red instead.
This but unironically.
At least the had the decency to make an announcement
why should I change anything? I get extra upload, it is not like they are going to penalize everyone who did not change.
Is there any tracker out there that specializes in SD?
>inb4 PxHD
you need backups. remember when PTP was down for months? if RED gets nuked (like what, oink did) OPS is the best site to rebuild from.
What tracker is the most underrated tracker by your opinion gathered from the personal experience of participation?
I really hope if RED goes down, there will be another like it and we don't have to use OPS.
you overestimate tracker users
only sd? not.
cg love sd and xvid (even more than kg) and discourage HD uploads with absurd rules.
Probably jpopsuki, plenty of content not anywhere on the net, and maybe the only music tracker that allow other stuff besides the artist's music (like concerts or magazines). site's a shithole for anything else, zero quality control, absent sysop, full of leechers etc
I was aiming on Aither, but FL isn't really underrated by any means when you look at activity of their users and their rich library.
MOE. Not enough people praise it.
I have to admit that I literally never heard about that tracker. Is MOE a Chinese tracker?
No, but you could say it's a japanese paradise
dead general. it's over. time to go back to the wage cage
Gaming the game is like golfing or fishing. You must enjoy the process and release expectation from outcome in order to get the best results in the long term.
VPNbros... We can't stop winning!
Trackers should implementing this by generating a unique "passkey" (let's call it a token) by using the current passkey as a random seed, or initialization vector and taking the info hash as the second input. Obviously it would be useless if the way this is derived is via XOR'ing the two, but implementing this through a method like this shouldn't create too much overhead when weighed against the security enhancements.
meant to say "Trackers should start implementing this..."

That would require dev effort in addition to having people stop using their favorite tracker software.

The status quo isn't problematic enough for that to happen as of now.
I only seed in public and this happens on a daily basis on my raw home IP and nothing ever happens, meds schizo.
Big fucking deal. Who cares
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there are more important things to consider, my fellow sirs...
Are you retarded? It literally says 0/3 active.
are YOU retarded?
"still means active" as in the recruiter only cares about the active warnings
>That's it, I'm deleting my ops account and using red instead.
How do I build buffer without paypigging
>How do I build buffer without paypigging
Use tokens on FLAC and seed 24/7 via ethernet.
For the price of one shitty stream service can get you 10GBPS seedbox w/ 3TB of storage and SSH access. No stress about this kind of shot.

This is why I use cabal instead of brown people trackers.
OPS pajeets got rekt today lolololol
OPsirs, it's over
>we need to inform you that a malicious actor has successfully carried out a massive peer scraping attack on our tracker on Thursday.
OPS btfo.
This is why I only use cabal trackers.
>Looks like my strategy of avoiding lower tier trackers is paying off again.
Exactly what we've always been saying.
Never listen to anti-cabal brown people.
>you need backups. remember when PTP was down for months? if RED gets nuked (like what, oink did) OPS is the best site to rebuild from.
Fuck you, retard. If RED gets nuked I have PTP, BTN, HDB and more.
>What tracker is the most underrated tracker by your opinion gathered from the personal experience of participation?
Probably HUNO and FL
>cant send invites on tvv or blu because theyre disabled for my userclass
what the fuck is even the point of giving them out then?
only retards invite people
Another win for us slsk chads
OK dumb question.
The-eye.eu is the place people who download survival shit from = the-eye terrorizing PTs orrrrr? New to this edrama shit.
I'm elite class and can invite. Buti see no benefit to put my account at risk.
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Am I the only one here who has more than one account on my favorite trackers? I can't imagine a situation in which some tranny faggot in a power trip mood decides that I no longer will have access to my media source and do nothing about it.
yes, but that was 4 years ago
just don't talk politics and you will never lose your accounts
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It's really funny seeing -Archivist talking about how using BIBs name is not a big deal, and nothing will happen and then the AI shit does happen where he also gets a DMCA takedown.
Yeah every power user+ that has been banned is talking politics. Based retard
>Yeah every power user+ that has been banned is talking politics.
a lot of them yeah
I kinda want to collect BIB. Path?
are you retarded? none of those are music trackers.
But they all have invite forums
anon, you are gay. saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders
>are you retarded? none of those are music trackers.
anon...you know how I got into RED when WCD went down for good? My HDB invite forum. The point is to have at least 3 cabal tracker accounts so you always have an invite forum to get into other places.
>let your ops account die
>red dies
>great let's join the replacemen-
>s-shit I cannot join ops anymore, my account is banned
I never had an oops account to begin with.
>joining OPS in the first place
why do you idiots do this?
I love AB so much bros
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>/ptg/ tells people not to join OPS because it is a shit tracker run by 3rd worlders
>some of /ptg/ says "fuck you! i hate the cabal for no reason and im gonna join OPS because its gonna make the cabal mad!"
>todays events happened
You get what you fucking deserve.
cabal sites get their peerlists scraped by RIAA and the MPAA daily, their staff are just too busy gooning and selling invites to inform their userbase
phile transfers general..
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Would you like some of my philes?
threadly reminder that if you use a "private" tracker that allows emails to be sent to gmail, or uses cloudflare between you and their TLS connections you're being tracked and your account information is being attributed to your associated email address or IP addresses
if your private tracker isn't i2p, tor or based you're exposed, and you're probably not encrypting your DNS queries to a non-logging, free, and proxying system revealing more information than you intended about your browsing habits and peers you're connecting to
Nobody cares
Wait. I live in a country that has never successfully prosecuted anyone for internet piracy. Phew.
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lol, meanwhile >>102386417

That's even more of a reason why you shouldn't join trackers like OPS in the first place. You end up having to maintain your account there until you are actually going to need it (which might end up never happening).

> But how are you going to join OPS if RED goes down.

From AB, GGn or some other tracker they recruit from.

Or i join via their interview system.

Or i join some more promising upcoming music tracker.
>having to mantain

Holy shit, so much effort to login once in a while kek

Might as well do that than having to wait for an interview or a recruiter to reply

It's burdensome to have to remember that for like 20 shit sites you joined.
it is more effort than I am willing to put in when I am seeding terabytes of torrents 24/7 but have a risk of ban if I forget to hit on troons in forums
so it is confirmed that private trackers are for reddit leftard trannies, geeeg
Just bookmark all your pt sites on a folder and hit open all once in a while, doesn’t get more simple
What shitty pt requires being active on forums? lmaooo
the gmail and cloudflare is valid
the rest is schizoposting unless you live in the 14 eyes
What private tracker doesn't allow gmail?
>someone scrapped the peer lists you guys :(
t. mod who has access to peer IP, associated username, hope IP and a myriad of other fingerprinting information
Nobody cares.
What's the best private tracker for high bitrate h265 encodes?
huno sir
>hope ip
HDB, don't fall for meme trackers >>102398962
I will not submit to the ritual
Nobody asked you. Nobody cares.
What's the point unless it's UHD
I got unusual high activity on my GGN uploads (all soundtracks) this night, could it be that it's getting peer scrapped too?
check if the client shows up on the site in the peerlist. if not then thats ghost leech
They just ghostleeched my single seeded torrents on Orpheus good for them
Let's bump it up!
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Saves space on my NAS especially for TV shows. Problem is that most public and low tier private trackers only have YIFY tier low bitrate h265. I've noticed good h265 encodes have nearly identical quality to h264 for 2/3 of the file size
huno is alright content wise, depending on the encoder. dkore is great for example. the thing that sucks about huno, though, is how incredibly retarded their operation is. they keep forcing some streaming bullshit, and because of it they keep getting taken down every few months. also, their main chat thing is a discord server lol
I want to touch a woman's boobs so much bros
any trackers with educational stuff? lectures, etc?
That's not a woman, you retarded weaboo
thegeeks is ok
You are right, it's better than a woman
Whatever freak, but definitely not a woman
Some do some don't.
What is the point anyway? You have to register with your home IP so you either trust them or you don't. And if you don't using VPN won't do shit
>Saves space
720p releases exist for people like you and they look better upscaled than the crappy 1080p h265 shit you will get from sites that allow that
LMAO that vid is from when that actress was still underage too
Nice going mods, delete anime girls but let actual teenage girls in bikini
>What's the best private tracker for high bitrate h265 encodes?
I travel a lot for work and don't want to send a staff PM every time I expect to be in $randomcountry
Why is Abystomas banned over ptp? seriously the staff on that site are the most ban-happy crowd I've ever seen.
Set up your own VPN on a VPS and get the IP approved on all your trackers. Sometimes it's conditional on turning on 2FA. Read the rules for each tracker and get the IP approved before you leave.
so private VPNs (on a VPS) are ok? I'll do that then, thanks
Yes the rules are different on some trackers but if you want to cover pretty much all of them get your own dedicated IP to use for your VPN. You may need to send a staff PM or you may get the option to whitelist the IP after enabling 2FA. Depends on the tracker.
>also, their main chat thing is a discord server lol
not anymore. they opened up irc.hawke.uno
We are the mother fucking /ptg/, we rock!!
Because the staff on that site are the most ban-happy crowd I've ever seen
I love AB so much bros
Don't know shit about AB. If someone invites me, how long will it take for me to be able to get a >30GB remux torrent without destroying my account?
If it's 1080p it's freeleech
all 1080p and all full discs are freeleech
ANT is so fucking shit. I regret ever accepting the invite. Nothing original and everyone just cross seeds.
I'm sorry I ever doubted you anon.
true, this is why the OPS situation is a complete nothingburger. people dont give a shit about cabal jannies tracking you through every ptpimg link ever posted but AAAAA NOOOOOOOOOOO A THIRD PARTY SCRAPED THE HECKIN PEERLISTS FULL OF SEEDBOXES AND PORT FORWARDED VPNS. the netherlands' police have their work cut out for them
path to n z b s dot m o e ?
can aynone tell me if the latest ep. 562 from "I Live Alone" is on avistaz? its a kroean tv show
>I Live Alone E562 1080p WEB-DL AAC 2.0 H.264-MMR
depends on your internet speed
also, a 30GB remux can only be a movie
REMUX series are in the 70~200GB and they're fully freeleech if they're 1080p
DVDISOs and BDMVs are also freeleech
>DVDISOs and BDMVs are also freeleech
And also pruned because they have no seeds.
wehll, at least you can get U2 from the invite forum :^)
if someone manages to pull that of they could do some nice ghostleeching assuming the data is collected in an useful form like what hash has what peers and what content the hash is for etc
Another day another million new uploads on MOE
can't seed when its impossible to get in
It's really dumb how they prune stuff with no seeds.
>on /g/
>can't even set up a VPN at his home
jesus fucking christ even most home routers will let you do this shit dude
you can connect from your home ip from anywhere in the world
Calm down Satan
difference is when this happens to cabal trackers they don't say anything
I don't use non-cabal sites (except AB) I just know that cabal sites are as opaque as it gets when anything happens to them.
Spaghetti got cabal banned and almost entirely blacklisted when he tried challenging the security through obscurity notion
private gangsters........
Only based people got banned from ab
Fixing shitty releases
>Gets banned because of baby whiners
emp forced me to coom again
To elaborate, the only time anyone cares about vpn is when you're interviewing (and also where you're seeding from in the case of a small few pointlessly overmoderated trackers like MAM; most cabal DON'T care). So VPN to your heart's content. In your case, the easiest setup would be to plop tailscale on home server/pc, and plop it on whatever you're traveling with, set up the network (easy as hell), and you're good to go.
/ptg/ isn't dead it's just sleeping
Where can I download niche software like abaqus simulation suite?
I know a few good private trackers, but I won't tell you. Don't need more retards flooding the spaces and ruining the sites.
I'm a neon. what did Spaghetti do?
Hacked the planet.
did you check rutracker? they have scientific software
Fucked around and found out
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The new OTW has a much better site design going from crappy php to Unit3d and the content is still there, but it's no longer the hidden gem of invite forums for your elite trackers that it used to be.
Heck the planet!

Wait he fished an admin only to ban a single user.

What's even the point?
It is bs by the way
for the lulz
good vpn for port forwarding?
thanks anon
newfag here, why is blutopia considered a poo tracker or is it just a joke
blutopia is made and mostly used by jeets. it's literal
It has a lot of Indian users
why would anyone tell you
There's only 1 seeder for a large file you really want. What's the worst flag to see in your client? Australia?
u2 has made me appreciate the chinese, they're surprisingly good seeders with the right content
>PTP hasn't closed the door yet and it consistently lost users this entire year
sounds like it's not such a prestigious tracker after all
Situation: On Ratio Watch, have merit tokens, can't dl bc on ratio watch.
in my head I need to fill a request to get my buffer up....anything else I can do?
I also will be getting on ops soon so wondering the cross seed situation between them, hope it's good.
where can I buy invites for valued trackers
rip obscure good music from streaming till you're fine
taste required
upload something
90% of OPS is RED reposts
you guys reminded me I can upload what I got on bandcamp and uploaded to what years ago.
just use mratio like all the chads.
private tracker the child FUCKER
PTP usercount?
3k to fill
Just guess the password
How will I be able to guess the password if I don't even know the person's email address?

I don't think we are going to catch any buyers/traders with such obvious bait.

People can of course try to buy invites on my website but it wouldn't end well for anyone trying that.

It would be funny of someone set up a fake invite trading website where everything ends up being reported to the cabal.
>uess the password if I don't even know the person's email address?

poo loo sirs
>he doesn't know
Guess their email too, retard
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W h y?
BHD usercount?
No, they just ban everyone. Doesn't even have to be a cabal ban. That abystoma guy for example is still active on AB
Israel. very intermittent and low speeds
It's because all traffic has to pass through Mossad's servers first.
Daily reminder that I will NOT use OT until they allow junior idol
Be homosexual
I love AB so much bros
which tracker is the best curated?
Why won't trannymission devs just release a new version two weeks after fixing the issue
they banned abystoma from PTP? lol
he did post on the "What is a Woman" movie page
does avistaz work with prowlarr?
I miss OppaiTime. KamePT just isn't the same.
Does anime torrents have an invite section? Its not on the pyramid as far as I can tell
Nothing on the Z network has an invite section.
it does, kinda
there's a forum with an invite section, but it's dead
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private trackers... you do some dirty business and the staff track you and then 'crack' your bones......
Did the guy who downloaded all OPS torrents and scraped the peer list fuck up the ghost leech attempt? I've got 2 months worth of upload reported to the tracker in 2 days
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no he got all his content for free without taking a download hit, you get free upload that looks like ratio cheating
i don't think i got anything. must be too obscure shit
Ah, damn. Well good luck to the new -Archivist in that case.
Same, but I barely seed
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tfw didn't get free upload cuz my ip is dynamic
MAM sirs!!
Private trackers are so anti-freedom
You can do anything you want
at zombo.com
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Was the OPS scrape published somewhere?
what's comms?
short for communism
At least post the context kek
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in response to this chain
nyaa is the best private tracker!
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Good morning sirs!
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wonder if that user is someone who got in when it was easy, or a neon.
Either way, funny they think they have any say in that matter, and with posts like that, their account probably won't last long.
Yeah, hopefully we see him soon on reddit complaining he got cabal banned for expressing his opinion kek
I don't join them for freedom I join them to pirate.
I love AB so much bros
should be done on all projects. ideally any feature request pull should also require 5+ users.
>random UI crashes after running for a few days with many torrents are still unfixed after years
>instead of fixing it they're just going to close old issues about it and pretend it never happened

gotta love pajeetware
thank god GGn is always down when I need it the most!!!

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